class PhpFilesAdapter extends AbstractAdapter implements PruneableInterface
protected int|null | $maxIdLength | from AbstractTrait |
Persists several cache items immediately.
Like the native unserialize() function but throws an exception if anything goes wrong.
Wraps the callback passed to ->get() in a callable.
No description
Returns an ApcuAdapter if supported, a PhpFilesAdapter otherwise.
abstract protected array|bool
doSave(array $values, int $lifetime)
Persists several cache items immediately.
enableVersioning(bool $enable = true)
Enables/disables versioning of items.
When versioning is enabled, clearing the cache is atomic and doesn't require listing existing keys to proceed, but old keys may need garbage collection and extra round-trips to the back-end are required.
Calling this method also clears the memoized namespace version and thus forces a resynchonization of it.
static protected mixed
unserialize(string $value)
deprecated since Symfony 4.2, use DefaultMarshaller instead.
Like the native unserialize() function but throws an exception if anything goes wrong.
setCallbackWrapper(callable|null $callbackWrapper)
Wraps the callback passed to ->get() in a callable.
__construct(string $namespace = '', int $defaultLifetime = 0, string $directory = null, bool $appendOnly = false)
static AdapterInterface
createSystemCache(string $namespace, int $defaultLifetime, string $version, string $directory, LoggerInterface $logger = null)
Returns an ApcuAdapter if supported, a PhpFilesAdapter otherwise.
Using ApcuAdapter makes system caches compatible with read-only filesystems.