
Fieldsets are the tool used by your Control Panel to create publish forms. They establish your content model. Essentially, a schema that defines your fields, data types, and the interface used to manage them.

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What is a fieldset?

A fieldset is YAML file that defines a list of fields used to create content. They’re reusuable, highly configurable, and the cornerstone of a customized and tailor-fit Control Panel.

Your fieldsets are kept in the site/settings/fieldsets directory. The main section of a fieldset is the fields key which allows you to set and configure any number of fields utilizing any combination of the available fieldtypes.

An example of what a fieldset might look like:

title: Blog Post
  content:                # The template tag, i.e. {{ content }}
    display: Content      # The CP field label
    type: markdown        # The fieldtype
    instructions: Write!  # Instructional text
    validate: required    # Validation rules
    display: Author
    type: users
    default: current
    max_items: 1

Using a fieldset

To assign a fieldset to a piece of content, add a fieldset key to its YAML data.

Via content

You may add it directly to a page, entry, global set, or taxonomy term. This may be useful if you have a need for a single-use fieldset. For example, one page may require a specific fieldset.

Via container

You may also add it to the corresponding content containers (Collection, Taxonomy, Asset Container, etc) which will cascade down to all of its items. For example, adding fieldset to a Collection’s folder.yaml will ensure that all the entries (new and existing) will use that fieldset.

If you’ve defined a container level fieldset, you may still override it on the content level.

Configuring a fieldset

Naming fields

You can name your fields any way you choose, but each field name needs to be unique. You cannot use hyphens, but underscores are okay.

Required field settings

In the snippet above, the only thing that’s really required is the type key. Even without that, Statamic will treat it as a text fieldtype by default.

Some fieldtypes will have their own required settings. For example, the assets fieldtype requires that you specify a container.

Validation Rules

Each field can accept a pipe-delimited list of Laravel validation rules.

For example:

    type: text
    validate: required|alpha_dash|between:5,10

This would make the field required, ensure only alpha-numeric characters and dashes are used, and that the text is between 5 and 10 characters long.

Note that not every validation rule would be usable in Statamic. For instance, the database rules (exists, unique, etc) would not apply since we do not use a database.


You may organize your fields into sections, which will be displayed as tabs on the publish page.

Instead of having a top level fields key as explained above, you should have a top level sections key, and each one will have its own fields. For example:

title: My Fieldset
    display: Main
        type: text
    display: Another

Sidebar section

By naming one of your sections sidebar, it will be treated as one (when your browser is wide enough). When your browser is no wide enough to display the sidebar, it will just become another tab. You are free to rename your sidebar section by customizing the display key.

    fields: ...
    display: Meta Fields
    fields: ...

Without a sidebar, the other sections will become full width. You may prefer it this way!

Meta Fields

There are some special meta fields that may be automatically be added to your fieldset if you haven’t explicitly defined them.

  • If you haven’t defined a title field, one will be added to the top of your first section.
  • A slug field will be added to the sidebar for almost all publishable content.
  • A date field will be added to the sidebar if you are editing a date-based collection.
  • When editing an entry, a field for every taxonomy will be added to the sidebar.

You are free to add these fields to any section.

        display: Post Title
        display: Post Slug
        display: Publish Date
        type: taxonomy
        taxonomy: categories

Reusing fields across fieldsets

It’s fairly common to want to repeat certain fields across multiple fieldsets. In this case, you may use the Partial fieldtype to include another fieldset. Any of the partial fieldset’s fields will be included where you specify.

Conditional Fields

It’s possible to have top-level fields be displayed only under certain conditions. You may specify various rules under either the show_when or hide_when keys.

Important: Conditionals work on top-level fields only, not meta fields (fields that include other fields) like Replicator, Bard, and Grid.

A simple example might be to show a field when a toggle is set to “on”.

title: Blog Post
    type: toggle
    type: users
    max_items: 1
      has_author: true

If you don’t need to toggle it but instead “just show” the author field, you may be interested in the Revealer fieldtype.

Here’s another example using a select field:

title: Blog Post
    type: select
      - text
      - image
      - video
    type: text
      post_type: video
    type: assets
    container: main
    max_files: 1
      post_type: image
  • The youtube_id field will only be displayed when the post_type field has video selected.
  • The image field will only be displayed when the post_type value is image.

Not Nulls

You may specify a value to be “not null” which is handy when you need to say “Show this when another field has any value.”

  that_field: not null

Multiple fields

You can combine fields by adding to the show_when or hide_when array.

The following says: “Show when this_field is bacon AND that_field is cheeseburger

  this_field: bacon
  that_field: cheeseburger

You can use “OR” rules by prepending fields with or_.
The following says: “Show when this_field is bacon OR that_field is cheeseburger

  this_field: bacon
  or_that_field: cheeseburger

You may specify multiple values for a single field by using an array for the value.
The following says: “Show when this_field is one of bacon, eggs, or hash browns

  this_field: [bacon, eggs, hash brows]

Custom Logic

If you need something more complex than the YAML syntax provides, you may write your own logic.

In your site/helpers/cp/scripts.js file (or within an addon), you should add a function to the Statamic.conditions object.

Statamic.conditions.reallyLovesFood = function (fields) {
    return fields['favorite_foods'].length > 10;
    type: list
    type: textarea
    show_when: reallyLovesFood

This will present the user the ability to declare their obvious love for food in the food_haiku field if more than 10 favorite foods have been listed.

Last modified on January 9, 2019