A set of gems for installation sourced from remote sources and local .gem files
Creates a new InstallerSet that will look
for gems in domain
# File rubygems/resolver/installer_set.rb, line 31 def initialize(domain) super() @domain = domain @remote = consider_remote? @f = Gem::SpecFetcher.fetcher @always_install = [] @ignore_dependencies = false @ignore_installed = false @local = {} @local_source = Gem::Source::Local.new @remote_set = Gem::Resolver::BestSet.new @specs = {} end
Looks up the latest specification for dependency
and adds it
to the always_install list.
# File rubygems/resolver/installer_set.rb, line 52 def add_always_install(dependency) request = Gem::Resolver::DependencyRequest.new dependency, nil found = find_all request found.delete_if { |s| s.version.prerelease? and not s.local? } unless dependency.prerelease? found = found.select do |s| Gem::Source::SpecificFile === s.source or Gem::Platform::RUBY == s.platform or Gem::Platform.local === s.platform end if found.empty? exc = Gem::UnsatisfiableDependencyError.new request exc.errors = errors raise exc end newest = found.max_by do |s| [s.version, s.platform == Gem::Platform::RUBY ? -1 : 1] end @always_install << newest.spec end
Adds a local gem requested using dep_name
with the given
that can be loaded and installed using the
# File rubygems/resolver/installer_set.rb, line 85 def add_local(dep_name, spec, source) @local[dep_name] = [spec, source] end
Errors encountered while resolving gems
# File rubygems/resolver/installer_set.rb, line 106 def errors @errors + @remote_set.errors end
Returns an array of IndexSpecification objects matching DependencyRequest
# File rubygems/resolver/installer_set.rb, line 114 def find_all(req) res = [] dep = req.dependency return res if @ignore_dependencies and @always_install.none? { |spec| dep.match? spec } name = dep.name dep.matching_specs.each do |gemspec| next if @always_install.any? { |spec| spec.name == gemspec.name } res << Gem::Resolver::InstalledSpecification.new(self, gemspec) end unless @ignore_installed if consider_local? matching_local = @local.values.select do |spec, _| req.match? spec end.map do |spec, source| Gem::Resolver::LocalSpecification.new self, spec, source end res.concat matching_local begin if local_spec = @local_source.find_gem(name, dep.requirement) res << Gem::Resolver::IndexSpecification.new( self, local_spec.name, local_spec.version, @local_source, local_spec.platform) end rescue Gem::Package::FormatError # ignore end end res.delete_if do |spec| spec.version.prerelease? and not dep.prerelease? end res.concat @remote_set.find_all req if consider_remote? res end