Ext.BaseExt.direct.ProviderExt.direct.JsonProviderExt.direct.AmfRemotingProviderInherited mixins
The AmfRemotingProvider allows making RPC calls to a Java object on a BlazeDS or ColdFusion using either the AMFX or the AMF protocols.
The default protocol is AMFX which works on all browsers. If you choose AMF, a flash plugin might be loaded in certain browsers that do not support posting binary data to the server, e.g. Internet Explorer version 9 or less. To choose AMF, set the binary property to true.
For AMFX, the server must be configured to expose the desired services via an HTTPEndpoint. For example, the following configuration snippet adds an HTTPEndpoint (AMFX endpoint) to the BlazeDS services-config.xml file:
<channel-definition id="my-http" class="mx.messaging.channels.HTTPChannel">
<endpoint url="http://{server.name}:{server.port}/{context.root}/messagebroker/http" class="flex.messaging.endpoints.HTTPEndpoint"/>
Once the HTTPEndpoint is configured, make sure the service is exposed via the channel by adding the channel (e.g. my-http) to your remoting-services.xml file. For example this allows services to be accessed remotely by both AMF and AMFX:
<channel ref="my-amf"/>
<channel ref="my-http"/>
In order to make a call, you first need to declare the API to Ext direct. The following example defines local methods to the services provided by the sample Products application provided by Adobe as part of the BlazeDS 4.x binary turnkey distribution's testdrive (Sample 5: Updating Data):
"url":"/samples/messagebroker/http", // URL for the HTTPEndpoint
"endpoint": "my-http", // the name of the HTTPEndpoint channel as defined in the server's services-config.xml
"product":[{ // name of the destination as defined in remoting-config.xml on the server
"name":"getProducts", // method name of the method to call
"len":0 // number of parameters
You can now call the service as follows:
product.getProducts(function(result, e, success) {
if (e.getStatus()) {
alert("getProducts: " + result.length + " objects");
} else {
alert("getProducts: " + e.getMessage()); // failure message
Note that in case server methods require parameters of a specific class (e.g. flex.samples.product.Product), you should make sure the passed parameter has a field called $flexType set to the class name (in this case flex.Samples.product.Product). This is similar to the remote class alias definition in ActionScript.
The following example shows how to define a binary AMF-based call:
"url":"/samples/messagebroker/amf", // URL for the AMFEndpoint
"endpoint": "my-amf", // the name of the AMFEndpoint channel as defined in the server's services-config.xml
"binary": true, // chooses AMF encoding
"product":[{ // name of the destination as defined in remoting-config.xml on the server
"name":"getProducts", // method name of the method to call
"len":0 // number of parameters
Calling the server is done the same way as for the AMFX-based definition.
The url to connect to the Ext.direct.Manager server-side router.
The url to connect to the Ext.direct.Manager server-side router.
Object literal defining the server side actions and methods. For example, if the Provider is configured with:
actions: { // each property within the 'actions' object represents a server side Class
// array of methods within each server side Class to be stubbed out on client
TestAction: [{
name: "doEcho",
len: 1
}, {
"name": "multiply", // name of method
"len": 2 // The number of parameters that will be used to create an
// array of data to send to the server side function.
// Ensure the server sends back a Number, not a String.
}, {
name: "doForm",
formHandler: true, // direct the client to use specialized form handling method
len: 1
Note: A Store is not required, a server method can be called at any time. In the following example a client side handler is used to call the server side method "multiply" in the server-side "TestAction" Class:
2, 4, // pass two arguments to server, so specify len=2
// callback function after the server is called
// result: the result returned by the server
// e: Ext.direct.RemotingEvent object
function(result, e) {
var t = e.getTransaction();
var action = t.action; // server side Class called
var method = t.method; // server side method called
if (e.getStatus()) {
var answer = Ext.encode(result); // 8
} else {
var msg = e.getMessage(); // failure message
In the example above, the server side "multiply" function will be passed two
arguments (2 and 4). The "multiply" method should return the value 8 which will be
available as the result
in the example above.
Defaults to: {}
If true, use AMF binary encoding instead of AMFX XML-based encoding. Note that on some browsers, this will load a flash plugin to handle binary communication with the server.
Defaults to: false
The event name to bubble, or an Array of event names.
The event name to bubble, or an Array of event names.
or false
to enable or disable combining of method
calls. If a number is specified this is the amount of time in milliseconds
to wait before sending a batched request.
Calls which are received within the specified timeframe will be concatenated together and sent in a single request, optimizing the application by reducing the amount of round trips that have to be made to the server.
Defaults to: 10
Specify which param will hold the arguments for the method.
Specify which param will hold the arguments for the method.
Requred. This is the channel id defined in services-config.xml on the server (e.g. my-amf or my-http).
The unique id of the provider (defaults to an auto-assigned id). You should assign an id if you need to be able to access the provider later and you do not have an object reference available, for example:
type: 'polling',
url: 'php/poll.php',
id: 'poll-provider'
var p = Ext.direct.Manager.getProvider('poll-provider');
A config object containing one or more event handlers to be added to this object during initialization. This
should be a valid listeners config
object as specified in the addListener example for attaching
multiple handlers at once.
See the Event guide for more
Note: It is bad practice to specify a listener's config
when you are defining a class using Ext.define()
Instead, only specify listeners when you are instantiating your class with Ext.create()
Number of times to re-attempt delivery on failure of a call.
Defaults to: 1
Namespace for the Remoting Provider (defaults to the browser global scope of window). Explicitly specify the namespace Object, or specify a String to have a namespace created implicitly.
Signifies this instance is an Ext.Direct provider.
Defaults to: true
Defaults to: {id: 'observable', hooks: {destroy: 'destroy'}}
Overrides: Ext.mixin.Sortable.mixinConfig
Get the reference to the current class from which this object was instantiated. Unlike statics,
is scope-dependent and it's meant to be used for dynamic inheritance. See statics
for a detailed comparison
Ext.define('My.Cat', {
statics: {
speciesName: 'Cat' // My.Cat.speciesName = 'Cat'
constructor: function() {
alert(this.self.speciesName); // dependent on 'this'
clone: function() {
return new this.self();
Ext.define('My.SnowLeopard', {
extend: 'My.Cat',
statics: {
speciesName: 'Snow Leopard' // My.SnowLeopard.speciesName = 'Snow Leopard'
var cat = new My.Cat(); // alerts 'Cat'
var snowLeopard = new My.SnowLeopard(); // alerts 'Snow Leopard'
var clone = snowLeopard.clone();
alert(Ext.getClassName(clone)); // alerts 'My.SnowLeopard'
Appends an after-event handler.
Same as addListener with order
set to 'after'
The name of the event to listen for.
The method the event invokes.
The scope for fn
An object containing handler configuration.
Appends a before-event handler. Returning false
from the handler will stop the event.
Same as addListener with order
set to 'before'
The name of the event to listen for.
The method the event invokes.
The scope for fn
An object containing handler configuration.
Adds the specified events to the list of events which this Observable may fire.
This method has been deprecated since 2.0
It's no longer needed to add events before firing.
Appends an event handler to this object. You can review the available handlers by looking at the 'events' section of the documentation for the component you are working with.
Using the options argument, it is possible to combine different types of listeners:
A delayed, one-time listener:
container.addListener('tap', this.handleTap, this, {
single: true,
delay: 100
The method also allows for a single argument to be passed which is a config object containing properties which specify multiple events. For example:
tap : this.onTap,
swipe: this.onSwipe,
scope: this // Important. Ensure "this" is correct during handler execution
One can also specify options for each event handler separately:
tap : { fn: this.onTap, scope: this, single: true },
swipe: { fn: button.onSwipe, scope: button }
See the Events Guide for more.
The name of the event to listen for. May also be an object who's property names are event names.
The method the event invokes. Will be called with arguments given to
fireEvent plus the options
parameter described below.
The scope (this
reference) in which the handler function is executed. If
omitted, defaults to the object which fired the event.
An object containing handler configuration.
This object may contain any of the following properties:
The scope (this
reference) in which the handler function is executed. If omitted, defaults to the object
which fired the event.
The number of milliseconds to delay the invocation of the handler after the event fires.
to add a handler to handle just the next firing of the event, and then remove itself.
The order of when the listener should be added into the listener queue.
If you set an order of before
and the event you are listening to is preventable, you can return false
and it will stop the event.
Available options are before
, current
and after
Defaults to: current
Causes the handler to be delayed by the specified number of milliseconds. If the event fires again within that time, the original handler is not invoked, but the new handler is scheduled in its place.
Allows you to add a listener onto a element of this component using the elements reference.
Ext.create('Ext.Component', {
listeners: {
element: 'element',
tap: function() {
alert('element tap!');
All components have the element
reference, which is the outer most element of the component. Ext.Container also has the
element which contains all children. In most cases element
is adequate.
Uses Ext.ComponentQuery to delegate events to a specified query selector within this item.
// Create a container with a two children; a button and a toolbar
var container = Ext.create('Ext.Container', {
items: [
xtype: 'toolbar',
docked: 'top',
title: 'My Toolbar'
xtype: 'button',
text: 'My Button'
// Ext.Buttons have an xtype of 'button', so we use that are a selector for our delegate
delegate: 'button',
tap: function() {
alert('Button tapped!');
The order of when the listener should be added into the listener queue.
Possible values are before
, current
and after
Defaults to: 'current'
Adds listeners to any Observable object (or Element) which are automatically removed when this Component is destroyed.
This method has been deprecated since 2.0
All listeners are now automatically managed where necessary. Simply use addListener.
The item to which to add a listener/listeners.
The event name, or an object containing event name properties.
If the eventName
parameter was an event name, this is the handler function.
If the eventName
parameter was an event name, this is the scope in which
the handler function is executed.
If the eventName
parameter was an event name, this is the
addListener options.
Call the original method that was previously overridden with override,
This method is deprecated as callParent does the same thing.
Ext.define('My.Cat', {
constructor: function() {
alert("I'm a cat!");
constructor: function() {
alert("I'm going to be a cat!");
var instance = this.callOverridden();
return instance;
var kitty = new My.Cat(); // alerts "I'm going to be a cat!"
// alerts "I'm a cat!"
// alerts "Meeeeoooowwww"
The arguments, either an array or the arguments
from the current method, for example: this.callOverridden(arguments)
Returns the result of calling the overridden method
Call the "parent" method of the current method. That is the method previously overridden by derivation or by an override (see Ext.define).
Ext.define('My.Base', {
constructor: function (x) {
this.x = x;
statics: {
method: function (x) {
return x;
Ext.define('My.Derived', {
extend: 'My.Base',
constructor: function () {
var obj = new My.Derived();
alert(obj.x); // alerts 21
This can be used with an override as follows:
Ext.define('My.DerivedOverride', {
override: 'My.Derived',
constructor: function (x) {
this.callParent([x*2]); // calls original My.Derived constructor
var obj = new My.Derived();
alert(obj.x); // now alerts 42
This also works with static methods.
Ext.define('My.Derived2', {
extend: 'My.Base',
statics: {
method: function (x) {
return this.callParent([x*2]); // calls My.Base.method
alert(My.Base.method(10)); // alerts 10
alert(My.Derived2.method(10)); // alerts 20
Lastly, it also works with overridden static methods.
Ext.define('My.Derived2Override', {
override: 'My.Derived2',
statics: {
method: function (x) {
return this.callParent([x*2]); // calls My.Derived2.method
alert(My.Derived2.method(10)); // now alerts 40
To override a method and replace it and also call the superclass method, use callSuper. This is often done to patch a method to fix a bug.
The arguments, either an array or the arguments
from the current method, for example: this.callParent(arguments)
Returns the result of calling the parent method
This method is used by an override to call the superclass method but bypass any overridden method. This is often done to "patch" a method that contains a bug but for whatever reason cannot be fixed directly.
Ext.define('Ext.some.Class', {
method: function () {
Ext.define('Ext.some.DerivedClass', {
method: function () {
// ... logic but with a bug ...
To patch the bug in DerivedClass.method
, the typical solution is to create an
Ext.define('App.paches.DerivedClass', {
override: 'Ext.some.DerivedClass',
method: function () {
// ... logic but with bug fixed ...
The patch method cannot use callParent
to call the superclass method
that would call the overridden method containing the bug. In other words, the
above patch would only produce "Fixed" then "Good" in the console log, whereas,
using callParent
would produce "Fixed" then "Bad" then "Good".
The arguments, either an array or the arguments
from the current method, for example: this.callSuper(arguments)
Returns the result of calling the superclass method
Combine any buffered requests and send them off.
Create an event from an AMF / AMFX response object
The AMF/AMFX response object
The event
Overrides: Ext.direct.JsonProvider.createEvent
Creates a set of events based on the XHR response
The XHR response
An array of Ext.direct.Event
Overrides: Ext.direct.JsonProvider.createEvents
Create a handler function for a direct call.
A JavaScript function that will kick off the call.
Fires the specified event with the passed parameters and execute a function (action)
at the end if there are no listeners that return false
The name of the event to fire.
Arguments to pass to handers.
Scope of fn.
Fires the specified event with the passed parameters (minus the event name, plus the options
object passed
to addListener).
The first argument is the name of the event. Every other argument passed will be available when you listen for the event.
Firstly, we set up a listener for our new event.
this.on('myevent', function(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, options, e) {
console.log(arg1); // true
console.log(arg2); // 2
console.log(arg3); // { test: 'foo' }
console.log(arg4); // 14
console.log(options); // the options added when adding the listener
console.log(e); // the event object with information about the event
And then we can fire off the event.
this.fireEvent('myevent', true, 2, { test: 'foo' }, 14);
An event may be set to bubble up an Observable parent hierarchy by calling enableBubble.
The name of the event to fire.
Variable number of parameters are passed to handlers.
Returns false
if any of the handlers return false
Gets the AJAX call info for a transaction.
The transaction.
The Flex remoting message structure ready to encode in an AMFX RemoteMessage
Get transaction from XHR options.
The options sent to the AJAX request.
The transaction, null
if not found.
Initialize configuration for this class. a typical example:
Ext.define('My.awesome.Class', {
// The default config
config: {
name: 'Awesome',
isAwesome: true
constructor: function(config) {
var awesome = new My.awesome.Class({
name: 'Super Awesome'
alert(awesome.getName()); // 'Super Awesome'
mixins The mixin prototypes as key - value pairs
Returns whether or not the server-side is currently connected. Abstract method for subclasses to implement.
Overrides: Ext.direct.Provider.isConnected
Alias for addManagedListener.
This method has been deprecated since 2.0.0
This is now done automatically
The item to which to add a listener/listeners.
The event name, or an object containing event name properties.
If the eventName
parameter was an event name, this is the handler function.
If the eventName
parameter was an event name, this is the scope in which
the handler function is executed.
If the eventName
parameter was an event name, this is the
addListener options.
Alias for removeManagedListener.
This method has been deprecated since 2.0.0
This is now done automatically
The item to which to add a listener/listeners.
The event name, or an object containing event name properties.
If the eventName
parameter was an event name, this is the handler function.
If the eventName
parameter was an event name, this is the scope in which
the handler function is executed.
Alias for addListener.
The name of the event to listen for. May also be an object who's property names are event names.
The method the event invokes. Will be called with arguments given to
fireEvent plus the options
parameter described below.
The scope (this
reference) in which the handler function is executed. If
omitted, defaults to the object which fired the event.
An object containing handler configuration.
This object may contain any of the following properties:
The scope (this
reference) in which the handler function is executed. If omitted, defaults to the object
which fired the event.
The number of milliseconds to delay the invocation of the handler after the event fires.
to add a handler to handle just the next firing of the event, and then remove itself.
The order of when the listener should be added into the listener queue.
If you set an order of before
and the event you are listening to is preventable, you can return false
and it will stop the event.
Available options are before
, current
and after
Defaults to: current
Causes the handler to be delayed by the specified number of milliseconds. If the event fires again within that time, the original handler is not invoked, but the new handler is scheduled in its place.
Allows you to add a listener onto a element of this component using the elements reference.
Ext.create('Ext.Component', {
listeners: {
element: 'element',
tap: function() {
alert('element tap!');
All components have the element
reference, which is the outer most element of the component. Ext.Container also has the
element which contains all children. In most cases element
is adequate.
Uses Ext.ComponentQuery to delegate events to a specified query selector within this item.
// Create a container with a two children; a button and a toolbar
var container = Ext.create('Ext.Container', {
items: [
xtype: 'toolbar',
docked: 'top',
title: 'My Toolbar'
xtype: 'button',
text: 'My Button'
// Ext.Buttons have an xtype of 'button', so we use that are a selector for our delegate
delegate: 'button',
tap: function() {
alert('Button tapped!');
The order of when the listener should be added into the listener queue.
Possible values are before
, current
and after
Defaults to: 'current'
Add a new transaction to the queue.
The transaction.
Removes a before-event handler.
Same as removeListener with order
set to 'after'
The name of the event the handler was associated with.
The handler to remove.
The scope originally specified for fn
Extra options object.
Removes a before-event handler.
Same as removeListener with order
set to 'before'
The name of the event the handler was associated with.
The handler to remove.
The scope originally specified for fn
Extra options object.
Removes an event handler.
The type of event the handler was associated with.
The handler to remove. This must be a reference to the function passed into the addListener call.
The scope originally specified for the handler. It must be the same as the scope argument specified in the original call to addListener or the listener will not be removed.
Extra options object. See addListener for details.
The order of the listener to remove.
Possible values are before
, current
and after
Defaults to: 'current'
Adds listeners to any Observable object (or Element) which are automatically removed when this Component is destroyed.
This method has been deprecated since 2.0
All listeners are now automatically managed where necessary. Simply use removeListener.
The item to which to add a listener/listeners.
The event name, or an object containing event name properties.
If the eventName
parameter was an event name, this is the handler function.
If the eventName
parameter was an event name, this is the scope in which
the handler function is executed.
Resumes firing events (see suspendEvents).
Pass as true to discard any queued events.
Run any callbacks related to the transaction.
The transaction
The event
Get the reference to the class from which this object was instantiated. Note that unlike self,
is scope-independent and it always returns the class from which it was called, regardless of what
points to during run-time
Ext.define('My.Cat', {
statics: {
totalCreated: 0,
speciesName: 'Cat' // My.Cat.speciesName = 'Cat'
constructor: function() {
var statics = this.statics();
alert(statics.speciesName); // always equals to 'Cat' no matter what 'this' refers to
// equivalent to: My.Cat.speciesName
alert(this.self.speciesName); // dependent on 'this'
clone: function() {
var cloned = new this.self(); // dependent on 'this'
cloned.groupName = this.statics().speciesName; // equivalent to: My.Cat.speciesName
return cloned;
Ext.define('My.SnowLeopard', {
extend: 'My.Cat',
statics: {
speciesName: 'Snow Leopard' // My.SnowLeopard.speciesName = 'Snow Leopard'
constructor: function() {
var cat = new My.Cat(); // alerts 'Cat', then alerts 'Cat'
var snowLeopard = new My.SnowLeopard(); // alerts 'Cat', then alerts 'Snow Leopard'
var clone = snowLeopard.clone();
alert(Ext.getClassName(clone)); // alerts 'My.SnowLeopard'
alert(clone.groupName); // alerts 'Cat'
alert(My.Cat.totalCreated); // alerts 3
Suspends the firing of all events.
All events will be queued but you can discard the queued events by passing false in the resumeEvents call
Alias for removeListener.
The type of event the handler was associated with.
The handler to remove. This must be a reference to the function passed into the addListener call.
The scope originally specified for the handler. It must be the same as the scope argument specified in the original call to addListener or the listener will not be removed.
Extra options object. See addListener for details.
The order of the listener to remove.
Possible values are before
, current
and after
Defaults to: 'current'
Add methods / properties to the prototype of this class.
Ext.define('My.awesome.Cat', {
constructor: function() {
// ...
meow: function() {
var kitty = new My.awesome.Cat();
Add / override static properties of this class.
Ext.define('My.cool.Class', {
// this.se
someProperty: 'someValue', // My.cool.Class.someProperty = 'someValue'
method1: function() { }, // My.cool.Class.method1 = function() { ... };
method2: function() { } // My.cool.Class.method2 = function() { ... };
Borrow another class' members to the prototype of this class.
Ext.define('Bank', {
money: '$$$',
printMoney: function() {
Ext.define('Thief', {
// ...
Thief.borrow(Bank, ['money', 'printMoney']);
var steve = new Thief();
alert(steve.money); // alerts '$$$'
steve.printMoney(); // alerts '$$$$$$$'
The class to borrow members from
The names of the members to borrow
Create a new instance of this Class.
Ext.define('My.cool.Class', {
// ...
someConfig: true
All parameters are passed to the constructor of the class.
the created instance.
Create aliases for existing prototype methods. Example:
Ext.define('My.cool.Class', {
method1: function() { },
method2: function() { }
var test = new My.cool.Class();
method3: 'method1',
method4: 'method2'
test.method3(); // test.method1()
My.cool.Class.createAlias('method5', 'method3');
test.method5(); // test.method3() -> test.method1()
The new method name, or an object to set multiple aliases. See flexSetter
The original method name
Get the current class' name in string format.
Ext.define('My.cool.Class', {
constructor: function() {
alert(this.self.getName()); // alerts 'My.cool.Class'
My.cool.Class.getName(); // 'My.cool.Class'
Override members of this class. Overridden methods can be invoked via callParent.
Ext.define('My.Cat', {
constructor: function() {
alert("I'm a cat!");
constructor: function() {
alert("I'm going to be a cat!");
var instance = this.callParent(arguments);
return instance;
var kitty = new My.Cat(); // alerts "I'm going to be a cat!"
// alerts "I'm a cat!"
// alerts "Meeeeoooowwww"
As of 2.1, direct use of this method is deprecated. Use Ext.define instead:
Ext.define('My.CatOverride', {
override: 'My.Cat',
constructor: function() {
alert("I'm going to be a cat!");
var instance = this.callParent(arguments);
return instance;
The above accomplishes the same result but can be managed by the Ext.Loader which can properly order the override and its target class and the build process can determine whether the override is needed based on the required state of the target class (My.Cat).
This method has been deprecated since 2.1.0
Please use Ext.define instead
The properties to add to this class. This should be specified as an object literal containing one or more properties.
this class
Fires immediately before the client-side sends off the RPC call.
By returning false
from an event handler you can prevent the call from
The meta data.
The options object passed to Ext.util.Observable.addListener.
Fires immediately after the request to the server-side is sent. This does NOT fire after the response has come back from the call.
The meta data.
The options object passed to Ext.util.Observable.addListener.
Fires when the Provider connects to the server-side
The Provider.
The options object passed to Ext.util.Observable.addListener.
Fires when the Provider receives data from the server-side
The Provider.
The Ext.direct.Event type that occurred.
The options object passed to Ext.util.Observable.addListener.
Fires when the Provider disconnects from the server-side
The Provider.
The options object passed to Ext.util.Observable.addListener.
Fires when the Provider receives an exception from the server-side
The options object passed to Ext.util.Observable.addListener.