SPGLTexture Class Reference
Inherits from | SPTexture : NSObject |
Declared in | SPGLTexture.h |
The SPGLTexture class is a concrete implementation of the abstract class SPTexture, containing a standard 2D OpenGL texture.
In most cases, you don’t have to use this class directly (the init-methods of the SPTexture class should suffice for most needs). However, you can use this class in combination with a GLKTextureLoader to load types that Sparrow doesn’t support itself.
– initWithName:format:width:height:containsMipmaps:scale:premultipliedAlpha:
Initializes a texture with the given properties. Width and height are expected pixel dimensions. Designated Initializer.
– initWithData:properties:
Initializes an uncompressed texture with with raw pixel data and a set of properties. Width and height are expected pixel dimensions.
– initWithPVRData:scale:
Initializes a PVR texture with with a certain scale factor.
Instance Methods
Initializes an uncompressed texture with with raw pixel data and a set of properties. Width and height are expected pixel dimensions.
- (instancetype)initWithData:(const void *)imgData properties:(SPTextureProperties)properties
Initializes an uncompressed texture with with raw pixel data and a set of properties. Width and height are expected pixel dimensions.
Declared In
Initializes a texture with the given properties. Width and height are expected pixel dimensions. Designated Initializer.
- (instancetype)initWithName:(uint)name format:(SPTextureFormat)format width:(float)width height:(float)height containsMipmaps:(BOOL)mipmaps scale:(float)scale premultipliedAlpha:(BOOL)pma
Initializes a texture with the given properties. Width and height are expected pixel dimensions. Designated Initializer.
Declared In