
Controllers allow you to handle requests either through the front-end or the control panel. They let you organize request logic into a single class.

Creating a Controller

An addon can have any number of controllers for usage through the Control Panel. For usage through the front-end of a site, you are limited to a single controller. An addon may contain controllers for both Control Panel and front-end usage.

To create a controller, you’ll need to create a class file. You may either place your controllers in the root of your addon directory, or nested within a Controllers namespace.

|-- KarmaController.php 
|-- AnotherController.php
`-- Controllers
    `-- KarmaController.php
    `-- AnotherController.php

You can also use a command to generate the controller.

php please make:controller AddonName

Here’s a basic controller. Each public method in the class can receive a route.


namespace Statamic\Addons\Karma;

use Statamic\Extend\Controller;

class KarmaController extends Controller
    public function getFoo()
        return $this->view('foo', [
            'title' => 'Karma'


There are two ways routes can be directed into a controller. They differ depending on whether they are going through the front-end of the site, or through the control panel.


A common use case for addons is to be able to have a form, which would need to be handled somehow. You could submit that form to the method a controller would handle.

Whenever a request is made to /!/foo/bar, it will be routed into a corresponding controller method, prefixed with the HTTP verb used. The method will be converted to camel case.

For example, assuming there’s an addon named Foo:

  • GET request to /!/Foo/barBaz or /!/Foo/bar_baz will call FooController@getBarBaz.
  • POST request to /!/Foo/barBaz or /!/Foo/bar_baz will call FooController@postBarBaz, etc.

If you’re familiar with Laravel, this can be thought of as similar to Route::controller().

Any additional URL segments present get passed in as parameters. So for example:

  • GET request to /!/Foo/display/people/123 will call FooController@getDisplay with arguments people and 123.

If, for example, the method declares only one parameter, the 123 will simply be ignored.

Note that the /!/ in the URL is customizable, so when outputting form actions, you can use the $this->actionUrl() helper.

Control Panel

We can route to the controller action above by editing the routes array in our addon’s routes.yaml file.

  foo: getFoo

The key is the route itself, and the value is the controller method

All of an addon’s routes are prefixed by the addon route. So the foo route above would actually be /cp/addons/karma/foo.

By default, the controller used will be named after your addon.
For example, Statamic\Addons\Karma\KarmaController.

You may specify a controller by prefixing it with the class name.

  foo: FooController@index

This will look for either Statamic\Addons\Karma\FooController or Statamic\Addons\Karma\Controllers\FooController.

CP Routing schema

Your routing array can handle more than basic GET requests.


  # GET request to /cp/addons/addon-name using the index method
  /: index           

  # POST request to /cp/addons/addon-name/save using the save method
  post@save: save    

  # GET request to /cp/addons/addon-name/edit
  # - using the getEdit controller method
  # - named karma.edit, that you can reference by route('karma.edit')
    uses: getEdit    
    as: karma.edit

Note: If you want a settings page, you do not need to create a route. A /cp/addons/addon-name/settings route will be available to you automatically. To avoid conflicts you should not create a route named settings. See how to create a settings page.

Last modified on July 13, 2018