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In Files

  • win32ole/win32ole.c


WIN32OLE_VARIABLE objects represent OLE variable information.

Public Instance Methods

WIN32OLE_VARIABLE#inspect → String click to toggle source

Returns the OLE variable name and the value with class name.

               static VALUE
folevariable_inspect(VALUE self)
    VALUE detail = rb_funcall(self, rb_intern("to_s"), 0);
    rb_str_cat2(detail, "=");
    rb_str_concat(detail, rb_funcall(rb_funcall(self, rb_intern("value"), 0), rb_intern("inspect"), 0));
    return make_inspect("WIN32OLE_VARIABLE", detail);
WIN32OLE_VARIABLE#name click to toggle source

Returns the name of variable.

tobj = WIN32OLE_TYPE.new('Microsoft Excel 9.0 Object Library', 'XlSheetType')
variables = tobj.variables
variables.each do |variable|
  puts "#{variable.name}"

The result of above script is following:
               static VALUE
folevariable_name(VALUE self)
    return rb_ivar_get(self, rb_intern("name"));
Also aliased as: to_s
WIN32OLE_VARIABLE#ole_type click to toggle source

Returns OLE type string.

tobj = WIN32OLE_TYPE.new('Microsoft Excel 9.0 Object Library', 'XlSheetType')
variables = tobj.variables
variables.each do |variable|
  puts "#{variable.ole_type} #{variable.name}"

The result of above script is following:
  INT xlChart
  INT xlDialogSheet
  INT xlExcel4IntlMacroSheet
  INT xlExcel4MacroSheet
  INT xlWorksheet
               static VALUE
folevariable_ole_type(VALUE self)
    struct olevariabledata *pvar;
    Data_Get_Struct(self, struct olevariabledata, pvar);
    return ole_variable_ole_type(pvar->pTypeInfo, pvar->index);
WIN32OLE_VARIABLE#ole_type_detail click to toggle source

Returns detail information of type. The information is array of type.

tobj = WIN32OLE_TYPE.new('DirectX 7 for Visual Basic Type Library', 'D3DCLIPSTATUS')
variable = tobj.variables.find {|variable| variable.name == 'lFlags'}
tdetail  = variable.ole_type_detail
               static VALUE
folevariable_ole_type_detail(VALUE self)
    struct olevariabledata *pvar;
    Data_Get_Struct(self, struct olevariabledata, pvar);
    return ole_variable_ole_type_detail(pvar->pTypeInfo, pvar->index);
to_s() click to toggle source
Alias for: name
WIN32OLE_VARIABLE#value click to toggle source

Returns value if value is exists. If the value does not exist, this method returns nil.

tobj = WIN32OLE_TYPE.new('Microsoft Excel 9.0 Object Library', 'XlSheetType')
variables = tobj.variables
variables.each do |variable|
  puts "#{variable.name} #{variable.value}"

The result of above script is following:
  xlChart = -4109
  xlDialogSheet = -4116
  xlExcel4IntlMacroSheet = 4
  xlExcel4MacroSheet = 3
  xlWorksheet = -4167
               static VALUE
folevariable_value(VALUE self)
    struct olevariabledata *pvar;
    Data_Get_Struct(self, struct olevariabledata, pvar);
    return ole_variable_value(pvar->pTypeInfo, pvar->index);
WIN32OLE_VARIABLE#variable_kind click to toggle source

Returns variable kind string.

tobj = WIN32OLE_TYPE.new('Microsoft Excel 9.0 Object Library', 'XlSheetType')
variables = tobj.variables
variables.each do |variable|
  puts "#{variable.name} #{variable.variable_kind}"

The result of above script is following:
  xlChart CONSTANT
  xlDialogSheet CONSTANT
  xlExcel4IntlMacroSheet CONSTANT
  xlExcel4MacroSheet CONSTANT
  xlWorksheet CONSTANT
               static VALUE
folevariable_variable_kind(VALUE self)
    struct olevariabledata *pvar;
    Data_Get_Struct(self, struct olevariabledata, pvar);
    return ole_variable_kind(pvar->pTypeInfo, pvar->index);
WIN32OLE_VARIABLE#varkind click to toggle source

Returns the number which represents variable kind.

tobj = WIN32OLE_TYPE.new('Microsoft Excel 9.0 Object Library', 'XlSheetType')
variables = tobj.variables
variables.each do |variable|
  puts "#{variable.name} #{variable.varkind}"

The result of above script is following:
   xlChart 2
   xlDialogSheet 2
   xlExcel4IntlMacroSheet 2
   xlExcel4MacroSheet 2
   xlWorksheet 2
               static VALUE
folevariable_varkind(VALUE self)
    struct olevariabledata *pvar;
    Data_Get_Struct(self, struct olevariabledata, pvar);
    return ole_variable_varkind(pvar->pTypeInfo, pvar->index);
WIN32OLE_VARIABLE#visible? click to toggle source

Returns true if the variable is public.

tobj = WIN32OLE_TYPE.new('Microsoft Excel 9.0 Object Library', 'XlSheetType')
variables = tobj.variables
variables.each do |variable|
  puts "#{variable.name} #{variable.visible?}"

The result of above script is following:
  xlChart true
  xlDialogSheet true
  xlExcel4IntlMacroSheet true
  xlExcel4MacroSheet true
  xlWorksheet true
               static VALUE
folevariable_visible(VALUE self)
    struct olevariabledata *pvar;
    Data_Get_Struct(self, struct olevariabledata, pvar);
    return ole_variable_visible(pvar->pTypeInfo, pvar->index);

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