Extended maintenance of Ruby 1.9.3 ended on February 23, 2015. Read more

In Files

  • webrick/httpauth.rb
  • webrick/httpauth/authenticator.rb
  • webrick/httpauth/basicauth.rb
  • webrick/httpauth/digestauth.rb
  • webrick/httpauth/htdigest.rb
  • webrick/httpauth/htgroup.rb
  • webrick/httpauth/htpasswd.rb
  • webrick/httpauth/userdb.rb

Class/Module Index [+]



HTTPAuth provides both basic and digest authentication.

To enable authentication for requests in WEBrick you will need a user database and an authenticator. To start, here’s an Htpasswd database for use with a DigestAuth authenticator:

config = { :Realm => 'DigestAuth example realm' }

htpasswd = WEBrick::HTTPAuth::Htpasswd.new 'my_password_file'
htpasswd.auth_type = WEBrick::HTTPAuth::DigestAuth
htpasswd.set_passwd config[:Realm], 'username', 'password'

The :Realm is used to provide different access to different groups across several resources on a server. Typically you’ll need only one realm for a server.

This database can be used to create an authenticator:

config[:UserDB] = htpasswd

digest_auth = WEBrick::HTTPAuth::DigestAuth.new config

To authenticate a request call authenticate with a request and response object in a servlet:

def do_GET req, res
  @authenticator.authenticate req, res

For digest authentication the authenticator must not be created every request, it must be passed in as an option via WEBrick::HTTPServer#mount.

Public Instance Methods

basic_auth(req, res, realm) click to toggle source

Simple wrapper for providing basic authentication for a request. When called with a request req, response res, authentication realm and block the block will be called with a username and password. If the block returns true the request is allowed to continue, otherwise an HTTPStatus::Unauthorized error is raised.

               # File webrick/httpauth.rb, line 78
def basic_auth(req, res, realm, &block) # :yield: username, password
  _basic_auth(req, res, realm, "Authorization", "WWW-Authenticate",
              HTTPStatus::Unauthorized, block)
proxy_basic_auth(req, res, realm) click to toggle source

Simple wrapper for providing basic authentication for a proxied request. When called with a request req, response res, authentication realm and block the block will be called with a username and password. If the block returns true the request is allowed to continue, otherwise an HTTPStatus::ProxyAuthenticationRequired error is raised.

               # File webrick/httpauth.rb, line 90
def proxy_basic_auth(req, res, realm, &block) # :yield: username, password
  _basic_auth(req, res, realm, "Proxy-Authorization", "Proxy-Authenticate",
              HTTPStatus::ProxyAuthenticationRequired, block)

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