This module helps include encrypted passwords in pillars, grains and salt state files.
This is often useful if you wish to store your pillars in source control or share your pillar data with others that you trust. I don't advise making your pillars public regardless if they are encrypted or not.
The following configuration defaults can be define (pillar or config files) Avoid storing private keys in pillars! Ensure master does not have pillar_opts=True:
# cat /etc/salt/master.d/nacl.conf
# NOTE: `key` and `key_file` have been renamed to `sk`, `sk_file`
# also `box_type` default changed from secretbox to sealedbox.
box_type: sealedbox (default)
sk_file: /etc/salt/pki/master/nacl (default)
pk_file: /etc/salt/pki/master/ (default)
sk: None
pk: None
Usage can override the config defaults:
salt-run nacl.enc sk_file=/etc/salt/pki/master/nacl pk_file=/etc/salt/pki/master/
The nacl lib uses 32byte keys, these keys are base64 encoded to make your life more simple. To generate your sk_file and pk_file use:
salt-run nacl.keygen sk_file=/etc/salt/pki/master/nacl
# or if you want to work without files.
salt-run nacl.keygen
Now with your keypair, you can encrypt data:
You have two option, sealedbox or secretbox.
SecretBox is data encrypted using private key pk. Sealedbox is encrypted using public key pk.
Recommend using Sealedbox because the one way encryption permits developers to encrypt data for source control but not decrypt. Sealedbox only has one key that is for both encryption and decryption.
salt-run nacl.enc asecretpass pk=/kfGX7PbWeu099702PBbKWLpG/9p06IQRswkdWHCDk0=
To decrypt the data:
salt-run nacl.dec data='tqXzeIJnTAM9Xf0mdLcpEdklMbfBGPj2oTKmlgrm3S1DTVVHNnh9h8mU1GKllGq/+cYsk6m5WhGdk58=' sk='SVWut5SqNpuPeNzb1b9y6b2eXg2PLIog43GBzp48Sow='
When the keys are defined in the master config you can use them from the nacl runner without extra parameters:
# cat /etc/salt/master.d/nacl.conf
sk_file: /etc/salt/pki/master/nacl
pk: 'cTIqXwnUiD1ulg4kXsbeCE7/NoeKEzd4nLeYcCFpd9k='
salt-run nacl.enc 'asecretpass'
salt-run nacl.dec 'tqXzeIJnTAM9Xf0mdLcpEdklMbfBGPj2oTKmlgrm3S1DTVVHNnh9h8mU1GKllGq/+cYsk6m5WhGdk58='
# a salt developers minion could have pillar data that includes a nacl public key
pk: '/kfGX7PbWeu099702PBbKWLpG/9p06IQRswkdWHCDk0='
The developer can then use a less-secure system to encrypt data.
salt-run nacl.enc apassword
Pillar files can include protected data that the salt master decrypts:
user: root
password1: {{salt.nacl.dec('DRB7Q6/X5gGSRCTpZyxS6hlbWj0llUA+uaVyvou3vJ4=')|json}}
cert_key: {{salt.nacl.dec_file('/srv/salt/certs/')|json}}
cert_key2: {{salt.nacl.dec_file('salt:///certs/')|json}}
Larger files like certificates can be encrypted with:
salt-run nacl.enc_file /tmp/cert.crt out=/tmp/cert.nacl
(data, **kwargs)¶Alias to {box_type}_decrypt
box_type: secretbox, sealedbox(default)
(name, out=None, **kwargs)¶This is a helper function to decrypt a file and return its contents.
You can provide an optional output file using out
name can be a local file or when not using salt-run can be a url like salt://, https:// etc.
CLI Examples:
salt-run nacl.dec_file name=/tmp/id_rsa.nacl
salt-run nacl.dec_file name=/tmp/id_rsa.nacl box_type=secretbox sk_file=/etc/salt/pki/master/
(data, **kwargs)¶Alias to {box_type}_encrypt
box_type: secretbox, sealedbox(default)
(name, out=None, **kwargs)¶This is a helper function to encrypt a file and return its contents.
You can provide an optional output file using out
name can be a local file or when not using salt-run can be a url like salt://, https:// etc.
CLI Examples:
salt-run nacl.enc_file name=/tmp/id_rsa
salt-run nacl.enc_file name=/tmp/id_rsa box_type=secretbox sk_file=/etc/salt/pki/master/
(sk_file=None, pk_file=None, **kwargs)¶Use libnacl to generate a keypair.
If no sk_file is defined return a keypair.
If only the sk_file is defined pk_file will use the same name with a postfix .pub.
When the sk_file is already existing, but pk_file is not. The pk_file will be generated using the sk_file.
CLI Examples:
salt-run nacl.keygen
salt-run nacl.keygen sk_file=/etc/salt/pki/master/nacl
salt-run nacl.keygen sk_file=/etc/salt/pki/master/nacl pk_file=/etc/salt/pki/master/
salt-run nacl.keygen
(data, **kwargs)¶Decrypt data using a secret key that was encrypted using a public key with nacl.sealedbox_encrypt.
CLI Examples:
salt-run nacl.sealedbox_decrypt pEXHQM6cuaF7A=
salt-run nacl.sealedbox_decrypt data='pEXHQM6cuaF7A=' sk_file=/etc/salt/pki/master/nacl
salt-run nacl.sealedbox_decrypt data='pEXHQM6cuaF7A=' sk='YmFkcGFzcwo='
(data, **kwargs)¶Encrypt data using a public key generated from nacl.keygen. The encryptd data can be decrypted using nacl.sealedbox_decrypt only with the secret key.
CLI Examples:
salt-run nacl.sealedbox_encrypt datatoenc
(data, **kwargs)¶Decrypt data that was encrypted using nacl.secretbox_encrypt using the secret key that was generated from nacl.keygen.
CLI Examples:
salt-run nacl.secretbox_decrypt pEXHQM6cuaF7A=
salt-run nacl.secretbox_decrypt data='pEXHQM6cuaF7A=' sk_file=/etc/salt/pki/master/nacl
salt-run nacl.secretbox_decrypt data='pEXHQM6cuaF7A=' sk='YmFkcGFzcwo='
(data, **kwargs)¶Encrypt data using a secret key generated from nacl.keygen. The same secret key can be used to decrypt the data using nacl.secretbox_decrypt.
CLI Examples:
salt-run nacl.secretbox_encrypt datatoenc
salt-run nacl.secretbox_encrypt datatoenc sk_file=/etc/salt/pki/master/nacl
salt-run nacl.secretbox_encrypt datatoenc sk='YmFkcGFzcwo='