When it's time for a new feature release of Salt, follow the instructions below to install the latest release candidate of Salt, and try all the shiny new features! Be sure to report any bugs you find on Github.
Builds for a few platforms are available as part of the RC at https://repo.saltstack.com/salt_rc/. The builds should include the latest version of the OS that is currently available.
Follow the instructions on https://repo.saltstack.com/,
but insert salt_rc/
into the URL between the hostname
and the remainder of the path.
For Redhat Python 3
For Ubuntu Python 3 (replace os_version, with ubuntu version. For example 18.04)
deb http://repo.saltstack.com/salt_rc/py3/ubuntu/<os_version>/amd64 bionic main
For Debian Python 3 (replace os_version, with debian version. For example 9)
deb http://repo.saltstack.com/salt_rc/py3/debian/<os_version>/amd64 stretch main
The OSs that will be built for each RC release are the latest version of each OS on https://repo.saltstack.com
You can install a release candidate of Salt using Salt Bootstrap:
For example for the 2019.2.0rc1 release:
curl -o install_salt.sh -L https://bootstrap.saltstack.com
sudo sh install_salt.sh -P -x python3 git v2019.2.0rc1
If you want to also install a master using Salt Bootstrap, use the -M
curl -o install_salt.sh -L https://bootstrap.saltstack.com
sudo sh install_salt.sh -P -M -x python3 git v2019.2.0rc1
If you want to install only a master and not a minion using Salt Bootstrap, use
the -M
and -N
curl -o install_salt.sh -L https://bootstrap.saltstack.com
sudo sh install_salt.sh -P -M -N -x python3 git v2019.2.0rc1
Installing from the source archive on PyPI is fairly straightforward.
On RHEL derivatives you also need to install the epel-release
sudo yum install epel-release
First install the build dependencies.
Debian-based systems:
sudo apt-get install python-pip python-dev gcc g++
RedHat-based systems:
sudo yum install python-pip python-devel gcc gcc-c++
other systems:
You will need to install:
python header libraries
C and C++ compilers
Then install salt using the following command:
sudo pip install salt==<rc tag version>
For example for the 2019.2.0rc1 release:
sudo pip install salt==2019.2.0rc1