Version 2015.5.7 is a bugfix release for 2015.5.0.
Total Merges: 103
Total Issue References: 66
Total PR References: 135
Contributors: 46 (0xf10e, JaseFace, MasterNayru, MrCitron, Sacro, ajacoutot, arthurlogilab, basepi, belvedere-trading, beverlcl, blast-hardcheese, blueyed, bogdanr, cachedout, cbuechler, chrigl, dmyerscough, eguven, eliasp, erchn, eyj, garethgreenaway, gashev, gnubyexample, gracinet, gravyboat, gwaters, hedinfaok, iggy, jacksontj, jacobhammons, jfindlay, lorengordon, mbologna, msciciel, nmadhok, pass-by-value, plastikos, rallytime, rominf, s0undt3ch, silenius, sjmh, stephen144, terminalmage, twangboy)
A significant orchestrate issue (issue ##29110) was discovered during the release process of 2015.5.7, so it has not been officially released. Please use 2015.5.8 instead.
Generated at: 2018-05-27 22:16:54 UTC
PR #28864: (jfindlay) add 2015.5.7 release notes @ 2015-11-13 17:15:00 UTC
ec7fdc539b Merge pull request #28864 from jfindlay/2015.5
648b697951 add 2015.5.7 release notes
ISSUE #27392: (ahammond) schedule running state.orchestrate fails (refs: #28731)
PR #28731: (garethgreenaway) Fixes to salt scheduler in 2015.5, ensuring that return_job is only used on minion scheduler @ 2015-11-13 16:58:06 UTC
bed45f4208 Merge pull request #28731 from garethgreenaway/27392_2015_5_scheduler_return_job_master
771e9f7b6f Fixing the salt scheduler so that it only attempts to return the job data to the master if the scheduled job is running from a minion's scheduler.
PR #28857: (rallytime) Back-port #28851 to 2015.5 @ 2015-11-13 13:56:53 UTC
PR #28856: (rallytime) Back-port #28853 to 2015.5 @ 2015-11-13 13:46:10 UTC
ISSUE #28828: (basepi) salt-ssh doesn't package tornado's new deps in the thin (refs: #28826)
PR #28832: (basepi) [2015.5] Backport #28826 @ 2015-11-12 19:32:03 UTC
ISSUE #8647: (Mrten) salt '*' highstate returns 'minion did not return', salt [minion] highstate works (refs: #28833)
PR #28833: (basepi) [2015.5] Increase the default gather_job_timeout @ 2015-11-12 19:31:58 UTC
eff811a0ad Merge pull request #28833 from basepi/increase.gather_job_timeout.8647
c09243dd01 Increase the default gather_job_timeout
PR #28829: (basepi) [2015.5] Merge forward from 2014.7 to 2015.5 @ 2015-11-12 18:50:51 UTC
e4a036365d Merge pull request #28829 from basepi/merge-forward-2015.5
f8b8441485 Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/2014.7' into merge-forward-2015.5
76e69b4bff Merge pull request #28777 from rallytime/bp-28740-2014.7
da5fac2b36 Back-port #28740 to 2014.7
45c73ebf2f Merge pull request #28716 from rallytime/bp-28705
32e7bd3ea0 Account for new headers class in tornado 4.3
f4fe921965 Merge pull request #28717 from cachedout/umask_note
1874300e08 Add note about recommended umask
ISSUE #25775: (trimbleagvendoraccounta) blockdev.formatted formats but fails. Second highstate shows success. (refs: #28756)
ISSUE #20235: (joejulian) blockdev.format state can fail even if it succeeds (refs: #28756)
PR #28756: (MrCitron) Fix #25775 @ 2015-11-12 17:47:51 UTC
93562631aa Merge pull request #28756 from MrCitron/fix-25775
82075c809c Add logs and correct pylint error
e31e22d96a Fix 25775
ISSUE #28783: (chrigl) iptables.get_saved_rules does not handle family=ipv6 (refs: #28786)
PR #28776: (rallytime) Back-port #28740 to 2015.5 @ 2015-11-11 18:02:03 UTC
ISSUE #28732: (dmyerscough) cherrypy API endpoint (refs: #28760)
ISSUE #22452: (whiteinge) rest_cherrypy /keys URL returns empty keys for minion IDs that already exist (refs: #28760)
ISSUE #22451: (whiteinge) rest_cherrypy /keys URL throws a 500 on the first request (refs: #28760)
ISSUE #22442: (allanliu) rest_cherrypy /keys URL does not handle JSON requests (refs: #28760)
PR #28760: (dmyerscough) Fixing CherryPy key bug @ 2015-11-11 15:11:18 UTC
77d4b980f1 Merge pull request #28760 from dmyerscough/28732-Fix-cherrypi-api-keys-endpoint
206d1684b2 Fixing CherryPy key bug
ISSUE #28714: (gravyboat) Salt-api doesn't work with post unless data is included. (refs: #28718)
PR #28746: (rallytime) Back-port #28718 to 2015.5 @ 2015-11-10 18:16:40 UTC
PR #28705: (cachedout) Account for new headers class in tornado 4.3 (refs: #28716) @ 2015-11-09 19:24:34 UTC
f40c617bad Merge pull request #28705 from cachedout/tornado_http_headers
7ac6cde1ee Account for new headers class in tornado 4.3
PR #28699: (rallytime) Back-port #28670 to 2015.5 @ 2015-11-09 18:10:58 UTC
PR #28703: (rallytime) Back-port #28690 to 2015.5 @ 2015-11-09 18:01:57 UTC
PR #28690: (MrCitron) Fix 28689 : Check s3 ext pillar cache file before calculating expiration (refs: #28703)
7bd3eb8370 Merge pull request #28703 from rallytime/bp-28690
a0988dab58 Fix 28689 : Check s3 ext pillar cache file before calculating expiration
PR saltstack/salt-bootstrap#868: (cachedout) Always refresh the Arch Linux keyring if needed (refs: #28694)
PR #28694: (s0undt3ch) [2015.5] Update to latest bootstrap script v2015.11.09 @ 2015-11-09 17:49:53 UTC
2a40f57b93 Merge pull request #28694 from s0undt3ch/2015.5
0910c6ffe4 Update to latest bootstrap script v2015.11.09
ISSUE #26592: (centromere) rabbitmq.list_vhosts removes final line from rabbitmqctl output (refs: #28669)
PR #28669: (rallytime) Use the -q argument to strip extraneous messages from rabbitmq @ 2015-11-08 01:07:25 UTC
3249b322e8 Merge pull request #28669 from rallytime/fix-26592
098fb815af Use the -q argument to strip extraneous messages from rabbitmq
ISSUE #28577: (jacksontj) Increase in master CPU usage after upgrading to 2015.8 (refs: #28645)
PR #28645: (jacksontj) Rework minion return_retry_timer @ 2015-11-07 03:40:28 UTC
PR #27286: (terminalmage) Add a configurable timer for minion return retries (refs: #28645)
29e8250d0c Merge pull request #28645 from jacksontj/2015.5
f63c2d70a7 Rework minion return_retry_timer
ISSUE #15177: (baskinomics) system.join_domain() does not join domain on Windows Server 2012 R2 (refs: #28668)
PR #28668: (twangboy) Fixed join_domain and unjoin_domain for Windows @ 2015-11-07 03:40:04 UTC
1bbaea8aad Merge pull request #28668 from twangboy/fix_15177
745b8f75f6 Fixed some lint
a43eb53f28 Added version added notes in docs
6b537c8640 Fixed join_domain and unjoin_domain for Windows
ISSUE #8051: (regilero) Problems with fileinput.input inplace editing in salt.states.file.replace (refs: #28174)
ISSUE #7999: (regilero) MULTILINE pattern cannot work in file.replace, fileinput always reads line by line. (refs: #28174)
PR #28666: (jfindlay) define r_data before using it in file module @ 2015-11-07 00:46:27 UTC
PR #28174: (lorengordon) Add support for multiline regex in file.replace (refs: #28666)
4ad5056066 Merge pull request #28666 from jfindlay/r_data
29228f445f define r_data before using it in file module
ISSUE #24758: (zerthimon) salt-minion uses 100% CPU for periodic status.master task on a server with a lot of TCP connections (a LB). (refs: #28662)
PR #28662: (cachedout) Add note about disabling master_alive_interval @ 2015-11-07 00:38:12 UTC
e129e889ad Merge pull request #28662 from cachedout/issue_24758
78f4894333 Add note about disabling master_alive_interval
PR #28627: (twangboy) Backport win_useradd @ 2015-11-06 16:57:49 UTC
df121d0cec Merge pull request #28627 from twangboy/backport_win_useradd
87282b6354 Backport win_useradd
ISSUE #28398: (L4rS6) Permissions /var/cache/salt/minion/extmods (refs: #28617)
PR #28617: (cachedout) Set restrictive umask on module sync @ 2015-11-05 23:43:28 UTC
64a20228c6 Merge pull request #28617 from cachedout/umask_module_sync
227792e158 Set restrictive umask on module sync
ISSUE #28621: (gravyboat) Puppet module documentation should be less insulting (refs: #28622)
PR #28622: (gravyboat) Update puppet module wording @ 2015-11-05 20:34:07 UTC
065f8c7fb3 Merge pull request #28622 from gravyboat/update_puppet_module_docs
4ea28bed30 Update puppet module wording
ISSUE #655: (thatch45) Add general command management to service (refs: #`saltstack/salt-bootstrap#656`_)
PR saltstack/salt-bootstrap#674: (jfindlay) add support for repo.saltstack.com (refs: #28563)
PR saltstack/salt-bootstrap#665: (mbologna) Change to 'dnf' as package manager for Fedora 22-> (refs: #28563)
PR saltstack/salt-bootstrap#656: (eyj) Add bootstrap -b flag (don't install dependencies) (refs: #28563)
PR saltstack/salt-bootstrap#654: (hedinfaok) Fixes error finding python-jinja2 in RHEL 7 (refs: #28563)
PR saltstack/salt-bootstrap#653: (cbuechler) Make bootstrap work with FreeBSD 11-CURRENT. (refs: #28563)
PR #28563: (s0undt3ch) [2015.5] Update to latest bootstrap script v2015.11.04 @ 2015-11-04 15:16:31 UTC
08295de5a5 Merge pull request #28563 from s0undt3ch/2015.5
16f4db79a0 Update to latest bootstrap script v2015.11.04
ISSUE #28173: (twangboy) system.computer_name does not work in windows (refs: #28541)
PR #28541: (twangboy) Fixed problem with system.set_computer_name @ 2015-11-04 14:48:54 UTC
1e09f186ce Merge pull request #28541 from twangboy/fix_28173
7edf5ce370 Fixed problem with system.set_computer_name
ISSUE #28524: (bmcorser) UnicodeDecodeError in states.file (refs: #28538, #28537)
PR #28537: (jfindlay) decode filename to utf-8 in file.recurse state @ 2015-11-04 14:48:18 UTC
f44ed780b5 Merge pull request #28537 from jfindlay/decode_state_2015.5
06e514940c decode filename to utf-8 in file.recurse state
ISSUE #28272: (gravyboat) Update documentation contributing docs to explain how to PR against different releases (refs: #28529)
PR #28529: (rallytime) Update contributing and documentation pages to recommend submitting against branches @ 2015-11-04 14:47:21 UTC
6acf87593f Merge pull request #28529 from rallytime/fix-28272
a959681858 Add link to Sending a GH PR to documentation docs
1c612e2772 Update contributing and documentation pages to recommend submitting against branches
ISSUE #28511: (nghgd) vmware clone task fails instead of waiting to completion (refs: #28546)
PR #28548: (nmadhok) [Backport] [2015.5] Tasks can be in queued state instead of running @ 2015-11-04 04:14:25 UTC
ISSUE #24585: (utahcon) No version data for SALT.STATES.VIRTUALENV in wiki (refs: #28531)
PR #28531: (rallytime) Add versionadded directives to virtualenv_mod state/module @ 2015-11-03 21:34:49 UTC
63bd3e52b3 Merge pull request #28531 from rallytime/fix-24585
bc577b2531 Add versionadded directives to virtualenv_mod state/module
PR #28508: (twangboy) Fixed windows tests @ 2015-11-03 19:31:12 UTC
ea3bf972c4 Merge pull request #28508 from twangboy/fix_unit_tests_windows
0da6ff7c50 Fixed some logic
cf1e059be5 Fixed windows tests
PR #28525: (rallytime) Fix spacing in doc examples for boto_route53 state and module @ 2015-11-03 19:30:24 UTC
73c5735fc1 Merge pull request #28525 from rallytime/route53_spacing
6ab2ce615c Fix spacing in doc examples for boto_route53 state and module
ISSUE #28243: (guettli) Docs: default value of state_auto_order ? (refs: #28517)
PR #28517: (rallytime) Add state_auto_order defaults to True note to ordering docs @ 2015-11-03 14:04:40 UTC
2d7f934f67 Merge pull request #28517 from rallytime/fix-28243
be8f650901 Punctuation.
fd846822c1 Add state_auto_order defaults to True note to ordering docs
PR #28512: (basepi) [2015.5] Merge forward from 2014.7 to 2015.5 @ 2015-11-03 00:38:08 UTC
63ce8f78d5 Merge pull request #28512 from basepi/merge-forward-2015.5
61c382133a Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/2014.7' into merge-forward-2015.5
4bf56cad3f Merge pull request #28461 from cachedout/issue_28455
097838ec0c Wrap all cache calls in state.sls in correct umask
f3e61db045 Merge pull request #28407 from DSRCompany/issues/24910_token_auth_fix_2014
b7b5bec309 Don't request creds if auth with key.
PR #28448: (gwaters) added a note to the tutorial for redhat derivatives @ 2015-10-30 18:49:53 UTC
37ceae1e88 Merge pull request #28448 from gwaters/add-redhat-notes
e70990704a added a note to the tutorial for those that redhat so they can use the state file too.
PR #28406: (rallytime) Back-port #28381 to 2015.5 @ 2015-10-29 19:10:37 UTC
PR #28413: (rallytime) Back-port #28400 to 2015.5 @ 2015-10-29 18:06:46 UTC
PR #28400: (msciciel) State pkg.installed: do not execute _preflight_check if not_installed list is empty in _find_install_targets (refs: #28413)
30d5f7bbae Merge pull request #28413 from rallytime/bp-28400
ae1921b922 Do not execute _preflight_check if not_installed list is empty in _find_install_targets. Calling with empty list on rhel/centos cause execution of repoquery --whatprovides without pkg list which is memory consumptive task for host and also for red hat satellite server.
PR #28366: (erchn) mark repo not enabled when pkgrepo state passes in disable: True @ 2015-10-29 15:55:54 UTC
045d540aff Merge pull request #28366 from erchn/fix_yumpkg_mod_repo_disabled
8187a4ce20 re-arrange things a bit to have less overall changes
f1d570ff18 move todelete above disabled check, add comment
64feec413f also remove disabled key from repo_opts
2f2ebb7bb6 mark repo not enabled when pkgrepo state passes in disable: True
ISSUE #28372: (beverlcl) use_carrier option for bonding network interfaces are setting invalid values (refs: #28373)
PR #28373: (beverlcl) Fixing bug #28372 for use_carrier option on bonding network interfaces. @ 2015-10-29 14:45:57 UTC
PR #28359: (rallytime) Back-port #28358 to 2015.5 @ 2015-10-28 20:43:05 UTC
PR #28358: (arthurlogilab) docstring typo fix - list returners not runners (refs: #28359)
e07e3f257b Merge pull request #28359 from rallytime/bp-28358
9cacbf582b docstring typo fix - list returners not runners
ISSUE #28000: (hrumph) No option to stop windows minion installer from starting service in silent mode. (refs: #28346)
ISSUE #27923: (twangboy) Salt Windows Installer fails to grab existing config (refs: #28346)
PR #28346: (twangboy) Fix installer @ 2015-10-28 14:21:34 UTC
PR #28315: (gwaters) Adding a working example of setting pillar data on the cli @ 2015-10-27 15:27:49 UTC
7858f04ebc Merge pull request #28315 from gwaters/update-pillar-doc
b15285c0b4 adding a working example of setting pillar data on the cli
ISSUE #28209: (basepi) Legacy git_pillar configs cause duplicate ext_pillar calls (refs: #28210)
PR #28211: (terminalmage) Fix for ext_pillar being compiled twice in legacy git_pillar code (2015.5 branch) @ 2015-10-26 14:14:02 UTC
PR #28210: (terminalmage) Fix for ext_pillar being compiled twice in legacy git_pillar code (refs: #28211)
45305ccf29 Merge pull request #28211 from terminalmage/legacy_git_pillar-2015.5
0d6a4ac115 Remove non-functional test
ab991d61d9 Fix for ext_pillar being compiled twice in legacy git_pillar code (2015.5 branch)
ISSUE #26411: (whiteinge) salt-call cannot send custom events without Minion daemon running (refs: #28263)
PR #28263: (cachedout) New channel for event.send @ 2015-10-26 14:07:06 UTC
a6cc84c407 Merge pull request #28263 from cachedout/issue_26411-1
3b880a5f07 New channel for event.fire_master
29e9533aab Stand up a new channel if using salt-call
PR #28293: (cachedout) Minor grammar changes @ 2015-10-26 12:15:42 UTC
PR #28271: (gwaters) Update tutorial documentation (refs: #28293) @ 2015-10-26 12:12:37 UTC
e178af0b90 Merge pull request #28271 from gwaters/update-tutorial-documentation
f96d39483d updated the tutorial with gravyboat's suggestions
b1f4a2bdf4 i think i changed the wrong header, updated to fix
846b3aece1 I found you can not run the cp.push commands until after enabling the feature in the conf, so I wanted to update the docs so others who try these commands wont bump into the same issue I had.
ISSUE #28248: (0xf10e) conventions/formula.rst: "Gather external data" suggests unavailable jinja functionality (refs: #28280)
PR #28280: (0xf10e) Correct Jinja function load_* to import_* @ 2015-10-25 04:11:10 UTC
e3eff9b909 Merge pull request #28280 from 0xf10e/patch-1
6d4316b0ac Correct Jinja function load_* to import_*
PR #28255: (cachedout) Add __cli opt @ 2015-10-23 18:44:30 UTC
909fa3dc97 Merge pull request #28255 from cachedout/cli_opt
a2408157de Add __cli opt
ISSUE #27374: (mool) boto_route53 state doesn't create a record (refs: #28213)
PR #28213: (rallytime) If record returned None, don't continue with the state. Something went wrong @ 2015-10-23 13:54:50 UTC
0fa094ae11 Merge pull request #28213 from rallytime/boto_route53_state
237d64ff11 If record returned None, don't continue with the state. Something went wrong.
ISSUE #28217: (Ch3LL) Scheduler.present tries to add the scheudler each time (refs: #28238)
PR #28238: (basepi) [2015.5] Fix schedule.present always diffing @ 2015-10-23 13:31:32 UTC
1768014705 Merge pull request #28238 from basepi/fix.schedule.present.28217
087a8dc3c2 Only insert enabled if it's a dict
5b49f41fab Fix schedule comparison to adjust for 'enabled' being added in schedule.list
2dc1226ab8 Build new item with 'enabled' if available
ISSUE #8051: (regilero) Problems with fileinput.input inplace editing in salt.states.file.replace (refs: #28174)
ISSUE #7999: (regilero) MULTILINE pattern cannot work in file.replace, fileinput always reads line by line. (refs: #28174)
PR #28174: (lorengordon) Add support for multiline regex in file.replace (refs: #28666) @ 2015-10-22 14:02:43 UTC
bdd48c92de Merge pull request #28174 from lorengordon/file-replace-multiline
acdef2da60 Update docstrings with new guidance
0835b005b7 Use a test that makes the extra file read unnecessary
6d6121a6e5 Use flags when checking whether content was added previously
b25e609e9e Set flags=8 since now the file is read as a MULTILINE string by default
89e8dcdffd Use finally block to ensure mmap object is closed
5aea6647c9 Add support for multiline regex in file.replace
ISSUE #19673: (holyzhou) partition.mkpart in parted modules doesn't work (refs: #28175)
PR #28175: (twangboy) Fixes #19673 @ 2015-10-21 20:48:24 UTC
PR #28140: (rallytime) Add OpenBSD installation documentation to 2015.5 branch @ 2015-10-20 16:31:34 UTC
ISSUE #28101: (bogdanr) salt-cloud ec2 list-sizes doesn't show all available sizes (refs: #28138)
PR #28138: (rallytime) Back-port #28130 EC2 Sizes Only portion to 2015.5 @ 2015-10-20 16:29:09 UTC
ISSUE #26844: (double-yaya) The function "state.sls" is running as PID XXXX and was started at .... with jid XXXX always shows the current jid (refs: #28097)
PR #28097: (jacksontj) For all multi-part messages, check the headers. If the header is not … @ 2015-10-20 15:00:18 UTC
ce8f858536 Merge pull request #28097 from jacksontj/2015.5
75e04bcbbc For all multi-part messages, check the headers. If the header is not your minion_id, skip the message
ISSUE #23655: (arthurlogilab) salt-cloud with lxc should not traceback when minion is unreacheable (refs: #28117)
PR #28117: (rallytime) Clean up stacktrace when master can't be reached in lxc cloud driver @ 2015-10-20 12:41:12 UTC
9cdb970289 Merge pull request #28117 from rallytime/fix-23655
dfb908e405 Clean up stacktrace when master can't be reached in lxc cloud driver
PR #28110: (terminalmage) Add explanation of file_client: local setting masterless mode @ 2015-10-20 12:28:05 UTC
bf7ed0a397 Merge pull request #28110 from terminalmage/masterless-mode
ed90103124 Add explanation of file_client: local setting masterless mode
ISSUE #27940: (multani) salt-cloud creating lxc containers doesn't fire "salt/cloud/*/created" event (refs: #28109)
PR #28109: (rallytime) Add created reactor event to lxc cloud driver @ 2015-10-19 20:32:41 UTC
a569ef4980 Merge pull request #28109 from rallytime/fix-27940
18b2245611 Add created reactor event to lxc cloud driver
ISSUE #21845: (kitsemets) pip.install: fails in v2015.2.0rc1 when the package is already installed (pip v1.0) (refs: #27996)
PR #27996: (rallytime) Don't fail if pip package is already present and pip1 is installed @ 2015-10-19 12:59:17 UTC
d4604fdb26 Merge pull request #27996 from rallytime/fix-21845
f8380d751e Provide empty string as default stdout instead of None
f9406b5828 Don't fail if pip package is already present and pip1 is installed
PR #28056: (rallytime) Back-port #28033 to 2015.5 @ 2015-10-19 12:55:10 UTC
PR #28059: (rallytime) Back-port #28040 to 2015.5 @ 2015-10-18 16:17:29 UTC
dfc3aaec74 Merge pull request #28059 from rallytime/bp-28040
76a0d4937b Revert "Allow passing in auth_version, defaulting to 2."
63d5675d34 default auth_version = 2
8072716888 remove extra spaces
9770f56f04 cleanup whitespace, default to None to be consistent with profile
f4adfe98c0 Allow passing in auth_version, defaulting to 2.
fab1ad39af Rackspace support for switft module.
ISSUE #27534: (llevar) file.managed can't retrieve file via ftp (refs: #28047)
PR #28047: (cachedout) Restore FTP functionality to file client @ 2015-10-18 16:16:46 UTC
d1fa036b55 Merge pull request #28047 from cachedout/issue_27534
6ea37ddbca Context manager
4d6f6bb371 Lint
59018289dc Restore FTP functionality to file client
PR #28032: (twangboy) Fixed win_path.py @ 2015-10-17 15:16:15 UTC
fd2ca2df1b Merge pull request #28032 from twangboy/fix_win_path
2bcac93314 Fixed win_path.py
ISSUE #26336: (jfindlay) windows user.present broken (refs: #28003)
PR #28037: (rallytime) Back-port #28003 to 2015.5 @ 2015-10-16 20:59:52 UTC
PR #28031: (jacobhammons) Updated release notes with additional CVE information @ 2015-10-16 16:19:37 UTC
de727d8bd2 Merge pull request #28031 from jacobhammons/relnotes6
05927bb6f0 Updated release notes with additional CVE information
ISSUE #27897: (Inveracity) request to add \\r escape character for salt.states.host for windows (refs: #28008)
PR #28008: (jfindlay) platform independent line endings in hosts mod @ 2015-10-16 13:20:28 UTC
16c0272849 Merge pull request #28008 from jfindlay/host_path
9f7047dd3c platform independent line endings in hosts mod
ISSUE #28010: (vakulich) Error "KeyError: 'ret'" appeared during salt.state run in orchestrate module if minion had an exception (refs: #28012)
PR #28012: (rallytime) Clean up stack trace when something goes wrong with minion output @ 2015-10-16 12:40:59 UTC
d41018fa8e Merge pull request #28012 from rallytime/fix-28010
0d7059e0c2 Clean up stack trace when something goes wrong with minion output
PR #27995: (jacobhammons) added link to grains security FAQ to targeting and pillar topics. @ 2015-10-15 21:15:31 UTC
f728307001 Merge pull request #27995 from jacobhammons/pillar-doc
2870af2ba3 added link to grains security FAQ to targeting and pillar topics.
PR #27986: (jacobhammons) Changed current release to 5.6 and added CVE to release notes @ 2015-10-15 17:25:41 UTC
efede904a7 Merge pull request #27986 from jacobhammons/dot6
bb61c68c11 Changed current release to 5.6 and added CVE to release notes
PR #27913: (pass-by-value) Set default @ 2015-10-14 14:03:36 UTC
831ec680d9 Merge pull request #27913 from pass-by-value/proxmox_verify_ssl
0b721efe37 Set default
PR #27876: (terminalmage) 2015.5 branch: Fix traceback when 2015.8 git ext_pillar config schema used @ 2015-10-13 14:58:45 UTC
41cccb3a30 Merge pull request #27876 from terminalmage/git_pillar-AttributeError-2015.5
07794c837a 2015.5 branch: Fix traceback when 2015.8 git ext_pillar config schema used
ISSUE #27610: (benburkert) PR #27201 broke ssh_known_hosts with :port (refs: #27726)
ISSUE #27187: (SeverinLeonhardt) ssh_known_hosts.present hashes other entries even with hash_hostname: false (refs: #27201)
PR #27726: (jfindlay) deprecate hash_hostname in favor of hash_known_hosts @ 2015-10-12 16:19:09 UTC
ISSUE #27735: (go8ose) saltutils.find_cached_job doesn't work (refs: #27776)
PR #27776: (jfindlay) return message when local jobs_cache not found @ 2015-10-12 16:11:41 UTC
18e31584b0 Merge pull request #27776 from jfindlay/local_msg
03afa3cffa return message when local jobs_cache not found
ISSUE #27665: (ahammond) user.absent should not "fail" if /var/spool/mail/<user> already does not exist. (refs: #27766)
PR #27766: (jfindlay) better check for debian userdel error @ 2015-10-12 15:14:33 UTC
86cc7b5537 Merge pull request #27766 from jfindlay/debmail
ee78da2c27 better check for debian userdel error
ISSUE #27756: (iggy) syslog returner formats line incorrectly (refs: #27758)
PR #27758: (iggy) Remove redundant text from syslog returner @ 2015-10-12 15:09:49 UTC
c224386c9a Merge pull request #27758 from iggy/patch-1
0994fb6a8c Remove redundant text from syslog returner
ISSUE #27832: (viking60) Salt fails to recognize Manjaro (as an Arch derivate) (refs: #27841)
PR #27841: (terminalmage) Detect Manjaro Linux as Arch derivative @ 2015-10-12 14:53:46 UTC
34a005041f Merge pull request #27841 from terminalmage/issue27832
8e09fbd6a3 Detect Manjaro Linux as Arch derivative
ISSUE #26538: (seanjnkns) salt.states.file.managed generates warning when used in place of salt.states.file.touch (refs: #27806)
PR #27852: (rallytime) Back-port #27806 to 2015.5 @ 2015-10-12 14:53:17 UTC
PR #27806: (blast-hardcheese) Empty string is falsy (refs: #27852)
3944a498ad Merge pull request #27852 from rallytime/bp-27806
a84bf18bc4 Empty string is falsy
ISSUE #27831: (basepi) v2015.5.5 highstate outputter stacktracing for jobs.lookup_jid (refs: #27838)
PR #27838: (basepi) [2015.5] Fix highstate outputter for jobs.lookup_jid @ 2015-10-09 22:26:28 UTC
PR #27791: (eguven) 2015.5 postgres_user groups backport @ 2015-10-08 23:59:08 UTC
d178315f93 Merge pull request #27791 from eguven/2015.5-postgres-user-groups-backport
2caf1d21d6 fix test
bc90c5bffe improve change reporting for postgres_user groups
8712bce91a backport postgres_user groups
PR #27759: (basepi) [2015.5] Merge forward from 2014.7 to 2015.5 @ 2015-10-07 18:01:54 UTC
b2937b6a16 Merge pull request #27759 from basepi/merge-forward-2015.5
792ee084bb Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/2014.7' into merge-forward-2015.5
d284eb165b Merge pull request #27390 from JaseFace/schedule-missing-enabled
563db71bfd Ensure we pass on the enable setting if present, or use the default of True if not in build_schedule_item() Prior to this, when schedule.present compares the existing schedule to the one crafted by this function, enabled will actually be removed at each run. schedule.present sees a modification needs to be made, and invokes schedule.modify, which does so with enabled: True, creating and endless loop of an 'enabled' removal and addition.
ISSUE #26673: (robkinyon) __virtual__() doesn't work without __virtualname__ (refs: #27732)
PR #27732: (jacobhammons) update docs for __virtual__ and __virtualname__ @ 2015-10-07 17:29:31 UTC
PR #27747: (Sacro) Chocolatey doesn't have a help command. @ 2015-10-07 16:06:53 UTC
a130896d1c Merge pull request #27747 from Sacro/fix-chocolatey-version
8f1fa9e78e Chocolatey doesn't have a help command.
PR #27733: (jacobhammons) hardening topic - updates to docs.saltstack.com theme @ 2015-10-07 01:44:00 UTC
ISSUE #9051: (olenz) Add bash completion to the docs (refs: #27706)
ISSUE #21475: (quantonganh) Targeting with pillar should be added in to the main targeting page (refs: #27706)
ISSUE #14876: (whiteinge) Create a pre-Salted tutorial VM (refs: #27706)
ISSUE #13407: (gravyboat) Create page explaining how to pass variables on the command line (refs: #27706)
PR #27706: (jacobhammons) Assorted doc bugs @ 2015-10-06 05:35:29 UTC
PR #27695: (rallytime) Back-port #27671 to 2015.5 @ 2015-10-05 21:57:36 UTC
ISSUE #27501: (yermulnik) [FreeBSD] "pkg search" behavior changed since 1.5 series (refs: #27524)
PR #27524: (jfindlay) parse pkgng output in quiet mode for >= 1.6.1 @ 2015-10-05 21:22:40 UTC
cb3d92676e Merge pull request #27524 from jfindlay/pkgng_quiet
5e9107b970 parse pkgng output in quiet mode for >= 1.6.0
PR #27686: (rallytime) Back-port #27476 to 2015.5 @ 2015-10-05 21:17:59 UTC
PR #27476: (belvedere-trading) fix for: https://github.com/saltstack/salt/issues/27373 (refs: #27686)
5b88c55cc3 Merge pull request #27686 from rallytime/bp-27476
3e08d3de8a fix for: https://github.com/saltstack/salt/issues/27373
ISSUE #27655: (gracinet) postgres_local_cache handling of success (refs: #27656)
PR #27684: (rallytime) Back-port #27656 to 2015.5 @ 2015-10-05 21:17:55 UTC
PR #27683: (rallytime) Back-port #27659 to 2015.5 @ 2015-10-05 21:17:30 UTC
PR #27659: (gnubyexample) .pub as public key is what we should send to remote (refs: #27683)
7ca6f854ff Merge pull request #27683 from rallytime/bp-27659
84b6ee0c58 .pub as public key is what we should send to remote
PR #27682: (rallytime) Back-port #27566 to 2015.5 @ 2015-10-05 21:17:26 UTC
ISSUE #25813: (whytewolf) debconf.set throwing exception in 2015.8.0rc2 (refs: #25928)
PR #27681: (rallytime) Back-port #25928 to 2015.5 @ 2015-10-05 21:17:19 UTC
ISSUE #27505: (silenius) [FreeBSD] state.service + provider daemontools is broken (refs: #27535)
PR #27680: (rallytime) Back-port #27535 to 2015.5 @ 2015-10-05 21:17:10 UTC
23da0d316a Merge pull request #27680 from rallytime/bp-27535
04aed5e105 Versionadded change since 2015.5.6 has already been tagged
579f2646ba .. versionadded:: 2015.5.6
cbaf46e066 python <2.7 compability (pylint issue)
ecde499478 s/bin/b to avoid confusion with bin()
4237c5db80 add a __virtual__ to check that daemontools is installed properly
623935a1bc fix doc
573de3abd6 fix pylint issue
5eb6a30d40 fix pep8 issues
298cf4f5c0 import missing logging module
fe0ad36609 log was missing
e457083465 s/systemd/FreeBSD
3512712e89 forgot service name..
8f193a7bcc fixes #27505
PR #27442: (JaseFace) Ensure we pass on the enable setting if present, or use the default of True if not in build_schedule_item() @ 2015-10-05 18:01:29 UTC
7d7b97eab6 Merge pull request #27442 from JaseFace/fix-27391-for-2015.5
bfbf63e1cc Ensure we pass on the enable setting if present, or use the default of True if not in build_schedule_item() Prior to this, when schedule.present compares the existing schedule to the one crafted by this function, enabled will actually be removed at each run. schedule.present sees a modification needs to be made, and invokes schedule.modify, which does so with enabled: True, creating and endless loop of an 'enabled' removal and addition.
ISSUE #26320: (schlagify) pkg & diskusage beacons not sending alerts (refs: #27641)
PR #27641: (rallytime) Gate the psutil import and add depends doc for diskusage beacon @ 2015-10-05 17:00:48 UTC
ccbba8656b Merge pull request #27641 from rallytime/gate-psutil-diskusage
da2d93a3dd Gate the psutil import and add depends doc for diskusage beacon
PR #27644: (rallytime) Back-port #27640 to 2015.5 @ 2015-10-05 14:55:31 UTC
PR #27640: (stephen144) fix typo in default pillar path (refs: #27644)
09183994f9 Merge pull request #27644 from rallytime/bp-27640
a9063a9745 fix typo in default pillar path
ISSUE #27609: (rallytime) GCE with various external_ip settings cause stacktraces (refs: #27612)
PR #27612: (rallytime) Fix GCE external_ip stacktraces in 2015.5 @ 2015-10-02 15:42:20 UTC
27fcecccbe Merge pull request #27612 from rallytime/fix-27609
8dc047dc18 If external_up is set to None, don't stacktrace, just use the private ip.
2ebf790f9f [salt-cloud] gce: don't stacktrace if Ephemeral is given instead of ephemeral
PR #27568: (jacobhammons) regenerated man pages @ 2015-10-01 15:39:37 UTC
c84a1edc1b Merge pull request #27568 from jacobhammons/man-pages-five
b59c03d20d regenerated man pages