ContainerAwareEventManager::addEventListener() — Method in class ContainerAwareEventManager
Adds an event listener that listens on the specified events.
DoctrineDataCollector::addLogger() — Method in class DoctrineDataCollector
Adds the stack logger for a connection.
ContainerAwareLoader::addFixture() — Method in class ContainerAwareLoader
AbstractDoctrineExtensionClass in namespace Symfony\Bridge\Doctrine\DependencyInjection
This abstract classes groups common code that Doctrine Object Manager extensions (ORM, MongoDB, CouchDB) need.
$AbstractDoctrineExtension#aliasMapProperty in class AbstractDoctrineExtension
Used inside metadata driver method to simplify aggregation of data.
AbstractDoctrineExtension::assertValidMappingConfiguration() — Method in class AbstractDoctrineExtension
Assertion if the specified mapping information is valid.
EntityFactory::addConfiguration() — Method in class EntityFactory
SymfonyTestsListenerForV5::addSkippedTest() — Method in class SymfonyTestsListenerForV5
SymfonyTestsListenerForV5::addWarning() — Method in class SymfonyTestsListenerForV5
SymfonyTestsListenerForV6::addSkippedTest() — Method in class SymfonyTestsListenerForV6
SymfonyTestsListenerForV6::addWarning() — Method in class SymfonyTestsListenerForV6
SymfonyTestsListenerForV7::addSkippedTest() — Method in class SymfonyTestsListenerForV7
SymfonyTestsListenerForV7::addWarning() — Method in class SymfonyTestsListenerForV7
SymfonyTestsListenerTrait::addSkippedTest() — Method in class SymfonyTestsListenerTrait
SymfonyTestsListenerTrait::addWarning() — Method in class SymfonyTestsListenerTrait
AppVariableClass in namespace Symfony\Bridge\Twig
Exposes some Symfony parameters and services as an "app" global variable.
AssetExtensionClass in namespace Symfony\Bridge\Twig\Extension
Twig extension for the Symfony Asset component.
CodeExtension::abbrClass() — Method in class CodeExtension
CodeExtension::abbrMethod() — Method in class CodeExtension
AbstractPhpFileCacheWarmerClass in namespace Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\CacheWarmer
AnnotationsCacheWarmerClass in namespace Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\CacheWarmer
Warms up annotation caches for classes found in composer's autoload class map and declared in DI bundle extensions using the addAnnotatedClassesToCache method.
AboutCommandClass in namespace Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Command
A console command to display information about the current installation.
AbstractConfigCommandClass in namespace Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Command
A console command for dumping available configuration reference.
AssetsInstallCommandClass in namespace Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Command
Command that places bundle web assets into a given directory.
ApplicationClass in namespace Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Console
Application::all() — Method in class Application
Gets the commands (registered in the given namespace if provided).
Application::add() — Method in class Application
Adds a command object.
AbstractControllerClass in namespace Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller
Provides common features needed in controllers.
ControllerTrait::addFlash() — Method in class ControllerTrait
Adds a flash message to the current session for type.
ControllerTrait::addLink() — Method in class ControllerTrait
Adds a Link HTTP header to the current response.
AddAnnotationsCachedReaderPassClass in namespace Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\DependencyInjection\Compiler
AddDebugLogProcessorPassClass in namespace Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\DependencyInjection\Compiler
AddExpressionLanguageProvidersPassClass in namespace Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\DependencyInjection\Compiler
Registers the expression language providers.
AnnotatedRouteControllerLoaderClass in namespace Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Routing
AnnotatedRouteControllerLoader is an implementation of AnnotationClassLoader that sets the '_controller' default based on the class and method names.
ActionsHelperClass in namespace Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Templating\Helper
ActionsHelper manages action inclusions.
AssetsHelperClass in namespace Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Templating\Helper
AssetsHelper helps manage asset URLs.
CodeHelper::abbrClass() — Method in class CodeHelper
CodeHelper::abbrMethod() — Method in class CodeHelper
Translator::addResource() — Method in class Translator
Adds a Resource.
AddExpressionLanguageProvidersPassClass in namespace Symfony\Bundle\SecurityBundle\DependencyInjection\Compiler
Registers the expression language providers.
AddSecurityVotersPassClass in namespace Symfony\Bundle\SecurityBundle\DependencyInjection\Compiler
Adds all configured security voters to the access decision manager.
AddSessionDomainConstraintPassClass in namespace Symfony\Bundle\SecurityBundle\DependencyInjection\Compiler
Uses the session domain to restrict allowed redirection targets.
SecurityExtension::addSecurityListenerFactory() — Method in class SecurityExtension
SecurityExtension::addUserProviderFactory() — Method in class SecurityExtension
AbstractFactoryClass in namespace Symfony\Bundle\SecurityBundle\DependencyInjection\Security\Factory
AbstractFactory is the base class for all classes inheriting from AbstractAuthenticationListener.
AbstractFactory::addConfiguration() — Method in class AbstractFactory
AbstractFactory::addOption() — Method in class AbstractFactory
FormLoginFactory::addConfiguration() — Method in class FormLoginFactory
FormLoginLdapFactory::addConfiguration() — Method in class FormLoginLdapFactory
GuardAuthenticationFactory::addConfiguration() — Method in class GuardAuthenticationFactory
HttpBasicFactory::addConfiguration() — Method in class HttpBasicFactory
HttpBasicLdapFactory::addConfiguration() — Method in class HttpBasicLdapFactory
JsonLoginLdapFactory::addConfiguration() — Method in class JsonLoginLdapFactory
RememberMeFactory::addConfiguration() — Method in class RememberMeFactory
RemoteUserFactory::addConfiguration() — Method in class RemoteUserFactory
SecurityFactoryInterface::addConfiguration() — Method in class SecurityFactoryInterface
SimpleFormFactory::addConfiguration() — Method in class SimpleFormFactory
SimplePreAuthenticationFactory::addConfiguration() — Method in class SimplePreAuthenticationFactory
X509Factory::addConfiguration() — Method in class X509Factory
InMemoryFactory::addConfiguration() — Method in class InMemoryFactory
LdapFactory::addConfiguration() — Method in class LdapFactory
UserProviderFactoryInterface::addConfiguration() — Method in class UserProviderFactoryInterface
FirewallConfig::allowsAnonymous() — Method in class FirewallConfig
Packages::addPackage() — Method in class Packages
Adds a package.
EmptyVersionStrategy::applyVersion() — Method in class EmptyVersionStrategy
Applies version to the supplied path.
JsonManifestVersionStrategy::applyVersion() — Method in class JsonManifestVersionStrategy
Applies version to the supplied path.
StaticVersionStrategy::applyVersion() — Method in class StaticVersionStrategy
Applies version to the supplied path.
VersionStrategyInterface::applyVersion() — Method in class VersionStrategyInterface
Applies version to the supplied path.
CookieJar::all() — Method in class CookieJar
Returns not yet expired cookies.
CookieJar::allValues() — Method in class CookieJar
Returns not yet expired cookie values for the given URI.
CookieJar::allRawValues() — Method in class CookieJar
Returns not yet expired raw cookie values for the given URI.
History::add() — Method in class History
Adds a Request to the history.
AbstractAdapterClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Cache\Adapter
AdapterInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Cache\Adapter
Interface for adapters managing instances of Symfony's CacheItem.
ApcuAdapterClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Cache\Adapter
ArrayAdapterClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Cache\Adapter
CacheDataCollector::addInstance() — Method in class CacheDataCollector
AbstractCacheClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Cache\Simple
ApcuCacheClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Cache\Simple
ArrayCacheClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Cache\Simple
AbstractTraitClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Cache\Traits
ApcuTraitClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Cache\Traits
ArrayTraitClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Cache\Traits
ArrayNodeClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Config\Definition
Represents an Array node in the config tree.
$ArrayNode#allowFalseProperty in class ArrayNode
$ArrayNode#allowNewKeysProperty in class ArrayNode
$ArrayNode#addIfNotSetProperty in class ArrayNode
ArrayNode::addChild() — Method in class ArrayNode
Adds a child node.
ArrayNode::allowPlaceholders() — Method in class ArrayNode
Tests if placeholder values are allowed for this node.
$BaseNode#allowOverwriteProperty in class BaseNode
$BaseNode#attributesProperty in class BaseNode
BaseNode::addEquivalentValue() — Method in class BaseNode
Adds an equivalent value.
BaseNode::allowPlaceholders() — Method in class BaseNode
Tests if placeholder values are allowed for this node.
ArrayNodeDefinitionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Config\Definition\Builder
This class provides a fluent interface for defining an array node.
$ArrayNodeDefinition#atLeastOneProperty in class ArrayNodeDefinition
$ArrayNodeDefinition#allowNewKeysProperty in class ArrayNodeDefinition
$ArrayNodeDefinition#addDefaultsProperty in class ArrayNodeDefinition
$ArrayNodeDefinition#addDefaultChildrenProperty in class ArrayNodeDefinition
ArrayNodeDefinition::arrayPrototype() — Method in class ArrayNodeDefinition
ArrayNodeDefinition::addDefaultsIfNotSet() — Method in class ArrayNodeDefinition
Adds the default value if the node is not set in the configuration.
ArrayNodeDefinition::addDefaultChildrenIfNoneSet() — Method in class ArrayNodeDefinition
Adds children with a default value when none are defined.
ArrayNodeDefinition::append() — Method in class ArrayNodeDefinition
Appends a node definition.
ExprBuilder::always() — Method in class ExprBuilder
Marks the expression as being always used.
$MergeBuilder#allowFalseProperty in class MergeBuilder
$MergeBuilder#allowOverwriteProperty in class MergeBuilder
MergeBuilder::allowUnset() — Method in class MergeBuilder
Sets whether the node can be unset.
NodeBuilder::arrayNode() — Method in class NodeBuilder
Creates a child array node.
NodeBuilder::append() — Method in class NodeBuilder
Appends a node definition.
$NodeDefinition#allowEmptyValueProperty in class NodeDefinition
$NodeDefinition#attributesProperty in class NodeDefinition
NodeDefinition::attribute() — Method in class NodeDefinition
Sets an attribute on the node.
ParentNodeDefinitionInterface::append() — Method in class ParentNodeDefinitionInterface
Appends a node definition.
EnumNode::allowPlaceholders() — Method in class EnumNode
Tests if placeholder values are allowed for this node.
InvalidConfigurationException::addHint() — Method in class InvalidConfigurationException
Adds extra information that is suffixed to the original exception message.
PrototypedArrayNode::addChild() — Method in class PrototypedArrayNode
Disable adding concrete children for prototyped nodes.
$VariableNode#allowEmptyValueProperty in class VariableNode
LoaderResolver::addLoader() — Method in class LoaderResolver
ApplicationClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Console
An Application is the container for a collection of commands.
Application::areExceptionsCaught() — Method in class Application
Gets whether to catch exceptions or not during commands execution.
Application::addCommands() — Method in class Application
Adds an array of command objects.
Application::add() — Method in class Application
Adds a command object.
Application::all() — Method in class Application
Gets the commands (registered in the given namespace if provided).
Command::addArgument() — Method in class Command
Adds an argument.
Command::addOption() — Method in class Command
Adds an option.
Command::addUsage() — Method in class Command
Add a command usage example.
AddConsoleCommandPassClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Console\DependencyInjection
Registers console commands.
ApplicationDescriptionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Console\Descriptor
OutputFormatterStyle::apply() — Method in class OutputFormatterStyle
Applies the style to a given text.
OutputFormatterStyleInterface::apply() — Method in class OutputFormatterStyleInterface
Applies the style to a given text.
ProgressBar::advance() — Method in class ProgressBar
Advances the progress output X steps.
ProgressIndicator::advance() — Method in class ProgressIndicator
Advances the indicator.
QuestionHelper::ask() — Method in class QuestionHelper
Asks a question to the user.
Table::addRows() — Method in class Table
Table::addRow() — Method in class Table
Table::appendRow() — Method in class Table
Adds a row to the table, and re-renders the table.
ArgvInputClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Console\Input
ArgvInput represents an input coming from the CLI arguments.
ArrayInputClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Console\Input
ArrayInput represents an input provided as an array.
$Input#argumentsProperty in class Input
InputDefinition::addArguments() — Method in class InputDefinition
Adds an array of InputArgument objects.
InputDefinition::addArgument() — Method in class InputDefinition
InputDefinition::addOptions() — Method in class InputDefinition
Adds an array of InputOption objects.
InputDefinition::addOption() — Method in class InputDefinition
InputOption::acceptValue() — Method in class InputOption
Returns true if the option accepts a value.
ConsoleSectionOutput::addContent() — Method in class ConsoleSectionOutput
StyleInterface::ask() — Method in class StyleInterface
Asks a question.
StyleInterface::askHidden() — Method in class StyleInterface
Asks a question with the user input hidden.
SymfonyStyle::ask() — Method in class SymfonyStyle
Asks a question.
SymfonyStyle::askHidden() — Method in class SymfonyStyle
Asks a question with the user input hidden.
SymfonyStyle::askQuestion() — Method in class SymfonyStyle
ApplicationTesterClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Console\Tester
Eases the testing of console applications.
AbstractNodeClass in namespace Symfony\Component\CssSelector\Node
Abstract base node class.
AttributeNodeClass in namespace Symfony\Component\CssSelector\Node
Represents a "[| ]" node.
AbstractExtensionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\CssSelector\XPath\Extension
XPath expression translator abstract extension.
AttributeMatchingExtensionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\CssSelector\XPath\Extension
XPath expression translator attribute extension.
Translator::addCombination() — Method in class Translator
Translator::addFunction() — Method in class Translator
Translator::addPseudoClass() — Method in class Translator
Translator::addAttributeMatching() — Method in class Translator
XPathExpr::addCondition() — Method in class XPathExpr
XPathExpr::addNameTest() — Method in class XPathExpr
XPathExpr::addStarPrefix() — Method in class XPathExpr
AliasClass in namespace Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection
ArgumentInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Argument
Represents a complex argument containing nested values.
AbstractRecursivePassClass in namespace Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Compiler
AnalyzeServiceReferencesPassClass in namespace Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Compiler
Run this pass before passes that need to know more about the relation of your services.
AutoAliasServicePassClass in namespace Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Compiler
Sets a service to be an alias of another one, given a format pattern.
AutowirePassClass in namespace Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Compiler
Inspects existing service definitions and wires the autowired ones using the type hints of their classes.
AutowireRequiredMethodsPassClass in namespace Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Compiler
Looks for definitions with autowiring enabled and registers their corresponding "@required" methods as setters.
Compiler::addPass() — Method in class Compiler
Adds a pass to the PassConfig.
MergeExtensionConfigurationContainerBuilder::addCompilerPass() — Method in class MergeExtensionConfigurationContainerBuilder
Adds a compiler pass.
PassConfig::addPass() — Method in class PassConfig
Adds a pass.
ServiceReferenceGraphNode::addInEdge() — Method in class ServiceReferenceGraphNode
ServiceReferenceGraphNode::addOutEdge() — Method in class ServiceReferenceGraphNode
$Container#aliasesProperty in class Container
ContainerBuilder::addResource() — Method in class ContainerBuilder
ContainerBuilder::addObjectResource() — Method in class ContainerBuilder
Adds the object class hierarchy as resources.
ContainerBuilder::addCompilerPass() — Method in class ContainerBuilder
Adds a compiler pass.
ContainerBuilder::addAliases() — Method in class ContainerBuilder
Adds the service aliases.
ContainerBuilder::autowire() — Method in class ContainerBuilder
Registers an autowired service definition.
ContainerBuilder::addDefinitions() — Method in class ContainerBuilder
Adds the service definitions.
ContainerBuilder::addExpressionLanguageProvider() — Method in class ContainerBuilder
$Definition#argumentsProperty in class Definition
Definition::addArgument() — Method in class Definition
Adds an argument to pass to the service constructor/factory method.
Definition::addMethodCall() — Method in class Definition
Adds a method to call after service initialization.
Definition::addTag() — Method in class Definition
Adds a tag for this definition.
Definition::addError() — Method in class Definition
Add an error that occurred when building this Definition.
AutowiringFailedExceptionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Exception
Thrown when a definition cannot be autowired.
AbstractConfiguratorClass in namespace Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Loader\Configurator
AbstractServiceConfiguratorClass in namespace Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Loader\Configurator
AbstractServiceConfigurator::alias() — Method in class AbstractServiceConfigurator
Creates an alias.
AliasConfiguratorClass in namespace Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Loader\Configurator
ServicesConfigurator::alias() — Method in class ServicesConfigurator
Creates an alias.
AbstractTraitClass in namespace Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Loader\Configurator\Traits
AbstractTrait::abstract() — Method in class AbstractTrait
Whether this definition is abstract, that means it merely serves as a template for other definitions.
ArgumentTraitClass in namespace Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Loader\Configurator\Traits
ArgumentTrait::args() — Method in class ArgumentTrait
Sets the arguments to pass to the service constructor/factory method.
ArgumentTrait::arg() — Method in class ArgumentTrait
Sets one argument to pass to the service constructor/factory method.
AutoconfigureTraitClass in namespace Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Loader\Configurator\Traits
AutoconfigureTrait::autoconfigure() — Method in class AutoconfigureTrait
Sets whether or not instanceof conditionals should be prepended with a global set.
AutowireTraitClass in namespace Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Loader\Configurator\Traits
AutowireTrait::autowire() — Method in class AutowireTrait
Enables/disables autowiring.
ContainerBag::all() — Method in class ContainerBag
Gets the service container parameters.
ContainerBagInterface::all() — Method in class ContainerBagInterface
Gets the service container parameters.
FrozenParameterBag::add() — Method in class FrozenParameterBag
Adds parameters to the service container parameters.
ParameterBag::add() — Method in class ParameterBag
Adds parameters to the service container parameters.
ParameterBag::all() — Method in class ParameterBag
Gets the service container parameters.
ParameterBagInterface::add() — Method in class ParameterBagInterface
Adds parameters to the service container parameters.
ParameterBagInterface::all() — Method in class ParameterBagInterface
Gets the service container parameters.
AbstractUriElementClass in namespace Symfony\Component\DomCrawler
Any HTML element that can link to an URI.
Crawler::add() — Method in class Crawler
Adds a node to the current list of nodes.
Crawler::addContent() — Method in class Crawler
Adds HTML/XML content.
Crawler::addHtmlContent() — Method in class Crawler
Adds an HTML content to the list of nodes.
Crawler::addXmlContent() — Method in class Crawler
Adds an XML content to the list of nodes.
Crawler::addDocument() — Method in class Crawler
Adds a \DOMDocument to the list of nodes.
Crawler::addNodeList() — Method in class Crawler
Adds a \DOMNodeList to the list of nodes.
Crawler::addNodes() — Method in class Crawler
Adds an array of \DOMNode instances to the list of nodes.
Crawler::addNode() — Method in class Crawler
Adds a \DOMNode instance to the list of nodes.
Crawler::attr() — Method in class Crawler
Returns the attribute value of the first node of the list.
ChoiceFormField::addChoice() — Method in class ChoiceFormField
Adds a choice to the current ones.
ChoiceFormField::availableOptionValues() — Method in class ChoiceFormField
Returns list of available field options.
Form::all() — Method in class Form
Gets all fields.
FormFieldRegistry::add() — Method in class FormFieldRegistry
Adds a field to the registry.
FormFieldRegistry::all() — Method in class FormFieldRegistry
Returns the list of field with their value.
TraceableEventDispatcher::addListener() — Method in class TraceableEventDispatcher
Adds an event listener that listens on the specified events.
TraceableEventDispatcher::addSubscriber() — Method in class TraceableEventDispatcher
Adds an event subscriber.
ExtractingEventDispatcher::addListener() — Method in class ExtractingEventDispatcher
Adds an event listener that listens on the specified events.
EventDispatcher::addListener() — Method in class EventDispatcher
Adds an event listener that listens on the specified events.
EventDispatcher::addSubscriber() — Method in class EventDispatcher
Adds an event subscriber.
EventDispatcherInterface::addListener() — Method in class EventDispatcherInterface
Adds an event listener that listens on the specified events.
EventDispatcherInterface::addSubscriber() — Method in class EventDispatcherInterface
Adds an event subscriber.
$GenericEvent#argumentsProperty in class GenericEvent
ImmutableEventDispatcher::addListener() — Method in class ImmutableEventDispatcher
Adds an event listener that listens on the specified events.
ImmutableEventDispatcher::addSubscriber() — Method in class ImmutableEventDispatcher
Adds an event subscriber.
ExpressionLanguage::addFunction() — Method in class ExpressionLanguage
ArgumentsNodeClass in namespace Symfony\Component\ExpressionLanguage\Node
ArrayNodeClass in namespace Symfony\Component\ExpressionLanguage\Node
ArrayNode::addElement() — Method in class ArrayNode
$Node#attributesProperty in class Node
Filesystem::appendToFile() — Method in class Filesystem
Appends content to an existing file.
AccessDeniedExceptionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Finder\Exception
Finder::addVCSPattern() — Method in class Finder
Adds VCS patterns.
Finder::append() — Method in class Finder
Appends an existing set of files/directories to the finder.
CustomFilterIterator::accept() — Method in class CustomFilterIterator
Filters the iterator values.
DateRangeFilterIterator::accept() — Method in class DateRangeFilterIterator
Filters the iterator values.
DepthRangeFilterIterator::accept() — Method in class DepthRangeFilterIterator
Filters the iterator values.
ExcludeDirectoryFilterIterator::accept() — Method in class ExcludeDirectoryFilterIterator
Filters the iterator values.
FileTypeFilterIterator::accept() — Method in class FileTypeFilterIterator
Filters the iterator values.
FilecontentFilterIterator::accept() — Method in class FilecontentFilterIterator
Filters the iterator values.
FilenameFilterIterator::accept() — Method in class FilenameFilterIterator
Filters the iterator values.
PathFilterIterator::accept() — Method in class PathFilterIterator
Filters the iterator values.
SizeRangeFilterIterator::accept() — Method in class SizeRangeFilterIterator
Filters the iterator values.
AbstractExtensionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Form
AbstractRendererEngineClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Form
Default implementation of {@link FormRendererEngineInterface}.
AbstractTypeClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Form
AbstractTypeExtensionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Form
Button::add() — Method in class Button
Adds or replaces a child to the form.
Button::all() — Method in class Button
Returns all children in this group.
Button::addError() — Method in class Button
Adds an error to this form.
ButtonBuilder::add() — Method in class ButtonBuilder
Adds a new field to this group. A field must have a unique name within the group. Otherwise the existing field is overwritten.
ButtonBuilder::all() — Method in class ButtonBuilder
Returns the children.
ButtonBuilder::addEventListener() — Method in class ButtonBuilder
Adds an event listener to an event on this form.
ButtonBuilder::addEventSubscriber() — Method in class ButtonBuilder
Adds an event subscriber for events on this form.
ButtonBuilder::addViewTransformer() — Method in class ButtonBuilder
Appends / prepends a transformer to the view transformer chain.
ButtonBuilder::addModelTransformer() — Method in class ButtonBuilder
Prepends / appends a transformer to the normalization transformer chain.
ArrayChoiceListClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList
A list of choices with arbitrary data types.
$ChoiceView#attrProperty in class ChoiceView
Additional attributes for the HTML tag.
AlreadySubmittedExceptionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Form\Exception
Thrown when an operation is called that is not acceptable after submitting a form.
ArrayToPartsTransformerClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\DataTransformer
$ResizeFormListener#allowAddProperty in class ResizeFormListener
$ResizeFormListener#allowDeleteProperty in class ResizeFormListener
FormDataCollector::associateFormWithView() — Method in class FormDataCollector
Specifies that the given objects represent the same conceptual form.
FormDataCollectorInterface::associateFormWithView() — Method in class FormDataCollectorInterface
Specifies that the given objects represent the same conceptual form.
Form::addError() — Method in class Form
Adds an error to this form.
Form::all() — Method in class Form
Returns all children in this group.
Form::add() — Method in class Form
Adds or replaces a child to the form.
FormBuilder::add() — Method in class FormBuilder
Adds a new field to this group. A field must have a unique name within the group. Otherwise the existing field is overwritten.
FormBuilder::all() — Method in class FormBuilder
Returns the children.
FormBuilderInterface::add() — Method in class FormBuilderInterface
Adds a new field to this group. A field must have a unique name within the group. Otherwise the existing field is overwritten.
FormBuilderInterface::all() — Method in class FormBuilderInterface
Returns the children.
FormConfigBuilder::addEventListener() — Method in class FormConfigBuilder
Adds an event listener to an event on this form.
FormConfigBuilder::addEventSubscriber() — Method in class FormConfigBuilder
Adds an event subscriber for events on this form.
FormConfigBuilder::addViewTransformer() — Method in class FormConfigBuilder
Appends / prepends a transformer to the view transformer chain.
FormConfigBuilder::addModelTransformer() — Method in class FormConfigBuilder
Prepends / appends a transformer to the normalization transformer chain.
FormConfigBuilderInterface::addEventListener() — Method in class FormConfigBuilderInterface
Adds an event listener to an event on this form.
FormConfigBuilderInterface::addEventSubscriber() — Method in class FormConfigBuilderInterface
Adds an event subscriber for events on this form.
FormConfigBuilderInterface::addViewTransformer() — Method in class FormConfigBuilderInterface
Appends / prepends a transformer to the view transformer chain.
FormConfigBuilderInterface::addModelTransformer() — Method in class FormConfigBuilderInterface
Prepends / appends a transformer to the normalization transformer chain.
FormFactoryBuilder::addExtension() — Method in class FormFactoryBuilder
Adds an extension to be loaded by the factory.
FormFactoryBuilder::addExtensions() — Method in class FormFactoryBuilder
Adds a list of extensions to be loaded by the factory.
FormFactoryBuilder::addType() — Method in class FormFactoryBuilder
Adds a form type to the factory.
FormFactoryBuilder::addTypes() — Method in class FormFactoryBuilder
Adds a list of form types to the factory.
FormFactoryBuilder::addTypeExtension() — Method in class FormFactoryBuilder
Adds a form type extension to the factory.
FormFactoryBuilder::addTypeExtensions() — Method in class FormFactoryBuilder
Adds a list of form type extensions to the factory.
FormFactoryBuilder::addTypeGuesser() — Method in class FormFactoryBuilder
Adds a type guesser to the factory.
FormFactoryBuilder::addTypeGuessers() — Method in class FormFactoryBuilder
Adds a list of type guessers to the factory.
FormFactoryBuilderInterface::addExtension() — Method in class FormFactoryBuilderInterface
Adds an extension to be loaded by the factory.
FormFactoryBuilderInterface::addExtensions() — Method in class FormFactoryBuilderInterface
Adds a list of extensions to be loaded by the factory.
FormFactoryBuilderInterface::addType() — Method in class FormFactoryBuilderInterface
Adds a form type to the factory.
FormFactoryBuilderInterface::addTypes() — Method in class FormFactoryBuilderInterface
Adds a list of form types to the factory.
FormFactoryBuilderInterface::addTypeExtension() — Method in class FormFactoryBuilderInterface
Adds a form type extension to the factory.
FormFactoryBuilderInterface::addTypeExtensions() — Method in class FormFactoryBuilderInterface
Adds a list of form type extensions to the factory.
FormFactoryBuilderInterface::addTypeGuesser() — Method in class FormFactoryBuilderInterface
Adds a type guesser to the factory.
FormFactoryBuilderInterface::addTypeGuessers() — Method in class FormFactoryBuilderInterface
Adds a list of type guessers to the factory.
FormInterface::add() — Method in class FormInterface
Adds or replaces a child to the form.
FormInterface::all() — Method in class FormInterface
Returns all children in this group.
FormInterface::addError() — Method in class FormInterface
Adds an error to this form.
TypeTestCase::assertDateTimeEquals() — Method in class TypeTestCase
TypeTestCase::assertDateIntervalEquals() — Method in class TypeTestCase
OptionsResolverWrapper::addAllowedValues() — Method in class OptionsResolverWrapper
Adds allowed values for an option.
OptionsResolverWrapper::addAllowedTypes() — Method in class OptionsResolverWrapper
Adds allowed types for an option.
AcceptHeaderClass in namespace Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation
Represents an Accept-* header.
AcceptHeader::add() — Method in class AcceptHeader
Adds an item.
AcceptHeader::all() — Method in class AcceptHeader
Returns all items.
AcceptHeaderItemClass in namespace Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation
Represents an Accept-* header item.
ApacheRequestClass in namespace Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation
Request represents an HTTP request from an Apache server.
FileBag::add() — Method in class FileBag
Adds parameters.
AccessDeniedExceptionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\File\Exception
Thrown when the access on a file was denied.
HeaderBag::all() — Method in class HeaderBag
Returns the headers.
HeaderBag::add() — Method in class HeaderBag
Adds new headers the current HTTP headers set.
HeaderBag::addCacheControlDirective() — Method in class HeaderBag
Adds a custom Cache-Control directive.
ParameterBag::all() — Method in class ParameterBag
Returns the parameters.
ParameterBag::add() — Method in class ParameterBag
Adds parameters.
$Request#attributesProperty in class Request
Custom parameters.
$Request#acceptableContentTypesProperty in class Request
ResponseHeaderBag::allPreserveCase() — Method in class ResponseHeaderBag
Returns the headers, with original capitalizations.
ResponseHeaderBag::allPreserveCaseWithoutCookies() — Method in class ResponseHeaderBag
ResponseHeaderBag::all() — Method in class ResponseHeaderBag
Returns the headers.
AttributeBagClass in namespace Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Session\Attribute
This class relates to session attribute storage.
$AttributeBag#attributesProperty in class AttributeBag
AttributeBag::all() — Method in class AttributeBag
Returns attributes.
AttributeBagInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Session\Attribute
Attributes store.
AttributeBagInterface::all() — Method in class AttributeBagInterface
Returns attributes.
AutoExpireFlashBagClass in namespace Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Session\Flash
AutoExpireFlashBag flash message container.
AutoExpireFlashBag::add() — Method in class AutoExpireFlashBag
Adds a flash message for type.
AutoExpireFlashBag::all() — Method in class AutoExpireFlashBag
Gets and clears flashes from the stack.
FlashBag::add() — Method in class FlashBag
Adds a flash message for type.
FlashBag::all() — Method in class FlashBag
Gets and clears flashes from the stack.
FlashBagInterface::add() — Method in class FlashBagInterface
Adds a flash message for type.
FlashBagInterface::all() — Method in class FlashBagInterface
Gets and clears flashes from the stack.
Session::all() — Method in class Session
Returns attributes.
SessionInterface::all() — Method in class SessionInterface
Returns attributes.
AbstractSessionHandlerClass in namespace Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Session\Storage\Handler
This abstract session handler provides a generic implementation of the PHP 7.0 SessionUpdateTimestampHandlerInterface, enabling strict and lazy session handling.
AbstractProxyClass in namespace Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Session\Storage\Proxy
ArgumentMetadataClass in namespace Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\ControllerMetadata
Responsible for storing metadata of an argument.
ArgumentMetadataFactoryClass in namespace Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\ControllerMetadata
Builds {see ArgumentMetadata} objects based on the given Controller.
ArgumentMetadataFactoryInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\ControllerMetadata
Builds method argument data.
ArgumentResolverClass in namespace Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Controller
Responsible for resolving the arguments passed to an action.
ArgumentResolverInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Controller
An ArgumentResolverInterface instance knows how to determine the arguments for a specific action.
ArgumentValueResolverInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Controller
Responsible for resolving the value of an argument based on its metadata.
$ControllerReference#attributesProperty in class ControllerReference
AjaxDataCollectorClass in namespace Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\DataCollector
AddAnnotatedClassesToCachePassClass in namespace Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\DependencyInjection
Sets the classes to compile in the cache for the container.
Extension::addAnnotatedClassesToCompile() — Method in class Extension
Adds annotated classes to the class cache.
AbstractSessionListenerClass in namespace Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\EventListener
Sets the session onto the request on the "kernel.request" event and saves it on the "kernel.response" event.
AbstractTestSessionListenerClass in namespace Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\EventListener
AddRequestFormatsListenerClass in namespace Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\EventListener
Adds configured formats to each request.
GetResponseForExceptionEvent::allowCustomResponseCode() — Method in class GetResponseForExceptionEvent
Mark the event as allowing a custom response code.
AccessDeniedHttpExceptionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Exception
AbstractSurrogateFragmentRendererClass in namespace Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Fragment
Implements Surrogate rendering strategy.
FragmentHandler::addRenderer() — Method in class FragmentHandler
Adds a renderer.
AbstractSurrogateClass in namespace Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\HttpCache
Abstract class implementing Surrogate capabilities to Request and Response instances.
AbstractSurrogate::addSurrogateCapability() — Method in class AbstractSurrogate
Adds Surrogate-capability to the given Request.
Esi::addSurrogateControl() — Method in class Esi
Adds HTTP headers to specify that the Response needs to be parsed for Surrogate.
ResponseCacheStrategy::add() — Method in class ResponseCacheStrategy
Adds a Response.
ResponseCacheStrategyInterface::add() — Method in class ResponseCacheStrategyInterface
Adds a Response.
Ssi::addSurrogateControl() — Method in class Ssi
Adds HTTP headers to specify that the Response needs to be parsed for Surrogate.
SurrogateInterface::addSurrogateCapability() — Method in class SurrogateInterface
Adds Surrogate-capability to the given Request.
SurrogateInterface::addSurrogateControl() — Method in class SurrogateInterface
Adds HTTP headers to specify that the Response needs to be parsed for Surrogate.
Profile::addChild() — Method in class Profile
Adds the child token.
Profile::addCollector() — Method in class Profile
Adds a Collector.
Profiler::all() — Method in class Profiler
Gets the Collectors associated with this profiler.
Profiler::add() — Method in class Profiler
Adds a Collector.
Collator::asort() — Method in class Collator
Sort array maintaining index association.
AbstractDataGeneratorClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Intl\Data\Generator
The rule for compiling the currency bundle.
GeneratorConfig::addBundleWriter() — Method in class GeneratorConfig
Adds a writer to be used during the data conversion.
ArrayAccessibleResourceBundleClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Intl\Data\Util
Work-around for a bug in PHP's \ResourceBundle implementation.
AmPmTransformerClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Intl\DateFormatter\DateFormat
Parser and formatter for AM/PM markers format.
Locale::acceptFromHttp() — Method in class Locale
Not supported. Returns the best available locale based on HTTP "Accept-Language" header according to RFC 2616.
AbstractConnectionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Ldap\Adapter
AbstractQueryClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Ldap\Adapter
AdapterInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Ldap\Adapter
EntryManagerInterface::add() — Method in class EntryManagerInterface
Adds a new entry in the Ldap server.
AdapterClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Ldap\Adapter\ExtLdap
EntryManager::add() — Method in class EntryManager
Adds a new entry in the Ldap server.
EntryManager::addAttributeValues() — Method in class EntryManager
Adds values to an entry's multi-valued attribute from the LDAP server.
EntryManager::applyOperations() — Method in class EntryManager
Lock::acquire() — Method in class Lock
Acquires the lock. If the lock is acquired by someone else, the parameter blocking determines whether or not the call should block until the release of the lock.
LockInterface::acquire() — Method in class LockInterface
Acquires the lock. If the lock is acquired by someone else, the parameter blocking determines whether or not the call should block until the release of the lock.
Envelope::all() — Method in class Envelope
$MessageBus#aggregateProperty in class MessageBus
ActivationMiddlewareClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Messenger\Middleware
Execute the inner middleware according to an activation strategy.
AmqpFactoryClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Messenger\Transport\AmqpExt
AmqpReceiverClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Messenger\Transport\AmqpExt
Symfony Messenger receiver to get messages from AMQP brokers using PHP's AMQP extension.
AmqpSenderClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Messenger\Transport\AmqpExt
Symfony Messenger sender to send messages to AMQP brokers using PHP's AMQP extension.
AmqpTransportClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Messenger\Transport\AmqpExt
AmqpTransportFactoryClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Messenger\Transport\AmqpExt
Connection::ack() — Method in class Connection
AccessExceptionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\OptionsResolver\Exception
Thrown when trying to read an option outside of or write it inside of {@link \Symfony\Component\OptionsResolver\Options::resolve()}.
OptionsResolver::addAllowedValues() — Method in class OptionsResolver
Adds allowed values for an option.
OptionsResolver::addAllowedTypes() — Method in class OptionsResolver
Adds allowed types for an option.
ExecutableFinder::addSuffix() — Method in class ExecutableFinder
Adds new possible suffix to check for executable.
AbstractPipesClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Process\Pipes
PipesInterface::areOpen() — Method in class PipesInterface
Returns if the current state has open file handles or pipes.
UnixPipes::areOpen() — Method in class UnixPipes
Returns if the current state has open file handles or pipes.
WindowsPipes::areOpen() — Method in class WindowsPipes
Returns if the current state has open file handles or pipes.
Process::addOutput() — Method in class Process
Adds a line to the STDOUT stream.
Process::addErrorOutput() — Method in class Process
Adds a line to the STDERR stream.
AccessExceptionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\PropertyAccess\Exception
Thrown when a property path is not available.
PropertyPathBuilder::append() — Method in class PropertyPathBuilder
Appends a (sub-) path to the current path.
PropertyPathBuilder::appendIndex() — Method in class PropertyPathBuilder
Appends an index element to the current path.
PropertyPathBuilder::appendProperty() — Method in class PropertyPathBuilder
Appends a property element to the current path.
$MethodNotAllowedException#allowedMethodsProperty in class MethodNotAllowedException
AnnotationClassLoaderClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Routing\Loader
AnnotationClassLoader loads routing information from a PHP class and its methods.
AnnotationClassLoader::addRoute() — Method in class AnnotationClassLoader
AnnotationDirectoryLoaderClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Routing\Loader
AnnotationDirectoryLoader loads routing information from annotations set on PHP classes and methods.
AnnotationFileLoaderClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Routing\Loader
AnnotationFileLoader loads routing information from annotations set on a PHP class and its methods.
AddTraitClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Routing\Loader\Configurator\Traits
AddTrait::add() — Method in class AddTrait
Adds a route.
PhpMatcherDumper::addExpressionLanguageProvider() — Method in class PhpMatcherDumper
StaticPrefixCollection::addRoute() — Method in class StaticPrefixCollection
Adds a route to a group.
$UrlMatcher#allowProperty in class UrlMatcher
Collects HTTP methods that would be allowed for the request.
$UrlMatcher#allowSchemesProperty in class UrlMatcher
Collects URI schemes that would be allowed for the request.
UrlMatcher::addExpressionLanguageProvider() — Method in class UrlMatcher
Route::addOptions() — Method in class Route
Adds options.
Route::addDefaults() — Method in class Route
Adds defaults.
Route::addRequirements() — Method in class Route
Adds requirements.
RouteCollection::add() — Method in class RouteCollection
Adds a route.
RouteCollection::all() — Method in class RouteCollection
Returns all routes in this collection.
RouteCollection::addCollection() — Method in class RouteCollection
Adds a route collection at the end of the current set by appending all routes of the added collection.
RouteCollection::addPrefix() — Method in class RouteCollection
Adds a prefix to the path of all child routes.
RouteCollection::addNamePrefix() — Method in class RouteCollection
Adds a prefix to the name of all the routes within in the collection.
RouteCollection::addDefaults() — Method in class RouteCollection
Adds defaults to all routes.
RouteCollection::addRequirements() — Method in class RouteCollection
Adds requirements to all routes.
RouteCollection::addOptions() — Method in class RouteCollection
Adds options to all routes.
RouteCollection::addResource() — Method in class RouteCollection
Adds a resource for this collection. If the resource already exists it is not added.
RouteCollectionBuilder::add() — Method in class RouteCollectionBuilder
Adds a route and returns it for future modification.
RouteCollectionBuilder::addRoute() — Method in class RouteCollectionBuilder
Adds a Route object to the builder.
Router::addExpressionLanguageProvider() — Method in class Router
AuthenticationEventsClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Security\Core
AuthenticationManagerInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Authentication
AuthenticationManagerInterface is the interface for authentication managers, which process Token authentication.
AuthenticationManagerInterface::authenticate() — Method in class AuthenticationManagerInterface
Attempts to authenticate a TokenInterface object.
AuthenticationProviderManagerClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Authentication
AuthenticationProviderManager uses a list of AuthenticationProviderInterface instances to authenticate a Token.
AuthenticationProviderManager::authenticate() — Method in class AuthenticationProviderManager
Attempts to authenticate a TokenInterface object.
AuthenticationTrustResolverClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Authentication
The default implementation of the authentication trust resolver.
AuthenticationTrustResolverInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Authentication
Interface for resolving the authentication status of a given token.
AnonymousAuthenticationProviderClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Authentication\Provider
AnonymousAuthenticationProvider validates AnonymousToken instances.
AnonymousAuthenticationProvider::authenticate() — Method in class AnonymousAuthenticationProvider
Attempts to authenticate a TokenInterface object.
AuthenticationProviderInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Authentication\Provider
AuthenticationProviderInterface is the interface for all authentication providers.
PreAuthenticatedAuthenticationProvider::authenticate() — Method in class PreAuthenticatedAuthenticationProvider
Attempts to authenticate a TokenInterface object.
RememberMeAuthenticationProvider::authenticate() — Method in class RememberMeAuthenticationProvider
Attempts to authenticate a TokenInterface object.
SimpleAuthenticationProvider::authenticate() — Method in class SimpleAuthenticationProvider
Attempts to authenticate a TokenInterface object.
UserAuthenticationProvider::authenticate() — Method in class UserAuthenticationProvider
Attempts to authenticate a TokenInterface object.
SimpleAuthenticatorInterface::authenticateToken() — Method in class SimpleAuthenticatorInterface
AbstractTokenClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Authentication\Token
Base class for Token instances.
AnonymousTokenClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Authentication\Token
AnonymousToken represents an anonymous token.
AccessDecisionManagerClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Authorization
AccessDecisionManager is the base class for all access decision managers that use decision voters.
AccessDecisionManagerInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Authorization
AccessDecisionManagerInterface makes authorization decisions.
AuthorizationCheckerClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Authorization
AuthorizationChecker is the main authorization point of the Security component.
AuthorizationCheckerInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Authorization
The AuthorizationCheckerInterface.
TraceableAccessDecisionManager::addVoterVote() — Method in class TraceableAccessDecisionManager
Adds voter vote and class to the voter details.
AuthenticatedVoterClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Authorization\Voter
ExpressionVoter::addExpressionLanguageProvider() — Method in class ExpressionVoter
Argon2iPasswordEncoderClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Encoder
Argon2iPasswordEncoder uses the Argon2i hashing algorithm.
AuthenticationEventClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Event
This is a general purpose authentication event.
AuthenticationFailureEventClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Event
This event is dispatched on authentication failure.
AccessDeniedExceptionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Exception
AccessDeniedException is thrown when the account has not the required role.
AccountExpiredExceptionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Exception
AccountExpiredException is thrown when the user account has expired.
AccountStatusExceptionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Exception
AccountStatusException is the base class for authentication exceptions caused by the user account status.
AuthenticationCredentialsNotFoundExceptionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Exception
AuthenticationCredentialsNotFoundException is thrown when an authentication is rejected because no Token is available.
AuthenticationExceptionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Exception
AuthenticationException is the base class for all authentication exceptions.
AuthenticationExpiredExceptionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Exception
AuthenticationServiceException is thrown when an authenticated token becomes un-authenticated between requests.
AuthenticationServiceExceptionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Exception
AuthenticationServiceException is thrown when an authentication request could not be processed due to a system problem.
AdvancedUserInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Security\Core\User
Adds extra features to a user class related to account status flags.
AbstractGuardAuthenticatorClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Security\Guard
An optional base class that creates a PostAuthenticationGuardToken for you.
AuthenticatorInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Security\Guard
The interface for all "guard" authenticators.
AbstractFormLoginAuthenticatorClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Security\Guard\Authenticator
A base class to make form login authentication easier!
GuardAuthenticatorHandler::authenticateWithToken() — Method in class GuardAuthenticatorHandler
Authenticates the given token in the system.
GuardAuthenticatorHandler::authenticateUserAndHandleSuccess() — Method in class GuardAuthenticatorHandler
Convenience method for authenticating the user and returning the Response if any for success.
GuardAuthenticationProvider::authenticate() — Method in class GuardAuthenticationProvider
Finds the correct authenticator for the token and calls it.
AccessMapClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Security\Http
AccessMap allows configuration of different access control rules for specific parts of the website.
AccessMap::add() — Method in class AccessMap
AccessMapInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Security\Http
AccessMap allows configuration of different access control rules for specific parts of the website.
AuthenticationFailureHandlerInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Security\Http\Authentication
Interface for custom authentication failure handlers.
AuthenticationSuccessHandlerInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Security\Http\Authentication
Interface for a custom authentication success handler.
AuthenticationUtilsClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Security\Http\Authentication
Extracts Security Errors from Request.
AccessDeniedHandlerInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Security\Http\Authorization
This is used by the ExceptionListener to translate an AccessDeniedException to a Response object.
AuthenticationEntryPointInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Security\Http\EntryPoint
Implement this interface for any classes that will be called to "start" the authentication process (see method for more details).
FirewallMap::add() — Method in class FirewallMap
AbstractAuthenticationListenerClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Security\Http\Firewall
The AbstractAuthenticationListener is the preferred base class for all browser-/HTTP-based authentication requests.
$AbstractAuthenticationListener#authenticationManagerProperty in class AbstractAuthenticationListener
AbstractAuthenticationListener::attemptAuthentication() — Method in class AbstractAuthenticationListener
Performs authentication.
AbstractPreAuthenticatedListenerClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Security\Http\Firewall
AbstractPreAuthenticatedListener is the base class for all listener that authenticates users based on a pre-authenticated request (like a certificate for instance).
AccessListenerClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Security\Http\Firewall
AccessListener enforces access control rules.
AnonymousAuthenticationListenerClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Security\Http\Firewall
AnonymousAuthenticationListener automatically adds a Token if none is already present.
LogoutListener::addHandler() — Method in class LogoutListener
SimpleFormAuthenticationListener::attemptAuthentication() — Method in class SimpleFormAuthenticationListener
Performs authentication.
UsernamePasswordFormAuthenticationListener::attemptAuthentication() — Method in class UsernamePasswordFormAuthenticationListener
Performs authentication.
AbstractRememberMeServicesClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Security\Http\RememberMe
Base class implementing the RememberMeServicesInterface.
AbstractRememberMeServices::autoLogin() — Method in class AbstractRememberMeServices
Implementation of RememberMeServicesInterface. Detects whether a remember-me cookie was set, decodes it, and hands it to subclasses for further processing.
RememberMeServicesInterface::autoLogin() — Method in class RememberMeServicesInterface
This method will be called whenever the TokenStorage does not contain a TokenInterface object and the framework wishes to provide an implementation with an opportunity to authenticate the request using remember-me capabilities.
XmlEncoder::appendXMLString() — Method in class XmlEncoder
XmlEncoder::appendText() — Method in class XmlEncoder
XmlEncoder::appendCData() — Method in class XmlEncoder
XmlEncoder::appendDocumentFragment() — Method in class XmlEncoder
XmlEncoder::appendComment() — Method in class XmlEncoder
AttributeMetadataClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Serializer\Mapping
AttributeMetadata::addGroup() — Method in class AttributeMetadata
Adds this attribute to the given group.
AttributeMetadataInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Serializer\Mapping
Stores metadata needed for serializing and deserializing attributes.
AttributeMetadataInterface::addGroup() — Method in class AttributeMetadataInterface
Adds this attribute to the given group.
$ClassMetadata#attributesMetadataProperty in class ClassMetadata
ClassMetadata::addAttributeMetadata() — Method in class ClassMetadata
Adds an {@link AttributeMetadataInterface}.
ClassMetadataInterface::addAttributeMetadata() — Method in class ClassMetadataInterface
Adds an {@link AttributeMetadataInterface}.
AnnotationLoaderClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Serializer\Mapping\Loader
Annotation loader.
AdvancedNameConverterInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Serializer\NameConverter
Gives access to the class, the format and the context in the property name converters.
AbstractNormalizerClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Serializer\Normalizer
Normalizer implementation.
AbstractObjectNormalizerClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Serializer\Normalizer
Base class for a normalizer dealing with objects.
ArrayDenormalizerClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Serializer\Normalizer
Denormalizes arrays of objects.
DelegatingEngine::addEngine() — Method in class DelegatingEngine
ChainLoader::addLoader() — Method in class ChainLoader
Adds a loader instance.
PhpEngine::addHelpers() — Method in class PhpEngine
Adds some helpers.
PhpEngine::addGlobal() — Method in class PhpEngine
TemplateReference::all() — Method in class TemplateReference
Gets the template parameters.
TemplateReferenceInterface::all() — Method in class TemplateReferenceInterface
Gets the template parameters.
AbstractOperationClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Translation\Catalogue
Base catalogues binary operation class.
AbstractFileExtractorClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Translation\Extractor
Base class used by classes that extract translation messages from files.
ChainExtractor::addExtractor() — Method in class ChainExtractor
Adds a loader to the translation extractor.
ArrayLoaderClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Translation\Loader
ArrayLoader loads translations from a PHP array.
MessageCatalogue::all() — Method in class MessageCatalogue
Gets the messages within a given domain.
MessageCatalogue::add() — Method in class MessageCatalogue
Adds translations for a given domain.
MessageCatalogue::addCatalogue() — Method in class MessageCatalogue
Merges translations from the given Catalogue into the current one.
MessageCatalogue::addFallbackCatalogue() — Method in class MessageCatalogue
Merges translations from the given Catalogue into the current one only when the translation does not exist.
MessageCatalogue::addResource() — Method in class MessageCatalogue
Adds a resource for this collection.
MessageCatalogueInterface::all() — Method in class MessageCatalogueInterface
Gets the messages within a given domain.
MessageCatalogueInterface::add() — Method in class MessageCatalogueInterface
Adds translations for a given domain.
MessageCatalogueInterface::addCatalogue() — Method in class MessageCatalogueInterface
Merges translations from the given Catalogue into the current one.
MessageCatalogueInterface::addFallbackCatalogue() — Method in class MessageCatalogueInterface
Merges translations from the given Catalogue into the current one only when the translation does not exist.
MessageCatalogueInterface::addResource() — Method in class MessageCatalogueInterface
Adds a resource for this collection.
TranslationReader::addLoader() — Method in class TranslationReader
Adds a loader to the translation extractor.
Translator::addLoader() — Method in class Translator
Adds a Loader.
Translator::addResource() — Method in class Translator
Adds a Resource.
Translator::assertValidLocale() — Method in class Translator
Asserts that the locale is valid, throws an Exception if not.
ArrayConverterClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Translation\Util
ArrayConverter generates tree like structure from a message catalogue.
TranslationWriter::addDumper() — Method in class TranslationWriter
Adds a dumper to the writer.
Constraint::addImplicitGroupName() — Method in class Constraint
Adds the given group if this constraint is in the Default group.
ConstraintViolationList::add() — Method in class ConstraintViolationList
Adds a constraint violation to this list.
ConstraintViolationList::addAll() — Method in class ConstraintViolationList
Merges an existing violation list into this list.
ConstraintViolationListInterface::add() — Method in class ConstraintViolationListInterface
Adds a constraint violation to this list.
ConstraintViolationListInterface::addAll() — Method in class ConstraintViolationListInterface
Merges an existing violation list into this list.
AbstractComparisonClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints
Used for the comparison of values.
AbstractComparisonValidatorClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints
Provides a base class for the validation of property comparisons.
AllClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints
AllValidatorClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints
$Collection#allowExtraFieldsProperty in class Collection
$Collection#allowMissingFieldsProperty in class Collection
Composite::addImplicitGroupName() — Method in class Composite
Adds the given group if this constraint is in the Default group.
$Image#allowSquareProperty in class Image
$Image#allowLandscapeProperty in class Image
$Image#allowPortraitProperty in class Image
$Image#allowSquareMessageProperty in class Image
$Image#allowLandscapeMessageProperty in class Image
$Image#allowPortraitMessageProperty in class Image
Valid::addImplicitGroupName() — Method in class Valid
Adds the given group if this constraint is in the Default group.
ExecutionContext::addViolation() — Method in class ExecutionContext
Adds a violation at the current node of the validation graph.
ExecutionContextInterface::addViolation() — Method in class ExecutionContextInterface
Adds a violation at the current node of the validation graph.
AddConstraintValidatorsPassClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Validator\DependencyInjection
AddValidatorInitializersPassClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Validator\DependencyInjection
ClassMetadata::addConstraint() — Method in class ClassMetadata
Adds a constraint.
ClassMetadata::addPropertyConstraint() — Method in class ClassMetadata
Adds a constraint to the given property.
ClassMetadata::addPropertyConstraints() — Method in class ClassMetadata
ClassMetadata::addGetterConstraint() — Method in class ClassMetadata
Adds a constraint to the getter of the given property.
ClassMetadata::addGetterMethodConstraint() — Method in class ClassMetadata
Adds a constraint to the getter of the given property.
ClassMetadata::addGetterConstraints() — Method in class ClassMetadata
ClassMetadata::addGetterMethodConstraints() — Method in class ClassMetadata
GenericMetadata::addConstraint() — Method in class GenericMetadata
Adds a constraint.
GenericMetadata::addConstraints() — Method in class GenericMetadata
Adds an list of constraints.
AbstractLoaderClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Validator\Mapping\Loader
Base loader for validation metadata.
AbstractLoader::addNamespaceAlias() — Method in class AbstractLoader
Adds a namespace alias.
AnnotationLoaderClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Validator\Mapping\Loader
Loads validation metadata using a Doctrine annotation {@link Reader}.
MemberMetadata::addConstraint() — Method in class MemberMetadata
Adds a constraint.
ConstraintValidatorTestCase::assertNoViolation() — Method in class ConstraintValidatorTestCase
ConstraintViolationAssertion::atPath() — Method in class ConstraintViolationAssertion
ConstraintViolationAssertion::assertRaised() — Method in class ConstraintViolationAssertion
PropertyPath::append() — Method in class PropertyPath
Appends a path to a given property path.
ValidatorBuilder::addObjectInitializer() — Method in class ValidatorBuilder
Adds an object initializer to the validator.
ValidatorBuilder::addObjectInitializers() — Method in class ValidatorBuilder
Adds a list of object initializers to the validator.
ValidatorBuilder::addXmlMapping() — Method in class ValidatorBuilder
Adds an XML constraint mapping file to the validator.
ValidatorBuilder::addXmlMappings() — Method in class ValidatorBuilder
Adds a list of XML constraint mapping files to the validator.
ValidatorBuilder::addYamlMapping() — Method in class ValidatorBuilder
Adds a YAML constraint mapping file to the validator.
ValidatorBuilder::addYamlMappings() — Method in class ValidatorBuilder
Adds a list of YAML constraint mappings file to the validator.
ValidatorBuilder::addMethodMapping() — Method in class ValidatorBuilder
Enables constraint mapping using the given static method.
ValidatorBuilder::addMethodMappings() — Method in class ValidatorBuilder
Enables constraint mapping using the given static methods.
ValidatorBuilder::addLoader() — Method in class ValidatorBuilder
ValidatorBuilderInterface::addObjectInitializer() — Method in class ValidatorBuilderInterface
Adds an object initializer to the validator.
ValidatorBuilderInterface::addObjectInitializers() — Method in class ValidatorBuilderInterface
Adds a list of object initializers to the validator.
ValidatorBuilderInterface::addXmlMapping() — Method in class ValidatorBuilderInterface
Adds an XML constraint mapping file to the validator.
ValidatorBuilderInterface::addXmlMappings() — Method in class ValidatorBuilderInterface
Adds a list of XML constraint mapping files to the validator.
ValidatorBuilderInterface::addYamlMapping() — Method in class ValidatorBuilderInterface
Adds a YAML constraint mapping file to the validator.
ValidatorBuilderInterface::addYamlMappings() — Method in class ValidatorBuilderInterface
Adds a list of YAML constraint mappings file to the validator.
ValidatorBuilderInterface::addMethodMapping() — Method in class ValidatorBuilderInterface
Enables constraint mapping using the given static method.
ValidatorBuilderInterface::addMethodMappings() — Method in class ValidatorBuilderInterface
Enables constraint mapping using the given static methods.
ContextualValidatorInterface::atPath() — Method in class ContextualValidatorInterface
Appends the given path to the property path of the context.
RecursiveContextualValidator::atPath() — Method in class RecursiveContextualValidator
Appends the given path to the property path of the context.
ConstraintViolationBuilder::atPath() — Method in class ConstraintViolationBuilder
Stores the property path at which the violation should be generated.
ConstraintViolationBuilder::addViolation() — Method in class ConstraintViolationBuilder
Adds the violation to the current execution context.
ConstraintViolationBuilderInterface::atPath() — Method in class ConstraintViolationBuilderInterface
Stores the property path at which the violation should be generated.
ConstraintViolationBuilderInterface::addViolation() — Method in class ConstraintViolationBuilderInterface
Adds the violation to the current execution context.
AmqpCasterClass in namespace Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Caster
Casts Amqp related classes to array representation.
ArgsStubClass in namespace Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Caster
Represents a list of function arguments.
AbstractClonerClass in namespace Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Cloner
AbstractCloner implements a generic caster mechanism for objects and resources.
AbstractCloner::addCasters() — Method in class AbstractCloner
Adds casters for resources and objects.
$Cursor#attrProperty in class Cursor
$Stub#attrProperty in class Stub
AbstractDumperClass in namespace Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Dumper
Abstract mechanism for dumping a Data object.
VarDumperTestTrait::assertDumpEquals() — Method in class VarDumperTestTrait
VarDumperTestTrait::assertDumpMatchesFormat() — Method in class VarDumperTestTrait
AddLinkHeaderListenerClass in namespace Symfony\Component\WebLink\EventListener
Adds the Link HTTP header to the response.
DefinitionBuilder::addPlace() — Method in class DefinitionBuilder
DefinitionBuilder::addPlaces() — Method in class DefinitionBuilder
DefinitionBuilder::addTransitions() — Method in class DefinitionBuilder
DefinitionBuilder::addTransition() — Method in class DefinitionBuilder
GraphvizDumper::addPlaces() — Method in class GraphvizDumper
GraphvizDumper::addTransitions() — Method in class GraphvizDumper
GraphvizDumper::addEdges() — Method in class GraphvizDumper
StateMachineGraphvizDumper::addEdges() — Method in class StateMachineGraphvizDumper
AuditTrailListenerClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Workflow\EventListener
GuardEvent::addTransitionBlocker() — Method in class GuardEvent
Registry::add() — Method in class Registry
Registry::addWorkflow() — Method in class Registry
Registry::all() — Method in class Registry
TransitionBlockerList::add() — Method in class TransitionBlockerList
Workflow::apply() — Method in class Workflow
Fire a transition.
WorkflowInterface::apply() — Method in class WorkflowInterface
Fire a transition.


DoctrineType::buildForm() — Method in class DoctrineType
Builds the form.
DebugBundle::boot() — Method in class DebugBundle
Boots the Bundle.
DebugBundle::build() — Method in class DebugBundle
Builds the bundle.
ControllerNameParser::build() — Method in class ControllerNameParser
Converts a class::method notation to a short one (a:b:c).
FrameworkBundle::boot() — Method in class FrameworkBundle
Boots the Bundle.
FrameworkBundle::build() — Method in class FrameworkBundle
Builds the bundle.
FormHelper::block() — Method in class FormHelper
Renders a block of the template.
KernelTestCase::bootKernel() — Method in class KernelTestCase
Boots the Kernel for this test.
SecurityBundle::build() — Method in class SecurityBundle
Builds the bundle.
TwigBundle::build() — Method in class TwigBundle
Builds the bundle.
WebProfilerBundle::boot() — Method in class WebProfilerBundle
Boots the Bundle.
Client::back() — Method in class Client
Goes back in the browser history.
BadMethodCallExceptionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\BrowserKit\Exception
History::back() — Method in class History
Goes back in the history.
Response::buildHeader() — Method in class Response
Returns the build header line.
BaseNodeClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Config\Definition
The base node class.
BooleanNodeClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Config\Definition
This node represents a Boolean value in the config tree.
ArrayNodeDefinition::booleanPrototype() — Method in class ArrayNodeDefinition
BooleanNodeDefinitionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Config\Definition\Builder
This class provides a fluent interface for defining a node.
BuilderAwareInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Config\Definition\Builder
An interface that can be implemented by nodes which build other nodes.
ExprBuilder::buildExpressions() — Method in class ExprBuilder
Builds the expressions.
NodeBuilder::booleanNode() — Method in class NodeBuilder
Creates a child Boolean node.
NodeDefinition::beforeNormalization() — Method in class NodeDefinition
Sets an expression to run before the normalization.
$NormalizationBuilder#beforeProperty in class NormalizationBuilder
NormalizationBuilder::before() — Method in class NormalizationBuilder
Registers a closure to run before the normalization or an expression builder to build it if null is provided.
TreeBuilder::buildTree() — Method in class TreeBuilder
Builds the tree.
Input::bind() — Method in class Input
Binds the current Input instance with the given arguments and options.
InputInterface::bind() — Method in class InputInterface
Binds the current Input instance with the given arguments and options.
BufferedOutputClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Console\Output
SymfonyStyle::block() — Method in class SymfonyStyle
Formats a message as a block of text.
BufferingLoggerClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Debug
A buffering logger that stacks logs for later.
BoundArgumentClass in namespace Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Argument
BadMethodCallExceptionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Exception
Base BadMethodCallException for Dependency Injection component.
BindTraitClass in namespace Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Loader\Configurator\Traits
BindTrait::bind() — Method in class BindTrait
Sets bindings.
BinaryNodeClass in namespace Symfony\Component\ExpressionLanguage\Node
AbstractType::buildForm() — Method in class AbstractType
Builds the form.
AbstractType::buildView() — Method in class AbstractType
Builds the form view.
AbstractTypeExtension::buildForm() — Method in class AbstractTypeExtension
Builds the form.
AbstractTypeExtension::buildView() — Method in class AbstractTypeExtension
Builds the view.
ButtonClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Form
A form button.
ButtonBuilderClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Form
A builder for {@link Button} instances.
ButtonTypeInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Form
A type that should be converted into a {@link Button} instance.
BadMethodCallExceptionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Form\Exception
Base BadMethodCallException for the Form component.
BaseDateTimeTransformerClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\DataTransformer
BooleanToStringTransformerClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\DataTransformer
Transforms between a Boolean and a string.
BaseTypeClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type
Encapsulates common logic of {@link FormType} and {@link ButtonType}.
BaseType::buildForm() — Method in class BaseType
Builds the form.
BaseType::buildView() — Method in class BaseType
Builds the form view.
BirthdayTypeClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type
ButtonTypeClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type
A form button.
CheckboxType::buildForm() — Method in class CheckboxType
Builds the form.
CheckboxType::buildView() — Method in class CheckboxType
Builds the form view.
ChoiceType::buildForm() — Method in class ChoiceType
Builds the form.
ChoiceType::buildView() — Method in class ChoiceType
Builds the form view.
CollectionType::buildForm() — Method in class CollectionType
Builds the form.
CollectionType::buildView() — Method in class CollectionType
Builds the form view.
DateIntervalType::buildForm() — Method in class DateIntervalType
Builds the form.
DateIntervalType::buildView() — Method in class DateIntervalType
Builds the form view.
DateTimeType::buildForm() — Method in class DateTimeType
Builds the form.
DateTimeType::buildView() — Method in class DateTimeType
Builds the form view.
DateType::buildForm() — Method in class DateType
Builds the form.
FileType::buildForm() — Method in class FileType
Builds the form.
FileType::buildView() — Method in class FileType
Builds the form view.
FormType::buildForm() — Method in class FormType
Builds the form.
FormType::buildView() — Method in class FormType
Builds the form view.
IntegerType::buildForm() — Method in class IntegerType
Builds the form.
MoneyType::buildForm() — Method in class MoneyType
Builds the form.
MoneyType::buildView() — Method in class MoneyType
Builds the form view.
NumberType::buildForm() — Method in class NumberType
Builds the form.
PasswordType::buildView() — Method in class PasswordType
Builds the form view.
PercentType::buildForm() — Method in class PercentType
Builds the form.
RepeatedType::buildForm() — Method in class RepeatedType
Builds the form.
SubmitType::buildView() — Method in class SubmitType
Builds the form view.
TextType::buildForm() — Method in class TextType
Builds the form.
TextareaType::buildView() — Method in class TextareaType
Builds the form view.
TimeType::buildForm() — Method in class TimeType
Builds the form.
TimeType::buildView() — Method in class TimeType
Builds the form view.
TimezoneType::buildForm() — Method in class TimezoneType
Builds the form.
TransformationFailureExtension::buildForm() — Method in class TransformationFailureExtension
Builds the form.
UrlType::buildForm() — Method in class UrlType
Builds the form.
FormTypeCsrfExtension::buildForm() — Method in class FormTypeCsrfExtension
Adds a CSRF field to the form when the CSRF protection is enabled.
FormDataCollector::buildPreliminaryFormTree() — Method in class FormDataCollector
Assembles the data collected about the given form and its children as a tree-like data structure.
FormDataCollector::buildFinalFormTree() — Method in class FormDataCollector
Assembles the data collected about the given form and its children as a tree-like data structure.
FormDataCollectorInterface::buildPreliminaryFormTree() — Method in class FormDataCollectorInterface
Assembles the data collected about the given form and its children as a tree-like data structure.
FormDataCollectorInterface::buildFinalFormTree() — Method in class FormDataCollectorInterface
Assembles the data collected about the given form and its children as a tree-like data structure.
ResolvedTypeDataCollectorProxy::buildForm() — Method in class ResolvedTypeDataCollectorProxy
Configures a form builder for the type hierarchy.
ResolvedTypeDataCollectorProxy::buildView() — Method in class ResolvedTypeDataCollectorProxy
Configures a form view for the type hierarchy.
DataCollectorTypeExtension::buildForm() — Method in class DataCollectorTypeExtension
Builds the form.
FormTypeHttpFoundationExtension::buildForm() — Method in class FormTypeHttpFoundationExtension
Builds the form.
BaseValidatorExtensionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Validator\Type
Encapsulates common logic of {@link FormTypeValidatorExtension} and {@link SubmitTypeValidatorExtension}.
FormTypeValidatorExtension::buildForm() — Method in class FormTypeValidatorExtension
Builds the form.
FormTypeExtensionInterface::buildForm() — Method in class FormTypeExtensionInterface
Builds the form.
FormTypeExtensionInterface::buildView() — Method in class FormTypeExtensionInterface
Builds the view.
FormTypeInterface::buildForm() — Method in class FormTypeInterface
Builds the form.
FormTypeInterface::buildView() — Method in class FormTypeInterface
Builds the form view.
ResolvedFormType::buildForm() — Method in class ResolvedFormType
Configures a form builder for the type hierarchy.
ResolvedFormType::buildView() — Method in class ResolvedFormType
Configures a form view for the type hierarchy.
ResolvedFormTypeInterface::buildForm() — Method in class ResolvedFormTypeInterface
Configures a form builder for the type hierarchy.
ResolvedFormTypeInterface::buildView() — Method in class ResolvedFormTypeInterface
Configures a form view for the type hierarchy.
$TypeTestCase#builderProperty in class TypeTestCase
BinaryFileResponseClass in namespace Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation
BinaryFileResponse represents an HTTP response delivering a file.
$Request#baseUrlProperty in class Request
$Request#basePathProperty in class Request
$MockArraySessionStorage#bagsProperty in class MockArraySessionStorage
$NativeSessionStorage#bagsProperty in class NativeSessionStorage
BundleClass in namespace Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Bundle
An implementation of BundleInterface that adds a few conventions for DependencyInjection extensions and Console commands.
Bundle::boot() — Method in class Bundle
Boots the Bundle.
Bundle::build() — Method in class Bundle
Builds the bundle.
BundleInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Bundle
BundleInterface::boot() — Method in class BundleInterface
Boots the Bundle.
BundleInterface::build() — Method in class BundleInterface
Builds the bundle.
BadRequestHttpExceptionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Exception
$Kernel#bundlesProperty in class Kernel
$Kernel#bootedProperty in class Kernel
Kernel::boot() — Method in class Kernel
Boots the current kernel.
Kernel::build() — Method in class Kernel
The extension point similar to the Bundle::build() method.
Kernel::buildContainer() — Method in class Kernel
Builds the service container.
KernelInterface::boot() — Method in class KernelInterface
Boots the current kernel.
BundleCompilerInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Intl\Data\Bundle\Compiler
Compiles a resource bundle.
BufferedBundleReaderClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Intl\Data\Bundle\Reader
BundleEntryReaderClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Intl\Data\Bundle\Reader
Default implementation of {@link BundleEntryReaderInterface}.
BundleEntryReaderInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Intl\Data\Bundle\Reader
Reads individual entries of a resource file.
BundleReaderInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Intl\Data\Bundle\Reader
Reads resource bundle files.
BundleWriterInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Intl\Data\Bundle\Writer
Writes resource bundle files.
FullTransformer::buildCharsMatch() — Method in class FullTransformer
Builds a chars match regular expression.
BadMethodCallExceptionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Intl\Exception
Base BadMethodCallException for the Intl component.
ConnectionInterface::bind() — Method in class ConnectionInterface
Binds the connection against a DN and password.
Connection::bind() — Method in class Connection
Binds the connection against a DN and password.
Ldap::bind() — Method in class Ldap
Return a connection bound to the ldap.
LdapInterface::bind() — Method in class LdapInterface
Return a connection bound to the ldap.
Process::buildCallback() — Method in class Process
Builds up the callback used by wait().
$Type#builtinTypesProperty in class Type
List of PHP builtin types.
RouteCollectionBuilder::build() — Method in class RouteCollectionBuilder
Creates the final RouteCollection and returns it.
BCryptPasswordEncoderClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Encoder
BasePasswordEncoderClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Encoder
BasePasswordEncoder is the base class for all password encoders.
BadCredentialsExceptionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Exception
BadCredentialsException is thrown when the user credentials are invalid.
RoleHierarchy::buildRoleMap() — Method in class RoleHierarchy
BasicAuthenticationEntryPointClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Security\Http\EntryPoint
BasicAuthenticationEntryPoint starts an HTTP Basic authentication.
BasicAuthenticationListenerClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Security\Http\Firewall
BasicAuthenticationListener implements Basic HTTP authentication.
BadMethodCallExceptionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Serializer\Exception
BicClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints
BicValidatorClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints
BlankClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints
BlankValidatorClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints
$File#binaryFormatProperty in class File
$Isbn#bothIsbnMessageProperty in class Isbn
ExecutionContext::buildViolation() — Method in class ExecutionContext
Returns a builder for adding a violation with extended information.
ExecutionContextInterface::buildViolation() — Method in class ExecutionContextInterface
Returns a builder for adding a violation with extended information.
BadMethodCallExceptionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Validator\Exception
Base BadMethodCallException for the Validator component.
BlackHoleMetadataFactoryClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Validator\Mapping\Factory
Metadata factory that does not store metadata.
ConstraintValidatorTestCase::buildViolation() — Method in class ConstraintValidatorTestCase
ConstraintViolationAssertion::buildNextViolation() — Method in class ConstraintViolationAssertion
DefinitionBuilder::build() — Method in class DefinitionBuilder
Workflow::buildTransitionBlockerList() — Method in class Workflow
Builds a TransitionBlockerList to know why a transition is blocked.
WorkflowInterface::buildTransitionBlockerList() — Method in class WorkflowInterface
Builds a TransitionBlockerList to know why a transition is blocked.
__TwigTemplate_209568cee73489a07b58263796efc4cbb8527e4058c3b94f0468e7181d323e06::block_title() — Method in class __TwigTemplate_209568cee73489a07b58263796efc4cbb8527e4058c3b94f0468e7181d323e06
__TwigTemplate_209568cee73489a07b58263796efc4cbb8527e4058c3b94f0468e7181d323e06::block_body_class() — Method in class __TwigTemplate_209568cee73489a07b58263796efc4cbb8527e4058c3b94f0468e7181d323e06
__TwigTemplate_209568cee73489a07b58263796efc4cbb8527e4058c3b94f0468e7181d323e06::block_page_content() — Method in class __TwigTemplate_209568cee73489a07b58263796efc4cbb8527e4058c3b94f0468e7181d323e06
__TwigTemplate_379a33569599b7d16b02e1e22d6920aff20dcd0909ffd334db9fb0f6d88de572::block_title() — Method in class __TwigTemplate_379a33569599b7d16b02e1e22d6920aff20dcd0909ffd334db9fb0f6d88de572
__TwigTemplate_379a33569599b7d16b02e1e22d6920aff20dcd0909ffd334db9fb0f6d88de572::block_body_class() — Method in class __TwigTemplate_379a33569599b7d16b02e1e22d6920aff20dcd0909ffd334db9fb0f6d88de572
__TwigTemplate_379a33569599b7d16b02e1e22d6920aff20dcd0909ffd334db9fb0f6d88de572::block_page_content() — Method in class __TwigTemplate_379a33569599b7d16b02e1e22d6920aff20dcd0909ffd334db9fb0f6d88de572
__TwigTemplate_3a799ab867c09082c92ad841cfac9b8f59c5dca2d62d09aed83bc05f4fb59208::block_body_class() — Method in class __TwigTemplate_3a799ab867c09082c92ad841cfac9b8f59c5dca2d62d09aed83bc05f4fb59208
__TwigTemplate_3ddc07243c5931794b295117e0aa29aaf8684f8957f9573bb7afd48ba4ec557b::block_title() — Method in class __TwigTemplate_3ddc07243c5931794b295117e0aa29aaf8684f8957f9573bb7afd48ba4ec557b
__TwigTemplate_3ddc07243c5931794b295117e0aa29aaf8684f8957f9573bb7afd48ba4ec557b::block_body_class() — Method in class __TwigTemplate_3ddc07243c5931794b295117e0aa29aaf8684f8957f9573bb7afd48ba4ec557b
__TwigTemplate_3ddc07243c5931794b295117e0aa29aaf8684f8957f9573bb7afd48ba4ec557b::block_page_id() — Method in class __TwigTemplate_3ddc07243c5931794b295117e0aa29aaf8684f8957f9573bb7afd48ba4ec557b
__TwigTemplate_3ddc07243c5931794b295117e0aa29aaf8684f8957f9573bb7afd48ba4ec557b::block_below_menu() — Method in class __TwigTemplate_3ddc07243c5931794b295117e0aa29aaf8684f8957f9573bb7afd48ba4ec557b
__TwigTemplate_3ddc07243c5931794b295117e0aa29aaf8684f8957f9573bb7afd48ba4ec557b::block_page_content() — Method in class __TwigTemplate_3ddc07243c5931794b295117e0aa29aaf8684f8957f9573bb7afd48ba4ec557b
__TwigTemplate_489a5c2f784bc7207c64643c1e974c24d5aa1f59c07840e9c9fdcc2ebe0f4049::block_title() — Method in class __TwigTemplate_489a5c2f784bc7207c64643c1e974c24d5aa1f59c07840e9c9fdcc2ebe0f4049
__TwigTemplate_489a5c2f784bc7207c64643c1e974c24d5aa1f59c07840e9c9fdcc2ebe0f4049::block_head() — Method in class __TwigTemplate_489a5c2f784bc7207c64643c1e974c24d5aa1f59c07840e9c9fdcc2ebe0f4049
__TwigTemplate_489a5c2f784bc7207c64643c1e974c24d5aa1f59c07840e9c9fdcc2ebe0f4049::block_html() — Method in class __TwigTemplate_489a5c2f784bc7207c64643c1e974c24d5aa1f59c07840e9c9fdcc2ebe0f4049
__TwigTemplate_489a5c2f784bc7207c64643c1e974c24d5aa1f59c07840e9c9fdcc2ebe0f4049::block_body_class() — Method in class __TwigTemplate_489a5c2f784bc7207c64643c1e974c24d5aa1f59c07840e9c9fdcc2ebe0f4049
__TwigTemplate_489a5c2f784bc7207c64643c1e974c24d5aa1f59c07840e9c9fdcc2ebe0f4049::block_page_id() — Method in class __TwigTemplate_489a5c2f784bc7207c64643c1e974c24d5aa1f59c07840e9c9fdcc2ebe0f4049
__TwigTemplate_489a5c2f784bc7207c64643c1e974c24d5aa1f59c07840e9c9fdcc2ebe0f4049::block_content() — Method in class __TwigTemplate_489a5c2f784bc7207c64643c1e974c24d5aa1f59c07840e9c9fdcc2ebe0f4049
__TwigTemplate_6fc71e2e61a29b206332c5b08c44ad934d04178761881af9825ff8ca1bf415e3::block_title() — Method in class __TwigTemplate_6fc71e2e61a29b206332c5b08c44ad934d04178761881af9825ff8ca1bf415e3
__TwigTemplate_6fc71e2e61a29b206332c5b08c44ad934d04178761881af9825ff8ca1bf415e3::block_body_class() — Method in class __TwigTemplate_6fc71e2e61a29b206332c5b08c44ad934d04178761881af9825ff8ca1bf415e3
__TwigTemplate_6fc71e2e61a29b206332c5b08c44ad934d04178761881af9825ff8ca1bf415e3::block_page_content() — Method in class __TwigTemplate_6fc71e2e61a29b206332c5b08c44ad934d04178761881af9825ff8ca1bf415e3
__TwigTemplate_7307fe7a0f2e1ce51763f8a04a93b3050883b94afacde688f56d7de3575da4d3::block_content() — Method in class __TwigTemplate_7307fe7a0f2e1ce51763f8a04a93b3050883b94afacde688f56d7de3575da4d3
__TwigTemplate_7307fe7a0f2e1ce51763f8a04a93b3050883b94afacde688f56d7de3575da4d3::block_below_menu() — Method in class __TwigTemplate_7307fe7a0f2e1ce51763f8a04a93b3050883b94afacde688f56d7de3575da4d3
__TwigTemplate_7307fe7a0f2e1ce51763f8a04a93b3050883b94afacde688f56d7de3575da4d3::block_page_content() — Method in class __TwigTemplate_7307fe7a0f2e1ce51763f8a04a93b3050883b94afacde688f56d7de3575da4d3
__TwigTemplate_7307fe7a0f2e1ce51763f8a04a93b3050883b94afacde688f56d7de3575da4d3::block_menu() — Method in class __TwigTemplate_7307fe7a0f2e1ce51763f8a04a93b3050883b94afacde688f56d7de3575da4d3
__TwigTemplate_7307fe7a0f2e1ce51763f8a04a93b3050883b94afacde688f56d7de3575da4d3::block_leftnav() — Method in class __TwigTemplate_7307fe7a0f2e1ce51763f8a04a93b3050883b94afacde688f56d7de3575da4d3
__TwigTemplate_7307fe7a0f2e1ce51763f8a04a93b3050883b94afacde688f56d7de3575da4d3::block_control_panel() — Method in class __TwigTemplate_7307fe7a0f2e1ce51763f8a04a93b3050883b94afacde688f56d7de3575da4d3
__TwigTemplate_7307fe7a0f2e1ce51763f8a04a93b3050883b94afacde688f56d7de3575da4d3::block_footer() — Method in class __TwigTemplate_7307fe7a0f2e1ce51763f8a04a93b3050883b94afacde688f56d7de3575da4d3
__TwigTemplate_832f807c6f6861fcd9610dee42e09a3587f5863a2db0b52d40320f9af793f4f1::block_search_index() — Method in class __TwigTemplate_832f807c6f6861fcd9610dee42e09a3587f5863a2db0b52d40320f9af793f4f1
__TwigTemplate_832f807c6f6861fcd9610dee42e09a3587f5863a2db0b52d40320f9af793f4f1::block_search_index_extra() — Method in class __TwigTemplate_832f807c6f6861fcd9610dee42e09a3587f5863a2db0b52d40320f9af793f4f1
__TwigTemplate_832f807c6f6861fcd9610dee42e09a3587f5863a2db0b52d40320f9af793f4f1::block_treejs() — Method in class __TwigTemplate_832f807c6f6861fcd9610dee42e09a3587f5863a2db0b52d40320f9af793f4f1
__TwigTemplate_844fb6cfdea49c0791980478cecd122e9d435447564866a71135cf8343b47bd6::block_title() — Method in class __TwigTemplate_844fb6cfdea49c0791980478cecd122e9d435447564866a71135cf8343b47bd6
__TwigTemplate_844fb6cfdea49c0791980478cecd122e9d435447564866a71135cf8343b47bd6::block_body_class() — Method in class __TwigTemplate_844fb6cfdea49c0791980478cecd122e9d435447564866a71135cf8343b47bd6
__TwigTemplate_844fb6cfdea49c0791980478cecd122e9d435447564866a71135cf8343b47bd6::block_page_content() — Method in class __TwigTemplate_844fb6cfdea49c0791980478cecd122e9d435447564866a71135cf8343b47bd6
__TwigTemplate_8b71541f8f54b85d54ecf5acff00241d7ee7b9d330cf5768fa3cb0e206fad558::block_title() — Method in class __TwigTemplate_8b71541f8f54b85d54ecf5acff00241d7ee7b9d330cf5768fa3cb0e206fad558
__TwigTemplate_8b71541f8f54b85d54ecf5acff00241d7ee7b9d330cf5768fa3cb0e206fad558::block_body_class() — Method in class __TwigTemplate_8b71541f8f54b85d54ecf5acff00241d7ee7b9d330cf5768fa3cb0e206fad558
__TwigTemplate_8b71541f8f54b85d54ecf5acff00241d7ee7b9d330cf5768fa3cb0e206fad558::block_page_content() — Method in class __TwigTemplate_8b71541f8f54b85d54ecf5acff00241d7ee7b9d330cf5768fa3cb0e206fad558
__TwigTemplate_8b71541f8f54b85d54ecf5acff00241d7ee7b9d330cf5768fa3cb0e206fad558::block_js_search() — Method in class __TwigTemplate_8b71541f8f54b85d54ecf5acff00241d7ee7b9d330cf5768fa3cb0e206fad558
__TwigTemplate_b21141e324c1c3d43e26bf06b01f74a3f7a0b0acc4a942ce8a93aadbf59caf94::block_title() — Method in class __TwigTemplate_b21141e324c1c3d43e26bf06b01f74a3f7a0b0acc4a942ce8a93aadbf59caf94
__TwigTemplate_b21141e324c1c3d43e26bf06b01f74a3f7a0b0acc4a942ce8a93aadbf59caf94::block_body_class() — Method in class __TwigTemplate_b21141e324c1c3d43e26bf06b01f74a3f7a0b0acc4a942ce8a93aadbf59caf94
__TwigTemplate_b21141e324c1c3d43e26bf06b01f74a3f7a0b0acc4a942ce8a93aadbf59caf94::block_page_content() — Method in class __TwigTemplate_b21141e324c1c3d43e26bf06b01f74a3f7a0b0acc4a942ce8a93aadbf59caf94
__TwigTemplate_fcf804abc836dd17f7beb221e7962013db7c83d0972becd9b26b85bbf1f1599d::block_title() — Method in class __TwigTemplate_fcf804abc836dd17f7beb221e7962013db7c83d0972becd9b26b85bbf1f1599d
__TwigTemplate_fcf804abc836dd17f7beb221e7962013db7c83d0972becd9b26b85bbf1f1599d::block_body_class() — Method in class __TwigTemplate_fcf804abc836dd17f7beb221e7962013db7c83d0972becd9b26b85bbf1f1599d
__TwigTemplate_fcf804abc836dd17f7beb221e7962013db7c83d0972becd9b26b85bbf1f1599d::block_page_id() — Method in class __TwigTemplate_fcf804abc836dd17f7beb221e7962013db7c83d0972becd9b26b85bbf1f1599d
__TwigTemplate_fcf804abc836dd17f7beb221e7962013db7c83d0972becd9b26b85bbf1f1599d::block_below_menu() — Method in class __TwigTemplate_fcf804abc836dd17f7beb221e7962013db7c83d0972becd9b26b85bbf1f1599d
__TwigTemplate_fcf804abc836dd17f7beb221e7962013db7c83d0972becd9b26b85bbf1f1599d::block_page_content() — Method in class __TwigTemplate_fcf804abc836dd17f7beb221e7962013db7c83d0972becd9b26b85bbf1f1599d
__TwigTemplate_fcf804abc836dd17f7beb221e7962013db7c83d0972becd9b26b85bbf1f1599d::block_class_signature() — Method in class __TwigTemplate_fcf804abc836dd17f7beb221e7962013db7c83d0972becd9b26b85bbf1f1599d
__TwigTemplate_fcf804abc836dd17f7beb221e7962013db7c83d0972becd9b26b85bbf1f1599d::block_method_signature() — Method in class __TwigTemplate_fcf804abc836dd17f7beb221e7962013db7c83d0972becd9b26b85bbf1f1599d
__TwigTemplate_fcf804abc836dd17f7beb221e7962013db7c83d0972becd9b26b85bbf1f1599d::block_method_parameters_signature() — Method in class __TwigTemplate_fcf804abc836dd17f7beb221e7962013db7c83d0972becd9b26b85bbf1f1599d
__TwigTemplate_fcf804abc836dd17f7beb221e7962013db7c83d0972becd9b26b85bbf1f1599d::block_parameters() — Method in class __TwigTemplate_fcf804abc836dd17f7beb221e7962013db7c83d0972becd9b26b85bbf1f1599d
__TwigTemplate_fcf804abc836dd17f7beb221e7962013db7c83d0972becd9b26b85bbf1f1599d::block_return() — Method in class __TwigTemplate_fcf804abc836dd17f7beb221e7962013db7c83d0972becd9b26b85bbf1f1599d
__TwigTemplate_fcf804abc836dd17f7beb221e7962013db7c83d0972becd9b26b85bbf1f1599d::block_exceptions() — Method in class __TwigTemplate_fcf804abc836dd17f7beb221e7962013db7c83d0972becd9b26b85bbf1f1599d
__TwigTemplate_fcf804abc836dd17f7beb221e7962013db7c83d0972becd9b26b85bbf1f1599d::block_see() — Method in class __TwigTemplate_fcf804abc836dd17f7beb221e7962013db7c83d0972becd9b26b85bbf1f1599d
__TwigTemplate_fcf804abc836dd17f7beb221e7962013db7c83d0972becd9b26b85bbf1f1599d::block_constants() — Method in class __TwigTemplate_fcf804abc836dd17f7beb221e7962013db7c83d0972becd9b26b85bbf1f1599d
__TwigTemplate_fcf804abc836dd17f7beb221e7962013db7c83d0972becd9b26b85bbf1f1599d::block_properties() — Method in class __TwigTemplate_fcf804abc836dd17f7beb221e7962013db7c83d0972becd9b26b85bbf1f1599d
__TwigTemplate_fcf804abc836dd17f7beb221e7962013db7c83d0972becd9b26b85bbf1f1599d::block_methods() — Method in class __TwigTemplate_fcf804abc836dd17f7beb221e7962013db7c83d0972becd9b26b85bbf1f1599d
__TwigTemplate_fcf804abc836dd17f7beb221e7962013db7c83d0972becd9b26b85bbf1f1599d::block_methods_details() — Method in class __TwigTemplate_fcf804abc836dd17f7beb221e7962013db7c83d0972becd9b26b85bbf1f1599d
__TwigTemplate_fcf804abc836dd17f7beb221e7962013db7c83d0972becd9b26b85bbf1f1599d::block_method() — Method in class __TwigTemplate_fcf804abc836dd17f7beb221e7962013db7c83d0972becd9b26b85bbf1f1599d


ContainerAwareEventManagerClass in namespace Symfony\Bridge\Doctrine
Allows lazy loading of listener services.
DoctrineDataCollector::collect() — Method in class DoctrineDataCollector
Collects data for the given Request and Response.
ContainerAwareLoaderClass in namespace Symfony\Bridge\Doctrine\DataFixtures
Doctrine data fixtures loader that injects the service container into fixture objects that implement ContainerAwareInterface.
EntityFactory::create() — Method in class EntityFactory
CollectionToArrayTransformerClass in namespace Symfony\Bridge\Doctrine\Form\DataTransformer
DoctrineType::createChoiceLabel() — Method in class DoctrineType
Creates the label for a choice.
DoctrineType::createChoiceName() — Method in class DoctrineType
Creates the field name for a choice.
DoctrineType::configureOptions() — Method in class DoctrineType
Configures the options for this type.
EntityType::configureOptions() — Method in class EntityType
Configures the options for this type.
$ManagerRegistry#containerProperty in class ManagerRegistry
DoctrineTokenProvider::createNewToken() — Method in class DoctrineTokenProvider
Creates a new token.
DoctrineTestHelper::createTestEntityManager() — Method in class DoctrineTestHelper
Returns an entity manager for testing.
DoctrineTestHelper::createTestConfiguration() — Method in class DoctrineTestHelper
ConsoleFormatterClass in namespace Symfony\Bridge\Monolog\Formatter
Formats incoming records for console output by coloring them depending on log level.
ConsoleFormatter::castObject() — Method in class ConsoleFormatter
ChromePhpHandlerClass in namespace Symfony\Bridge\Monolog\Handler
ConsoleHandlerClass in namespace Symfony\Bridge\Monolog\Handler
Writes logs to the console output depending on its verbosity setting.
ConsoleHandler::close() — Method in class ConsoleHandler
Disables the output.
Logger::countErrors() — Method in class Logger
Returns the number of errors.
Logger::clear() — Method in class Logger
Removes all log records.
DebugProcessor::countErrors() — Method in class DebugProcessor
Returns the number of errors.
DebugProcessor::clear() — Method in class DebugProcessor
Removes all log records.
ClockMockClass in namespace Symfony\Bridge\PhpUnit
CoverageListenerClass in namespace Symfony\Bridge\PhpUnit
DeprecationErrorHandler::collectDeprecations() — Method in class DeprecationErrorHandler
DnsMock::checkdnsrr() — Method in class DnsMock
CommandForV5Class in namespace Symfony\Bridge\PhpUnit\Legacy
CommandForV5::createRunner() — Method in class CommandForV5
CommandForV6Class in namespace Symfony\Bridge\PhpUnit\Legacy
CommandForV6::createRunner() — Method in class CommandForV6
CoverageListenerForV5Class in namespace Symfony\Bridge\PhpUnit\Legacy
CoverageListener adds @covers <className> on each test when possible to make the code coverage more accurate.
CoverageListenerForV6Class in namespace Symfony\Bridge\PhpUnit\Legacy
CoverageListener adds @covers <className> on each test when possible to make the code coverage more accurate.
CoverageListenerForV7Class in namespace Symfony\Bridge\PhpUnit\Legacy
CoverageListener adds @covers <className> on each test when possible to make the code coverage more accurate.
CoverageListenerTraitClass in namespace Symfony\Bridge\PhpUnit\Legacy
PHP 5.3 compatible trait-like shared implementation.
CommandClass in namespace Symfony\Bridge\PhpUnit\TextUI
DebugCommand::configure() — Method in class DebugCommand
Configures the current command.
LintCommand::configure() — Method in class LintCommand
Configures the current command.
TwigDataCollector::collect() — Method in class TwigDataCollector
Collects data for the given Request and Response.
CodeExtensionClass in namespace Symfony\Bridge\Twig\Extension
Twig extension relate to PHP code and used by the profiler and the default exception templates.
CsrfExtensionClass in namespace Symfony\Bridge\Twig\Extension
CsrfRuntimeClass in namespace Symfony\Bridge\Twig\Extension
ExpressionExtension::createExpression() — Method in class ExpressionExtension
HttpKernelExtension::controller() — Method in class HttpKernelExtension
WorkflowExtension::canTransition() — Method in class WorkflowExtension
Returns true if the transition is enabled.
DumpNode::compile() — Method in class DumpNode
FormThemeNode::compile() — Method in class FormThemeNode
RenderBlockNode::compile() — Method in class RenderBlockNode
SearchAndRenderBlockNode::compile() — Method in class SearchAndRenderBlockNode
StopwatchNode::compile() — Method in class StopwatchNode
TransDefaultDomainNode::compile() — Method in class TransDefaultDomainNode
TransNode::compile() — Method in class TransNode
TransNode::compileString() — Method in class TransNode
TwigExtractor::canBeExtracted() — Method in class TwigExtractor
ServerDumpPlaceholderCommand::configure() — Method in class ServerDumpPlaceholderCommand
Configures the current command.
ConfigurationClass in namespace Symfony\Bundle\DebugBundle\DependencyInjection
DebugExtension configuration structure.
ClientClass in namespace Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle
Client simulates a browser and makes requests to a Kernel object.
AboutCommand::configure() — Method in class AboutCommand
Configures the current command.
AssetsInstallCommand::configure() — Method in class AssetsInstallCommand
Configures the current command.
CacheClearCommandClass in namespace Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Command
Clear and Warmup the cache.
CacheClearCommand::configure() — Method in class CacheClearCommand
Configures the current command.
CachePoolClearCommandClass in namespace Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Command
Clear cache pools.
CachePoolClearCommand::configure() — Method in class CachePoolClearCommand
Configures the current command.
CachePoolDeleteCommandClass in namespace Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Command
Delete an item from a cache pool.
CachePoolDeleteCommand::configure() — Method in class CachePoolDeleteCommand
Configures the current command.
CachePoolPruneCommandClass in namespace Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Command
Cache pool pruner command.
CachePoolPruneCommand::configure() — Method in class CachePoolPruneCommand
Configures the current command.
CacheWarmupCommandClass in namespace Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Command
Warmup the cache.
CacheWarmupCommand::configure() — Method in class CacheWarmupCommand
Configures the current command.
ConfigDebugCommandClass in namespace Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Command
A console command for dumping available configuration reference.
ConfigDebugCommand::configure() — Method in class ConfigDebugCommand
Configures the current command.
ConfigDumpReferenceCommandClass in namespace Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Command
A console command for dumping available configuration reference.
ConfigDumpReferenceCommand::configure() — Method in class ConfigDumpReferenceCommand
Configures the current command.
ContainerAwareCommandClass in namespace Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Command
ContainerDebugCommandClass in namespace Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Command
A console command for retrieving information about services.
$ContainerDebugCommand#containerBuilderProperty in class ContainerDebugCommand
ContainerDebugCommand::configure() — Method in class ContainerDebugCommand
Configures the current command.
DebugAutowiringCommand::configure() — Method in class DebugAutowiringCommand
Configures the current command.
EventDispatcherDebugCommand::configure() — Method in class EventDispatcherDebugCommand
Configures the current command.
RouterDebugCommand::configure() — Method in class RouterDebugCommand
Configures the current command.
RouterMatchCommand::configure() — Method in class RouterMatchCommand
Configures the current command.
TranslationDebugCommand::configure() — Method in class TranslationDebugCommand
Configures the current command.
TranslationUpdateCommand::configure() — Method in class TranslationUpdateCommand
Configures the current command.
WorkflowDumpCommand::configure() — Method in class WorkflowDumpCommand
Configures the current command.
XliffLintCommand::configure() — Method in class XliffLintCommand
Configures the current command.
YamlLintCommand::configure() — Method in class YamlLintCommand
Configures the current command.
$AbstractController#containerProperty in class AbstractController
ControllerClass in namespace Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller
Controller is a simple implementation of a Controller.
ControllerNameParserClass in namespace Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller
ControllerNameParser converts controller from the short notation a:b:c (BlogBundle:Post:index) to a fully-qualified class::method string (Bundle\BlogBundle\Controller\PostController::indexAction).
ControllerResolverClass in namespace Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller
ControllerResolver::createController() — Method in class ControllerResolver
Returns a callable for the given controller.
ControllerTraitClass in namespace Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller
Common features needed in controllers.
$ControllerTrait#containerProperty in class ControllerTrait
ControllerTrait::createNotFoundException() — Method in class ControllerTrait
Returns a NotFoundHttpException.
ControllerTrait::createAccessDeniedException() — Method in class ControllerTrait
Returns an AccessDeniedException.
ControllerTrait::createForm() — Method in class ControllerTrait
Creates and returns a Form instance from the type of the form.
ControllerTrait::createFormBuilder() — Method in class ControllerTrait
Creates and returns a form builder instance.
CacheCollectorPassClass in namespace Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\DependencyInjection\Compiler
Inject a data collector to all the cache services to be able to get detailed statistics.
CachePoolClearerPassClass in namespace Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\DependencyInjection\Compiler
CachePoolPassClass in namespace Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\DependencyInjection\Compiler
CachePoolPrunerPassClass in namespace Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\DependencyInjection\Compiler
ContainerBuilderDebugDumpPassClass in namespace Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\DependencyInjection\Compiler
Dumps the ContainerBuilder to a cache file so that it can be used by debugging tools such as the debug:container console command.
ConfigurationClass in namespace Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\DependencyInjection
FrameworkExtension configuration structure.
$HttpCache#cacheDirProperty in class HttpCache
HttpCache::createSurrogate() — Method in class HttpCache
HttpCache::createStore() — Method in class HttpCache
MicroKernelTrait::configureRoutes() — Method in class MicroKernelTrait
Add or import routes into your application.
MicroKernelTrait::configureContainer() — Method in class MicroKernelTrait
Configures the container.
AnnotatedRouteControllerLoader::configureRoute() — Method in class AnnotatedRouteControllerLoader
Configures the _controller default parameter of a given Route instance.
$DelegatingEngine#containerProperty in class DelegatingEngine
$GlobalVariables#containerProperty in class GlobalVariables
ActionsHelper::controller() — Method in class ActionsHelper
CodeHelperClass in namespace Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Templating\Helper
$CodeHelper#charsetProperty in class CodeHelper
FormHelper::csrfToken() — Method in class FormHelper
Returns a CSRF token.
$TemplateLocator#cacheProperty in class TemplateLocator
$PhpEngine#containerProperty in class PhpEngine
$TemplateNameParser#cacheProperty in class TemplateNameParser
$KernelTestCase#classProperty in class KernelTestCase
$KernelTestCase#containerProperty in class KernelTestCase
KernelTestCase::createKernel() — Method in class KernelTestCase
Creates a Kernel.
TestContainer::compile() — Method in class TestContainer
Compiles the container.
WebTestCase::createClient() — Method in class WebTestCase
Creates a Client.
$Translator#containerProperty in class Translator
UserPasswordEncoderCommand::configure() — Method in class UserPasswordEncoderCommand
Configures the current command.
SecurityDataCollector::collect() — Method in class SecurityDataCollector
Collects data for the given Request and Response.
AbstractFactory::create() — Method in class AbstractFactory
Configures the container services required to use the authentication listener.
AbstractFactory::createAuthProvider() — Method in class AbstractFactory
Subclasses must return the id of a service which implements the AuthenticationProviderInterface.
AbstractFactory::createEntryPoint() — Method in class AbstractFactory
Subclasses may create an entry point of their as they see fit. The default implementation does not change the default entry point.
AbstractFactory::createListener() — Method in class AbstractFactory
AbstractFactory::createAuthenticationSuccessHandler() — Method in class AbstractFactory
AbstractFactory::createAuthenticationFailureHandler() — Method in class AbstractFactory
FormLoginFactory::createAuthProvider() — Method in class FormLoginFactory
Subclasses must return the id of a service which implements the AuthenticationProviderInterface.
FormLoginFactory::createListener() — Method in class FormLoginFactory
FormLoginFactory::createEntryPoint() — Method in class FormLoginFactory
Subclasses may create an entry point of their as they see fit. The default implementation does not change the default entry point.
FormLoginLdapFactory::createAuthProvider() — Method in class FormLoginLdapFactory
Subclasses must return the id of a service which implements the AuthenticationProviderInterface.
GuardAuthenticationFactory::create() — Method in class GuardAuthenticationFactory
Configures the container services required to use the authentication listener.
HttpBasicFactory::create() — Method in class HttpBasicFactory
Configures the container services required to use the authentication listener.
HttpBasicFactory::createEntryPoint() — Method in class HttpBasicFactory
HttpBasicLdapFactory::create() — Method in class HttpBasicLdapFactory
Configures the container services required to use the authentication listener.
JsonLoginFactory::createAuthProvider() — Method in class JsonLoginFactory
Subclasses must return the id of a service which implements the AuthenticationProviderInterface.
JsonLoginFactory::createListener() — Method in class JsonLoginFactory
JsonLoginLdapFactory::createAuthProvider() — Method in class JsonLoginLdapFactory
Subclasses must return the id of a service which implements the AuthenticationProviderInterface.
RememberMeFactory::create() — Method in class RememberMeFactory
Configures the container services required to use the authentication listener.
RemoteUserFactory::create() — Method in class RemoteUserFactory
Configures the container services required to use the authentication listener.
SecurityFactoryInterface::create() — Method in class SecurityFactoryInterface
Configures the container services required to use the authentication listener.
SimpleFormFactory::createAuthProvider() — Method in class SimpleFormFactory
Subclasses must return the id of a service which implements the AuthenticationProviderInterface.
SimpleFormFactory::createListener() — Method in class SimpleFormFactory
SimplePreAuthenticationFactory::create() — Method in class SimplePreAuthenticationFactory
Configures the container services required to use the authentication listener.
X509Factory::create() — Method in class X509Factory
Configures the container services required to use the authentication listener.
InMemoryFactory::create() — Method in class InMemoryFactory
LdapFactory::create() — Method in class LdapFactory
UserProviderFactoryInterface::create() — Method in class UserProviderFactoryInterface
$TemplateCacheCacheWarmer#containerProperty in class TemplateCacheCacheWarmer
LintCommand::configure() — Method in class LintCommand
Configures the current command.
$PreviewErrorController#controllerProperty in class PreviewErrorController
ConfigurationClass in namespace Symfony\Bundle\TwigBundle\DependencyInjection
TwigExtension configuration structure.
EnvironmentConfigurator::configure() — Method in class EnvironmentConfigurator
ExceptionController::cssAction() — Method in class ExceptionController
Renders the exception panel stylesheet for the given token.
ContentSecurityPolicyHandlerClass in namespace Symfony\Bundle\WebProfilerBundle\Csp
Handles Content-Security-Policy HTTP header for the WebProfiler Bundle.
ConfigurationClass in namespace Symfony\Bundle\WebProfilerBundle\DependencyInjection
This class contains the configuration information for the bundle.
ServerLogCommand::configure() — Method in class ServerLogCommand
Configures the current command.
ServerRunCommand::configure() — Method in class ServerRunCommand
Configures the current command.
ServerStartCommand::configure() — Method in class ServerStartCommand
Configures the current command.
ServerStatusCommand::configure() — Method in class ServerStatusCommand
Configures the current command.
ServerStopCommand::configure() — Method in class ServerStopCommand
Configures the current command.
ContextInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Asset\Context
Holds information about the current request.
UrlPackage::chooseBaseUrl() — Method in class UrlPackage
Determines which base URL to use for the given path.
ClientClass in namespace Symfony\Component\BrowserKit
Client simulates a browser.
$Client#cookieJarProperty in class Client
$Client#crawlerProperty in class Client
Client::click() — Method in class Client
Clicks on a given link.
Client::clickLink() — Method in class Client
Clicks the first link (or clickable image) that contains the given text.
Client::createCrawlerFromContent() — Method in class Client
Creates a crawler.
CookieClass in namespace Symfony\Component\BrowserKit
Cookie represents an HTTP cookie.
CookieJarClass in namespace Symfony\Component\BrowserKit
$CookieJar#cookieJarProperty in class CookieJar
CookieJar::clear() — Method in class CookieJar
Removes all the cookies from the jar.
History::clear() — Method in class History
Clears the history.
History::current() — Method in class History
Returns the current element in the history.
$Request#cookiesProperty in class Request
$Request#contentProperty in class Request
$Response#contentProperty in class Response
AbstractAdapter::createSystemCache() — Method in class AbstractAdapter
Returns an ApcuAdapter if supported, a PhpFilesAdapter otherwise.
AbstractAdapter::createConnection() — Method in class AbstractAdapter
AbstractAdapter::commit() — Method in class AbstractAdapter
ArrayAdapter::commit() — Method in class ArrayAdapter
ChainAdapterClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Cache\Adapter
Chains several adapters together.
ChainAdapter::clear() — Method in class ChainAdapter
ChainAdapter::commit() — Method in class ChainAdapter
NullAdapter::clear() — Method in class NullAdapter
NullAdapter::commit() — Method in class NullAdapter
PhpArrayAdapter::create() — Method in class PhpArrayAdapter
This adapter takes advantage of how PHP stores arrays in its latest versions.
PhpArrayAdapter::commit() — Method in class PhpArrayAdapter
ProxyAdapter::clear() — Method in class ProxyAdapter
ProxyAdapter::commit() — Method in class ProxyAdapter
TagAwareAdapter::clear() — Method in class TagAwareAdapter
TagAwareAdapter::commit() — Method in class TagAwareAdapter
TraceableAdapter::clear() — Method in class TraceableAdapter
TraceableAdapter::commit() — Method in class TraceableAdapter
TraceableAdapter::clearCalls() — Method in class TraceableAdapter
CacheItemClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Cache
CacheDataCollectorClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Cache\DataCollector
CacheDataCollector::collect() — Method in class CacheDataCollector
Collects data for the given Request and Response.
CacheCollectorPassClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Cache\DependencyInjection
Inject a data collector to all the cache services to be able to get detailed statistics.
CachePoolClearerPassClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Cache\DependencyInjection
CachePoolPassClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Cache\DependencyInjection
CachePoolPrunerPassClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Cache\DependencyInjection
CacheExceptionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Cache\Exception
LockRegistry::compute() — Method in class LockRegistry
ChainCacheClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Cache\Simple
Chains several caches together.
ChainCache::clear() — Method in class ChainCache
NullCache::clear() — Method in class NullCache
PhpArrayCache::create() — Method in class PhpArrayCache
This adapter takes advantage of how PHP stores arrays in its latest versions.
Psr6Cache::clear() — Method in class Psr6Cache
TraceableCache::clear() — Method in class TraceableCache
AbstractTrait::clear() — Method in class AbstractTrait
ArrayTrait::clear() — Method in class ArrayTrait
ContractsTraitClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Cache\Traits
MemcachedTrait::createConnection() — Method in class MemcachedTrait
Creates a Memcached instance.
PdoTrait::createTable() — Method in class PdoTrait
Creates the table to store cache items which can be called once for setup.
PhpArrayTrait::clear() — Method in class PhpArrayTrait
RedisTrait::createConnection() — Method in class RedisTrait
Creates a Redis connection using a DSN configuration.
ConfigCacheClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Config
ConfigCache caches arbitrary content in files on disk.
ConfigCacheFactoryClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Config
Basic implementation of ConfigCacheFactoryInterface that creates an instance of the default ConfigCache.
ConfigCacheFactory::cache() — Method in class ConfigCacheFactory
Creates a cache instance and (re-)initializes it if necessary.
ConfigCacheFactoryInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Config
Interface for a ConfigCache factory. This factory creates an instance of ConfigCacheInterface and initializes the cache if necessary.
ConfigCacheFactoryInterface::cache() — Method in class ConfigCacheFactoryInterface
Creates a cache instance and (re-)initializes it if necessary.
ConfigCacheInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Config
Interface for ConfigCache.
$ArrayNode#childrenProperty in class ArrayNode
$ArrayNodeDefinition#childrenProperty in class ArrayNodeDefinition
ArrayNodeDefinition::children() — Method in class ArrayNodeDefinition
Returns a builder to add children nodes.
ArrayNodeDefinition::canBeUnset() — Method in class ArrayNodeDefinition
Sets whether the node can be unset.
ArrayNodeDefinition::canBeEnabled() — Method in class ArrayNodeDefinition
Adds an "enabled" boolean to enable the current section.
ArrayNodeDefinition::canBeDisabled() — Method in class ArrayNodeDefinition
Adds an "enabled" boolean to enable the current section.
ArrayNodeDefinition::createNode() — Method in class ArrayNodeDefinition
Instantiate and configure the node according to this definition.
BooleanNodeDefinition::cannotBeEmpty() — Method in class BooleanNodeDefinition
Denies the node value being empty.
ExprBuilder::castToArray() — Method in class ExprBuilder
Transforms variables of any type into an array.
NodeDefinition::cannotBeEmpty() — Method in class NodeDefinition
Denies the node value being empty.
NodeDefinition::cannotBeOverwritten() — Method in class NodeDefinition
Sets whether the node can be overwritten.
NodeDefinition::createNode() — Method in class NodeDefinition
Instantiate and configure the node according to this definition.
NumericNodeDefinition::cannotBeEmpty() — Method in class NumericNodeDefinition
Denies the node value being empty.
ParentNodeDefinitionInterface::children() — Method in class ParentNodeDefinitionInterface
Returns a builder to add children nodes.
VariableNodeDefinition::createNode() — Method in class VariableNodeDefinition
Instantiate and configure the node according to this definition.
ConfigurationInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Config\Definition
Configuration interface.
ResourceCheckerConfigCacheFactory::cache() — Method in class ResourceCheckerConfigCacheFactory
Creates a cache instance and (re-)initializes it if necessary.
ClassExistenceResourceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Config\Resource
ClassExistenceResource represents a class existence.
ComposerResourceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Config\Resource
ComposerResource tracks the PHP version and Composer dependencies.
XmlUtils::convertDomElementToArray() — Method in class XmlUtils
Converts a \DOMElement object to a PHP array.
Application::configureIO() — Method in class Application
Configures the input and output instances based on the user arguments and options.
CommandLoaderInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Console\CommandLoader
ContainerCommandLoaderClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Console\CommandLoader
Loads commands from a PSR-11 container.
CommandClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Console\Command
Base class for all commands.
Command::configure() — Method in class Command
Configures the current command.
HelpCommand::configure() — Method in class HelpCommand
Configures the current command.
ListCommand::configure() — Method in class ListCommand
Configures the current command.
ConsoleEventsClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Console
Contains all events dispatched by an Application.
ConsoleCommandEventClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Console\Event
Allows to do things before the command is executed, like skipping the command or changing the input.
ConsoleCommandEvent::commandShouldRun() — Method in class ConsoleCommandEvent
Returns true if the command is runnable, false otherwise.
ConsoleErrorEventClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Console\Event
Allows to handle throwables thrown while running a command.
ConsoleEventClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Console\Event
Allows to inspect input and output of a command.
$ConsoleEvent#commandProperty in class ConsoleEvent
ConsoleTerminateEventClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Console\Event
Allows to manipulate the exit code of a command after its execution.
CommandNotFoundExceptionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Console\Exception
Represents an incorrect command name typed in the console.
ProgressBar::clear() — Method in class ProgressBar
Removes the progress bar from the current line.
ConsoleLoggerClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Console\Logger
PSR-3 compliant console logger.
ConsoleOutputClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Console\Output
ConsoleOutput is the default class for all CLI output. It uses STDOUT and STDERR.
ConsoleOutputInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Console\Output
ConsoleOutputInterface is the interface implemented by ConsoleOutput class.
ConsoleSectionOutputClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Console\Output
ConsoleSectionOutput::clear() — Method in class ConsoleSectionOutput
Clears previous output for this section.
ChoiceQuestionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Console\Question
Represents a choice question.
ConfirmationQuestionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Console\Question
Represents a yes/no question.
OutputStyle::createProgressBar() — Method in class OutputStyle
StyleInterface::caution() — Method in class StyleInterface
Formats a caution admonition.
StyleInterface::confirm() — Method in class StyleInterface
Asks for confirmation.
StyleInterface::choice() — Method in class StyleInterface
Asks a choice question.
SymfonyStyle::comment() — Method in class SymfonyStyle
Formats a command comment.
SymfonyStyle::caution() — Method in class SymfonyStyle
Formats a caution admonition.
SymfonyStyle::confirm() — Method in class SymfonyStyle
Asks for confirmation.
SymfonyStyle::choice() — Method in class SymfonyStyle
Asks a choice question.
SymfonyStyle::createProgressBar() — Method in class SymfonyStyle
CommandTesterClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Console\Tester
Eases the testing of console commands.
CssSelectorConverterClass in namespace Symfony\Component\CssSelector
CssSelectorConverter is the main entry point of the component and can convert CSS selectors to XPath expressions.
ClassNodeClass in namespace Symfony\Component\CssSelector\Node
Represents a "." node.
CombinedSelectorNodeClass in namespace Symfony\Component\CssSelector\Node
Represents a combined node.
Specificity::compareTo() — Method in class Specificity
Returns -1 if the object specificity is lower than the argument, 0 if they are equal, and 1 if the argument is lower.
CommentHandlerClass in namespace Symfony\Component\CssSelector\Parser\Handler
CSS selector comment handler.
ClassParserClass in namespace Symfony\Component\CssSelector\Parser\Shortcut
CSS selector class parser shortcut.
CombinationExtensionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\CssSelector\XPath\Extension
XPath expression translator combination extension.
Translator::cssToXPath() — Method in class Translator
Translates a CSS selector to an XPath expression.
TranslatorInterface::cssToXPath() — Method in class TranslatorInterface
Translates a CSS selector to an XPath expression.
BufferingLogger::cleanLogs() — Method in class BufferingLogger
DebugClassLoader::checkAnnotations() — Method in class DebugClassLoader
DebugClassLoader::checkCase() — Method in class DebugClassLoader
ClassNotFoundExceptionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Debug\Exception
Class (or Trait or Interface) Not Found Exception.
FlattenException::create() — Method in class FlattenException
FlattenException::createFromThrowable() — Method in class FlattenException
$SilencedErrorContext#countProperty in class SilencedErrorContext
ClassNotFoundFatalErrorHandlerClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Debug\FatalErrorHandler
ErrorHandler for classes that do not exist.
RewindableGenerator::count() — Method in class RewindableGenerator
ChildDefinitionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection
This definition extends another definition.
$AbstractRecursivePass#containerProperty in class AbstractRecursivePass
$AbstractRecursivePass#currentIdProperty in class AbstractRecursivePass
CheckArgumentsValidityPassClass in namespace Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Compiler
Checks if arguments of methods are properly configured.
CheckCircularReferencesPassClass in namespace Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Compiler
Checks your services for circular references.
CheckDefinitionValidityPassClass in namespace Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Compiler
This pass validates each definition individually only taking the information into account which is contained in the definition itself.
CheckExceptionOnInvalidReferenceBehaviorPassClass in namespace Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Compiler
Checks that all references are pointing to a valid service.
CheckReferenceValidityPassClass in namespace Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Compiler
Checks the validity of references.
CompilerClass in namespace Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Compiler
This class is used to remove circular dependencies between individual passes.
Compiler::compile() — Method in class Compiler
Run the Compiler and process all Passes.
CompilerPassInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Compiler
Interface that must be implemented by compilation passes.
MergeExtensionConfigurationContainerBuilder::compile() — Method in class MergeExtensionConfigurationContainerBuilder
Compiles the container.
ServiceReferenceGraph::clear() — Method in class ServiceReferenceGraph
Clears all nodes.
ServiceReferenceGraph::connect() — Method in class ServiceReferenceGraph
Connects 2 nodes together in the Graph.
ServiceReferenceGraphNode::clear() — Method in class ServiceReferenceGraphNode
Clears all edges.
ContainerParametersResourceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Config
Tracks container parameters.
ContainerParametersResourceCheckerClass in namespace Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Config
ContainerClass in namespace Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection
Container is a dependency injection container.
Container::compile() — Method in class Container
Compiles the container.
Container::camelize() — Method in class Container
Camelizes a string.
ContainerAwareInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection
ContainerAwareInterface should be implemented by classes that depends on a Container.
ContainerAwareTraitClass in namespace Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection
ContainerAware trait.
$ContainerAwareTrait#containerProperty in class ContainerAwareTrait
ContainerBuilderClass in namespace Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection
ContainerBuilder is a DI container that provides an API to easily describe services.
ContainerBuilder::compile() — Method in class ContainerBuilder
Compiles the container.
ContainerInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection
ContainerInterface is the interface implemented by service container classes.
Definition::clearTag() — Method in class Definition
Clears all tags for a given name.
Definition::clearTags() — Method in class Definition
Clears the tags for this definition.
$Dumper#containerProperty in class Dumper
ConfigurationExtensionInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Extension
ConfigurationExtensionInterface is the interface implemented by container extension classes.
ClosureLoaderClass in namespace Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Loader
ClosureLoader loads service definitions from a PHP closure.
ContainerConfiguratorClass in namespace Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Loader\Configurator
CallTraitClass in namespace Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Loader\Configurator\Traits
CallTrait::call() — Method in class CallTrait
Adds a method to call after service initialization.
ClassTraitClass in namespace Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Loader\Configurator\Traits
ClassTrait::class() — Method in class ClassTrait
Sets the service class.
ConfiguratorTraitClass in namespace Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Loader\Configurator\Traits
ConfiguratorTrait::configurator() — Method in class ConfiguratorTrait
Sets a configurator to call after the service is fully initialized.
$FileLoader#containerProperty in class FileLoader
XmlFileLoader::convertDomElementToArray() — Method in class XmlFileLoader
Converts a \DOMElement object to a PHP array.
ContainerBagClass in namespace Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\ParameterBag
ContainerBagInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\ParameterBag
ContainerBagInterface is the interface implemented by objects that manage service container parameters.
EnvPlaceholderParameterBag::clearUnusedEnvPlaceholders() — Method in class EnvPlaceholderParameterBag
FrozenParameterBag::clear() — Method in class FrozenParameterBag
Clears all parameters.
ParameterBag::clear() — Method in class ParameterBag
Clears all parameters.
ParameterBagInterface::clear() — Method in class ParameterBagInterface
Clears all parameters.
TypedReference::canBeAutoregistered() — Method in class TypedReference
$AbstractUriElement#currentUriProperty in class AbstractUriElement
AbstractUriElement::canonicalizePath() — Method in class AbstractUriElement
Returns the canonicalized URI path (see RFC 3986, section 5.2.4).
CrawlerClass in namespace Symfony\Component\DomCrawler
Crawler eases navigation of a list of \DOMNode objects.
Crawler::clear() — Method in class Crawler
Removes all the nodes.
Crawler::children() — Method in class Crawler
Returns the children nodes of the current selection.
Crawler::count() — Method in class Crawler
ChoiceFormFieldClass in namespace Symfony\Component\DomCrawler\Field
ChoiceFormField represents a choice form field.
ChoiceFormField::containsOption() — Method in class ChoiceFormField
Checks whether given value is in the existing options.
CompilerClass in namespace Symfony\Component\ExpressionLanguage
Compiles a node to PHP code.
Compiler::compile() — Method in class Compiler
Compiles a node.
ExpressionLanguage::compile() — Method in class ExpressionLanguage
Compiles an expression source code.
ArgumentsNode::compile() — Method in class ArgumentsNode
Compiles the node to PHP.
ArrayNode::compile() — Method in class ArrayNode
Compiles the node to PHP.
ArrayNode::compileArguments() — Method in class ArrayNode
BinaryNode::compile() — Method in class BinaryNode
ConditionalNodeClass in namespace Symfony\Component\ExpressionLanguage\Node
ConditionalNode::compile() — Method in class ConditionalNode
ConstantNodeClass in namespace Symfony\Component\ExpressionLanguage\Node
ConstantNode::compile() — Method in class ConstantNode
FunctionNode::compile() — Method in class FunctionNode
GetAttrNode::compile() — Method in class GetAttrNode
NameNode::compile() — Method in class NameNode
Node::compile() — Method in class Node
UnaryNode::compile() — Method in class UnaryNode
$Token#cursorProperty in class Token
$TokenStream#currentProperty in class TokenStream
Filesystem::copy() — Method in class Filesystem
Copies a file.
Filesystem::chmod() — Method in class Filesystem
Change mode for an array of files or directories.
Filesystem::chown() — Method in class Filesystem
Change the owner of an array of files or directories.
Filesystem::chgrp() — Method in class Filesystem
Change the group of an array of files or directories.
ComparatorClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Finder\Comparator
Finder::create() — Method in class Finder
Creates a new Finder.
Finder::contains() — Method in class Finder
Adds tests that file contents must match.
Finder::count() — Method in class Finder
Counts all the results collected by the iterators.
CustomFilterIteratorClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Finder\Iterator
CustomFilterIterator filters files by applying anonymous functions.
RecursiveDirectoryIterator::current() — Method in class RecursiveDirectoryIterator
Return an instance of SplFileInfo with support for relative paths.
AbstractType::configureOptions() — Method in class AbstractType
Configures the options for this type.
AbstractTypeExtension::configureOptions() — Method in class AbstractTypeExtension
Configures the options for this type.
Button::createView() — Method in class Button
Creates a view.
Button::count() — Method in class Button
Unsupported method.
ButtonBuilder::create() — Method in class ButtonBuilder
Creates a form builder.
ButtonBuilder::count() — Method in class ButtonBuilder
Unsupported method.
CallbackTransformerClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Form
$ArrayChoiceList#choicesProperty in class ArrayChoiceList
The choices in the list.
ChoiceListInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList
A list of choices that can be selected in a choice field.
CachingFactoryDecoratorClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\Factory
Caches the choice lists created by the decorated factory.
CachingFactoryDecorator::createListFromChoices() — Method in class CachingFactoryDecorator
Creates a choice list for the given choices.
CachingFactoryDecorator::createListFromLoader() — Method in class CachingFactoryDecorator
Creates a choice list that is loaded with the given loader.
CachingFactoryDecorator::createView() — Method in class CachingFactoryDecorator
Creates a view for the given choice list.
ChoiceListFactoryInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\Factory
Creates {@link ChoiceListInterface} instances.
ChoiceListFactoryInterface::createListFromChoices() — Method in class ChoiceListFactoryInterface
Creates a choice list for the given choices.
ChoiceListFactoryInterface::createListFromLoader() — Method in class ChoiceListFactoryInterface
Creates a choice list that is loaded with the given loader.
ChoiceListFactoryInterface::createView() — Method in class ChoiceListFactoryInterface
Creates a view for the given choice list.
DefaultChoiceListFactory::createListFromChoices() — Method in class DefaultChoiceListFactory
Creates a choice list for the given choices.
DefaultChoiceListFactory::createListFromLoader() — Method in class DefaultChoiceListFactory
Creates a choice list that is loaded with the given loader.
DefaultChoiceListFactory::createView() — Method in class DefaultChoiceListFactory
Creates a view for the given choice list.
PropertyAccessDecorator::createListFromChoices() — Method in class PropertyAccessDecorator
Creates a choice list for the given choices.
PropertyAccessDecorator::createListFromLoader() — Method in class PropertyAccessDecorator
Creates a choice list that is loaded with the given loader.
PropertyAccessDecorator::createView() — Method in class PropertyAccessDecorator
Creates a view for the given choice list.
CallbackChoiceLoaderClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\Loader
Loads an {@link ArrayChoiceList} instance from a callable returning an array of choices.
ChoiceLoaderInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\Loader
Loads a choice list.
ChoiceGroupViewClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View
Represents a group of choices in templates.
$ChoiceGroupView#choicesProperty in class ChoiceGroupView
ChoiceListViewClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View
Represents a choice list in templates.
$ChoiceListView#choicesProperty in class ChoiceListView
ChoiceViewClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View
Represents a choice in templates.
ClearableErrorsInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Form
A form element whose errors can be cleared.
ClearableErrorsInterface::clearErrors() — Method in class ClearableErrorsInterface
Removes all the errors of this form.
ClickableInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Form
A clickable form element.
DebugCommand::configure() — Method in class DebugCommand
Configures the current command.
Descriptor::collectOptions() — Method in class Descriptor
CoreExtensionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core
Represents the main form extension, which loads the core functionality.
CheckboxListMapperClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\DataMapper
Maps choices to/from checkbox forms.
ChoiceToValueTransformerClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\DataTransformer
ChoicesToValuesTransformerClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\DataTransformer
TransformationFailureListener::convertTransformationFailureToFormError() — Method in class TransformationFailureListener
BaseType::configureOptions() — Method in class BaseType
Configures the options for this type.
BirthdayType::configureOptions() — Method in class BirthdayType
Configures the options for this type.
ButtonType::configureOptions() — Method in class ButtonType
Configures the options for this type.
CheckboxTypeClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type
CheckboxType::configureOptions() — Method in class CheckboxType
Configures the options for this type.
ChoiceTypeClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type
ChoiceType::configureOptions() — Method in class ChoiceType
Configures the options for this type.
CollectionTypeClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type
CollectionType::configureOptions() — Method in class CollectionType
Configures the options for this type.
ColorTypeClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type
CountryTypeClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type
CountryType::configureOptions() — Method in class CountryType
Configures the options for this type.
CurrencyTypeClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type
CurrencyType::configureOptions() — Method in class CurrencyType
Configures the options for this type.
DateIntervalType::configureOptions() — Method in class DateIntervalType
Configures the options for this type.
DateTimeType::configureOptions() — Method in class DateTimeType
Configures the options for this type.
DateType::configureOptions() — Method in class DateType
Configures the options for this type.
FileType::configureOptions() — Method in class FileType
Configures the options for this type.
FormType::configureOptions() — Method in class FormType
Configures the options for this type.
HiddenType::configureOptions() — Method in class HiddenType
Configures the options for this type.
IntegerType::configureOptions() — Method in class IntegerType
Configures the options for this type.
LanguageType::configureOptions() — Method in class LanguageType
Configures the options for this type.
LocaleType::configureOptions() — Method in class LocaleType
Configures the options for this type.
MoneyType::configureOptions() — Method in class MoneyType
Configures the options for this type.
NumberType::configureOptions() — Method in class NumberType
Configures the options for this type.
PasswordType::configureOptions() — Method in class PasswordType
Configures the options for this type.
PercentType::configureOptions() — Method in class PercentType
Configures the options for this type.
RepeatedType::configureOptions() — Method in class RepeatedType
Configures the options for this type.
TextType::configureOptions() — Method in class TextType
Configures the options for this type.
TimeType::configureOptions() — Method in class TimeType
Configures the options for this type.
TimezoneType::configureOptions() — Method in class TimezoneType
Configures the options for this type.
UrlType::configureOptions() — Method in class UrlType
Configures the options for this type.
CsrfExtensionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Csrf
This extension protects forms by using a CSRF token.
CsrfValidationListenerClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Csrf\EventListener
FormTypeCsrfExtension::configureOptions() — Method in class FormTypeCsrfExtension
Configures the options for this type.
FormDataCollector::collect() — Method in class FormDataCollector
Does nothing. The data is collected during the form event listeners.
FormDataCollector::collectConfiguration() — Method in class FormDataCollector
Stores configuration data of the given form and its children.
FormDataCollector::collectDefaultData() — Method in class FormDataCollector
Stores the default data of the given form and its children.
FormDataCollector::collectSubmittedData() — Method in class FormDataCollector
Stores the submitted data of the given form and its children.
FormDataCollector::collectViewVariables() — Method in class FormDataCollector
Stores the view variables of the given form view and its children.
FormDataCollectorInterface::collectConfiguration() — Method in class FormDataCollectorInterface
Stores configuration data of the given form and its children.
FormDataCollectorInterface::collectDefaultData() — Method in class FormDataCollectorInterface
Stores the default data of the given form and its children.
FormDataCollectorInterface::collectSubmittedData() — Method in class FormDataCollectorInterface
Stores the submitted data of the given form and its children.
FormDataCollectorInterface::collectViewVariables() — Method in class FormDataCollectorInterface
Stores the view variables of the given form view and its children.
ResolvedTypeDataCollectorProxy::createBuilder() — Method in class ResolvedTypeDataCollectorProxy
Creates a new form builder for this type.
ResolvedTypeDataCollectorProxy::createView() — Method in class ResolvedTypeDataCollectorProxy
Creates a new form view for a form of this type.
ResolvedTypeFactoryDataCollectorProxy::createResolvedType() — Method in class ResolvedTypeFactoryDataCollectorProxy
Resolves a form type.
BaseValidatorExtension::configureOptions() — Method in class BaseValidatorExtension
Configures the options for this type.
FormTypeValidatorExtension::configureOptions() — Method in class FormTypeValidatorExtension
Configures the options for this type.
RepeatedTypeValidatorExtension::configureOptions() — Method in class RepeatedTypeValidatorExtension
Configures the options for this type.
UploadValidatorExtension::configureOptions() — Method in class UploadValidatorExtension
Configures the options for this type.
Form::clearErrors() — Method in class Form
Removes all the errors of this form.
Form::count() — Method in class Form
Returns the number of form children (implements the \Countable interface).
Form::createView() — Method in class Form
Creates a view.
FormBuilder::create() — Method in class FormBuilder
Creates a form builder.
FormBuilder::count() — Method in class FormBuilder
FormBuilderInterface::create() — Method in class FormBuilderInterface
Creates a form builder.
FormErrorIterator::current() — Method in class FormErrorIterator
Returns the current element of the iterator.
FormErrorIterator::count() — Method in class FormErrorIterator
Returns the number of elements in the iterator.
FormFactory::create() — Method in class FormFactory
Returns a form.
FormFactory::createNamed() — Method in class FormFactory
Returns a form.
FormFactory::createForProperty() — Method in class FormFactory
Returns a form for a property of a class.
FormFactory::createBuilder() — Method in class FormFactory
Returns a form builder.
FormFactory::createNamedBuilder() — Method in class FormFactory
Returns a form builder.
FormFactory::createBuilderForProperty() — Method in class FormFactory
Returns a form builder for a property of a class.
FormFactoryInterface::create() — Method in class FormFactoryInterface
Returns a form.
FormFactoryInterface::createNamed() — Method in class FormFactoryInterface
Returns a form.
FormFactoryInterface::createForProperty() — Method in class FormFactoryInterface
Returns a form for a property of a class.
FormFactoryInterface::createBuilder() — Method in class FormFactoryInterface
Returns a form builder.
FormFactoryInterface::createNamedBuilder() — Method in class FormFactoryInterface
Returns a form builder.
FormFactoryInterface::createBuilderForProperty() — Method in class FormFactoryInterface
Returns a form builder for a property of a class.
FormInterface::createView() — Method in class FormInterface
Creates a view.
FormTypeExtensionInterface::configureOptions() — Method in class FormTypeExtensionInterface
Configures the options for this type.
FormTypeInterface::configureOptions() — Method in class FormTypeInterface
Configures the options for this type.
$FormView#childrenProperty in class FormView
The child views.
FormView::count() — Method in class FormView
Implements \Countable.
Forms::createFormFactory() — Method in class Forms
Creates a form factory with the default configuration.
Forms::createFormFactoryBuilder() — Method in class Forms
Creates a form factory builder with the default configuration.
ResolvedFormType::createBuilder() — Method in class ResolvedFormType
Creates a new form builder for this type.
ResolvedFormType::createView() — Method in class ResolvedFormType
Creates a new form view for a form of this type.
ResolvedFormTypeFactory::createResolvedType() — Method in class ResolvedFormTypeFactory
Resolves a form type.
ResolvedFormTypeFactoryInterface::createResolvedType() — Method in class ResolvedFormTypeFactoryInterface
Resolves a form type.
ResolvedFormTypeInterface::createBuilder() — Method in class ResolvedFormTypeInterface
Creates a new form builder for this type.
ResolvedFormTypeInterface::createView() — Method in class ResolvedFormTypeInterface
Creates a new form view for a form of this type.
OrderedHashMap::count() — Method in class OrderedHashMap
OrderedHashMapIterator::current() — Method in class OrderedHashMapIterator
BinaryFileResponse::create() — Method in class BinaryFileResponse
CookieClass in namespace Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation
Represents a cookie.
Cookie::create() — Method in class Cookie
ConflictingHeadersExceptionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Exception
The HTTP request contains headers with conflicting information.
FileBag::convertFileInformation() — Method in class FileBag
Converts uploaded files to UploadedFile instances.
CannotWriteFileExceptionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\File\Exception
Thrown when an UPLOAD_ERR_CANT_WRITE error occurred with UploadedFile.
$HeaderBag#cacheControlProperty in class HeaderBag
HeaderBag::contains() — Method in class HeaderBag
Returns true if the given HTTP header contains the given value.
HeaderBag::count() — Method in class HeaderBag
Returns the number of headers.
HeaderUtils::combine() — Method in class HeaderUtils
Combines an array of arrays into one associative array.
IpUtils::checkIp() — Method in class IpUtils
Checks if an IPv4 or IPv6 address is contained in the list of given IPs or subnets.
IpUtils::checkIp4() — Method in class IpUtils
Compares two IPv4 addresses.
IpUtils::checkIp6() — Method in class IpUtils
Compares two IPv6 addresses.
$JsonResponse#callbackProperty in class JsonResponse
JsonResponse::create() — Method in class JsonResponse
Factory method for chainability.
ParameterBag::count() — Method in class ParameterBag
Returns the number of parameters.
RedirectResponse::create() — Method in class RedirectResponse
Factory method for chainability.
$Request#cookiesProperty in class Request
Cookies ($_COOKIE).
$Request#contentProperty in class Request
$Request#charsetsProperty in class Request
Request::createFromGlobals() — Method in class Request
Creates a new request with values from PHP's super globals.
Request::create() — Method in class Request
Creates a Request based on a given URI and configuration.
$Response#contentProperty in class Response
$Response#charsetProperty in class Response
Response::create() — Method in class Response
Factory method for chainability.
Response::closeOutputBuffers() — Method in class Response
Cleans or flushes output buffers up to target level.
$ResponseHeaderBag#computedCacheControlProperty in class ResponseHeaderBag
$ResponseHeaderBag#cookiesProperty in class ResponseHeaderBag
ResponseHeaderBag::clearCookie() — Method in class ResponseHeaderBag
Clears a cookie in the browser.
ResponseHeaderBag::computeCacheControlValue() — Method in class ResponseHeaderBag
Returns the calculated value of the cache-control header.
AttributeBag::clear() — Method in class AttributeBag
Clears out data from bag.
AttributeBag::count() — Method in class AttributeBag
Returns the number of attributes.
AutoExpireFlashBag::clear() — Method in class AutoExpireFlashBag
Clears out data from bag.
FlashBag::clear() — Method in class FlashBag
Clears out data from bag.
Session::clear() — Method in class Session
Clears all attributes.
Session::count() — Method in class Session
Returns the number of attributes.
SessionBagInterface::clear() — Method in class SessionBagInterface
Clears out data from bag.
SessionBagProxy::clear() — Method in class SessionBagProxy
Clears out data from bag.
SessionInterface::clear() — Method in class SessionInterface
Clears all attributes.
MemcachedSessionHandler::close() — Method in class MemcachedSessionHandler
MigratingSessionHandler::close() — Method in class MigratingSessionHandler
MongoDbSessionHandler::close() — Method in class MongoDbSessionHandler
NullSessionHandler::close() — Method in class NullSessionHandler
PdoSessionHandler::createTable() — Method in class PdoSessionHandler
Creates the table to store sessions which can be called once for setup.
PdoSessionHandler::close() — Method in class PdoSessionHandler
RedisSessionHandler::close() — Method in class RedisSessionHandler
StrictSessionHandler::close() — Method in class StrictSessionHandler
MetadataBag::clear() — Method in class MetadataBag
Clears out data from bag.
$MockArraySessionStorage#closedProperty in class MockArraySessionStorage
MockArraySessionStorage::clear() — Method in class MockArraySessionStorage
Clear all session data in memory.
$NativeSessionStorage#closedProperty in class NativeSessionStorage
NativeSessionStorage::clear() — Method in class NativeSessionStorage
Clear all session data in memory.
PhpBridgeSessionStorage::clear() — Method in class PhpBridgeSessionStorage
Clear all session data in memory.
SessionHandlerProxy::close() — Method in class SessionHandlerProxy
SessionStorageInterface::clear() — Method in class SessionStorageInterface
Clear all session data in memory.
$StreamedResponse#callbackProperty in class StreamedResponse
StreamedResponse::create() — Method in class StreamedResponse
Factory method for chainability.
Bundle::createContainerExtension() — Method in class Bundle
Creates the bundle's container extension.
CacheClearerInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\CacheClearer
CacheClearerInterface::clear() — Method in class CacheClearerInterface
Clears any caches necessary.
ChainCacheClearerClass in namespace Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\CacheClearer
ChainCacheClearer::clear() — Method in class ChainCacheClearer
Clears any caches necessary.
Psr6CacheClearer::clearPool() — Method in class Psr6CacheClearer
Psr6CacheClearer::clear() — Method in class Psr6CacheClearer
Clears any caches necessary.
CacheWarmerClass in namespace Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\CacheWarmer
Abstract cache warmer that knows how to write a file to the cache.
CacheWarmerAggregateClass in namespace Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\CacheWarmer
Aggregates several cache warmers into a single one.
CacheWarmerInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\CacheWarmer
Interface for classes able to warm up the cache.
ClientClass in namespace Symfony\Component\HttpKernel
Client simulates a browser and makes requests to a Kernel object.
Client::catchExceptions() — Method in class Client
Sets whether to catch exceptions when the kernel is handling a request.
ArgumentMetadataFactory::createArgumentMetadata() — Method in class ArgumentMetadataFactory
ArgumentMetadataFactoryInterface::createArgumentMetadata() — Method in class ArgumentMetadataFactoryInterface
ContainerControllerResolverClass in namespace Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Controller
A controller resolver searching for a controller in a psr-11 container when using the "service:method" notation.
$ContainerControllerResolver#containerProperty in class ContainerControllerResolver
ContainerControllerResolver::createController() — Method in class ContainerControllerResolver
Returns a callable for the given controller.
ControllerReferenceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Controller
Acts as a marker and a data holder for a Controller.
$ControllerReference#controllerProperty in class ControllerReference
ControllerResolverClass in namespace Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Controller
This implementation uses the '_controller' request attribute to determine the controller to execute.
ControllerResolver::createController() — Method in class ControllerResolver
Returns a callable for the given controller.
ControllerResolverInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Controller
A ControllerResolverInterface implementation knows how to determine the controller to execute based on a Request object.
AjaxDataCollector::collect() — Method in class AjaxDataCollector
Collects data for the given Request and Response.
ConfigDataCollectorClass in namespace Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\DataCollector
ConfigDataCollector::collect() — Method in class ConfigDataCollector
Collects data for the given Request and Response.
DataCollector::cloneVar() — Method in class DataCollector
Converts the variable into a serializable Data instance.
DataCollectorInterface::collect() — Method in class DataCollectorInterface
Collects data for the given Request and Response.
DumpDataCollector::collect() — Method in class DumpDataCollector
Collects data for the given Request and Response.
EventDataCollector::collect() — Method in class EventDataCollector
Collects data for the given Request and Response.
ExceptionDataCollector::collect() — Method in class ExceptionDataCollector
Collects data for the given Request and Response.
LoggerDataCollector::collect() — Method in class LoggerDataCollector
Collects data for the given Request and Response.
LoggerDataCollector::countErrors() — Method in class LoggerDataCollector
LoggerDataCollector::countDeprecations() — Method in class LoggerDataCollector
LoggerDataCollector::countWarnings() — Method in class LoggerDataCollector
LoggerDataCollector::countScreams() — Method in class LoggerDataCollector
MemoryDataCollector::collect() — Method in class MemoryDataCollector
Collects data for the given Request and Response.
$RequestDataCollector#controllersProperty in class RequestDataCollector
RequestDataCollector::collect() — Method in class RequestDataCollector
Collects data for the given Request and Response.
$RouterDataCollector#controllersProperty in class RouterDataCollector
RouterDataCollector::collect() — Method in class RouterDataCollector
Collects data for the given Request and Response.
TimeDataCollector::collect() — Method in class TimeDataCollector
Collects data for the given Request and Response.
ConfigurableExtensionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\DependencyInjection
This extension sub-class provides first-class integration with the Config/Definition Component.
ControllerArgumentValueResolverPassClass in namespace Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\DependencyInjection
Gathers and configures the argument value resolvers.
$AbstractSessionListener#containerProperty in class AbstractSessionListener
DebugHandlersListener::configure() — Method in class DebugHandlersListener
Configures the error handler.
DumpListener::configure() — Method in class DumpListener
$ExceptionListener#controllerProperty in class ExceptionListener
ConflictHttpExceptionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Exception
ControllerDoesNotReturnResponseExceptionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Exception
InlineFragmentRenderer::createSubRequest() — Method in class InlineFragmentRenderer
$AbstractSurrogate#contentTypesProperty in class AbstractSurrogate
AbstractSurrogate::createCacheStrategy() — Method in class AbstractSurrogate
Returns a new cache strategy instance.
Store::cleanup() — Method in class Store
Cleanups storage.
StoreInterface::cleanup() — Method in class StoreInterface
Cleanups storage.
SurrogateInterface::createCacheStrategy() — Method in class SurrogateInterface
Returns a new cache strategy instance.
$Kernel#containerProperty in class Kernel
DebugLoggerInterface::countErrors() — Method in class DebugLoggerInterface
Returns the number of errors.
DebugLoggerInterface::clear() — Method in class DebugLoggerInterface
Removes all log records.
FileProfilerStorage::createProfileFromData() — Method in class FileProfilerStorage
Profiler::collect() — Method in class Profiler
Collects data for the given Response.
UriSigner::check() — Method in class UriSigner
Checks that a URI contains the correct hash.
CollatorClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Intl\Collator
Replacement for PHP's native {@link \Collator} class.
Collator::create() — Method in class Collator
Static constructor.
Collator::compare() — Method in class Collator
Not supported. Compare two Unicode strings.
BundleCompilerInterface::compile() — Method in class BundleCompilerInterface
Compiles a resource bundle at the given source to the given target directory.
GenrbCompiler::compile() — Method in class GenrbCompiler
Compiles a resource bundle at the given source to the given target directory.
AbstractDataGenerator::compileTemporaryBundles() — Method in class AbstractDataGenerator
CurrencyDataGeneratorClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Intl\Data\Generator
The rule for compiling the currency bundle.
CurrencyDataGenerator::compileTemporaryBundles() — Method in class CurrencyDataGenerator
LanguageDataGenerator::compileTemporaryBundles() — Method in class LanguageDataGenerator
RegionDataGenerator::compileTemporaryBundles() — Method in class RegionDataGenerator
ScriptDataGenerator::compileTemporaryBundles() — Method in class ScriptDataGenerator
CurrencyDataProviderClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Intl\Data\Provider
Data provider for currency-related data.
ArrayAccessibleResourceBundle::count() — Method in class ArrayAccessibleResourceBundle
FullTransformer::calculateUnixTimestamp() — Method in class FullTransformer
Calculates the Unix timestamp based on the matched values by the reverse matching regular expression of parse().
IntlDateFormatter::create() — Method in class IntlDateFormatter
Static constructor.
IntlDateFormatter::createDateTime() — Method in class IntlDateFormatter
Create and returns a DateTime object with the specified timestamp and with the current time zone.
Locale::canonicalize() — Method in class Locale
Returns a canonicalized locale string.
Locale::composeLocale() — Method in class Locale
Not supported. Returns a correctly ordered and delimited locale code.
NumberFormatter::create() — Method in class NumberFormatter
Static constructor.
CurrencyBundleClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Intl\ResourceBundle
Default implementation of {@link CurrencyBundleInterface}.
CurrencyBundleInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Intl\ResourceBundle
Gives access to currency-related ICU data.
GitRepository::checkout() — Method in class GitRepository
IcuVersion::compare() — Method in class IcuVersion
Compares two ICU versions with an operator.
Version::compare() — Method in class Version
Compares two versions with an operator.
$AbstractConnection#configProperty in class AbstractConnection
AbstractConnection::configureOptions() — Method in class AbstractConnection
Configures the adapter's options.
$AbstractQuery#connectionProperty in class AbstractQuery
AdapterInterface::createQuery() — Method in class AdapterInterface
Creates a new Query.
CollectionInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Ldap\Adapter
ConnectionInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Ldap\Adapter
Adapter::createQuery() — Method in class Adapter
Creates a new Query.
CollectionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Ldap\Adapter\ExtLdap
Collection::count() — Method in class Collection
ConnectionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Ldap\Adapter\ExtLdap
Connection::configureOptions() — Method in class Connection
Configures the adapter's options.
ConnectionOptionsClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Ldap\Adapter\ExtLdap
A class representing the Ldap extension's options, which can be used with ldap_set_option or ldap_get_option.
$Query#connectionProperty in class Query
ConnectionExceptionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Ldap\Exception
ConnectionException is throw if binding to ldap can not be established.
Ldap::create() — Method in class Ldap
Creates a new Ldap instance.
Factory::createLock() — Method in class Factory
Creates a lock for the given resource.
CombinedStoreClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Lock\Store
CombinedStore is a StoreInterface implementation able to manage and synchronize several StoreInterfaces.
PdoStore::createTable() — Method in class PdoStore
Creates the table to store lock keys which can be called once for setup.
StoreFactory::createStore() — Method in class StoreFactory
ConsensusStrategyClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Lock\Strategy
ConsensusStrategy is a StrategyInterface implementation where strictly more than 50% items should be successful.
ConsensusStrategy::canBeMet() — Method in class ConsensusStrategy
Returns whether or not the quorum could be met.
StrategyInterface::canBeMet() — Method in class StrategyInterface
Returns whether or not the quorum could be met.
UnanimousStrategy::canBeMet() — Method in class UnanimousStrategy
Returns whether or not the quorum could be met.
ConsumeMessagesCommandClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Messenger\Command
ConsumeMessagesCommand::configure() — Method in class ConsumeMessagesCommand
Configures the current command.
DebugCommand::configure() — Method in class DebugCommand
Configures the current command.
MessengerDataCollector::collect() — Method in class MessengerDataCollector
Collects data for the given Request and Response.
AmqpFactory::createConnection() — Method in class AmqpFactory
AmqpFactory::createChannel() — Method in class AmqpFactory
AmqpFactory::createQueue() — Method in class AmqpFactory
AmqpFactory::createExchange() — Method in class AmqpFactory
AmqpTransportFactory::createTransport() — Method in class AmqpTransportFactory
ConnectionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Messenger\Transport\AmqpExt
An AMQP connection.
Connection::channel() — Method in class Connection
Serializer::create() — Method in class Serializer
TransportFactory::createTransport() — Method in class TransportFactory
TransportFactoryInterface::createTransport() — Method in class TransportFactoryInterface
OptionsResolver::clear() — Method in class OptionsResolver
Removes all options.
OptionsResolver::count() — Method in class OptionsResolver
Returns the number of set options.
InputStream::close() — Method in class InputStream
Closes the write buffer.
AbstractPipes::close() — Method in class AbstractPipes
Closes file handles and pipes.
PipesInterface::close() — Method in class PipesInterface
Closes file handles and pipes.
WindowsPipes::close() — Method in class WindowsPipes
Closes file handles and pipes.
Process::clearOutput() — Method in class Process
Clears the process output.
Process::clearErrorOutput() — Method in class Process
Clears the process output.
Process::checkTimeout() — Method in class Process
Performs a check between the timeout definition and the time the process started.
PropertyAccess::createPropertyAccessor() — Method in class PropertyAccess
Creates a property accessor with the default configuration.
PropertyAccess::createPropertyAccessorBuilder() — Method in class PropertyAccess
PropertyAccessor::createCache() — Method in class PropertyAccessor
Creates the APCu adapter if applicable.
CompiledRouteClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Routing
CompiledRoutes are returned by the RouteCompiler class.
ConfigurableRequirementsInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Routing\Generator
ConfigurableRequirementsInterface must be implemented by URL generators that can be configured whether an exception should be generated when the parameters do not match the requirements. It is also possible to disable the requirements check for URL generation completely.
$UrlGenerator#contextProperty in class UrlGenerator
AnnotationClassLoader::createRoute() — Method in class AnnotationClassLoader
AnnotationClassLoader::configureRoute() — Method in class AnnotationClassLoader
ClosureLoaderClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Routing\Loader
ClosureLoader loads routes from a PHP closure.
CollectionConfiguratorClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Routing\Loader\Configurator
CollectionConfigurator::collection() — Method in class CollectionConfigurator
Creates a sub-collection.
RoutingConfigurator::collection() — Method in class RoutingConfigurator
RouteTrait::condition() — Method in class RouteTrait
Sets the condition.
RouteTrait::controller() — Method in class RouteTrait
Adds the "_controller" entry to defaults.
$UrlMatcher#contextProperty in class UrlMatcher
UrlMatcher::createRequest() — Method in class UrlMatcher
Route::compile() — Method in class Route
Compiles the route.
RouteCollection::count() — Method in class RouteCollection
Gets the number of Routes in this collection.
RouteCollectionBuilder::createBuilder() — Method in class RouteCollectionBuilder
Returns a RouteCollectionBuilder that can be configured and then added with mount().
RouteCompiler::compile() — Method in class RouteCompiler
Compiles the current route instance.
RouteCompilerInterface::compile() — Method in class RouteCompilerInterface
Compiles the current route instance.
$Router#contextProperty in class Router
$Router#collectionProperty in class Router
DaoAuthenticationProvider::checkAuthentication() — Method in class DaoAuthenticationProvider
Does additional checks on the user and token (like validating the credentials).
LdapBindAuthenticationProvider::checkAuthentication() — Method in class LdapBindAuthenticationProvider
Does additional checks on the user and token (like validating the credentials).
UserAuthenticationProvider::checkAuthentication() — Method in class UserAuthenticationProvider
Does additional checks on the user and token (like validating the credentials).
InMemoryTokenProvider::createNewToken() — Method in class InMemoryTokenProvider
Creates a new token.
TokenProviderInterface::createNewToken() — Method in class TokenProviderInterface
Creates a new token.
BasePasswordEncoder::comparePasswords() — Method in class BasePasswordEncoder
Compares two passwords.
CookieTheftExceptionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Exception
This exception is thrown when the RememberMeServices implementation detects that a presented cookie has already been used by someone else.
CredentialsExpiredExceptionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Exception
CredentialsExpiredException is thrown when the user account credentials have expired.
CustomUserMessageAuthenticationExceptionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Exception
An authentication exception where you can control the message shown to the user.
ChainUserProviderClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Security\Core\User
Chain User Provider.
InMemoryUserProvider::createUser() — Method in class InMemoryUserProvider
Adds a new User to the provider.
UserChecker::checkPreAuth() — Method in class UserChecker
Checks the user account before authentication.
UserChecker::checkPostAuth() — Method in class UserChecker
Checks the user account after authentication.
UserCheckerInterface::checkPreAuth() — Method in class UserCheckerInterface
Checks the user account before authentication.
UserCheckerInterface::checkPostAuth() — Method in class UserCheckerInterface
Checks the user account after authentication.
CsrfTokenClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf
A CSRF token.
CsrfTokenManagerClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf
Default implementation of {@link CsrfTokenManagerInterface}.
CsrfTokenManagerInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf
Manages CSRF tokens.
ClearableTokenStorageInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenStorage
ClearableTokenStorageInterface::clear() — Method in class ClearableTokenStorageInterface
Removes all CSRF tokens.
NativeSessionTokenStorage::clear() — Method in class NativeSessionTokenStorage
Removes all CSRF tokens.
SessionTokenStorage::clear() — Method in class SessionTokenStorage
Removes all CSRF tokens.
AbstractGuardAuthenticator::createAuthenticatedToken() — Method in class AbstractGuardAuthenticator
Shortcut to create a PostAuthenticationGuardToken for you, if you don't really care about which authenticated token you're using.
AuthenticatorInterface::checkCredentials() — Method in class AuthenticatorInterface
Returns true if the credentials are valid.
AuthenticatorInterface::createAuthenticatedToken() — Method in class AuthenticatorInterface
Create an authenticated token for the given user.
CustomAuthenticationFailureHandlerClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Security\Http\Authentication
CustomAuthenticationSuccessHandlerClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Security\Http\Authentication
SimpleFormAuthenticatorInterface::createToken() — Method in class SimpleFormAuthenticatorInterface
SimplePreAuthenticatorInterface::createToken() — Method in class SimplePreAuthenticatorInterface
ChannelListenerClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Security\Http\Firewall
ChannelListener switches the HTTP protocol based on the access control configuration.
ContextListenerClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Security\Http\Firewall
ContextListener manages the SecurityContext persistence through a session.
HttpUtils::createRedirectResponse() — Method in class HttpUtils
Creates a redirect Response.
HttpUtils::createRequest() — Method in class HttpUtils
Creates a Request.
HttpUtils::checkRequestPath() — Method in class HttpUtils
Checks that a given path matches the Request.
CookieClearingLogoutHandlerClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Security\Http\Logout
This handler clears the passed cookies when a user logs out.
CsrfTokenClearingLogoutHandlerClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Security\Http\Logout
AbstractRememberMeServices::cancelCookie() — Method in class AbstractRememberMeServices
Deletes the remember-me cookie.
PersistentTokenBasedRememberMeServices::cancelCookie() — Method in class PersistentTokenBasedRememberMeServices
Deletes the remember-me cookie.
ChainDecoderClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Serializer\Encoder
Decoder delegating the decoding to a chain of decoders.
ChainEncoderClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Serializer\Encoder
Encoder delegating the decoding to a chain of encoders.
ContextAwareDecoderInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Serializer\Encoder
Adds the support of an extra $context parameter for the supportsDecoding method.
ContextAwareEncoderInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Serializer\Encoder
Adds the support of an extra $context parameter for the supportsEncoding method.
CsvEncoderClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Serializer\Encoder
Encodes CSV data.
CircularReferenceExceptionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Serializer\Exception
ClassDiscriminatorFromClassMetadataClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Serializer\Mapping
ClassDiscriminatorMappingClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Serializer\Mapping
ClassDiscriminatorResolverInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Serializer\Mapping
Knows how to get the class discriminator mapping for classes and objects.
ClassMetadataClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Serializer\Mapping
$ClassMetadata#classDiscriminatorMappingProperty in class ClassMetadata
ClassMetadataInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Serializer\Mapping
Stores metadata needed for serializing and deserializing objects of specific class.
CacheClassMetadataFactoryClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Serializer\Mapping\Factory
Caches metadata using a PSR-6 implementation.
ClassMetadataFactoryClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Serializer\Mapping\Factory
Returns a {@link ClassMetadata}.
ClassMetadataFactoryInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Serializer\Mapping\Factory
Returns a {see ClassMetadataInterface}.
ClassResolverTraitClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Serializer\Mapping\Factory
Resolves a class name.
CamelCaseToSnakeCaseNameConverterClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Serializer\NameConverter
CamelCase to Underscore name converter.
$AbstractNormalizer#circularReferenceLimitProperty in class AbstractNormalizer
$AbstractNormalizer#circularReferenceHandlerProperty in class AbstractNormalizer
$AbstractNormalizer#classMetadataFactoryProperty in class AbstractNormalizer
$AbstractNormalizer#callbacksProperty in class AbstractNormalizer
$AbstractNormalizer#camelizedAttributesProperty in class AbstractNormalizer
AbstractNormalizer::createChildContext() — Method in class AbstractNormalizer
$AbstractObjectNormalizer#classDiscriminatorResolverProperty in class AbstractObjectNormalizer
CacheableSupportsMethodInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Serializer\Normalizer
Marker interface for normalizers and denormalizers that use only the type and the format in their supports*() methods.
ConstraintViolationListNormalizerClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Serializer\Normalizer
A normalizer that normalizes a ConstraintViolationListInterface instance.
ContextAwareDenormalizerInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Serializer\Normalizer
Adds the support of an extra $context parameter for the supportsDenormalization method.
ContextAwareNormalizerInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Serializer\Normalizer
Adds the support of an extra $context parameter for the supportsNormalization method.
CustomNormalizerClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Serializer\Normalizer
$Helper#charsetProperty in class Helper
CacheLoaderClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Templating\Loader
CacheLoader is a loader that caches other loaders responses on the filesystem.
ChainLoaderClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Templating\Loader
ChainLoader is a loader that calls other loaders to load templates.
$PhpEngine#currentProperty in class PhpEngine
$PhpEngine#charsetProperty in class PhpEngine
$PhpEngine#cacheProperty in class PhpEngine
XliffLintCommand::configure() — Method in class XliffLintCommand
Configures the current command.
TranslationDataCollector::collect() — Method in class TranslationDataCollector
Collects data for the given Request and Response.
CsvFileDumperClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Translation\Dumper
CsvFileDumper generates a csv formatted string representation of a message catalogue.
AbstractFileExtractor::canBeExtracted() — Method in class AbstractFileExtractor
ChainExtractorClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Translation\Extractor
ChainExtractor extracts translation messages from template files.
PhpExtractor::canBeExtracted() — Method in class PhpExtractor
ChoiceMessageFormatterInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Translation\Formatter
ChoiceMessageFormatterInterface::choiceFormat() — Method in class ChoiceMessageFormatterInterface
Formats a localized message pattern with given arguments.
MessageFormatter::choiceFormat() — Method in class MessageFormatter
Formats a localized message pattern with given arguments.
CsvFileLoaderClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Translation\Loader
CsvFileLoader loads translations from CSV files.
MessageSelector::choose() — Method in class MessageSelector
Given a message with different plural translations separated by a pipe (|), this method returns the correct portion of the message based on the given number, locale and the pluralization rules in the message itself.
$Translator#cataloguesProperty in class Translator
Translator::computeFallbackLocales() — Method in class Translator
ConstraintClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Validator
Contains the properties of a constraint definition.
ConstraintValidatorClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Validator
Base class for constraint validators.
$ConstraintValidator#contextProperty in class ConstraintValidator
ConstraintValidatorFactoryClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Validator
Default implementation of the ConstraintValidatorFactoryInterface.
ConstraintValidatorFactoryInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Validator
Specifies an object able to return the correct ConstraintValidatorInterface instance given a Constraint object.
ConstraintValidatorInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Validator
ConstraintViolationClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Validator
Default implementation of {@ConstraintViolationInterface}.
ConstraintViolationInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Validator
A violation of a constraint that happened during validation.
ConstraintViolationListClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Validator
Default implementation of {@ConstraintViolationListInterface}.
ConstraintViolationList::count() — Method in class ConstraintViolationList
ConstraintViolationListInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Validator
A list of constraint violations.
AbstractComparisonValidator::compareValues() — Method in class AbstractComparisonValidator
Compares the two given values to find if their relationship is valid.
$All#constraintsProperty in class All
CallbackClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints
$Callback#callbackProperty in class Callback
CallbackValidatorClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints
Validator for Callback constraint.
CardSchemeClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints
Metadata for the CardSchemeValidator.
CardSchemeValidatorClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints
Validates that a card number belongs to a specified scheme.
ChoiceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints
$Choice#choicesProperty in class Choice
$Choice#callbackProperty in class Choice
ChoiceValidatorClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints
ChoiceValidator validates that the value is one of the expected values.
CollectionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints
CollectionValidatorClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints
CompositeClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints
A constraint that is composed of other constraints.
CountClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints
CountValidatorClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints
CountryClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints
CountryValidatorClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints
Validates whether a value is a valid country code.
CurrencyClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints
CurrencyValidatorClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints
Validates whether a value is a valid currency.
DateValidator::checkDate() — Method in class DateValidator
Checks whether a date is valid.
DivisibleByValidator::compareValues() — Method in class DivisibleByValidator
Compares the two given values to find if their relationship is valid.
$Email#checkMXProperty in class Email
$Email#checkHostProperty in class Email
EqualToValidator::compareValues() — Method in class EqualToValidator
Compares the two given values to find if their relationship is valid.
$Existence#constraintsProperty in class Existence
GreaterThanOrEqualValidator::compareValues() — Method in class GreaterThanOrEqualValidator
Compares the two given values to find if their relationship is valid.
GreaterThanValidator::compareValues() — Method in class GreaterThanValidator
Compares the two given values to find if their relationship is valid.
$GroupSequence#cascadedGroupProperty in class GroupSequence
The group in which cascaded objects are validated when validating this sequence.
IdenticalToValidator::compareValues() — Method in class IdenticalToValidator
Compares the two given values to find if their relationship is valid.
$Image#corruptedMessageProperty in class Image
$Issn#caseSensitiveProperty in class Issn
$Length#charsetMessageProperty in class Length
$Length#charsetProperty in class Length
LessThanOrEqualValidator::compareValues() — Method in class LessThanOrEqualValidator
Compares the two given values to find if their relationship is valid.
LessThanValidator::compareValues() — Method in class LessThanValidator
Compares the two given values to find if their relationship is valid.
$Locale#canonicalizeProperty in class Locale
NotEqualToValidator::compareValues() — Method in class NotEqualToValidator
Compares the two given values to find if their relationship is valid.
NotIdenticalToValidator::compareValues() — Method in class NotIdenticalToValidator
Compares the two given values to find if their relationship is valid.
TimeValidator::checkTime() — Method in class TimeValidator
Checks whether a time is valid.
$Url#checkDNSProperty in class Url
ContainerConstraintValidatorFactoryClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Validator
Uses a service container to create constraint validators.
ExecutionContextFactory::createContext() — Method in class ExecutionContextFactory
Creates a new execution context.
ExecutionContextFactoryInterface::createContext() — Method in class ExecutionContextFactoryInterface
Creates a new execution context.
ValidatorDataCollector::collect() — Method in class ValidatorDataCollector
Collects data for the given Request and Response.
ConstraintDefinitionExceptionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Validator\Exception
CacheInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Validator\Mapping\Cache
Persists ClassMetadata instances in a cache.
CascadingStrategyClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Validator\Mapping
Specifies whether an object should be cascaded.
ClassMetadataClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Validator\Mapping
Default implementation of {@link ClassMetadataInterface}.
ClassMetadataInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Validator\Mapping
Stores all metadata needed for validating objects of specific class.
$LazyLoadingMetadataFactory#cacheProperty in class LazyLoadingMetadataFactory
$GenericMetadata#constraintsProperty in class GenericMetadata
$GenericMetadata#constraintsByGroupProperty in class GenericMetadata
$GenericMetadata#cascadingStrategyProperty in class GenericMetadata
The strategy for cascading objects.
$XmlFileLoader#classesProperty in class XmlFileLoader
The XML nodes of the mapping file.
$YamlFileLoader#classesProperty in class YamlFileLoader
An array of YAML class descriptions.
$MemberMetadata#classProperty in class MemberMetadata
ConstraintValidatorTestCaseClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Validator\Test
A test case to ease testing Constraint Validators.
$ConstraintValidatorTestCase#contextProperty in class ConstraintValidatorTestCase
$ConstraintValidatorTestCase#constraintProperty in class ConstraintValidatorTestCase
ConstraintValidatorTestCase::createContext() — Method in class ConstraintValidatorTestCase
ConstraintValidatorTestCase::createValidator() — Method in class ConstraintValidatorTestCase
ConstraintViolationAssertionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Validator\Test
Validation::createValidator() — Method in class Validation
Creates a new validator.
Validation::createValidatorBuilder() — Method in class Validation
Creates a configurable builder for validator objects.
ContextualValidatorInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Validator\Validator
A validator in a specific execution context.
$RecursiveValidator#contextFactoryProperty in class RecursiveValidator
ConstraintViolationBuilderClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Validator\Violation
Default implementation of {@link ConstraintViolationBuilderInterface}.
ConstraintViolationBuilderInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Validator\Violation
Builds {@link \Symfony\Component\Validator\ConstraintViolationInterface} objects.
AmqpCaster::castConnection() — Method in class AmqpCaster
AmqpCaster::castChannel() — Method in class AmqpCaster
AmqpCaster::castQueue() — Method in class AmqpCaster
AmqpCaster::castExchange() — Method in class AmqpCaster
AmqpCaster::castEnvelope() — Method in class AmqpCaster
CasterClass in namespace Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Caster
Helper for filtering out properties in casters.
Caster::castObject() — Method in class Caster
Casts objects to arrays and adds the dynamic property prefix.
Caster::castPhpIncompleteClass() — Method in class Caster
ClassStubClass in namespace Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Caster
Represents a PHP class identifier.
ConstStubClass in namespace Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Caster
Represents a PHP constant and its value.
CutArrayStubClass in namespace Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Caster
Represents a cut array.
CutStubClass in namespace Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Caster
Represents the main properties of a PHP variable, pre-casted by a caster.
DOMCaster::castException() — Method in class DOMCaster
DOMCaster::castLength() — Method in class DOMCaster
DOMCaster::castImplementation() — Method in class DOMCaster
DOMCaster::castNode() — Method in class DOMCaster
DOMCaster::castNameSpaceNode() — Method in class DOMCaster
DOMCaster::castDocument() — Method in class DOMCaster
DOMCaster::castCharacterData() — Method in class DOMCaster
DOMCaster::castAttr() — Method in class DOMCaster
DOMCaster::castElement() — Method in class DOMCaster
DOMCaster::castText() — Method in class DOMCaster
DOMCaster::castTypeinfo() — Method in class DOMCaster
DOMCaster::castDomError() — Method in class DOMCaster
DOMCaster::castLocator() — Method in class DOMCaster
DOMCaster::castDocumentType() — Method in class DOMCaster
DOMCaster::castNotation() — Method in class DOMCaster
DOMCaster::castEntity() — Method in class DOMCaster
DOMCaster::castProcessingInstruction() — Method in class DOMCaster
DOMCaster::castXPath() — Method in class DOMCaster
DateCaster::castDateTime() — Method in class DateCaster
DateCaster::castInterval() — Method in class DateCaster
DateCaster::castTimeZone() — Method in class DateCaster
DateCaster::castPeriod() — Method in class DateCaster
DoctrineCaster::castCommonProxy() — Method in class DoctrineCaster
DoctrineCaster::castOrmProxy() — Method in class DoctrineCaster
DoctrineCaster::castPersistentCollection() — Method in class DoctrineCaster
ExceptionCaster::castError() — Method in class ExceptionCaster
ExceptionCaster::castException() — Method in class ExceptionCaster
ExceptionCaster::castErrorException() — Method in class ExceptionCaster
ExceptionCaster::castThrowingCasterException() — Method in class ExceptionCaster
ExceptionCaster::castSilencedErrorContext() — Method in class ExceptionCaster
ExceptionCaster::castTraceStub() — Method in class ExceptionCaster
ExceptionCaster::castFrameStub() — Method in class ExceptionCaster
GmpCaster::castGmp() — Method in class GmpCaster
IntlCaster::castMessageFormatter() — Method in class IntlCaster
IntlCaster::castNumberFormatter() — Method in class IntlCaster
IntlCaster::castIntlTimeZone() — Method in class IntlCaster
IntlCaster::castIntlCalendar() — Method in class IntlCaster
IntlCaster::castIntlDateFormatter() — Method in class IntlCaster
MemcachedCaster::castMemcached() — Method in class MemcachedCaster
PdoCaster::castPdo() — Method in class PdoCaster
PdoCaster::castPdoStatement() — Method in class PdoCaster
PgSqlCaster::castLargeObject() — Method in class PgSqlCaster
PgSqlCaster::castLink() — Method in class PgSqlCaster
PgSqlCaster::castResult() — Method in class PgSqlCaster
ProxyManagerCaster::castProxy() — Method in class ProxyManagerCaster
RedisCaster::castRedis() — Method in class RedisCaster
RedisCaster::castRedisArray() — Method in class RedisCaster
RedisCaster::castRedisCluster() — Method in class RedisCaster
ReflectionCaster::castClosure() — Method in class ReflectionCaster
ReflectionCaster::castGenerator() — Method in class ReflectionCaster
ReflectionCaster::castType() — Method in class ReflectionCaster
ReflectionCaster::castReflectionGenerator() — Method in class ReflectionCaster
ReflectionCaster::castClass() — Method in class ReflectionCaster
ReflectionCaster::castFunctionAbstract() — Method in class ReflectionCaster
ReflectionCaster::castMethod() — Method in class ReflectionCaster
ReflectionCaster::castParameter() — Method in class ReflectionCaster
ReflectionCaster::castProperty() — Method in class ReflectionCaster
ReflectionCaster::castExtension() — Method in class ReflectionCaster
ReflectionCaster::castZendExtension() — Method in class ReflectionCaster
ResourceCaster::castCurl() — Method in class ResourceCaster
ResourceCaster::castDba() — Method in class ResourceCaster
ResourceCaster::castProcess() — Method in class ResourceCaster
ResourceCaster::castStream() — Method in class ResourceCaster
ResourceCaster::castStreamContext() — Method in class ResourceCaster
ResourceCaster::castGd() — Method in class ResourceCaster
ResourceCaster::castMysqlLink() — Method in class ResourceCaster
SplCaster::castArrayObject() — Method in class SplCaster
SplCaster::castArrayIterator() — Method in class SplCaster
SplCaster::castHeap() — Method in class SplCaster
SplCaster::castDoublyLinkedList() — Method in class SplCaster
SplCaster::castFileInfo() — Method in class SplCaster
SplCaster::castFileObject() — Method in class SplCaster
SplCaster::castFixedArray() — Method in class SplCaster
SplCaster::castObjectStorage() — Method in class SplCaster
SplCaster::castOuterIterator() — Method in class SplCaster
StubCaster::castStub() — Method in class StubCaster
StubCaster::castCutArray() — Method in class StubCaster
StubCaster::cutInternals() — Method in class StubCaster
StubCaster::castEnum() — Method in class StubCaster
SymfonyCaster::castRequest() — Method in class SymfonyCaster
XmlReaderCaster::castXmlReader() — Method in class XmlReaderCaster
XmlResourceCaster::castXml() — Method in class XmlResourceCaster
AbstractCloner::cloneVar() — Method in class AbstractCloner
Clones a PHP variable.
AbstractCloner::castObject() — Method in class AbstractCloner
Casts an object to an array representation.
AbstractCloner::castResource() — Method in class AbstractCloner
Casts a resource to an array representation.
ClonerInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Cloner
ClonerInterface::cloneVar() — Method in class ClonerInterface
Clones a PHP variable.
CursorClass in namespace Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Cloner
Represents the current state of a dumper while dumping.
Data::count() — Method in class Data
$Stub#classProperty in class Stub
$Stub#cutProperty in class Stub
CliDescriptorClass in namespace Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Command\Descriptor
Describe collected data clones for cli output.
ServerDumpCommand::configure() — Method in class ServerDumpCommand
Configures the current command.
CliDumperClass in namespace Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Dumper
CliDumper dumps variables for command line output.
$CliDumper#colorsProperty in class CliDumper
$CliDumper#controlCharsRxProperty in class CliDumper
$CliDumper#controlCharsMapProperty in class CliDumper
$CliDumper#collapseNextHashProperty in class CliDumper
CliContextProviderClass in namespace Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Dumper\ContextProvider
Tries to provide context on CLI.
ContextProviderInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Dumper\ContextProvider
Interface to provide contextual data about dump data clones sent to a server.
$HtmlDumper#colorsProperty in class HtmlDumper
ConnectionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Server
Forwards serialized Data clones to a server.
ClassNotFoundExceptionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\VarExporter\Exception
$Reference#countProperty in class Reference
$Registry#cloneableProperty in class Registry
DefinitionBuilder::clear() — Method in class DefinitionBuilder
Clear all data in the builder.
ClassInstanceSupportStrategyClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Workflow\SupportStrategy
TransitionBlocker::createBlockedByMarking() — Method in class TransitionBlocker
Create a blocker that says the transition cannot be made because it is not enabled.
TransitionBlocker::createBlockedByExpressionGuardListener() — Method in class TransitionBlocker
Creates a blocker that says the transition cannot be made because it has been blocked by the expression guard listener.
TransitionBlocker::createUnknown() — Method in class TransitionBlocker
Creates a blocker that says the transition cannot be made because of an unknown reason.
TransitionBlockerList::clear() — Method in class TransitionBlockerList
TransitionBlockerList::count() — Method in class TransitionBlockerList
Workflow::can() — Method in class Workflow
Returns true if the transition is enabled.
WorkflowInterface::can() — Method in class WorkflowInterface
Returns true if the transition is enabled.
LintCommand::configure() — Method in class LintCommand
Configures the current command.
CacheInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Contracts\Cache
Covers most simple to advanced caching needs.
CacheTraitClass in namespace Symfony\Contracts\Cache
An implementation of CacheInterface for PSR-6 CacheItemPoolInterface classes.
CallbackInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Contracts\Cache
Computes and returns the cached value of an item.


ContainerAwareEventManager::dispatchEvent() — Method in class ContainerAwareEventManager
Dispatches an event to all registered listeners.
DoctrineDataCollectorClass in namespace Symfony\Bridge\Doctrine\DataCollector
$AbstractDoctrineExtension#driversProperty in class AbstractDoctrineExtension
Used inside metadata driver method to simplify aggregation of data.
AbstractDoctrineExtension::detectMetadataDriver() — Method in class AbstractDoctrineExtension
Detects what metadata driver to use for the supplied directory.
DoctrineValidationPassClass in namespace Symfony\Bridge\Doctrine\DependencyInjection\CompilerPass
Registers additional validators.
$RegisterMappingsPass#driverProperty in class RegisterMappingsPass
DI object for the driver to use, either a service definition for a private service or a reference for a public service.
$RegisterMappingsPass#driverPatternProperty in class RegisterMappingsPass
Naming pattern of the metadata chain driver service ids, for example 'doctrine.orm.%s_metadata_driver'.
DoctrineChoiceLoaderClass in namespace Symfony\Bridge\Doctrine\Form\ChoiceList
Loads choices using a Doctrine object manager.
DoctrineOrmExtensionClass in namespace Symfony\Bridge\Doctrine\Form
DoctrineOrmTypeGuesserClass in namespace Symfony\Bridge\Doctrine\Form
DoctrineTypeClass in namespace Symfony\Bridge\Doctrine\Form\Type
DbalLoggerClass in namespace Symfony\Bridge\Doctrine\Logger
DoctrineTransactionMiddlewareClass in namespace Symfony\Bridge\Doctrine\Messenger
Wraps all handlers in a single doctrine transaction.
DoctrineExtractorClass in namespace Symfony\Bridge\Doctrine\PropertyInfo
Extracts data using Doctrine ORM and ODM metadata.
DoctrineTokenProviderClass in namespace Symfony\Bridge\Doctrine\Security\RememberMe
This class provides storage for the tokens that is set in "remember me" cookies. This way no password secrets will be stored in the cookies on the client machine, and thus the security is improved.
DoctrineTokenProvider::deleteTokenBySeries() — Method in class DoctrineTokenProvider
Deletes all tokens belonging to series.
DoctrineTestHelperClass in namespace Symfony\Bridge\Doctrine\Test
Provides utility functions needed in tests.
DoctrineInitializerClass in namespace Symfony\Bridge\Doctrine\Validator
Automatically loads proxy object before validation.
DebugProcessorClass in namespace Symfony\Bridge\Monolog\Processor
ClockMock::date() — Method in class ClockMock
DeprecationErrorHandlerClass in namespace Symfony\Bridge\PhpUnit
Catch deprecation notices and print a summary report at the end of the test suite.
DnsMockClass in namespace Symfony\Bridge\PhpUnit
DnsMock::dns_get_record() — Method in class DnsMock
DebugCommandClass in namespace Symfony\Bridge\Twig\Command
Lists twig functions, filters, globals and tests present in the current project.
$DebugCommand#defaultNameProperty in class DebugCommand
$LintCommand#defaultNameProperty in class LintCommand
DumpExtensionClass in namespace Symfony\Bridge\Twig\Extension
Provides integration of the dump() function with Twig.
DumpExtension::dump() — Method in class DumpExtension
WebLinkExtension::dnsPrefetch() — Method in class WebLinkExtension
Resolves a resource origin as early as possible.
YamlExtension::dump() — Method in class YamlExtension
TranslationDefaultDomainNodeVisitor::doEnterNode() — Method in class TranslationDefaultDomainNodeVisitor
TranslationDefaultDomainNodeVisitor::doLeaveNode() — Method in class TranslationDefaultDomainNodeVisitor
TranslationNodeVisitor::disable() — Method in class TranslationNodeVisitor
TranslationNodeVisitor::doEnterNode() — Method in class TranslationNodeVisitor
TranslationNodeVisitor::doLeaveNode() — Method in class TranslationNodeVisitor
DumpNodeClass in namespace Symfony\Bridge\Twig\Node
DumpTokenParserClass in namespace Symfony\Bridge\Twig\TokenParser
Token Parser for the 'dump' tag.
StopwatchTokenParser::decideStopwatchEnd() — Method in class StopwatchTokenParser
TransChoiceTokenParser::decideTransChoiceFork() — Method in class TransChoiceTokenParser
TransTokenParser::decideTransFork() — Method in class TransTokenParser
DebugBundleClass in namespace Symfony\Bundle\DebugBundle
DumpDataCollectorPassClass in namespace Symfony\Bundle\DebugBundle\DependencyInjection\Compiler
Registers the file link format for the {@link \Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\DataCollector\DumpDataCollector}.
DebugExtensionClass in namespace Symfony\Bundle\DebugBundle\DependencyInjection
AbstractPhpFileCacheWarmer::doWarmUp() — Method in class AbstractPhpFileCacheWarmer
AnnotationsCacheWarmer::doWarmUp() — Method in class AnnotationsCacheWarmer
SerializerCacheWarmer::doWarmUp() — Method in class SerializerCacheWarmer
ValidatorCacheWarmer::doWarmUp() — Method in class ValidatorCacheWarmer
Client::disableReboot() — Method in class Client
Disables kernel reboot between requests.
Client::doRequest() — Method in class Client
Makes a request.
Client::doRequestInProcess() — Method in class Client
Makes a request in another process.
$AboutCommand#defaultNameProperty in class AboutCommand
$AssetsInstallCommand#defaultNameProperty in class AssetsInstallCommand
$CacheClearCommand#defaultNameProperty in class CacheClearCommand
$CachePoolClearCommand#defaultNameProperty in class CachePoolClearCommand
$CachePoolDeleteCommand#defaultNameProperty in class CachePoolDeleteCommand
$CachePoolPruneCommand#defaultNameProperty in class CachePoolPruneCommand
$CacheWarmupCommand#defaultNameProperty in class CacheWarmupCommand
$ConfigDebugCommand#defaultNameProperty in class ConfigDebugCommand
$ConfigDumpReferenceCommand#defaultNameProperty in class ConfigDumpReferenceCommand
$ContainerDebugCommand#defaultNameProperty in class ContainerDebugCommand
DebugAutowiringCommandClass in namespace Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Command
A console command for autowiring information.
$DebugAutowiringCommand#defaultNameProperty in class DebugAutowiringCommand
$EventDispatcherDebugCommand#defaultNameProperty in class EventDispatcherDebugCommand
$RouterDebugCommand#defaultNameProperty in class RouterDebugCommand
$RouterMatchCommand#defaultNameProperty in class RouterMatchCommand
$TranslationDebugCommand#defaultNameProperty in class TranslationDebugCommand
$TranslationUpdateCommand#defaultNameProperty in class TranslationUpdateCommand
$WorkflowDumpCommand#defaultNameProperty in class WorkflowDumpCommand
$XliffLintCommand#defaultNameProperty in class XliffLintCommand
$YamlLintCommand#defaultNameProperty in class YamlLintCommand
Application::doRun() — Method in class Application
Runs the current application.
Application::doRunCommand() — Method in class Application
Runs the current command.
DescriptorClass in namespace Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Console\Descriptor
Descriptor::describe() — Method in class Descriptor
Describes an object if supported.
Descriptor::describeRouteCollection() — Method in class Descriptor
Describes an InputArgument instance.
Descriptor::describeRoute() — Method in class Descriptor
Describes an InputOption instance.
Descriptor::describeContainerParameters() — Method in class Descriptor
Describes container parameters.
Descriptor::describeContainerTags() — Method in class Descriptor
Describes container tags.
Descriptor::describeContainerService() — Method in class Descriptor
Describes a container service by its name.
Descriptor::describeContainerServices() — Method in class Descriptor
Describes container services.
Descriptor::describeContainerDefinition() — Method in class Descriptor
Describes a service definition.
Descriptor::describeContainerAlias() — Method in class Descriptor
Describes a service alias.
Descriptor::describeContainerParameter() — Method in class Descriptor
Describes a container parameter.
Descriptor::describeEventDispatcherListeners() — Method in class Descriptor
Describes event dispatcher listeners.
Descriptor::describeCallable() — Method in class Descriptor
Describes a callable.
JsonDescriptor::describeRouteCollection() — Method in class JsonDescriptor
Describes an InputArgument instance.
JsonDescriptor::describeRoute() — Method in class JsonDescriptor
Describes an InputOption instance.
JsonDescriptor::describeContainerParameters() — Method in class JsonDescriptor
Describes container parameters.
JsonDescriptor::describeContainerTags() — Method in class JsonDescriptor
Describes container tags.
JsonDescriptor::describeContainerService() — Method in class JsonDescriptor
Describes a container service by its name.
JsonDescriptor::describeContainerServices() — Method in class JsonDescriptor
Describes container services.
JsonDescriptor::describeContainerDefinition() — Method in class JsonDescriptor
Describes a service definition.
JsonDescriptor::describeContainerAlias() — Method in class JsonDescriptor
Describes a service alias.
JsonDescriptor::describeEventDispatcherListeners() — Method in class JsonDescriptor
Describes event dispatcher listeners.
JsonDescriptor::describeCallable() — Method in class JsonDescriptor
Describes a callable.
JsonDescriptor::describeContainerParameter() — Method in class JsonDescriptor
Describes a container parameter.
MarkdownDescriptor::describeRouteCollection() — Method in class MarkdownDescriptor
Describes an InputArgument instance.
MarkdownDescriptor::describeRoute() — Method in class MarkdownDescriptor
Describes an InputOption instance.
MarkdownDescriptor::describeContainerParameters() — Method in class MarkdownDescriptor
Describes container parameters.
MarkdownDescriptor::describeContainerTags() — Method in class MarkdownDescriptor
Describes container tags.
MarkdownDescriptor::describeContainerService() — Method in class MarkdownDescriptor
Describes a container service by its name.
MarkdownDescriptor::describeContainerServices() — Method in class MarkdownDescriptor
Describes container services.
MarkdownDescriptor::describeContainerDefinition() — Method in class MarkdownDescriptor
Describes a service definition.
MarkdownDescriptor::describeContainerAlias() — Method in class MarkdownDescriptor
Describes a service alias.
MarkdownDescriptor::describeContainerParameter() — Method in class MarkdownDescriptor
Describes a container parameter.
MarkdownDescriptor::describeEventDispatcherListeners() — Method in class MarkdownDescriptor
Describes event dispatcher listeners.
MarkdownDescriptor::describeCallable() — Method in class MarkdownDescriptor
Describes a callable.
TextDescriptor::describeRouteCollection() — Method in class TextDescriptor
Describes an InputArgument instance.
TextDescriptor::describeRoute() — Method in class TextDescriptor
Describes an InputOption instance.
TextDescriptor::describeContainerParameters() — Method in class TextDescriptor
Describes container parameters.
TextDescriptor::describeContainerTags() — Method in class TextDescriptor
Describes container tags.
TextDescriptor::describeContainerService() — Method in class TextDescriptor
Describes a container service by its name.
TextDescriptor::describeContainerServices() — Method in class TextDescriptor
Describes container services.
TextDescriptor::describeContainerDefinition() — Method in class TextDescriptor
Describes a service definition.
TextDescriptor::describeContainerAlias() — Method in class TextDescriptor
Describes a service alias.
TextDescriptor::describeContainerParameter() — Method in class TextDescriptor
Describes a container parameter.
TextDescriptor::describeEventDispatcherListeners() — Method in class TextDescriptor
Describes event dispatcher listeners.
TextDescriptor::describeCallable() — Method in class TextDescriptor
Describes a callable.
XmlDescriptor::describeRouteCollection() — Method in class XmlDescriptor
Describes an InputArgument instance.
XmlDescriptor::describeRoute() — Method in class XmlDescriptor
Describes an InputOption instance.
XmlDescriptor::describeContainerParameters() — Method in class XmlDescriptor
Describes container parameters.
XmlDescriptor::describeContainerTags() — Method in class XmlDescriptor
Describes container tags.
XmlDescriptor::describeContainerService() — Method in class XmlDescriptor
Describes a container service by its name.
XmlDescriptor::describeContainerServices() — Method in class XmlDescriptor
Describes container services.
XmlDescriptor::describeContainerDefinition() — Method in class XmlDescriptor
Describes a service definition.
XmlDescriptor::describeContainerAlias() — Method in class XmlDescriptor
Describes a service alias.
XmlDescriptor::describeEventDispatcherListeners() — Method in class XmlDescriptor
Describes event dispatcher listeners.
XmlDescriptor::describeCallable() — Method in class XmlDescriptor
Describes a callable.
XmlDescriptor::describeContainerParameter() — Method in class XmlDescriptor
Describes a container parameter.
DescriptorHelperClass in namespace Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Console\Helper
ControllerTrait::denyAccessUnlessGranted() — Method in class ControllerTrait
Throws an exception unless the attributes are granted against the current authentication token and optionally supplied subject.
ControllerTrait::dispatchMessage() — Method in class ControllerTrait
Dispatches a message to the bus.
DataCollectorTranslatorPassClass in namespace Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\DependencyInjection\Compiler
DelegatingLoaderClass in namespace Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Routing
DelegatingLoader delegates route loading to other loaders using a loader resolver.
DelegatingEngineClass in namespace Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Templating
DelegatingEngine selects an engine for a given template.
$UserPasswordEncoderCommand#defaultNameProperty in class UserPasswordEncoderCommand
$AbstractFactory#defaultSuccessHandlerOptionsProperty in class AbstractFactory
$AbstractFactory#defaultFailureHandlerOptionsProperty in class AbstractFactory
$ExceptionController#debugProperty in class ExceptionController
$ExceptionController#debugProperty in class ExceptionController
ContentSecurityPolicyHandler::disableCsp() — Method in class ContentSecurityPolicyHandler
Disables Content-Security-Policy.
WebProfilerExtension::dumpData() — Method in class WebProfilerExtension
WebProfilerExtension::dumpLog() — Method in class WebProfilerExtension
$ServerLogCommand#defaultNameProperty in class ServerLogCommand
$ServerRunCommand#defaultNameProperty in class ServerRunCommand
$ServerStartCommand#defaultNameProperty in class ServerStartCommand
$ServerStatusCommand#defaultNameProperty in class ServerStatusCommand
$ServerStopCommand#defaultNameProperty in class ServerStopCommand
Client::doRequestInProcess() — Method in class Client
Makes a request in another process.
Client::doRequest() — Method in class Client
Makes a request.
$Cookie#domainProperty in class Cookie
ArrayAdapter::deleteItems() — Method in class ArrayAdapter
ArrayAdapter::delete() — Method in class ArrayAdapter
Removes an item from the pool.
ChainAdapter::deleteItem() — Method in class ChainAdapter
ChainAdapter::deleteItems() — Method in class ChainAdapter
DoctrineAdapterClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Cache\Adapter
NullAdapter::deleteItem() — Method in class NullAdapter
NullAdapter::deleteItems() — Method in class NullAdapter
NullAdapter::delete() — Method in class NullAdapter
Removes an item from the pool.
PhpArrayAdapter::deleteItem() — Method in class PhpArrayAdapter
PhpArrayAdapter::deleteItems() — Method in class PhpArrayAdapter
ProxyAdapter::deleteItem() — Method in class ProxyAdapter
ProxyAdapter::deleteItems() — Method in class ProxyAdapter
SimpleCacheAdapter::doFetch() — Method in class SimpleCacheAdapter
Fetches several cache items.
SimpleCacheAdapter::doHave() — Method in class SimpleCacheAdapter
Confirms if the cache contains specified cache item.
SimpleCacheAdapter::doClear() — Method in class SimpleCacheAdapter
Deletes all items in the pool.
SimpleCacheAdapter::doDelete() — Method in class SimpleCacheAdapter
Removes multiple items from the pool.
SimpleCacheAdapter::doSave() — Method in class SimpleCacheAdapter
Persists several cache items immediately.
TagAwareAdapter::deleteItem() — Method in class TagAwareAdapter
TagAwareAdapter::deleteItems() — Method in class TagAwareAdapter
TraceableAdapter::deleteItem() — Method in class TraceableAdapter
TraceableAdapter::deleteItems() — Method in class TraceableAdapter
TraceableAdapter::delete() — Method in class TraceableAdapter
Removes an item from the pool.
$CacheItem#defaultLifetimeProperty in class CacheItem
DoctrineProviderClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Cache
DoctrineProvider::doFetch() — Method in class DoctrineProvider
DoctrineProvider::doContains() — Method in class DoctrineProvider
DoctrineProvider::doSave() — Method in class DoctrineProvider
DoctrineProvider::doDelete() — Method in class DoctrineProvider
DoctrineProvider::doFlush() — Method in class DoctrineProvider
DoctrineProvider::doGetStats() — Method in class DoctrineProvider
DefaultMarshallerClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Cache\Marshaller
Serializes/unserializes values using igbinary_serialize() if available, serialize() otherwise.
AbstractCache::deleteMultiple() — Method in class AbstractCache
ArrayCache::deleteMultiple() — Method in class ArrayCache
ChainCache::delete() — Method in class ChainCache
ChainCache::deleteMultiple() — Method in class ChainCache
DoctrineCacheClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Cache\Simple
NullCache::delete() — Method in class NullCache
NullCache::deleteMultiple() — Method in class NullCache
PhpArrayCache::delete() — Method in class PhpArrayCache
PhpArrayCache::deleteMultiple() — Method in class PhpArrayCache
Psr6Cache::delete() — Method in class Psr6Cache
Psr6Cache::deleteMultiple() — Method in class Psr6Cache
TraceableCache::delete() — Method in class TraceableCache
TraceableCache::deleteMultiple() — Method in class TraceableCache
AbstractTrait::doFetch() — Method in class AbstractTrait
Fetches several cache items.
AbstractTrait::doHave() — Method in class AbstractTrait
Confirms if the cache contains specified cache item.
AbstractTrait::doClear() — Method in class AbstractTrait
Deletes all items in the pool.
AbstractTrait::doDelete() — Method in class AbstractTrait
Removes multiple items from the pool.
AbstractTrait::doSave() — Method in class AbstractTrait
Persists several cache items immediately.
AbstractTrait::deleteItem() — Method in class AbstractTrait
AbstractTrait::deleteItems() — Method in class AbstractTrait
ApcuTrait::doFetch() — Method in class ApcuTrait
ApcuTrait::doHave() — Method in class ApcuTrait
ApcuTrait::doClear() — Method in class ApcuTrait
ApcuTrait::doDelete() — Method in class ApcuTrait
ApcuTrait::doSave() — Method in class ApcuTrait
ArrayTrait::deleteItem() — Method in class ArrayTrait
DoctrineTraitClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Cache\Traits
DoctrineTrait::doFetch() — Method in class DoctrineTrait
DoctrineTrait::doHave() — Method in class DoctrineTrait
DoctrineTrait::doClear() — Method in class DoctrineTrait
DoctrineTrait::doDelete() — Method in class DoctrineTrait
DoctrineTrait::doSave() — Method in class DoctrineTrait
FilesystemCommonTrait::doClear() — Method in class FilesystemCommonTrait
FilesystemCommonTrait::doDelete() — Method in class FilesystemCommonTrait
FilesystemCommonTrait::doUnlink() — Method in class FilesystemCommonTrait
FilesystemTrait::doFetch() — Method in class FilesystemTrait
FilesystemTrait::doHave() — Method in class FilesystemTrait
FilesystemTrait::doSave() — Method in class FilesystemTrait
MemcachedTrait::doSave() — Method in class MemcachedTrait
MemcachedTrait::doFetch() — Method in class MemcachedTrait
MemcachedTrait::doHave() — Method in class MemcachedTrait
MemcachedTrait::doDelete() — Method in class MemcachedTrait
MemcachedTrait::doClear() — Method in class MemcachedTrait
PdoTrait::doFetch() — Method in class PdoTrait
PdoTrait::doHave() — Method in class PdoTrait
PdoTrait::doClear() — Method in class PdoTrait
PdoTrait::doDelete() — Method in class PdoTrait
PdoTrait::doSave() — Method in class PdoTrait
PhpFilesTrait::doFetch() — Method in class PhpFilesTrait
PhpFilesTrait::doHave() — Method in class PhpFilesTrait
PhpFilesTrait::doSave() — Method in class PhpFilesTrait
PhpFilesTrait::doClear() — Method in class PhpFilesTrait
PhpFilesTrait::doDelete() — Method in class PhpFilesTrait
PhpFilesTrait::doUnlink() — Method in class PhpFilesTrait
RedisTrait::doFetch() — Method in class RedisTrait
RedisTrait::doHave() — Method in class RedisTrait
RedisTrait::doClear() — Method in class RedisTrait
RedisTrait::doDelete() — Method in class RedisTrait
RedisTrait::doSave() — Method in class RedisTrait
$BaseNode#deprecationMessageProperty in class BaseNode
ArrayNodeDefinition::disallowNewKeysInSubsequentConfigs() — Method in class ArrayNodeDefinition
Disallows adding news keys in a subsequent configuration.
MergeBuilder::denyOverwrite() — Method in class MergeBuilder
Sets whether the node can be overwritten.
$NodeDefinition#defaultValueProperty in class NodeDefinition
$NodeDefinition#defaultProperty in class NodeDefinition
$NodeDefinition#deprecationMessageProperty in class NodeDefinition
NodeDefinition::defaultValue() — Method in class NodeDefinition
Sets the default value.
NodeDefinition::defaultNull() — Method in class NodeDefinition
Sets null as the default value.
NodeDefinition::defaultTrue() — Method in class NodeDefinition
Sets true as the default value.
NodeDefinition::defaultFalse() — Method in class NodeDefinition
Sets false as the default value.
XmlReferenceDumper::dump() — Method in class XmlReferenceDumper
XmlReferenceDumper::dumpNode() — Method in class XmlReferenceDumper
YamlReferenceDumper::dump() — Method in class YamlReferenceDumper
YamlReferenceDumper::dumpAtPath() — Method in class YamlReferenceDumper
YamlReferenceDumper::dumpNode() — Method in class YamlReferenceDumper
DuplicateKeyExceptionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Config\Definition\Exception
This exception is thrown whenever the key of an array is not unique. This can only be the case if the configuration is coming from an XML file.
$PrototypedArrayNode#defaultValueProperty in class PrototypedArrayNode
$PrototypedArrayNode#defaultChildrenProperty in class PrototypedArrayNode
$VariableNode#defaultValueSetProperty in class VariableNode
$VariableNode#defaultValueProperty in class VariableNode
DelegatingLoaderClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Config\Loader
DelegatingLoader delegates loading to other loaders using a loader resolver.
DirectoryResourceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Config\Resource
DirectoryResource represents a resources stored in a subdirectory tree.
Application::doRun() — Method in class Application
Runs the current application.
Application::doRenderException() — Method in class Application
Application::doRunCommand() — Method in class Application
Runs the current command.
$Command#defaultNameProperty in class Command
DescriptorClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Console\Descriptor
Descriptor::describe() — Method in class Descriptor
Describes an object if supported.
Descriptor::describeInputArgument() — Method in class Descriptor
Describes an InputArgument instance.
Descriptor::describeInputOption() — Method in class Descriptor
Describes an InputOption instance.
Descriptor::describeInputDefinition() — Method in class Descriptor
Describes an InputDefinition instance.
Descriptor::describeCommand() — Method in class Descriptor
Describes a Command instance.
Descriptor::describeApplication() — Method in class Descriptor
Describes an Application instance.
DescriptorInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Console\Descriptor
Descriptor interface.
DescriptorInterface::describe() — Method in class DescriptorInterface
Describes an object if supported.
JsonDescriptor::describeInputArgument() — Method in class JsonDescriptor
Describes an InputArgument instance.
JsonDescriptor::describeInputOption() — Method in class JsonDescriptor
Describes an InputOption instance.
JsonDescriptor::describeInputDefinition() — Method in class JsonDescriptor
Describes an InputDefinition instance.
JsonDescriptor::describeCommand() — Method in class JsonDescriptor
Describes a Command instance.
JsonDescriptor::describeApplication() — Method in class JsonDescriptor
Describes an Application instance.
MarkdownDescriptor::describe() — Method in class MarkdownDescriptor
Describes an object if supported.
MarkdownDescriptor::describeInputArgument() — Method in class MarkdownDescriptor
Describes an InputArgument instance.
MarkdownDescriptor::describeInputOption() — Method in class MarkdownDescriptor
Describes an InputOption instance.
MarkdownDescriptor::describeInputDefinition() — Method in class MarkdownDescriptor
Describes an InputDefinition instance.
MarkdownDescriptor::describeCommand() — Method in class MarkdownDescriptor
Describes a Command instance.
MarkdownDescriptor::describeApplication() — Method in class MarkdownDescriptor
Describes an Application instance.
TextDescriptor::describeInputArgument() — Method in class TextDescriptor
Describes an InputArgument instance.
TextDescriptor::describeInputOption() — Method in class TextDescriptor
Describes an InputOption instance.
TextDescriptor::describeInputDefinition() — Method in class TextDescriptor
Describes an InputDefinition instance.
TextDescriptor::describeCommand() — Method in class TextDescriptor
Describes a Command instance.
TextDescriptor::describeApplication() — Method in class TextDescriptor
Describes an Application instance.
XmlDescriptor::describeInputArgument() — Method in class XmlDescriptor
Describes an InputArgument instance.
XmlDescriptor::describeInputOption() — Method in class XmlDescriptor
Describes an InputOption instance.
XmlDescriptor::describeInputDefinition() — Method in class XmlDescriptor
Describes an InputDefinition instance.
XmlDescriptor::describeCommand() — Method in class XmlDescriptor
Describes a Command instance.
XmlDescriptor::describeApplication() — Method in class XmlDescriptor
Describes an Application instance.
ConsoleCommandEvent::disableCommand() — Method in class ConsoleCommandEvent
Disables the command, so it won't be run.
DebugFormatterHelperClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Console\Helper
Helps outputting debug information when running an external program from a command.
DescriptorHelperClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Console\Helper
This class adds helper method to describe objects in various formats.
DescriptorHelper::describe() — Method in class DescriptorHelper
Describes an object if supported.
ProgressBar::display() — Method in class ProgressBar
Outputs the current progress string.
QuestionHelper::disableStty() — Method in class QuestionHelper
Prevents usage of stty.
$Input#definitionProperty in class Input
BufferedOutput::doWrite() — Method in class BufferedOutput
Writes a message to the output.
ConsoleSectionOutput::doWrite() — Method in class ConsoleSectionOutput
Writes a message to the output.
Output::doWrite() — Method in class Output
Writes a message to the output.
StreamOutput::doWrite() — Method in class StreamOutput
Writes a message to the output.
DebugClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Debug
Registers all the debug tools.
DebugClassLoaderClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Debug
Autoloader checking if the class is really defined in the file found.
DebugClassLoader::disable() — Method in class DebugClassLoader
Disables the wrapping.
DecoratorServicePassClass in namespace Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Compiler
Overwrites a service but keeps the overridden one.
DefinitionErrorExceptionPassClass in namespace Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Compiler
Throws an exception for any Definitions that have errors and still exist.
DefinitionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection
Definition represents a service definition.
DumperClass in namespace Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Dumper
Dumper is the abstract class for all built-in dumpers.
DumperInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Dumper
DumperInterface is the interface implemented by service container dumper classes.
DumperInterface::dump() — Method in class DumperInterface
Dumps the service container.
GraphvizDumper::dump() — Method in class GraphvizDumper
Dumps the service container as a graphviz graph.
PhpDumper::dump() — Method in class PhpDumper
Dumps the service container as a PHP class.
XmlDumper::dump() — Method in class XmlDumper
Dumps the service container as an XML string.
YamlDumper::dump() — Method in class YamlDumper
Dumps the service container as an YAML string.
DumperInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\LazyProxy\PhpDumper
Lazy proxy dumper capable of generating the instantiation logic PHP code for proxied services.
$AbstractConfigurator#definitionProperty in class AbstractConfigurator
DefaultsConfiguratorClass in namespace Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Loader\Configurator
ServicesConfigurator::defaults() — Method in class ServicesConfigurator
Defines a set of defaults for following service definitions.
DecorateTraitClass in namespace Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Loader\Configurator\Traits
DecorateTrait::decorate() — Method in class DecorateTrait
Sets the service that this service is decorating.
DeprecateTraitClass in namespace Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Loader\Configurator\Traits
DeprecateTrait::deprecate() — Method in class DeprecateTrait
Whether this definition is deprecated, that means it should not be called anymore.
DirectoryLoaderClass in namespace Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Loader
DirectoryLoader is a recursive loader to go through directories.
ChoiceFormField::disableValidation() — Method in class ChoiceFormField
Disables the internal validation of the field.
$FormField#documentProperty in class FormField
$FormField#disabledProperty in class FormField
Form::disableValidation() — Method in class Form
Disables validation.
DotenvClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Dotenv
Manages .env files.
TraceableEventDispatcher::dispatch() — Method in class TraceableEventDispatcher
Dispatches an event to all registered listeners.
$RegisterListenersPass#dispatcherServiceProperty in class RegisterListenersPass
EventDispatcher::dispatch() — Method in class EventDispatcher
Dispatches an event to all registered listeners.
EventDispatcher::doDispatch() — Method in class EventDispatcher
Triggers the listeners of an event.
EventDispatcherInterface::dispatch() — Method in class EventDispatcherInterface
Dispatches an event to all registered listeners.
ImmutableEventDispatcher::dispatch() — Method in class ImmutableEventDispatcher
Dispatches an event to all registered listeners.
Node::dump() — Method in class Node
Node::dumpString() — Method in class Node
Filesystem::dumpFile() — Method in class Filesystem
Atomically dumps content into a file.
DateComparatorClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Finder\Comparator
DateCompare compiles date comparisons.
Finder::directories() — Method in class Finder
Restricts the matching to directories only.
Finder::depth() — Method in class Finder
Adds tests for the directory depth.
Finder::date() — Method in class Finder
Adds tests for file dates (last modified).
DateRangeFilterIteratorClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Finder\Iterator
DateRangeFilterIterator filters out files that are not in the given date range (last modified dates).
DepthRangeFilterIteratorClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Finder\Iterator
DepthRangeFilterIterator limits the directory depth.
$AbstractRendererEngine#defaultThemesProperty in class AbstractRendererEngine
DefaultChoiceListFactoryClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\Factory
Default implementation of {@link ChoiceListFactoryInterface}.
$ChoiceView#dataProperty in class ChoiceView
DebugCommandClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Form\Command
A console command for retrieving information about form types.
$DebugCommand#defaultNameProperty in class DebugCommand
DescriptorClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Form\Console\Descriptor
Descriptor::describe() — Method in class Descriptor
Describes an object if supported.
Descriptor::describeDefaults() — Method in class Descriptor
Descriptor::describeResolvedFormType() — Method in class Descriptor
Descriptor::describeOption() — Method in class Descriptor
JsonDescriptor::describeDefaults() — Method in class JsonDescriptor
JsonDescriptor::describeResolvedFormType() — Method in class JsonDescriptor
JsonDescriptor::describeOption() — Method in class JsonDescriptor
TextDescriptor::describeDefaults() — Method in class TextDescriptor
TextDescriptor::describeResolvedFormType() — Method in class TextDescriptor
TextDescriptor::describeOption() — Method in class TextDescriptor
DescriptorHelperClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Form\Console\Helper
DataMapperInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Form
DataTransformerInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Form
Transforms a value between different representations.
DataTransformerChainClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\DataTransformer
Passes a value through multiple value transformers.
DateIntervalToArrayTransformerClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\DataTransformer
Transforms between a normalized date interval and an interval string/array.
DateIntervalToStringTransformerClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\DataTransformer
Transforms between a date string and a DateInterval object.
DateTimeImmutableToDateTimeTransformerClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\DataTransformer
Transforms between a DateTimeImmutable object and a DateTime object.
DateTimeToArrayTransformerClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\DataTransformer
Transforms between a normalized time and a localized time string/array.
DateTimeToHtml5LocalDateTimeTransformerClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\DataTransformer
DateTimeToLocalizedStringTransformerClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\DataTransformer
Transforms between a normalized time and a localized time string.
DateTimeToRfc3339TransformerClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\DataTransformer
DateTimeToStringTransformerClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\DataTransformer
Transforms between a date string and a DateTime object.
DateTimeToTimestampTransformerClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\DataTransformer
Transforms between a timestamp and a DateTime object.
DateTimeZoneToStringTransformerClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\DataTransformer
Transforms between a timezone identifier string and a DateTimeZone object.
DateIntervalTypeClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type
DateTimeTypeClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type
DateTypeClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type
DataCollectorExtensionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\DataCollector
Extension for collecting data of the forms on a page.
DataCollectorListenerClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\DataCollector\EventListener
Listener that invokes a data collector for the {@link FormEvents::POST_SET_DATA} and {@link FormEvents::POST_SUBMIT} events.
DataCollectorTypeExtensionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\DataCollector\Type
Type extension for collecting data of a form with this type.
DependencyInjectionExtensionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\DependencyInjection
$FormEvent#dataProperty in class FormEvent
$TypeTestCase#dispatcherProperty in class TypeTestCase
$BinaryFileResponse#deleteFileAfterSendProperty in class BinaryFileResponse
BinaryFileResponse::deleteFileAfterSend() — Method in class BinaryFileResponse
If this is set to true, the file will be unlinked after the request is send Note: If the X-Sendfile header is used, the deleteFileAfterSend setting will not be used.
$Cookie#domainProperty in class Cookie
$MimeTypeExtensionGuesser#defaultExtensionsProperty in class MimeTypeExtensionGuesser
A map of mime types and their default extensions.
$JsonResponse#dataProperty in class JsonResponse
$Request#defaultLocaleProperty in class Request
Request::duplicate() — Method in class Request
Clones a request and overrides some of its parameters.
AbstractSessionHandler::doRead() — Method in class AbstractSessionHandler
AbstractSessionHandler::doWrite() — Method in class AbstractSessionHandler
AbstractSessionHandler::doDestroy() — Method in class AbstractSessionHandler
AbstractSessionHandler::destroy() — Method in class AbstractSessionHandler
MemcachedSessionHandler::doRead() — Method in class MemcachedSessionHandler
MemcachedSessionHandler::doWrite() — Method in class MemcachedSessionHandler
MemcachedSessionHandler::doDestroy() — Method in class MemcachedSessionHandler
MigratingSessionHandler::destroy() — Method in class MigratingSessionHandler
MongoDbSessionHandler::doDestroy() — Method in class MongoDbSessionHandler
MongoDbSessionHandler::doWrite() — Method in class MongoDbSessionHandler
MongoDbSessionHandler::doRead() — Method in class MongoDbSessionHandler
NullSessionHandler::doRead() — Method in class NullSessionHandler
NullSessionHandler::doWrite() — Method in class NullSessionHandler
NullSessionHandler::doDestroy() — Method in class NullSessionHandler
PdoSessionHandler::doDestroy() — Method in class PdoSessionHandler
PdoSessionHandler::doWrite() — Method in class PdoSessionHandler
PdoSessionHandler::doRead() — Method in class PdoSessionHandler
Reads the session data in respect to the different locking strategies.
RedisSessionHandler::doRead() — Method in class RedisSessionHandler
RedisSessionHandler::doWrite() — Method in class RedisSessionHandler
RedisSessionHandler::doDestroy() — Method in class RedisSessionHandler
StrictSessionHandler::doRead() — Method in class StrictSessionHandler
StrictSessionHandler::doWrite() — Method in class StrictSessionHandler
StrictSessionHandler::destroy() — Method in class StrictSessionHandler
StrictSessionHandler::doDestroy() — Method in class StrictSessionHandler
$MockArraySessionStorage#dataProperty in class MockArraySessionStorage
SessionHandlerProxy::destroy() — Method in class SessionHandlerProxy
Client::doRequest() — Method in class Client
Makes a request.
DefaultValueResolverClass in namespace Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Controller\ArgumentResolver
Yields the default value defined in the action signature when no value has been given.
DataCollectorClass in namespace Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\DataCollector
$DataCollector#dataProperty in class DataCollector
DataCollectorInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\DataCollector
DumpDataCollectorClass in namespace Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\DataCollector
DumpDataCollector::dump() — Method in class DumpDataCollector
$EventDataCollector#dispatcherProperty in class EventDataCollector
DebugHandlersListenerClass in namespace Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\EventListener
Configures errors and exceptions handlers.
DumpListenerClass in namespace Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\EventListener
Configures dump() handler.
$ExceptionListener#debugProperty in class ExceptionListener
ExceptionListener::duplicateRequest() — Method in class ExceptionListener
Clones the request for the exception.
FragmentHandler::deliver() — Method in class FragmentHandler
Delivers the Response as a string.
$HttpKernel#dispatcherProperty in class HttpKernel
$Kernel#debugProperty in class Kernel
Kernel::dumpContainer() — Method in class Kernel
Dumps the service container to PHP code in the cache.
DebugLoggerInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Log
Profiler::disable() — Method in class Profiler
Disables the profiler.
DayOfWeekTransformerClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Intl\DateFormatter\DateFormat
Parser and formatter for day of week format.
DayOfYearTransformerClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Intl\DateFormatter\DateFormat
Parser and formatter for day of year format.
DayTransformerClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Intl\DateFormatter\DateFormat
Parser and formatter for day format.
GitRepository::download() — Method in class GitRepository
$AbstractQuery#dnProperty in class AbstractQuery
DriverNotFoundExceptionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Ldap\Exception
LdapException is throw if php ldap module is not loaded.
StoreInterface::delete() — Method in class StoreInterface
Removes a resource from the storage.
CombinedStore::delete() — Method in class CombinedStore
Removes a resource from the storage.
FlockStore::delete() — Method in class FlockStore
Removes a resource from the storage.
MemcachedStore::delete() — Method in class MemcachedStore
Removes a resource from the storage.
PdoStore::delete() — Method in class PdoStore
Removes a resource from the storage.
RedisStore::delete() — Method in class RedisStore
Removes a resource from the storage.
RetryTillSaveStore::delete() — Method in class RetryTillSaveStore
Removes a resource from the storage.
SemaphoreStore::delete() — Method in class SemaphoreStore
Removes a resource from the storage.
ZookeeperStore::delete() — Method in class ZookeeperStore
Removes a resource from the storage.
$ConsumeMessagesCommand#defaultNameProperty in class ConsumeMessagesCommand
DebugCommandClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Messenger\Command
A console command to debug Messenger information.
$DebugCommand#defaultNameProperty in class DebugCommand
MessageBusInterface::dispatch() — Method in class MessageBusInterface
Dispatches the given message.
TraceableMessageBus::dispatch() — Method in class TraceableMessageBus
Dispatches the given message.
Serializer::decode() — Method in class Serializer
Decodes an envelope and its message from an encoded-form.
SerializerInterface::decode() — Method in class SerializerInterface
Decodes an envelope and its message from an encoded-form.
Process::disableOutput() — Method in class Process
Disables fetching output and error output from the underlying process.
PropertyAccessorBuilder::disableMagicCall() — Method in class PropertyAccessorBuilder
Disables the use of "__call" by the PropertyAccessor.
PropertyAccessorBuilder::disableExceptionOnInvalidIndex() — Method in class PropertyAccessorBuilder
Disables exceptions when reading a non-existing index.
$ReflectionExtractor#defaultMutatorPrefixesProperty in class ReflectionExtractor
$ReflectionExtractor#defaultAccessorPrefixesProperty in class ReflectionExtractor
$ReflectionExtractor#defaultArrayMutatorPrefixesProperty in class ReflectionExtractor
GeneratorDumperInterface::dump() — Method in class GeneratorDumperInterface
Dumps a set of routes to a string representation of executable code that can then be used to generate a URL of such a route.
PhpGeneratorDumper::dump() — Method in class PhpGeneratorDumper
Dumps a set of routes to a PHP class.
$UrlGenerator#decodedCharsProperty in class UrlGenerator
This array defines the characters (besides alphanumeric ones) that will not be percent-encoded in the path segment of the generated URL.
UrlGenerator::doGenerate() — Method in class UrlGenerator
$AnnotationClassLoader#defaultRouteIndexProperty in class AnnotationClassLoader
RouteTrait::defaults() — Method in class RouteTrait
Adds defaults.
DirectoryLoaderClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Routing\Loader
MatcherDumperInterface::dump() — Method in class MatcherDumperInterface
Dumps a set of routes to a string representation of executable code that can then be used to match a request against these routes.
PhpMatcherDumper::dump() — Method in class PhpMatcherDumper
Dumps a set of routes to a PHP class.
DaoAuthenticationProviderClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Authentication\Provider
DaoAuthenticationProvider uses a UserProviderInterface to retrieve the user for a UsernamePasswordToken.
InMemoryTokenProvider::deleteTokenBySeries() — Method in class InMemoryTokenProvider
Deletes all tokens belonging to series.
TokenProviderInterface::deleteTokenBySeries() — Method in class TokenProviderInterface
Deletes all tokens belonging to series.
AccessDecisionManager::decide() — Method in class AccessDecisionManager
Decides whether the access is possible or not.
AccessDecisionManagerInterface::decide() — Method in class AccessDecisionManagerInterface
Decides whether the access is possible or not.
TraceableAccessDecisionManager::decide() — Method in class TraceableAccessDecisionManager
Decides whether the access is possible or not.
BasePasswordEncoder::demergePasswordAndSalt() — Method in class BasePasswordEncoder
Demerges a merge password and salt string.
DisabledExceptionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Exception
DisabledException is thrown when the user account is disabled.
DefaultAuthenticationFailureHandlerClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Security\Http\Authentication
Class with the default authentication failure handling logic.
$DefaultAuthenticationFailureHandler#defaultOptionsProperty in class DefaultAuthenticationFailureHandler
DefaultAuthenticationSuccessHandlerClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Security\Http\Authentication
Class with the default authentication success handling logic.
$DefaultAuthenticationSuccessHandler#defaultOptionsProperty in class DefaultAuthenticationSuccessHandler
DefaultAuthenticationSuccessHandler::determineTargetUrl() — Method in class DefaultAuthenticationSuccessHandler
Builds the target URL according to the defined options.
DefaultLogoutSuccessHandlerClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Security\Http\Logout
Default logout success handler will redirect users to a configured path.
AbstractRememberMeServices::decodeCookie() — Method in class AbstractRememberMeServices
Decodes the raw cookie value.
DiscriminatorMapClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Serializer\Annotation
Annotation class for @DiscriminatorMap().
$ChainDecoder#decodersProperty in class ChainDecoder
$ChainDecoder#decoderByFormatProperty in class ChainDecoder
ChainDecoder::decode() — Method in class ChainDecoder
Decodes a string into PHP data.
CsvEncoder::decode() — Method in class CsvEncoder
Decodes a string into PHP data.
DecoderInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Serializer\Encoder
Defines the interface of decoders.
DecoderInterface::decode() — Method in class DecoderInterface
Decodes a string into PHP data.
JsonDecode::decode() — Method in class JsonDecode
Decodes data.
$JsonEncoder#decodingImplProperty in class JsonEncoder
JsonEncoder::decode() — Method in class JsonEncoder
Decodes a string into PHP data.
XmlEncoder::decode() — Method in class XmlEncoder
Decodes a string into PHP data.
YamlEncoder::decode() — Method in class YamlEncoder
Decodes a string into PHP data.
AdvancedNameConverterInterface::denormalize() — Method in class AdvancedNameConverterInterface
Converts a property name to its denormalized value.
CamelCaseToSnakeCaseNameConverter::denormalize() — Method in class CamelCaseToSnakeCaseNameConverter
Converts a property name to its denormalized value.
MetadataAwareNameConverter::denormalize() — Method in class MetadataAwareNameConverter
Converts a property name to its denormalized value.
NameConverterInterface::denormalize() — Method in class NameConverterInterface
Converts a property name to its denormalized value.
$AbstractNormalizer#defaultContextProperty in class AbstractNormalizer
AbstractNormalizer::denormalizeParameter() — Method in class AbstractNormalizer
AbstractObjectNormalizer::denormalize() — Method in class AbstractObjectNormalizer
Denormalizes data back into an object of the given class.
AbstractObjectNormalizer::denormalizeParameter() — Method in class AbstractObjectNormalizer
ArrayDenormalizer::denormalize() — Method in class ArrayDenormalizer
Denormalizes data back into an object of the given class.
CustomNormalizer::denormalize() — Method in class CustomNormalizer
Denormalizes data back into an object of the given class.
DataUriNormalizerClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Serializer\Normalizer
Normalizes an {see \SplFileInfo} object to a data URI.
DataUriNormalizer::denormalize() — Method in class DataUriNormalizer
Denormalizes data back into an object of the given class.
DateIntervalNormalizerClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Serializer\Normalizer
Normalizes an instance of {see \DateInterval} to an interval string.
DateIntervalNormalizer::denormalize() — Method in class DateIntervalNormalizer
Denormalizes data back into an object of the given class.
DateTimeNormalizerClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Serializer\Normalizer
Normalizes an object implementing the {see \DateTimeInterface} to a date string.
DateTimeNormalizer::denormalize() — Method in class DateTimeNormalizer
Denormalizes data back into an object of the given class.
DenormalizableInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Serializer\Normalizer
Defines the most basic interface a class must implement to be denormalizable.
DenormalizableInterface::denormalize() — Method in class DenormalizableInterface
Denormalizes the object back from an array of scalars|arrays.
DenormalizerAwareInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Serializer\Normalizer
Class accepting a denormalizer.
DenormalizerAwareTraitClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Serializer\Normalizer
DenormalizerAware trait.
$DenormalizerAwareTrait#denormalizerProperty in class DenormalizerAwareTrait
DenormalizerInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Serializer\Normalizer
Defines the interface of denormalizers.
DenormalizerInterface::denormalize() — Method in class DenormalizerInterface
Denormalizes data back into an object of the given class.
JsonSerializableNormalizer::denormalize() — Method in class JsonSerializableNormalizer
Denormalizes data back into an object of the given class.
$Serializer#decoderProperty in class Serializer
Serializer::deserialize() — Method in class Serializer
Deserializes data into the given type.
Serializer::denormalize() — Method in class Serializer
Denormalizes data back into an object of the given class.
Serializer::decode() — Method in class Serializer
Decodes a string into PHP data.
SerializerInterface::deserialize() — Method in class SerializerInterface
Deserializes data into the given type.
DelegatingEngineClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Templating
DelegatingEngine selects an engine for a given template.
$CacheLoader#dirProperty in class CacheLoader
$XliffLintCommand#defaultNameProperty in class XliffLintCommand
DataCollectorTranslatorClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Translation
DumperInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Translation\Dumper
DumperInterface is the interface implemented by all translation dumpers.
DumperInterface::dump() — Method in class DumperInterface
Dumps the message catalogue.
FileDumper::dump() — Method in class FileDumper
Dumps the message catalogue.
MessageCatalogue::defines() — Method in class MessageCatalogue
Checks if a message has a translation (it does not take into account the fallback mechanism).
MessageCatalogue::deleteMetadata() — Method in class MessageCatalogue
Deletes metadata for the given key and domain.
MessageCatalogueInterface::defines() — Method in class MessageCatalogueInterface
Checks if a message has a translation (it does not take into account the fallback mechanism).
MetadataAwareInterface::deleteMetadata() — Method in class MetadataAwareInterface
Deletes metadata for the given key and domain.
TranslationWriter::disableBackup() — Method in class TranslationWriter
Disables dumper backup.
DateClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints
DateTimeClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints
DateTimeValidatorClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints
DateValidatorClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints
DivisibleByClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints
DivisibleByValidatorClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints
Validates that values are a multiple of the given number.
$File#disallowEmptyMessageProperty in class File
$Image#detectCorruptedProperty in class Image
$Url#dnsMessageProperty in class Url
DoctrineCacheClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Validator\Mapping\Cache
Adapts a Doctrine cache to a CacheInterface.
$ClassMetadata#defaultGroupProperty in class ClassMetadata
$ConstraintValidatorTestCase#defaultTimezoneProperty in class ConstraintValidatorTestCase
ValidatorBuilder::disableAnnotationMapping() — Method in class ValidatorBuilder
Disables annotation based constraint mapping.
ValidatorBuilderInterface::disableAnnotationMapping() — Method in class ValidatorBuilderInterface
Disables annotation based constraint mapping.
DOMCasterClass in namespace Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Caster
Casts DOM related classes to array representation.
DateCasterClass in namespace Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Caster
Casts DateTimeInterface related classes to array representation.
DoctrineCasterClass in namespace Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Caster
Casts Doctrine related classes to array representation.
$EnumStub#dumpKeysProperty in class EnumStub
$AbstractCloner#defaultCastersProperty in class AbstractCloner
AbstractCloner::doClone() — Method in class AbstractCloner
Effectively clones the PHP variable.
$Cursor#depthProperty in class Cursor
DataClass in namespace Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Cloner
Data::dump() — Method in class Data
Dumps data with a DumperInterface dumper.
DumperInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Cloner
DumperInterface used by Data objects.
DumperInterface::dumpScalar() — Method in class DumperInterface
Dumps a scalar value.
DumperInterface::dumpString() — Method in class DumperInterface
Dumps a string.
VarCloner::doClone() — Method in class VarCloner
Effectively clones the PHP variable.
CliDescriptor::describe() — Method in class CliDescriptor
DumpDescriptorInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Command\Descriptor
DumpDescriptorInterface::describe() — Method in class DumpDescriptorInterface
HtmlDescriptor::describe() — Method in class HtmlDescriptor
$ServerDumpCommand#defaultNameProperty in class ServerDumpCommand
$AbstractDumper#defaultOutputProperty in class AbstractDumper
$AbstractDumper#decimalPointProperty in class AbstractDumper
AbstractDumper::dump() — Method in class AbstractDumper
Dumps a Data object.
AbstractDumper::dumpLine() — Method in class AbstractDumper
Dumps the current line.
$CliDumper#defaultColorsProperty in class CliDumper
$CliDumper#defaultOutputProperty in class CliDumper
CliDumper::dumpScalar() — Method in class CliDumper
Dumps a scalar value.
CliDumper::dumpString() — Method in class CliDumper
Dumps a string.
CliDumper::dumpEllipsis() — Method in class CliDumper
Dumps an ellipsis for cut children.
CliDumper::dumpKey() — Method in class CliDumper
Dumps a key in a hash structure.
CliDumper::dumpLine() — Method in class CliDumper
Dumps the current line.
DataDumperInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Dumper
DataDumperInterface for dumping Data objects.
DataDumperInterface::dump() — Method in class DataDumperInterface
$HtmlDumper#defaultOutputProperty in class HtmlDumper
$HtmlDumper#dumpHeaderProperty in class HtmlDumper
$HtmlDumper#dumpPrefixProperty in class HtmlDumper
$HtmlDumper#dumpSuffixProperty in class HtmlDumper
$HtmlDumper#dumpIdProperty in class HtmlDumper
HtmlDumper::dump() — Method in class HtmlDumper
Dumps a Data object.
HtmlDumper::dumpLine() — Method in class HtmlDumper
Dumps the current line.
ServerDumper::dump() — Method in class ServerDumper
DumpServerClass in namespace Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Server
A server collecting Data clones sent by a ServerDumper.
VarDumper::dump() — Method in class VarDumper
DefinitionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Workflow
DefinitionBuilderClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Workflow
Builds a definition.
DumperInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Workflow\Dumper
DumperInterface is the interface implemented by workflow dumper classes.
DumperInterface::dump() — Method in class DumperInterface
Dumps a workflow definition.
$GraphvizDumper#defaultOptionsProperty in class GraphvizDumper
GraphvizDumper::dump() — Method in class GraphvizDumper
Dumps a workflow definition.
GraphvizDumper::dotize() — Method in class GraphvizDumper
PlantUmlDumper::dump() — Method in class PlantUmlDumper
Dumps a workflow definition.
StateMachineGraphvizDumper::dump() — Method in class StateMachineGraphvizDumper
Dumps a workflow definition.
DefinitionValidatorInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Workflow\Validator
$LintCommand#defaultNameProperty in class LintCommand
DumperClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Yaml
Dumper dumps PHP variables to YAML strings.
Dumper::dump() — Method in class Dumper
Dumps a PHP value to YAML.
DumpExceptionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Yaml\Exception
Exception class thrown when an error occurs during dumping.
Inline::dump() — Method in class Inline
Dumps a given PHP variable to a YAML string.
Yaml::dump() — Method in class Yaml
Dumps a PHP value to a YAML string.
CacheInterface::delete() — Method in class CacheInterface
Removes an item from the pool.
CacheTrait::delete() — Method in class CacheTrait
__TwigTemplate_209568cee73489a07b58263796efc4cbb8527e4058c3b94f0468e7181d323e06::doGetParent() — Method in class __TwigTemplate_209568cee73489a07b58263796efc4cbb8527e4058c3b94f0468e7181d323e06
__TwigTemplate_209568cee73489a07b58263796efc4cbb8527e4058c3b94f0468e7181d323e06::doDisplay() — Method in class __TwigTemplate_209568cee73489a07b58263796efc4cbb8527e4058c3b94f0468e7181d323e06
__TwigTemplate_379a33569599b7d16b02e1e22d6920aff20dcd0909ffd334db9fb0f6d88de572::doGetParent() — Method in class __TwigTemplate_379a33569599b7d16b02e1e22d6920aff20dcd0909ffd334db9fb0f6d88de572
__TwigTemplate_379a33569599b7d16b02e1e22d6920aff20dcd0909ffd334db9fb0f6d88de572::doDisplay() — Method in class __TwigTemplate_379a33569599b7d16b02e1e22d6920aff20dcd0909ffd334db9fb0f6d88de572
__TwigTemplate_3a799ab867c09082c92ad841cfac9b8f59c5dca2d62d09aed83bc05f4fb59208::doGetParent() — Method in class __TwigTemplate_3a799ab867c09082c92ad841cfac9b8f59c5dca2d62d09aed83bc05f4fb59208
__TwigTemplate_3a799ab867c09082c92ad841cfac9b8f59c5dca2d62d09aed83bc05f4fb59208::doDisplay() — Method in class __TwigTemplate_3a799ab867c09082c92ad841cfac9b8f59c5dca2d62d09aed83bc05f4fb59208
__TwigTemplate_3ddc07243c5931794b295117e0aa29aaf8684f8957f9573bb7afd48ba4ec557b::doGetParent() — Method in class __TwigTemplate_3ddc07243c5931794b295117e0aa29aaf8684f8957f9573bb7afd48ba4ec557b
__TwigTemplate_3ddc07243c5931794b295117e0aa29aaf8684f8957f9573bb7afd48ba4ec557b::doDisplay() — Method in class __TwigTemplate_3ddc07243c5931794b295117e0aa29aaf8684f8957f9573bb7afd48ba4ec557b
__TwigTemplate_489a5c2f784bc7207c64643c1e974c24d5aa1f59c07840e9c9fdcc2ebe0f4049::doDisplay() — Method in class __TwigTemplate_489a5c2f784bc7207c64643c1e974c24d5aa1f59c07840e9c9fdcc2ebe0f4049
__TwigTemplate_68cc922e3fa367f608828e58f6d9019a7a95e4791fceaa3ef3f7d023159cc8c7::doDisplay() — Method in class __TwigTemplate_68cc922e3fa367f608828e58f6d9019a7a95e4791fceaa3ef3f7d023159cc8c7
__TwigTemplate_6fc71e2e61a29b206332c5b08c44ad934d04178761881af9825ff8ca1bf415e3::doGetParent() — Method in class __TwigTemplate_6fc71e2e61a29b206332c5b08c44ad934d04178761881af9825ff8ca1bf415e3
__TwigTemplate_6fc71e2e61a29b206332c5b08c44ad934d04178761881af9825ff8ca1bf415e3::doDisplay() — Method in class __TwigTemplate_6fc71e2e61a29b206332c5b08c44ad934d04178761881af9825ff8ca1bf415e3
__TwigTemplate_7307fe7a0f2e1ce51763f8a04a93b3050883b94afacde688f56d7de3575da4d3::doGetParent() — Method in class __TwigTemplate_7307fe7a0f2e1ce51763f8a04a93b3050883b94afacde688f56d7de3575da4d3
__TwigTemplate_7307fe7a0f2e1ce51763f8a04a93b3050883b94afacde688f56d7de3575da4d3::doDisplay() — Method in class __TwigTemplate_7307fe7a0f2e1ce51763f8a04a93b3050883b94afacde688f56d7de3575da4d3
__TwigTemplate_832f807c6f6861fcd9610dee42e09a3587f5863a2db0b52d40320f9af793f4f1::doDisplay() — Method in class __TwigTemplate_832f807c6f6861fcd9610dee42e09a3587f5863a2db0b52d40320f9af793f4f1
__TwigTemplate_844fb6cfdea49c0791980478cecd122e9d435447564866a71135cf8343b47bd6::doGetParent() — Method in class __TwigTemplate_844fb6cfdea49c0791980478cecd122e9d435447564866a71135cf8343b47bd6
__TwigTemplate_844fb6cfdea49c0791980478cecd122e9d435447564866a71135cf8343b47bd6::doDisplay() — Method in class __TwigTemplate_844fb6cfdea49c0791980478cecd122e9d435447564866a71135cf8343b47bd6
__TwigTemplate_8b71541f8f54b85d54ecf5acff00241d7ee7b9d330cf5768fa3cb0e206fad558::doGetParent() — Method in class __TwigTemplate_8b71541f8f54b85d54ecf5acff00241d7ee7b9d330cf5768fa3cb0e206fad558
__TwigTemplate_8b71541f8f54b85d54ecf5acff00241d7ee7b9d330cf5768fa3cb0e206fad558::doDisplay() — Method in class __TwigTemplate_8b71541f8f54b85d54ecf5acff00241d7ee7b9d330cf5768fa3cb0e206fad558
__TwigTemplate_9ac42ffac6cea8fb8ad13a537121af017dd22668dca27786d4890f2f683406e8::doDisplay() — Method in class __TwigTemplate_9ac42ffac6cea8fb8ad13a537121af017dd22668dca27786d4890f2f683406e8
__TwigTemplate_b21141e324c1c3d43e26bf06b01f74a3f7a0b0acc4a942ce8a93aadbf59caf94::doGetParent() — Method in class __TwigTemplate_b21141e324c1c3d43e26bf06b01f74a3f7a0b0acc4a942ce8a93aadbf59caf94
__TwigTemplate_b21141e324c1c3d43e26bf06b01f74a3f7a0b0acc4a942ce8a93aadbf59caf94::doDisplay() — Method in class __TwigTemplate_b21141e324c1c3d43e26bf06b01f74a3f7a0b0acc4a942ce8a93aadbf59caf94
__TwigTemplate_fcf804abc836dd17f7beb221e7962013db7c83d0972becd9b26b85bbf1f1599d::doGetParent() — Method in class __TwigTemplate_fcf804abc836dd17f7beb221e7962013db7c83d0972becd9b26b85bbf1f1599d
__TwigTemplate_fcf804abc836dd17f7beb221e7962013db7c83d0972becd9b26b85bbf1f1599d::doDisplay() — Method in class __TwigTemplate_fcf804abc836dd17f7beb221e7962013db7c83d0972becd9b26b85bbf1f1599d


$RegisterMappingsPass#enabledParameterProperty in class RegisterMappingsPass
A name for a parameter in the container. If set, this compiler pass will only do anything if the parameter is present. (But regardless of the value of that parameter.
RegisterMappingsPass::enabled() — Method in class RegisterMappingsPass
Determine whether this mapping should be activated or not. This allows to take this decision with the container builder available.
EntityFactoryClass in namespace Symfony\Bridge\Doctrine\DependencyInjection\Security\UserProvider
EntityFactory creates services for Doctrine user provider.
EntityLoaderInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Bridge\Doctrine\Form\ChoiceList
Custom loader for entities in the choice list.
EntityTypeClass in namespace Symfony\Bridge\Doctrine\Form\Type
EntityUserProviderClass in namespace Symfony\Bridge\Doctrine\Security\User
Wrapper around a Doctrine ObjectManager.
$UniqueEntity#emProperty in class UniqueEntity
$UniqueEntity#entityClassProperty in class UniqueEntity
$UniqueEntity#errorPathProperty in class UniqueEntity
$UniqueEntity#errorNamesProperty in class UniqueEntity
ConsoleFormatter::echoLine() — Method in class ConsoleFormatter
SymfonyTestsListenerForV5::endTest() — Method in class SymfonyTestsListenerForV5
SymfonyTestsListenerForV6::endTest() — Method in class SymfonyTestsListenerForV6
SymfonyTestsListenerForV7::endTest() — Method in class SymfonyTestsListenerForV7
SymfonyTestsListenerTrait::endTest() — Method in class SymfonyTestsListenerTrait
DebugCommand::execute() — Method in class DebugCommand
Executes the current command.
LintCommand::execute() — Method in class LintCommand
Executes the current command.
ExpressionExtensionClass in namespace Symfony\Bridge\Twig\Extension
ExpressionExtension gives a way to create Expressions from a template.
ProfilerExtension::enter() — Method in class ProfilerExtension
YamlExtension::encode() — Method in class YamlExtension
Scope::enter() — Method in class Scope
Opens a new child scope.
TranslationNodeVisitor::enable() — Method in class TranslationNodeVisitor
TwigExtractor::extract() — Method in class TwigExtractor
Extracts translation messages from files, a file or a directory to the catalogue.
TwigExtractor::extractTemplate() — Method in class TwigExtractor
TwigExtractor::extractFromDirectory() — Method in class TwigExtractor
$TwigEngine#environmentProperty in class TwigEngine
TwigEngine::exists() — Method in class TwigEngine
Returns true if the template exists.
ServerDumpPlaceholderCommand::execute() — Method in class ServerDumpPlaceholderCommand
Executes the current command.
Client::enableProfiler() — Method in class Client
Enables the profiler for the very next request.
Client::enableReboot() — Method in class Client
Enables kernel reboot between requests.
AboutCommand::execute() — Method in class AboutCommand
Executes the current command.
AssetsInstallCommand::execute() — Method in class AssetsInstallCommand
Executes the current command.
CacheClearCommand::execute() — Method in class CacheClearCommand
Executes the current command.
CachePoolClearCommand::execute() — Method in class CachePoolClearCommand
Executes the current command.
CachePoolDeleteCommand::execute() — Method in class CachePoolDeleteCommand
Executes the current command.
CachePoolPruneCommand::execute() — Method in class CachePoolPruneCommand
Executes the current command.
CacheWarmupCommand::execute() — Method in class CacheWarmupCommand
Executes the current command.
ConfigDebugCommand::execute() — Method in class ConfigDebugCommand
Executes the current command.
ConfigDumpReferenceCommand::execute() — Method in class ConfigDumpReferenceCommand
Executes the current command.
ContainerDebugCommand::execute() — Method in class ContainerDebugCommand
Executes the current command.
DebugAutowiringCommand::execute() — Method in class DebugAutowiringCommand
Executes the current command.
EventDispatcherDebugCommandClass in namespace Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Command
A console command for retrieving information about event dispatcher.
EventDispatcherDebugCommand::execute() — Method in class EventDispatcherDebugCommand
Executes the current command.
RouterDebugCommand::execute() — Method in class RouterDebugCommand
Executes the current command.
RouterMatchCommand::execute() — Method in class RouterMatchCommand
Executes the current command.
TranslationDebugCommand::execute() — Method in class TranslationDebugCommand
Executes the current command.
TranslationUpdateCommand::execute() — Method in class TranslationUpdateCommand
Executes the current command.
WorkflowDumpCommand::execute() — Method in class WorkflowDumpCommand
Executes the current command.
EngineInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Templating
EngineInterface is the interface each engine must implement.
FormHelper::end() — Method in class FormHelper
Renders the form end tag.
FormHelper::errors() — Method in class FormHelper
Renders the errors of the given view.
KernelTestCase::ensureKernelShutdown() — Method in class KernelTestCase
Shuts the kernel down if it was used in the test.
ExpressionCacheWarmerClass in namespace Symfony\Bundle\SecurityBundle\CacheWarmer
UserPasswordEncoderCommand::execute() — Method in class UserPasswordEncoderCommand
Executes the current command.
ExceptionControllerClass in namespace Symfony\Bundle\TwigBundle\Controller
ExceptionController renders error or exception pages for a given FlattenException.
ExceptionListenerPassClass in namespace Symfony\Bundle\TwigBundle\DependencyInjection\Compiler
Registers the Twig exception listener if Twig is registered as a templating engine.
ExtensionPassClass in namespace Symfony\Bundle\TwigBundle\DependencyInjection\Compiler
EnvironmentConfiguratorClass in namespace Symfony\Bundle\TwigBundle\DependencyInjection\Configurator
Twig environment configurator.
FilesystemLoader::exists() — Method in class FilesystemLoader
ExceptionControllerClass in namespace Symfony\Bundle\WebProfilerBundle\Controller
$WebDebugToolbarListener#excludedAjaxPathsProperty in class WebDebugToolbarListener
WebProfilerExtension::enter() — Method in class WebProfilerExtension
ServerLogCommand::execute() — Method in class ServerLogCommand
Executes the current command.
ServerRunCommand::execute() — Method in class ServerRunCommand
Executes the current command.
ServerStartCommand::execute() — Method in class ServerStartCommand
Executes the current command.
ServerStatusCommand::execute() — Method in class ServerStatusCommand
Executes the current command.
ServerStopCommand::execute() — Method in class ServerStopCommand
Executes the current command.
ExceptionInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Asset\Exception
Base ExceptionInterface for the Asset component.
EmptyVersionStrategyClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Asset\VersionStrategy
Disable version for all assets.
$Cookie#expiresProperty in class Cookie
CookieJar::expire() — Method in class CookieJar
Removes a cookie by name.
$TraceableAdapterEvent#endProperty in class TraceableAdapterEvent
$CacheItem#expiryProperty in class CacheItem
CacheItem::expiresAt() — Method in class CacheItem
CacheItem::expiresAfter() — Method in class CacheItem
$TraceableCacheEvent#endProperty in class TraceableCacheEvent
AbstractTrait::enableVersioning() — Method in class AbstractTrait
Enables/disables versioning of items.
$BaseNode#equivalentValuesProperty in class BaseNode
ArrayNodeDefinition::enumPrototype() — Method in class ArrayNodeDefinition
EnumNodeDefinitionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Config\Definition\Builder
Enum Node Definition.
ExprBuilderClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Config\Definition\Builder
This class builds an if expression.
ExprBuilder::end() — Method in class ExprBuilder
Returns the related node.
MergeBuilder::end() — Method in class MergeBuilder
Returns the related node.
NodeBuilder::enumNode() — Method in class NodeBuilder
Creates a child EnumNode.
NodeBuilder::end() — Method in class NodeBuilder
Returns the parent node.
NodeDefinition::example() — Method in class NodeDefinition
Sets example configuration.
NodeDefinition::end() — Method in class NodeDefinition
Returns the parent node.
EnumNodeClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Config\Definition
Node which only allows a finite set of values.
ExceptionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Config\Definition\Exception
Base exception for all configuration exceptions.
Application::extractNamespace() — Method in class Application
Returns the namespace part of the command name.
Command::execute() — Method in class Command
Executes the current command.
HelpCommand::execute() — Method in class HelpCommand
Executes the current command.
ListCommand::execute() — Method in class ListCommand
Executes the current command.
ErrorListenerClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Console\EventListener
ConsoleCommandEvent::enableCommand() — Method in class ConsoleCommandEvent
Enables the command.
ExceptionInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Console\Exception
OutputFormatter::escape() — Method in class OutputFormatter
Escapes "<" special char in given text.
OutputFormatter::escapeTrailingBackslash() — Method in class OutputFormatter
Escapes trailing "\" in given text.
Input::escapeToken() — Method in class Input
Escapes a token through escapeshellarg if it contains unsafe chars.
InputOption::equals() — Method in class InputOption
Checks whether the given option equals this one.
StyleInterface::error() — Method in class StyleInterface
Formats an error result bar.
SymfonyStyle::error() — Method in class SymfonyStyle
Formats an error result bar.
CommandTester::execute() — Method in class CommandTester
Executes the command.
ExceptionInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\CssSelector\Exception
Interface for exceptions.
ExpressionErrorExceptionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\CssSelector\Exception
ParseException is thrown when a CSS selector syntax is not valid.
ElementNodeClass in namespace Symfony\Component\CssSelector\Node
Represents a "|" node.
ElementParserClass in namespace Symfony\Component\CssSelector\Parser\Shortcut
CSS selector element parser shortcut.
EmptyStringParserClass in namespace Symfony\Component\CssSelector\Parser\Shortcut
CSS selector class parser shortcut.
TokenizerEscaping::escapeUnicode() — Method in class TokenizerEscaping
TokenizerEscaping::escapeUnicodeAndNewLine() — Method in class TokenizerEscaping
ExtensionInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\CssSelector\XPath\Extension
XPath expression translator extension interface.
Debug::enable() — Method in class Debug
Enables the debug tools.
DebugClassLoader::enable() — Method in class DebugClassLoader
Wraps all autoloaders.
ErrorHandlerClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Debug
A generic ErrorHandler for the PHP engine.
ExceptionHandlerClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Debug
ExceptionHandler converts an exception to a Response object.
AbstractRecursivePass::enableExpressionProcessing() — Method in class AbstractRecursivePass
ExtensionCompilerPassClass in namespace Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Compiler
A pass to automatically process extensions if they implement CompilerPassInterface.
EnvVarProcessorClass in namespace Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection
EnvVarProcessorInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection
The EnvVarProcessorInterface is implemented by objects that manage environment-like variables.
EnvNotFoundExceptionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Exception
This exception is thrown when an environment variable is not found.
EnvParameterExceptionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Exception
This exception wraps exceptions whose messages contain a reference to an env parameter.
ExceptionInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Exception
Base ExceptionInterface for Dependency Injection component.
ExpressionLanguageClass in namespace Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection
Adds some function to the default ExpressionLanguage.
ExpressionLanguageProviderClass in namespace Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection
Define some ExpressionLanguage functions.
ExtensionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Extension
Provides useful features shared by many extensions.
ExtensionInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Extension
ExtensionInterface is the interface implemented by container extension classes.
ContainerConfigurator::extension() — Method in class ContainerConfigurator
PrototypeConfigurator::exclude() — Method in class PrototypeConfigurator
Excludes files from registration using glob patterns.
ContainerBagInterface::escapeValue() — Method in class ContainerBagInterface
Escape parameter placeholders %.
EnvPlaceholderParameterBagClass in namespace Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\ParameterBag
ParameterBag::escapeValue() — Method in class ParameterBag
Escape parameter placeholders %.
ParameterBagInterface::escapeValue() — Method in class ParameterBagInterface
Escape parameter placeholders %.
Crawler::eq() — Method in class Crawler
Returns a node given its position in the node list.
Crawler::each() — Method in class Crawler
Calls an anonymous function on each node of the list.
Crawler::evaluate() — Method in class Crawler
Evaluates an XPath expression.
Crawler::extract() — Method in class Crawler
Extracts information from the list of nodes.
ExceptionInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Dotenv\Exception
Interface for exceptions.
ExtractingEventDispatcherClass in namespace Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\DependencyInjection
EventClass in namespace Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher
Event is the base class for classes containing event data.
EventDispatcherClass in namespace Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher
The EventDispatcherInterface is the central point of Symfony's event listener system.
EventDispatcherInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher
The EventDispatcherInterface is the central point of Symfony's event listener system.
EventSubscriberInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher
An EventSubscriber knows itself what events it is interested in.
ExpressionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\ExpressionLanguage
Represents an expression.
$Expression#expressionProperty in class Expression
ExpressionFunctionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\ExpressionLanguage
Represents a function that can be used in an expression.
ExpressionFunctionProviderInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\ExpressionLanguage
ExpressionLanguageClass in namespace Symfony\Component\ExpressionLanguage
Allows to compile and evaluate expressions written in your own DSL.
ExpressionLanguage::evaluate() — Method in class ExpressionLanguage
Evaluate an expression.
ArrayNode::evaluate() — Method in class ArrayNode
BinaryNode::evaluate() — Method in class BinaryNode
ConditionalNode::evaluate() — Method in class ConditionalNode
ConstantNode::evaluate() — Method in class ConstantNode
FunctionNode::evaluate() — Method in class FunctionNode
GetAttrNode::evaluate() — Method in class GetAttrNode
NameNode::evaluate() — Method in class NameNode
Node::evaluate() — Method in class Node
UnaryNode::evaluate() — Method in class UnaryNode
TokenStream::expect() — Method in class TokenStream
Tests a token.
ExceptionInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Filesystem\Exception
Exception interface for all exceptions thrown by the component.
Filesystem::exists() — Method in class Filesystem
Checks the existence of files or directories.
Finder::exclude() — Method in class Finder
Excludes directories.
ExcludeDirectoryFilterIteratorClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Finder\Iterator
ExcludeDirectoryFilterIterator filters out directories.
DebugCommand::execute() — Method in class DebugCommand
Executes the current command.
$Descriptor#extensionOptionsProperty in class Descriptor
$Descriptor#extensionsProperty in class Descriptor
ErrorMappingExceptionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Form\Exception
ExceptionInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Form\Exception
Base ExceptionInterface for the Form component.
EmailTypeClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type
FormDataExtractor::extractConfiguration() — Method in class FormDataExtractor
Extracts the configuration data of a form.
FormDataExtractor::extractDefaultData() — Method in class FormDataExtractor
Extracts the default data of a form.
FormDataExtractor::extractSubmittedData() — Method in class FormDataExtractor
Extracts the submitted data of a form.
FormDataExtractor::extractViewVariables() — Method in class FormDataExtractor
Extracts the view variables of a form.
FormDataExtractorInterface::extractConfiguration() — Method in class FormDataExtractorInterface
Extracts the configuration data of a form.
FormDataExtractorInterface::extractDefaultData() — Method in class FormDataExtractorInterface
Extracts the default data of a form.
FormDataExtractorInterface::extractSubmittedData() — Method in class FormDataExtractorInterface
Extracts the submitted data of a form.
FormDataExtractorInterface::extractViewVariables() — Method in class FormDataExtractorInterface
Extracts the view variables of a form.
$Form#errorNamesProperty in class Form
FormRenderer::encodeCurrency() — Method in class FormRenderer
$Cookie#expireProperty in class Cookie
ExpressionRequestMatcherClass in namespace Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation
ExpressionRequestMatcher uses an expression to match a Request.
ExtensionFileExceptionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\File\Exception
Thrown when an UPLOAD_ERR_EXTENSION error occurred with UploadedFile.
ExtensionGuesserClass in namespace Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\File\MimeType
A singleton mime type to file extension guesser.
ExtensionGuesserInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\File\MimeType
Guesses the file extension corresponding to a given mime type.
$JsonResponse#encodingOptionsProperty in class JsonResponse
$Request#encodingsProperty in class Request
Request::enableHttpMethodParameterOverride() — Method in class Request
Enables support for the _method request parameter to determine the intended HTTP method.
Response::expire() — Method in class Response
Marks the response stale by setting the Age header to be equal to the maximum age of the response.
Response::ensureIEOverSSLCompatibility() — Method in class Response
Checks if we need to remove Cache-Control for SSL encrypted downloads when using IE < 9.
$Bundle#extensionProperty in class Bundle
CacheWarmerAggregate::enableOptionalWarmers() — Method in class CacheWarmerAggregate
CacheWarmerAggregate::enableOnlyOptionalWarmers() — Method in class CacheWarmerAggregate
EventDataCollectorClass in namespace Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\DataCollector
ExceptionDataCollectorClass in namespace Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\DataCollector
ExtensionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\DependencyInjection
Allow adding classes to the class cache.
ExceptionListenerClass in namespace Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\EventListener
$ProfilerListener#exceptionProperty in class ProfilerListener
EsiFragmentRendererClass in namespace Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Fragment
Implements the ESI rendering strategy.
EsiClass in namespace Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\HttpCache
Esi implements the ESI capabilities to Request and Response instances.
$Kernel#environmentProperty in class Kernel
Profiler::enable() — Method in class Profiler
Enables the profiler.
AmPmTransformer::extractDateOptions() — Method in class AmPmTransformer
Extract date options from a matched value returned by the processing of the reverse matching regular expression.
DayOfWeekTransformer::extractDateOptions() — Method in class DayOfWeekTransformer
Extract date options from a matched value returned by the processing of the reverse matching regular expression.
DayOfYearTransformer::extractDateOptions() — Method in class DayOfYearTransformer
Extract date options from a matched value returned by the processing of the reverse matching regular expression.
DayTransformer::extractDateOptions() — Method in class DayTransformer
Extract date options from a matched value returned by the processing of the reverse matching regular expression.
Hour1200Transformer::extractDateOptions() — Method in class Hour1200Transformer
Extract date options from a matched value returned by the processing of the reverse matching regular expression.
Hour1201Transformer::extractDateOptions() — Method in class Hour1201Transformer
Extract date options from a matched value returned by the processing of the reverse matching regular expression.
Hour2400Transformer::extractDateOptions() — Method in class Hour2400Transformer
Extract date options from a matched value returned by the processing of the reverse matching regular expression.
Hour2401Transformer::extractDateOptions() — Method in class Hour2401Transformer
Extract date options from a matched value returned by the processing of the reverse matching regular expression.
MinuteTransformer::extractDateOptions() — Method in class MinuteTransformer
Extract date options from a matched value returned by the processing of the reverse matching regular expression.
MonthTransformer::extractDateOptions() — Method in class MonthTransformer
Extract date options from a matched value returned by the processing of the reverse matching regular expression.
QuarterTransformer::extractDateOptions() — Method in class QuarterTransformer
Extract date options from a matched value returned by the processing of the reverse matching regular expression.
SecondTransformer::extractDateOptions() — Method in class SecondTransformer
Extract date options from a matched value returned by the processing of the reverse matching regular expression.
TimezoneTransformer::extractDateOptions() — Method in class TimezoneTransformer
Extract date options from a matched value returned by the processing of the reverse matching regular expression.
Transformer::extractDateOptions() — Method in class Transformer
Extract date options from a matched value returned by the processing of the reverse matching regular expression.
YearTransformer::extractDateOptions() — Method in class YearTransformer
Extract date options from a matched value returned by the processing of the reverse matching regular expression.
$IntlDateFormatter#errorCodeProperty in class IntlDateFormatter
The error code from the last operation.
$IntlDateFormatter#errorMessageProperty in class IntlDateFormatter
The error message from the last operation.
ExceptionInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Intl\Exception
Base ExceptionInterface for the Intl component.
$NumberFormatter#errorCodeProperty in class NumberFormatter
The error code from the last operation.
$NumberFormatter#errorMessageProperty in class NumberFormatter
The error message from the last operation.
AdapterInterface::escape() — Method in class AdapterInterface
Escape a string for use in an LDAP filter or DN.
EntryManagerInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Ldap\Adapter
Entry manager interface.
Adapter::escape() — Method in class Adapter
Escape a string for use in an LDAP filter or DN.
EntryManagerClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Ldap\Adapter\ExtLdap
Query::execute() — Method in class Query
Executes a query and returns the list of Ldap entries.
QueryInterface::execute() — Method in class QueryInterface
Executes a query and returns the list of Ldap entries.
EntryClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Ldap
ExceptionInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Ldap\Exception
Base ExceptionInterface for the Ldap component.
Ldap::escape() — Method in class Ldap
Escape a string for use in an LDAP filter or DN.
LdapInterface::escape() — Method in class LdapInterface
Escape a string for use in an LDAP filter or DN.
ExceptionInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Lock\Exception
Base ExceptionInterface for the Lock Component.
StoreInterface::exists() — Method in class StoreInterface
Returns whether or not the resource exists in the storage.
CombinedStore::exists() — Method in class CombinedStore
Returns whether or not the resource exists in the storage.
FlockStore::exists() — Method in class FlockStore
Returns whether or not the resource exists in the storage.
MemcachedStore::exists() — Method in class MemcachedStore
Returns whether or not the resource exists in the storage.
PdoStore::exists() — Method in class PdoStore
Returns whether or not the resource exists in the storage.
RedisStore::exists() — Method in class RedisStore
Returns whether or not the resource exists in the storage.
RetryTillSaveStore::exists() — Method in class RetryTillSaveStore
Returns whether or not the resource exists in the storage.
SemaphoreStore::exists() — Method in class SemaphoreStore
Returns whether or not the resource exists in the storage.
ZookeeperStore::exists() — Method in class ZookeeperStore
Returns whether or not the resource exists in the storage.
ConsumeMessagesCommand::execute() — Method in class ConsumeMessagesCommand
Executes the current command.
DebugCommand::execute() — Method in class DebugCommand
Executes the current command.
EnvelopeClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Messenger
A message wrapped in an envelope with stamps (configurations, markers, .
ExceptionInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Messenger\Exception
Base Message component's exception.
Connection::exchange() — Method in class Connection
Serializer::encode() — Method in class Serializer
Encodes an envelope content (message & stamps) to a common format understandable by transports.
SerializerInterface::encode() — Method in class SerializerInterface
Encodes an envelope content (message & stamps) to a common format understandable by transports.
ExceptionInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\OptionsResolver\Exception
Marker interface for all exceptions thrown by the OptionsResolver component.
ExceptionInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Process\Exception
Marker Interface for the Process Component.
ExecutableFinderClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Process
Generic executable finder.
$Process#exitCodesProperty in class Process
Exit codes translation table.
Process::enableOutput() — Method in class Process
Enables fetching output and error output from the underlying process.
ExceptionInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\PropertyAccess\Exception
Marker interface for the PropertyAccess component.
PropertyAccessorBuilder::enableMagicCall() — Method in class PropertyAccessorBuilder
Enables the use of "__call" by the PropertyAccessor.
PropertyAccessorBuilder::enableExceptionOnInvalidIndex() — Method in class PropertyAccessorBuilder
Enables exceptions when reading a non-existing index.
ExceptionInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Routing\Exception
PhpMatcherDumper::export() — Method in class PhpMatcherDumper
$UrlMatcher#expressionLanguageProperty in class UrlMatcher
$UrlMatcher#expressionLanguageProvidersProperty in class UrlMatcher
AbstractToken::eraseCredentials() — Method in class AbstractToken
Removes sensitive information from the token.
PreAuthenticatedToken::eraseCredentials() — Method in class PreAuthenticatedToken
Removes sensitive information from the token.
TokenInterface::eraseCredentials() — Method in class TokenInterface
Removes sensitive information from the token.
UsernamePasswordToken::eraseCredentials() — Method in class UsernamePasswordToken
Removes sensitive information from the token.
ExpressionLanguageClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Authorization
Adds some function to the default ExpressionLanguage.
ExpressionLanguageProviderClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Authorization
Define some ExpressionLanguage functions.
ExpressionVoterClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Authorization\Voter
ExpressionVoter votes based on the evaluation of an expression.
RoleHierarchyVoter::extractRoles() — Method in class RoleHierarchyVoter
RoleVoter::extractRoles() — Method in class RoleVoter
Argon2iPasswordEncoder::encodePassword() — Method in class Argon2iPasswordEncoder
Encodes the raw password.
BCryptPasswordEncoder::encodePassword() — Method in class BCryptPasswordEncoder
Encodes the raw password.
EncoderAwareInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Encoder
EncoderFactoryClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Encoder
A generic encoder factory implementation.
EncoderFactoryInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Encoder
EncoderFactoryInterface to support different encoders for different accounts.
MessageDigestPasswordEncoder::encodePassword() — Method in class MessageDigestPasswordEncoder
Encodes the raw password.
PasswordEncoderInterface::encodePassword() — Method in class PasswordEncoderInterface
Encodes the raw password.
Pbkdf2PasswordEncoder::encodePassword() — Method in class Pbkdf2PasswordEncoder
Encodes the raw password.
PlaintextPasswordEncoder::encodePassword() — Method in class PlaintextPasswordEncoder
Encodes the raw password.
UserPasswordEncoder::encodePassword() — Method in class UserPasswordEncoder
Encodes the plain password.
UserPasswordEncoderInterface::encodePassword() — Method in class UserPasswordEncoderInterface
Encodes the plain password.
ExceptionInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Exception
Base ExceptionInterface for the Security component.
EquatableInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Security\Core\User
EquatableInterface used to test if two objects are equal in security and re-authentication context.
User::eraseCredentials() — Method in class User
Removes sensitive data from the user.
UserInterface::eraseCredentials() — Method in class UserInterface
Removes sensitive data from the user.
ExceptionListenerClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Security\Http\Firewall
ExceptionListener catches authentication exception and converts them to Response instances.
AbstractRememberMeServices::encodeCookie() — Method in class AbstractRememberMeServices
Encodes the cookie parts.
$ChainEncoder#encodersProperty in class ChainEncoder
$ChainEncoder#encoderByFormatProperty in class ChainEncoder
ChainEncoder::encode() — Method in class ChainEncoder
Encodes data into the given format.
CsvEncoder::encode() — Method in class CsvEncoder
Encodes data into the given format.
EncoderInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Serializer\Encoder
Defines the interface of encoders.
EncoderInterface::encode() — Method in class EncoderInterface
Encodes data into the given format.
JsonEncode::encode() — Method in class JsonEncode
Encodes PHP data to a JSON string.
$JsonEncoder#encodingImplProperty in class JsonEncoder
JsonEncoder::encode() — Method in class JsonEncoder
Encodes data into the given format.
XmlEncoder::encode() — Method in class XmlEncoder
Encodes data into the given format.
YamlEncoder::encode() — Method in class YamlEncoder
Encodes data into the given format.
ExceptionInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Serializer\Exception
Base exception interface.
ExtraAttributesExceptionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Serializer\Exception
AbstractObjectNormalizer::extractAttributes() — Method in class AbstractObjectNormalizer
Extracts attributes to normalize from the class of the given object, format and context.
GetSetMethodNormalizer::extractAttributes() — Method in class GetSetMethodNormalizer
Extracts attributes to normalize from the class of the given object, format and context.
ObjectNormalizer::extractAttributes() — Method in class ObjectNormalizer
Extracts attributes to normalize from the class of the given object, format and context.
ObjectToPopulateTrait::extractObjectToPopulate() — Method in class ObjectToPopulateTrait
Extract the object_to_populate field from the context if it exists and is an instance of the provided $class.
PropertyNormalizer::extractAttributes() — Method in class PropertyNormalizer
Extracts attributes to normalize from the class of the given object, format and context.
$Serializer#encoderProperty in class Serializer
Serializer::encode() — Method in class Serializer
Encodes data into the given format.
StopwatchEvent::ensureStopped() — Method in class StopwatchEvent
Stops all non already stopped periods.
$DelegatingEngine#enginesProperty in class DelegatingEngine
DelegatingEngine::exists() — Method in class DelegatingEngine
Returns true if the template exists.
EngineInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Templating
EngineInterface is the interface each engine must implement.
EngineInterface::exists() — Method in class EngineInterface
Returns true if the template exists.
$PhpEngine#escapersProperty in class PhpEngine
$PhpEngine#escaperCacheProperty in class PhpEngine
PhpEngine::exists() — Method in class PhpEngine
Returns true if the template exists.
PhpEngine::evaluate() — Method in class PhpEngine
Evaluates a template.
PhpEngine::extend() — Method in class PhpEngine
Decorates the current template with another one.
PhpEngine::escape() — Method in class PhpEngine
Escapes a string by using the current charset.
XliffLintCommand::execute() — Method in class XliffLintCommand
Executes the current command.
ExceptionInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Translation\Exception
Exception interface for all exceptions thrown by the component.
AbstractFileExtractor::extractFiles() — Method in class AbstractFileExtractor
AbstractFileExtractor::extractFromDirectory() — Method in class AbstractFileExtractor
ChainExtractor::extract() — Method in class ChainExtractor
Extracts translation messages from files, a file or a directory to the catalogue.
ExtractorInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Translation\Extractor
Extracts translation messages from a directory or files to the catalogue.
ExtractorInterface::extract() — Method in class ExtractorInterface
Extracts translation messages from files, a file or a directory to the catalogue.
PhpExtractor::extract() — Method in class PhpExtractor
Extracts translation messages from files, a file or a directory to the catalogue.
PhpExtractor::extractFromDirectory() — Method in class PhpExtractor
ArrayConverter::expandToTree() — Method in class ArrayConverter
Converts linear messages array to tree-like array.
$Constraint#errorNamesProperty in class Constraint
Maps error codes to the names of their constants.
$Bic#errorNamesProperty in class Bic
$Blank#errorNamesProperty in class Blank
$CardScheme#errorNamesProperty in class CardScheme
$Choice#errorNamesProperty in class Choice
$Collection#errorNamesProperty in class Collection
$Collection#extraFieldsMessageProperty in class Collection
$Count#errorNamesProperty in class Count
$Count#exactMessageProperty in class Count
$Country#errorNamesProperty in class Country
$Currency#errorNamesProperty in class Currency
$Date#errorNamesProperty in class Date
$DateTime#errorNamesProperty in class DateTime
$DivisibleBy#errorNamesProperty in class DivisibleBy
EmailClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints
$Email#errorNamesProperty in class Email
EmailValidatorClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints
EqualToClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints
$EqualTo#errorNamesProperty in class EqualTo
EqualToValidatorClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints
Validates values are equal (==).
ExistenceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints
ExpressionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints
$Expression#errorNamesProperty in class Expression
$Expression#expressionProperty in class Expression
ExpressionValidatorClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints
$File#errorNamesProperty in class File
$GreaterThan#errorNamesProperty in class GreaterThan
$GreaterThanOrEqual#errorNamesProperty in class GreaterThanOrEqual
$Iban#errorNamesProperty in class Iban
$IdenticalTo#errorNamesProperty in class IdenticalTo
$Image#errorNamesProperty in class Image
$Ip#errorNamesProperty in class Ip
$IsFalse#errorNamesProperty in class IsFalse
$IsNull#errorNamesProperty in class IsNull
$IsTrue#errorNamesProperty in class IsTrue
$Isbn#errorNamesProperty in class Isbn
$Issn#errorNamesProperty in class Issn
$Language#errorNamesProperty in class Language
$Length#errorNamesProperty in class Length
$Length#exactMessageProperty in class Length
$LessThan#errorNamesProperty in class LessThan
$LessThanOrEqual#errorNamesProperty in class LessThanOrEqual
$Locale#errorNamesProperty in class Locale
$Luhn#errorNamesProperty in class Luhn
$NotBlank#errorNamesProperty in class NotBlank
$NotEqualTo#errorNamesProperty in class NotEqualTo
$NotIdenticalTo#errorNamesProperty in class NotIdenticalTo
$NotNull#errorNamesProperty in class NotNull
$Range#errorNamesProperty in class Range
$Regex#errorNamesProperty in class Regex
$Time#errorNamesProperty in class Time
$Type#errorNamesProperty in class Type
$Url#errorNamesProperty in class Url
$Uuid#errorNamesProperty in class Uuid
ExecutionContextClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Validator\Context
The context used and created by {@link ExecutionContextFactory}.
ExecutionContextFactoryClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Validator\Context
Creates new {@link ExecutionContext} instances.
ExecutionContextFactoryInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Validator\Context
Creates instances of {@link ExecutionContextInterface}.
ExecutionContextInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Validator\Context
The context of a validation run.
ExceptionInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Validator\Exception
Base ExceptionInterface for the Validator component.
ConstraintValidatorTestCase::expectNoValidate() — Method in class ConstraintValidatorTestCase
ConstraintValidatorTestCase::expectValidateAt() — Method in class ConstraintValidatorTestCase
ConstraintValidatorTestCase::expectValidateValueAt() — Method in class ConstraintValidatorTestCase
ValidatorBuilder::enableAnnotationMapping() — Method in class ValidatorBuilder
Enables annotation based constraint mapping.
ValidatorBuilderInterface::enableAnnotationMapping() — Method in class ValidatorBuilderInterface
Enables annotation based constraint mapping.
EnumStubClass in namespace Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Caster
Represents an enumeration of values.
ExceptionCasterClass in namespace Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Caster
Casts common Exception classes to array representation.
$ExceptionCaster#errorTypesProperty in class ExceptionCaster
DumperInterface::enterHash() — Method in class DumperInterface
Dumps while entering an hash.
ServerDumpCommand::execute() — Method in class ServerDumpCommand
Executes the current command.
AbstractDumper::echoLine() — Method in class AbstractDumper
Generic line dumper callback.
$CliDumper#expandNextHashProperty in class CliDumper
CliDumper::enterHash() — Method in class CliDumper
Dumps while entering an hash.
CliDumper::endValue() — Method in class CliDumper
HtmlDumper::enterHash() — Method in class HtmlDumper
Dumps while entering an hash.
ExceptionInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\VarExporter\Exception
ExporterClass in namespace Symfony\Component\VarExporter\Internal
Exporter::export() — Method in class Exporter
VarExporter::export() — Method in class VarExporter
Exports a serializable PHP value to PHP code.
GraphvizDumper::endDot() — Method in class GraphvizDumper
GraphvizDumper::escape() — Method in class GraphvizDumper
ExpressionLanguageClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Workflow\EventListener
Adds some function to the default Symfony Security ExpressionLanguage.
EventClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Workflow\Event
ExceptionInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Workflow\Exception
LintCommand::execute() — Method in class LintCommand
Executes the current command.
EscaperClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Yaml
Escaper encapsulates escaping rules for single and double-quoted YAML strings.
Escaper::escapeWithDoubleQuotes() — Method in class Escaper
Escapes and surrounds a PHP value with double quotes.
Escaper::escapeWithSingleQuotes() — Method in class Escaper
Escapes and surrounds a PHP value with single quotes.
ExceptionInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Yaml\Exception
Exception interface for all exceptions thrown by the component.
Inline::evaluateBinaryScalar() — Method in class Inline


AbstractDoctrineExtension::fixManagersAutoMappings() — Method in class AbstractDoctrineExtension
Returns a modified version of $managerConfigs.
$UniqueEntity#fieldsProperty in class UniqueEntity
ConsoleFormatter::formatBatch() — Method in class ConsoleFormatter
ConsoleFormatter::format() — Method in class ConsoleFormatter
VarDumperFormatter::format() — Method in class VarDumperFormatter
VarDumperFormatter::formatBatch() — Method in class VarDumperFormatter
FirePHPHandlerClass in namespace Symfony\Bridge\Monolog\Handler
LintCommand::findFiles() — Method in class LintCommand
CodeExtension::formatArgs() — Method in class CodeExtension
Formats an array as a string.
CodeExtension::formatArgsAsText() — Method in class CodeExtension
Formats an array as a string.
CodeExtension::fileExcerpt() — Method in class CodeExtension
Returns an excerpt of a code file around the given line number.
CodeExtension::formatFile() — Method in class CodeExtension
Formats a file path.
CodeExtension::formatFileFromText() — Method in class CodeExtension
CodeExtension::formatLogMessage() — Method in class CodeExtension
CodeExtension::fixCodeMarkup() — Method in class CodeExtension
FormExtensionClass in namespace Symfony\Bridge\Twig\Extension
FormExtension extends Twig with form capabilities.
FormThemeNodeClass in namespace Symfony\Bridge\Twig\Node
FormThemeTokenParserClass in namespace Symfony\Bridge\Twig\TokenParser
Token Parser for the 'form_theme' tag.
TemplateFinder::findAllTemplates() — Method in class TemplateFinder
Find all the templates in the bundle and in the kernel Resources folder.
TemplateFinderInterface::findAllTemplates() — Method in class TemplateFinderInterface
Find all the templates.
$TemplatePathsCacheWarmer#finderProperty in class TemplatePathsCacheWarmer
AbstractConfigCommand::findExtension() — Method in class AbstractConfigCommand
ContainerDebugCommand::filterToServiceTypes() — Method in class ContainerDebugCommand
Application::find() — Method in class Application
Finds a command by name or alias.
Descriptor::formatValue() — Method in class Descriptor
Formats a value as string.
Descriptor::formatParameter() — Method in class Descriptor
Formats a parameter.
Descriptor::findDefinitionsByTag() — Method in class Descriptor
ControllerTrait::forward() — Method in class ControllerTrait
Forwards the request to another controller.
ControllerTrait::file() — Method in class ControllerTrait
Returns a BinaryFileResponse object with original or customized file name and disposition header.
FrameworkExtensionClass in namespace Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\DependencyInjection
FrameworkBundleClass in namespace Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle
HttpCache::forward() — Method in class HttpCache
Forwards the Request to the backend and returns the Response.
$CodeHelper#fileLinkFormatProperty in class CodeHelper
CodeHelper::formatArgsAsText() — Method in class CodeHelper
Formats an array as a string.
CodeHelper::formatArgs() — Method in class CodeHelper
Formats an array as a string.
CodeHelper::fileExcerpt() — Method in class CodeHelper
Returns an excerpt of a code file around the given line number.
CodeHelper::formatFile() — Method in class CodeHelper
Formats a file path.
CodeHelper::formatFileFromText() — Method in class CodeHelper
CodeHelper::fixCodeMarkup() — Method in class CodeHelper
FormHelperClass in namespace Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Templating\Helper
FormHelper provides helpers to help display forms.
FormHelper::form() — Method in class FormHelper
Renders the HTML for a form.
FormHelper::formEncodeCurrency() — Method in class FormHelper
FilesystemLoaderClass in namespace Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Templating\Loader
FilesystemLoader is a loader that read templates from the filesystem.
FullStackClass in namespace Symfony\Bundle
A marker to be able to check if symfony/symfony is installed instead of the individual components/bundles.
FormLoginFactoryClass in namespace Symfony\Bundle\SecurityBundle\DependencyInjection\Security\Factory
FormLoginFactory creates services for form login authentication.
FormLoginLdapFactoryClass in namespace Symfony\Bundle\SecurityBundle\DependencyInjection\Security\Factory
FormLoginLdapFactory creates services for form login ldap authentication.
FirewallListenerClass in namespace Symfony\Bundle\SecurityBundle\EventListener
FirewallConfigClass in namespace Symfony\Bundle\SecurityBundle\Security
FirewallContextClass in namespace Symfony\Bundle\SecurityBundle\Security
This is a wrapper around the actual firewall configuration which allows us to lazy load the context for one specific firewall only when we need it.
FirewallMapClass in namespace Symfony\Bundle\SecurityBundle\Security
This is a lazy-loading firewall map implementation.
$TemplateCacheCacheWarmer#finderProperty in class TemplateCacheCacheWarmer
LintCommand::findFiles() — Method in class LintCommand
ExceptionController::findTemplate() — Method in class ExceptionController
FilesystemLoaderClass in namespace Symfony\Bundle\TwigBundle\Loader
FilesystemLoader extends the default Twig filesystem loader to work with the Symfony paths and template references.
FilesystemLoader::findTemplate() — Method in class FilesystemLoader
Returns the path to the template file.
NativeFilesystemLoader::findTemplate() — Method in class NativeFilesystemLoader
$Client#followRedirectsProperty in class Client
$Client#followMetaRefreshProperty in class Client
Client::followRedirects() — Method in class Client
Sets whether to automatically follow redirects or not.
Client::followMetaRefresh() — Method in class Client
Sets whether to automatically follow meta refresh redirects or not.
Client::filterRequest() — Method in class Client
Filters the BrowserKit request to the origin one.
Client::filterResponse() — Method in class Client
Filters the origin response to the BrowserKit one.
Client::forward() — Method in class Client
Goes forward in the browser history.
Client::followRedirect() — Method in class Client
Follow redirects?
Cookie::fromString() — Method in class Cookie
Creates a Cookie instance from a Set-Cookie header value.
CookieJar::flushExpiredCookies() — Method in class CookieJar
Removes all expired cookies.
History::forward() — Method in class History
Goes forward in the history.
$Request#filesProperty in class Request
FilesystemAdapterClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Cache\Adapter
FilesystemCacheClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Cache\Simple
FilesystemCommonTraitClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Cache\Traits
FilesystemTraitClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Cache\Traits
ArrayNode::finalizeValue() — Method in class ArrayNode
Finalizes the value of this node.
$BaseNode#finalValidationClosuresProperty in class BaseNode
BaseNode::finalize() — Method in class BaseNode
Finalizes a value.
BaseNode::finalizeValue() — Method in class BaseNode
Finalizes a value.
ArrayNodeDefinition::floatPrototype() — Method in class ArrayNodeDefinition
ArrayNodeDefinition::fixXmlConfig() — Method in class ArrayNodeDefinition
Sets a normalization rule for XML configurations.
FloatNodeDefinitionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Config\Definition\Builder
This class provides a fluent interface for defining a float node.
NodeBuilder::floatNode() — Method in class NodeBuilder
Creates a child float node.
$NodeDefinition#falseEquivalentProperty in class NodeDefinition
EnumNode::finalizeValue() — Method in class EnumNode
Finalizes a value.
ForbiddenOverwriteExceptionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Config\Definition\Exception
This exception is thrown when a configuration path is overwritten from a subsequent configuration file, but the entry node specifically forbids this.
FloatNodeClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Config\Definition
This node represents a float value in the config tree.
NodeInterface::finalize() — Method in class NodeInterface
Finalizes a value.
NumericNode::finalizeValue() — Method in class NumericNode
Finalizes a value.
PrototypedArrayNode::finalizeValue() — Method in class PrototypedArrayNode
Finalizes the value of this node.
VariableNode::finalizeValue() — Method in class VariableNode
Finalizes a value.
FileLoaderImportCircularReferenceExceptionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Config\Exception
Exception class for when a circular reference is detected when importing resources.
FileLoaderLoadExceptionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Config\Exception
Exception class for when a resource cannot be loaded or imported.
FileLocatorFileNotFoundExceptionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Config\Exception
File locator exception if a file does not exist.
FileLocatorClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Config
FileLocator uses an array of pre-defined paths to find files.
FileLocatorInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Config
FileLoaderClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Config\Loader
FileLoader is the abstract class used by all built-in loaders that are file based.
FileExistenceResourceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Config\Resource
FileExistenceResource represents a resource stored on the filesystem.
FileResourceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Config\Resource
FileResource represents a resource stored on the filesystem.
Application::findNamespace() — Method in class Application
Finds a registered namespace by a name or an abbreviation.
Application::find() — Method in class Application
Finds a command by name or alias.
FactoryCommandLoaderClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Console\CommandLoader
A simple command loader using factories to instantiate commands lazily.
OutputFormatter::format() — Method in class OutputFormatter
Formats a message according to the given styles.
OutputFormatter::formatAndWrap() — Method in class OutputFormatter
Formats a message according to the given styles, wrapping at $width (0 means no wrapping).
OutputFormatterInterface::format() — Method in class OutputFormatterInterface
Formats a message according to the given styles.
WrappableOutputFormatterInterface::formatAndWrap() — Method in class WrappableOutputFormatterInterface
Formats a message according to the given styles, wrapping at $width (0 means no wrapping).
FormatterHelperClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Console\Helper
The Formatter class provides helpers to format messages.
FormatterHelper::formatSection() — Method in class FormatterHelper
Formats a message within a section.
FormatterHelper::formatBlock() — Method in class FormatterHelper
Formats a message as a block of text.
Helper::formatTime() — Method in class Helper
Helper::formatMemory() — Method in class Helper
ProgressBar::finish() — Method in class ProgressBar
Finishes the progress output.
ProgressIndicator::finish() — Method in class ProgressIndicator
Finish the indicator with message.
BufferedOutput::fetch() — Method in class BufferedOutput
Empties buffer and returns its content.
FunctionNodeClass in namespace Symfony\Component\CssSelector\Node
Represents a ":()" node.
Reader::findPattern() — Method in class Reader
TokenStream::freeze() — Method in class TokenStream
Freezes stream.
FunctionExtensionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\CssSelector\XPath\Extension
XPath expression translator function extension.
FatalErrorExceptionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Debug\Exception
Fatal Error Exception.
FatalThrowableErrorClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Debug\Exception
Fatal Throwable Error.
FlattenExceptionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Debug\Exception
FlattenException wraps a PHP Error or Exception to be able to serialize it.
FatalErrorHandlerInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Debug\FatalErrorHandler
Attempts to convert fatal errors to exceptions.
MergeExtensionConfigurationParameterBag::freezeAfterProcessing() — Method in class MergeExtensionConfigurationParameterBag
$Container#fileMapProperty in class Container
$Container#factoriesProperty in class Container
ContainerBuilder::fileExists() — Method in class ContainerBuilder
Checks whether the requested file or directory exists and registers the result for resource tracking.
ContainerBuilder::findDefinition() — Method in class ContainerBuilder
Gets a service definition by id or alias.
ContainerBuilder::findTaggedServiceIds() — Method in class ContainerBuilder
Returns service ids for a given tag.
ContainerBuilder::findTags() — Method in class ContainerBuilder
Returns all tags the defined services use.
ContainerBuilder::findUnusedTags() — Method in class ContainerBuilder
Returns all tags not queried by findTaggedServiceIds.
FactoryTraitClass in namespace Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Loader\Configurator\Traits
FactoryTrait::factory() — Method in class FactoryTrait
Sets a factory.
FileTraitClass in namespace Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Loader\Configurator\Traits
FileTrait::file() — Method in class FileTrait
Sets a file to require before creating the service.
FileLoaderClass in namespace Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Loader
FileLoader is the abstract class used by all built-in loaders that are file based.
FrozenParameterBagClass in namespace Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\ParameterBag
Holds read-only parameters.
TaggedContainerInterface::findTaggedServiceIds() — Method in class TaggedContainerInterface
Returns service ids for a given tag.
Crawler::first() — Method in class Crawler
Returns the first node of the current selection.
Crawler::filterXPath() — Method in class Crawler
Filters the list of nodes with an XPath expression.
Crawler::filter() — Method in class Crawler
Filters the list of nodes with a CSS selector.
Crawler::form() — Method in class Crawler
Returns a Form object for the first node in the list.
FileFormFieldClass in namespace Symfony\Component\DomCrawler\Field
FileFormField represents a file form field (an HTML file input tag).
FormFieldClass in namespace Symfony\Component\DomCrawler\Field
FormField is the abstract class for all form fields.
FormClass in namespace Symfony\Component\DomCrawler
Form represents an HTML form.
FormFieldRegistryClass in namespace Symfony\Component\DomCrawler
This is an internal class that must not be used directly.
FormatExceptionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Dotenv\Exception
Thrown when a file has a syntax error.
FormatExceptionContextClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Dotenv\Exception
ExpressionFunction::fromPhp() — Method in class ExpressionFunction
Creates an ExpressionFunction from a PHP function name.
$ExpressionLanguage#functionsProperty in class ExpressionLanguage
FunctionNodeClass in namespace Symfony\Component\ExpressionLanguage\Node
FileNotFoundExceptionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Filesystem\Exception
Exception class thrown when a file couldn't be found.
FilesystemClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Filesystem
Provides basic utility to manipulate the file system.
FinderClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Finder
Finder allows to build rules to find files and directories.
Finder::files() — Method in class Finder
Restricts the matching to files only.
Finder::filter() — Method in class Finder
Filters the iterator with an anonymous function.
Finder::followLinks() — Method in class Finder
Forces the following of symlinks.
FileTypeFilterIteratorClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Finder\Iterator
FileTypeFilterIterator only keeps files, directories, or both.
FilecontentFilterIteratorClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Finder\Iterator
FilecontentFilterIterator filters files by their contents using patterns (regexps or strings).
FilenameFilterIteratorClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Finder\Iterator
FilenameFilterIterator filters files by patterns (a regexp, a glob, or a string).
AbstractType::finishView() — Method in class AbstractType
Finishes the form view.
AbstractTypeExtension::finishView() — Method in class AbstractTypeExtension
Finishes the view.
ArrayChoiceList::flatten() — Method in class ArrayChoiceList
Flattens an array into the given output variables.
Descriptor::filterOptionsByDeprecated() — Method in class Descriptor
FormPassClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Form\DependencyInjection
Adds all services with the tags "form.type", "form.type_extension" and "form.type_guesser" as arguments of the "form.extension" service.
$BaseDateTimeTransformer#formatsProperty in class BaseDateTimeTransformer
FixUrlProtocolListenerClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\EventListener
Adds a protocol to a URL if it doesn't already have one.
ChoiceType::finishView() — Method in class ChoiceType
Finishes the form view.
CollectionType::finishView() — Method in class CollectionType
Finishes the form view.
DateType::finishView() — Method in class DateType
Finishes the form view.
FileTypeClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type
FileType::finishView() — Method in class FileType
Finishes the form view.
FormTypeClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type
FormType::finishView() — Method in class FormType
Finishes the form view.
FormTypeCsrfExtensionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Csrf\Type
FormTypeCsrfExtension::finishView() — Method in class FormTypeCsrfExtension
Adds a CSRF field to the root form view.
FormDataCollectorClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\DataCollector
Data collector for {@link FormInterface} instances.
FormDataCollectorInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\DataCollector
Collects and structures information about forms.
FormDataExtractorClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\DataCollector
Default implementation of {@link FormDataExtractorInterface}.
FormDataExtractorInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\DataCollector
Extracts arrays of information out of forms.
ResolvedTypeDataCollectorProxy::finishView() — Method in class ResolvedTypeDataCollectorProxy
Finishes a form view for the type hierarchy.
FormTypeHttpFoundationExtensionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\HttpFoundation\Type
FormClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Validator\Constraints
FormValidatorClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Validator\Constraints
FormTypeValidatorExtensionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Validator\Type
FormClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Form
Form represents a form.
FormBuilderClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Form
A builder for creating {@link Form} instances.
FormBuilderInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Form
FormConfigBuilderClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Form
A basic form configuration.
FormConfigBuilderInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Form
FormConfigInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Form
The configuration of a {@link Form} object.
FormErrorClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Form
Wraps errors in forms.
FormErrorIteratorClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Form
Iterates over the errors of a form.
FormErrorIterator::findByCodes() — Method in class FormErrorIterator
Creates iterator for errors with specific codes.
FormEventClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Form
FormEventsClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Form
To learn more about how form events work check the documentation entry at {@link https://symfony.com/doc/any/components/form/form_events.html}.
FormExtensionInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Form
Interface for extensions which provide types, type extensions and a guesser.
FormFactoryClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Form
FormFactoryBuilderClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Form
The default implementation of FormFactoryBuilderInterface.
FormFactoryBuilderInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Form
A builder for FormFactoryInterface objects.
FormFactoryInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Form
Allows creating a form based on a name, a class or a property.
FormInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Form
A form group bundling multiple forms in a hierarchical structure.
FormRegistryClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Form
The central registry of the Form component.
FormRegistryInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Form
The central registry of the Form component.
FormRendererClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Form
Renders a form into HTML using a rendering engine.
FormRendererEngineInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Form
Adapter for rendering form templates with a specific templating engine.
FormRendererInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Form
Renders a form into HTML.
FormTypeExtensionInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Form
FormTypeExtensionInterface::finishView() — Method in class FormTypeExtensionInterface
Finishes the view.
FormTypeGuesserChainClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Form
FormTypeGuesserInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Form
FormTypeInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Form
FormTypeInterface::finishView() — Method in class FormTypeInterface
Finishes the form view.
FormViewClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Form
FormsClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Form
Entry point of the Form component.
ResolvedFormType::finishView() — Method in class ResolvedFormType
Finishes a form view for the type hierarchy.
ResolvedFormTypeInterface::finishView() — Method in class ResolvedFormTypeInterface
Finishes a form view for the type hierarchy.
FormBuilderInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Form\Test
FormIntegrationTestCaseClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Form\Test
$FormIntegrationTestCase#factoryProperty in class FormIntegrationTestCase
FormInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Form\Test
FormPerformanceTestCaseClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Form\Test
Base class for performance tests.
FormUtilClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Form\Util
StringUtil::fqcnToBlockPrefix() — Method in class StringUtil
Converts a fully-qualified class name to a block prefix.
AcceptHeader::fromString() — Method in class AcceptHeader
Builds an AcceptHeader instance from a string.
AcceptHeader::filter() — Method in class AcceptHeader
Filters items on their value using given regex.
AcceptHeader::first() — Method in class AcceptHeader
Returns first item.
AcceptHeaderItem::fromString() — Method in class AcceptHeaderItem
Builds an AcceptHeaderInstance instance from a string.
$BinaryFileResponse#fileProperty in class BinaryFileResponse
Cookie::fromString() — Method in class Cookie
Creates cookie from raw header string.
FileBagClass in namespace Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation
FileBag is a container for uploaded files.
FileBag::fixPhpFilesArray() — Method in class FileBag
Fixes a malformed PHP $_FILES array.
FileExceptionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\File\Exception
Thrown when an error occurred in the component File.
FileNotFoundExceptionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\File\Exception
Thrown when a file was not found.
FormSizeFileExceptionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\File\Exception
Thrown when an UPLOAD_ERR_FORM_SIZE error occurred with UploadedFile.
FileClass in namespace Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\File
A file in the file system.
FileBinaryMimeTypeGuesserClass in namespace Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\File\MimeType
Guesses the mime type with the binary "file" (only available on *nix).
FileinfoMimeTypeGuesserClass in namespace Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\File\MimeType
Guesses the mime type using the PECL extension FileInfo.
JsonResponse::fromJsonString() — Method in class JsonResponse
Make easier the creation of JsonResponse from raw json.
ParameterBag::filter() — Method in class ParameterBag
Filter key.
$Request#filesProperty in class Request
Uploaded files ($_FILES).
$Request#formatProperty in class Request
$Request#formatsProperty in class Request
FlashBagClass in namespace Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Session\Flash
FlashBag flash message container.
FlashBagInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Session\Flash
Client::filterRequest() — Method in class Client
Converts the BrowserKit request to a HttpKernel request.
Client::filterFiles() — Method in class Client
Filters an array of files.
Client::filterResponse() — Method in class Client
Converts the HttpKernel response to a BrowserKit response.
FileLocatorClass in namespace Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Config
FileLocator uses the KernelInterface to locate resources in bundles.
FileLinkFormatterClass in namespace Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Debug
Formats debug file links.
FileLinkFormatter::format() — Method in class FileLinkFormatter
FragmentRendererPassClass in namespace Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\DependencyInjection
Adds services tagged kernel.fragment_renderer as HTTP content rendering strategies.
$AddRequestFormatsListener#formatsProperty in class AddRequestFormatsListener
FragmentListenerClass in namespace Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\EventListener
Handles content fragments represented by special URIs.
FilterControllerArgumentsEventClass in namespace Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Event
Allows filtering of controller arguments.
FilterControllerEventClass in namespace Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Event
Allows filtering of a controller callable.
FilterResponseEventClass in namespace Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Event
Allows to filter a Response object.
FinishRequestEventClass in namespace Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Event
Triggered whenever a request is fully processed.
FragmentHandlerClass in namespace Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Fragment
Renders a URI that represents a resource fragment.
FragmentRendererInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Fragment
Interface implemented by all rendering strategies.
HttpCache::fetch() — Method in class HttpCache
Unconditionally fetches a fresh response from the backend and stores it in the cache if is cacheable.
HttpCache::forward() — Method in class HttpCache
Forwards the Request to the backend and returns the Response.
FileProfilerStorageClass in namespace Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Profiler
Storage for profiler using files.
FileProfilerStorage::find() — Method in class FileProfilerStorage
Finds profiler tokens for the given criteria.
Profiler::find() — Method in class Profiler
Finds profiler tokens for the given criteria.
ProfilerStorageInterface::find() — Method in class ProfilerStorageInterface
Finds profiler tokens for the given criteria.
CurrencyDataProvider::forNumericCode() — Method in class CurrencyDataProvider
Data provider for {@link \Symfony\Component\Intl\Currency::forNumericCode()}.
AmPmTransformer::format() — Method in class AmPmTransformer
Format a value using a configured DateTime as date/time source.
DayOfWeekTransformer::format() — Method in class DayOfWeekTransformer
Format a value using a configured DateTime as date/time source.
DayOfYearTransformer::format() — Method in class DayOfYearTransformer
Format a value using a configured DateTime as date/time source.
DayTransformer::format() — Method in class DayTransformer
Format a value using a configured DateTime as date/time source.
FullTransformerClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Intl\DateFormatter\DateFormat
Parser and formatter for date formats.
FullTransformer::format() — Method in class FullTransformer
Format a DateTime using ICU dateformat pattern.
FullTransformer::formatReplace() — Method in class FullTransformer
Return the formatted ICU value for the matched date characters.
Hour1200Transformer::format() — Method in class Hour1200Transformer
Format a value using a configured DateTime as date/time source.
Hour1201Transformer::format() — Method in class Hour1201Transformer
Format a value using a configured DateTime as date/time source.
Hour2400Transformer::format() — Method in class Hour2400Transformer
Format a value using a configured DateTime as date/time source.
Hour2401Transformer::format() — Method in class Hour2401Transformer
Format a value using a configured DateTime as date/time source.
MinuteTransformer::format() — Method in class MinuteTransformer
Format a value using a configured DateTime as date/time source.
$MonthTransformer#flippedMonthsProperty in class MonthTransformer
Flipped $months array, $name => $index.
$MonthTransformer#flippedShortMonthsProperty in class MonthTransformer
Flipped $shortMonths array, $name => $index.
MonthTransformer::format() — Method in class MonthTransformer
Format a value using a configured DateTime as date/time source.
QuarterTransformer::format() — Method in class QuarterTransformer
Format a value using a configured DateTime as date/time source.
SecondTransformer::format() — Method in class SecondTransformer
Format a value using a configured DateTime as date/time source.
TimezoneTransformer::format() — Method in class TimezoneTransformer
Format a value using a configured DateTime as date/time source.
Transformer::format() — Method in class Transformer
Format a value using a configured DateTime as date/time source.
YearTransformer::format() — Method in class YearTransformer
Format a value using a configured DateTime as date/time source.
IntlDateFormatter::format() — Method in class IntlDateFormatter
Format the date/time value (timestamp) as a string.
IntlDateFormatter::formatObject() — Method in class IntlDateFormatter
Not supported. Formats an object.
Locale::filterMatches() — Method in class Locale
Not supported. Checks if a language tag filter matches with locale.
NumberFormatter::formatCurrency() — Method in class NumberFormatter
Format a currency value.
NumberFormatter::format() — Method in class NumberFormatter
Format a number.
FactoryClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Lock
Factory provides method to create locks.
FlockStoreClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Lock\Store
FlockStore is a StoreInterface implementation using the FileSystem flock.
HandledStamp::fromCallable() — Method in class HandledStamp
Connection::fromDsn() — Method in class Connection
ExecutableFinder::find() — Method in class ExecutableFinder
Finds an executable by name.
PhpExecutableFinder::find() — Method in class PhpExecutableFinder
Finds The PHP executable.
PhpExecutableFinder::findArguments() — Method in class PhpExecutableFinder
Finds the PHP executable arguments.
Process::fromShellCommandline() — Method in class Process
Creates a Process instance as a command-line to be run in a shell wrapper.
AnnotationFileLoader::findClass() — Method in class AnnotationFileLoader
Returns the full class name for the first class in the file.
RequestContext::fromRequest() — Method in class RequestContext
Updates the RequestContext information based on a HttpFoundation Request.
$SimpleAuthenticationHandler#failureHandlerProperty in class SimpleAuthenticationHandler
FormAuthenticationEntryPointClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Security\Http\EntryPoint
FormAuthenticationEntryPoint starts an authentication via a login form.
FirewallClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Security\Http
Firewall uses a FirewallMap to register security listeners for the given request.
FirewallMapClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Security\Http
FirewallMap allows configuration of different firewalls for specific parts of the website.
FirewallMapInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Security\Http
This interface must be implemented by firewall maps.
FileLoaderClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Serializer\Mapping\Loader
Base class for all file based loaders.
$FileLoader#fileProperty in class FileLoader
FilesystemLoaderClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Templating\Loader
FilesystemLoader is a loader that read templates from the filesystem.
FileStorageClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Templating\Storage
FileStorage represents a template stored on the filesystem.
CsvFileDumper::formatCatalogue() — Method in class CsvFileDumper
Transforms a domain of a message catalogue to its string representation.
FileDumperClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Translation\Dumper
FileDumper is an implementation of DumperInterface that dump a message catalogue to file(s).
FileDumper::formatCatalogue() — Method in class FileDumper
Transforms a domain of a message catalogue to its string representation.
IcuResFileDumper::formatCatalogue() — Method in class IcuResFileDumper
Transforms a domain of a message catalogue to its string representation.
IniFileDumper::formatCatalogue() — Method in class IniFileDumper
Transforms a domain of a message catalogue to its string representation.
JsonFileDumper::formatCatalogue() — Method in class JsonFileDumper
Transforms a domain of a message catalogue to its string representation.
MoFileDumper::formatCatalogue() — Method in class MoFileDumper
Transforms a domain of a message catalogue to its string representation.
PhpFileDumper::formatCatalogue() — Method in class PhpFileDumper
Transforms a domain of a message catalogue to its string representation.
PoFileDumper::formatCatalogue() — Method in class PoFileDumper
Transforms a domain of a message catalogue to its string representation.
QtFileDumper::formatCatalogue() — Method in class QtFileDumper
Transforms a domain of a message catalogue to its string representation.
XliffFileDumper::formatCatalogue() — Method in class XliffFileDumper
Transforms a domain of a message catalogue to its string representation.
YamlFileDumper::formatCatalogue() — Method in class YamlFileDumper
Transforms a domain of a message catalogue to its string representation.
IntlFormatter::formatIntl() — Method in class IntlFormatter
Formats a localized message using rules defined by ICU MessageFormat.
IntlFormatterInterface::formatIntl() — Method in class IntlFormatterInterface
Formats a localized message using rules defined by ICU MessageFormat.
MessageFormatter::format() — Method in class MessageFormatter
Formats a localized message pattern with given arguments.
MessageFormatter::formatIntl() — Method in class MessageFormatter
Formats a localized message using rules defined by ICU MessageFormat.
MessageFormatterInterface::format() — Method in class MessageFormatterInterface
Formats a localized message pattern with given arguments.
FileLoaderClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Translation\Loader
IcuResFileLoader::flatten() — Method in class IcuResFileLoader
Flattens an ResourceBundle.
ConstraintValidator::formatTypeOf() — Method in class ConstraintValidator
Returns a string representation of the type of the value.
ConstraintValidator::formatValue() — Method in class ConstraintValidator
Returns a string representation of the value.
ConstraintValidator::formatValues() — Method in class ConstraintValidator
Returns a string representation of a list of values.
ConstraintViolationList::findByCodes() — Method in class ConstraintViolationList
Creates iterator for errors with specific codes.
$Collection#fieldsProperty in class Collection
$DateTime#formatProperty in class DateTime
FileClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints
FileValidatorClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints
GenericMetadata::findConstraints() — Method in class GenericMetadata
Returns all constraints for a given validation group.
FileLoaderClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Validator\Mapping\Loader
Base loader for loading validation metadata from a file.
$FileLoader#fileProperty in class FileLoader
FilesLoaderClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Validator\Mapping\Loader
Base loader for loading validation metadata from a list of files.
MetadataInterface::findConstraints() — Method in class MetadataInterface
Returns all constraints for a given validation group.
Caster::filter() — Method in class Caster
Filters out the specified properties.
FrameStubClass in namespace Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Caster
Represents a single backtrace frame as returned by debug_backtrace() or Exception->getTrace().
$AbstractDumper#flagsProperty in class AbstractDumper
$Registry#factoriesProperty in class Registry
Registry::f() — Method in class Registry
GraphvizDumper::findPlaces() — Method in class GraphvizDumper
GraphvizDumper::findTransitions() — Method in class GraphvizDumper
GraphvizDumper::findEdges() — Method in class GraphvizDumper
StateMachineGraphvizDumper::findEdges() — Method in class StateMachineGraphvizDumper


ContainerAwareEventManager::getListeners() — Method in class ContainerAwareEventManager
Gets the listeners of a specific event or all listeners.
DoctrineDataCollector::getManagers() — Method in class DoctrineDataCollector
DoctrineDataCollector::getConnections() — Method in class DoctrineDataCollector
DoctrineDataCollector::getQueryCount() — Method in class DoctrineDataCollector
DoctrineDataCollector::getQueries() — Method in class DoctrineDataCollector
DoctrineDataCollector::getTime() — Method in class DoctrineDataCollector
DoctrineDataCollector::getName() — Method in class DoctrineDataCollector
Returns the name of the collector.
AbstractDoctrineExtension::getMappingDriverBundleConfigDefaults() — Method in class AbstractDoctrineExtension
If this is a bundle controlled mapping all the missing information can be autodetected by this method.
AbstractDoctrineExtension::getObjectManagerElementName() — Method in class AbstractDoctrineExtension
Prefixes the relative dependency injection container path with the object manager prefix.
AbstractDoctrineExtension::getMappingObjectDefaultName() — Method in class AbstractDoctrineExtension
Noun that describes the mapped objects such as Entity or Document.
AbstractDoctrineExtension::getMappingResourceConfigDirectory() — Method in class AbstractDoctrineExtension
Relative path from the bundle root to the directory where mapping files reside.
AbstractDoctrineExtension::getMappingResourceExtension() — Method in class AbstractDoctrineExtension
Extension used by the mapping files.
RegisterMappingsPass::getChainDriverServiceName() — Method in class RegisterMappingsPass
Get the service name of the metadata chain driver that the mappings should be registered with.
RegisterMappingsPass::getDriver() — Method in class RegisterMappingsPass
Create the service definition for the metadata driver.
EntityFactory::getKey() — Method in class EntityFactory
EntityLoaderInterface::getEntities() — Method in class EntityLoaderInterface
Returns an array of entities that are valid choices in the corresponding choice list.
EntityLoaderInterface::getEntitiesByIds() — Method in class EntityLoaderInterface
Returns an array of entities matching the given identifiers.
IdReader::getIdValue() — Method in class IdReader
Returns the ID value for an object.
IdReader::getIdField() — Method in class IdReader
Returns the name of the ID field.
ORMQueryBuilderLoader::getEntities() — Method in class ORMQueryBuilderLoader
Returns an array of entities that are valid choices in the corresponding choice list.
ORMQueryBuilderLoader::getEntitiesByIds() — Method in class ORMQueryBuilderLoader
Returns an array of entities matching the given identifiers.
DoctrineOrmTypeGuesser::guessType() — Method in class DoctrineOrmTypeGuesser
Returns a field guess for a property name of a class.
DoctrineOrmTypeGuesser::guessRequired() — Method in class DoctrineOrmTypeGuesser
Returns a guess whether a property of a class is required.
DoctrineOrmTypeGuesser::guessMaxLength() — Method in class DoctrineOrmTypeGuesser
Returns a guess about the field's maximum length.
DoctrineOrmTypeGuesser::guessPattern() — Method in class DoctrineOrmTypeGuesser
Returns a guess about the field's pattern.
DoctrineOrmTypeGuesser::getMetadata() — Method in class DoctrineOrmTypeGuesser
MergeDoctrineCollectionListener::getSubscribedEvents() — Method in class MergeDoctrineCollectionListener
Returns an array of event names this subscriber wants to listen to.
DoctrineType::getQueryBuilderPartsForCachingHash() — Method in class DoctrineType
Gets important parts from QueryBuilder that will allow to cache its results.
DoctrineType::getLoader() — Method in class DoctrineType
Return the default loader object.
DoctrineType::getParent() — Method in class DoctrineType
Returns the name of the parent type.
EntityType::getLoader() — Method in class EntityType
Return the default loader object.
EntityType::getBlockPrefix() — Method in class EntityType
Returns the prefix of the template block name for this type.
EntityType::getQueryBuilderPartsForCachingHash() — Method in class EntityType
We consider two query builders with an equal SQL string and equal parameters to be equal.
ManagerRegistry::getService() — Method in class ManagerRegistry
DoctrineExtractor::getProperties() — Method in class DoctrineExtractor
Gets the list of properties available for the given class.
DoctrineExtractor::getTypes() — Method in class DoctrineExtractor
Gets types of a property.
RegistryInterface::getDefaultEntityManagerName() — Method in class RegistryInterface
Gets the default entity manager name.
RegistryInterface::getEntityManager() — Method in class RegistryInterface
Gets a named entity manager.
RegistryInterface::getEntityManagers() — Method in class RegistryInterface
Gets an array of all registered entity managers.
RegistryInterface::getEntityNamespace() — Method in class RegistryInterface
Resolves a registered namespace alias to the full namespace.
RegistryInterface::getEntityManagerNames() — Method in class RegistryInterface
Gets all connection names.
RegistryInterface::getEntityManagerForClass() — Method in class RegistryInterface
Gets the entity manager associated with a given class.
TestRepositoryFactory::getRepository() — Method in class TestRepositoryFactory
UniqueEntity::getRequiredOptions() — Method in class UniqueEntity
Returns the name of the required options.
UniqueEntity::getTargets() — Method in class UniqueEntity
Returns whether the constraint can be put onto classes, properties or both.
UniqueEntity::getDefaultOption() — Method in class UniqueEntity
Returns the name of the default option.
ConsoleHandler::getSubscribedEvents() — Method in class ConsoleHandler
Returns an array of event names this subscriber wants to listen to.
ConsoleHandler::getDefaultFormatter() — Method in class ConsoleHandler
ServerLogHandler::getDefaultFormatter() — Method in class ServerLogHandler
Logger::getLogs() — Method in class Logger
Returns an array of logs.
DebugProcessor::getLogs() — Method in class DebugProcessor
Returns an array of logs.
WebProcessor::getSubscribedEvents() — Method in class WebProcessor
Returns an array of event names this subscriber wants to listen to.
DnsMock::getmxrr() — Method in class DnsMock
DnsMock::gethostbyaddr() — Method in class DnsMock
DnsMock::gethostbyname() — Method in class DnsMock
DnsMock::gethostbynamel() — Method in class DnsMock
SymfonyTestsListenerForV5::globalListenerDisabled() — Method in class SymfonyTestsListenerForV5
SymfonyTestsListenerForV6::globalListenerDisabled() — Method in class SymfonyTestsListenerForV6
SymfonyTestsListenerForV7::globalListenerDisabled() — Method in class SymfonyTestsListenerForV7
SymfonyTestsListenerTrait::globalListenerDisabled() — Method in class SymfonyTestsListenerTrait
LazyLoadingValueHolderFactory::getGenerator() — Method in class LazyLoadingValueHolderFactory
LazyLoadingValueHolderGenerator::generate() — Method in class LazyLoadingValueHolderGenerator
LazyLoadingValueHolderGenerator::getProxifiedClass() — Method in class LazyLoadingValueHolderGenerator
ProxyDumper::getProxyFactoryCode() — Method in class ProxyDumper
Generates the code to be used to instantiate a proxy in the dumped factory code.
ProxyDumper::getProxyCode() — Method in class ProxyDumper
Generates the code for the lazy proxy.
AppVariable::getToken() — Method in class AppVariable
Returns the current token.
AppVariable::getUser() — Method in class AppVariable
Returns the current user.
AppVariable::getRequest() — Method in class AppVariable
Returns the current request.
AppVariable::getSession() — Method in class AppVariable
Returns the current session.
AppVariable::getEnvironment() — Method in class AppVariable
Returns the current app environment.
AppVariable::getDebug() — Method in class AppVariable
Returns the current app debug mode.
AppVariable::getFlashes() — Method in class AppVariable
Returns some or all the existing flash messages: * getFlashes() returns all the flash messages * getFlashes('notice') returns a simple array with flash messages of that type * getFlashes(array('notice', 'error')) returns a nested array of type => messages.
TwigDataCollector::getTime() — Method in class TwigDataCollector
TwigDataCollector::getTemplateCount() — Method in class TwigDataCollector
TwigDataCollector::getTemplatePaths() — Method in class TwigDataCollector
TwigDataCollector::getTemplates() — Method in class TwigDataCollector
TwigDataCollector::getBlockCount() — Method in class TwigDataCollector
TwigDataCollector::getMacroCount() — Method in class TwigDataCollector
TwigDataCollector::getHtmlCallGraph() — Method in class TwigDataCollector
TwigDataCollector::getProfile() — Method in class TwigDataCollector
TwigDataCollector::getName() — Method in class TwigDataCollector
Returns the name of the collector.
AssetExtension::getFunctions() — Method in class AssetExtension
AssetExtension::getAssetUrl() — Method in class AssetExtension
Returns the public url/path of an asset.
AssetExtension::getAssetVersion() — Method in class AssetExtension
Returns the version of an asset.
AssetExtension::getName() — Method in class AssetExtension
Returns the name of the extension.
CodeExtension::getFilters() — Method in class CodeExtension
CodeExtension::getFileLink() — Method in class CodeExtension
Returns the link for a given file/line pair.
CodeExtension::getFileRelative() — Method in class CodeExtension
CodeExtension::getName() — Method in class CodeExtension
CsrfExtension::getFunctions() — Method in class CsrfExtension
CsrfRuntime::getCsrfToken() — Method in class CsrfRuntime
DumpExtension::getFunctions() — Method in class DumpExtension
DumpExtension::getTokenParsers() — Method in class DumpExtension
DumpExtension::getName() — Method in class DumpExtension
ExpressionExtension::getFunctions() — Method in class ExpressionExtension
ExpressionExtension::getName() — Method in class ExpressionExtension
Returns the name of the extension.
FormExtension::getTokenParsers() — Method in class FormExtension
FormExtension::getFunctions() — Method in class FormExtension
FormExtension::getFilters() — Method in class FormExtension
FormExtension::getTests() — Method in class FormExtension
FormExtension::getName() — Method in class FormExtension
HttpFoundationExtension::getFunctions() — Method in class HttpFoundationExtension
HttpFoundationExtension::generateAbsoluteUrl() — Method in class HttpFoundationExtension
Returns the absolute URL for the given absolute or relative path.
HttpFoundationExtension::generateRelativePath() — Method in class HttpFoundationExtension
Returns a relative path based on the current Request.
HttpFoundationExtension::getName() — Method in class HttpFoundationExtension
Returns the name of the extension.
HttpKernelExtension::getFunctions() — Method in class HttpKernelExtension
HttpKernelExtension::getName() — Method in class HttpKernelExtension
LogoutUrlExtension::getFunctions() — Method in class LogoutUrlExtension
LogoutUrlExtension::getLogoutPath() — Method in class LogoutUrlExtension
Generates the relative logout URL for the firewall.
LogoutUrlExtension::getLogoutUrl() — Method in class LogoutUrlExtension
Generates the absolute logout URL for the firewall.
LogoutUrlExtension::getName() — Method in class LogoutUrlExtension
ProfilerExtension::getName() — Method in class ProfilerExtension
RoutingExtension::getFunctions() — Method in class RoutingExtension
Returns a list of functions to add to the existing list.
RoutingExtension::getPath() — Method in class RoutingExtension
RoutingExtension::getUrl() — Method in class RoutingExtension
RoutingExtension::getName() — Method in class RoutingExtension
SecurityExtension::getFunctions() — Method in class SecurityExtension
SecurityExtension::getName() — Method in class SecurityExtension
StopwatchExtension::getStopwatch() — Method in class StopwatchExtension
StopwatchExtension::getTokenParsers() — Method in class StopwatchExtension
StopwatchExtension::getName() — Method in class StopwatchExtension
TranslationExtension::getTranslator() — Method in class TranslationExtension
TranslationExtension::getFilters() — Method in class TranslationExtension
TranslationExtension::getTokenParsers() — Method in class TranslationExtension
Returns the token parser instance to add to the existing list.
TranslationExtension::getNodeVisitors() — Method in class TranslationExtension
TranslationExtension::getTranslationNodeVisitor() — Method in class TranslationExtension
TranslationExtension::getName() — Method in class TranslationExtension
WebLinkExtension::getFunctions() — Method in class WebLinkExtension
WorkflowExtension::getFunctions() — Method in class WorkflowExtension
WorkflowExtension::getEnabledTransitions() — Method in class WorkflowExtension
Returns all enabled transitions.
WorkflowExtension::getMarkedPlaces() — Method in class WorkflowExtension
Returns marked places.
WorkflowExtension::getMetadata() — Method in class WorkflowExtension
Returns the metadata for a specific subject.
WorkflowExtension::getName() — Method in class WorkflowExtension
YamlExtension::getFilters() — Method in class YamlExtension
YamlExtension::getName() — Method in class YamlExtension
Scope::get() — Method in class Scope
Returns data visible from current scope.
TranslationDefaultDomainNodeVisitor::getPriority() — Method in class TranslationDefaultDomainNodeVisitor
TranslationNodeVisitor::getMessages() — Method in class TranslationNodeVisitor
TranslationNodeVisitor::getPriority() — Method in class TranslationNodeVisitor
DumpTokenParser::getTag() — Method in class DumpTokenParser
FormThemeTokenParser::getTag() — Method in class FormThemeTokenParser
Gets the tag name associated with this token parser.
StopwatchTokenParser::getTag() — Method in class StopwatchTokenParser
TransChoiceTokenParser::getTag() — Method in class TransChoiceTokenParser
Gets the tag name associated with this token parser.
TransDefaultDomainTokenParser::getTag() — Method in class TransDefaultDomainTokenParser
Gets the tag name associated with this token parser.
TransTokenParser::getTag() — Method in class TransTokenParser
Gets the tag name associated with this token parser.
Configuration::getConfigTreeBuilder() — Method in class Configuration
Generates the configuration tree builder.
DebugExtension::getXsdValidationBasePath() — Method in class DebugExtension
Returns the base path for the XSD files.
DebugExtension::getNamespace() — Method in class DebugExtension
Returns the namespace to be used for this extension (XML namespace).
RouterCacheWarmer::getSubscribedServices() — Method in class RouterCacheWarmer
Returns an array of service types required by such instances, optionally keyed by the service names used internally.
TranslationsCacheWarmer::getSubscribedServices() — Method in class TranslationsCacheWarmer
Returns an array of service types required by such instances, optionally keyed by the service names used internally.
Client::getContainer() — Method in class Client
Returns the container.
Client::getKernel() — Method in class Client
Returns the kernel.
Client::getProfile() — Method in class Client
Gets the profile associated with the current Response.
Client::getScript() — Method in class Client
Returns the script to execute when the request must be insulated.
ContainerAwareCommand::getContainer() — Method in class ContainerAwareCommand
ContainerDebugCommand::getContainerBuilder() — Method in class ContainerDebugCommand
Loads the ContainerBuilder from the cache.
Application::getKernel() — Method in class Application
Gets the Kernel associated with this Console.
Application::get() — Method in class Application
Returns a registered command by name or alias.
Application::getLongVersion() — Method in class Application
Returns the long version of the application.
Descriptor::getOutput() — Method in class Descriptor
Returns the output.
Descriptor::getClassDescription() — Method in class Descriptor
Gets class description from a docblock.
JsonDescriptor::getRouteData() — Method in class JsonDescriptor
AbstractController::getParameter() — Method in class AbstractController
Gets a container parameter by its name.
AbstractController::getSubscribedServices() — Method in class AbstractController
Returns an array of service types required by such instances, optionally keyed by the service names used internally.
Controller::getParameter() — Method in class Controller
Gets a container configuration parameter by its name.
ControllerTrait::get() — Method in class ControllerTrait
Gets a container service by its id.
ControllerTrait::generateUrl() — Method in class ControllerTrait
Generates a URL from the given parameters.
ControllerTrait::getDoctrine() — Method in class ControllerTrait
Shortcut to return the Doctrine Registry service.
ControllerTrait::getUser() — Method in class ControllerTrait
Get a user from the Security Token Storage.
RouterDataCollector::guessRoute() — Method in class RouterDataCollector
Configuration::getConfigTreeBuilder() — Method in class Configuration
Generates the configuration tree builder.
FrameworkExtension::getConfiguration() — Method in class FrameworkExtension
Returns extension configuration.
FrameworkExtension::getXsdValidationBasePath() — Method in class FrameworkExtension
Returns the base path for the XSD files.
FrameworkExtension::getNamespace() — Method in class FrameworkExtension
Returns the namespace to be used for this extension (XML namespace).
ResolveControllerNameSubscriber::getSubscribedEvents() — Method in class ResolveControllerNameSubscriber
Returns an array of event names this subscriber wants to listen to.
HttpCache::getOptions() — Method in class HttpCache
Returns an array of options to customize the Cache configuration.
AnnotatedRouteControllerLoader::getDefaultRouteName() — Method in class AnnotatedRouteControllerLoader
Makes the default route name more sane by removing common keywords.
Router::getRouteCollection() — Method in class Router
Gets the RouteCollection instance associated with this Router.
Router::getSubscribedServices() — Method in class Router
Returns an array of service types required by such instances, optionally keyed by the service names used internally.
DelegatingEngine::getEngine() — Method in class DelegatingEngine
Get an engine able to render the given template.
GlobalVariablesClass in namespace Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Templating
GlobalVariables is the entry point for Symfony global variables in PHP templates.
GlobalVariables::getToken() — Method in class GlobalVariables
GlobalVariables::getUser() — Method in class GlobalVariables
GlobalVariables::getRequest() — Method in class GlobalVariables
GlobalVariables::getSession() — Method in class GlobalVariables
GlobalVariables::getEnvironment() — Method in class GlobalVariables
GlobalVariables::getDebug() — Method in class GlobalVariables
ActionsHelper::getName() — Method in class ActionsHelper
Returns the canonical name of this helper.
AssetsHelper::getUrl() — Method in class AssetsHelper
Returns the public url/path of an asset.
AssetsHelper::getVersion() — Method in class AssetsHelper
Returns the version of an asset.
AssetsHelper::getName() — Method in class AssetsHelper
Returns the canonical name of this helper.
CodeHelper::getFileLink() — Method in class CodeHelper
Returns the link for a given file/line pair.
CodeHelper::getName() — Method in class CodeHelper
Returns the canonical name of this helper.
FormHelper::getName() — Method in class FormHelper
Returns the canonical name of this helper.
RequestHelper::getParameter() — Method in class RequestHelper
Returns a parameter from the current request object.
RequestHelper::getLocale() — Method in class RequestHelper
Returns the locale.
RequestHelper::getName() — Method in class RequestHelper
Returns the canonical name of this helper.
$RouterHelper#generatorProperty in class RouterHelper
RouterHelper::getName() — Method in class RouterHelper
Returns the canonical name of this helper.
SessionHelper::get() — Method in class SessionHelper
Returns an attribute.
SessionHelper::getFlash() — Method in class SessionHelper
SessionHelper::getFlashes() — Method in class SessionHelper
SessionHelper::getName() — Method in class SessionHelper
Returns the canonical name of this helper.
StopwatchHelper::getName() — Method in class StopwatchHelper
Returns the canonical name of this helper.
TranslatorHelper::getName() — Method in class TranslatorHelper
Returns the canonical name of this helper.
TemplateLocator::getCacheKey() — Method in class TemplateLocator
Returns a full path for a given file.
PhpEngine::get() — Method in class PhpEngine
Gets a helper value.
TemplateReference::getPath() — Method in class TemplateReference
Returns the path to the template - as a path when the template is not part of a bundle - as a resource when the template is part of a bundle.
TemplateReference::getLogicalName() — Method in class TemplateReference
Returns the "logical" template name.
KernelTestCase::getKernelClass() — Method in class KernelTestCase
TestContainer::getParameterBag() — Method in class TestContainer
Gets the service container parameter bag.
TestContainer::getParameter() — Method in class TestContainer
Gets a parameter.
TestContainer::get() — Method in class TestContainer
Gets a service.
TestContainer::getServiceIds() — Method in class TestContainer
Gets all service ids.
TestContainer::getRemovedIds() — Method in class TestContainer
Gets service ids that existed at compile time.
SecurityDataCollector::getUser() — Method in class SecurityDataCollector
Gets the user.
SecurityDataCollector::getRoles() — Method in class SecurityDataCollector
Gets the roles of the user.
SecurityDataCollector::getInheritedRoles() — Method in class SecurityDataCollector
Gets the inherited roles of the user.
SecurityDataCollector::getImpersonatorUser() — Method in class SecurityDataCollector
SecurityDataCollector::getImpersonationExitPath() — Method in class SecurityDataCollector
SecurityDataCollector::getTokenClass() — Method in class SecurityDataCollector
Get the class name of the security token.
SecurityDataCollector::getToken() — Method in class SecurityDataCollector
Get the full security token class as Data object.
SecurityDataCollector::getLogoutUrl() — Method in class SecurityDataCollector
Get the logout URL.
SecurityDataCollector::getVoters() — Method in class SecurityDataCollector
Returns the FQCN of the security voters enabled in the application.
SecurityDataCollector::getVoterStrategy() — Method in class SecurityDataCollector
Returns the strategy configured for the security voters.
SecurityDataCollector::getAccessDecisionLog() — Method in class SecurityDataCollector
Returns the log of the security decisions made by the access decision manager.
SecurityDataCollector::getFirewall() — Method in class SecurityDataCollector
Returns the configuration of the current firewall context.
SecurityDataCollector::getListeners() — Method in class SecurityDataCollector
SecurityDataCollector::getName() — Method in class SecurityDataCollector
Returns the name of the collector.
TraceableFirewallListener::getWrappedListeners() — Method in class TraceableFirewallListener
WrappedListener::getWrappedListener() — Method in class WrappedListener
WrappedListener::getInfo() — Method in class WrappedListener
MainConfiguration::getConfigTreeBuilder() — Method in class MainConfiguration
Generates the configuration tree builder.
SecurityExtension::getXsdValidationBasePath() — Method in class SecurityExtension
Returns the base path for the XSD files.
SecurityExtension::getNamespace() — Method in class SecurityExtension
Returns the namespace to be used for this extension (XML namespace).
SecurityExtension::getConfiguration() — Method in class SecurityExtension
Returns extension configuration.
AbstractFactory::getListenerId() — Method in class AbstractFactory
Subclasses must return the id of the abstract listener template.
AbstractFactory::getSuccessHandlerId() — Method in class AbstractFactory
AbstractFactory::getFailureHandlerId() — Method in class AbstractFactory
FormLoginFactory::getPosition() — Method in class FormLoginFactory
Defines the position at which the provider is called.
FormLoginFactory::getKey() — Method in class FormLoginFactory
Defines the configuration key used to reference the provider in the firewall configuration.
FormLoginFactory::getListenerId() — Method in class FormLoginFactory
Subclasses must return the id of the abstract listener template.
FormLoginLdapFactory::getKey() — Method in class FormLoginLdapFactory
Defines the configuration key used to reference the provider in the firewall configuration.
GuardAuthenticationFactoryClass in namespace Symfony\Bundle\SecurityBundle\DependencyInjection\Security\Factory
Configures the "guard" authentication provider key under a firewall.
GuardAuthenticationFactory::getPosition() — Method in class GuardAuthenticationFactory
Defines the position at which the provider is called.
GuardAuthenticationFactory::getKey() — Method in class GuardAuthenticationFactory
Defines the configuration key used to reference the provider in the firewall configuration.
HttpBasicFactory::getPosition() — Method in class HttpBasicFactory
Defines the position at which the provider is called.
HttpBasicFactory::getKey() — Method in class HttpBasicFactory
Defines the configuration key used to reference the provider in the firewall configuration.
HttpBasicLdapFactory::getKey() — Method in class HttpBasicLdapFactory
Defines the configuration key used to reference the provider in the firewall configuration.
JsonLoginFactory::getPosition() — Method in class JsonLoginFactory
Defines the position at which the provider is called.
JsonLoginFactory::getKey() — Method in class JsonLoginFactory
Defines the configuration key used to reference the provider in the firewall configuration.
JsonLoginFactory::getListenerId() — Method in class JsonLoginFactory
Subclasses must return the id of the abstract listener template.
JsonLoginLdapFactory::getKey() — Method in class JsonLoginLdapFactory
Defines the configuration key used to reference the provider in the firewall configuration.
RememberMeFactory::getPosition() — Method in class RememberMeFactory
Defines the position at which the provider is called.
RememberMeFactory::getKey() — Method in class RememberMeFactory
Defines the configuration key used to reference the provider in the firewall configuration.
RemoteUserFactory::getPosition() — Method in class RemoteUserFactory
Defines the position at which the provider is called.
RemoteUserFactory::getKey() — Method in class RemoteUserFactory
Defines the configuration key used to reference the provider in the firewall configuration.
SecurityFactoryInterface::getPosition() — Method in class SecurityFactoryInterface
Defines the position at which the provider is called.
SecurityFactoryInterface::getKey() — Method in class SecurityFactoryInterface
Defines the configuration key used to reference the provider in the firewall configuration.
SimpleFormFactory::getKey() — Method in class SimpleFormFactory
Defines the configuration key used to reference the provider in the firewall configuration.
SimpleFormFactory::getListenerId() — Method in class SimpleFormFactory
Subclasses must return the id of the abstract listener template.
SimplePreAuthenticationFactory::getPosition() — Method in class SimplePreAuthenticationFactory
Defines the position at which the provider is called.
SimplePreAuthenticationFactory::getKey() — Method in class SimplePreAuthenticationFactory
Defines the configuration key used to reference the provider in the firewall configuration.
X509Factory::getPosition() — Method in class X509Factory
Defines the position at which the provider is called.
X509Factory::getKey() — Method in class X509Factory
Defines the configuration key used to reference the provider in the firewall configuration.
InMemoryFactory::getKey() — Method in class InMemoryFactory
LdapFactory::getKey() — Method in class LdapFactory
UserProviderFactoryInterface::getKey() — Method in class UserProviderFactoryInterface
VoteListener::getSubscribedEvents() — Method in class VoteListener
Returns an array of event names this subscriber wants to listen to.
FirewallConfig::getName() — Method in class FirewallConfig
FirewallConfig::getRequestMatcher() — Method in class FirewallConfig
FirewallConfig::getProvider() — Method in class FirewallConfig
FirewallConfig::getContext() — Method in class FirewallConfig
FirewallConfig::getEntryPoint() — Method in class FirewallConfig
FirewallConfig::getUserChecker() — Method in class FirewallConfig
FirewallConfig::getAccessDeniedHandler() — Method in class FirewallConfig
FirewallConfig::getAccessDeniedUrl() — Method in class FirewallConfig
FirewallConfig::getListeners() — Method in class FirewallConfig
FirewallConfig::getSwitchUser() — Method in class FirewallConfig
FirewallContext::getConfig() — Method in class FirewallContext
FirewallContext::getListeners() — Method in class FirewallContext
FirewallContext::getExceptionListener() — Method in class FirewallContext
FirewallContext::getLogoutListener() — Method in class FirewallContext
FirewallMap::getListeners() — Method in class FirewallMap
Returns the authentication listeners, and the exception listener to use for the given request.
FirewallMap::getFirewallConfig() — Method in class FirewallMap
LogoutUrlHelper::getLogoutPath() — Method in class LogoutUrlHelper
Generates the absolute logout path for the firewall.
LogoutUrlHelper::getLogoutUrl() — Method in class LogoutUrlHelper
Generates the absolute logout URL for the firewall.
LogoutUrlHelper::getName() — Method in class LogoutUrlHelper
Returns the canonical name of this helper.
SecurityHelper::getName() — Method in class SecurityHelper
Returns the canonical name of this helper.
TemplateCacheCacheWarmer::getSubscribedServices() — Method in class TemplateCacheCacheWarmer
Returns an array of service types required by such instances, optionally keyed by the service names used internally.
TemplateCacheWarmer::getSubscribedServices() — Method in class TemplateCacheWarmer
Returns an array of service types required by such instances, optionally keyed by the service names used internally.
ExceptionController::getAndCleanOutputBuffering() — Method in class ExceptionController
Configuration::getConfigTreeBuilder() — Method in class Configuration
Generates the configuration tree builder.
TwigExtension::getXsdValidationBasePath() — Method in class TwigExtension
Returns the base path for the XSD files.
TwigExtension::getNamespace() — Method in class TwigExtension
Returns the namespace to be used for this extension (XML namespace).
TemplateIterator::getIterator() — Method in class TemplateIterator
ExceptionController::getTemplate() — Method in class ExceptionController
ProfilerController::getTemplateManager() — Method in class ProfilerController
Gets the Template Manager.
ContentSecurityPolicyHandler::getNonces() — Method in class ContentSecurityPolicyHandler
Returns an array of nonces to be used in Twig templates and Content-Security-Policy headers.
NonceGenerator::generate() — Method in class NonceGenerator
Configuration::getConfigTreeBuilder() — Method in class Configuration
Generates the configuration tree builder.
WebProfilerExtension::getXsdValidationBasePath() — Method in class WebProfilerExtension
Returns the base path for the XSD files.
WebProfilerExtension::getNamespace() — Method in class WebProfilerExtension
Returns the namespace to be used for this extension (XML namespace).
WebDebugToolbarListener::getSubscribedEvents() — Method in class WebDebugToolbarListener
Returns an array of event names this subscriber wants to listen to.
TemplateManager::getName() — Method in class TemplateManager
Gets the template name for a given panel.
TemplateManager::getNames() — Method in class TemplateManager
Gets template names of templates that are present in the viewed profile.
WebProfilerExtension::getFunctions() — Method in class WebProfilerExtension
WebProfilerExtension::getName() — Method in class WebProfilerExtension
WebServer::getAddress() — Method in class WebServer
WebServerConfig::getDocumentRoot() — Method in class WebServerConfig
WebServerConfig::getEnv() — Method in class WebServerConfig
WebServerConfig::getRouter() — Method in class WebServerConfig
WebServerConfig::getHostname() — Method in class WebServerConfig
WebServerConfig::getPort() — Method in class WebServerConfig
WebServerConfig::getAddress() — Method in class WebServerConfig
WebServerConfig::getDisplayAddress() — Method in class WebServerConfig
ContextInterface::getBasePath() — Method in class ContextInterface
Gets the base path.
NullContext::getBasePath() — Method in class NullContext
Gets the base path.
RequestStackContext::getBasePath() — Method in class RequestStackContext
Gets the base path.
Package::getVersion() — Method in class Package
Returns the asset version for an asset.
Package::getUrl() — Method in class Package
Returns an absolute or root-relative public path.
Package::getContext() — Method in class Package
Package::getVersionStrategy() — Method in class Package
PackageInterface::getVersion() — Method in class PackageInterface
Returns the asset version for an asset.
PackageInterface::getUrl() — Method in class PackageInterface
Returns an absolute or root-relative public path.
Packages::getPackage() — Method in class Packages
Returns an asset package.
Packages::getVersion() — Method in class Packages
Gets the version to add to public URL.
Packages::getUrl() — Method in class Packages
Returns the public path.
PathPackage::getUrl() — Method in class PathPackage
Returns an absolute or root-relative public path.
PathPackage::getBasePath() — Method in class PathPackage
Returns the base path.
UrlPackage::getUrl() — Method in class UrlPackage
Returns an absolute or root-relative public path.
UrlPackage::getBaseUrl() — Method in class UrlPackage
Returns the base URL for a path.
EmptyVersionStrategy::getVersion() — Method in class EmptyVersionStrategy
Returns the asset version for an asset.
JsonManifestVersionStrategy::getVersion() — Method in class JsonManifestVersionStrategy
With a manifest, we don't really know or care about what the version is. Instead, this returns the path to the versioned file.
StaticVersionStrategy::getVersion() — Method in class StaticVersionStrategy
Returns the asset version for an asset.
VersionStrategyInterface::getVersion() — Method in class VersionStrategyInterface
Returns the asset version for an asset.
Client::getMaxRedirects() — Method in class Client
Returns the maximum number of redirects that crawler can follow.
Client::getServerParameter() — Method in class Client
Gets single server parameter for specified key.
Client::getHistory() — Method in class Client
Returns the History instance.
Client::getCookieJar() — Method in class Client
Returns the CookieJar instance.
Client::getCrawler() — Method in class Client
Returns the current Crawler instance.
Client::getInternalResponse() — Method in class Client
Returns the current BrowserKit Response instance.
Client::getResponse() — Method in class Client
Returns the current origin response instance.
Client::getInternalRequest() — Method in class Client
Returns the current BrowserKit Request instance.
Client::getRequest() — Method in class Client
Returns the current origin Request instance.
Client::getScript() — Method in class Client
Returns the script to execute when the request must be insulated.
Client::getAbsoluteUri() — Method in class Client
Takes a URI and converts it to absolute if it is not already absolute.
Cookie::getName() — Method in class Cookie
Gets the name of the cookie.
Cookie::getValue() — Method in class Cookie
Gets the value of the cookie.
Cookie::getRawValue() — Method in class Cookie
Gets the raw value of the cookie.
Cookie::getExpiresTime() — Method in class Cookie
Gets the expires time of the cookie.
Cookie::getPath() — Method in class Cookie
Gets the path of the cookie.
Cookie::getDomain() — Method in class Cookie
Gets the domain of the cookie.
Cookie::getSameSite() — Method in class Cookie
Gets the samesite attribute of the cookie.
CookieJar::get() — Method in class CookieJar
Gets a cookie by name.
Request::getUri() — Method in class Request
Gets the request URI.
Request::getMethod() — Method in class Request
Gets the request HTTP method.
Request::getParameters() — Method in class Request
Gets the request parameters.
Request::getFiles() — Method in class Request
Gets the request server files.
Request::getCookies() — Method in class Request
Gets the request cookies.
Request::getServer() — Method in class Request
Gets the request server parameters.
Request::getContent() — Method in class Request
Gets the request raw body data.
Response::getContent() — Method in class Response
Gets the response content.
Response::getStatus() — Method in class Response
Gets the response status code.
Response::getHeaders() — Method in class Response
Gets the response headers.
Response::getHeader() — Method in class Response
Gets a response header.
AbstractAdapter::getItem() — Method in class AbstractAdapter
AbstractAdapter::getItems() — Method in class AbstractAdapter
AdapterInterface::getItem() — Method in class AdapterInterface
AdapterInterface::getItems() — Method in class AdapterInterface
ArrayAdapter::get() — Method in class ArrayAdapter
Fetches a value from the pool or computes it if not found.
ArrayAdapter::getItem() — Method in class ArrayAdapter
ArrayAdapter::getItems() — Method in class ArrayAdapter
ChainAdapter::get() — Method in class ChainAdapter
Fetches a value from the pool or computes it if not found.
ChainAdapter::getItem() — Method in class ChainAdapter
ChainAdapter::getItems() — Method in class ChainAdapter
NullAdapter::get() — Method in class NullAdapter
Fetches a value from the pool or computes it if not found.
NullAdapter::getItem() — Method in class NullAdapter
NullAdapter::getItems() — Method in class NullAdapter
PhpArrayAdapter::get() — Method in class PhpArrayAdapter
Fetches a value from the pool or computes it if not found.
PhpArrayAdapter::getItem() — Method in class PhpArrayAdapter
PhpArrayAdapter::getItems() — Method in class PhpArrayAdapter
ProxyAdapter::get() — Method in class ProxyAdapter
Fetches a value from the pool or computes it if not found.
ProxyAdapter::getItem() — Method in class ProxyAdapter
ProxyAdapter::getItems() — Method in class ProxyAdapter
TagAwareAdapter::getItem() — Method in class TagAwareAdapter
TagAwareAdapter::getItems() — Method in class TagAwareAdapter
TraceableAdapter::get() — Method in class TraceableAdapter
Fetches a value from the pool or computes it if not found.
TraceableAdapter::getItem() — Method in class TraceableAdapter
TraceableAdapter::getItems() — Method in class TraceableAdapter
TraceableAdapter::getCalls() — Method in class TraceableAdapter
CacheItem::getKey() — Method in class CacheItem
CacheItem::get() — Method in class CacheItem
CacheItem::getMetadata() — Method in class CacheItem
Returns a list of metadata info that were saved alongside with the cached value.
CacheItem::getPreviousTags() — Method in class CacheItem
Returns the list of tags bound to the value coming from the pool storage if any.
CacheDataCollector::getName() — Method in class CacheDataCollector
Returns the name of the collector.
CacheDataCollector::getStatistics() — Method in class CacheDataCollector
Method returns amount of logged Cache reads: "get" calls.
CacheDataCollector::getTotals() — Method in class CacheDataCollector
Method returns the statistic totals.
CacheDataCollector::getCalls() — Method in class CacheDataCollector
Method returns all logged Cache call objects.
CachePoolPass::getServiceProvider() — Method in class CachePoolPass
AbstractCache::get() — Method in class AbstractCache
AbstractCache::getMultiple() — Method in class AbstractCache
ArrayCache::get() — Method in class ArrayCache
ArrayCache::getMultiple() — Method in class ArrayCache
ChainCache::get() — Method in class ChainCache
ChainCache::getMultiple() — Method in class ChainCache
NullCache::get() — Method in class NullCache
NullCache::getMultiple() — Method in class NullCache
PhpArrayCache::get() — Method in class PhpArrayCache
PhpArrayCache::getMultiple() — Method in class PhpArrayCache
Psr6Cache::get() — Method in class Psr6Cache
Psr6Cache::getMultiple() — Method in class Psr6Cache
TraceableCache::get() — Method in class TraceableCache
TraceableCache::getMultiple() — Method in class TraceableCache
TraceableCache::getCalls() — Method in class TraceableCache
ArrayTrait::getValues() — Method in class ArrayTrait
Returns all cached values, with cache miss as null.
ConfigCacheInterface::getPath() — Method in class ConfigCacheInterface
Gets the cache file path.
ArrayNode::getChildren() — Method in class ArrayNode
Retrieves the children of this node.
ArrayNode::getXmlRemappings() — Method in class ArrayNode
Gets the xml remappings that should be performed.
ArrayNode::getDefaultValue() — Method in class ArrayNode
Returns the default value of the node.
BaseNode::getAttribute() — Method in class BaseNode
BaseNode::getAttributes() — Method in class BaseNode
BaseNode::getInfo() — Method in class BaseNode
Returns info message.
BaseNode::getExample() — Method in class BaseNode
Retrieves the example configuration for this node.
BaseNode::getDeprecationMessage() — Method in class BaseNode
Returns the deprecated message.
BaseNode::getName() — Method in class BaseNode
Returns the name of the node.
BaseNode::getPath() — Method in class BaseNode
Returns the path of the node.
BaseNode::getParent() — Method in class BaseNode
Returns parent node for this node.
BaseNode::getValidPlaceholderTypes() — Method in class BaseNode
Gets allowed dynamic types for this node.
BooleanNode::getValidPlaceholderTypes() — Method in class BooleanNode
Gets allowed dynamic types for this node.
ArrayNodeDefinition::getNodeBuilder() — Method in class ArrayNodeDefinition
Returns a node builder to be used to add children and prototype.
ArrayNodeDefinition::getChildNodeDefinitions() — Method in class ArrayNodeDefinition
NodeBuilder::getNodeClass() — Method in class NodeBuilder
Returns the class name of the node definition.
NodeDefinition::getNode() — Method in class NodeDefinition
Creates the node.
TreeBuilder::getRootNode() — Method in class TreeBuilder
ConfigurationInterface::getConfigTreeBuilder() — Method in class ConfigurationInterface
Generates the configuration tree builder.
EnumNode::getValues() — Method in class EnumNode
InvalidConfigurationException::getPath() — Method in class InvalidConfigurationException
FloatNode::getValidPlaceholderTypes() — Method in class FloatNode
Gets allowed dynamic types for this node.
IntegerNode::getValidPlaceholderTypes() — Method in class IntegerNode
Gets allowed dynamic types for this node.
NodeInterface::getName() — Method in class NodeInterface
Returns the name of the node.
NodeInterface::getPath() — Method in class NodeInterface
Returns the path of the node.
NodeInterface::getDefaultValue() — Method in class NodeInterface
Returns the default value of the node.
PrototypedArrayNode::getKeyAttribute() — Method in class PrototypedArrayNode
Retrieves the name of the attribute which value should be used as key.
PrototypedArrayNode::getDefaultValue() — Method in class PrototypedArrayNode
Returns the default value of the node.
PrototypedArrayNode::getPrototype() — Method in class PrototypedArrayNode
Retrieves the prototype.
ScalarNode::getValidPlaceholderTypes() — Method in class ScalarNode
Gets allowed dynamic types for this node.
VariableNode::getDefaultValue() — Method in class VariableNode
Returns the default value of the node.
FileLocatorFileNotFoundException::getPaths() — Method in class FileLocatorFileNotFoundException
FileLoader::getLocator() — Method in class FileLoader
Returns the file locator used by this loader.
FileLoader::glob() — Method in class FileLoader
GlobFileLoaderClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Config\Loader
GlobFileLoader loads files from a glob pattern.
Loader::getResolver() — Method in class Loader
Gets the loader resolver.
LoaderInterface::getResolver() — Method in class LoaderInterface
Gets the loader resolver.
LoaderResolver::getLoaders() — Method in class LoaderResolver
Returns the registered loaders.
ResourceCheckerConfigCache::getPath() — Method in class ResourceCheckerConfigCache
Gets the cache file path.
ClassExistenceResource::getResource() — Method in class ClassExistenceResource
ComposerResource::getVendors() — Method in class ComposerResource
DirectoryResource::getResource() — Method in class DirectoryResource
DirectoryResource::getPattern() — Method in class DirectoryResource
Returns the pattern to restrict monitored files.
FileExistenceResource::getResource() — Method in class FileExistenceResource
FileResource::getResource() — Method in class FileResource
GlobResourceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Config\Resource
GlobResource represents a set of resources stored on the filesystem.
GlobResource::getPrefix() — Method in class GlobResource
GlobResource::getIterator() — Method in class GlobResource
XmlUtils::getXmlErrors() — Method in class XmlUtils
Application::getHelperSet() — Method in class Application
Get the helper set associated with the command.
Application::getDefinition() — Method in class Application
Gets the InputDefinition related to this Application.
Application::getHelp() — Method in class Application
Gets the help message.
Application::getName() — Method in class Application
Gets the name of the application.
Application::getVersion() — Method in class Application
Gets the application version.
Application::getLongVersion() — Method in class Application
Returns the long version of the application.
Application::get() — Method in class Application
Returns a registered command by name or alias.
Application::getNamespaces() — Method in class Application
Returns an array of all unique namespaces used by currently registered commands.
Application::getAbbreviations() — Method in class Application
Returns an array of possible abbreviations given a set of names.
Application::getCommandName() — Method in class Application
Gets the name of the command based on input.
Application::getDefaultInputDefinition() — Method in class Application
Gets the default input definition.
Application::getDefaultCommands() — Method in class Application
Gets the default commands that should always be available.
Application::getDefaultHelperSet() — Method in class Application
Gets the default helper set with the helpers that should always be available.
CommandLoaderInterface::get() — Method in class CommandLoaderInterface
Loads a command.
CommandLoaderInterface::getNames() — Method in class CommandLoaderInterface
ContainerCommandLoader::get() — Method in class ContainerCommandLoader
Loads a command.
ContainerCommandLoader::getNames() — Method in class ContainerCommandLoader
FactoryCommandLoader::get() — Method in class FactoryCommandLoader
Loads a command.
FactoryCommandLoader::getNames() — Method in class FactoryCommandLoader
Command::getDefaultName() — Method in class Command
Command::getHelperSet() — Method in class Command
Gets the helper set.
Command::getApplication() — Method in class Command
Gets the application instance for this command.
Command::getDefinition() — Method in class Command
Gets the InputDefinition attached to this Command.
Command::getNativeDefinition() — Method in class Command
Gets the InputDefinition to be used to create representations of this Command.
Command::getName() — Method in class Command
Returns the command name.
Command::getDescription() — Method in class Command
Returns the description for the command.
Command::getHelp() — Method in class Command
Returns the help for the command.
Command::getProcessedHelp() — Method in class Command
Returns the processed help for the command replacing the %command.name% and %command.full_name% patterns with the real values dynamically.
Command::getAliases() — Method in class Command
Returns the aliases for the command.
Command::getSynopsis() — Method in class Command
Returns the synopsis for the command.
Command::getUsages() — Method in class Command
Returns alternative usages of the command.
Command::getHelper() — Method in class Command
Gets a helper instance by name.
ListCommand::getNativeDefinition() — Method in class ListCommand
Gets the InputDefinition to be used to create representations of this Command.
ApplicationDescription::getNamespaces() — Method in class ApplicationDescription
ApplicationDescription::getCommands() — Method in class ApplicationDescription
ApplicationDescription::getCommand() — Method in class ApplicationDescription
XmlDescriptor::getInputDefinitionDocument() — Method in class XmlDescriptor
XmlDescriptor::getCommandDocument() — Method in class XmlDescriptor
XmlDescriptor::getApplicationDocument() — Method in class XmlDescriptor
ErrorListener::getSubscribedEvents() — Method in class ErrorListener
Returns an array of event names this subscriber wants to listen to.
ConsoleErrorEvent::getError() — Method in class ConsoleErrorEvent
ConsoleErrorEvent::getExitCode() — Method in class ConsoleErrorEvent
ConsoleEvent::getCommand() — Method in class ConsoleEvent
Gets the command that is executed.
ConsoleEvent::getInput() — Method in class ConsoleEvent
Gets the input instance.
ConsoleEvent::getOutput() — Method in class ConsoleEvent
Gets the output instance.
ConsoleTerminateEvent::getExitCode() — Method in class ConsoleTerminateEvent
Gets the exit code.
CommandNotFoundException::getAlternatives() — Method in class CommandNotFoundException
OutputFormatter::getStyle() — Method in class OutputFormatter
Gets style options from style with specified name.
OutputFormatter::getStyleStack() — Method in class OutputFormatter
OutputFormatterInterface::getStyle() — Method in class OutputFormatterInterface
Gets style options from style with specified name.
OutputFormatterStyleStack::getCurrent() — Method in class OutputFormatterStyleStack
Computes current style with stacks top codes.
OutputFormatterStyleStack::getEmptyStyle() — Method in class OutputFormatterStyleStack
DebugFormatterHelper::getName() — Method in class DebugFormatterHelper
Returns the canonical name of this helper.
DescriptorHelper::getName() — Method in class DescriptorHelper
Returns the canonical name of this helper.
FormatterHelper::getName() — Method in class FormatterHelper
Returns the canonical name of this helper.
Helper::getHelperSet() — Method in class Helper
Gets the helper set associated with this helper.
HelperInterface::getHelperSet() — Method in class HelperInterface
Gets the helper set associated with this helper.
HelperInterface::getName() — Method in class HelperInterface
Returns the canonical name of this helper.
HelperSet::get() — Method in class HelperSet
Gets a helper value.
HelperSet::getCommand() — Method in class HelperSet
Gets the command associated with this helper set.
HelperSet::getIterator() — Method in class HelperSet
ProcessHelper::getName() — Method in class ProcessHelper
Returns the canonical name of this helper.
ProgressBar::getPlaceholderFormatterDefinition() — Method in class ProgressBar
Gets the placeholder formatter for a given name.
ProgressBar::getFormatDefinition() — Method in class ProgressBar
Gets the format for a given name.
ProgressBar::getMessage() — Method in class ProgressBar
ProgressBar::getStartTime() — Method in class ProgressBar
ProgressBar::getMaxSteps() — Method in class ProgressBar
ProgressBar::getProgress() — Method in class ProgressBar
ProgressBar::getProgressPercent() — Method in class ProgressBar
ProgressBar::getBarWidth() — Method in class ProgressBar
ProgressBar::getBarCharacter() — Method in class ProgressBar
ProgressBar::getEmptyBarCharacter() — Method in class ProgressBar
ProgressBar::getProgressCharacter() — Method in class ProgressBar
ProgressIndicator::getFormatDefinition() — Method in class ProgressIndicator
Gets the format for a given name.
ProgressIndicator::getPlaceholderFormatterDefinition() — Method in class ProgressIndicator
Gets the placeholder formatter for a given name.
QuestionHelper::getName() — Method in class QuestionHelper
Returns the canonical name of this helper.
Table::getStyleDefinition() — Method in class Table
Gets a style definition by name.
Table::getStyle() — Method in class Table
Gets the current table style.
Table::getColumnStyle() — Method in class Table
Gets the current style for a column.
TableCell::getColspan() — Method in class TableCell
Gets number of colspan.
TableCell::getRowspan() — Method in class TableCell
Gets number of rowspan.
TableRows::getIterator() — Method in class TableRows
TableStyle::getPaddingChar() — Method in class TableStyle
Gets padding character, used for cell padding.
TableStyle::getHorizontalBorderChar() — Method in class TableStyle
Gets horizontal border character.
TableStyle::getVerticalBorderChar() — Method in class TableStyle
Gets vertical border character.
TableStyle::getBorderChars() — Method in class TableStyle
Gets border characters.
TableStyle::getCrossingChar() — Method in class TableStyle
Gets crossing character.
TableStyle::getCrossingChars() — Method in class TableStyle
Gets crossing characters.
TableStyle::getCellHeaderFormat() — Method in class TableStyle
Gets header cell format.
TableStyle::getCellRowFormat() — Method in class TableStyle
Gets row cell format.
TableStyle::getCellRowContentFormat() — Method in class TableStyle
Gets row cell content format.
TableStyle::getBorderFormat() — Method in class TableStyle
Gets table border format.
TableStyle::getPadType() — Method in class TableStyle
Gets cell padding type.
TableStyle::getHeaderTitleFormat() — Method in class TableStyle
TableStyle::getFooterTitleFormat() — Method in class TableStyle
ArgvInput::getFirstArgument() — Method in class ArgvInput
Returns the first argument from the raw parameters (not parsed).
ArgvInput::getParameterOption() — Method in class ArgvInput
Returns the value of a raw option (not parsed).
ArrayInput::getFirstArgument() — Method in class ArrayInput
Returns the first argument from the raw parameters (not parsed).
ArrayInput::getParameterOption() — Method in class ArrayInput
Returns the value of a raw option (not parsed).
Input::getArguments() — Method in class Input
Returns all the given arguments merged with the default values.
Input::getArgument() — Method in class Input
Returns the argument value for a given argument name.
Input::getOptions() — Method in class Input
Returns all the given options merged with the default values.
Input::getOption() — Method in class Input
Returns the option value for a given option name.
Input::getStream() — Method in class Input
Returns the input stream.
InputArgument::getName() — Method in class InputArgument
Returns the argument name.
InputArgument::getDefault() — Method in class InputArgument
Returns the default value.
InputArgument::getDescription() — Method in class InputArgument
Returns the description text.
InputDefinition::getArgument() — Method in class InputDefinition
Returns an InputArgument by name or by position.
InputDefinition::getArguments() — Method in class InputDefinition
Gets the array of InputArgument objects.
InputDefinition::getArgumentCount() — Method in class InputDefinition
Returns the number of InputArguments.
InputDefinition::getArgumentRequiredCount() — Method in class InputDefinition
Returns the number of required InputArguments.
InputDefinition::getArgumentDefaults() — Method in class InputDefinition
Gets the default values.
InputDefinition::getOption() — Method in class InputDefinition
Returns an InputOption by name.
InputDefinition::getOptions() — Method in class InputDefinition
Gets the array of InputOption objects.
InputDefinition::getOptionForShortcut() — Method in class InputDefinition
Gets an InputOption by shortcut.
InputDefinition::getOptionDefaults() — Method in class InputDefinition
Gets an array of default values.
InputDefinition::getSynopsis() — Method in class InputDefinition
Gets the synopsis.
InputInterface::getFirstArgument() — Method in class InputInterface
Returns the first argument from the raw parameters (not parsed).
InputInterface::getParameterOption() — Method in class InputInterface
Returns the value of a raw option (not parsed).
InputInterface::getArguments() — Method in class InputInterface
Returns all the given arguments merged with the default values.
InputInterface::getArgument() — Method in class InputInterface
Returns the argument value for a given argument name.
InputInterface::getOptions() — Method in class InputInterface
Returns all the given options merged with the default values.
InputInterface::getOption() — Method in class InputInterface
Returns the option value for a given option name.
InputOption::getShortcut() — Method in class InputOption
Returns the option shortcut.
InputOption::getName() — Method in class InputOption
Returns the option name.
InputOption::getDefault() — Method in class InputOption
Returns the default value.
InputOption::getDescription() — Method in class InputOption
Returns the description text.
StreamableInputInterface::getStream() — Method in class StreamableInputInterface
Returns the input stream.
ConsoleOutput::getErrorOutput() — Method in class ConsoleOutput
Gets the OutputInterface for errors.
ConsoleOutputInterface::getErrorOutput() — Method in class ConsoleOutputInterface
Gets the OutputInterface for errors.
ConsoleSectionOutput::getContent() — Method in class ConsoleSectionOutput
NullOutput::getFormatter() — Method in class NullOutput
Returns current output formatter instance.
NullOutput::getVerbosity() — Method in class NullOutput
Gets the current verbosity of the output.
Output::getFormatter() — Method in class Output
Returns current output formatter instance.
Output::getVerbosity() — Method in class Output
Gets the current verbosity of the output.
OutputInterface::getVerbosity() — Method in class OutputInterface
Gets the current verbosity of the output.
OutputInterface::getFormatter() — Method in class OutputInterface
Returns current output formatter instance.
StreamOutput::getStream() — Method in class StreamOutput
Gets the stream attached to this StreamOutput instance.
ChoiceQuestion::getChoices() — Method in class ChoiceQuestion
Returns available choices.
ChoiceQuestion::getPrompt() — Method in class ChoiceQuestion
Gets the prompt for choices.
Question::getQuestion() — Method in class Question
Returns the question.
Question::getDefault() — Method in class Question
Returns the default answer.
Question::getAutocompleterValues() — Method in class Question
Gets values for the autocompleter.
Question::getValidator() — Method in class Question
Gets the validator for the question.
Question::getMaxAttempts() — Method in class Question
Gets the maximum number of attempts.
Question::getNormalizer() — Method in class Question
Gets the normalizer for the response.
OutputStyle::getVerbosity() — Method in class OutputStyle
Gets the current verbosity of the output.
OutputStyle::getFormatter() — Method in class OutputStyle
Returns current output formatter instance.
OutputStyle::getErrorOutput() — Method in class OutputStyle
SymfonyStyle::getErrorStyle() — Method in class SymfonyStyle
Returns a new instance which makes use of stderr if available.
Terminal::getWidth() — Method in class Terminal
Gets the terminal width.
Terminal::getHeight() — Method in class Terminal
Gets the terminal height.
TesterTrait::getDisplay() — Method in class TesterTrait
Gets the display returned by the last execution of the command or application.
TesterTrait::getErrorOutput() — Method in class TesterTrait
Gets the output written to STDERR by the application.
TesterTrait::getInput() — Method in class TesterTrait
Gets the input instance used by the last execution of the command or application.
TesterTrait::getOutput() — Method in class TesterTrait
Gets the output instance used by the last execution of the command or application.
TesterTrait::getStatusCode() — Method in class TesterTrait
Gets the status code returned by the last execution of the command or application.
AbstractNode::getNodeName() — Method in class AbstractNode
AttributeNode::getSelector() — Method in class AttributeNode
AttributeNode::getNamespace() — Method in class AttributeNode
AttributeNode::getAttribute() — Method in class AttributeNode
AttributeNode::getOperator() — Method in class AttributeNode
AttributeNode::getValue() — Method in class AttributeNode
AttributeNode::getSpecificity() — Method in class AttributeNode
ClassNode::getSelector() — Method in class ClassNode
ClassNode::getName() — Method in class ClassNode
ClassNode::getSpecificity() — Method in class ClassNode
CombinedSelectorNode::getSelector() — Method in class CombinedSelectorNode
CombinedSelectorNode::getCombinator() — Method in class CombinedSelectorNode
CombinedSelectorNode::getSubSelector() — Method in class CombinedSelectorNode
CombinedSelectorNode::getSpecificity() — Method in class CombinedSelectorNode
ElementNode::getNamespace() — Method in class ElementNode
ElementNode::getElement() — Method in class ElementNode
ElementNode::getSpecificity() — Method in class ElementNode
FunctionNode::getSelector() — Method in class FunctionNode
FunctionNode::getName() — Method in class FunctionNode
FunctionNode::getArguments() — Method in class FunctionNode
FunctionNode::getSpecificity() — Method in class FunctionNode
HashNode::getSelector() — Method in class HashNode
HashNode::getId() — Method in class HashNode
HashNode::getSpecificity() — Method in class HashNode
NegationNode::getSelector() — Method in class NegationNode
NegationNode::getSubSelector() — Method in class NegationNode
NegationNode::getSpecificity() — Method in class NegationNode
NodeInterface::getNodeName() — Method in class NodeInterface
NodeInterface::getSpecificity() — Method in class NodeInterface
PseudoNode::getSelector() — Method in class PseudoNode
PseudoNode::getIdentifier() — Method in class PseudoNode
PseudoNode::getSpecificity() — Method in class PseudoNode
SelectorNode::getTree() — Method in class SelectorNode
SelectorNode::getPseudoElement() — Method in class SelectorNode
SelectorNode::getSpecificity() — Method in class SelectorNode
Specificity::getValue() — Method in class Specificity
Reader::getPosition() — Method in class Reader
Reader::getRemainingLength() — Method in class Reader
Reader::getSubstring() — Method in class Reader
Reader::getOffset() — Method in class Reader
Token::getType() — Method in class Token
Token::getValue() — Method in class Token
Token::getPosition() — Method in class Token
TokenStream::getNext() — Method in class TokenStream
Returns next token.
TokenStream::getPeek() — Method in class TokenStream
Returns peeked token.
TokenStream::getUsed() — Method in class TokenStream
Returns used tokens.
TokenStream::getNextIdentifier() — Method in class TokenStream
Returns nex identifier token.
TokenStream::getNextIdentifierOrStar() — Method in class TokenStream
Returns nex identifier or star delimiter token.
TokenizerPatterns::getNewLineEscapePattern() — Method in class TokenizerPatterns
TokenizerPatterns::getSimpleEscapePattern() — Method in class TokenizerPatterns
TokenizerPatterns::getUnicodeEscapePattern() — Method in class TokenizerPatterns
TokenizerPatterns::getIdentifierPattern() — Method in class TokenizerPatterns
TokenizerPatterns::getHashPattern() — Method in class TokenizerPatterns
TokenizerPatterns::getNumberPattern() — Method in class TokenizerPatterns
TokenizerPatterns::getQuotedStringPattern() — Method in class TokenizerPatterns
AbstractExtension::getNodeTranslators() — Method in class AbstractExtension
Returns node translators.
AbstractExtension::getCombinationTranslators() — Method in class AbstractExtension
Returns combination translators.
AbstractExtension::getFunctionTranslators() — Method in class AbstractExtension
Returns function translators.
AbstractExtension::getPseudoClassTranslators() — Method in class AbstractExtension
Returns pseudo-class translators.
AbstractExtension::getAttributeMatchingTranslators() — Method in class AbstractExtension
Returns attribute operation translators.
AttributeMatchingExtension::getAttributeMatchingTranslators() — Method in class AttributeMatchingExtension
Returns attribute operation translators.
AttributeMatchingExtension::getName() — Method in class AttributeMatchingExtension
Returns extension name.
CombinationExtension::getCombinationTranslators() — Method in class CombinationExtension
Returns combination translators.
CombinationExtension::getName() — Method in class CombinationExtension
Returns extension name.
ExtensionInterface::getNodeTranslators() — Method in class ExtensionInterface
Returns node translators.
ExtensionInterface::getCombinationTranslators() — Method in class ExtensionInterface
Returns combination translators.
ExtensionInterface::getFunctionTranslators() — Method in class ExtensionInterface
Returns function translators.
ExtensionInterface::getPseudoClassTranslators() — Method in class ExtensionInterface
Returns pseudo-class translators.
ExtensionInterface::getAttributeMatchingTranslators() — Method in class ExtensionInterface
Returns attribute operation translators.
ExtensionInterface::getName() — Method in class ExtensionInterface
Returns extension name.
FunctionExtension::getFunctionTranslators() — Method in class FunctionExtension
Returns function translators.
FunctionExtension::getName() — Method in class FunctionExtension
Returns extension name.
HtmlExtension::getPseudoClassTranslators() — Method in class HtmlExtension
Returns pseudo-class translators.
HtmlExtension::getFunctionTranslators() — Method in class HtmlExtension
Returns function translators.
HtmlExtension::getName() — Method in class HtmlExtension
Returns extension name.
NodeExtension::getNodeTranslators() — Method in class NodeExtension
Returns node translators.
NodeExtension::getName() — Method in class NodeExtension
Returns extension name.
PseudoClassExtension::getPseudoClassTranslators() — Method in class PseudoClassExtension
Returns pseudo-class translators.
PseudoClassExtension::getName() — Method in class PseudoClassExtension
Returns extension name.
Translator::getXpathLiteral() — Method in class Translator
Translator::getExtension() — Method in class Translator
XPathExpr::getElement() — Method in class XPathExpr
XPathExpr::getCondition() — Method in class XPathExpr
DebugClassLoader::getClassLoader() — Method in class DebugClassLoader
Gets the wrapped class loader.
ErrorHandler::getFatalErrorHandlers() — Method in class ErrorHandler
Gets the fatal error handlers.
ExceptionHandler::getHtml() — Method in class ExceptionHandler
Gets the full HTML content associated with the given exception.
ExceptionHandler::getContent() — Method in class ExceptionHandler
Gets the HTML content associated with the given exception.
ExceptionHandler::getStylesheet() — Method in class ExceptionHandler
Gets the stylesheet associated with the given exception.
FatalThrowableError::getOriginalClassName() — Method in class FatalThrowableError
FlattenException::getStatusCode() — Method in class FlattenException
FlattenException::getHeaders() — Method in class FlattenException
FlattenException::getClass() — Method in class FlattenException
FlattenException::getFile() — Method in class FlattenException
FlattenException::getLine() — Method in class FlattenException
FlattenException::getMessage() — Method in class FlattenException
FlattenException::getCode() — Method in class FlattenException
FlattenException::getPrevious() — Method in class FlattenException
FlattenException::getAllPrevious() — Method in class FlattenException
FlattenException::getTrace() — Method in class FlattenException
SilencedErrorContext::getSeverity() — Method in class SilencedErrorContext
SilencedErrorContext::getFile() — Method in class SilencedErrorContext
SilencedErrorContext::getLine() — Method in class SilencedErrorContext
SilencedErrorContext::getTrace() — Method in class SilencedErrorContext
ArgumentInterface::getValues() — Method in class ArgumentInterface
BoundArgument::getValues() — Method in class BoundArgument
ReferenceSetArgumentTrait::getValues() — Method in class ReferenceSetArgumentTrait
RewindableGenerator::getIterator() — Method in class RewindableGenerator
ServiceClosureArgument::getValues() — Method in class ServiceClosureArgument
ServiceLocator::get() — Method in class ServiceLocator
TaggedIteratorArgument::getTag() — Method in class TaggedIteratorArgument
ChildDefinition::getParent() — Method in class ChildDefinition
Returns the Definition to inherit from.
ChildDefinition::getArgument() — Method in class ChildDefinition
Gets an argument to pass to the service constructor/factory method.
AbstractRecursivePass::getConstructor() — Method in class AbstractRecursivePass
AbstractRecursivePass::getReflectionMethod() — Method in class AbstractRecursivePass
Compiler::getPassConfig() — Method in class Compiler
Returns the PassConfig.
Compiler::getServiceReferenceGraph() — Method in class Compiler
Returns the ServiceReferenceGraph.
Compiler::getLog() — Method in class Compiler
Returns the log.
MergeExtensionConfigurationParameterBag::getEnvPlaceholders() — Method in class MergeExtensionConfigurationParameterBag
Returns the map of env vars used in the resolved parameter values to their placeholders.
MergeExtensionConfigurationParameterBag::getUnusedEnvPlaceholders() — Method in class MergeExtensionConfigurationParameterBag
PassConfig::getPasses() — Method in class PassConfig
Returns all passes in order to be processed.
PassConfig::getAfterRemovingPasses() — Method in class PassConfig
Gets all passes for the AfterRemoving pass.
PassConfig::getBeforeOptimizationPasses() — Method in class PassConfig
Gets all passes for the BeforeOptimization pass.
PassConfig::getBeforeRemovingPasses() — Method in class PassConfig
Gets all passes for the BeforeRemoving pass.
PassConfig::getOptimizationPasses() — Method in class PassConfig
Gets all passes for the Optimization pass.
PassConfig::getRemovingPasses() — Method in class PassConfig
Gets all passes for the Removing pass.
PassConfig::getMergePass() — Method in class PassConfig
Gets the Merge pass.
RepeatedPass::getPasses() — Method in class RepeatedPass
Returns the passes.
ServiceReferenceGraph::getNode() — Method in class ServiceReferenceGraph
Gets a node by identifier.
ServiceReferenceGraph::getNodes() — Method in class ServiceReferenceGraph
Returns all nodes.
ServiceReferenceGraphEdge::getValue() — Method in class ServiceReferenceGraphEdge
Returns the value of the edge.
ServiceReferenceGraphEdge::getSourceNode() — Method in class ServiceReferenceGraphEdge
Returns the source node.
ServiceReferenceGraphEdge::getDestNode() — Method in class ServiceReferenceGraphEdge
Returns the destination node.
ServiceReferenceGraphNode::getId() — Method in class ServiceReferenceGraphNode
Returns the identifier.
ServiceReferenceGraphNode::getInEdges() — Method in class ServiceReferenceGraphNode
Returns the in edges.
ServiceReferenceGraphNode::getOutEdges() — Method in class ServiceReferenceGraphNode
Returns the out edges.
ServiceReferenceGraphNode::getValue() — Method in class ServiceReferenceGraphNode
Returns the value of this Node.
ContainerParametersResource::getParameters() — Method in class ContainerParametersResource
Container::getParameterBag() — Method in class Container
Gets the service container parameter bag.
Container::getParameter() — Method in class Container
Gets a parameter.
Container::get() — Method in class Container
Gets a service.
Container::getServiceIds() — Method in class Container
Gets all service ids.
Container::getRemovedIds() — Method in class Container
Gets service ids that existed at compile time.
Container::getEnv() — Method in class Container
Fetches a variable from the environment.
Container::getService() — Method in class Container
ContainerBuilder::getExtension() — Method in class ContainerBuilder
Returns an extension by alias or namespace.
ContainerBuilder::getExtensions() — Method in class ContainerBuilder
Returns all registered extensions.
ContainerBuilder::getResources() — Method in class ContainerBuilder
Returns an array of resources loaded to build this configuration.
ContainerBuilder::getReflectionClass() — Method in class ContainerBuilder
Retrieves the requested reflection class and registers it for resource tracking.
ContainerBuilder::getCompilerPassConfig() — Method in class ContainerBuilder
Returns the compiler pass config which can then be modified.
ContainerBuilder::getCompiler() — Method in class ContainerBuilder
Returns the compiler.
ContainerBuilder::get() — Method in class ContainerBuilder
Gets a service.
ContainerBuilder::getExtensionConfig() — Method in class ContainerBuilder
Returns the configuration array for the given extension.
ContainerBuilder::getServiceIds() — Method in class ContainerBuilder
Gets all service ids.
ContainerBuilder::getRemovedIds() — Method in class ContainerBuilder
Gets removed service or alias ids.
ContainerBuilder::getAliases() — Method in class ContainerBuilder
Gets all defined aliases.
ContainerBuilder::getAlias() — Method in class ContainerBuilder
Gets an alias.
ContainerBuilder::getDefinitions() — Method in class ContainerBuilder
Gets all service definitions.
ContainerBuilder::getDefinition() — Method in class ContainerBuilder
Gets a service definition.
ContainerBuilder::getExpressionLanguageProviders() — Method in class ContainerBuilder
ContainerBuilder::getAutoconfiguredInstanceof() — Method in class ContainerBuilder
Returns an array of ChildDefinition[] keyed by interface.
ContainerBuilder::getEnvCounters() — Method in class ContainerBuilder
Get statistics about env usage.
ContainerBuilder::getServiceConditionals() — Method in class ContainerBuilder
Returns the Service Conditionals.
ContainerBuilder::getInitializedConditionals() — Method in class ContainerBuilder
Returns the initialized conditionals.
ContainerBuilder::getRemovedBindingIds() — Method in class ContainerBuilder
Gets removed binding ids.
ContainerBuilder::getEnv() — Method in class ContainerBuilder
Fetches a variable from the environment.
ContainerInterface::get() — Method in class ContainerInterface
Gets a service.
ContainerInterface::getParameter() — Method in class ContainerInterface
Gets a parameter.
Definition::getChanges() — Method in class Definition
Returns all changes tracked for the Definition object.
Definition::getFactory() — Method in class Definition
Gets the factory.
Definition::getDecoratedService() — Method in class Definition
Gets the service that this service is decorating.
Definition::getClass() — Method in class Definition
Gets the service class.
Definition::getProperties() — Method in class Definition
Gets the properties to define when creating the service.
Definition::getArguments() — Method in class Definition
Gets the arguments to pass to the service constructor/factory method.
Definition::getArgument() — Method in class Definition
Gets an argument to pass to the service constructor/factory method.
Definition::getMethodCalls() — Method in class Definition
Gets the methods to call after service initialization.
Definition::getInstanceofConditionals() — Method in class Definition
Gets the definition templates to conditionally apply on the current definition, keyed by parent interface/class.
Definition::getTags() — Method in class Definition
Returns all tags.
Definition::getTag() — Method in class Definition
Gets a tag by name.
Definition::getFile() — Method in class Definition
Gets the file to require before creating the service.
Definition::getDeprecationMessage() — Method in class Definition
Message to use if this definition is deprecated.
Definition::getConfigurator() — Method in class Definition
Gets the configurator to call after the service is fully initialized.
Definition::getBindings() — Method in class Definition
Gets bindings.
Definition::getErrors() — Method in class Definition
Returns any errors that occurred while building this Definition.
GraphvizDumperClass in namespace Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Dumper
GraphvizDumper dumps a service container as a graphviz file.
EnvVarProcessor::getProvidedTypes() — Method in class EnvVarProcessor
EnvVarProcessor::getEnv() — Method in class EnvVarProcessor
Returns the value of the given variable as managed by the current instance.
EnvVarProcessorInterface::getEnv() — Method in class EnvVarProcessorInterface
Returns the value of the given variable as managed by the current instance.
EnvVarProcessorInterface::getProvidedTypes() — Method in class EnvVarProcessorInterface
AutowiringFailedException::getServiceId() — Method in class AutowiringFailedException
ParameterCircularReferenceException::getParameters() — Method in class ParameterCircularReferenceException
ParameterNotFoundException::getKey() — Method in class ParameterNotFoundException
ParameterNotFoundException::getSourceId() — Method in class ParameterNotFoundException
ParameterNotFoundException::getSourceKey() — Method in class ParameterNotFoundException
ServiceCircularReferenceException::getServiceId() — Method in class ServiceCircularReferenceException
ServiceCircularReferenceException::getPath() — Method in class ServiceCircularReferenceException
ServiceNotFoundException::getId() — Method in class ServiceNotFoundException
ServiceNotFoundException::getSourceId() — Method in class ServiceNotFoundException
ServiceNotFoundException::getAlternatives() — Method in class ServiceNotFoundException
ExpressionLanguageProvider::getFunctions() — Method in class ExpressionLanguageProvider
ConfigurationExtensionInterface::getConfiguration() — Method in class ConfigurationExtensionInterface
Returns extension configuration.
Extension::getXsdValidationBasePath() — Method in class Extension
Returns the base path for the XSD files.
Extension::getNamespace() — Method in class Extension
Returns the namespace to be used for this extension (XML namespace).
Extension::getAlias() — Method in class Extension
Returns the recommended alias to use in XML.
Extension::getConfiguration() — Method in class Extension
Returns extension configuration.
Extension::getProcessedConfigs() — Method in class Extension
ExtensionInterface::getNamespace() — Method in class ExtensionInterface
Returns the namespace to be used for this extension (XML namespace).
ExtensionInterface::getXsdValidationBasePath() — Method in class ExtensionInterface
Returns the base path for the XSD files.
ExtensionInterface::getAlias() — Method in class ExtensionInterface
Returns the recommended alias to use in XML.
DumperInterface::getProxyFactoryCode() — Method in class DumperInterface
Generates the code to be used to instantiate a proxy in the dumped factory code.
DumperInterface::getProxyCode() — Method in class DumperInterface
Generates the code for the lazy proxy.
NullDumper::getProxyFactoryCode() — Method in class NullDumper
Generates the code to be used to instantiate a proxy in the dumped factory code.
NullDumper::getProxyCode() — Method in class NullDumper
Generates the code for the lazy proxy.
ProxyHelper::getTypeHint() — Method in class ProxyHelper
AbstractServiceConfigurator::get() — Method in class AbstractServiceConfigurator
Gets an already defined service definition.
ServicesConfigurator::get() — Method in class ServicesConfigurator
Gets an already defined service definition.
GlobFileLoaderClass in namespace Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Loader
GlobFileLoader loads files from a glob pattern.
ContainerBag::get() — Method in class ContainerBag
Gets a service container parameter.
EnvPlaceholderParameterBag::get() — Method in class EnvPlaceholderParameterBag
Gets a service container parameter.
EnvPlaceholderParameterBag::getEnvPlaceholderUniquePrefix() — Method in class EnvPlaceholderParameterBag
Gets the common env placeholder prefix for env vars created by this bag.
EnvPlaceholderParameterBag::getEnvPlaceholders() — Method in class EnvPlaceholderParameterBag
Returns the map of env vars used in the resolved parameter values to their placeholders.
EnvPlaceholderParameterBag::getUnusedEnvPlaceholders() — Method in class EnvPlaceholderParameterBag
EnvPlaceholderParameterBag::getProvidedTypes() — Method in class EnvPlaceholderParameterBag
Gets the PHP types corresponding to env() parameter prefixes.
ParameterBag::get() — Method in class ParameterBag
Gets a service container parameter.
ParameterBagInterface::get() — Method in class ParameterBagInterface
Gets a service container parameter.
Reference::getInvalidBehavior() — Method in class Reference
Returns the behavior to be used when the service does not exist.
ServiceLocator::get() — Method in class ServiceLocator
TypedReference::getType() — Method in class TypedReference
TypedReference::getName() — Method in class TypedReference
TypedReference::getRequiringClass() — Method in class TypedReference
AbstractUriElement::getNode() — Method in class AbstractUriElement
Gets the node associated with this link.
AbstractUriElement::getMethod() — Method in class AbstractUriElement
Gets the method associated with this link.
AbstractUriElement::getUri() — Method in class AbstractUriElement
Gets the URI associated with this link.
AbstractUriElement::getRawUri() — Method in class AbstractUriElement
Returns raw URI data.
Crawler::getUri() — Method in class Crawler
Returns the current URI.
Crawler::getBaseHref() — Method in class Crawler
Returns base href.
Crawler::getNode() — Method in class Crawler
Crawler::getIterator() — Method in class Crawler
ChoiceFormField::getType() — Method in class ChoiceFormField
Returns the type of the choice field (radio, select, or checkbox).
FormField::getLabel() — Method in class FormField
Returns the label tag associated to the field or null if none.
FormField::getName() — Method in class FormField
Returns the name of the field.
FormField::getValue() — Method in class FormField
Gets the value of the field.
Form::getFormNode() — Method in class Form
Gets the form node associated with this form.
Form::getValues() — Method in class Form
Gets the field values.
Form::getFiles() — Method in class Form
Gets the file field values.
Form::getPhpValues() — Method in class Form
Gets the field values as PHP.
Form::getPhpFiles() — Method in class Form
Gets the file field values as PHP.
Form::getUri() — Method in class Form
Gets the URI associated with this link.
Form::getRawUri() — Method in class Form
Returns raw URI data.
Form::getMethod() — Method in class Form
Gets the method associated with this link.
Form::get() — Method in class Form
Gets a named field.
FormFieldRegistry::get() — Method in class FormFieldRegistry
Returns the value of the field and its children.
Image::getRawUri() — Method in class Image
Returns raw URI data.
Link::getRawUri() — Method in class Link
Returns raw URI data.
FormatException::getContext() — Method in class FormatException
FormatExceptionContext::getPath() — Method in class FormatExceptionContext
FormatExceptionContext::getLineno() — Method in class FormatExceptionContext
FormatExceptionContext::getDetails() — Method in class FormatExceptionContext
TraceableEventDispatcher::getListeners() — Method in class TraceableEventDispatcher
Gets the listeners of a specific event or all listeners sorted by descending priority.
TraceableEventDispatcher::getListenerPriority() — Method in class TraceableEventDispatcher
Gets the listener priority for a specific event.
TraceableEventDispatcher::getCalledListeners() — Method in class TraceableEventDispatcher
Gets the called listeners.
TraceableEventDispatcher::getNotCalledListeners() — Method in class TraceableEventDispatcher
Gets the not called listeners.
TraceableEventDispatcher::getOrphanedEvents() — Method in class TraceableEventDispatcher
TraceableEventDispatcherInterface::getCalledListeners() — Method in class TraceableEventDispatcherInterface
Gets the called listeners.
TraceableEventDispatcherInterface::getNotCalledListeners() — Method in class TraceableEventDispatcherInterface
Gets the not called listeners.
WrappedListener::getWrappedListener() — Method in class WrappedListener
WrappedListener::getPretty() — Method in class WrappedListener
WrappedListener::getInfo() — Method in class WrappedListener
ExtractingEventDispatcher::getSubscribedEvents() — Method in class ExtractingEventDispatcher
Returns an array of event names this subscriber wants to listen to.
EventDispatcher::getListeners() — Method in class EventDispatcher
Gets the listeners of a specific event or all listeners sorted by descending priority.
EventDispatcher::getListenerPriority() — Method in class EventDispatcher
Gets the listener priority for a specific event.
EventDispatcherInterface::getListeners() — Method in class EventDispatcherInterface
Gets the listeners of a specific event or all listeners sorted by descending priority.
EventDispatcherInterface::getListenerPriority() — Method in class EventDispatcherInterface
Gets the listener priority for a specific event.
EventSubscriberInterface::getSubscribedEvents() — Method in class EventSubscriberInterface
Returns an array of event names this subscriber wants to listen to.
GenericEventClass in namespace Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher
Event encapsulation class.
GenericEvent::getSubject() — Method in class GenericEvent
Getter for subject property.
GenericEvent::getArgument() — Method in class GenericEvent
Get argument by key.
GenericEvent::getArguments() — Method in class GenericEvent
Getter for all arguments.
GenericEvent::getIterator() — Method in class GenericEvent
IteratorAggregate for iterating over the object like an array.
ImmutableEventDispatcher::getListeners() — Method in class ImmutableEventDispatcher
Gets the listeners of a specific event or all listeners sorted by descending priority.
ImmutableEventDispatcher::getListenerPriority() — Method in class ImmutableEventDispatcher
Gets the listener priority for a specific event.
Compiler::getFunction() — Method in class Compiler
Compiler::getSource() — Method in class Compiler
Gets the current PHP code after compilation.
ExpressionFunction::getName() — Method in class ExpressionFunction
ExpressionFunction::getCompiler() — Method in class ExpressionFunction
ExpressionFunction::getEvaluator() — Method in class ExpressionFunction
ExpressionFunctionProviderInterface::getFunctions() — Method in class ExpressionFunctionProviderInterface
ArrayNode::getKeyValuePairs() — Method in class ArrayNode
GetAttrNodeClass in namespace Symfony\Component\ExpressionLanguage\Node
ParsedExpression::getNodes() — Method in class ParsedExpression
Parser::getPrimary() — Method in class Parser
SerializedParsedExpression::getNodes() — Method in class SerializedParsedExpression
TokenStream::getExpression() — Method in class TokenStream
IOException::getPath() — Method in class IOException
Returns the associated path for the exception.
IOExceptionInterface::getPath() — Method in class IOExceptionInterface
Returns the associated path for the exception.
Comparator::getTarget() — Method in class Comparator
Gets the target value.
Comparator::getOperator() — Method in class Comparator
Gets the comparison operator.
Finder::getIterator() — Method in class Finder
Returns an Iterator for the current Finder configuration.
GlobClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Finder
Glob matches globbing patterns against text.
ExcludeDirectoryFilterIterator::getChildren() — Method in class ExcludeDirectoryFilterIterator
RecursiveDirectoryIterator::getChildren() — Method in class RecursiveDirectoryIterator
SortableIterator::getIterator() — Method in class SortableIterator
SplFileInfo::getRelativePath() — Method in class SplFileInfo
Returns the relative path.
SplFileInfo::getRelativePathname() — Method in class SplFileInfo
Returns the relative path name.
SplFileInfo::getContents() — Method in class SplFileInfo
Returns the contents of the file.
AbstractExtension::getType() — Method in class AbstractExtension
Returns a type by name.
AbstractExtension::getTypeExtensions() — Method in class AbstractExtension
Returns the extensions for the given type.
AbstractExtension::getTypeGuesser() — Method in class AbstractExtension
Returns the type guesser provided by this extension.
AbstractRendererEngine::getResourceForBlockName() — Method in class AbstractRendererEngine
Returns the resource for a block name.
AbstractRendererEngine::getResourceForBlockNameHierarchy() — Method in class AbstractRendererEngine
Returns the resource for a block hierarchy.
AbstractRendererEngine::getResourceHierarchyLevel() — Method in class AbstractRendererEngine
Returns the hierarchy level at which a resource can be found.
AbstractType::getBlockPrefix() — Method in class AbstractType
Returns the prefix of the template block name for this type.
AbstractType::getParent() — Method in class AbstractType
Returns the name of the parent type.
AbstractTypeExtension::getExtendedType() — Method in class AbstractTypeExtension
Returns the name of the type being extended.
Button::getParent() — Method in class Button
Returns the parent form.
Button::get() — Method in class Button
Returns the child with the given name.
Button::getErrors() — Method in class Button
Returns the errors of this form.
Button::getData() — Method in class Button
Returns the data in the format needed for the underlying object.
Button::getNormData() — Method in class Button
Returns the normalized data of the field.
Button::getViewData() — Method in class Button
Returns the data transformed by the value transformer.
Button::getExtraData() — Method in class Button
Returns the extra data.
Button::getConfig() — Method in class Button
Returns the form's configuration.
Button::getName() — Method in class Button
Returns the name by which the form is identified in forms.
Button::getPropertyPath() — Method in class Button
Returns the property path that the form is mapped to.
Button::getTransformationFailure() — Method in class Button
Returns the data transformation failure, if any.
Button::getRoot() — Method in class Button
Returns the root of the form tree.
Button::getIterator() — Method in class Button
Unsupported method.
ButtonBuilder::get() — Method in class ButtonBuilder
Returns a child by name.
ButtonBuilder::getForm() — Method in class ButtonBuilder
Creates the form.
ButtonBuilder::getFormConfig() — Method in class ButtonBuilder
Builds and returns the form configuration.
ButtonBuilder::getEventDispatcher() — Method in class ButtonBuilder
Returns the event dispatcher used to dispatch form events.
ButtonBuilder::getName() — Method in class ButtonBuilder
Returns the name of the form used as HTTP parameter.
ButtonBuilder::getPropertyPath() — Method in class ButtonBuilder
Returns the property path that the form should be mapped to.
ButtonBuilder::getMapped() — Method in class ButtonBuilder
Returns whether the form should be mapped to an element of its parent's data.
ButtonBuilder::getByReference() — Method in class ButtonBuilder
Returns whether the form's data should be modified by reference.
ButtonBuilder::getCompound() — Method in class ButtonBuilder
Returns whether the form is compound.
ButtonBuilder::getType() — Method in class ButtonBuilder
Returns the form types used to construct the form.
ButtonBuilder::getViewTransformers() — Method in class ButtonBuilder
Returns the view transformers of the form.
ButtonBuilder::getModelTransformers() — Method in class ButtonBuilder
Returns the model transformers of the form.
ButtonBuilder::getDataMapper() — Method in class ButtonBuilder
Returns the data mapper of the form.
ButtonBuilder::getRequired() — Method in class ButtonBuilder
Returns whether the form is required.
ButtonBuilder::getDisabled() — Method in class ButtonBuilder
Returns whether the form is disabled.
ButtonBuilder::getErrorBubbling() — Method in class ButtonBuilder
Returns whether errors attached to the form will bubble to its parent.
ButtonBuilder::getEmptyData() — Method in class ButtonBuilder
Returns the data that should be returned when the form is empty.
ButtonBuilder::getAttributes() — Method in class ButtonBuilder
Returns additional attributes of the form.
ButtonBuilder::getAttribute() — Method in class ButtonBuilder
Returns the value of the given attribute.
ButtonBuilder::getData() — Method in class ButtonBuilder
Returns the initial data of the form.
ButtonBuilder::getDataClass() — Method in class ButtonBuilder
Returns the class of the form data or null if the data is scalar or an array.
ButtonBuilder::getDataLocked() — Method in class ButtonBuilder
Returns whether the form's data is locked.
ButtonBuilder::getFormFactory() — Method in class ButtonBuilder
Returns the form factory used for creating new forms.
ButtonBuilder::getAction() — Method in class ButtonBuilder
Returns the target URL of the form.
ButtonBuilder::getMethod() — Method in class ButtonBuilder
Returns the HTTP method used by the form.
ButtonBuilder::getRequestHandler() — Method in class ButtonBuilder
Returns the request handler used by the form.
ButtonBuilder::getAutoInitialize() — Method in class ButtonBuilder
Returns whether the form should be initialized upon creation.
ButtonBuilder::getInheritData() — Method in class ButtonBuilder
Returns whether the form should read and write the data of its parent.
ButtonBuilder::getOptions() — Method in class ButtonBuilder
Returns all options passed during the construction of the form.
ButtonBuilder::getOption() — Method in class ButtonBuilder
Returns the value of a specific option.
ButtonBuilder::getIterator() — Method in class ButtonBuilder
Unsupported method.
ArrayChoiceList::getChoices() — Method in class ArrayChoiceList
Returns all selectable choices.
ArrayChoiceList::getValues() — Method in class ArrayChoiceList
Returns the values for the choices.
ArrayChoiceList::getStructuredValues() — Method in class ArrayChoiceList
Returns the values in the structure originally passed to the list.
ArrayChoiceList::getOriginalKeys() — Method in class ArrayChoiceList
Returns the original keys of the choices.
ArrayChoiceList::getChoicesForValues() — Method in class ArrayChoiceList
Returns the choices corresponding to the given values.
ArrayChoiceList::getValuesForChoices() — Method in class ArrayChoiceList
Returns the values corresponding to the given choices.
ChoiceListInterface::getChoices() — Method in class ChoiceListInterface
Returns all selectable choices.
ChoiceListInterface::getValues() — Method in class ChoiceListInterface
Returns the values for the choices.
ChoiceListInterface::getStructuredValues() — Method in class ChoiceListInterface
Returns the values in the structure originally passed to the list.
ChoiceListInterface::getOriginalKeys() — Method in class ChoiceListInterface
Returns the original keys of the choices.
ChoiceListInterface::getChoicesForValues() — Method in class ChoiceListInterface
Returns the choices corresponding to the given values.
ChoiceListInterface::getValuesForChoices() — Method in class ChoiceListInterface
Returns the values corresponding to the given choices.
CachingFactoryDecorator::generateHash() — Method in class CachingFactoryDecorator
Generates a SHA-256 hash for the given value.
CachingFactoryDecorator::getDecoratedFactory() — Method in class CachingFactoryDecorator
Returns the decorated factory.
PropertyAccessDecorator::getDecoratedFactory() — Method in class PropertyAccessDecorator
Returns the decorated factory.
LazyChoiceList::getChoices() — Method in class LazyChoiceList
Returns all selectable choices.
LazyChoiceList::getValues() — Method in class LazyChoiceList
Returns the values for the choices.
LazyChoiceList::getStructuredValues() — Method in class LazyChoiceList
Returns the values in the structure originally passed to the list.
LazyChoiceList::getOriginalKeys() — Method in class LazyChoiceList
Returns the original keys of the choices.
LazyChoiceList::getChoicesForValues() — Method in class LazyChoiceList
Returns the choices corresponding to the given values.
LazyChoiceList::getValuesForChoices() — Method in class LazyChoiceList
Returns the values corresponding to the given choices.
ChoiceGroupView::getIterator() — Method in class ChoiceGroupView
Descriptor::getOptionDefinition() — Method in class Descriptor
DataTransformerChain::getTransformers() — Method in class DataTransformerChain
DateTimeToLocalizedStringTransformer::getIntlDateFormatter() — Method in class DateTimeToLocalizedStringTransformer
Returns a preconfigured IntlDateFormatter instance.
$NumberToLocalizedStringTransformer#groupingProperty in class NumberToLocalizedStringTransformer
NumberToLocalizedStringTransformer::getNumberFormatter() — Method in class NumberToLocalizedStringTransformer
Returns a preconfigured \NumberFormatter instance.
PercentToLocalizedStringTransformer::getNumberFormatter() — Method in class PercentToLocalizedStringTransformer
Returns a preconfigured \NumberFormatter instance.
FixUrlProtocolListener::getSubscribedEvents() — Method in class FixUrlProtocolListener
Returns an array of event names this subscriber wants to listen to.
MergeCollectionListener::getSubscribedEvents() — Method in class MergeCollectionListener
Returns an array of event names this subscriber wants to listen to.
ResizeFormListener::getSubscribedEvents() — Method in class ResizeFormListener
Returns an array of event names this subscriber wants to listen to.
TransformationFailureListener::getSubscribedEvents() — Method in class TransformationFailureListener
Returns an array of event names this subscriber wants to listen to.
TrimListener::getSubscribedEvents() — Method in class TrimListener
Returns an array of event names this subscriber wants to listen to.
BirthdayType::getParent() — Method in class BirthdayType
Returns the name of the parent type.
BirthdayType::getBlockPrefix() — Method in class BirthdayType
Returns the prefix of the template block name for this type.
ButtonType::getParent() — Method in class ButtonType
Returns the name of the parent type.
ButtonType::getBlockPrefix() — Method in class ButtonType
Returns the prefix of the template block name for this type.
CheckboxType::getBlockPrefix() — Method in class CheckboxType
Returns the prefix of the template block name for this type.
ChoiceType::getBlockPrefix() — Method in class ChoiceType
Returns the prefix of the template block name for this type.
CollectionType::getBlockPrefix() — Method in class CollectionType
Returns the prefix of the template block name for this type.
ColorType::getParent() — Method in class ColorType
Returns the name of the parent type.
ColorType::getBlockPrefix() — Method in class ColorType
Returns the prefix of the template block name for this type.
CountryType::getParent() — Method in class CountryType
Returns the name of the parent type.
CountryType::getBlockPrefix() — Method in class CountryType
Returns the prefix of the template block name for this type.
CurrencyType::getParent() — Method in class CurrencyType
Returns the name of the parent type.
CurrencyType::getBlockPrefix() — Method in class CurrencyType
Returns the prefix of the template block name for this type.
DateIntervalType::getBlockPrefix() — Method in class DateIntervalType
Returns the prefix of the template block name for this type.
DateTimeType::getBlockPrefix() — Method in class DateTimeType
Returns the prefix of the template block name for this type.
DateType::getBlockPrefix() — Method in class DateType
Returns the prefix of the template block name for this type.
EmailType::getParent() — Method in class EmailType
Returns the name of the parent type.
EmailType::getBlockPrefix() — Method in class EmailType
Returns the prefix of the template block name for this type.
FileType::getBlockPrefix() — Method in class FileType
Returns the prefix of the template block name for this type.
FormType::getParent() — Method in class FormType
Returns the name of the parent type.
FormType::getBlockPrefix() — Method in class FormType
Returns the prefix of the template block name for this type.
HiddenType::getBlockPrefix() — Method in class HiddenType
Returns the prefix of the template block name for this type.
IntegerType::getBlockPrefix() — Method in class IntegerType
Returns the prefix of the template block name for this type.
LanguageType::getParent() — Method in class LanguageType
Returns the name of the parent type.
LanguageType::getBlockPrefix() — Method in class LanguageType
Returns the prefix of the template block name for this type.
LocaleType::getParent() — Method in class LocaleType
Returns the name of the parent type.
LocaleType::getBlockPrefix() — Method in class LocaleType
Returns the prefix of the template block name for this type.
MoneyType::getBlockPrefix() — Method in class MoneyType
Returns the prefix of the template block name for this type.
MoneyType::getPattern() — Method in class MoneyType
Returns the pattern for this locale in UTF-8.
NumberType::getBlockPrefix() — Method in class NumberType
Returns the prefix of the template block name for this type.
PasswordType::getParent() — Method in class PasswordType
Returns the name of the parent type.
PasswordType::getBlockPrefix() — Method in class PasswordType
Returns the prefix of the template block name for this type.
PercentType::getBlockPrefix() — Method in class PercentType
Returns the prefix of the template block name for this type.
RadioType::getParent() — Method in class RadioType
Returns the name of the parent type.
RadioType::getBlockPrefix() — Method in class RadioType
Returns the prefix of the template block name for this type.
RangeType::getParent() — Method in class RangeType
Returns the name of the parent type.
RangeType::getBlockPrefix() — Method in class RangeType
Returns the prefix of the template block name for this type.
RepeatedType::getBlockPrefix() — Method in class RepeatedType
Returns the prefix of the template block name for this type.
ResetType::getParent() — Method in class ResetType
Returns the name of the parent type.
ResetType::getBlockPrefix() — Method in class ResetType
Returns the prefix of the template block name for this type.
SearchType::getParent() — Method in class SearchType
Returns the name of the parent type.
SearchType::getBlockPrefix() — Method in class SearchType
Returns the prefix of the template block name for this type.
SubmitType::getParent() — Method in class SubmitType
Returns the name of the parent type.
SubmitType::getBlockPrefix() — Method in class SubmitType
Returns the prefix of the template block name for this type.
TelType::getParent() — Method in class TelType
Returns the name of the parent type.
TelType::getBlockPrefix() — Method in class TelType
Returns the prefix of the template block name for this type.
TextType::getBlockPrefix() — Method in class TextType
Returns the prefix of the template block name for this type.
TextareaType::getParent() — Method in class TextareaType
Returns the name of the parent type.
TextareaType::getBlockPrefix() — Method in class TextareaType
Returns the prefix of the template block name for this type.
TimeType::getBlockPrefix() — Method in class TimeType
Returns the prefix of the template block name for this type.
TimezoneType::getParent() — Method in class TimezoneType
Returns the name of the parent type.
TimezoneType::getBlockPrefix() — Method in class TimezoneType
Returns the prefix of the template block name for this type.
TransformationFailureExtension::getExtendedTypes() — Method in class TransformationFailureExtension
UrlType::getParent() — Method in class UrlType
Returns the name of the parent type.
UrlType::getBlockPrefix() — Method in class UrlType
Returns the prefix of the template block name for this type.
CsrfValidationListener::getSubscribedEvents() — Method in class CsrfValidationListener
Returns an array of event names this subscriber wants to listen to.
FormTypeCsrfExtension::getExtendedTypes() — Method in class FormTypeCsrfExtension
DataCollectorListener::getSubscribedEvents() — Method in class DataCollectorListener
Returns an array of event names this subscriber wants to listen to.
FormDataCollector::getName() — Method in class FormDataCollector
Returns the name of the collector.
FormDataCollector::getData() — Method in class FormDataCollector
Returns all collected data.
FormDataCollector::getCasters() — Method in class FormDataCollector
FormDataCollectorInterface::getData() — Method in class FormDataCollectorInterface
Returns all collected data.
ResolvedTypeDataCollectorProxy::getBlockPrefix() — Method in class ResolvedTypeDataCollectorProxy
Returns the prefix of the template block name for this type.
ResolvedTypeDataCollectorProxy::getParent() — Method in class ResolvedTypeDataCollectorProxy
Returns the parent type.
ResolvedTypeDataCollectorProxy::getInnerType() — Method in class ResolvedTypeDataCollectorProxy
Returns the wrapped form type.
ResolvedTypeDataCollectorProxy::getTypeExtensions() — Method in class ResolvedTypeDataCollectorProxy
Returns the extensions of the wrapped form type.
ResolvedTypeDataCollectorProxy::getOptionsResolver() — Method in class ResolvedTypeDataCollectorProxy
Returns the configured options resolver used for this type.
DataCollectorTypeExtension::getExtendedTypes() — Method in class DataCollectorTypeExtension
DependencyInjectionExtension::getType() — Method in class DependencyInjectionExtension
Returns a type by name.
DependencyInjectionExtension::getTypeExtensions() — Method in class DependencyInjectionExtension
Returns the extensions for the given type.
DependencyInjectionExtension::getTypeGuesser() — Method in class DependencyInjectionExtension
Returns the type guesser provided by this extension.
FormTypeHttpFoundationExtension::getExtendedTypes() — Method in class FormTypeHttpFoundationExtension
Form::getTargets() — Method in class Form
Returns whether the constraint can be put onto classes, properties or both.
ValidationListener::getSubscribedEvents() — Method in class ValidationListener
Returns an array of event names this subscriber wants to listen to.
FormTypeValidatorExtension::getExtendedTypes() — Method in class FormTypeValidatorExtension
RepeatedTypeValidatorExtension::getExtendedTypes() — Method in class RepeatedTypeValidatorExtension
SubmitTypeValidatorExtension::getExtendedTypes() — Method in class SubmitTypeValidatorExtension
UploadValidatorExtension::getExtendedTypes() — Method in class UploadValidatorExtension
ValidatorTypeGuesser::guessType() — Method in class ValidatorTypeGuesser
Returns a field guess for a property name of a class.
ValidatorTypeGuesser::guessRequired() — Method in class ValidatorTypeGuesser
Returns a guess whether a property of a class is required.
ValidatorTypeGuesser::guessMaxLength() — Method in class ValidatorTypeGuesser
Returns a guess about the field's maximum length.
ValidatorTypeGuesser::guessPattern() — Method in class ValidatorTypeGuesser
Returns a guess about the field's pattern.
ValidatorTypeGuesser::guessTypeForConstraint() — Method in class ValidatorTypeGuesser
Guesses a field class name for a given constraint.
ValidatorTypeGuesser::guessRequiredForConstraint() — Method in class ValidatorTypeGuesser
Guesses whether a field is required based on the given constraint.
ValidatorTypeGuesser::guessMaxLengthForConstraint() — Method in class ValidatorTypeGuesser
Guesses a field's maximum length based on the given constraint.
ValidatorTypeGuesser::guessPatternForConstraint() — Method in class ValidatorTypeGuesser
Guesses a field's pattern based on the given constraint.
ValidatorTypeGuesser::guess() — Method in class ValidatorTypeGuesser
Iterates over the constraints of a property, executes a constraints on them and returns the best guess.
MappingRule::getOrigin() — Method in class MappingRule
MappingRule::getTarget() — Method in class MappingRule
RelativePath::getRoot() — Method in class RelativePath
ViolationPath::getLength() — Method in class ViolationPath
Returns the length of the property path, i.e. the number of elements.
ViolationPath::getParent() — Method in class ViolationPath
Returns the parent property path.
ViolationPath::getElements() — Method in class ViolationPath
Returns the elements of the property path as array.
ViolationPath::getElement() — Method in class ViolationPath
Returns the element at the given index in the property path.
ViolationPath::getIterator() — Method in class ViolationPath
Returns a new iterator for this path.
Form::getConfig() — Method in class Form
Returns the form's configuration.
Form::getName() — Method in class Form
Returns the name by which the form is identified in forms.
Form::getPropertyPath() — Method in class Form
Returns the property path that the form is mapped to.
Form::getParent() — Method in class Form
Returns the parent form.
Form::getRoot() — Method in class Form
Returns the root of the form tree.
Form::getData() — Method in class Form
Returns the data in the format needed for the underlying object.
Form::getNormData() — Method in class Form
Returns the normalized data of the field.
Form::getViewData() — Method in class Form
Returns the data transformed by the value transformer.
Form::getExtraData() — Method in class Form
Returns the extra data.
Form::getTransformationFailure() — Method in class Form
Returns the data transformation failure, if any.
Form::getClickedButton() — Method in class Form
Returns the button that was used to submit the form.
Form::getErrors() — Method in class Form
Returns the errors of this form.
Form::get() — Method in class Form
Returns the child with the given name.
Form::getIterator() — Method in class Form
Returns the iterator for this group.
FormBuilder::get() — Method in class FormBuilder
Returns a child by name.
FormBuilder::getFormConfig() — Method in class FormBuilder
Builds and returns the form configuration.
FormBuilder::getForm() — Method in class FormBuilder
Creates the form.
FormBuilder::getIterator() — Method in class FormBuilder
FormBuilderInterface::get() — Method in class FormBuilderInterface
Returns a child by name.
FormBuilderInterface::getForm() — Method in class FormBuilderInterface
Creates the form.
FormConfigBuilder::getEventDispatcher() — Method in class FormConfigBuilder
Returns the event dispatcher used to dispatch form events.
FormConfigBuilder::getName() — Method in class FormConfigBuilder
Returns the name of the form used as HTTP parameter.
FormConfigBuilder::getPropertyPath() — Method in class FormConfigBuilder
Returns the property path that the form should be mapped to.
FormConfigBuilder::getMapped() — Method in class FormConfigBuilder
Returns whether the form should be mapped to an element of its parent's data.
FormConfigBuilder::getByReference() — Method in class FormConfigBuilder
Returns whether the form's data should be modified by reference.
FormConfigBuilder::getInheritData() — Method in class FormConfigBuilder
Returns whether the form should read and write the data of its parent.
FormConfigBuilder::getCompound() — Method in class FormConfigBuilder
Returns whether the form is compound.
FormConfigBuilder::getType() — Method in class FormConfigBuilder
Returns the form types used to construct the form.
FormConfigBuilder::getViewTransformers() — Method in class FormConfigBuilder
Returns the view transformers of the form.
FormConfigBuilder::getModelTransformers() — Method in class FormConfigBuilder
Returns the model transformers of the form.
FormConfigBuilder::getDataMapper() — Method in class FormConfigBuilder
Returns the data mapper of the form.
FormConfigBuilder::getRequired() — Method in class FormConfigBuilder
Returns whether the form is required.
FormConfigBuilder::getDisabled() — Method in class FormConfigBuilder
Returns whether the form is disabled.
FormConfigBuilder::getErrorBubbling() — Method in class FormConfigBuilder
Returns whether errors attached to the form will bubble to its parent.
FormConfigBuilder::getEmptyData() — Method in class FormConfigBuilder
Returns the data that should be returned when the form is empty.
FormConfigBuilder::getAttributes() — Method in class FormConfigBuilder
Returns additional attributes of the form.
FormConfigBuilder::getAttribute() — Method in class FormConfigBuilder
Returns the value of the given attribute.
FormConfigBuilder::getData() — Method in class FormConfigBuilder
Returns the initial data of the form.
FormConfigBuilder::getDataClass() — Method in class FormConfigBuilder
Returns the class of the form data or null if the data is scalar or an array.
FormConfigBuilder::getDataLocked() — Method in class FormConfigBuilder
Returns whether the form's data is locked.
FormConfigBuilder::getFormFactory() — Method in class FormConfigBuilder
Returns the form factory used for creating new forms.
FormConfigBuilder::getAction() — Method in class FormConfigBuilder
Returns the target URL of the form.
FormConfigBuilder::getMethod() — Method in class FormConfigBuilder
Returns the HTTP method used by the form.
FormConfigBuilder::getRequestHandler() — Method in class FormConfigBuilder
Returns the request handler used by the form.
FormConfigBuilder::getAutoInitialize() — Method in class FormConfigBuilder
Returns whether the form should be initialized upon creation.
FormConfigBuilder::getOptions() — Method in class FormConfigBuilder
Returns all options passed during the construction of the form.
FormConfigBuilder::getOption() — Method in class FormConfigBuilder
Returns the value of a specific option.
FormConfigBuilder::getFormConfig() — Method in class FormConfigBuilder
Builds and returns the form configuration.
FormConfigBuilderInterface::getFormConfig() — Method in class FormConfigBuilderInterface
Builds and returns the form configuration.
FormConfigInterface::getEventDispatcher() — Method in class FormConfigInterface
Returns the event dispatcher used to dispatch form events.
FormConfigInterface::getName() — Method in class FormConfigInterface
Returns the name of the form used as HTTP parameter.
FormConfigInterface::getPropertyPath() — Method in class FormConfigInterface
Returns the property path that the form should be mapped to.
FormConfigInterface::getMapped() — Method in class FormConfigInterface
Returns whether the form should be mapped to an element of its parent's data.
FormConfigInterface::getByReference() — Method in class FormConfigInterface
Returns whether the form's data should be modified by reference.
FormConfigInterface::getInheritData() — Method in class FormConfigInterface
Returns whether the form should read and write the data of its parent.
FormConfigInterface::getCompound() — Method in class FormConfigInterface
Returns whether the form is compound.
FormConfigInterface::getType() — Method in class FormConfigInterface
Returns the form types used to construct the form.
FormConfigInterface::getViewTransformers() — Method in class FormConfigInterface
Returns the view transformers of the form.
FormConfigInterface::getModelTransformers() — Method in class FormConfigInterface
Returns the model transformers of the form.
FormConfigInterface::getDataMapper() — Method in class FormConfigInterface
Returns the data mapper of the form.
FormConfigInterface::getRequired() — Method in class FormConfigInterface
Returns whether the form is required.
FormConfigInterface::getDisabled() — Method in class FormConfigInterface
Returns whether the form is disabled.
FormConfigInterface::getErrorBubbling() — Method in class FormConfigInterface
Returns whether errors attached to the form will bubble to its parent.
FormConfigInterface::getEmptyData() — Method in class FormConfigInterface
Returns the data that should be returned when the form is empty.
FormConfigInterface::getAttributes() — Method in class FormConfigInterface
Returns additional attributes of the form.
FormConfigInterface::getAttribute() — Method in class FormConfigInterface
Returns the value of the given attribute.
FormConfigInterface::getData() — Method in class FormConfigInterface
Returns the initial data of the form.
FormConfigInterface::getDataClass() — Method in class FormConfigInterface
Returns the class of the form data or null if the data is scalar or an array.
FormConfigInterface::getDataLocked() — Method in class FormConfigInterface
Returns whether the form's data is locked.
FormConfigInterface::getFormFactory() — Method in class FormConfigInterface
Returns the form factory used for creating new forms.
FormConfigInterface::getAction() — Method in class FormConfigInterface
Returns the target URL of the form.
FormConfigInterface::getMethod() — Method in class FormConfigInterface
Returns the HTTP method used by the form.
FormConfigInterface::getRequestHandler() — Method in class FormConfigInterface
Returns the request handler used by the form.
FormConfigInterface::getAutoInitialize() — Method in class FormConfigInterface
Returns whether the form should be initialized upon creation.
FormConfigInterface::getOptions() — Method in class FormConfigInterface
Returns all options passed during the construction of the form.
FormConfigInterface::getOption() — Method in class FormConfigInterface
Returns the value of a specific option.
FormError::getMessage() — Method in class FormError
Returns the error message.
FormError::getMessageTemplate() — Method in class FormError
Returns the error message template.
FormError::getMessageParameters() — Method in class FormError
Returns the parameters to be inserted in the message template.
FormError::getMessagePluralization() — Method in class FormError
Returns the value for error message pluralization.
FormError::getCause() — Method in class FormError
Returns the cause of this error.
FormError::getOrigin() — Method in class FormError
Returns the form that caused this error.
FormErrorIterator::getForm() — Method in class FormErrorIterator
Returns the iterated form.
FormErrorIterator::getChildren() — Method in class FormErrorIterator
Alias of {@link current()}.
FormEvent::getForm() — Method in class FormEvent
Returns the form at the source of the event.
FormEvent::getData() — Method in class FormEvent
Returns the data associated with this event.
FormExtensionInterface::getType() — Method in class FormExtensionInterface
Returns a type by name.
FormExtensionInterface::getTypeExtensions() — Method in class FormExtensionInterface
Returns the extensions for the given type.
FormExtensionInterface::getTypeGuesser() — Method in class FormExtensionInterface
Returns the type guesser provided by this extension.
FormFactoryBuilder::getFormFactory() — Method in class FormFactoryBuilder
Builds and returns the factory.
FormFactoryBuilderInterface::getFormFactory() — Method in class FormFactoryBuilderInterface
Builds and returns the factory.
FormInterface::getParent() — Method in class FormInterface
Returns the parent form.
FormInterface::get() — Method in class FormInterface
Returns the child with the given name.
FormInterface::getErrors() — Method in class FormInterface
Returns the errors of this form.
FormInterface::getData() — Method in class FormInterface
Returns the data in the format needed for the underlying object.
FormInterface::getNormData() — Method in class FormInterface
Returns the normalized data of the field.
FormInterface::getViewData() — Method in class FormInterface
Returns the data transformed by the value transformer.
FormInterface::getExtraData() — Method in class FormInterface
Returns the extra data.
FormInterface::getConfig() — Method in class FormInterface
Returns the form's configuration.
FormInterface::getName() — Method in class FormInterface
Returns the name by which the form is identified in forms.
FormInterface::getPropertyPath() — Method in class FormInterface
Returns the property path that the form is mapped to.
FormInterface::getTransformationFailure() — Method in class FormInterface
Returns the data transformation failure, if any.
FormInterface::getRoot() — Method in class FormInterface
Returns the root of the form tree.
FormRegistry::getType() — Method in class FormRegistry
Returns a form type by name.
FormRegistry::getTypeGuesser() — Method in class FormRegistry
Returns the guesser responsible for guessing types.
FormRegistry::getExtensions() — Method in class FormRegistry
Returns the extensions loaded by the framework.
FormRegistryInterface::getType() — Method in class FormRegistryInterface
Returns a form type by name.
FormRegistryInterface::getTypeGuesser() — Method in class FormRegistryInterface
Returns the guesser responsible for guessing types.
FormRegistryInterface::getExtensions() — Method in class FormRegistryInterface
Returns the extensions loaded by the framework.
FormRenderer::getEngine() — Method in class FormRenderer
Returns the engine used by this renderer.
FormRendererEngineInterface::getResourceForBlockName() — Method in class FormRendererEngineInterface
Returns the resource for a block name.
FormRendererEngineInterface::getResourceForBlockNameHierarchy() — Method in class FormRendererEngineInterface
Returns the resource for a block hierarchy.
FormRendererEngineInterface::getResourceHierarchyLevel() — Method in class FormRendererEngineInterface
Returns the hierarchy level at which a resource can be found.
FormRendererInterface::getEngine() — Method in class FormRendererInterface
Returns the engine used by this renderer.
FormTypeExtensionInterface::getExtendedType() — Method in class FormTypeExtensionInterface
Returns the name of the type being extended.
FormTypeGuesserChain::guessType() — Method in class FormTypeGuesserChain
Returns a field guess for a property name of a class.
FormTypeGuesserChain::guessRequired() — Method in class FormTypeGuesserChain
Returns a guess whether a property of a class is required.
FormTypeGuesserChain::guessMaxLength() — Method in class FormTypeGuesserChain
Returns a guess about the field's maximum length.
FormTypeGuesserChain::guessPattern() — Method in class FormTypeGuesserChain
Returns a guess about the field's pattern.
FormTypeGuesserInterface::guessType() — Method in class FormTypeGuesserInterface
Returns a field guess for a property name of a class.
FormTypeGuesserInterface::guessRequired() — Method in class FormTypeGuesserInterface
Returns a guess whether a property of a class is required.
FormTypeGuesserInterface::guessMaxLength() — Method in class FormTypeGuesserInterface
Returns a guess about the field's maximum length.
FormTypeGuesserInterface::guessPattern() — Method in class FormTypeGuesserInterface
Returns a guess about the field's pattern.
FormTypeInterface::getBlockPrefix() — Method in class FormTypeInterface
Returns the prefix of the template block name for this type.
FormTypeInterface::getParent() — Method in class FormTypeInterface
Returns the name of the parent type.
FormView::getIterator() — Method in class FormView
Returns an iterator to iterate over children (implements \IteratorAggregate).
GuessClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Form\Guess
Base class for guesses made by TypeGuesserInterface implementation.
Guess::getBestGuess() — Method in class Guess
Returns the guess most likely to be correct from a list of guesses.
Guess::getConfidence() — Method in class Guess
Returns the confidence that the guessed value is correct.
TypeGuess::getType() — Method in class TypeGuess
Returns the guessed field type.
TypeGuess::getOptions() — Method in class TypeGuess
Returns the guessed options for creating instances of the guessed type.
ValueGuess::getValue() — Method in class ValueGuess
Returns the guessed value.
PreloadedExtension::getType() — Method in class PreloadedExtension
Returns a type by name.
PreloadedExtension::getTypeExtensions() — Method in class PreloadedExtension
Returns the extensions for the given type.
PreloadedExtension::getTypeGuesser() — Method in class PreloadedExtension
Returns the type guesser provided by this extension.
ResolvedFormType::getBlockPrefix() — Method in class ResolvedFormType
Returns the prefix of the template block name for this type.
ResolvedFormType::getParent() — Method in class ResolvedFormType
Returns the parent type.
ResolvedFormType::getInnerType() — Method in class ResolvedFormType
Returns the wrapped form type.
ResolvedFormType::getTypeExtensions() — Method in class ResolvedFormType
Returns the extensions of the wrapped form type.
ResolvedFormType::getOptionsResolver() — Method in class ResolvedFormType
Returns the configured options resolver used for this type.
ResolvedFormTypeInterface::getBlockPrefix() — Method in class ResolvedFormTypeInterface
Returns the prefix of the template block name for this type.
ResolvedFormTypeInterface::getParent() — Method in class ResolvedFormTypeInterface
Returns the parent type.
ResolvedFormTypeInterface::getInnerType() — Method in class ResolvedFormTypeInterface
Returns the wrapped form type.
ResolvedFormTypeInterface::getTypeExtensions() — Method in class ResolvedFormTypeInterface
Returns the extensions of the wrapped form type.
ResolvedFormTypeInterface::getOptionsResolver() — Method in class ResolvedFormTypeInterface
Returns the configured options resolver used for this type.
SubmitButtonBuilder::getForm() — Method in class SubmitButtonBuilder
Creates the button.
FormIntegrationTestCase::getExtensions() — Method in class FormIntegrationTestCase
FormIntegrationTestCase::getTypeExtensions() — Method in class FormIntegrationTestCase
FormIntegrationTestCase::getTypes() — Method in class FormIntegrationTestCase
FormIntegrationTestCase::getTypeGuessers() — Method in class FormIntegrationTestCase
FormPerformanceTestCase::getMaxRunningTime() — Method in class FormPerformanceTestCase
ValidatorExtensionTrait::getValidatorExtension() — Method in class ValidatorExtensionTrait
TypeTestCase::getExtensions() — Method in class TypeTestCase
InheritDataAwareIterator::getChildren() — Method in class InheritDataAwareIterator
OptionsResolverWrapper::getUndefinedOptions() — Method in class OptionsResolverWrapper
OrderedHashMap::getIterator() — Method in class OrderedHashMap
ServerParams::getPostMaxSize() — Method in class ServerParams
Returns maximum post size in bytes.
ServerParams::getNormalizedIniPostMaxSize() — Method in class ServerParams
Returns the normalized "post_max_size" ini setting.
ServerParams::getContentLength() — Method in class ServerParams
Returns the content length of the request.
AcceptHeader::get() — Method in class AcceptHeader
Returns given value's item, if exists.
AcceptHeaderItem::getValue() — Method in class AcceptHeaderItem
Returns the item value.
AcceptHeaderItem::getQuality() — Method in class AcceptHeaderItem
Returns the item quality.
AcceptHeaderItem::getIndex() — Method in class AcceptHeaderItem
Returns the item index.
AcceptHeaderItem::getAttribute() — Method in class AcceptHeaderItem
Returns an attribute by its name.
AcceptHeaderItem::getAttributes() — Method in class AcceptHeaderItem
Returns all attributes.
BinaryFileResponse::getFile() — Method in class BinaryFileResponse
Gets the file.
BinaryFileResponse::getContent() — Method in class BinaryFileResponse
Gets the current response content.
Cookie::getName() — Method in class Cookie
Gets the name of the cookie.
Cookie::getValue() — Method in class Cookie
Gets the value of the cookie.
Cookie::getDomain() — Method in class Cookie
Gets the domain that the cookie is available to.
Cookie::getExpiresTime() — Method in class Cookie
Gets the time the cookie expires.
Cookie::getMaxAge() — Method in class Cookie
Gets the max-age attribute.
Cookie::getPath() — Method in class Cookie
Gets the path on the server in which the cookie will be available on.
Cookie::getSameSite() — Method in class Cookie
Gets the SameSite attribute.
File::guessExtension() — Method in class File
Returns the extension based on the mime type.
File::getMimeType() — Method in class File
Returns the mime type of the file.
File::getTargetFile() — Method in class File
File::getName() — Method in class File
Returns locale independent base name of the given path.
$ExtensionGuesser#guessersProperty in class ExtensionGuesser
All registered ExtensionGuesserInterface instances.
ExtensionGuesser::getInstance() — Method in class ExtensionGuesser
Returns the singleton instance.
ExtensionGuesser::guess() — Method in class ExtensionGuesser
Tries to guess the extension.
ExtensionGuesserInterface::guess() — Method in class ExtensionGuesserInterface
Makes a best guess for a file extension, given a mime type.
FileBinaryMimeTypeGuesser::guess() — Method in class FileBinaryMimeTypeGuesser
Guesses the mime type of the file with the given path.
FileinfoMimeTypeGuesser::guess() — Method in class FileinfoMimeTypeGuesser
Guesses the mime type of the file with the given path.
MimeTypeExtensionGuesser::guess() — Method in class MimeTypeExtensionGuesser
Makes a best guess for a file extension, given a mime type.
$MimeTypeGuesser#guessersProperty in class MimeTypeGuesser
All registered MimeTypeGuesserInterface instances.
MimeTypeGuesser::getInstance() — Method in class MimeTypeGuesser
Returns the singleton instance.
MimeTypeGuesser::guess() — Method in class MimeTypeGuesser
Tries to guess the mime type of the given file.
MimeTypeGuesserInterface::guess() — Method in class MimeTypeGuesserInterface
Guesses the mime type of the file with the given path.
Stream::getSize() — Method in class Stream
UploadedFile::getClientOriginalName() — Method in class UploadedFile
Returns the original file name.
UploadedFile::getClientOriginalExtension() — Method in class UploadedFile
Returns the original file extension.
UploadedFile::getClientMimeType() — Method in class UploadedFile
Returns the file mime type.
UploadedFile::guessClientExtension() — Method in class UploadedFile
Returns the extension based on the client mime type.
UploadedFile::getClientSize() — Method in class UploadedFile
Returns the file size.
UploadedFile::getError() — Method in class UploadedFile
Returns the upload error.
UploadedFile::getMaxFilesize() — Method in class UploadedFile
Returns the maximum size of an uploaded file as configured in php.ini.
UploadedFile::getErrorMessage() — Method in class UploadedFile
Returns an informative upload error message.
HeaderBag::get() — Method in class HeaderBag
Returns a header value by name.
HeaderBag::getDate() — Method in class HeaderBag
Returns the HTTP header value converted to a date.
HeaderBag::getCacheControlDirective() — Method in class HeaderBag
Returns a Cache-Control directive value by name.
HeaderBag::getIterator() — Method in class HeaderBag
Returns an iterator for headers.
HeaderBag::getCacheControlHeader() — Method in class HeaderBag
JsonResponse::getEncodingOptions() — Method in class JsonResponse
Returns options used while encoding data to JSON.
ParameterBag::get() — Method in class ParameterBag
Returns a parameter by name.
ParameterBag::getAlpha() — Method in class ParameterBag
Returns the alphabetic characters of the parameter value.
ParameterBag::getAlnum() — Method in class ParameterBag
Returns the alphabetic characters and digits of the parameter value.
ParameterBag::getDigits() — Method in class ParameterBag
Returns the digits of the parameter value.
ParameterBag::getInt() — Method in class ParameterBag
Returns the parameter value converted to integer.
ParameterBag::getBoolean() — Method in class ParameterBag
Returns the parameter value converted to boolean.
ParameterBag::getIterator() — Method in class ParameterBag
Returns an iterator for parameters.
RedirectResponse::getTargetUrl() — Method in class RedirectResponse
Returns the target URL.
Request::getTrustedProxies() — Method in class Request
Gets the list of trusted proxies.
Request::getTrustedHeaderSet() — Method in class Request
Gets the set of trusted headers from trusted proxies.
Request::getTrustedHosts() — Method in class Request
Gets the list of trusted host patterns.
Request::getHttpMethodParameterOverride() — Method in class Request
Checks whether support for the _method request parameter is enabled.
Request::get() — Method in class Request
Gets a "parameter" value from any bag.
Request::getSession() — Method in class Request
Gets the Session.
Request::getClientIps() — Method in class Request
Returns the client IP addresses.
Request::getClientIp() — Method in class Request
Returns the client IP address.
Request::getScriptName() — Method in class Request
Returns current script name.
Request::getPathInfo() — Method in class Request
Returns the path being requested relative to the executed script.
Request::getBasePath() — Method in class Request
Returns the root path from which this request is executed.
Request::getBaseUrl() — Method in class Request
Returns the root URL from which this request is executed.
Request::getScheme() — Method in class Request
Gets the request's scheme.
Request::getPort() — Method in class Request
Returns the port on which the request is made.
Request::getUser() — Method in class Request
Returns the user.
Request::getPassword() — Method in class Request
Returns the password.
Request::getUserInfo() — Method in class Request
Gets the user info.
Request::getHttpHost() — Method in class Request
Returns the HTTP host being requested.
Request::getRequestUri() — Method in class Request
Returns the requested URI (path and query string).
Request::getSchemeAndHttpHost() — Method in class Request
Gets the scheme and HTTP host.
Request::getUri() — Method in class Request
Generates a normalized URI (URL) for the Request.
Request::getUriForPath() — Method in class Request
Generates a normalized URI for the given path.
Request::getRelativeUriForPath() — Method in class Request
Returns the path as relative reference from the current Request path.
Request::getQueryString() — Method in class Request
Generates the normalized query string for the Request.
Request::getHost() — Method in class Request
Returns the host name.
Request::getMethod() — Method in class Request
Gets the request "intended" method.
Request::getRealMethod() — Method in class Request
Gets the "real" request method.
Request::getMimeType() — Method in class Request
Gets the mime type associated with the format.
Request::getMimeTypes() — Method in class Request
Gets the mime types associated with the format.
Request::getFormat() — Method in class Request
Gets the format associated with the mime type.
Request::getRequestFormat() — Method in class Request
Gets the request format.
Request::getContentType() — Method in class Request
Gets the format associated with the request.
Request::getDefaultLocale() — Method in class Request
Get the default locale.
Request::getLocale() — Method in class Request
Get the locale.
Request::getProtocolVersion() — Method in class Request
Returns the protocol version.
Request::getContent() — Method in class Request
Returns the request body content.
Request::getETags() — Method in class Request
Gets the Etags.
Request::getPreferredLanguage() — Method in class Request
Returns the preferred language.
Request::getLanguages() — Method in class Request
Gets a list of languages acceptable by the client browser.
Request::getCharsets() — Method in class Request
Gets a list of charsets acceptable by the client browser.
Request::getEncodings() — Method in class Request
Gets a list of encodings acceptable by the client browser.
Request::getAcceptableContentTypes() — Method in class Request
Gets a list of content types acceptable by the client browser.
RequestStack::getCurrentRequest() — Method in class RequestStack
RequestStack::getMasterRequest() — Method in class RequestStack
Gets the master Request.
RequestStack::getParentRequest() — Method in class RequestStack
Returns the parent request of the current.
Response::getContent() — Method in class Response
Gets the current response content.
Response::getProtocolVersion() — Method in class Response
Gets the HTTP protocol version.
Response::getStatusCode() — Method in class Response
Retrieves the status code for the current web response.
Response::getCharset() — Method in class Response
Retrieves the response charset.
Response::getDate() — Method in class Response
Returns the Date header as a DateTime instance.
Response::getAge() — Method in class Response
Returns the age of the response in seconds.
Response::getExpires() — Method in class Response
Returns the value of the Expires header as a DateTime instance.
Response::getMaxAge() — Method in class Response
Returns the number of seconds after the time specified in the response's Date header when the response should no longer be considered fresh.
Response::getTtl() — Method in class Response
Returns the response's time-to-live in seconds.
Response::getLastModified() — Method in class Response
Returns the Last-Modified HTTP header as a DateTime instance.
Response::getEtag() — Method in class Response
Returns the literal value of the ETag HTTP header.
Response::getVary() — Method in class Response
Returns an array of header names given in the Vary header.
ResponseHeaderBag::getCacheControlDirective() — Method in class ResponseHeaderBag
Returns a Cache-Control directive value by name.
ResponseHeaderBag::getCookies() — Method in class ResponseHeaderBag
Returns an array with all cookies.
ServerBag::getHeaders() — Method in class ServerBag
Gets the HTTP headers.
AttributeBag::getName() — Method in class AttributeBag
Gets this bag's name.
AttributeBag::getStorageKey() — Method in class AttributeBag
Gets the storage key for this bag.
AttributeBag::get() — Method in class AttributeBag
Returns an attribute.
AttributeBag::getIterator() — Method in class AttributeBag
Returns an iterator for attributes.
AttributeBagInterface::get() — Method in class AttributeBagInterface
Returns an attribute.
NamespacedAttributeBag::get() — Method in class NamespacedAttributeBag
Returns an attribute.
AutoExpireFlashBag::getName() — Method in class AutoExpireFlashBag
Gets this bag's name.
AutoExpireFlashBag::get() — Method in class AutoExpireFlashBag
Gets and clears flash from the stack.
AutoExpireFlashBag::getStorageKey() — Method in class AutoExpireFlashBag
Gets the storage key for this bag.
FlashBag::getName() — Method in class FlashBag
Gets this bag's name.
FlashBag::get() — Method in class FlashBag
Gets and clears flash from the stack.
FlashBag::getStorageKey() — Method in class FlashBag
Gets the storage key for this bag.
FlashBagInterface::get() — Method in class FlashBagInterface
Gets and clears flash from the stack.
Session::get() — Method in class Session
Returns an attribute.
Session::getIterator() — Method in class Session
Returns an iterator for attributes.
Session::getUsageIndex() — Method in class Session
Session::getId() — Method in class Session
Returns the session ID.
Session::getName() — Method in class Session
Returns the session name.
Session::getMetadataBag() — Method in class Session
Gets session meta.
Session::getBag() — Method in class Session
Gets a bag instance by name.
Session::getFlashBag() — Method in class Session
Gets the flashbag interface.
SessionBagInterface::getName() — Method in class SessionBagInterface
Gets this bag's name.
SessionBagInterface::getStorageKey() — Method in class SessionBagInterface
Gets the storage key for this bag.
SessionBagProxy::getBag() — Method in class SessionBagProxy
SessionBagProxy::getName() — Method in class SessionBagProxy
Gets this bag's name.
SessionBagProxy::getStorageKey() — Method in class SessionBagProxy
Gets the storage key for this bag.
SessionInterface::getId() — Method in class SessionInterface
Returns the session ID.
SessionInterface::getName() — Method in class SessionInterface
Returns the session name.
SessionInterface::get() — Method in class SessionInterface
Returns an attribute.
SessionInterface::getBag() — Method in class SessionInterface
Gets a bag instance by name.
SessionInterface::getMetadataBag() — Method in class SessionInterface
Gets session meta.
MemcachedSessionHandler::gc() — Method in class MemcachedSessionHandler
MemcachedSessionHandler::getMemcached() — Method in class MemcachedSessionHandler
Return a Memcached instance.
MigratingSessionHandler::gc() — Method in class MigratingSessionHandler
MongoDbSessionHandler::gc() — Method in class MongoDbSessionHandler
MongoDbSessionHandler::getMongo() — Method in class MongoDbSessionHandler
NullSessionHandler::gc() — Method in class NullSessionHandler
PdoSessionHandler::gc() — Method in class PdoSessionHandler
PdoSessionHandler::getConnection() — Method in class PdoSessionHandler
Return a PDO instance.
RedisSessionHandler::gc() — Method in class RedisSessionHandler
StrictSessionHandler::gc() — Method in class StrictSessionHandler
MetadataBag::getLifetime() — Method in class MetadataBag
Gets the lifetime that the session cookie was set with.
MetadataBag::getStorageKey() — Method in class MetadataBag
Gets the storage key for this bag.
MetadataBag::getCreated() — Method in class MetadataBag
Gets the created timestamp metadata.
MetadataBag::getLastUsed() — Method in class MetadataBag
Gets the last used metadata.
MetadataBag::getName() — Method in class MetadataBag
Gets this bag's name.
MockArraySessionStorage::getId() — Method in class MockArraySessionStorage
Returns the session ID.
MockArraySessionStorage::getName() — Method in class MockArraySessionStorage
Returns the session name.
MockArraySessionStorage::getBag() — Method in class MockArraySessionStorage
Gets a SessionBagInterface by name.
MockArraySessionStorage::getMetadataBag() — Method in class MockArraySessionStorage
Gets the MetadataBag.
MockArraySessionStorage::generateId() — Method in class MockArraySessionStorage
Generates a session ID.
NativeSessionStorage::getSaveHandler() — Method in class NativeSessionStorage
Gets the save handler instance.
NativeSessionStorage::getId() — Method in class NativeSessionStorage
Returns the session ID.
NativeSessionStorage::getName() — Method in class NativeSessionStorage
Returns the session name.
NativeSessionStorage::getBag() — Method in class NativeSessionStorage
Gets a SessionBagInterface by name.
NativeSessionStorage::getMetadataBag() — Method in class NativeSessionStorage
Gets the MetadataBag.
AbstractProxy::getSaveHandlerName() — Method in class AbstractProxy
Gets the session.save_handler name.
AbstractProxy::getId() — Method in class AbstractProxy
Gets the session ID.
AbstractProxy::getName() — Method in class AbstractProxy
Gets the session name.
SessionHandlerProxy::getHandler() — Method in class SessionHandlerProxy
SessionHandlerProxy::gc() — Method in class SessionHandlerProxy
SessionStorageInterface::getId() — Method in class SessionStorageInterface
Returns the session ID.
SessionStorageInterface::getName() — Method in class SessionStorageInterface
Returns the session name.
SessionStorageInterface::getBag() — Method in class SessionStorageInterface
Gets a SessionBagInterface by name.
SessionStorageInterface::getMetadataBag() — Method in class SessionStorageInterface
StreamedResponse::getContent() — Method in class StreamedResponse
Gets the current response content.
Bundle::getContainerExtension() — Method in class Bundle
Returns the bundle's container extension.
Bundle::getNamespace() — Method in class Bundle
Gets the Bundle namespace.
Bundle::getPath() — Method in class Bundle
Gets the Bundle directory path.
Bundle::getName() — Method in class Bundle
Returns the bundle name (the class short name).
Bundle::getContainerExtensionClass() — Method in class Bundle
Returns the bundle's container extension class.
BundleInterface::getContainerExtension() — Method in class BundleInterface
Returns the container extension that should be implicitly loaded.
BundleInterface::getName() — Method in class BundleInterface
Returns the bundle name (the class short name).
BundleInterface::getNamespace() — Method in class BundleInterface
Gets the Bundle namespace.
BundleInterface::getPath() — Method in class BundleInterface
Gets the Bundle directory path.
Psr6CacheClearer::getPool() — Method in class Psr6CacheClearer
Client::getScript() — Method in class Client
Returns the script to execute when the request must be insulated.
Client::getHandleScript() — Method in class Client
Client::getRequest() — Method in class Client
A Request instance
Client::getResponse() — Method in class Client
A Response instance
ArgumentMetadata::getName() — Method in class ArgumentMetadata
Returns the name as given in PHP, $foo would yield "foo".
ArgumentMetadata::getType() — Method in class ArgumentMetadata
Returns the type of the argument.
ArgumentMetadata::getDefaultValue() — Method in class ArgumentMetadata
Returns the default value of the argument.
ArgumentResolver::getArguments() — Method in class ArgumentResolver
Returns the arguments to pass to the controller.
ArgumentResolver::getDefaultArgumentValueResolvers() — Method in class ArgumentResolver
ArgumentResolverInterface::getArguments() — Method in class ArgumentResolverInterface
Returns the arguments to pass to the controller.
ControllerResolver::getController() — Method in class ControllerResolver
Returns the Controller instance associated with a Request.
ControllerResolverInterface::getController() — Method in class ControllerResolverInterface
Returns the Controller instance associated with a Request.
TraceableArgumentResolver::getArguments() — Method in class TraceableArgumentResolver
Returns the arguments to pass to the controller.
TraceableControllerResolver::getController() — Method in class TraceableControllerResolver
Returns the Controller instance associated with a Request.
AjaxDataCollector::getName() — Method in class AjaxDataCollector
Returns the name of the collector.
ConfigDataCollector::getApplicationName() — Method in class ConfigDataCollector
ConfigDataCollector::getApplicationVersion() — Method in class ConfigDataCollector
ConfigDataCollector::getToken() — Method in class ConfigDataCollector
Gets the token.
ConfigDataCollector::getSymfonyVersion() — Method in class ConfigDataCollector
Gets the Symfony version.
ConfigDataCollector::getSymfonyState() — Method in class ConfigDataCollector
Returns the state of the current Symfony release.
ConfigDataCollector::getSymfonyMinorVersion() — Method in class ConfigDataCollector
Returns the minor Symfony version used (without patch numbers of extra suffix like "RC", "beta", etc.).
ConfigDataCollector::getSymfonyEom() — Method in class ConfigDataCollector
Returns the human redable date when this Symfony version ends its maintenance period.
ConfigDataCollector::getSymfonyEol() — Method in class ConfigDataCollector
Returns the human redable date when this Symfony version reaches its "end of life" and won't receive bugs or security fixes.
ConfigDataCollector::getPhpVersion() — Method in class ConfigDataCollector
Gets the PHP version.
ConfigDataCollector::getPhpVersionExtra() — Method in class ConfigDataCollector
Gets the PHP version extra part.
ConfigDataCollector::getPhpArchitecture() — Method in class ConfigDataCollector
ConfigDataCollector::getPhpIntlLocale() — Method in class ConfigDataCollector
ConfigDataCollector::getPhpTimezone() — Method in class ConfigDataCollector
ConfigDataCollector::getAppName() — Method in class ConfigDataCollector
Gets the application name.
ConfigDataCollector::getEnv() — Method in class ConfigDataCollector
Gets the environment.
ConfigDataCollector::getBundles() — Method in class ConfigDataCollector
ConfigDataCollector::getSapiName() — Method in class ConfigDataCollector
Gets the PHP SAPI name.
ConfigDataCollector::getName() — Method in class ConfigDataCollector
Returns the name of the collector.
DataCollector::getCasters() — Method in class DataCollector
DataCollectorInterface::getName() — Method in class DataCollectorInterface
Returns the name of the collector.
DumpDataCollector::getDumpsCount() — Method in class DumpDataCollector
DumpDataCollector::getDumps() — Method in class DumpDataCollector
DumpDataCollector::getName() — Method in class DumpDataCollector
Returns the name of the collector.
EventDataCollector::getCalledListeners() — Method in class EventDataCollector
Gets the called listeners.
EventDataCollector::getNotCalledListeners() — Method in class EventDataCollector
Gets the not called listeners.
EventDataCollector::getOrphanedEvents() — Method in class EventDataCollector
Gets the orphaned events.
EventDataCollector::getName() — Method in class EventDataCollector
Returns the name of the collector.
ExceptionDataCollector::getException() — Method in class ExceptionDataCollector
Gets the exception.
ExceptionDataCollector::getMessage() — Method in class ExceptionDataCollector
Gets the exception message.
ExceptionDataCollector::getCode() — Method in class ExceptionDataCollector
Gets the exception code.
ExceptionDataCollector::getStatusCode() — Method in class ExceptionDataCollector
Gets the status code.
ExceptionDataCollector::getTrace() — Method in class ExceptionDataCollector
Gets the exception trace.
ExceptionDataCollector::getName() — Method in class ExceptionDataCollector
Returns the name of the collector.
LoggerDataCollector::getLogs() — Method in class LoggerDataCollector
Gets the logs.
LoggerDataCollector::getPriorities() — Method in class LoggerDataCollector
LoggerDataCollector::getCompilerLogs() — Method in class LoggerDataCollector
LoggerDataCollector::getName() — Method in class LoggerDataCollector
Returns the name of the collector.
MemoryDataCollector::getMemory() — Method in class MemoryDataCollector
Gets the memory.
MemoryDataCollector::getMemoryLimit() — Method in class MemoryDataCollector
Gets the PHP memory limit.
MemoryDataCollector::getName() — Method in class MemoryDataCollector
Returns the name of the collector.
RequestDataCollector::getMethod() — Method in class RequestDataCollector
RequestDataCollector::getPathInfo() — Method in class RequestDataCollector
RequestDataCollector::getRequestRequest() — Method in class RequestDataCollector
RequestDataCollector::getRequestQuery() — Method in class RequestDataCollector
RequestDataCollector::getRequestFiles() — Method in class RequestDataCollector
RequestDataCollector::getRequestHeaders() — Method in class RequestDataCollector
RequestDataCollector::getRequestServer() — Method in class RequestDataCollector
RequestDataCollector::getRequestCookies() — Method in class RequestDataCollector
RequestDataCollector::getRequestAttributes() — Method in class RequestDataCollector
RequestDataCollector::getResponseHeaders() — Method in class RequestDataCollector
RequestDataCollector::getResponseCookies() — Method in class RequestDataCollector
RequestDataCollector::getSessionMetadata() — Method in class RequestDataCollector
RequestDataCollector::getSessionAttributes() — Method in class RequestDataCollector
RequestDataCollector::getFlashes() — Method in class RequestDataCollector
RequestDataCollector::getContent() — Method in class RequestDataCollector
RequestDataCollector::getContentType() — Method in class RequestDataCollector
RequestDataCollector::getStatusText() — Method in class RequestDataCollector
RequestDataCollector::getStatusCode() — Method in class RequestDataCollector
RequestDataCollector::getFormat() — Method in class RequestDataCollector
RequestDataCollector::getLocale() — Method in class RequestDataCollector
RequestDataCollector::getDotenvVars() — Method in class RequestDataCollector
RequestDataCollector::getRoute() — Method in class RequestDataCollector
Gets the route name.
RequestDataCollector::getIdentifier() — Method in class RequestDataCollector
RequestDataCollector::getRouteParams() — Method in class RequestDataCollector
Gets the route parameters.
RequestDataCollector::getController() — Method in class RequestDataCollector
Gets the parsed controller.
RequestDataCollector::getRedirect() — Method in class RequestDataCollector
Gets the previous request attributes.
RequestDataCollector::getForwardToken() — Method in class RequestDataCollector
RequestDataCollector::getSubscribedEvents() — Method in class RequestDataCollector
Returns an array of event names this subscriber wants to listen to.
RequestDataCollector::getName() — Method in class RequestDataCollector
Returns the name of the collector.
RouterDataCollector::guessRoute() — Method in class RouterDataCollector
RouterDataCollector::getRedirect() — Method in class RouterDataCollector
RouterDataCollector::getTargetUrl() — Method in class RouterDataCollector
RouterDataCollector::getTargetRoute() — Method in class RouterDataCollector
RouterDataCollector::getName() — Method in class RouterDataCollector
Returns the name of the collector.
TimeDataCollector::getEvents() — Method in class TimeDataCollector
Gets the request events.
TimeDataCollector::getDuration() — Method in class TimeDataCollector
Gets the request elapsed time.
TimeDataCollector::getInitTime() — Method in class TimeDataCollector
Gets the initialization time.
TimeDataCollector::getStartTime() — Method in class TimeDataCollector
Gets the request time.
TimeDataCollector::getName() — Method in class TimeDataCollector
Returns the name of the collector.
FileLinkFormatter::generateUrlFormat() — Method in class FileLinkFormatter
Extension::getAnnotatedClassesToCompile() — Method in class Extension
Gets the annotated classes to cache.
AbstractSessionListener::getSubscribedEvents() — Method in class AbstractSessionListener
Returns an array of event names this subscriber wants to listen to.
AbstractSessionListener::getSession() — Method in class AbstractSessionListener
Gets the session object.
AbstractTestSessionListener::getSubscribedEvents() — Method in class AbstractTestSessionListener
Returns an array of event names this subscriber wants to listen to.
AbstractTestSessionListener::getSession() — Method in class AbstractTestSessionListener
Gets the session object.
AddRequestFormatsListener::getSubscribedEvents() — Method in class AddRequestFormatsListener
Returns an array of event names this subscriber wants to listen to.
DebugHandlersListener::getSubscribedEvents() — Method in class DebugHandlersListener
Returns an array of event names this subscriber wants to listen to.
DumpListener::getSubscribedEvents() — Method in class DumpListener
Returns an array of event names this subscriber wants to listen to.
ExceptionListener::getSubscribedEvents() — Method in class ExceptionListener
Returns an array of event names this subscriber wants to listen to.
FragmentListener::getSubscribedEvents() — Method in class FragmentListener
Returns an array of event names this subscriber wants to listen to.
LocaleListener::getSubscribedEvents() — Method in class LocaleListener
Returns an array of event names this subscriber wants to listen to.
ProfilerListener::getSubscribedEvents() — Method in class ProfilerListener
Returns an array of event names this subscriber wants to listen to.
ResponseListener::getSubscribedEvents() — Method in class ResponseListener
Returns an array of event names this subscriber wants to listen to.
RouterListener::getSubscribedEvents() — Method in class RouterListener
Returns an array of event names this subscriber wants to listen to.
SaveSessionListener::getSubscribedEvents() — Method in class SaveSessionListener
Returns an array of event names this subscriber wants to listen to.
SessionListener::getSession() — Method in class SessionListener
Gets the session object.
StreamedResponseListener::getSubscribedEvents() — Method in class StreamedResponseListener
Returns an array of event names this subscriber wants to listen to.
SurrogateListener::getSubscribedEvents() — Method in class SurrogateListener
Returns an array of event names this subscriber wants to listen to.
TestSessionListener::getSession() — Method in class TestSessionListener
Gets the session object.
TranslatorListener::getSubscribedEvents() — Method in class TranslatorListener
Returns an array of event names this subscriber wants to listen to.
ValidateRequestListener::getSubscribedEvents() — Method in class ValidateRequestListener
Returns an array of event names this subscriber wants to listen to.
FilterControllerArgumentsEvent::getArguments() — Method in class FilterControllerArgumentsEvent
FilterControllerEvent::getController() — Method in class FilterControllerEvent
Returns the current controller.
FilterResponseEvent::getResponse() — Method in class FilterResponseEvent
Returns the current response object.
GetResponseEventClass in namespace Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Event
Allows to create a response for a request.
GetResponseEvent::getResponse() — Method in class GetResponseEvent
Returns the response object.
GetResponseForControllerResultEventClass in namespace Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Event
Allows to create a response for the return value of a controller.
GetResponseForControllerResultEvent::getControllerResult() — Method in class GetResponseForControllerResultEvent
Returns the return value of the controller.
GetResponseForExceptionEventClass in namespace Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Event
Allows to create a response for a thrown exception.
GetResponseForExceptionEvent::getException() — Method in class GetResponseForExceptionEvent
Returns the thrown exception.
KernelEvent::getKernel() — Method in class KernelEvent
Returns the kernel in which this event was thrown.
KernelEvent::getRequest() — Method in class KernelEvent
Returns the request the kernel is currently processing.
KernelEvent::getRequestType() — Method in class KernelEvent
Returns the request type the kernel is currently processing.
PostResponseEvent::getResponse() — Method in class PostResponseEvent
Returns the response for which this event was thrown.
GoneHttpExceptionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Exception
HttpException::getStatusCode() — Method in class HttpException
Returns the status code.
HttpException::getHeaders() — Method in class HttpException
Returns response headers.
HttpExceptionInterface::getStatusCode() — Method in class HttpExceptionInterface
Returns the status code.
HttpExceptionInterface::getHeaders() — Method in class HttpExceptionInterface
Returns response headers.
EsiFragmentRenderer::getName() — Method in class EsiFragmentRenderer
Gets the name of the strategy.
FragmentRendererInterface::getName() — Method in class FragmentRendererInterface
Gets the name of the strategy.
HIncludeFragmentRenderer::getName() — Method in class HIncludeFragmentRenderer
Gets the name of the strategy.
InlineFragmentRenderer::getName() — Method in class InlineFragmentRenderer
Gets the name of the strategy.
RoutableFragmentRenderer::generateFragmentUri() — Method in class RoutableFragmentRenderer
Generates a fragment URI for a given controller.
SsiFragmentRenderer::getName() — Method in class SsiFragmentRenderer
Gets the name of the strategy.
Esi::getName() — Method in class Esi
Returns surrogate name.
HttpCache::getStore() — Method in class HttpCache
Gets the current store.
HttpCache::getTraces() — Method in class HttpCache
Returns an array of events that took place during processing of the last request.
HttpCache::getLog() — Method in class HttpCache
Returns a log message for the events of the last request processing.
HttpCache::getRequest() — Method in class HttpCache
Gets the Request instance associated with the master request.
HttpCache::getKernel() — Method in class HttpCache
Gets the Kernel instance.
HttpCache::getSurrogate() — Method in class HttpCache
Gets the Surrogate instance.
Ssi::getName() — Method in class Ssi
Returns surrogate name.
Store::generateContentDigest() — Method in class Store
Returns content digest for $response.
Store::getPath() — Method in class Store
Store::generateCacheKey() — Method in class Store
Generates a cache key for the given Request.
SurrogateInterface::getName() — Method in class SurrogateInterface
Returns surrogate name.
Kernel::getHttpKernel() — Method in class Kernel
Gets a HTTP kernel from the container.
Kernel::getBundles() — Method in class Kernel
Gets the registered bundle instances.
Kernel::getBundle() — Method in class Kernel
Returns a bundle.
Kernel::getName() — Method in class Kernel
Gets the name of the kernel.
Kernel::getEnvironment() — Method in class Kernel
Gets the environment.
Kernel::getRootDir() — Method in class Kernel
Gets the application root dir (path of the project's Kernel class).
Kernel::getProjectDir() — Method in class Kernel
Gets the application root dir (path of the project's composer file).
Kernel::getContainer() — Method in class Kernel
Gets the current container.
Kernel::getStartTime() — Method in class Kernel
Gets the request start time (not available if debug is disabled).
Kernel::getCacheDir() — Method in class Kernel
Gets the cache directory.
Kernel::getLogDir() — Method in class Kernel
Gets the log directory.
Kernel::getCharset() — Method in class Kernel
Gets the charset of the application.
Kernel::getAnnotatedClassesToCompile() — Method in class Kernel
Gets the patterns defining the classes to parse and cache for annotations.
Kernel::getContainerClass() — Method in class Kernel
Gets the container class.
Kernel::getContainerBaseClass() — Method in class Kernel
Gets the container's base class.
Kernel::getKernelParameters() — Method in class Kernel
Returns the kernel parameters.
Kernel::getContainerBuilder() — Method in class Kernel
Gets a new ContainerBuilder instance used to build the service container.
Kernel::getContainerLoader() — Method in class Kernel
Returns a loader for the container.
KernelInterface::getBundles() — Method in class KernelInterface
Gets the registered bundle instances.
KernelInterface::getBundle() — Method in class KernelInterface
Returns a bundle.
KernelInterface::getName() — Method in class KernelInterface
Gets the name of the kernel.
KernelInterface::getEnvironment() — Method in class KernelInterface
Gets the environment.
KernelInterface::getRootDir() — Method in class KernelInterface
Gets the application root dir (path of the project's Kernel class).
KernelInterface::getContainer() — Method in class KernelInterface
Gets the current container.
KernelInterface::getStartTime() — Method in class KernelInterface
Gets the request start time (not available if debug is disabled).
KernelInterface::getCacheDir() — Method in class KernelInterface
Gets the cache directory.
KernelInterface::getLogDir() — Method in class KernelInterface
Gets the log directory.
KernelInterface::getCharset() — Method in class KernelInterface
Gets the charset of the application.
KernelInterface::getProjectDir() — Method in class KernelInterface
Gets the project dir (path of the project's composer file) - not defining it is deprecated since Symfony 4.2
DebugLoggerInterface::getLogs() — Method in class DebugLoggerInterface
Returns an array of logs.
FileProfilerStorage::getFilename() — Method in class FileProfilerStorage
Gets filename to store data, associated to the token.
FileProfilerStorage::getIndexFilename() — Method in class FileProfilerStorage
Gets the index filename.
Profile::getToken() — Method in class Profile
Gets the token.
Profile::getParent() — Method in class Profile
Returns the parent profile.
Profile::getParentToken() — Method in class Profile
Returns the parent token.
Profile::getIp() — Method in class Profile
Returns the IP.
Profile::getMethod() — Method in class Profile
Returns the request method.
Profile::getUrl() — Method in class Profile
Returns the URL.
Profile::getTime() — Method in class Profile
Returns the time.
Profile::getStatusCode() — Method in class Profile
Profile::getChildren() — Method in class Profile
Finds children profilers.
Profile::getChildByToken() — Method in class Profile
Profile::getCollector() — Method in class Profile
Gets a Collector by name.
Profile::getCollectors() — Method in class Profile
Gets the Collectors associated with this profile.
Profiler::get() — Method in class Profiler
Gets a Collector by name.
Collator::getAttribute() — Method in class Collator
Not supported. Get a value of an integer collator attribute.
Collator::getErrorCode() — Method in class Collator
Returns collator's last error code. Always returns the U_ZERO_ERROR class constant value.
Collator::getErrorMessage() — Method in class Collator
Returns collator's last error message. Always returns the U_ZERO_ERROR_MESSAGE class constant value.
Collator::getLocale() — Method in class Collator
Returns the collator's locale.
Collator::getSortKey() — Method in class Collator
Not supported. Get sorting key for a string.
Collator::getStrength() — Method in class Collator
Not supported. Get current collator's strength.
GenrbCompilerClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Intl\Data\Bundle\Compiler
Compiles .txt resource bundles to binary .res files.
AbstractDataGenerator::generateData() — Method in class AbstractDataGenerator
AbstractDataGenerator::generateDataForLocale() — Method in class AbstractDataGenerator
AbstractDataGenerator::generateDataForRoot() — Method in class AbstractDataGenerator
AbstractDataGenerator::generateDataForMeta() — Method in class AbstractDataGenerator
CurrencyDataGenerator::generateDataForLocale() — Method in class CurrencyDataGenerator
CurrencyDataGenerator::generateDataForRoot() — Method in class CurrencyDataGenerator
CurrencyDataGenerator::generateDataForMeta() — Method in class CurrencyDataGenerator
GeneratorConfigClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Intl\Data\Generator
Stores contextual information for resource bundle generation.
GeneratorConfig::getBundleWriters() — Method in class GeneratorConfig
Returns the writers indexed by their output directories.
GeneratorConfig::getSourceDir() — Method in class GeneratorConfig
Returns the directory where the source versions of the resource bundles are stored.
GeneratorConfig::getIcuVersion() — Method in class GeneratorConfig
Returns the ICU version of the bundles being converted.
LanguageDataGenerator::generateDataForLocale() — Method in class LanguageDataGenerator
LanguageDataGenerator::generateDataForRoot() — Method in class LanguageDataGenerator
LanguageDataGenerator::generateDataForMeta() — Method in class LanguageDataGenerator
LocaleDataGenerator::generateData() — Method in class LocaleDataGenerator
RegionDataGenerator::generateDataForLocale() — Method in class RegionDataGenerator
RegionDataGenerator::generateDataForRoot() — Method in class RegionDataGenerator
RegionDataGenerator::generateDataForMeta() — Method in class RegionDataGenerator
RegionDataGenerator::generateRegionNames() — Method in class RegionDataGenerator
ScriptDataGenerator::generateDataForLocale() — Method in class ScriptDataGenerator
ScriptDataGenerator::generateDataForRoot() — Method in class ScriptDataGenerator
ScriptDataGenerator::generateDataForMeta() — Method in class ScriptDataGenerator
CurrencyDataProvider::getCurrencies() — Method in class CurrencyDataProvider
CurrencyDataProvider::getSymbol() — Method in class CurrencyDataProvider
CurrencyDataProvider::getName() — Method in class CurrencyDataProvider
CurrencyDataProvider::getNames() — Method in class CurrencyDataProvider
CurrencyDataProvider::getFractionDigits() — Method in class CurrencyDataProvider
Data provider for {@link \Symfony\Component\Intl\Currency::getFractionDigits()}.
CurrencyDataProvider::getRoundingIncrement() — Method in class CurrencyDataProvider
Data provider for {@link \Symfony\Component\Intl\Currency::getRoundingIncrement()}.
CurrencyDataProvider::getNumericCode() — Method in class CurrencyDataProvider
Data provider for {@link \Symfony\Component\Intl\Currency::getNumericCode()}.
LanguageDataProvider::getLanguages() — Method in class LanguageDataProvider
LanguageDataProvider::getAliases() — Method in class LanguageDataProvider
LanguageDataProvider::getName() — Method in class LanguageDataProvider
LanguageDataProvider::getNames() — Method in class LanguageDataProvider
LanguageDataProvider::getAlpha3Code() — Method in class LanguageDataProvider
LocaleDataProvider::getLocales() — Method in class LocaleDataProvider
LocaleDataProvider::getAliases() — Method in class LocaleDataProvider
LocaleDataProvider::getName() — Method in class LocaleDataProvider
LocaleDataProvider::getNames() — Method in class LocaleDataProvider
RegionDataProvider::getRegions() — Method in class RegionDataProvider
RegionDataProvider::getName() — Method in class RegionDataProvider
RegionDataProvider::getNames() — Method in class RegionDataProvider
ScriptDataProvider::getScripts() — Method in class ScriptDataProvider
ScriptDataProvider::getName() — Method in class ScriptDataProvider
ScriptDataProvider::getNames() — Method in class ScriptDataProvider
ArrayAccessibleResourceBundle::get() — Method in class ArrayAccessibleResourceBundle
ArrayAccessibleResourceBundle::getIterator() — Method in class ArrayAccessibleResourceBundle
ArrayAccessibleResourceBundle::getErrorCode() — Method in class ArrayAccessibleResourceBundle
ArrayAccessibleResourceBundle::getErrorMessage() — Method in class ArrayAccessibleResourceBundle
RecursiveArrayAccess::get() — Method in class RecursiveArrayAccess
AmPmTransformer::getReverseMatchingRegExp() — Method in class AmPmTransformer
Returns a reverse matching regular expression of a string generated by format().
DayOfWeekTransformer::getReverseMatchingRegExp() — Method in class DayOfWeekTransformer
Returns a reverse matching regular expression of a string generated by format().
DayOfYearTransformer::getReverseMatchingRegExp() — Method in class DayOfYearTransformer
Returns a reverse matching regular expression of a string generated by format().
DayTransformer::getReverseMatchingRegExp() — Method in class DayTransformer
Returns a reverse matching regular expression of a string generated by format().
FullTransformer::getTransformers() — Method in class FullTransformer
Return the array of Transformer objects.
FullTransformer::getReverseMatchingRegExp() — Method in class FullTransformer
Retrieve a regular expression to match with a formatted value.
Hour1200Transformer::getReverseMatchingRegExp() — Method in class Hour1200Transformer
Returns a reverse matching regular expression of a string generated by format().
Hour1201Transformer::getReverseMatchingRegExp() — Method in class Hour1201Transformer
Returns a reverse matching regular expression of a string generated by format().
Hour2400Transformer::getReverseMatchingRegExp() — Method in class Hour2400Transformer
Returns a reverse matching regular expression of a string generated by format().
Hour2401Transformer::getReverseMatchingRegExp() — Method in class Hour2401Transformer
Returns a reverse matching regular expression of a string generated by format().
MinuteTransformer::getReverseMatchingRegExp() — Method in class MinuteTransformer
Returns a reverse matching regular expression of a string generated by format().
MonthTransformer::getReverseMatchingRegExp() — Method in class MonthTransformer
Returns a reverse matching regular expression of a string generated by format().
QuarterTransformer::getReverseMatchingRegExp() — Method in class QuarterTransformer
Returns a reverse matching regular expression of a string generated by format().
SecondTransformer::getReverseMatchingRegExp() — Method in class SecondTransformer
Returns a reverse matching regular expression of a string generated by format().
TimezoneTransformer::getReverseMatchingRegExp() — Method in class TimezoneTransformer
Returns a reverse matching regular expression of a string generated by format().
TimezoneTransformer::getEtcTimeZoneId() — Method in class TimezoneTransformer
Get an Etc/GMT timezone identifier for the specified timezone.
Transformer::getReverseMatchingRegExp() — Method in class Transformer
Returns a reverse matching regular expression of a string generated by format().
YearTransformer::getReverseMatchingRegExp() — Method in class YearTransformer
Returns a reverse matching regular expression of a string generated by format().
IntlDateFormatter::getCalendar() — Method in class IntlDateFormatter
Returns the formatter's calendar.
IntlDateFormatter::getCalendarObject() — Method in class IntlDateFormatter
Not supported. Returns the formatter's calendar object.
IntlDateFormatter::getDateType() — Method in class IntlDateFormatter
Returns the formatter's datetype.
IntlDateFormatter::getErrorCode() — Method in class IntlDateFormatter
Returns formatter's last error code. Always returns the U_ZERO_ERROR class constant value.
IntlDateFormatter::getErrorMessage() — Method in class IntlDateFormatter
Returns formatter's last error message. Always returns the U_ZERO_ERROR_MESSAGE class constant value.
IntlDateFormatter::getLocale() — Method in class IntlDateFormatter
Returns the formatter's locale.
IntlDateFormatter::getPattern() — Method in class IntlDateFormatter
Returns the formatter's pattern.
IntlDateFormatter::getTimeType() — Method in class IntlDateFormatter
Returns the formatter's time type.
IntlDateFormatter::getTimeZoneId() — Method in class IntlDateFormatter
Returns the formatter's timezone identifier.
IntlDateFormatter::getTimeZone() — Method in class IntlDateFormatter
Not supported. Returns the formatter's timezone.
IntlDateFormatter::getDefaultPattern() — Method in class IntlDateFormatter
Returns a pattern string based in the datetype and timetype values.
IntlGlobals::getErrorCode() — Method in class IntlGlobals
Returns the error code of the last operation.
IntlGlobals::getErrorMessage() — Method in class IntlGlobals
Returns the error message of the last operation.
IntlGlobals::getErrorName() — Method in class IntlGlobals
Returns the symbolic name for a given error code.
Intl::getCurrencyBundle() — Method in class Intl
Returns the bundle containing currency information.
Intl::getLanguageBundle() — Method in class Intl
Returns the bundle containing language information.
Intl::getLocaleBundle() — Method in class Intl
Returns the bundle containing locale information.
Intl::getRegionBundle() — Method in class Intl
Returns the bundle containing region information.
Intl::getIcuVersion() — Method in class Intl
Returns the version of the installed ICU library.
Intl::getIcuDataVersion() — Method in class Intl
Returns the version of the installed ICU data.
Intl::getIcuStubVersion() — Method in class Intl
Returns the ICU version that the stub classes mimic.
Intl::getDataDirectory() — Method in class Intl
Returns the absolute path to the data directory.
Locale::getDefaultFallback() — Method in class Locale
Returns the default fallback locale.
Locale::getFallback() — Method in class Locale
Returns the fallback locale for a given locale.
Locale::getAllVariants() — Method in class Locale
Not supported. Returns the variants for the input locale.
Locale::getDefault() — Method in class Locale
Returns the default locale.
Locale::getDisplayLanguage() — Method in class Locale
Not supported. Returns the localized display name for the locale language.
Locale::getDisplayName() — Method in class Locale
Not supported. Returns the localized display name for the locale.
Locale::getDisplayRegion() — Method in class Locale
Not supported. Returns the localized display name for the locale region.
Locale::getDisplayScript() — Method in class Locale
Not supported. Returns the localized display name for the locale script.
Locale::getDisplayVariant() — Method in class Locale
Not supported. Returns the localized display name for the locale variant.
Locale::getKeywords() — Method in class Locale
Not supported. Returns the keywords for the locale.
Locale::getPrimaryLanguage() — Method in class Locale
Not supported. Returns the primary language for the locale.
Locale::getRegion() — Method in class Locale
Not supported. Returns the region for the locale.
Locale::getScript() — Method in class Locale
Not supported. Returns the script for the locale.
NumberFormatter::getAttribute() — Method in class NumberFormatter
Returns an attribute value.
NumberFormatter::getErrorCode() — Method in class NumberFormatter
Returns formatter's last error code. Always returns the U_ZERO_ERROR class constant value.
NumberFormatter::getErrorMessage() — Method in class NumberFormatter
Returns formatter's last error message. Always returns the U_ZERO_ERROR_MESSAGE class constant value.
NumberFormatter::getLocale() — Method in class NumberFormatter
Returns the formatter's locale.
NumberFormatter::getPattern() — Method in class NumberFormatter
Not supported. Returns the formatter's pattern.
NumberFormatter::getSymbol() — Method in class NumberFormatter
Not supported. Returns a formatter symbol value.
NumberFormatter::getTextAttribute() — Method in class NumberFormatter
Not supported. Returns a formatter text attribute value.
CurrencyBundle::getCurrencySymbol() — Method in class CurrencyBundle
Returns the symbol used for a currency.
CurrencyBundle::getCurrencyName() — Method in class CurrencyBundle
Returns the name of a currency.
CurrencyBundle::getCurrencyNames() — Method in class CurrencyBundle
Returns the names of all known currencies.
CurrencyBundle::getFractionDigits() — Method in class CurrencyBundle
Data provider for {@link \Symfony\Component\Intl\Currency::getFractionDigits()}.
CurrencyBundle::getRoundingIncrement() — Method in class CurrencyBundle
Data provider for {@link \Symfony\Component\Intl\Currency::getRoundingIncrement()}.
CurrencyBundle::getLocales() — Method in class CurrencyBundle
Returns the list of locales that this bundle supports.
CurrencyBundleInterface::getCurrencySymbol() — Method in class CurrencyBundleInterface
Returns the symbol used for a currency.
CurrencyBundleInterface::getCurrencyName() — Method in class CurrencyBundleInterface
Returns the name of a currency.
CurrencyBundleInterface::getCurrencyNames() — Method in class CurrencyBundleInterface
Returns the names of all known currencies.
CurrencyBundleInterface::getFractionDigits() — Method in class CurrencyBundleInterface
Returns the number of digits after the comma of a currency.
CurrencyBundleInterface::getRoundingIncrement() — Method in class CurrencyBundleInterface
Returns the rounding increment of a currency.
LanguageBundle::getLanguageName() — Method in class LanguageBundle
Returns the name of a language.
LanguageBundle::getLanguageNames() — Method in class LanguageBundle
Returns the names of all known languages.
LanguageBundle::getScriptName() — Method in class LanguageBundle
Returns the name of a script.
LanguageBundle::getScriptNames() — Method in class LanguageBundle
Returns the names of all known scripts.
LanguageBundle::getLocales() — Method in class LanguageBundle
Returns the list of locales that this bundle supports.
LanguageBundleInterface::getLanguageName() — Method in class LanguageBundleInterface
Returns the name of a language.
LanguageBundleInterface::getLanguageNames() — Method in class LanguageBundleInterface
Returns the names of all known languages.
LanguageBundleInterface::getScriptName() — Method in class LanguageBundleInterface
Returns the name of a script.
LanguageBundleInterface::getScriptNames() — Method in class LanguageBundleInterface
Returns the names of all known scripts.
LocaleBundle::getLocales() — Method in class LocaleBundle
LocaleBundle::getLocaleName() — Method in class LocaleBundle
Returns the name of a locale.
LocaleBundle::getLocaleNames() — Method in class LocaleBundle
Returns the names of all known locales.
LocaleBundleInterface::getLocaleName() — Method in class LocaleBundleInterface
Returns the name of a locale.
LocaleBundleInterface::getLocaleNames() — Method in class LocaleBundleInterface
Returns the names of all known locales.
RegionBundle::getCountryName() — Method in class RegionBundle
Returns the name of a country.
RegionBundle::getCountryNames() — Method in class RegionBundle
Returns the names of all known countries.
RegionBundle::getLocales() — Method in class RegionBundle
Returns the list of locales that this bundle supports.
RegionBundleInterface::getCountryName() — Method in class RegionBundleInterface
Returns the name of a country.
RegionBundleInterface::getCountryNames() — Method in class RegionBundleInterface
Returns the names of all known countries.
ResourceBundleInterface::getLocales() — Method in class ResourceBundleInterface
Returns the list of locales that this bundle supports.
GitRepositoryClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Intl\Util
GitRepository::getPath() — Method in class GitRepository
GitRepository::getUrl() — Method in class GitRepository
GitRepository::getLastCommitHash() — Method in class GitRepository
GitRepository::getLastAuthor() — Method in class GitRepository
GitRepository::getLastAuthoredDate() — Method in class GitRepository
GitRepository::getLastTag() — Method in class GitRepository
AdapterInterface::getConnection() — Method in class AdapterInterface
Returns the current connection.
AdapterInterface::getEntryManager() — Method in class AdapterInterface
Fetches the entry manager instance.
Adapter::getConnection() — Method in class Adapter
Returns the current connection.
Adapter::getEntryManager() — Method in class Adapter
Fetches the entry manager instance.
Collection::getIterator() — Method in class Collection
Connection::getResource() — Method in class Connection
Returns a link resource.
Connection::getOption() — Method in class Connection
ConnectionOptions::getOptionName() — Method in class ConnectionOptions
ConnectionOptions::getOption() — Method in class ConnectionOptions
Fetches an option's corresponding constant value from an option name.
Query::getResource() — Method in class Query
Returns a LDAP search resource.
Entry::getDn() — Method in class Entry
Returns the entry's DN.
Entry::getAttribute() — Method in class Entry
Returns a specific attribute's value.
Entry::getAttributes() — Method in class Entry
Returns the complete list of attributes.
Ldap::getEntryManager() — Method in class Ldap
LdapInterface::getEntryManager() — Method in class LdapInterface
Key::getState() — Method in class Key
Key::getRemainingLifetime() — Method in class Key
Returns the remaining lifetime.
Lock::getRemainingLifetime() — Method in class Lock
Returns the remaining lifetime.
LockInterface::getRemainingLifetime() — Method in class LockInterface
Returns the remaining lifetime.
MessengerDataCollector::getName() — Method in class MessengerDataCollector
Returns the name of the collector.
MessengerDataCollector::getExceptionsCount() — Method in class MessengerDataCollector
MessengerDataCollector::getMessages() — Method in class MessengerDataCollector
MessengerDataCollector::getBuses() — Method in class MessengerDataCollector
Envelope::getMessage() — Method in class Envelope
ValidationFailedException::getViolatingMessage() — Method in class ValidationFailedException
ValidationFailedException::getViolations() — Method in class ValidationFailedException
HandlersLocator::getHandlers() — Method in class HandlersLocator
Returns the handlers for the given message name.
HandlersLocatorInterface::getHandlers() — Method in class HandlersLocatorInterface
Returns the handlers for the given message name.
MessageSubscriberInterface::getHandledMessages() — Method in class MessageSubscriberInterface
Returns a list of messages to be handled.
MessageBus::getIterator() — Method in class MessageBus
HandledStamp::getResult() — Method in class HandledStamp
HandledStamp::getCallableName() — Method in class HandledStamp
HandledStamp::getHandlerAlias() — Method in class HandledStamp
SentStamp::getSenderClass() — Method in class SentStamp
SentStamp::getSenderAlias() — Method in class SentStamp
SerializerStamp::getContext() — Method in class SerializerStamp
ValidationStamp::getGroups() — Method in class ValidationStamp
MiddlewareTestCase::getStackMock() — Method in class MiddlewareTestCase
MiddlewareTestCase::getThrowingStackMock() — Method in class MiddlewareTestCase
TraceableMessageBus::getDispatchedMessages() — Method in class TraceableMessageBus
Connection::get() — Method in class Connection
Waits and gets a message from the configured queue.
Connection::getConnectionCredentials() — Method in class Connection
SendersLocator::getSenders() — Method in class SendersLocator
Gets the senders for the given message name.
SendersLocatorInterface::getSenders() — Method in class SendersLocatorInterface
Gets the senders for the given message name.
OptionsResolverIntrospector::getDefault() — Method in class OptionsResolverIntrospector
OptionsResolverIntrospector::getLazyClosures() — Method in class OptionsResolverIntrospector
OptionsResolverIntrospector::getAllowedTypes() — Method in class OptionsResolverIntrospector
OptionsResolverIntrospector::getAllowedValues() — Method in class OptionsResolverIntrospector
OptionsResolverIntrospector::getNormalizer() — Method in class OptionsResolverIntrospector
OptionsResolverIntrospector::getDeprecationMessage() — Method in class OptionsResolverIntrospector
OptionsResolver::getRequiredOptions() — Method in class OptionsResolver
Returns the names of all required options.
OptionsResolver::getMissingOptions() — Method in class OptionsResolver
Returns the names of all options missing a default value.
OptionsResolver::getDefinedOptions() — Method in class OptionsResolver
Returns the names of all defined options.
ProcessFailedException::getProcess() — Method in class ProcessFailedException
ProcessSignaledException::getProcess() — Method in class ProcessSignaledException
ProcessSignaledException::getSignal() — Method in class ProcessSignaledException
ProcessTimedOutException::getProcess() — Method in class ProcessTimedOutException
ProcessTimedOutException::getExceededTimeout() — Method in class ProcessTimedOutException
InputStream::getIterator() — Method in class InputStream
PipesInterface::getDescriptors() — Method in class PipesInterface
Returns an array of descriptors for the use of proc_open.
PipesInterface::getFiles() — Method in class PipesInterface
Returns an array of filenames indexed by their related stream in case these pipes use temporary files.
UnixPipes::getDescriptors() — Method in class UnixPipes
Returns an array of descriptors for the use of proc_open.
UnixPipes::getFiles() — Method in class UnixPipes
Returns an array of filenames indexed by their related stream in case these pipes use temporary files.
WindowsPipes::getDescriptors() — Method in class WindowsPipes
Returns an array of descriptors for the use of proc_open.
WindowsPipes::getFiles() — Method in class WindowsPipes
Returns an array of filenames indexed by their related stream in case these pipes use temporary files.
Process::getPid() — Method in class Process
Returns the Pid (process identifier), if applicable.
Process::getOutput() — Method in class Process
Returns the current output of the process (STDOUT).
Process::getIncrementalOutput() — Method in class Process
Returns the output incrementally.
Process::getIterator() — Method in class Process
Returns an iterator to the output of the process, with the output type as keys (Process::OUT/ERR).
Process::getErrorOutput() — Method in class Process
Returns the current error output of the process (STDERR).
Process::getIncrementalErrorOutput() — Method in class Process
Returns the errorOutput incrementally.
Process::getExitCode() — Method in class Process
Returns the exit code returned by the process.
Process::getExitCodeText() — Method in class Process
Returns a string representation for the exit code returned by the process.
Process::getTermSignal() — Method in class Process
Returns the number of the signal that caused the child process to terminate its execution.
Process::getStopSignal() — Method in class Process
Returns the number of the signal that caused the child process to stop its execution.
Process::getStatus() — Method in class Process
Gets the process status.
Process::getCommandLine() — Method in class Process
Gets the command line to be executed.
Process::getTimeout() — Method in class Process
Gets the process timeout (max. runtime).
Process::getIdleTimeout() — Method in class Process
Gets the process idle timeout (max. time since last output).
Process::getWorkingDirectory() — Method in class Process
Gets the working directory.
Process::getEnv() — Method in class Process
Gets the environment variables.
Process::getInput() — Method in class Process
Gets the Process input.
PropertyAccessor::getValue() — Method in class PropertyAccessor
Returns the value at the end of the property path of the object graph.
PropertyAccessorBuilder::getCacheItemPool() — Method in class PropertyAccessorBuilder
Gets the used cache system.
PropertyAccessorBuilder::getPropertyAccessor() — Method in class PropertyAccessorBuilder
Builds and returns a new PropertyAccessor object.
PropertyAccessorInterface::getValue() — Method in class PropertyAccessorInterface
Returns the value at the end of the property path of the object graph.
PropertyPath::getLength() — Method in class PropertyPath
Returns the length of the property path, i.e. the number of elements.
PropertyPath::getParent() — Method in class PropertyPath
Returns the parent property path.
PropertyPath::getIterator() — Method in class PropertyPath
Returns a new iterator for this path.
PropertyPath::getElements() — Method in class PropertyPath
Returns the elements of the property path as array.
PropertyPath::getElement() — Method in class PropertyPath
Returns the element at the given index in the property path.
PropertyPathBuilder::getLength() — Method in class PropertyPathBuilder
Returns the length of the current path.
PropertyPathBuilder::getPropertyPath() — Method in class PropertyPathBuilder
Returns the current property path.
PropertyPathInterface::getLength() — Method in class PropertyPathInterface
Returns the length of the property path, i.e. the number of elements.
PropertyPathInterface::getParent() — Method in class PropertyPathInterface
Returns the parent property path.
PropertyPathInterface::getElements() — Method in class PropertyPathInterface
Returns the elements of the property path as array.
PropertyPathInterface::getElement() — Method in class PropertyPathInterface
Returns the element at the given index in the property path.
PhpDocExtractor::getShortDescription() — Method in class PhpDocExtractor
Gets the short description of the property.
PhpDocExtractor::getLongDescription() — Method in class PhpDocExtractor
Gets the long description of the property.
PhpDocExtractor::getTypes() — Method in class PhpDocExtractor
Gets types of a property.
ReflectionExtractor::getProperties() — Method in class ReflectionExtractor
Gets the list of properties available for the given class.
ReflectionExtractor::getTypes() — Method in class ReflectionExtractor
Gets types of a property.
SerializerExtractor::getProperties() — Method in class SerializerExtractor
Gets the list of properties available for the given class.
PropertyDescriptionExtractorInterface::getShortDescription() — Method in class PropertyDescriptionExtractorInterface
Gets the short description of the property.
PropertyDescriptionExtractorInterface::getLongDescription() — Method in class PropertyDescriptionExtractorInterface
Gets the long description of the property.
PropertyInfoCacheExtractor::getShortDescription() — Method in class PropertyInfoCacheExtractor
Gets the short description of the property.
PropertyInfoCacheExtractor::getLongDescription() — Method in class PropertyInfoCacheExtractor
Gets the long description of the property.
PropertyInfoCacheExtractor::getProperties() — Method in class PropertyInfoCacheExtractor
Gets the list of properties available for the given class.
PropertyInfoCacheExtractor::getTypes() — Method in class PropertyInfoCacheExtractor
Gets types of a property.
PropertyInfoExtractor::getProperties() — Method in class PropertyInfoExtractor
Gets the list of properties available for the given class.
PropertyInfoExtractor::getShortDescription() — Method in class PropertyInfoExtractor
Gets the short description of the property.
PropertyInfoExtractor::getLongDescription() — Method in class PropertyInfoExtractor
Gets the long description of the property.
PropertyInfoExtractor::getTypes() — Method in class PropertyInfoExtractor
Gets types of a property.
PropertyListExtractorInterface::getProperties() — Method in class PropertyListExtractorInterface
Gets the list of properties available for the given class.
PropertyTypeExtractorInterface::getTypes() — Method in class PropertyTypeExtractorInterface
Gets types of a property.
Type::getBuiltinType() — Method in class Type
Gets built-in type.
Type::getClassName() — Method in class Type
Gets the class name.
Type::getCollectionKeyType() — Method in class Type
Gets collection key type.
Type::getCollectionValueType() — Method in class Type
Gets collection value type.
PhpDocTypeHelper::getTypes() — Method in class PhpDocTypeHelper
Creates a {see Type} from a PHPDoc type.
Route::getPath() — Method in class Route
Route::getLocalizedPaths() — Method in class Route
Route::getHost() — Method in class Route
Route::getName() — Method in class Route
Route::getRequirements() — Method in class Route
Route::getOptions() — Method in class Route
Route::getDefaults() — Method in class Route
Route::getSchemes() — Method in class Route
Route::getMethods() — Method in class Route
Route::getCondition() — Method in class Route
CompiledRoute::getStaticPrefix() — Method in class CompiledRoute
Returns the static prefix.
CompiledRoute::getRegex() — Method in class CompiledRoute
Returns the regex.
CompiledRoute::getHostRegex() — Method in class CompiledRoute
Returns the host regex.
CompiledRoute::getTokens() — Method in class CompiledRoute
Returns the tokens.
CompiledRoute::getHostTokens() — Method in class CompiledRoute
Returns the host tokens.
CompiledRoute::getVariables() — Method in class CompiledRoute
Returns the variables.
CompiledRoute::getPathVariables() — Method in class CompiledRoute
Returns the path variables.
CompiledRoute::getHostVariables() — Method in class CompiledRoute
Returns the host variables.
MethodNotAllowedException::getAllowedMethods() — Method in class MethodNotAllowedException
Gets the allowed HTTP methods.
GeneratorDumperClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Routing\Generator\Dumper
GeneratorDumper is the base class for all built-in generator dumpers.
GeneratorDumper::getRoutes() — Method in class GeneratorDumper
Gets the routes to dump.
GeneratorDumperInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Routing\Generator\Dumper
GeneratorDumperInterface is the interface that all generator dumper classes must implement.
GeneratorDumperInterface::getRoutes() — Method in class GeneratorDumperInterface
Gets the routes to dump.
UrlGenerator::getContext() — Method in class UrlGenerator
Gets the request context.
UrlGenerator::generate() — Method in class UrlGenerator
Generates a URL or path for a specific route based on the given parameters.
UrlGenerator::getRelativePath() — Method in class UrlGenerator
Returns the target path as relative reference from the base path.
UrlGeneratorInterface::generate() — Method in class UrlGeneratorInterface
Generates a URL or path for a specific route based on the given parameters.
AnnotationClassLoader::getResolver() — Method in class AnnotationClassLoader
Gets the loader resolver.
AnnotationClassLoader::getDefaultRouteName() — Method in class AnnotationClassLoader
Gets the default route name for a class method.
AnnotationClassLoader::getGlobals() — Method in class AnnotationClassLoader
ServiceRouterLoader::getServiceObject() — Method in class ServiceRouterLoader
Returns the object that the method will be called on to load routes.
GlobFileLoaderClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Routing\Loader
GlobFileLoader loads files from a glob pattern.
ObjectRouteLoader::getServiceObject() — Method in class ObjectRouteLoader
Returns the object that the method will be called on to load routes.
MatcherDumper::getRoutes() — Method in class MatcherDumper
Gets the routes to dump.
MatcherDumperInterface::getRoutes() — Method in class MatcherDumperInterface
Gets the routes to dump.
StaticPrefixCollection::getPrefix() — Method in class StaticPrefixCollection
StaticPrefixCollection::getRoutes() — Method in class StaticPrefixCollection
TraceableUrlMatcher::getTraces() — Method in class TraceableUrlMatcher
TraceableUrlMatcher::getTracesForRequest() — Method in class TraceableUrlMatcher
UrlMatcher::getContext() — Method in class UrlMatcher
Gets the request context.
UrlMatcher::getAttributes() — Method in class UrlMatcher
Returns an array of values to use as request attributes.
UrlMatcher::getExpressionLanguage() — Method in class UrlMatcher
RequestContext::getBaseUrl() — Method in class RequestContext
Gets the base URL.
RequestContext::getPathInfo() — Method in class RequestContext
Gets the path info.
RequestContext::getMethod() — Method in class RequestContext
Gets the HTTP method.
RequestContext::getHost() — Method in class RequestContext
Gets the HTTP host.
RequestContext::getScheme() — Method in class RequestContext
Gets the HTTP scheme.
RequestContext::getHttpPort() — Method in class RequestContext
Gets the HTTP port.
RequestContext::getHttpsPort() — Method in class RequestContext
Gets the HTTPS port.
RequestContext::getQueryString() — Method in class RequestContext
Gets the query string.
RequestContext::getParameters() — Method in class RequestContext
Returns the parameters.
RequestContext::getParameter() — Method in class RequestContext
Gets a parameter value.
RequestContextAwareInterface::getContext() — Method in class RequestContextAwareInterface
Gets the request context.
Route::getPath() — Method in class Route
Returns the pattern for the path.
Route::getHost() — Method in class Route
Returns the pattern for the host.
Route::getSchemes() — Method in class Route
Returns the lowercased schemes this route is restricted to.
Route::getMethods() — Method in class Route
Returns the uppercased HTTP methods this route is restricted to.
Route::getOptions() — Method in class Route
Returns the options.
Route::getOption() — Method in class Route
Get an option value.
Route::getDefaults() — Method in class Route
Returns the defaults.
Route::getDefault() — Method in class Route
Gets a default value.
Route::getRequirements() — Method in class Route
Returns the requirements.
Route::getRequirement() — Method in class Route
Returns the requirement for the given key.
Route::getCondition() — Method in class Route
Returns the condition.
RouteCollection::getIterator() — Method in class RouteCollection
Gets the current RouteCollection as an Iterator that includes all routes.
RouteCollection::get() — Method in class RouteCollection
Gets a route by name.
RouteCollection::getResources() — Method in class RouteCollection
Returns an array of resources loaded to build this collection.
$Router#generatorProperty in class Router
Router::getOption() — Method in class Router
Gets an option value.
Router::getRouteCollection() — Method in class Router
Gets the RouteCollection instance associated with this Router.
Router::getContext() — Method in class Router
Gets the request context.
Router::generate() — Method in class Router
Generates a URL or path for a specific route based on the given parameters.
Router::getMatcher() — Method in class Router
Gets the UrlMatcher instance associated with this Router.
Router::getGenerator() — Method in class Router
Gets the UrlGenerator instance associated with this Router.
Router::getGeneratorDumperInstance() — Method in class Router
Router::getMatcherDumperInstance() — Method in class Router
RouterInterface::getRouteCollection() — Method in class RouterInterface
Gets the RouteCollection instance associated with this Router.
PersistentToken::getClass() — Method in class PersistentToken
Returns the class of the user.
PersistentToken::getUsername() — Method in class PersistentToken
Returns the username.
PersistentToken::getSeries() — Method in class PersistentToken
Returns the series.
PersistentToken::getTokenValue() — Method in class PersistentToken
Returns the token value.
PersistentToken::getLastUsed() — Method in class PersistentToken
Returns the time the token was last used.
PersistentTokenInterface::getClass() — Method in class PersistentTokenInterface
Returns the class of the user.
PersistentTokenInterface::getUsername() — Method in class PersistentTokenInterface
Returns the username.
PersistentTokenInterface::getSeries() — Method in class PersistentTokenInterface
Returns the series.
PersistentTokenInterface::getTokenValue() — Method in class PersistentTokenInterface
Returns the token value.
PersistentTokenInterface::getLastUsed() — Method in class PersistentTokenInterface
Returns the time the token was last used.
AbstractToken::getRoles() — Method in class AbstractToken
Returns the user roles.
AbstractToken::getUsername() — Method in class AbstractToken
Returns the username.
AbstractToken::getUser() — Method in class AbstractToken
Returns a user representation.
AbstractToken::getAttributes() — Method in class AbstractToken
Returns the token attributes.
AbstractToken::getAttribute() — Method in class AbstractToken
Returns an attribute value.
AnonymousToken::getCredentials() — Method in class AnonymousToken
Returns the user credentials.
AnonymousToken::getSecret() — Method in class AnonymousToken
Returns the secret.
PreAuthenticatedToken::getProviderKey() — Method in class PreAuthenticatedToken
Returns the provider key.
PreAuthenticatedToken::getCredentials() — Method in class PreAuthenticatedToken
Returns the user credentials.
RememberMeToken::getProviderKey() — Method in class RememberMeToken
Returns the provider secret.
RememberMeToken::getSecret() — Method in class RememberMeToken
Returns the secret.
RememberMeToken::getCredentials() — Method in class RememberMeToken
Returns the user credentials.
TokenStorage::getToken() — Method in class TokenStorage
Returns the current security token.
TokenStorageInterface::getToken() — Method in class TokenStorageInterface
Returns the current security token.
TokenInterface::getRoles() — Method in class TokenInterface
Returns the user roles.
TokenInterface::getCredentials() — Method in class TokenInterface
Returns the user credentials.
TokenInterface::getUser() — Method in class TokenInterface
Returns a user representation.
TokenInterface::getUsername() — Method in class TokenInterface
Returns the username.
TokenInterface::getAttributes() — Method in class TokenInterface
Returns the token attributes.
TokenInterface::getAttribute() — Method in class TokenInterface
Returns an attribute value.
UsernamePasswordToken::getCredentials() — Method in class UsernamePasswordToken
Returns the user credentials.
UsernamePasswordToken::getProviderKey() — Method in class UsernamePasswordToken
Returns the provider key.
ExpressionLanguageProvider::getFunctions() — Method in class ExpressionLanguageProvider
TraceableAccessDecisionManager::getStrategy() — Method in class TraceableAccessDecisionManager
TraceableAccessDecisionManager::getVoters() — Method in class TraceableAccessDecisionManager
TraceableAccessDecisionManager::getDecisionLog() — Method in class TraceableAccessDecisionManager
TraceableVoter::getDecoratedVoter() — Method in class TraceableVoter
EncoderAwareInterface::getEncoderName() — Method in class EncoderAwareInterface
Gets the name of the encoder used to encode the password.
EncoderFactory::getEncoder() — Method in class EncoderFactory
Returns the password encoder to use for the given account.
EncoderFactoryInterface::getEncoder() — Method in class EncoderFactoryInterface
Returns the password encoder to use for the given account.
AuthenticationEvent::getAuthenticationToken() — Method in class AuthenticationEvent
AuthenticationFailureEvent::getAuthenticationException() — Method in class AuthenticationFailureEvent
VoteEvent::getVoter() — Method in class VoteEvent
VoteEvent::getSubject() — Method in class VoteEvent
VoteEvent::getAttributes() — Method in class VoteEvent
VoteEvent::getVote() — Method in class VoteEvent
AccessDeniedException::getAttributes() — Method in class AccessDeniedException
AccessDeniedException::getSubject() — Method in class AccessDeniedException
AccountExpiredException::getMessageKey() — Method in class AccountExpiredException
Message key to be used by the translation component.
AccountStatusException::getUser() — Method in class AccountStatusException
Get the user.
AuthenticationCredentialsNotFoundException::getMessageKey() — Method in class AuthenticationCredentialsNotFoundException
Message key to be used by the translation component.
AuthenticationException::getToken() — Method in class AuthenticationException
Get the token.
AuthenticationException::getMessageKey() — Method in class AuthenticationException
Message key to be used by the translation component.
AuthenticationException::getMessageData() — Method in class AuthenticationException
Message data to be used by the translation component.
AuthenticationExpiredException::getMessageKey() — Method in class AuthenticationExpiredException
Message key to be used by the translation component.
AuthenticationServiceException::getMessageKey() — Method in class AuthenticationServiceException
Message key to be used by the translation component.
BadCredentialsException::getMessageKey() — Method in class BadCredentialsException
Message key to be used by the translation component.
CookieTheftException::getMessageKey() — Method in class CookieTheftException
Message key to be used by the translation component.
CredentialsExpiredException::getMessageKey() — Method in class CredentialsExpiredException
Message key to be used by the translation component.
CustomUserMessageAuthenticationException::getMessageKey() — Method in class CustomUserMessageAuthenticationException
Message key to be used by the translation component.
CustomUserMessageAuthenticationException::getMessageData() — Method in class CustomUserMessageAuthenticationException
Message data to be used by the translation component.
DisabledException::getMessageKey() — Method in class DisabledException
Message key to be used by the translation component.
InsufficientAuthenticationException::getMessageKey() — Method in class InsufficientAuthenticationException
Message key to be used by the translation component.
InvalidCsrfTokenException::getMessageKey() — Method in class InvalidCsrfTokenException
Message key to be used by the translation component.
LockedException::getMessageKey() — Method in class LockedException
Message key to be used by the translation component.
ProviderNotFoundException::getMessageKey() — Method in class ProviderNotFoundException
Message key to be used by the translation component.
SessionUnavailableException::getMessageKey() — Method in class SessionUnavailableException
Message key to be used by the translation component.
TokenNotFoundException::getMessageKey() — Method in class TokenNotFoundException
Message key to be used by the translation component.
UsernameNotFoundException::getMessageKey() — Method in class UsernameNotFoundException
Message key to be used by the translation component.
UsernameNotFoundException::getUsername() — Method in class UsernameNotFoundException
Get the username.
UsernameNotFoundException::getMessageData() — Method in class UsernameNotFoundException
Message data to be used by the translation component.
Role::getRole() — Method in class Role
Returns a string representation of the role.
RoleHierarchy::getReachableRoles() — Method in class RoleHierarchy
Returns an array of all reachable roles by the given ones.
RoleHierarchyInterface::getReachableRoles() — Method in class RoleHierarchyInterface
Returns an array of all reachable roles by the given ones.
SwitchUserRole::getSource() — Method in class SwitchUserRole
Returns the original Token.
Security::getUser() — Method in class Security
Security::getToken() — Method in class Security
ChainUserProvider::getProviders() — Method in class ChainUserProvider
User::getRoles() — Method in class User
Returns the roles granted to the user.
User::getPassword() — Method in class User
Returns the password used to authenticate the user.
User::getSalt() — Method in class User
Returns the salt that was originally used to encode the password.
User::getUsername() — Method in class User
Returns the username used to authenticate the user.
UserInterface::getRoles() — Method in class UserInterface
Returns the roles granted to the user.
UserInterface::getPassword() — Method in class UserInterface
Returns the password used to authenticate the user.
UserInterface::getSalt() — Method in class UserInterface
Returns the salt that was originally used to encode the password.
UserInterface::getUsername() — Method in class UserInterface
Returns the username used to authenticate the user.
CsrfToken::getId() — Method in class CsrfToken
Returns the ID of the CSRF token.
CsrfToken::getValue() — Method in class CsrfToken
Returns the value of the CSRF token.
CsrfTokenManager::getToken() — Method in class CsrfTokenManager
Returns a CSRF token for the given ID.
CsrfTokenManagerInterface::getToken() — Method in class CsrfTokenManagerInterface
Returns a CSRF token for the given ID.
TokenGeneratorInterface::generateToken() — Method in class TokenGeneratorInterface
Generates a CSRF token.
UriSafeTokenGenerator::generateToken() — Method in class UriSafeTokenGenerator
Generates a CSRF token.
NativeSessionTokenStorage::getToken() — Method in class NativeSessionTokenStorage
Reads a stored CSRF token.
SessionTokenStorage::getToken() — Method in class SessionTokenStorage
Reads a stored CSRF token.
TokenStorageInterface::getToken() — Method in class TokenStorageInterface
Reads a stored CSRF token.
AuthenticatorInterface::getCredentials() — Method in class AuthenticatorInterface
Get the authentication credentials from the request and return them as any type (e.g. an associate array).
AuthenticatorInterface::getUser() — Method in class AuthenticatorInterface
Return a UserInterface object based on the credentials.
AbstractFormLoginAuthenticator::getLoginUrl() — Method in class AbstractFormLoginAuthenticator
Return the URL to the login page.
GuardAuthenticationListenerClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Security\Guard\Firewall
Authentication listener for the "guard" system.
GuardAuthenticatorHandlerClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Security\Guard
A utility class that does much of the work during the guard authentication process.
GuardAuthenticationProviderClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Security\Guard\Provider
Responsible for accepting the PreAuthenticationGuardToken and calling the correct authenticator to retrieve the authenticated token.
GuardTokenInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Security\Guard\Token
A marker interface that both guard tokens implement.
PostAuthenticationGuardToken::getCredentials() — Method in class PostAuthenticationGuardToken
This is meant to be only an authenticated token, where credentials have already been used and are thus cleared.
PostAuthenticationGuardToken::getProviderKey() — Method in class PostAuthenticationGuardToken
Returns the provider (firewall) key.
PreAuthenticationGuardToken::getGuardProviderKey() — Method in class PreAuthenticationGuardToken
PreAuthenticationGuardToken::getCredentials() — Method in class PreAuthenticationGuardToken
Returns the user credentials, which might be an array of anything you wanted to put in there (e.g. username, password, favoriteColor).
AccessMap::getPatterns() — Method in class AccessMap
Returns security attributes and required channel for the supplied request.
AccessMapInterface::getPatterns() — Method in class AccessMapInterface
Returns security attributes and required channel for the supplied request.
AuthenticationUtils::getLastAuthenticationError() — Method in class AuthenticationUtils
AuthenticationUtils::getLastUsername() — Method in class AuthenticationUtils
DefaultAuthenticationFailureHandler::getOptions() — Method in class DefaultAuthenticationFailureHandler
Gets the options.
DefaultAuthenticationSuccessHandler::getOptions() — Method in class DefaultAuthenticationSuccessHandler
Gets the options.
DefaultAuthenticationSuccessHandler::getProviderKey() — Method in class DefaultAuthenticationSuccessHandler
Get the provider key.
InteractiveLoginEvent::getRequest() — Method in class InteractiveLoginEvent
Gets the request.
InteractiveLoginEvent::getAuthenticationToken() — Method in class InteractiveLoginEvent
Gets the authentication token.
SwitchUserEvent::getRequest() — Method in class SwitchUserEvent
SwitchUserEvent::getTargetUser() — Method in class SwitchUserEvent
SwitchUserEvent::getToken() — Method in class SwitchUserEvent
Firewall::getSubscribedEvents() — Method in class Firewall
Returns an array of event names this subscriber wants to listen to.
FirewallMap::getListeners() — Method in class FirewallMap
Returns the authentication listeners, and the exception listener to use for the given request.
FirewallMapInterface::getListeners() — Method in class FirewallMapInterface
Returns the authentication listeners, and the exception listener to use for the given request.
AbstractPreAuthenticatedListener::getPreAuthenticatedData() — Method in class AbstractPreAuthenticatedListener
Gets the user and credentials from the Request.
RemoteUserAuthenticationListener::getPreAuthenticatedData() — Method in class RemoteUserAuthenticationListener
Gets the user and credentials from the Request.
X509AuthenticationListener::getPreAuthenticatedData() — Method in class X509AuthenticationListener
Gets the user and credentials from the Request.
HttpUtils::generateUri() — Method in class HttpUtils
Generates a URI, based on the given path or absolute URL.
LogoutUrlGenerator::getLogoutPath() — Method in class LogoutUrlGenerator
Generates the absolute logout path for the firewall.
LogoutUrlGenerator::getLogoutUrl() — Method in class LogoutUrlGenerator
Generates the absolute logout URL for the firewall.
ParameterBagUtils::getParameterBagValue() — Method in class ParameterBagUtils
Returns a "parameter" value.
ParameterBagUtils::getRequestParameterValue() — Method in class ParameterBagUtils
Returns a request "parameter" value.
AbstractRememberMeServices::getRememberMeParameter() — Method in class AbstractRememberMeServices
Returns the parameter that is used for checking whether remember-me services have been requested.
AbstractRememberMeServices::getSecret() — Method in class AbstractRememberMeServices
AbstractRememberMeServices::getUserProvider() — Method in class AbstractRememberMeServices
ResponseListener::getSubscribedEvents() — Method in class ResponseListener
Returns an array of event names this subscriber wants to listen to.
TokenBasedRememberMeServices::generateCookieValue() — Method in class TokenBasedRememberMeServices
Generates the cookie value.
TokenBasedRememberMeServices::generateCookieHash() — Method in class TokenBasedRememberMeServices
Generates a hash for the cookie to ensure it is not being tempered with.
DiscriminatorMap::getTypeProperty() — Method in class DiscriminatorMap
DiscriminatorMap::getMapping() — Method in class DiscriminatorMap
GroupsClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Serializer\Annotation
Annotation class for @Groups().
Groups::getGroups() — Method in class Groups
Gets groups.
MaxDepth::getMaxDepth() — Method in class MaxDepth
SerializedName::getSerializedName() — Method in class SerializedName
XmlEncoder::getRootNodeName() — Method in class XmlEncoder
Returns the root node name.
ExtraAttributesException::getExtraAttributes() — Method in class ExtraAttributesException
Get the extra attributes that are not allowed.
$AttributeMetadata#groupsProperty in class AttributeMetadata
AttributeMetadata::getName() — Method in class AttributeMetadata
Gets the attribute name.
AttributeMetadata::getGroups() — Method in class AttributeMetadata
Gets groups of this attribute.
AttributeMetadata::getMaxDepth() — Method in class AttributeMetadata
Gets the serialization max depth for this attribute.
AttributeMetadata::getSerializedName() — Method in class AttributeMetadata
Gets the serialization name for this attribute.
AttributeMetadataInterface::getName() — Method in class AttributeMetadataInterface
Gets the attribute name.
AttributeMetadataInterface::getGroups() — Method in class AttributeMetadataInterface
Gets groups of this attribute.
AttributeMetadataInterface::getMaxDepth() — Method in class AttributeMetadataInterface
Gets the serialization max depth for this attribute.
AttributeMetadataInterface::getSerializedName() — Method in class AttributeMetadataInterface
Gets the serialization name for this attribute.
ClassDiscriminatorFromClassMetadata::getMappingForClass() — Method in class ClassDiscriminatorFromClassMetadata
ClassDiscriminatorFromClassMetadata::getMappingForMappedObject() — Method in class ClassDiscriminatorFromClassMetadata
ClassDiscriminatorFromClassMetadata::getTypeForMappedObject() — Method in class ClassDiscriminatorFromClassMetadata
ClassDiscriminatorMapping::getTypeProperty() — Method in class ClassDiscriminatorMapping
ClassDiscriminatorMapping::getClassForType() — Method in class ClassDiscriminatorMapping
ClassDiscriminatorMapping::getMappedObjectType() — Method in class ClassDiscriminatorMapping
ClassDiscriminatorMapping::getTypesMapping() — Method in class ClassDiscriminatorMapping
ClassDiscriminatorResolverInterface::getMappingForClass() — Method in class ClassDiscriminatorResolverInterface
ClassDiscriminatorResolverInterface::getMappingForMappedObject() — Method in class ClassDiscriminatorResolverInterface
ClassDiscriminatorResolverInterface::getTypeForMappedObject() — Method in class ClassDiscriminatorResolverInterface
ClassMetadata::getName() — Method in class ClassMetadata
Returns the name of the backing PHP class.
ClassMetadata::getAttributesMetadata() — Method in class ClassMetadata
Gets the list of {@link AttributeMetadataInterface}.
ClassMetadata::getReflectionClass() — Method in class ClassMetadata
Returns a {@link \ReflectionClass} instance for this class.
ClassMetadata::getClassDiscriminatorMapping() — Method in class ClassMetadata
ClassMetadataInterface::getName() — Method in class ClassMetadataInterface
Returns the name of the backing PHP class.
ClassMetadataInterface::getAttributesMetadata() — Method in class ClassMetadataInterface
Gets the list of {@link AttributeMetadataInterface}.
ClassMetadataInterface::getReflectionClass() — Method in class ClassMetadataInterface
Returns a {@link \ReflectionClass} instance for this class.
ClassMetadataInterface::getClassDiscriminatorMapping() — Method in class ClassMetadataInterface
CacheClassMetadataFactory::getMetadataFor() — Method in class CacheClassMetadataFactory
If the method was called with the same class name (or an object of that class) before, the same metadata instance is returned.
ClassMetadataFactory::getMetadataFor() — Method in class ClassMetadataFactory
If the method was called with the same class name (or an object of that class) before, the same metadata instance is returned.
ClassMetadataFactoryInterface::getMetadataFor() — Method in class ClassMetadataFactoryInterface
If the method was called with the same class name (or an object of that class) before, the same metadata instance is returned.
LoaderChain::getLoaders() — Method in class LoaderChain
XmlFileLoader::getMappedClasses() — Method in class XmlFileLoader
Return the names of the classes mapped in this file.
YamlFileLoader::getMappedClasses() — Method in class YamlFileLoader
Return the names of the classes mapped in this file.
AbstractNormalizer::getAllowedAttributes() — Method in class AbstractNormalizer
Gets attributes to normalize using groups.
AbstractNormalizer::getConstructor() — Method in class AbstractNormalizer
Returns the method to use to construct an object. This method must be either the object constructor or static.
AbstractObjectNormalizer::getAttributes() — Method in class AbstractObjectNormalizer
Gets and caches attributes for the given object, format and context.
AbstractObjectNormalizer::getAttributeValue() — Method in class AbstractObjectNormalizer
Gets the attribute value.
GetSetMethodNormalizerClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Serializer\Normalizer
Converts between objects with getter and setter methods and arrays.
GetSetMethodNormalizer::getAttributeValue() — Method in class GetSetMethodNormalizer
Gets the attribute value.
ObjectNormalizer::getAttributeValue() — Method in class ObjectNormalizer
Gets the attribute value.
ObjectNormalizer::getAllowedAttributes() — Method in class ObjectNormalizer
Gets attributes to normalize using groups.
PropertyNormalizer::getAttributeValue() — Method in class PropertyNormalizer
Gets the attribute value.
Section::get() — Method in class Section
Returns the child section.
Section::getId() — Method in class Section
Section::getEvent() — Method in class Section
Returns a specific event by name.
Section::getEvents() — Method in class Section
Returns the events from this section.
Stopwatch::getSections() — Method in class Stopwatch
Stopwatch::getEvent() — Method in class Stopwatch
Returns a specific event by name.
Stopwatch::getSectionEvents() — Method in class Stopwatch
Gets all events for a given section.
StopwatchEvent::getCategory() — Method in class StopwatchEvent
Gets the category.
StopwatchEvent::getOrigin() — Method in class StopwatchEvent
Gets the origin.
StopwatchEvent::getPeriods() — Method in class StopwatchEvent
Gets all event periods.
StopwatchEvent::getStartTime() — Method in class StopwatchEvent
Gets the relative time of the start of the first period.
StopwatchEvent::getEndTime() — Method in class StopwatchEvent
Gets the relative time of the end of the last period.
StopwatchEvent::getDuration() — Method in class StopwatchEvent
Gets the duration of the events (including all periods).
StopwatchEvent::getMemory() — Method in class StopwatchEvent
Gets the max memory usage of all periods.
StopwatchEvent::getNow() — Method in class StopwatchEvent
Return the current time relative to origin.
StopwatchPeriod::getStartTime() — Method in class StopwatchPeriod
Gets the relative time of the start of the period.
StopwatchPeriod::getEndTime() — Method in class StopwatchPeriod
Gets the relative time of the end of the period.
StopwatchPeriod::getDuration() — Method in class StopwatchPeriod
Gets the time spent in this period.
StopwatchPeriod::getMemory() — Method in class StopwatchPeriod
Gets the memory usage.
DelegatingEngine::getEngine() — Method in class DelegatingEngine
Get an engine able to render the given template.
Helper::getCharset() — Method in class Helper
Gets the default charset.
HelperInterface::getName() — Method in class HelperInterface
Returns the canonical name of this helper.
HelperInterface::getCharset() — Method in class HelperInterface
Gets the default charset.
SlotsHelper::get() — Method in class SlotsHelper
Gets the slot value.
SlotsHelper::getName() — Method in class SlotsHelper
Returns the canonical name of this helper.
$PhpEngine#globalsProperty in class PhpEngine
PhpEngine::get() — Method in class PhpEngine
Gets a helper value.
PhpEngine::getCharset() — Method in class PhpEngine
Gets the current charset.
PhpEngine::getEscaper() — Method in class PhpEngine
Gets an escaper for a given context.
PhpEngine::getGlobals() — Method in class PhpEngine
Returns the assigned globals.
PhpEngine::getLoader() — Method in class PhpEngine
Gets the loader associated with this engine.
FileStorage::getContent() — Method in class FileStorage
Returns the content of the template.
Storage::getContent() — Method in class Storage
Returns the content of the template.
StringStorage::getContent() — Method in class StringStorage
Returns the content of the template.
TemplateReference::get() — Method in class TemplateReference
Gets a template parameter.
TemplateReference::getPath() — Method in class TemplateReference
Returns the path to the template.
TemplateReference::getLogicalName() — Method in class TemplateReference
Returns the "logical" template name.
TemplateReferenceInterface::get() — Method in class TemplateReferenceInterface
Gets a template parameter.
TemplateReferenceInterface::getPath() — Method in class TemplateReferenceInterface
Returns the path to the template.
TemplateReferenceInterface::getLogicalName() — Method in class TemplateReferenceInterface
Returns the "logical" template name.
AbstractOperation::getDomains() — Method in class AbstractOperation
Returns domains affected by operation.
AbstractOperation::getMessages() — Method in class AbstractOperation
Returns all valid messages ('all') after operation.
AbstractOperation::getNewMessages() — Method in class AbstractOperation
Returns new messages ('new') after operation.
AbstractOperation::getObsoleteMessages() — Method in class AbstractOperation
Returns obsolete messages ('obsolete') after operation.
AbstractOperation::getResult() — Method in class AbstractOperation
Returns resulting catalogue ('result').
OperationInterface::getDomains() — Method in class OperationInterface
Returns domains affected by operation.
OperationInterface::getMessages() — Method in class OperationInterface
Returns all valid messages ('all') after operation.
OperationInterface::getNewMessages() — Method in class OperationInterface
Returns new messages ('new') after operation.
OperationInterface::getObsoleteMessages() — Method in class OperationInterface
Returns obsolete messages ('obsolete') after operation.
OperationInterface::getResult() — Method in class OperationInterface
Returns resulting catalogue ('result').
DataCollectorTranslator::getLocale() — Method in class DataCollectorTranslator
Returns the current locale.
DataCollectorTranslator::getCatalogue() — Method in class DataCollectorTranslator
Gets the catalogue by locale.
DataCollectorTranslator::getFallbackLocales() — Method in class DataCollectorTranslator
Gets the fallback locales.
DataCollectorTranslator::getCollectedMessages() — Method in class DataCollectorTranslator
TranslationDataCollector::getMessages() — Method in class TranslationDataCollector
TranslationDataCollector::getCountMissings() — Method in class TranslationDataCollector
TranslationDataCollector::getCountFallbacks() — Method in class TranslationDataCollector
TranslationDataCollector::getCountDefines() — Method in class TranslationDataCollector
TranslationDataCollector::getLocale() — Method in class TranslationDataCollector
TranslationDataCollector::getFallbackLocales() — Method in class TranslationDataCollector
TranslationDataCollector::getName() — Method in class TranslationDataCollector
Returns the name of the collector.
CsvFileDumper::getExtension() — Method in class CsvFileDumper
Gets the file extension of the dumper.
FileDumper::getExtension() — Method in class FileDumper
Gets the file extension of the dumper.
IcuResFileDumper::getExtension() — Method in class IcuResFileDumper
Gets the file extension of the dumper.
IniFileDumper::getExtension() — Method in class IniFileDumper
Gets the file extension of the dumper.
JsonFileDumper::getExtension() — Method in class JsonFileDumper
Gets the file extension of the dumper.
MoFileDumper::getExtension() — Method in class MoFileDumper
Gets the file extension of the dumper.
PhpFileDumper::getExtension() — Method in class PhpFileDumper
Gets the file extension of the dumper.
PoFileDumper::getExtension() — Method in class PoFileDumper
Gets the file extension of the dumper.
QtFileDumper::getExtension() — Method in class QtFileDumper
Gets the file extension of the dumper.
XliffFileDumper::getExtension() — Method in class XliffFileDumper
Gets the file extension of the dumper.
YamlFileDumper::getExtension() — Method in class YamlFileDumper
Gets the file extension of the dumper.
Interval::getIntervalRegexp() — Method in class Interval
Returns a Regexp that matches valid intervals.
LoggingTranslator::getLocale() — Method in class LoggingTranslator
Returns the current locale.
LoggingTranslator::getCatalogue() — Method in class LoggingTranslator
Gets the catalogue by locale.
LoggingTranslator::getFallbackLocales() — Method in class LoggingTranslator
Gets the fallback locales.
MessageCatalogue::getLocale() — Method in class MessageCatalogue
Gets the catalogue locale.
MessageCatalogue::getDomains() — Method in class MessageCatalogue
Gets the domains.
MessageCatalogue::get() — Method in class MessageCatalogue
Gets a message translation.
MessageCatalogue::getFallbackCatalogue() — Method in class MessageCatalogue
Gets the fallback catalogue.
MessageCatalogue::getResources() — Method in class MessageCatalogue
Returns an array of resources loaded to build this collection.
MessageCatalogue::getMetadata() — Method in class MessageCatalogue
Gets metadata for the given domain and key.
MessageCatalogueInterface::getLocale() — Method in class MessageCatalogueInterface
Gets the catalogue locale.
MessageCatalogueInterface::getDomains() — Method in class MessageCatalogueInterface
Gets the domains.
MessageCatalogueInterface::get() — Method in class MessageCatalogueInterface
Gets a message translation.
MessageCatalogueInterface::getFallbackCatalogue() — Method in class MessageCatalogueInterface
Gets the fallback catalogue.
MessageCatalogueInterface::getResources() — Method in class MessageCatalogueInterface
Returns an array of resources loaded to build this collection.
MetadataAwareInterface::getMetadata() — Method in class MetadataAwareInterface
Gets metadata for the given domain and key.
PluralizationRules::get() — Method in class PluralizationRules
Returns the plural position to use for the given locale and number.
Translator::getLocale() — Method in class Translator
Returns the current locale.
Translator::getFallbackLocales() — Method in class Translator
Gets the fallback locales.
Translator::getCatalogue() — Method in class Translator
Gets the catalogue by locale.
Translator::getLoaders() — Method in class Translator
Gets the loaders.
TranslatorBagInterface::getCatalogue() — Method in class TranslatorBagInterface
Gets the catalogue by locale.
TranslatorInterface::getLocale() — Method in class TranslatorInterface
Returns the current locale.
XliffUtils::getVersionNumber() — Method in class XliffUtils
Gets xliff file version based on the root "version" attribute.
XliffUtils::getErrorsAsString() — Method in class XliffUtils
TranslationWriter::getFormats() — Method in class TranslationWriter
Obtains the list of supported formats.
$Constraint#groupsProperty in class Constraint
The groups that the constraint belongs to
Constraint::getErrorName() — Method in class Constraint
Returns the name of the given error code.
Constraint::getDefaultOption() — Method in class Constraint
Returns the name of the default option.
Constraint::getRequiredOptions() — Method in class Constraint
Returns the name of the required options.
Constraint::getTargets() — Method in class Constraint
Returns whether the constraint can be put onto classes, properties or both.
ConstraintValidatorFactory::getInstance() — Method in class ConstraintValidatorFactory
Given a Constraint, this returns the ConstraintValidatorInterface object that should be used to verify its validity.
ConstraintValidatorFactoryInterface::getInstance() — Method in class ConstraintValidatorFactoryInterface
Given a Constraint, this returns the ConstraintValidatorInterface object that should be used to verify its validity.
ConstraintViolation::getMessageTemplate() — Method in class ConstraintViolation
Returns the raw violation message.
ConstraintViolation::getParameters() — Method in class ConstraintViolation
Returns the parameters to be inserted into the raw violation message.
ConstraintViolation::getPlural() — Method in class ConstraintViolation
Returns a number for pluralizing the violation message.
ConstraintViolation::getMessage() — Method in class ConstraintViolation
Returns the violation message.
ConstraintViolation::getRoot() — Method in class ConstraintViolation
Returns the root element of the validation.
ConstraintViolation::getPropertyPath() — Method in class ConstraintViolation
Returns the property path from the root element to the violation.
ConstraintViolation::getInvalidValue() — Method in class ConstraintViolation
Returns the value that caused the violation.
ConstraintViolation::getConstraint() — Method in class ConstraintViolation
Returns the constraint whose validation caused the violation.
ConstraintViolation::getCause() — Method in class ConstraintViolation
Returns the cause of the violation.
ConstraintViolation::getCode() — Method in class ConstraintViolation
Returns a machine-digestible error code for the violation.
ConstraintViolationInterface::getMessage() — Method in class ConstraintViolationInterface
Returns the violation message.
ConstraintViolationInterface::getMessageTemplate() — Method in class ConstraintViolationInterface
Returns the raw violation message.
ConstraintViolationInterface::getParameters() — Method in class ConstraintViolationInterface
Returns the parameters to be inserted into the raw violation message.
ConstraintViolationInterface::getPlural() — Method in class ConstraintViolationInterface
Returns a number for pluralizing the violation message.
ConstraintViolationInterface::getRoot() — Method in class ConstraintViolationInterface
Returns the root element of the validation.
ConstraintViolationInterface::getPropertyPath() — Method in class ConstraintViolationInterface
Returns the property path from the root element to the violation.
ConstraintViolationInterface::getInvalidValue() — Method in class ConstraintViolationInterface
Returns the value that caused the violation.
ConstraintViolationInterface::getCode() — Method in class ConstraintViolationInterface
Returns a machine-digestible error code for the violation.
ConstraintViolationList::get() — Method in class ConstraintViolationList
Returns the violation at a given offset.
ConstraintViolationList::getIterator() — Method in class ConstraintViolationList
ConstraintViolationListInterface::get() — Method in class ConstraintViolationListInterface
Returns the violation at a given offset.
AbstractComparison::getDefaultOption() — Method in class AbstractComparison
Returns the name of the default option.
AbstractComparisonValidator::getErrorCode() — Method in class AbstractComparisonValidator
Returns the error code used if the comparison fails.
All::getDefaultOption() — Method in class All
Returns the name of the default option.
All::getRequiredOptions() — Method in class All
Returns the name of the required options.
All::getCompositeOption() — Method in class All
Returns the name of the property that contains the nested constraints.
Callback::getDefaultOption() — Method in class Callback
Returns the name of the default option.
Callback::getTargets() — Method in class Callback
Returns whether the constraint can be put onto classes, properties or both.
CardScheme::getDefaultOption() — Method in class CardScheme
Returns the name of the default option.
CardScheme::getRequiredOptions() — Method in class CardScheme
Returns the name of the required options.
Choice::getDefaultOption() — Method in class Choice
Returns the name of the default option.
Collection::getRequiredOptions() — Method in class Collection
Returns the name of the required options.
Collection::getCompositeOption() — Method in class Collection
Returns the name of the property that contains the nested constraints.
Composite::getCompositeOption() — Method in class Composite
Returns the name of the property that contains the nested constraints.
DateTime::getDefaultOption() — Method in class DateTime
Returns the name of the default option.
DivisibleByValidator::getErrorCode() — Method in class DivisibleByValidator
Returns the error code used if the comparison fails.
EqualToValidator::getErrorCode() — Method in class EqualToValidator
Returns the error code used if the comparison fails.
Existence::getDefaultOption() — Method in class Existence
Returns the name of the default option.
Existence::getCompositeOption() — Method in class Existence
Returns the name of the property that contains the nested constraints.
Expression::getDefaultOption() — Method in class Expression
Returns the name of the default option.
Expression::getRequiredOptions() — Method in class Expression
Returns the name of the required options.
Expression::getTargets() — Method in class Expression
Returns whether the constraint can be put onto classes, properties or both.
GreaterThanClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints
GreaterThanOrEqualClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints
GreaterThanOrEqualValidatorClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints
Validates values are greater than or equal to the previous (>=).
GreaterThanOrEqualValidator::getErrorCode() — Method in class GreaterThanOrEqualValidator
Returns the error code used if the comparison fails.
GreaterThanValidatorClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints
Validates values are greater than the previous (>).
GreaterThanValidator::getErrorCode() — Method in class GreaterThanValidator
Returns the error code used if the comparison fails.
GroupSequenceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints
A sequence of validation groups.
$GroupSequence#groupsProperty in class GroupSequence
The groups in the sequence.
GroupSequenceProviderClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints
Annotation to define a group sequence provider.
IdenticalToValidator::getErrorCode() — Method in class IdenticalToValidator
Returns the error code used if the comparison fails.
Isbn::getDefaultOption() — Method in class Isbn
Returns the name of the default option.
IsbnValidator::getMessage() — Method in class IsbnValidator
LessThanOrEqualValidator::getErrorCode() — Method in class LessThanOrEqualValidator
Returns the error code used if the comparison fails.
LessThanValidator::getErrorCode() — Method in class LessThanValidator
Returns the error code used if the comparison fails.
NotEqualToValidator::getErrorCode() — Method in class NotEqualToValidator
Returns the error code used if the comparison fails.
NotIdenticalToValidator::getErrorCode() — Method in class NotIdenticalToValidator
Returns the error code used if the comparison fails.
Regex::getDefaultOption() — Method in class Regex
Returns the name of the default option.
Regex::getRequiredOptions() — Method in class Regex
Returns the name of the required options.
Regex::getHtmlPattern() — Method in class Regex
Converts the htmlPattern to a suitable format for HTML5 pattern.
Traverse::getDefaultOption() — Method in class Traverse
Returns the name of the default option.
Traverse::getTargets() — Method in class Traverse
Returns whether the constraint can be put onto classes, properties or both.
Type::getDefaultOption() — Method in class Type
Returns the name of the default option.
Type::getRequiredOptions() — Method in class Type
Returns the name of the required options.
ContainerConstraintValidatorFactory::getInstance() — Method in class ContainerConstraintValidatorFactory
Given a Constraint, this returns the ConstraintValidatorInterface object that should be used to verify its validity.
ExecutionContext::getViolations() — Method in class ExecutionContext
Returns the violations generated by the validator so far.
ExecutionContext::getValidator() — Method in class ExecutionContext
Returns the validator.
ExecutionContext::getRoot() — Method in class ExecutionContext
Returns the value at which validation was started in the object graph.
ExecutionContext::getValue() — Method in class ExecutionContext
Returns the value that the validator is currently validating.
ExecutionContext::getObject() — Method in class ExecutionContext
Returns the currently validated object.
ExecutionContext::getMetadata() — Method in class ExecutionContext
Returns the metadata for the currently validated value.
ExecutionContext::getGroup() — Method in class ExecutionContext
Returns the validation group that is currently being validated.
ExecutionContext::getConstraint() — Method in class ExecutionContext
ExecutionContext::getClassName() — Method in class ExecutionContext
Returns the class name of the current node.
ExecutionContext::getPropertyName() — Method in class ExecutionContext
Returns the property name of the current node.
ExecutionContext::getPropertyPath() — Method in class ExecutionContext
Returns the property path to the value that the validator is currently validating.
ExecutionContextInterface::getValidator() — Method in class ExecutionContextInterface
Returns the validator.
ExecutionContextInterface::getObject() — Method in class ExecutionContextInterface
Returns the currently validated object.
ExecutionContextInterface::getViolations() — Method in class ExecutionContextInterface
Returns the violations generated by the validator so far.
ExecutionContextInterface::getRoot() — Method in class ExecutionContextInterface
Returns the value at which validation was started in the object graph.
ExecutionContextInterface::getValue() — Method in class ExecutionContextInterface
Returns the value that the validator is currently validating.
ExecutionContextInterface::getMetadata() — Method in class ExecutionContextInterface
Returns the metadata for the currently validated value.
ExecutionContextInterface::getGroup() — Method in class ExecutionContextInterface
Returns the validation group that is currently being validated.
ExecutionContextInterface::getClassName() — Method in class ExecutionContextInterface
Returns the class name of the current node.
ExecutionContextInterface::getPropertyName() — Method in class ExecutionContextInterface
Returns the property name of the current node.
ExecutionContextInterface::getPropertyPath() — Method in class ExecutionContextInterface
Returns the property path to the value that the validator is currently validating.
ValidatorDataCollector::getCalls() — Method in class ValidatorDataCollector
ValidatorDataCollector::getViolationsCount() — Method in class ValidatorDataCollector
ValidatorDataCollector::getName() — Method in class ValidatorDataCollector
Returns the name of the collector.
ValidatorDataCollector::getCasters() — Method in class ValidatorDataCollector
GroupDefinitionExceptionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Validator\Exception
InvalidOptionsException::getOptions() — Method in class InvalidOptionsException
MissingOptionsException::getOptions() — Method in class MissingOptionsException
UnexpectedValueException::getExpectedType() — Method in class UnexpectedValueException
GroupSequenceProviderInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Validator
Defines the interface for a group sequence provider.
GroupSequenceProviderInterface::getGroupSequence() — Method in class GroupSequenceProviderInterface
Returns which validation groups should be used for a certain state of the object.
$ClassMetadata#gettersProperty in class ClassMetadata
$ClassMetadata#groupSequenceProperty in class ClassMetadata
$ClassMetadata#groupSequenceProviderProperty in class ClassMetadata
ClassMetadata::getClassName() — Method in class ClassMetadata
Returns the name of the backing PHP class.
ClassMetadata::getDefaultGroup() — Method in class ClassMetadata
Returns the name of the default group for this class.
ClassMetadata::getPropertyMetadata() — Method in class ClassMetadata
Returns all metadata instances for the given named property.
ClassMetadata::getConstrainedProperties() — Method in class ClassMetadata
Returns the names of all constrained properties.
ClassMetadata::getGroupSequence() — Method in class ClassMetadata
Returns the group sequence that overrides the "Default" group for this class.
ClassMetadata::getReflectionClass() — Method in class ClassMetadata
Returns a ReflectionClass instance for this class.
ClassMetadata::getCascadingStrategy() — Method in class ClassMetadata
Class nodes are never cascaded.
ClassMetadataInterface::getConstrainedProperties() — Method in class ClassMetadataInterface
Returns the names of all constrained properties.
ClassMetadataInterface::getGroupSequence() — Method in class ClassMetadataInterface
Returns the group sequence that overrides the "Default" group for this class.
ClassMetadataInterface::getPropertyMetadata() — Method in class ClassMetadataInterface
Returns all metadata instances for the given named property.
ClassMetadataInterface::getClassName() — Method in class ClassMetadataInterface
Returns the name of the backing PHP class.
BlackHoleMetadataFactory::getMetadataFor() — Method in class BlackHoleMetadataFactory
Returns the metadata for the given value.
LazyLoadingMetadataFactory::getMetadataFor() — Method in class LazyLoadingMetadataFactory
Returns the metadata for the given value.
MetadataFactoryInterface::getMetadataFor() — Method in class MetadataFactoryInterface
Returns the metadata for the given value.
GenericMetadataClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Validator\Mapping
A generic container of {@link Constraint} objects.
GenericMetadata::getConstraints() — Method in class GenericMetadata
Returns all constraints of this element.
GenericMetadata::getCascadingStrategy() — Method in class GenericMetadata
Returns the strategy for cascading objects.
GenericMetadata::getTraversalStrategy() — Method in class GenericMetadata
Returns the strategy for traversing traversable objects.
GetterMetadataClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Validator\Mapping
Stores all metadata needed for validating a class property via its getter method.
GetterMetadata::getPropertyValue() — Method in class GetterMetadata
Extracts the value of the property from the given container.
FilesLoader::getFileLoaders() — Method in class FilesLoader
Returns an array of file loaders for the given file paths.
FilesLoader::getFileLoaderInstance() — Method in class FilesLoader
Creates a loader for the given file path.
LoaderChain::getLoaders() — Method in class LoaderChain
XmlFileLoader::getMappedClasses() — Method in class XmlFileLoader
Return the names of the classes mapped in this file.
XmlFilesLoader::getFileLoaderInstance() — Method in class XmlFilesLoader
Creates a loader for the given file path.
YamlFileLoader::getMappedClasses() — Method in class YamlFileLoader
Return the names of the classes mapped in this file.
YamlFilesLoader::getFileLoaderInstance() — Method in class YamlFilesLoader
Creates a loader for the given file path.
MemberMetadata::getName() — Method in class MemberMetadata
Returns the name of the member.
MemberMetadata::getClassName() — Method in class MemberMetadata
MemberMetadata::getPropertyName() — Method in class MemberMetadata
Returns the name of the property.
MemberMetadata::getReflectionMember() — Method in class MemberMetadata
Returns the reflection instance for accessing the member's value.
MetadataInterface::getCascadingStrategy() — Method in class MetadataInterface
Returns the strategy for cascading objects.
MetadataInterface::getTraversalStrategy() — Method in class MetadataInterface
Returns the strategy for traversing traversable objects.
MetadataInterface::getConstraints() — Method in class MetadataInterface
Returns all constraints of this element.
PropertyMetadata::getPropertyValue() — Method in class PropertyMetadata
Extracts the value of the property from the given container.
PropertyMetadataInterface::getPropertyName() — Method in class PropertyMetadataInterface
Returns the name of the property.
PropertyMetadataInterface::getPropertyValue() — Method in class PropertyMetadataInterface
Extracts the value of the property from the given container.
$ConstraintValidatorTestCase#groupProperty in class ConstraintValidatorTestCase
LegacyTranslatorProxy::getTranslator() — Method in class LegacyTranslatorProxy
LegacyTranslatorProxy::getLocale() — Method in class LegacyTranslatorProxy
Returns the current locale.
ValidatorBuilder::getLoaders() — Method in class ValidatorBuilder
ValidatorBuilder::getValidator() — Method in class ValidatorBuilder
Builds and returns a new validator object.
ValidatorBuilderInterface::getValidator() — Method in class ValidatorBuilderInterface
Builds and returns a new validator object.
ContextualValidatorInterface::getViolations() — Method in class ContextualValidatorInterface
Returns the violations that have been generated so far in the context of the validator.
RecursiveContextualValidator::getViolations() — Method in class RecursiveContextualValidator
Returns the violations that have been generated so far in the context of the validator.
RecursiveValidator::getMetadataFor() — Method in class RecursiveValidator
Returns the metadata for the given value.
TraceableValidator::getCollectedData() — Method in class TraceableValidator
TraceableValidator::getMetadataFor() — Method in class TraceableValidator
Returns the metadata for the given value.
GmpCasterClass in namespace Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Caster
Casts GMP objects to array representation.
ReflectionCaster::getSignature() — Method in class ReflectionCaster
Data::getType() — Method in class Data
Data::getValue() — Method in class Data
Data::getIterator() — Method in class Data
CliContextProvider::getContext() — Method in class CliContextProvider
ContextProviderInterface::getContext() — Method in class ContextProviderInterface
RequestContextProvider::getContext() — Method in class RequestContextProvider
SourceContextProvider::getContext() — Method in class SourceContextProvider
HtmlDumper::getDumpHeader() — Method in class HtmlDumper
Dumps the HTML header.
ServerDumper::getContextProviders() — Method in class ServerDumper
Connection::getContextProviders() — Method in class Connection
DumpServer::getHost() — Method in class DumpServer
VarDumperTestTrait::getDump() — Method in class VarDumperTestTrait
Hydrator::getHydrator() — Method in class Hydrator
Registry::getClassReflector() — Method in class Registry
AddLinkHeaderListener::getSubscribedEvents() — Method in class AddLinkHeaderListener
Returns an array of event names this subscriber wants to listen to.
Definition::getInitialPlace() — Method in class Definition
Definition::getPlaces() — Method in class Definition
Definition::getTransitions() — Method in class Definition
Definition::getMetadataStore() — Method in class Definition
GraphvizDumperClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Workflow\Dumper
GraphvizDumper dumps a workflow as a graphviz file.
AuditTrailListener::getSubscribedEvents() — Method in class AuditTrailListener
Returns an array of event names this subscriber wants to listen to.
GuardExpressionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Workflow\EventListener
GuardExpression::getTransition() — Method in class GuardExpression
GuardExpression::getExpression() — Method in class GuardExpression
GuardListenerClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Workflow\EventListener
Event::getMarking() — Method in class Event
Event::getSubject() — Method in class Event
Event::getTransition() — Method in class Event
Event::getWorkflow() — Method in class Event
Event::getWorkflowName() — Method in class Event
Event::getMetadata() — Method in class Event
GuardEventClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Workflow\Event
GuardEvent::getTransitionBlockerList() — Method in class GuardEvent
NotEnabledTransitionException::getTransitionBlockerList() — Method in class NotEnabledTransitionException
TransitionException::getSubject() — Method in class TransitionException
TransitionException::getTransitionName() — Method in class TransitionException
TransitionException::getWorkflow() — Method in class TransitionException
Marking::getPlaces() — Method in class Marking
MarkingStoreInterface::getMarking() — Method in class MarkingStoreInterface
Gets a Marking from a subject.
MultipleStateMarkingStore::getMarking() — Method in class MultipleStateMarkingStore
Gets a Marking from a subject.
MultipleStateMarkingStore::getProperty() — Method in class MultipleStateMarkingStore
SingleStateMarkingStore::getMarking() — Method in class SingleStateMarkingStore
Gets a Marking from a subject.
SingleStateMarkingStore::getProperty() — Method in class SingleStateMarkingStore
GetMetadataTraitClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Workflow\Metadata
GetMetadataTrait::getMetadata() — Method in class GetMetadataTrait
InMemoryMetadataStore::getWorkflowMetadata() — Method in class InMemoryMetadataStore
InMemoryMetadataStore::getPlaceMetadata() — Method in class InMemoryMetadataStore
InMemoryMetadataStore::getTransitionMetadata() — Method in class InMemoryMetadataStore
MetadataStoreInterface::getWorkflowMetadata() — Method in class MetadataStoreInterface
MetadataStoreInterface::getPlaceMetadata() — Method in class MetadataStoreInterface
MetadataStoreInterface::getTransitionMetadata() — Method in class MetadataStoreInterface
MetadataStoreInterface::getMetadata() — Method in class MetadataStoreInterface
Returns the metadata for a specific subject.
Registry::get() — Method in class Registry
ClassInstanceSupportStrategy::getClassName() — Method in class ClassInstanceSupportStrategy
InstanceOfSupportStrategy::getClassName() — Method in class InstanceOfSupportStrategy
Transition::getName() — Method in class Transition
Transition::getFroms() — Method in class Transition
Transition::getTos() — Method in class Transition
TransitionBlocker::getMessage() — Method in class TransitionBlocker
TransitionBlocker::getCode() — Method in class TransitionBlocker
TransitionBlocker::getParameters() — Method in class TransitionBlocker
TransitionBlockerList::getIterator() — Method in class TransitionBlockerList
Workflow::getMarking() — Method in class Workflow
Returns the object's Marking.
Workflow::getEnabledTransitions() — Method in class Workflow
Returns all enabled transitions.
Workflow::getName() — Method in class Workflow
Workflow::getDefinition() — Method in class Workflow
Workflow::getMarkingStore() — Method in class Workflow
Workflow::getMetadataStore() — Method in class Workflow
WorkflowInterface::getMarking() — Method in class WorkflowInterface
Returns the object's Marking.
WorkflowInterface::getEnabledTransitions() — Method in class WorkflowInterface
Returns all enabled transitions.
WorkflowInterface::getName() — Method in class WorkflowInterface
WorkflowInterface::getDefinition() — Method in class WorkflowInterface
WorkflowInterface::getMarkingStore() — Method in class WorkflowInterface
WorkflowInterface::getMetadataStore() — Method in class WorkflowInterface
ParseException::getSnippet() — Method in class ParseException
Gets the snippet of code near the error.
ParseException::getParsedFile() — Method in class ParseException
Gets the filename where the error occurred.
ParseException::getParsedLine() — Method in class ParseException
Gets the line where the error occurred.
Parser::getLastLineNumberBeforeDeprecation() — Method in class Parser
Parser::getRealCurrentLineNb() — Method in class Parser
Returns the current line number (takes the offset into account).
TaggedValue::getTag() — Method in class TaggedValue
TaggedValue::getValue() — Method in class TaggedValue
CacheInterface::get() — Method in class CacheInterface
Fetches a value from the pool or computes it if not found.
CacheTrait::get() — Method in class CacheTrait
ItemInterface::getMetadata() — Method in class ItemInterface
Returns a list of metadata info that were saved alongside with the cached value.
ServiceLocatorTrait::get() — Method in class ServiceLocatorTrait
ServiceSubscriberInterface::getSubscribedServices() — Method in class ServiceSubscriberInterface
Returns an array of service types required by such instances, optionally keyed by the service names used internally.
ServiceSubscriberTrait::getSubscribedServices() — Method in class ServiceSubscriberTrait
LocaleAwareInterface::getLocale() — Method in class LocaleAwareInterface
Returns the current locale.
TranslatorTrait::getLocale() — Method in class TranslatorTrait
__TwigTemplate_209568cee73489a07b58263796efc4cbb8527e4058c3b94f0468e7181d323e06::getTemplateName() — Method in class __TwigTemplate_209568cee73489a07b58263796efc4cbb8527e4058c3b94f0468e7181d323e06
__TwigTemplate_209568cee73489a07b58263796efc4cbb8527e4058c3b94f0468e7181d323e06::getDebugInfo() — Method in class __TwigTemplate_209568cee73489a07b58263796efc4cbb8527e4058c3b94f0468e7181d323e06
__TwigTemplate_209568cee73489a07b58263796efc4cbb8527e4058c3b94f0468e7181d323e06::getSourceContext() — Method in class __TwigTemplate_209568cee73489a07b58263796efc4cbb8527e4058c3b94f0468e7181d323e06
__TwigTemplate_379a33569599b7d16b02e1e22d6920aff20dcd0909ffd334db9fb0f6d88de572::getTemplateName() — Method in class __TwigTemplate_379a33569599b7d16b02e1e22d6920aff20dcd0909ffd334db9fb0f6d88de572
__TwigTemplate_379a33569599b7d16b02e1e22d6920aff20dcd0909ffd334db9fb0f6d88de572::getDebugInfo() — Method in class __TwigTemplate_379a33569599b7d16b02e1e22d6920aff20dcd0909ffd334db9fb0f6d88de572
__TwigTemplate_379a33569599b7d16b02e1e22d6920aff20dcd0909ffd334db9fb0f6d88de572::getSourceContext() — Method in class __TwigTemplate_379a33569599b7d16b02e1e22d6920aff20dcd0909ffd334db9fb0f6d88de572
__TwigTemplate_3a799ab867c09082c92ad841cfac9b8f59c5dca2d62d09aed83bc05f4fb59208::getTemplateName() — Method in class __TwigTemplate_3a799ab867c09082c92ad841cfac9b8f59c5dca2d62d09aed83bc05f4fb59208
__TwigTemplate_3a799ab867c09082c92ad841cfac9b8f59c5dca2d62d09aed83bc05f4fb59208::getDebugInfo() — Method in class __TwigTemplate_3a799ab867c09082c92ad841cfac9b8f59c5dca2d62d09aed83bc05f4fb59208
__TwigTemplate_3a799ab867c09082c92ad841cfac9b8f59c5dca2d62d09aed83bc05f4fb59208::getSourceContext() — Method in class __TwigTemplate_3a799ab867c09082c92ad841cfac9b8f59c5dca2d62d09aed83bc05f4fb59208
__TwigTemplate_3ddc07243c5931794b295117e0aa29aaf8684f8957f9573bb7afd48ba4ec557b::getTemplateName() — Method in class __TwigTemplate_3ddc07243c5931794b295117e0aa29aaf8684f8957f9573bb7afd48ba4ec557b
__TwigTemplate_3ddc07243c5931794b295117e0aa29aaf8684f8957f9573bb7afd48ba4ec557b::getDebugInfo() — Method in class __TwigTemplate_3ddc07243c5931794b295117e0aa29aaf8684f8957f9573bb7afd48ba4ec557b
__TwigTemplate_3ddc07243c5931794b295117e0aa29aaf8684f8957f9573bb7afd48ba4ec557b::getSourceContext() — Method in class __TwigTemplate_3ddc07243c5931794b295117e0aa29aaf8684f8957f9573bb7afd48ba4ec557b
__TwigTemplate_489a5c2f784bc7207c64643c1e974c24d5aa1f59c07840e9c9fdcc2ebe0f4049::getTemplateName() — Method in class __TwigTemplate_489a5c2f784bc7207c64643c1e974c24d5aa1f59c07840e9c9fdcc2ebe0f4049
__TwigTemplate_489a5c2f784bc7207c64643c1e974c24d5aa1f59c07840e9c9fdcc2ebe0f4049::getDebugInfo() — Method in class __TwigTemplate_489a5c2f784bc7207c64643c1e974c24d5aa1f59c07840e9c9fdcc2ebe0f4049
__TwigTemplate_489a5c2f784bc7207c64643c1e974c24d5aa1f59c07840e9c9fdcc2ebe0f4049::getSourceContext() — Method in class __TwigTemplate_489a5c2f784bc7207c64643c1e974c24d5aa1f59c07840e9c9fdcc2ebe0f4049
__TwigTemplate_68cc922e3fa367f608828e58f6d9019a7a95e4791fceaa3ef3f7d023159cc8c7::getTemplateName() — Method in class __TwigTemplate_68cc922e3fa367f608828e58f6d9019a7a95e4791fceaa3ef3f7d023159cc8c7
__TwigTemplate_68cc922e3fa367f608828e58f6d9019a7a95e4791fceaa3ef3f7d023159cc8c7::getDebugInfo() — Method in class __TwigTemplate_68cc922e3fa367f608828e58f6d9019a7a95e4791fceaa3ef3f7d023159cc8c7
__TwigTemplate_68cc922e3fa367f608828e58f6d9019a7a95e4791fceaa3ef3f7d023159cc8c7::getSourceContext() — Method in class __TwigTemplate_68cc922e3fa367f608828e58f6d9019a7a95e4791fceaa3ef3f7d023159cc8c7
__TwigTemplate_6fc71e2e61a29b206332c5b08c44ad934d04178761881af9825ff8ca1bf415e3::getTemplateName() — Method in class __TwigTemplate_6fc71e2e61a29b206332c5b08c44ad934d04178761881af9825ff8ca1bf415e3
__TwigTemplate_6fc71e2e61a29b206332c5b08c44ad934d04178761881af9825ff8ca1bf415e3::getDebugInfo() — Method in class __TwigTemplate_6fc71e2e61a29b206332c5b08c44ad934d04178761881af9825ff8ca1bf415e3
__TwigTemplate_6fc71e2e61a29b206332c5b08c44ad934d04178761881af9825ff8ca1bf415e3::getSourceContext() — Method in class __TwigTemplate_6fc71e2e61a29b206332c5b08c44ad934d04178761881af9825ff8ca1bf415e3
__TwigTemplate_7307fe7a0f2e1ce51763f8a04a93b3050883b94afacde688f56d7de3575da4d3::getTemplateName() — Method in class __TwigTemplate_7307fe7a0f2e1ce51763f8a04a93b3050883b94afacde688f56d7de3575da4d3
__TwigTemplate_7307fe7a0f2e1ce51763f8a04a93b3050883b94afacde688f56d7de3575da4d3::getDebugInfo() — Method in class __TwigTemplate_7307fe7a0f2e1ce51763f8a04a93b3050883b94afacde688f56d7de3575da4d3
__TwigTemplate_7307fe7a0f2e1ce51763f8a04a93b3050883b94afacde688f56d7de3575da4d3::getSourceContext() — Method in class __TwigTemplate_7307fe7a0f2e1ce51763f8a04a93b3050883b94afacde688f56d7de3575da4d3
__TwigTemplate_832f807c6f6861fcd9610dee42e09a3587f5863a2db0b52d40320f9af793f4f1::getTemplateName() — Method in class __TwigTemplate_832f807c6f6861fcd9610dee42e09a3587f5863a2db0b52d40320f9af793f4f1
__TwigTemplate_832f807c6f6861fcd9610dee42e09a3587f5863a2db0b52d40320f9af793f4f1::getDebugInfo() — Method in class __TwigTemplate_832f807c6f6861fcd9610dee42e09a3587f5863a2db0b52d40320f9af793f4f1
__TwigTemplate_832f807c6f6861fcd9610dee42e09a3587f5863a2db0b52d40320f9af793f4f1::getSourceContext() — Method in class __TwigTemplate_832f807c6f6861fcd9610dee42e09a3587f5863a2db0b52d40320f9af793f4f1
__TwigTemplate_844fb6cfdea49c0791980478cecd122e9d435447564866a71135cf8343b47bd6::getTemplateName() — Method in class __TwigTemplate_844fb6cfdea49c0791980478cecd122e9d435447564866a71135cf8343b47bd6
__TwigTemplate_844fb6cfdea49c0791980478cecd122e9d435447564866a71135cf8343b47bd6::getDebugInfo() — Method in class __TwigTemplate_844fb6cfdea49c0791980478cecd122e9d435447564866a71135cf8343b47bd6
__TwigTemplate_844fb6cfdea49c0791980478cecd122e9d435447564866a71135cf8343b47bd6::getSourceContext() — Method in class __TwigTemplate_844fb6cfdea49c0791980478cecd122e9d435447564866a71135cf8343b47bd6
__TwigTemplate_8b71541f8f54b85d54ecf5acff00241d7ee7b9d330cf5768fa3cb0e206fad558::getTemplateName() — Method in class __TwigTemplate_8b71541f8f54b85d54ecf5acff00241d7ee7b9d330cf5768fa3cb0e206fad558
__TwigTemplate_8b71541f8f54b85d54ecf5acff00241d7ee7b9d330cf5768fa3cb0e206fad558::getDebugInfo() — Method in class __TwigTemplate_8b71541f8f54b85d54ecf5acff00241d7ee7b9d330cf5768fa3cb0e206fad558
__TwigTemplate_8b71541f8f54b85d54ecf5acff00241d7ee7b9d330cf5768fa3cb0e206fad558::getSourceContext() — Method in class __TwigTemplate_8b71541f8f54b85d54ecf5acff00241d7ee7b9d330cf5768fa3cb0e206fad558
__TwigTemplate_9ac42ffac6cea8fb8ad13a537121af017dd22668dca27786d4890f2f683406e8::getTemplateName() — Method in class __TwigTemplate_9ac42ffac6cea8fb8ad13a537121af017dd22668dca27786d4890f2f683406e8
__TwigTemplate_9ac42ffac6cea8fb8ad13a537121af017dd22668dca27786d4890f2f683406e8::getDebugInfo() — Method in class __TwigTemplate_9ac42ffac6cea8fb8ad13a537121af017dd22668dca27786d4890f2f683406e8
__TwigTemplate_9ac42ffac6cea8fb8ad13a537121af017dd22668dca27786d4890f2f683406e8::getSourceContext() — Method in class __TwigTemplate_9ac42ffac6cea8fb8ad13a537121af017dd22668dca27786d4890f2f683406e8
__TwigTemplate_b21141e324c1c3d43e26bf06b01f74a3f7a0b0acc4a942ce8a93aadbf59caf94::getTemplateName() — Method in class __TwigTemplate_b21141e324c1c3d43e26bf06b01f74a3f7a0b0acc4a942ce8a93aadbf59caf94
__TwigTemplate_b21141e324c1c3d43e26bf06b01f74a3f7a0b0acc4a942ce8a93aadbf59caf94::getDebugInfo() — Method in class __TwigTemplate_b21141e324c1c3d43e26bf06b01f74a3f7a0b0acc4a942ce8a93aadbf59caf94
__TwigTemplate_b21141e324c1c3d43e26bf06b01f74a3f7a0b0acc4a942ce8a93aadbf59caf94::getSourceContext() — Method in class __TwigTemplate_b21141e324c1c3d43e26bf06b01f74a3f7a0b0acc4a942ce8a93aadbf59caf94
__TwigTemplate_fcf804abc836dd17f7beb221e7962013db7c83d0972becd9b26b85bbf1f1599d::getTemplateName() — Method in class __TwigTemplate_fcf804abc836dd17f7beb221e7962013db7c83d0972becd9b26b85bbf1f1599d
__TwigTemplate_fcf804abc836dd17f7beb221e7962013db7c83d0972becd9b26b85bbf1f1599d::getDebugInfo() — Method in class __TwigTemplate_fcf804abc836dd17f7beb221e7962013db7c83d0972becd9b26b85bbf1f1599d
__TwigTemplate_fcf804abc836dd17f7beb221e7962013db7c83d0972becd9b26b85bbf1f1599d::getSourceContext() — Method in class __TwigTemplate_fcf804abc836dd17f7beb221e7962013db7c83d0972becd9b26b85bbf1f1599d


ContainerAwareEventManager::hasListeners() — Method in class ContainerAwareEventManager
Checks whether an event has any registered listeners.
DoctrineTransactionMiddleware::handle() — Method in class DoctrineTransactionMiddleware
ChromePhpHandler::headersAccepted() — Method in class ChromePhpHandler
Override default behavior since we check it in onKernelResponse.
ConsoleHandler::handle() — Method in class ConsoleHandler
HttpCodeActivationStrategyClass in namespace Symfony\Bridge\Monolog\Handler\FingersCrossed
Activation strategy that ignores certain HTTP codes.
FirePHPHandler::headersAccepted() — Method in class FirePHPHandler
Override default behavior since we check the user agent in onKernelResponse.
ServerLogHandler::handle() — Method in class ServerLogHandler
SymfonyTestsListenerTrait::handleError() — Method in class SymfonyTestsListenerTrait
TestRunnerForV5::handleConfiguration() — Method in class TestRunnerForV5
TestRunnerForV6::handleConfiguration() — Method in class TestRunnerForV6
TestRunnerForV7::handleConfiguration() — Method in class TestRunnerForV7
HttpFoundationExtensionClass in namespace Symfony\Bridge\Twig\Extension
Twig extension for the Symfony HttpFoundation component.
HttpKernelExtensionClass in namespace Symfony\Bridge\Twig\Extension
Provides integration with the HttpKernel component.
HttpKernelRuntimeClass in namespace Symfony\Bridge\Twig\Extension
Provides integration with the HttpKernel component.
WorkflowExtension::hasMarkedPlace() — Method in class WorkflowExtension
Returns true if the place is marked.
Scope::has() — Method in class Scope
Tests if a data is visible from current scope.
ControllerTrait::has() — Method in class ControllerTrait
Returns true if the service id is defined.
HttpCacheClass in namespace Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\HttpCache
Manages HTTP cache objects in a Container.
FormHelper::help() — Method in class FormHelper
Renders the help of the given view.
FormHelper::humanize() — Method in class FormHelper
SessionHelper::hasFlash() — Method in class SessionHelper
TestContainer::hasParameter() — Method in class TestContainer
Checks if a parameter exists.
TestContainer::has() — Method in class TestContainer
Returns true if the given service is defined.
TraceableFirewallListener::handleRequest() — Method in class TraceableFirewallListener
WrappedListener::handle() — Method in class WrappedListener
HttpBasicFactoryClass in namespace Symfony\Bundle\SecurityBundle\DependencyInjection\Security\Factory
HttpBasicFactory creates services for HTTP basic authentication.
HttpBasicLdapFactoryClass in namespace Symfony\Bundle\SecurityBundle\DependencyInjection\Security\Factory
HttpBasicFactory creates services for HTTP basic authentication.
ProfilerController::homeAction() — Method in class ProfilerController
Redirects to the last profiles.
$Client#historyProperty in class Client
$Cookie#httponlyProperty in class Cookie
HistoryClass in namespace Symfony\Component\BrowserKit
$Response#headersProperty in class Response
ChainAdapter::hasItem() — Method in class ChainAdapter
NullAdapter::hasItem() — Method in class NullAdapter
PhpArrayAdapter::hasItem() — Method in class PhpArrayAdapter
ProxyAdapter::hasItem() — Method in class ProxyAdapter
TagAwareAdapter::hasItem() — Method in class TagAwareAdapter
TraceableAdapter::hasItem() — Method in class TraceableAdapter
$TraceableAdapterEvent#hitsProperty in class TraceableAdapterEvent
DefaultMarshaller::handleUnserializeCallback() — Method in class DefaultMarshaller
ChainCache::has() — Method in class ChainCache
NullCache::has() — Method in class NullCache
PhpArrayCache::has() — Method in class PhpArrayCache
Psr6Cache::has() — Method in class Psr6Cache
TraceableCache::has() — Method in class TraceableCache
$TraceableCacheEvent#hitsProperty in class TraceableCacheEvent
AbstractTrait::hasItem() — Method in class AbstractTrait
AbstractTrait::handleUnserializeCallback() — Method in class AbstractTrait
ArrayTrait::hasItem() — Method in class ArrayTrait
RedisClusterProxy::hscan() — Method in class RedisClusterProxy
RedisProxy::hscan() — Method in class RedisProxy
ArrayNode::hasDefaultValue() — Method in class ArrayNode
Returns true when the node has a default value.
BaseNode::hasAttribute() — Method in class BaseNode
NodeInterface::hasDefaultValue() — Method in class NodeInterface
Returns true when the node has a default value.
PrototypedArrayNode::hasDefaultValue() — Method in class PrototypedArrayNode
Returns true when the node has a default value.
VariableNode::hasDefaultValue() — Method in class VariableNode
Returns true when the node has a default value.
Application::has() — Method in class Application
Returns true if the command exists, false otherwise.
CommandLoaderInterface::has() — Method in class CommandLoaderInterface
Checks if a command exists.
ContainerCommandLoader::has() — Method in class ContainerCommandLoader
Checks if a command exists.
FactoryCommandLoader::has() — Method in class FactoryCommandLoader
Checks if a command exists.
HelpCommandClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Console\Command
HelpCommand displays the help for a given command.
OutputFormatter::hasStyle() — Method in class OutputFormatter
Checks if output formatter has style with specified name.
OutputFormatterInterface::hasStyle() — Method in class OutputFormatterInterface
Checks if output formatter has style with specified name.
HelperClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Console\Helper
Helper is the base class for all helper classes.
$Helper#helperSetProperty in class Helper
HelperInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Console\Helper
HelperInterface is the interface all helpers must implement.
HelperSetClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Console\Helper
HelperSet represents a set of helpers to be used with a command.
HelperSet::has() — Method in class HelperSet
Returns true if the helper if defined.
ArgvInput::hasParameterOption() — Method in class ArgvInput
Returns true if the raw parameters (not parsed) contain a value.
ArrayInput::hasParameterOption() — Method in class ArrayInput
Returns true if the raw parameters (not parsed) contain a value.
Input::hasArgument() — Method in class Input
Returns true if an InputArgument object exists by name or position.
Input::hasOption() — Method in class Input
Returns true if an InputOption object exists by name.
InputDefinition::hasArgument() — Method in class InputDefinition
Returns true if an InputArgument object exists by name or position.
InputDefinition::hasOption() — Method in class InputDefinition
Returns true if an InputOption object exists by name.
InputDefinition::hasShortcut() — Method in class InputDefinition
Returns true if an InputOption object exists by shortcut.
InputInterface::hasParameterOption() — Method in class InputInterface
Returns true if the raw parameters (not parsed) contain a value.
InputInterface::hasArgument() — Method in class InputInterface
Returns true if an InputArgument object exists by name or position.
InputInterface::hasOption() — Method in class InputInterface
Returns true if an InputOption object exists by name.
ConsoleLogger::hasErrored() — Method in class ConsoleLogger
Returns true when any messages have been logged at error levels.
ConsoleOutput::hasStdoutSupport() — Method in class ConsoleOutput
Returns true if current environment supports writing console output to STDOUT.
ConsoleOutput::hasStderrSupport() — Method in class ConsoleOutput
Returns true if current environment supports writing console output to STDERR.
StreamOutput::hasColorSupport() — Method in class StreamOutput
Returns true if the stream supports colorization.
HashNodeClass in namespace Symfony\Component\CssSelector\Node
Represents a "#" node.
CommentHandler::handle() — Method in class CommentHandler
HandlerInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\CssSelector\Parser\Handler
CSS selector handler interface.
HandlerInterface::handle() — Method in class HandlerInterface
HashHandlerClass in namespace Symfony\Component\CssSelector\Parser\Handler
CSS selector comment handler.
HashHandler::handle() — Method in class HashHandler
IdentifierHandler::handle() — Method in class IdentifierHandler
NumberHandler::handle() — Method in class NumberHandler
StringHandler::handle() — Method in class StringHandler
WhitespaceHandler::handle() — Method in class WhitespaceHandler
HashParserClass in namespace Symfony\Component\CssSelector\Parser\Shortcut
CSS selector hash parser shortcut.
HtmlExtensionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\CssSelector\XPath\Extension
XPath expression translator HTML extension.
NodeExtension::hasFlag() — Method in class NodeExtension
ErrorHandler::handleError() — Method in class ErrorHandler
Handles errors by filtering then logging them according to the configured bit fields.
ErrorHandler::handleException() — Method in class ErrorHandler
Handles an exception by logging then forwarding it to another handler.
ErrorHandler::handleFatalError() — Method in class ErrorHandler
Shutdown registered function for handling PHP fatal errors.
ExceptionHandler::handle() — Method in class ExceptionHandler
Sends a response for the given Exception.
ClassNotFoundFatalErrorHandler::handleError() — Method in class ClassNotFoundFatalErrorHandler
Attempts to convert an error into an exception.
FatalErrorHandlerInterface::handleError() — Method in class FatalErrorHandlerInterface
Attempts to convert an error into an exception.
UndefinedFunctionFatalErrorHandler::handleError() — Method in class UndefinedFunctionFatalErrorHandler
Attempts to convert an error into an exception.
UndefinedMethodFatalErrorHandler::handleError() — Method in class UndefinedMethodFatalErrorHandler
Attempts to convert an error into an exception.
ServiceReferenceGraph::hasNode() — Method in class ServiceReferenceGraph
Container::hasParameter() — Method in class Container
Checks if a parameter exists.
Container::has() — Method in class Container
Returns true if the given service is defined.
ContainerBuilder::hasExtension() — Method in class ContainerBuilder
Checks if we have an extension.
ContainerBuilder::has() — Method in class ContainerBuilder
Returns true if the given service is defined.
ContainerBuilder::hasAlias() — Method in class ContainerBuilder
Returns true if an alias exists under the given identifier.
ContainerBuilder::hasDefinition() — Method in class ContainerBuilder
Returns true if a service definition exists under the given identifier.
ContainerBuilder::hash() — Method in class ContainerBuilder
Computes a reasonably unique hash of a value.
ContainerInterface::has() — Method in class ContainerInterface
Returns true if the given service is defined.
ContainerInterface::hasParameter() — Method in class ContainerInterface
Checks if a parameter exists.
Definition::hasMethodCall() — Method in class Definition
Check if the current definition has a given method to call after service initialization.
Definition::hasTag() — Method in class Definition
Whether this definition has a tag with the given name.
ContainerBag::has() — Method in class ContainerBag
Returns true if a parameter name is defined.
ParameterBag::has() — Method in class ParameterBag
Returns true if a parameter name is defined.
ParameterBagInterface::has() — Method in class ParameterBagInterface
Returns true if a parameter name is defined.
Crawler::html() — Method in class Crawler
Returns the first node of the list as HTML.
ChoiceFormField::hasValue() — Method in class ChoiceFormField
Returns true if the field should be included in the submitted values.
FormField::hasValue() — Method in class FormField
Returns true if the field should be included in the submitted values.
Form::has() — Method in class Form
Returns true if the named field exists.
FormFieldRegistry::has() — Method in class FormFieldRegistry
Tests whether the form has the given field.
TraceableEventDispatcher::hasListeners() — Method in class TraceableEventDispatcher
Checks whether an event has any registered listeners.
EventDispatcher::hasListeners() — Method in class EventDispatcher
Checks whether an event has any registered listeners.
EventDispatcherInterface::hasListeners() — Method in class EventDispatcherInterface
Checks whether an event has any registered listeners.
GenericEvent::hasArgument() — Method in class GenericEvent
Has argument.
ImmutableEventDispatcher::hasListeners() — Method in class ImmutableEventDispatcher
Checks whether an event has any registered listeners.
Filesystem::hardlink() — Method in class Filesystem
Creates a hard link, or several hard links to a file.
Filesystem::handleError() — Method in class Filesystem
Finder::hasResults() — Method in class Finder
Check if the any results were found.
ExcludeDirectoryFilterIterator::hasChildren() — Method in class ExcludeDirectoryFilterIterator
AbstractExtension::hasType() — Method in class AbstractExtension
Returns whether the given type is supported.
AbstractExtension::hasTypeExtensions() — Method in class AbstractExtension
Returns whether this extension provides type extensions for the given type.
Button::has() — Method in class Button
Returns whether a child with the given name exists.
Button::handleRequest() — Method in class Button
Inspects the given request and calls {@link submit()} if the form was submitted.
ButtonBuilder::has() — Method in class ButtonBuilder
Returns whether a field with the given name exists.
ButtonBuilder::hasAttribute() — Method in class ButtonBuilder
Returns whether the attribute with the given name exists.
ButtonBuilder::hasOption() — Method in class ButtonBuilder
Returns whether a specific option exists.
ChoiceListView::hasPlaceholder() — Method in class ChoiceListView
Returns whether a placeholder is in the choices.
HiddenTypeClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type
DependencyInjectionExtension::hasType() — Method in class DependencyInjectionExtension
Returns whether the given type is supported.
DependencyInjectionExtension::hasTypeExtensions() — Method in class DependencyInjectionExtension
Returns whether this extension provides type extensions for the given type.
HttpFoundationExtensionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\HttpFoundation
Integrates the HttpFoundation component with the Form library.
HttpFoundationRequestHandlerClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\HttpFoundation
A request processor using the {@link Request} class of the HttpFoundation component.
HttpFoundationRequestHandler::handleRequest() — Method in class HttpFoundationRequestHandler
Submits a form if it was submitted.
Form::handleRequest() — Method in class Form
Inspects the given request and calls {@link submit()} if the form was submitted.
Form::has() — Method in class Form
Returns whether a child with the given name exists.
FormBuilder::has() — Method in class FormBuilder
Returns whether a field with the given name exists.
FormBuilderInterface::has() — Method in class FormBuilderInterface
Returns whether a field with the given name exists.
FormConfigBuilder::hasAttribute() — Method in class FormConfigBuilder
Returns whether the attribute with the given name exists.
FormConfigBuilder::hasOption() — Method in class FormConfigBuilder
Returns whether a specific option exists.
FormConfigInterface::hasAttribute() — Method in class FormConfigInterface
Returns whether the attribute with the given name exists.
FormConfigInterface::hasOption() — Method in class FormConfigInterface
Returns whether a specific option exists.
FormErrorIterator::hasChildren() — Method in class FormErrorIterator
Returns whether the current element of the iterator can be recursed into.
FormExtensionInterface::hasType() — Method in class FormExtensionInterface
Returns whether the given type is supported.
FormExtensionInterface::hasTypeExtensions() — Method in class FormExtensionInterface
Returns whether this extension provides type extensions for the given type.
FormInterface::has() — Method in class FormInterface
Returns whether a child with the given name exists.
FormInterface::handleRequest() — Method in class FormInterface
Inspects the given request and calls {@link submit()} if the form was submitted.
FormRegistry::hasType() — Method in class FormRegistry
Returns whether the given form type is supported.
FormRegistryInterface::hasType() — Method in class FormRegistryInterface
Returns whether the given form type is supported.
FormRenderer::humanize() — Method in class FormRenderer
Makes a technical name human readable.
FormRendererInterface::humanize() — Method in class FormRendererInterface
Makes a technical name human readable.
NativeRequestHandler::handleRequest() — Method in class NativeRequestHandler
Submits a form if it was submitted.
PreloadedExtension::hasType() — Method in class PreloadedExtension
Returns whether the given type is supported.
PreloadedExtension::hasTypeExtensions() — Method in class PreloadedExtension
Returns whether this extension provides type extensions for the given type.
RequestHandlerInterface::handleRequest() — Method in class RequestHandlerInterface
Submits a form if it was submitted.
InheritDataAwareIterator::hasChildren() — Method in class InheritDataAwareIterator
ServerParams::hasPostMaxSizeBeenExceeded() — Method in class ServerParams
Returns true if the POST max size has been exceeded in the request.
AcceptHeader::has() — Method in class AcceptHeader
Tests if header has given value.
AcceptHeaderItem::hasAttribute() — Method in class AcceptHeaderItem
Tests if an attribute exists.
$Cookie#httpOnlyProperty in class Cookie
HeaderBagClass in namespace Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation
HeaderBag is a container for HTTP headers.
$HeaderBag#headersProperty in class HeaderBag
HeaderBag::has() — Method in class HeaderBag
Returns true if the HTTP header is defined.
HeaderBag::hasCacheControlDirective() — Method in class HeaderBag
Returns true if the Cache-Control directive is defined.
HeaderUtilsClass in namespace Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation
HTTP header utility functions.
ParameterBag::has() — Method in class ParameterBag
Returns true if the parameter is defined.
$Request#httpMethodParameterOverrideProperty in class Request
$Request#headersProperty in class Request
Headers (taken from the $_SERVER).
Request::hasPreviousSession() — Method in class Request
Whether the request contains a Session which was started in one of the previous requests.
Request::hasSession() — Method in class Request
Whether the request contains a Session object.
$Response#headersProperty in class Response
Response::hasVary() — Method in class Response
Returns true if the response includes a Vary header.
$ResponseHeaderBag#headerNamesProperty in class ResponseHeaderBag
ResponseHeaderBag::hasCacheControlDirective() — Method in class ResponseHeaderBag
Returns true if the Cache-Control directive is defined.
AttributeBag::has() — Method in class AttributeBag
Checks if an attribute is defined.
AttributeBagInterface::has() — Method in class AttributeBagInterface
Checks if an attribute is defined.
NamespacedAttributeBag::has() — Method in class NamespacedAttributeBag
Checks if an attribute is defined.
AutoExpireFlashBag::has() — Method in class AutoExpireFlashBag
Has flash messages for a given type?
FlashBag::has() — Method in class FlashBag
Has flash messages for a given type?
FlashBagInterface::has() — Method in class FlashBagInterface
Has flash messages for a given type?
Session::has() — Method in class Session
Checks if an attribute is defined.
SessionInterface::has() — Method in class SessionInterface
Checks if an attribute is defined.
$SessionHandlerProxy#handlerProperty in class SessionHandlerProxy
Psr6CacheClearer::hasPool() — Method in class Psr6CacheClearer
ArgumentMetadata::hasDefaultValue() — Method in class ArgumentMetadata
Returns whether the argument has a default value.
ConfigDataCollector::hasXDebug() — Method in class ConfigDataCollector
Returns true if the XDebug is enabled.
ConfigDataCollector::hasApcu() — Method in class ConfigDataCollector
Returns true if APCu is enabled.
ConfigDataCollector::hasZendOpcache() — Method in class ConfigDataCollector
Returns true if Zend OPcache is enabled.
ExceptionDataCollector::hasException() — Method in class ExceptionDataCollector
Checks if the exception is not null.
GetResponseEvent::hasResponse() — Method in class GetResponseEvent
Returns whether a response was set.
HttpExceptionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Exception
HttpExceptionInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Exception
Interface for HTTP error exceptions.
HIncludeFragmentRendererClass in namespace Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Fragment
Implements the Hinclude rendering strategy.
HIncludeFragmentRenderer::hasTemplating() — Method in class HIncludeFragmentRenderer
Checks if a templating engine has been set.
AbstractSurrogate::hasSurrogateCapability() — Method in class AbstractSurrogate
Checks that at least one surrogate has Surrogate capability.
AbstractSurrogate::handle() — Method in class AbstractSurrogate
Handles a Surrogate from the cache.
HttpCacheClass in namespace Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\HttpCache
Cache provides HTTP caching.
HttpCache::handle() — Method in class HttpCache
Handles a Request to convert it to a Response.
SubRequestHandler::handle() — Method in class SubRequestHandler
SurrogateInterface::hasSurrogateCapability() — Method in class SurrogateInterface
Checks that at least one surrogate has Surrogate capability.
SurrogateInterface::handle() — Method in class SurrogateInterface
Handles a Surrogate from the cache.
HttpKernelClass in namespace Symfony\Component\HttpKernel
HttpKernel notifies events to convert a Request object to a Response one.
HttpKernel::handle() — Method in class HttpKernel
Handles a Request to convert it to a Response.
HttpKernelInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\HttpKernel
HttpKernelInterface handles a Request to convert it to a Response.
HttpKernelInterface::handle() — Method in class HttpKernelInterface
Handles a Request to convert it to a Response.
Kernel::handle() — Method in class Kernel
Handles a Request to convert it to a Response.
Profile::hasCollector() — Method in class Profile
Returns true if a Collector for the given name exists.
Profiler::has() — Method in class Profiler
Returns true if a Collector for the given name exists.
Hour1200TransformerClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Intl\DateFormatter\DateFormat
Parser and formatter for 12 hour format (0-11).
Hour1201TransformerClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Intl\DateFormatter\DateFormat
Parser and formatter for 12 hour format (1-12).
Hour2400TransformerClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Intl\DateFormatter\DateFormat
Parser and formatter for 24 hour format (0-23).
Hour2401TransformerClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Intl\DateFormatter\DateFormat
Parser and formatter for 24 hour format (1-24).
HourTransformerClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Intl\DateFormatter\DateFormat
Base class for hour transformers.
Entry::hasAttribute() — Method in class Entry
Returns whether an attribute exists.
Key::hasState() — Method in class Key
HandleTraitClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Messenger
Leverages a message bus to expect a single, synchronous message handling and return its result.
HandlersLocatorClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Messenger\Handler
Maps a message to a list of handlers.
HandlersLocatorInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Messenger\Handler
Maps a message to a list of handlers.
ActivationMiddleware::handle() — Method in class ActivationMiddleware
HandleMessageMiddlewareClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Messenger\Middleware
HandleMessageMiddleware::handle() — Method in class HandleMessageMiddleware
LoggingMiddleware::handle() — Method in class LoggingMiddleware
MiddlewareInterface::handle() — Method in class MiddlewareInterface
SendMessageMiddleware::handle() — Method in class SendMessageMiddleware
StackMiddleware::handle() — Method in class StackMiddleware
TraceableMiddleware::handle() — Method in class TraceableMiddleware
ValidationMiddleware::handle() — Method in class ValidationMiddleware
HandledStampClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Messenger\Stamp
Stamp identifying a message handled by the HandleMessageMiddleware middleware and storing the handler returned value.
OptionsResolver::hasDefault() — Method in class OptionsResolver
Returns whether a default value is set for an option.
AbstractPipes::hasSystemCallBeenInterrupted() — Method in class AbstractPipes
Returns true if a system call has been interrupted.
AbstractPipes::handleError() — Method in class AbstractPipes
PipesInterface::haveReadSupport() — Method in class PipesInterface
Returns if pipes are able to read output.
UnixPipes::haveReadSupport() — Method in class UnixPipes
Returns if pipes are able to read output.
WindowsPipes::haveReadSupport() — Method in class WindowsPipes
Returns if pipes are able to read output.
Process::hasBeenSignaled() — Method in class Process
Returns true if the child process has been terminated by an uncaught signal.
Process::hasBeenStopped() — Method in class Process
Returns true if the child process has been stopped by a signal.
RouteTrait::host() — Method in class RouteTrait
Sets the pattern for the host.
StaticPrefixCollection::handleError() — Method in class StaticPrefixCollection
UrlMatcher::handleRouteRequirements() — Method in class UrlMatcher
Handles specific route requirements.
RequestContext::hasParameter() — Method in class RequestContext
Checks if a parameter value is set for the given parameter.
Route::hasScheme() — Method in class Route
Checks if a scheme requirement has been set.
Route::hasOption() — Method in class Route
Checks if an option has been set.
Route::hasDefault() — Method in class Route
Checks if a default value is set for the given variable.
Route::hasRequirement() — Method in class Route
Checks if a requirement is set for the given key.
AbstractToken::hasAttribute() — Method in class AbstractToken
Returns true if the attribute exists.
TokenInterface::hasAttribute() — Method in class TokenInterface
Returns true if the attribute exists.
NativeSessionTokenStorage::hasToken() — Method in class NativeSessionTokenStorage
Checks whether a token with the given token ID exists.
SessionTokenStorage::hasToken() — Method in class SessionTokenStorage
Checks whether a token with the given token ID exists.
TokenStorageInterface::hasToken() — Method in class TokenStorageInterface
Checks whether a token with the given token ID exists.
GuardAuthenticationListener::handle() — Method in class GuardAuthenticationListener
Iterates over each authenticator to see if each wants to authenticate the request.
GuardAuthenticatorHandler::handleAuthenticationSuccess() — Method in class GuardAuthenticatorHandler
Returns the "on success" response for the given GuardAuthenticator.
GuardAuthenticatorHandler::handleAuthenticationFailure() — Method in class GuardAuthenticatorHandler
Handles an authentication failure and returns the Response for the GuardAuthenticator.
$DefaultAuthenticationFailureHandler#httpKernelProperty in class DefaultAuthenticationFailureHandler
$DefaultAuthenticationFailureHandler#httpUtilsProperty in class DefaultAuthenticationFailureHandler
$DefaultAuthenticationSuccessHandler#httpUtilsProperty in class DefaultAuthenticationSuccessHandler
AccessDeniedHandlerInterface::handle() — Method in class AccessDeniedHandlerInterface
Handles an access denied failure.
Firewall::handleRequest() — Method in class Firewall
$AbstractAuthenticationListener#httpUtilsProperty in class AbstractAuthenticationListener
AbstractAuthenticationListener::handle() — Method in class AbstractAuthenticationListener
Handles form based authentication.
AbstractPreAuthenticatedListener::handle() — Method in class AbstractPreAuthenticatedListener
Handles pre-authentication.
AccessListener::handle() — Method in class AccessListener
Handles access authorization.
AnonymousAuthenticationListener::handle() — Method in class AnonymousAuthenticationListener
Handles anonymous authentication.
BasicAuthenticationListener::handle() — Method in class BasicAuthenticationListener
Handles basic authentication.
ChannelListener::handle() — Method in class ChannelListener
Handles channel management.
ContextListener::handle() — Method in class ContextListener
Reads the Security Token from the session.
ContextListener::handleUnserializeCallback() — Method in class ContextListener
ListenerInterface::handle() — Method in class ListenerInterface
LogoutListener::handle() — Method in class LogoutListener
Performs the logout if requested.
RememberMeListener::handle() — Method in class RememberMeListener
Handles remember-me cookie based authentication.
SimplePreAuthenticationListener::handle() — Method in class SimplePreAuthenticationListener
Handles basic authentication.
SwitchUserListener::handle() — Method in class SwitchUserListener
Handles the switch to another user.
UsernamePasswordJsonAuthenticationListener::handle() — Method in class UsernamePasswordJsonAuthenticationListener
HttpUtilsClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Security\Http
Encapsulates the logic needed to create sub-requests, redirect the user, and match URLs.
$DefaultLogoutSuccessHandler#httpUtilsProperty in class DefaultLogoutSuccessHandler
CacheClassMetadataFactory::hasMetadataFor() — Method in class CacheClassMetadataFactory
Checks if class has metadata.
ClassMetadataFactory::hasMetadataFor() — Method in class ClassMetadataFactory
Checks if class has metadata.
ClassMetadataFactoryInterface::hasMetadataFor() — Method in class ClassMetadataFactoryInterface
Checks if class has metadata.
AbstractNormalizer::hasCacheableSupportsMethod() — Method in class AbstractNormalizer
AbstractNormalizer::handleCircularReference() — Method in class AbstractNormalizer
Handles a circular reference.
ArrayDenormalizer::hasCacheableSupportsMethod() — Method in class ArrayDenormalizer
CacheableSupportsMethodInterface::hasCacheableSupportsMethod() — Method in class CacheableSupportsMethodInterface
ConstraintViolationListNormalizer::hasCacheableSupportsMethod() — Method in class ConstraintViolationListNormalizer
CustomNormalizer::hasCacheableSupportsMethod() — Method in class CustomNormalizer
DataUriNormalizer::hasCacheableSupportsMethod() — Method in class DataUriNormalizer
DateIntervalNormalizer::hasCacheableSupportsMethod() — Method in class DateIntervalNormalizer
DateTimeNormalizer::hasCacheableSupportsMethod() — Method in class DateTimeNormalizer
GetSetMethodNormalizer::hasCacheableSupportsMethod() — Method in class GetSetMethodNormalizer
JsonSerializableNormalizer::hasCacheableSupportsMethod() — Method in class JsonSerializableNormalizer
ObjectNormalizer::hasCacheableSupportsMethod() — Method in class ObjectNormalizer
PropertyNormalizer::hasCacheableSupportsMethod() — Method in class PropertyNormalizer
HelperClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Templating\Helper
Helper is the base class for all helper classes.
HelperInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Templating\Helper
HelperInterface is the interface all helpers must implement.
SlotsHelper::has() — Method in class SlotsHelper
Returns true if the slot exists.
$PhpEngine#helpersProperty in class PhpEngine
PhpEngine::has() — Method in class PhpEngine
Returns true if the helper if defined.
MessageCatalogue::has() — Method in class MessageCatalogue
Checks if a message has a translation.
MessageCatalogueInterface::has() — Method in class MessageCatalogueInterface
Checks if a message has a translation.
ConstraintViolationList::has() — Method in class ConstraintViolationList
Returns whether the given offset exists.
ConstraintViolationListInterface::has() — Method in class ConstraintViolationListInterface
Returns whether the given offset exists.
$Regex#htmlPatternProperty in class Regex
CacheInterface::has() — Method in class CacheInterface
Returns whether metadata for the given class exists in the cache.
DoctrineCache::has() — Method in class DoctrineCache
Returns whether metadata for the given class exists in the cache.
Psr6Cache::has() — Method in class Psr6Cache
Returns whether metadata for the given class exists in the cache.
ClassMetadata::hasPropertyMetadata() — Method in class ClassMetadata
Check if there's any metadata attached to the given named property.
ClassMetadata::hasGroupSequence() — Method in class ClassMetadata
Returns whether the "Default" group is overridden by a group sequence.
ClassMetadataInterface::hasGroupSequence() — Method in class ClassMetadataInterface
Returns whether the "Default" group is overridden by a group sequence.
ClassMetadataInterface::hasPropertyMetadata() — Method in class ClassMetadataInterface
Check if there's any metadata attached to the given named property.
BlackHoleMetadataFactory::hasMetadataFor() — Method in class BlackHoleMetadataFactory
Returns whether the class is able to return metadata for the given value.
LazyLoadingMetadataFactory::hasMetadataFor() — Method in class LazyLoadingMetadataFactory
Returns whether the class is able to return metadata for the given value.
MetadataFactoryInterface::hasMetadataFor() — Method in class MetadataFactoryInterface
Returns whether the class is able to return metadata for the given value.
GenericMetadata::hasConstraints() — Method in class GenericMetadata
Returns whether this element has any constraints.
RecursiveValidator::hasMetadataFor() — Method in class RecursiveValidator
Returns whether the class is able to return metadata for the given value.
TraceableValidator::hasMetadataFor() — Method in class TraceableValidator
Returns whether the class is able to return metadata for the given value.
$Cursor#hardRefToProperty in class Cursor
$Cursor#hardRefCountProperty in class Cursor
$Cursor#hardRefHandleProperty in class Cursor
$Cursor#hashTypeProperty in class Cursor
$Cursor#hashKeyProperty in class Cursor
$Cursor#hashKeyIsBinaryProperty in class Cursor
$Cursor#hashIndexProperty in class Cursor
$Cursor#hashLengthProperty in class Cursor
$Cursor#hashCutProperty in class Cursor
$Stub#handleProperty in class Stub
HtmlDescriptorClass in namespace Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Command\Descriptor
Describe collected data clones for html output.
HtmlDumperClass in namespace Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Dumper
HtmlDumper dumps variables as HTML.
$HtmlDumper#headerIsDumpedProperty in class HtmlDumper
HydratorClass in namespace Symfony\Component\VarExporter\Internal
$Hydrator#hydratorsProperty in class Hydrator
Hydrator::hydrate() — Method in class Hydrator
HttpHeaderSerializerClass in namespace Symfony\Component\WebLink
Serializes a list of Link instances to a HTTP Link header.
Marking::has() — Method in class Marking
TransitionBlockerList::has() — Method in class TransitionBlockerList
ServiceLocatorTrait::has() — Method in class ServiceLocatorTrait


ProxyCacheWarmer::isOptional() — Method in class ProxyCacheWarmer
This cache warmer is not optional, without proxies fatal error occurs!
IdReaderClass in namespace Symfony\Bridge\Doctrine\Form\ChoiceList
A utility for reading object IDs.
IdReader::isSingleId() — Method in class IdReader
Returns whether the class has a single-column ID.
IdReader::isIntId() — Method in class IdReader
Returns whether the class has a single-column integer ID.
$UniqueEntity#ignoreNullProperty in class UniqueEntity
DoctrineInitializer::initialize() — Method in class DoctrineInitializer
Initializes an object just before validation.
ConsoleHandler::isHandling() — Method in class ConsoleHandler
HttpCodeActivationStrategy::isHandlerActivated() — Method in class HttpCodeActivationStrategy
NotFoundActivationStrategy::isHandlerActivated() — Method in class NotFoundActivationStrategy
$SwiftMailerHandler#instantFlushProperty in class SwiftMailerHandler
RuntimeInstantiator::instantiateProxy() — Method in class RuntimeInstantiator
Instantiates a proxy object.
ProxyDumper::isProxyCandidate() — Method in class ProxyDumper
Inspects whether the given definitions should produce proxy instantiation logic in the dumped container.
RoutingExtension::isUrlGenerationSafe() — Method in class RoutingExtension
Determines at compile time whether the generated URL will be safe and thus saving the unneeded automatic escaping for performance reasons.
SecurityExtension::isGranted() — Method in class SecurityExtension
AbstractPhpFileCacheWarmer::isOptional() — Method in class AbstractPhpFileCacheWarmer
Checks whether this warmer is optional or not.
RouterCacheWarmer::isOptional() — Method in class RouterCacheWarmer
Checks whether this warmer is optional or not.
TemplatePathsCacheWarmer::isOptional() — Method in class TemplatePathsCacheWarmer
Checks whether this warmer is optional or not.
TranslationsCacheWarmer::isOptional() — Method in class TranslationsCacheWarmer
Checks whether this warmer is optional or not.
ControllerResolver::instantiateController() — Method in class ControllerResolver
Returns an instantiated controller.
ControllerTrait::isGranted() — Method in class ControllerTrait
Checks if the attributes are granted against the current authentication token and optionally supplied subject.
ControllerTrait::isCsrfTokenValid() — Method in class ControllerTrait
Checks the validity of a CSRF token.
FilesystemLoader::isFresh() — Method in class FilesystemLoader
Returns true if the template is still fresh.
TestContainer::isCompiled() — Method in class TestContainer
Returns true if the container is compiled.
TestContainer::initialized() — Method in class TestContainer
Returns true if the given service has actually been initialized.
Translator::initializeCatalogue() — Method in class Translator
Translator::initialize() — Method in class Translator
ExpressionCacheWarmer::isOptional() — Method in class ExpressionCacheWarmer
Checks whether this warmer is optional or not.
SecurityDataCollector::isEnabled() — Method in class SecurityDataCollector
Checks if security is enabled.
SecurityDataCollector::isAuthenticated() — Method in class SecurityDataCollector
Checks if the user is authenticated or not.
SecurityDataCollector::isImpersonated() — Method in class SecurityDataCollector
AbstractFactory::isRememberMeAware() — Method in class AbstractFactory
Subclasses may disable remember-me features for the listener, by always returning false from this method.
JsonLoginFactory::isRememberMeAware() — Method in class JsonLoginFactory
Subclasses may disable remember-me features for the listener, by always returning false from this method.
InMemoryFactoryClass in namespace Symfony\Bundle\SecurityBundle\DependencyInjection\Security\UserProvider
InMemoryFactory creates services for the memory provider.
FirewallConfig::isSecurityEnabled() — Method in class FirewallConfig
FirewallConfig::isStateless() — Method in class FirewallConfig
SecurityHelper::isGranted() — Method in class SecurityHelper
TemplateCacheCacheWarmer::isOptional() — Method in class TemplateCacheCacheWarmer
Checks whether this warmer is optional or not.
TemplateCacheWarmer::isOptional() — Method in class TemplateCacheWarmer
Checks whether this warmer is optional or not.
$WebDebugToolbarListener#interceptRedirectsProperty in class WebDebugToolbarListener
WebDebugToolbarListener::isEnabled() — Method in class WebDebugToolbarListener
WebDebugToolbarListener::injectToolbar() — Method in class WebDebugToolbarListener
Injects the web debug toolbar into the given Response.
ServerLogCommand::isEnabled() — Method in class ServerLogCommand
Checks whether the command is enabled or not in the current environment.
WebServer::isRunning() — Method in class WebServer
ContextInterface::isSecure() — Method in class ContextInterface
Checks whether the request is secure or not.
NullContext::isSecure() — Method in class NullContext
Checks whether the request is secure or not.
RequestStackContext::isSecure() — Method in class RequestStackContext
Checks whether the request is secure or not.
InvalidArgumentExceptionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Asset\Exception
Base InvalidArgumentException for the Asset component.
Package::isAbsoluteUrl() — Method in class Package
$Client#internalRequestProperty in class Client
$Client#internalResponseProperty in class Client
$Client#insulatedProperty in class Client
Client::isFollowingRedirects() — Method in class Client
Returns whether client automatically follows redirects or not.
Client::insulate() — Method in class Client
Sets the insulated flag.
Cookie::isSecure() — Method in class Cookie
Returns the secure flag of the cookie.
Cookie::isHttpOnly() — Method in class Cookie
Returns the httponly flag of the cookie.
Cookie::isExpired() — Method in class Cookie
Returns true if the cookie has expired.
History::isEmpty() — Method in class History
Returns true if the history is empty.
TagAwareAdapter::invalidateTags() — Method in class TagAwareAdapter
Invalidates cached items using tags.
TagAwareAdapterInterface::invalidateTags() — Method in class TagAwareAdapterInterface
Invalidates cached items using tags.
TraceableTagAwareAdapter::invalidateTags() — Method in class TraceableTagAwareAdapter
Invalidates cached items using tags.
$CacheItem#isHitProperty in class CacheItem
$CacheItem#innerItemProperty in class CacheItem
$CacheItem#isTaggableProperty in class CacheItem
CacheItem::isHit() — Method in class CacheItem
InvalidArgumentExceptionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Cache\Exception
ApcuTrait::isSupported() — Method in class ApcuTrait
MemcachedTrait::isSupported() — Method in class MemcachedTrait
PhpFilesTrait::isSupported() — Method in class PhpFilesTrait
ConfigCache::isFresh() — Method in class ConfigCache
Checks if the cache is still fresh.
ConfigCacheInterface::isFresh() — Method in class ConfigCacheInterface
Checks if the cache is still fresh.
$ArrayNode#ignoreExtraKeysProperty in class ArrayNode
BaseNode::isRequired() — Method in class BaseNode
Returns true when the node is required.
BaseNode::isDeprecated() — Method in class BaseNode
Checks if this node is deprecated.
BaseNode::isHandlingPlaceholder() — Method in class BaseNode
Tests if a placeholder is being handled currently.
BooleanNode::isValueEmpty() — Method in class BooleanNode
Evaluates if the given value is to be treated as empty.
$ArrayNodeDefinition#ignoreExtraKeysProperty in class ArrayNodeDefinition
ArrayNodeDefinition::integerPrototype() — Method in class ArrayNodeDefinition
ArrayNodeDefinition::ignoreExtraKeys() — Method in class ArrayNodeDefinition
Allows extra config keys to be specified under an array without throwing an exception.
BooleanNodeDefinition::instantiateNode() — Method in class BooleanNodeDefinition
Instantiate a Node.
EnumNodeDefinition::instantiateNode() — Method in class EnumNodeDefinition
Instantiate a Node.
$ExprBuilder#ifPartProperty in class ExprBuilder
ExprBuilder::ifTrue() — Method in class ExprBuilder
Sets a closure to use as tests.
ExprBuilder::ifString() — Method in class ExprBuilder
Tests if the value is a string.
ExprBuilder::ifNull() — Method in class ExprBuilder
Tests if the value is null.
ExprBuilder::ifEmpty() — Method in class ExprBuilder
Tests if the value is empty.
ExprBuilder::ifArray() — Method in class ExprBuilder
Tests if the value is an array.
ExprBuilder::ifInArray() — Method in class ExprBuilder
Tests if the value is in an array.
ExprBuilder::ifNotInArray() — Method in class ExprBuilder
Tests if the value is not in an array.
FloatNodeDefinition::instantiateNode() — Method in class FloatNodeDefinition
Instantiates a Node.
IntegerNodeDefinitionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Config\Definition\Builder
This class provides a fluent interface for defining an integer node.
IntegerNodeDefinition::instantiateNode() — Method in class IntegerNodeDefinition
Instantiates a Node.
NodeBuilder::integerNode() — Method in class NodeBuilder
Creates a child integer node.
NodeDefinition::info() — Method in class NodeDefinition
Sets info message.
NodeDefinition::isRequired() — Method in class NodeDefinition
Sets the node as required.
ScalarNodeDefinition::instantiateNode() — Method in class ScalarNodeDefinition
Instantiate a Node.
VariableNodeDefinition::instantiateNode() — Method in class VariableNodeDefinition
Instantiate a Node.
InvalidConfigurationExceptionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Config\Definition\Exception
A very general exception which can be thrown whenever non of the more specific exceptions is suitable.
InvalidDefinitionExceptionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Config\Definition\Exception
Thrown when an error is detected in a node Definition.
InvalidTypeExceptionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Config\Definition\Exception
This exception is thrown if an invalid type is encountered.
IntegerNodeClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Config\Definition
This node represents an integer value in the config tree.
NodeInterface::isRequired() — Method in class NodeInterface
Returns true when the node is required.
NumericNode::isValueEmpty() — Method in class NumericNode
Evaluates if the given value is to be treated as empty.
ScalarNode::isValueEmpty() — Method in class ScalarNode
Evaluates if the given value is to be treated as empty.
VariableNode::isValueEmpty() — Method in class VariableNode
Evaluates if the given value is to be treated as empty.
FileLoader::import() — Method in class FileLoader
Imports a resource.
Loader::import() — Method in class Loader
Imports a resource.
ResourceCheckerConfigCache::isFresh() — Method in class ResourceCheckerConfigCache
Checks if the cache is still fresh.
ResourceCheckerInterface::isFresh() — Method in class ResourceCheckerInterface
Validates the resource.
ClassExistenceResource::isFresh() — Method in class ClassExistenceResource
Returns true if the resource has not been updated since the given timestamp.
ComposerResource::isFresh() — Method in class ComposerResource
Returns true if the resource has not been updated since the given timestamp.
DirectoryResource::isFresh() — Method in class DirectoryResource
Returns true if the resource has not been updated since the given timestamp.
FileExistenceResource::isFresh() — Method in class FileExistenceResource
Returns true if the resource has not been updated since the given timestamp.
FileResource::isFresh() — Method in class FileResource
Returns true if the resource has not been updated since the given timestamp.
GlobResource::isFresh() — Method in class GlobResource
Returns true if the resource has not been updated since the given timestamp.
ReflectionClassResource::isFresh() — Method in class ReflectionClassResource
Returns true if the resource has not been updated since the given timestamp.
SelfCheckingResourceChecker::isFresh() — Method in class SelfCheckingResourceChecker
Validates the resource.
SelfCheckingResourceInterface::isFresh() — Method in class SelfCheckingResourceInterface
Returns true if the resource has not been updated since the given timestamp.
InvalidXmlExceptionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Config\Util\Exception
Exception class for when XML parsing with an XSD schema file path or a callable validator produces errors unrelated to the actual XML parsing.
Application::isAutoExitEnabled() — Method in class Application
Gets whether to automatically exit after a command execution or not.
Application::isSingleCommand() — Method in class Application
Command::ignoreValidationErrors() — Method in class Command
Ignores validation errors.
Command::isEnabled() — Method in class Command
Checks whether the command is enabled or not in the current environment.
Command::interact() — Method in class Command
Interacts with the user.
Command::initialize() — Method in class Command
Initializes the command after the input has been bound and before the input is validated.
Command::isHidden() — Method in class Command
InvalidArgumentExceptionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Console\Exception
InvalidOptionExceptionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Console\Exception
Represents an incorrect option name typed in the console.
OutputFormatter::isDecorated() — Method in class OutputFormatter
Gets the decorated flag.
OutputFormatterInterface::isDecorated() — Method in class OutputFormatterInterface
Gets the decorated flag.
InputAwareHelperClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Console\Helper
An implementation of InputAwareInterface for Helpers.
$InputAwareHelper#inputProperty in class InputAwareHelper
InputClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Console\Input
Input is the base class for all concrete Input classes.
$Input#interactiveProperty in class Input
Input::isInteractive() — Method in class Input
Is this input means interactive?
InputArgumentClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Console\Input
Represents a command line argument.
InputArgument::isRequired() — Method in class InputArgument
Returns true if the argument is required.
InputArgument::isArray() — Method in class InputArgument
Returns true if the argument can take multiple values.
InputAwareInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Console\Input
InputAwareInterface should be implemented by classes that depends on the Console Input.
InputDefinitionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Console\Input
A InputDefinition represents a set of valid command line arguments and options.
InputInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Console\Input
InputInterface is the interface implemented by all input classes.
InputInterface::isInteractive() — Method in class InputInterface
Is this input means interactive?
InputOptionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Console\Input
Represents a command line option.
InputOption::isValueRequired() — Method in class InputOption
Returns true if the option requires a value.
InputOption::isValueOptional() — Method in class InputOption
Returns true if the option takes an optional value.
InputOption::isArray() — Method in class InputOption
Returns true if the option can take multiple values.
NullOutput::isDecorated() — Method in class NullOutput
Gets the decorated flag.
NullOutput::isQuiet() — Method in class NullOutput
Returns whether verbosity is quiet (-q).
NullOutput::isVerbose() — Method in class NullOutput
Returns whether verbosity is verbose (-v).
NullOutput::isVeryVerbose() — Method in class NullOutput
Returns whether verbosity is very verbose (-vv).
NullOutput::isDebug() — Method in class NullOutput
Returns whether verbosity is debug (-vvv).
Output::isDecorated() — Method in class Output
Gets the decorated flag.
Output::isQuiet() — Method in class Output
Returns whether verbosity is quiet (-q).
Output::isVerbose() — Method in class Output
Returns whether verbosity is verbose (-v).
Output::isVeryVerbose() — Method in class Output
Returns whether verbosity is very verbose (-vv).
Output::isDebug() — Method in class Output
Returns whether verbosity is debug (-vvv).
OutputInterface::isQuiet() — Method in class OutputInterface
Returns whether verbosity is quiet (-q).
OutputInterface::isVerbose() — Method in class OutputInterface
Returns whether verbosity is verbose (-v).
OutputInterface::isVeryVerbose() — Method in class OutputInterface
Returns whether verbosity is very verbose (-vv).
OutputInterface::isDebug() — Method in class OutputInterface
Returns whether verbosity is debug (-vvv).
OutputInterface::isDecorated() — Method in class OutputInterface
Gets the decorated flag.
ChoiceQuestion::isMultiselect() — Method in class ChoiceQuestion
Returns whether the choices are multiselect.
Question::isHidden() — Method in class Question
Returns whether the user response must be hidden.
Question::isHiddenFallback() — Method in class Question
In case the response can not be hidden, whether to fallback on non-hidden question or not.
Question::isAssoc() — Method in class Question
OutputStyle::isDecorated() — Method in class OutputStyle
Gets the decorated flag.
OutputStyle::isQuiet() — Method in class OutputStyle
Returns whether verbosity is quiet (-q).
OutputStyle::isVerbose() — Method in class OutputStyle
Returns whether verbosity is verbose (-v).
OutputStyle::isVeryVerbose() — Method in class OutputStyle
Returns whether verbosity is very verbose (-vv).
OutputStyle::isDebug() — Method in class OutputStyle
Returns whether verbosity is debug (-vvv).
InternalErrorExceptionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\CssSelector\Exception
ParseException is thrown when a CSS selector syntax is not valid.
IdentifierHandlerClass in namespace Symfony\Component\CssSelector\Parser\Handler
CSS selector comment handler.
Reader::isEOF() — Method in class Reader
Token::isFileEnd() — Method in class Token
Token::isDelimiter() — Method in class Token
Token::isWhitespace() — Method in class Token
Token::isIdentifier() — Method in class Token
Token::isHash() — Method in class Token
Token::isNumber() — Method in class Token
Token::isString() — Method in class Token
Alias::isPublic() — Method in class Alias
Checks if this DI Alias should be public or not.
Alias::isPrivate() — Method in class Alias
Whether this alias is private.
IteratorArgumentClass in namespace Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Argument
Represents a collection of values to lazily iterate over.
AbstractRecursivePass::inExpression() — Method in class AbstractRecursivePass
InlineServiceDefinitionsPassClass in namespace Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Compiler
Inline service definitions where this is possible.
ServiceReferenceGraphEdge::isLazy() — Method in class ServiceReferenceGraphEdge
Returns true if the edge is lazy, meaning it's a dependency not requiring direct instantiation.
ServiceReferenceGraphEdge::isWeak() — Method in class ServiceReferenceGraphEdge
Returns true if the edge is weak, meaning it shouldn't prevent removing the target service.
ServiceReferenceGraphEdge::isReferencedByConstructor() — Method in class ServiceReferenceGraphEdge
Returns true if the edge links with a constructor argument.
ServiceReferenceGraphNode::isAlias() — Method in class ServiceReferenceGraphNode
Checks if the value of this node is an Alias.
ServiceReferenceGraphNode::isDefinition() — Method in class ServiceReferenceGraphNode
Checks if the value of this node is a Definition.
ContainerParametersResourceChecker::isFresh() — Method in class ContainerParametersResourceChecker
Validates the resource.
Container::isCompiled() — Method in class Container
Returns true if the container is compiled.
Container::initialized() — Method in class Container
Returns true if the given service has actually been initialized.
ContainerBuilder::isTrackingResources() — Method in class ContainerBuilder
Checks if resources are tracked.
ContainerInterface::initialized() — Method in class ContainerInterface
Check for whether or not a service has been initialized.
$Definition#innerServiceIdProperty in class Definition
Definition::isAutoconfigured() — Method in class Definition
Definition::isShared() — Method in class Definition
Whether this service is shared.
Definition::isPublic() — Method in class Definition
Whether this service is public facing.
Definition::isPrivate() — Method in class Definition
Whether this service is private.
Definition::isLazy() — Method in class Definition
Whether this service is lazy.
Definition::isSynthetic() — Method in class Definition
Whether this definition is synthetic, that is not constructed by the container, but dynamically injected.
Definition::isAbstract() — Method in class Definition
Whether this definition is abstract, that means it merely serves as a template for other definitions.
Definition::isDeprecated() — Method in class Definition
Whether this definition is deprecated, that means it should not be called anymore.
Definition::isAutowired() — Method in class Definition
Is the definition autowired?
InvalidArgumentExceptionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Exception
Base InvalidArgumentException for Dependency Injection component.
Extension::isConfigEnabled() — Method in class Extension
InstantiatorInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\LazyProxy\Instantiator
Lazy proxy instantiator, capable of instantiating a proxy given a container, the service definitions and a callback that produces the real service instance.
InstantiatorInterface::instantiateProxy() — Method in class InstantiatorInterface
Instantiates a proxy object.
RealServiceInstantiator::instantiateProxy() — Method in class RealServiceInstantiator
Instantiates a proxy object.
DumperInterface::isProxyCandidate() — Method in class DumperInterface
Inspects whether the given definitions should produce proxy instantiation logic in the dumped container.
NullDumper::isProxyCandidate() — Method in class NullDumper
Inspects whether the given definitions should produce proxy instantiation logic in the dumped container.
$AbstractServiceConfigurator#idProperty in class AbstractServiceConfigurator
ContainerConfigurator::import() — Method in class ContainerConfigurator
DefaultsConfigurator::instanceof() — Method in class DefaultsConfigurator
Defines an instanceof-conditional to be applied to following service definitions.
InlineServiceConfiguratorClass in namespace Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Loader\Configurator
InstanceofConfiguratorClass in namespace Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Loader\Configurator
InstanceofConfigurator::instanceof() — Method in class InstanceofConfigurator
Defines an instanceof-conditional to be applied to following service definitions.
$ReferenceConfigurator#idProperty in class ReferenceConfigurator
$ReferenceConfigurator#invalidBehaviorProperty in class ReferenceConfigurator
ReferenceConfigurator::ignoreOnInvalid() — Method in class ReferenceConfigurator
ReferenceConfigurator::ignoreOnUninitialized() — Method in class ReferenceConfigurator
ServicesConfigurator::instanceof() — Method in class ServicesConfigurator
Defines an instanceof-conditional to be applied to following service definitions.
$FileLoader#isLoadingInstanceofProperty in class FileLoader
$FileLoader#instanceofProperty in class FileLoader
IniFileLoaderClass in namespace Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Loader
IniFileLoader loads parameters from INI files.
ParameterBag::isResolved() — Method in class ParameterBag
Crawler::image() — Method in class Crawler
Returns an Image object for the first node in the list.
Crawler::images() — Method in class Crawler
Returns an array of Image objects for the nodes in the list.
ChoiceFormField::isDisabled() — Method in class ChoiceFormField
Check if the current selected option is disabled.
ChoiceFormField::isMultiple() — Method in class ChoiceFormField
Returns true if the field accepts multiple values.
ChoiceFormField::initialize() — Method in class ChoiceFormField
Initializes the form field.
FileFormField::initialize() — Method in class FileFormField
Initializes the form field.
FormField::isDisabled() — Method in class FormField
Check if the current field is disabled.
FormField::initialize() — Method in class FormField
Initializes the form field.
InputFormFieldClass in namespace Symfony\Component\DomCrawler\Field
InputFormField represents an input form field (an HTML input tag).
InputFormField::initialize() — Method in class InputFormField
Initializes the form field.
TextareaFormField::initialize() — Method in class TextareaFormField
Initializes the form field.
ImageClass in namespace Symfony\Component\DomCrawler
Image represents an HTML image (an HTML img tag).
Event::isPropagationStopped() — Method in class Event
Returns whether further event listeners should be triggered.
ImmutableEventDispatcherClass in namespace Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher
A read-only proxy for an event dispatcher.
$ArrayNode#indexProperty in class ArrayNode
Node::isHash() — Method in class Node
TokenStream::isEOF() — Method in class TokenStream
Checks if end of stream was reached.
IOExceptionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Filesystem\Exception
Exception class thrown when a filesystem operation failure happens.
IOExceptionInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Filesystem\Exception
IOException interface for file and input/output stream related exceptions thrown by the component.
InvalidArgumentExceptionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Filesystem\Exception
Filesystem::isAbsolutePath() — Method in class Filesystem
Returns whether the file path is an absolute path.
Finder::ignoreDotFiles() — Method in class Finder
Excludes "hidden" directories and files (starting with a dot).
Finder::ignoreVCS() — Method in class Finder
Forces the finder to ignore version control directories.
Finder::ignoreUnreadableDirs() — Method in class Finder
Tells finder to ignore unreadable directories.
Finder::in() — Method in class Finder
Searches files and directories which match defined rules.
MultiplePcreFilterIterator::isAccepted() — Method in class MultiplePcreFilterIterator
Checks whether the string is accepted by the regex filters.
MultiplePcreFilterIterator::isRegex() — Method in class MultiplePcreFilterIterator
Checks whether the string is a regex.
RecursiveDirectoryIterator::isRewindable() — Method in class RecursiveDirectoryIterator
Checks if the stream is rewindable.
Button::isSubmitted() — Method in class Button
Returns whether the form is submitted.
Button::isValid() — Method in class Button
Returns whether the form and all children are valid.
Button::isRequired() — Method in class Button
Returns whether the form is required to be filled out.
Button::isDisabled() — Method in class Button
Returns whether this form is disabled.
Button::isEmpty() — Method in class Button
Returns whether the form is empty.
Button::isSynchronized() — Method in class Button
Returns whether the data in the different formats is synchronized.
Button::initialize() — Method in class Button
Initializes the form tree.
Button::isRoot() — Method in class Button
Returns whether the field is the root of the form tree.
IntlCallbackChoiceLoaderClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\Loader
Callback choice loader optimized for Intl choice types.
ClickableInterface::isClicked() — Method in class ClickableInterface
Returns whether this element was clicked.
InvalidArgumentExceptionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Form\Exception
Base InvalidArgumentException for the Form component.
InvalidConfigurationExceptionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Form\Exception
$BaseDateTimeTransformer#inputTimezoneProperty in class BaseDateTimeTransformer
DateTimeToLocalizedStringTransformer::isPatternDateOnly() — Method in class DateTimeToLocalizedStringTransformer
Checks if the pattern contains only a date.
IntegerToLocalizedStringTransformerClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\DataTransformer
Transforms between an integer and a localized number with grouping (each thousand) and comma separators.
IntegerTypeClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type
HttpFoundationRequestHandler::isFileUpload() — Method in class HttpFoundationRequestHandler
Returns true if the given data is a file upload.
MappingRule::isPrefix() — Method in class MappingRule
Matches a property path against a prefix of the rule path.
ViolationPath::isProperty() — Method in class ViolationPath
Returns whether the element at the given index is a property.
ViolationPath::isIndex() — Method in class ViolationPath
Returns whether the element at the given index is an array index.
Form::isRequired() — Method in class Form
Returns whether the form is required to be filled out.
Form::isDisabled() — Method in class Form
Returns whether this form is disabled.
Form::isRoot() — Method in class Form
Returns whether the field is the root of the form tree.
Form::initialize() — Method in class Form
Initializes the form tree.
Form::isSubmitted() — Method in class Form
Returns whether the form is submitted.
Form::isSynchronized() — Method in class Form
Returns whether the data in the different formats is synchronized.
Form::isEmpty() — Method in class Form
Returns whether the form is empty.
Form::isValid() — Method in class Form
Returns whether the form and all children are valid.
FormConfigBuilder::isValidName() — Method in class FormConfigBuilder
Returns whether the given variable contains a valid form name.
FormInterface::isSubmitted() — Method in class FormInterface
Returns whether the form is submitted.
FormInterface::isValid() — Method in class FormInterface
Returns whether the form and all children are valid.
FormInterface::isRequired() — Method in class FormInterface
Returns whether the form is required to be filled out.
FormInterface::isDisabled() — Method in class FormInterface
Returns whether this form is disabled.
FormInterface::isEmpty() — Method in class FormInterface
Returns whether the form is empty.
FormInterface::isSynchronized() — Method in class FormInterface
Returns whether the data in the different formats is synchronized.
FormInterface::initialize() — Method in class FormInterface
Initializes the form tree.
FormInterface::isRoot() — Method in class FormInterface
Returns whether the field is the root of the form tree.
FormView::isRendered() — Method in class FormView
Returns whether the view was already rendered.
FormView::isMethodRendered() — Method in class FormView
NativeRequestHandler::isFileUpload() — Method in class NativeRequestHandler
Returns true if the given data is a file upload.
RequestHandlerInterface::isFileUpload() — Method in class RequestHandlerInterface
Returns true if the given data is a file upload.
SubmitButton::isClicked() — Method in class SubmitButton
Returns whether this element was clicked.
FormUtil::isEmpty() — Method in class FormUtil
Returns whether the given data is empty.
InheritDataAwareIteratorClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Form\Util
Iterator that traverses an array of forms.
Cookie::isSecure() — Method in class Cookie
Checks whether the cookie should only be transmitted over a secure HTTPS connection from the client.
Cookie::isHttpOnly() — Method in class Cookie
Checks whether the cookie will be made accessible only through the HTTP protocol.
Cookie::isCleared() — Method in class Cookie
Whether this cookie is about to be cleared.
Cookie::isRaw() — Method in class Cookie
Checks if the cookie value should be sent with no url encoding.
IniSizeFileExceptionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\File\Exception
Thrown when an UPLOAD_ERR_INI_SIZE error occurred with UploadedFile.
FileBinaryMimeTypeGuesser::isSupported() — Method in class FileBinaryMimeTypeGuesser
Returns whether this guesser is supported on the current OS.
FileinfoMimeTypeGuesser::isSupported() — Method in class FileinfoMimeTypeGuesser
Returns whether this guesser is supported on the current OS/PHP setup.
UploadedFile::isValid() — Method in class UploadedFile
Returns whether the file was uploaded successfully.
IpUtilsClass in namespace Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation
Http utility functions.
Request::initialize() — Method in class Request
Sets the parameters for this request.
Request::isSecure() — Method in class Request
Checks whether the request is secure or not.
Request::isMethod() — Method in class Request
Checks if the request method is of specified type.
Request::isMethodSafe() — Method in class Request
Checks whether or not the method is safe.
Request::isMethodIdempotent() — Method in class Request
Checks whether or not the method is idempotent.
Request::isMethodCacheable() — Method in class Request
Checks whether the method is cacheable or not.
Request::isNoCache() — Method in class Request
Request::isXmlHttpRequest() — Method in class Request
Returns true if the request is a XMLHttpRequest.
Request::initializeFormats() — Method in class Request
Initializes HTTP request formats.
Request::isFromTrustedProxy() — Method in class Request
Indicates whether this request originated from a trusted proxy.
Response::isCacheable() — Method in class Response
Returns true if the response may safely be kept in a shared (surrogate) cache.
Response::isFresh() — Method in class Response
Returns true if the response is "fresh".
Response::isValidateable() — Method in class Response
Returns true if the response includes headers that can be used to validate the response with the origin server using a conditional GET request.
Response::isImmutable() — Method in class Response
Returns true if the response is marked as "immutable".
Response::isNotModified() — Method in class Response
Determines if the Response validators (ETag, Last-Modified) match a conditional value specified in the Request.
Response::isInvalid() — Method in class Response
Is response invalid?
Response::isInformational() — Method in class Response
Is response informative?
Response::isSuccessful() — Method in class Response
Is response successful?
Response::isRedirection() — Method in class Response
Is the response a redirect?
Response::isClientError() — Method in class Response
Is there a client error?
Response::isServerError() — Method in class Response
Was there a server side error?
Response::isOk() — Method in class Response
Is the response OK?
Response::isForbidden() — Method in class Response
Is the response forbidden?
Response::isNotFound() — Method in class Response
Is the response a not found error?
Response::isRedirect() — Method in class Response
Is the response a redirect of some form?
Response::isEmpty() — Method in class Response
Is the response empty?
AttributeBag::initialize() — Method in class AttributeBag
Initializes the Bag.
AutoExpireFlashBag::initialize() — Method in class AutoExpireFlashBag
Initializes the Bag.
FlashBag::initialize() — Method in class FlashBag
Initializes the Bag.
Session::isStarted() — Method in class Session
Checks if the session was started.
Session::isEmpty() — Method in class Session
Session::invalidate() — Method in class Session
Invalidates the current session.
SessionBagInterface::initialize() — Method in class SessionBagInterface
Initializes the Bag.
SessionBagProxy::isEmpty() — Method in class SessionBagProxy
SessionBagProxy::initialize() — Method in class SessionBagProxy
Initializes the Bag.
SessionInterface::invalidate() — Method in class SessionInterface
Invalidates the current session.
SessionInterface::isStarted() — Method in class SessionInterface
Checks if the session was started.
PdoSessionHandler::isSessionExpired() — Method in class PdoSessionHandler
Returns true when the current session exists but expired according to session.gc_maxlifetime.
MetadataBag::initialize() — Method in class MetadataBag
Initializes the Bag.
$MockArraySessionStorage#idProperty in class MockArraySessionStorage
MockArraySessionStorage::isStarted() — Method in class MockArraySessionStorage
Checks if the session is started.
NativeSessionStorage::isStarted() — Method in class NativeSessionStorage
Checks if the session is started.
AbstractProxy::isSessionHandlerInterface() — Method in class AbstractProxy
Is this proxy handler and instance of \SessionHandlerInterface.
AbstractProxy::isWrapper() — Method in class AbstractProxy
Returns true if this handler wraps an internal PHP session save handler using \SessionHandler.
AbstractProxy::isActive() — Method in class AbstractProxy
Has a session started?
SessionStorageInterface::isStarted() — Method in class SessionStorageInterface
Checks if the session is started.
CacheWarmerAggregate::isOptional() — Method in class CacheWarmerAggregate
Checks whether this warmer is optional or not.
CacheWarmerInterface::isOptional() — Method in class CacheWarmerInterface
Checks whether this warmer is optional or not.
ArgumentMetadata::isVariadic() — Method in class ArgumentMetadata
Returns whether the argument is defined as ".
ArgumentMetadata::isNullable() — Method in class ArgumentMetadata
Returns whether the argument accepts null values.
ContainerControllerResolver::instantiateController() — Method in class ContainerControllerResolver
Returns an instantiated controller.
ControllerResolver::instantiateController() — Method in class ControllerResolver
Returns an instantiated controller.
ConfigDataCollector::isDebug() — Method in class ConfigDataCollector
Returns true if the debug is enabled.
GetResponseForExceptionEvent::isAllowingCustomResponseCode() — Method in class GetResponseForExceptionEvent
Returns true if the event allows a custom response code.
KernelEvent::isMasterRequest() — Method in class KernelEvent
Checks if this is a master request.
InlineFragmentRendererClass in namespace Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Fragment
Implements the inline rendering strategy where the Request is rendered by the current HTTP kernel.
HttpCache::invalidate() — Method in class HttpCache
Invalidates non-safe methods (like POST, PUT, and DELETE).
HttpCache::isFreshEnough() — Method in class HttpCache
Checks whether the cache entry is "fresh enough" to satisfy the Request.
Store::isLocked() — Method in class Store
Returns whether or not a lock exists.
Store::invalidate() — Method in class Store
Invalidates all cache entries that match the request.
StoreInterface::invalidate() — Method in class StoreInterface
Invalidates all cache entries that match the request.
StoreInterface::isLocked() — Method in class StoreInterface
Returns whether or not a lock exists.
Kernel::isDebug() — Method in class Kernel
Checks if debug mode is enabled.
Kernel::initializeBundles() — Method in class Kernel
Initializes bundles.
Kernel::initializeContainer() — Method in class Kernel
Initializes the service container.
KernelInterface::isDebug() — Method in class KernelInterface
Checks if debug mode is enabled.
InflectorClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Inflector
Converts words between singular and plural forms.
IntlBundleReaderClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Intl\Data\Bundle\Reader
Reads binary .res resource bundles.
FullTransformer::isQuoteMatch() — Method in class FullTransformer
Check if the first char of a string is a single quote.
IntlDateFormatterClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Intl\DateFormatter
Replacement for PHP's native {@link \IntlDateFormatter} class.
IntlDateFormatter::isLenient() — Method in class IntlDateFormatter
Returns whether the formatter is lenient.
InvalidArgumentExceptionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Intl\Exception
InvalidArgumentException for the Intl component.
IntlGlobalsClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Intl\Globals
Provides fake static versions of the global functions in the intl extension.
IntlGlobals::isFailure() — Method in class IntlGlobals
Returns whether the error code indicates a failure.
IntlClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Intl
Gives access to internationalization data.
Intl::isExtensionLoaded() — Method in class Intl
Returns whether the intl extension is installed.
IcuVersionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Intl\Util
Facilitates the comparison of ICU version strings.
IntlTestHelperClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Intl\Util
Helper class for preparing test cases that rely on the Intl component.
ConnectionInterface::isBound() — Method in class ConnectionInterface
Checks whether the connection was already bound or not.
Connection::isBound() — Method in class Connection
Checks whether the connection was already bound or not.
ConnectionOptions::isOption() — Method in class ConnectionOptions
InvalidArgumentExceptionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Lock\Exception
Key::isExpired() — Method in class Key
Lock::isAcquired() — Method in class Lock
Returns whether or not the lock is acquired.
Lock::isExpired() — Method in class Lock
LockInterface::isAcquired() — Method in class LockInterface
Returns whether or not the lock is acquired.
LockInterface::isExpired() — Method in class LockInterface
MemcachedStore::isSupported() — Method in class MemcachedStore
SemaphoreStore::isSupported() — Method in class SemaphoreStore
Returns whether or not the store is supported.
ConsensusStrategy::isMet() — Method in class ConsensusStrategy
Returns whether or not the quorum is met.
StrategyInterface::isMet() — Method in class StrategyInterface
Returns whether or not the quorum is met.
UnanimousStrategy::isMet() — Method in class UnanimousStrategy
Returns whether or not the quorum is met.
ConsumeMessagesCommand::interact() — Method in class ConsumeMessagesCommand
Interacts with the user.
InvalidArgumentExceptionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Messenger\Exception
$MessageBus#iteratorProperty in class MessageBus
InvalidArgumentExceptionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\OptionsResolver\Exception
Thrown when an argument is invalid.
InvalidOptionsExceptionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\OptionsResolver\Exception
Thrown when the value of an option does not match its validation rules.
OptionsResolver::isRequired() — Method in class OptionsResolver
Returns whether an option is required.
OptionsResolver::isMissing() — Method in class OptionsResolver
Returns whether an option is missing a default value.
OptionsResolver::isDefined() — Method in class OptionsResolver
Returns whether an option is defined.
OptionsResolver::isNested() — Method in class OptionsResolver
OptionsResolver::isDeprecated() — Method in class OptionsResolver
InvalidArgumentExceptionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Process\Exception
InvalidArgumentException for the Process Component.
ProcessTimedOutException::isGeneralTimeout() — Method in class ProcessTimedOutException
ProcessTimedOutException::isIdleTimeout() — Method in class ProcessTimedOutException
InputStreamClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Process
Provides a way to continuously write to the input of a Process until the InputStream is closed.
InputStream::isClosed() — Method in class InputStream
Tells whether the write buffer is closed or not.
Process::isOutputDisabled() — Method in class Process
Returns true in case the output is disabled, false otherwise.
Process::isSuccessful() — Method in class Process
Checks if the process ended successfully.
Process::isRunning() — Method in class Process
Checks if the process is currently running.
Process::isStarted() — Method in class Process
Checks if the process has been started with no regard to the current state.
Process::isTerminated() — Method in class Process
Checks if the process is terminated.
Process::isTty() — Method in class Process
Checks if the TTY mode is enabled.
Process::isPty() — Method in class Process
Returns PTY state.
Process::inheritEnvironmentVariables() — Method in class Process
Sets whether environment variables will be inherited or not.
Process::isTtySupported() — Method in class Process
Returns whether TTY is supported on the current operating system.
Process::isPtySupported() — Method in class Process
Returns whether PTY is supported on the current operating system.
Process::isSigchildEnabled() — Method in class Process
Returns whether PHP has been compiled with the '--enable-sigchild' option or not.
InvalidArgumentExceptionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\PropertyAccess\Exception
Base InvalidArgumentException for the PropertyAccess component.
InvalidPropertyPathExceptionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\PropertyAccess\Exception
Thrown when a property path is malformed.
PropertyAccessor::isReadable() — Method in class PropertyAccessor
Returns whether a property path can be read from an object graph.
PropertyAccessor::isWritable() — Method in class PropertyAccessor
Returns whether a value can be written at a given property path.
PropertyAccessorBuilder::isMagicCallEnabled() — Method in class PropertyAccessorBuilder
PropertyAccessorBuilder::isExceptionOnInvalidIndexEnabled() — Method in class PropertyAccessorBuilder
PropertyAccessorInterface::isWritable() — Method in class PropertyAccessorInterface
Returns whether a value can be written at a given property path.
PropertyAccessorInterface::isReadable() — Method in class PropertyAccessorInterface
Returns whether a property path can be read from an object graph.
PropertyPath::isProperty() — Method in class PropertyPath
Returns whether the element at the given index is a property.
PropertyPath::isIndex() — Method in class PropertyPath
Returns whether the element at the given index is an array index.
PropertyPathInterface::isProperty() — Method in class PropertyPathInterface
Returns whether the element at the given index is a property.
PropertyPathInterface::isIndex() — Method in class PropertyPathInterface
Returns whether the element at the given index is an array index.
PropertyPathIterator::isIndex() — Method in class PropertyPathIterator
Returns whether the current element in the property path is an array index.
PropertyPathIterator::isProperty() — Method in class PropertyPathIterator
Returns whether the current element in the property path is a property name.
PropertyPathIteratorInterface::isIndex() — Method in class PropertyPathIteratorInterface
Returns whether the current element in the property path is an array index.
PropertyPathIteratorInterface::isProperty() — Method in class PropertyPathIteratorInterface
Returns whether the current element in the property path is a property name.
ReflectionExtractor::isReadable() — Method in class ReflectionExtractor
Is the property readable?
ReflectionExtractor::isWritable() — Method in class ReflectionExtractor
Is the property writable?
ReflectionExtractor::isInitializable() — Method in class ReflectionExtractor
Is the property initializable? Returns true if a constructor's parameter matches the given property name.
PropertyAccessExtractorInterface::isReadable() — Method in class PropertyAccessExtractorInterface
Is the property readable?
PropertyAccessExtractorInterface::isWritable() — Method in class PropertyAccessExtractorInterface
Is the property writable?
PropertyInfoCacheExtractor::isReadable() — Method in class PropertyInfoCacheExtractor
Is the property readable?
PropertyInfoCacheExtractor::isWritable() — Method in class PropertyInfoCacheExtractor
Is the property writable?
PropertyInfoCacheExtractor::isInitializable() — Method in class PropertyInfoCacheExtractor
Is the property initializable? Returns true if a constructor's parameter matches the given property name.
PropertyInfoExtractor::isReadable() — Method in class PropertyInfoExtractor
Is the property readable?
PropertyInfoExtractor::isWritable() — Method in class PropertyInfoExtractor
Is the property writable?
PropertyInfoExtractor::isInitializable() — Method in class PropertyInfoExtractor
Is the property initializable? Returns true if a constructor's parameter matches the given property name.
PropertyInitializableExtractorInterface::isInitializable() — Method in class PropertyInitializableExtractorInterface
Is the property initializable? Returns true if a constructor's parameter matches the given property name.
Type::isNullable() — Method in class Type
Type::isCollection() — Method in class Type
InvalidParameterExceptionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Routing\Exception
Exception thrown when a parameter is not valid.
ConfigurableRequirementsInterface::isStrictRequirements() — Method in class ConfigurableRequirementsInterface
Returns whether to throw an exception on incorrect parameters.
UrlGenerator::isStrictRequirements() — Method in class UrlGenerator
Returns whether to throw an exception on incorrect parameters.
ImportConfiguratorClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Routing\Loader\Configurator
RoutingConfigurator::import() — Method in class RoutingConfigurator
RouteCollectionBuilder::import() — Method in class RouteCollectionBuilder
Import an external routing resource and returns the RouteCollectionBuilder.
AuthenticationTrustResolver::isAnonymous() — Method in class AuthenticationTrustResolver
Resolves whether the passed token implementation is authenticated anonymously.
AuthenticationTrustResolver::isRememberMe() — Method in class AuthenticationTrustResolver
Resolves whether the passed token implementation is authenticated using remember-me capabilities.
AuthenticationTrustResolver::isFullFledged() — Method in class AuthenticationTrustResolver
Resolves whether the passed token implementation is fully authenticated.
AuthenticationTrustResolverInterface::isAnonymous() — Method in class AuthenticationTrustResolverInterface
Resolves whether the passed token implementation is authenticated anonymously.
AuthenticationTrustResolverInterface::isRememberMe() — Method in class AuthenticationTrustResolverInterface
Resolves whether the passed token implementation is authenticated using remember-me capabilities.
AuthenticationTrustResolverInterface::isFullFledged() — Method in class AuthenticationTrustResolverInterface
Resolves whether the passed token implementation is fully authenticated.
InMemoryTokenProviderClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Authentication\RememberMe
This class is used for testing purposes, and is not really suited for production.
AbstractToken::isAuthenticated() — Method in class AbstractToken
Returns whether the user is authenticated or not.
TokenInterface::isAuthenticated() — Method in class TokenInterface
Returns whether the user is authenticated or not.
AuthorizationChecker::isGranted() — Method in class AuthorizationChecker
Checks if the attributes are granted against the current authentication token and optionally supplied subject.
AuthorizationCheckerInterface::isGranted() — Method in class AuthorizationCheckerInterface
Checks if the attributes are granted against the current authentication token and optionally supplied subject.
Argon2iPasswordEncoder::isSupported() — Method in class Argon2iPasswordEncoder
Argon2iPasswordEncoder::isPasswordValid() — Method in class Argon2iPasswordEncoder
Checks a raw password against an encoded password.
BCryptPasswordEncoder::isPasswordValid() — Method in class BCryptPasswordEncoder
Checks a raw password against an encoded password.
BasePasswordEncoder::isPasswordTooLong() — Method in class BasePasswordEncoder
Checks if the password is too long.
MessageDigestPasswordEncoder::isPasswordValid() — Method in class MessageDigestPasswordEncoder
Checks a raw password against an encoded password.
PasswordEncoderInterface::isPasswordValid() — Method in class PasswordEncoderInterface
Checks a raw password against an encoded password.
Pbkdf2PasswordEncoder::isPasswordValid() — Method in class Pbkdf2PasswordEncoder
Checks a raw password against an encoded password.
PlaintextPasswordEncoder::isPasswordValid() — Method in class PlaintextPasswordEncoder
Checks a raw password against an encoded password.
UserPasswordEncoder::isPasswordValid() — Method in class UserPasswordEncoder
UserPasswordEncoderInterface::isPasswordValid() — Method in class UserPasswordEncoderInterface
InsufficientAuthenticationExceptionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Exception
InsufficientAuthenticationException is thrown if the user credentials are not sufficiently trusted.
InvalidArgumentExceptionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Exception
Base InvalidArgumentException for the Security component.
InvalidCsrfTokenExceptionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Exception
This exception is thrown when the csrf token is invalid.
Security::isGranted() — Method in class Security
Checks if the attributes are granted against the current authentication token and optionally supplied subject.
AdvancedUserInterface::isAccountNonExpired() — Method in class AdvancedUserInterface
Checks whether the user's account has expired.
AdvancedUserInterface::isAccountNonLocked() — Method in class AdvancedUserInterface
Checks whether the user is locked.
AdvancedUserInterface::isCredentialsNonExpired() — Method in class AdvancedUserInterface
Checks whether the user's credentials (password) has expired.
AdvancedUserInterface::isEnabled() — Method in class AdvancedUserInterface
Checks whether the user is enabled.
EquatableInterface::isEqualTo() — Method in class EquatableInterface
The equality comparison should neither be done by referential equality nor by comparing identities (i.e. getId() === getId()).
InMemoryUserProviderClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Security\Core\User
InMemoryUserProvider is a simple non persistent user provider.
User::isAccountNonExpired() — Method in class User
Checks whether the user's account has expired.
User::isAccountNonLocked() — Method in class User
Checks whether the user is locked.
User::isCredentialsNonExpired() — Method in class User
Checks whether the user's credentials (password) has expired.
User::isEnabled() — Method in class User
Checks whether the user is enabled.
User::isEqualTo() — Method in class User
The equality comparison should neither be done by referential equality nor by comparing identities (i.e. getId() === getId()).
CsrfTokenManager::isTokenValid() — Method in class CsrfTokenManager
Returns whether the given CSRF token is valid.
CsrfTokenManagerInterface::isTokenValid() — Method in class CsrfTokenManagerInterface
Returns whether the given CSRF token is valid.
InteractiveLoginEventClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Security\Http\Event
AbstractRememberMeServices::isRememberMeRequested() — Method in class AbstractRememberMeServices
Checks whether remember-me capabilities were requested.
XmlEncoder::isElementNameValid() — Method in class XmlEncoder
Checks the name is a valid xml element name.
InvalidArgumentExceptionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Serializer\Exception
$AbstractNormalizer#ignoredAttributesProperty in class AbstractNormalizer
AbstractNormalizer::isCircularReference() — Method in class AbstractNormalizer
Detects if the configured circular reference limit is reached.
AbstractNormalizer::isAllowedAttribute() — Method in class AbstractNormalizer
Is this attribute allowed?
AbstractNormalizer::instantiateObject() — Method in class AbstractNormalizer
Instantiates an object using constructor parameters when needed.
AbstractObjectNormalizer::instantiateObject() — Method in class AbstractObjectNormalizer
Instantiates an object using constructor parameters when needed.
PropertyNormalizer::isAllowedAttribute() — Method in class PropertyNormalizer
Is this attribute allowed?
Section::isEventStarted() — Method in class Section
Checks if the event was started.
Stopwatch::isStarted() — Method in class Stopwatch
Checks if the event was started.
StopwatchEvent::isStarted() — Method in class StopwatchEvent
Checks if the event was started.
CacheLoader::isFresh() — Method in class CacheLoader
Returns true if the template is still fresh.
ChainLoader::isFresh() — Method in class ChainLoader
Returns true if the template is still fresh.
FilesystemLoader::isFresh() — Method in class FilesystemLoader
Returns true if the template is still fresh.
FilesystemLoader::isAbsolutePath() — Method in class FilesystemLoader
Returns true if the file is an existing absolute path.
LoaderInterface::isFresh() — Method in class LoaderInterface
Returns true if the template is still fresh.
PhpEngine::initializeEscapers() — Method in class PhpEngine
Initializes the built-in escapers.
IcuResFileDumperClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Translation\Dumper
IcuResDumper generates an ICU ResourceBundle formatted string representation of a message catalogue.
IniFileDumperClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Translation\Dumper
IniFileDumper generates an ini formatted string representation of a message catalogue.
InvalidArgumentExceptionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Translation\Exception
Base InvalidArgumentException for the Translation component.
InvalidResourceExceptionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Translation\Exception
Thrown when a resource cannot be loaded.
AbstractFileExtractor::isFile() — Method in class AbstractFileExtractor
IntlFormatterClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Translation\Formatter
IntlFormatterInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Translation\Formatter
Formats ICU message patterns.
IdentityTranslatorClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Translation
IdentityTranslator does not translate anything.
IntervalClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Translation
Tests if a given number belongs to a given math interval.
IcuDatFileLoaderClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Translation\Loader
IcuResFileLoader loads translations from a resource bundle.
IcuResFileLoaderClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Translation\Loader
IcuResFileLoader loads translations from a resource bundle.
IniFileLoaderClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Translation\Loader
IniFileLoader loads translations from an ini file.
Translator::initializeCatalogue() — Method in class Translator
ConstraintValidator::initialize() — Method in class ConstraintValidator
Initializes the constraint validator.
ConstraintValidatorInterface::initialize() — Method in class ConstraintValidatorInterface
Initializes the constraint validator.
Collection::initializeNestedConstraints() — Method in class Collection
Initializes the nested constraints.
Composite::initializeNestedConstraints() — Method in class Composite
Initializes the nested constraints.
IbanClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints
IbanValidatorClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints
IdenticalToClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints
IdenticalToValidatorClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints
Validates values are identical (===).
ImageClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints
ImageValidatorClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints
Validates whether a value is a valid image file and is valid against minWidth, maxWidth, minHeight and maxHeight constraints.
IpClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints
Validates that a value is a valid IP address.
IpValidatorClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints
Validates whether a value is a valid IP address.
IsFalseClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints
IsFalseValidatorClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints
IsNullClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints
IsNullValidatorClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints
IsTrueClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints
IsTrueValidatorClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints
IsbnClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints
$Isbn#isbn10MessageProperty in class Isbn
$Isbn#isbn13MessageProperty in class Isbn
IsbnValidatorClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints
Validates whether the value is a valid ISBN-10 or ISBN-13.
IssnClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints
IssnValidatorClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints
Validates whether the value is a valid ISSN.
$Range#invalidMessageProperty in class Range
ExecutionContext::isGroupValidated() — Method in class ExecutionContext
Returns whether an object was validated in a specific validation group.
ExecutionContext::isConstraintValidated() — Method in class ExecutionContext
Returns whether a constraint was validated for an object.
ExecutionContext::isObjectInitialized() — Method in class ExecutionContext
Returns whether an object was initialized.
ExecutionContextInterface::isGroupValidated() — Method in class ExecutionContextInterface
Returns whether an object was validated in a specific validation group.
ExecutionContextInterface::isConstraintValidated() — Method in class ExecutionContextInterface
Returns whether a constraint was validated for an object.
ExecutionContextInterface::isObjectInitialized() — Method in class ExecutionContextInterface
Returns whether an object was initialized.
InvalidArgumentExceptionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Validator\Exception
Base InvalidArgumentException for the Validator component.
InvalidOptionsExceptionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Validator\Exception
ClassMetadata::isGroupSequenceProvider() — Method in class ClassMetadata
Returns whether the "Default" group is overridden by a dynamic group sequence obtained by the validated objects.
ClassMetadataInterface::isGroupSequenceProvider() — Method in class ClassMetadataInterface
Returns whether the "Default" group is overridden by a dynamic group sequence obtained by the validated objects.
MemberMetadata::isPublic() — Method in class MemberMetadata
Returns whether this member is public.
MemberMetadata::isProtected() — Method in class MemberMetadata
Returns whether this member is protected.
MemberMetadata::isPrivate() — Method in class MemberMetadata
Returns whether this member is private.
ObjectInitializerInterface::initialize() — Method in class ObjectInitializerInterface
Initializes an object just before validation.
RecursiveValidator::inContext() — Method in class RecursiveValidator
Returns a validator in the given execution context.
TraceableValidator::inContext() — Method in class TraceableValidator
Returns a validator in the given execution context.
ValidatorInterface::inContext() — Method in class ValidatorInterface
Returns a validator in the given execution context.
$FrameStub#inTraceStubProperty in class FrameStub
IntlCasterClass in namespace Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Caster
$LinkStub#inVendorProperty in class LinkStub
$AbstractDumper#indentPadProperty in class AbstractDumper
InstantiatorClass in namespace Symfony\Component\VarExporter
A utility class to create objects without calling their constructor.
Instantiator::instantiate() — Method in class Instantiator
Creates an object and sets its properties without calling its constructor nor any other methods.
$Reference#idProperty in class Reference
$Registry#instantiableWithoutConstructorProperty in class Registry
GuardEvent::isBlocked() — Method in class GuardEvent
InvalidArgumentExceptionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Workflow\Exception
InvalidDefinitionExceptionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Workflow\Exception
Thrown by the DefinitionValidatorInterface when the definition is invalid.
InvalidTokenConfigurationExceptionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Workflow\Exception
Thrown by GuardListener when there is no token set, but guards are placed on a transition.
InMemoryMetadataStoreClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Workflow\Metadata
InstanceOfSupportStrategyClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Workflow\SupportStrategy
TransitionBlockerList::isEmpty() — Method in class TransitionBlockerList
$Dumper#indentationProperty in class Dumper
The amount of spaces to use for indentation of nested nodes.
InlineClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Yaml
Inline implements a YAML parser/dumper for the YAML inline syntax.
Inline::initialize() — Method in class Inline
Inline::isHash() — Method in class Inline
Check if given array is hash or just normal indexed array.
ItemInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Contracts\Cache
Augments PSR-6's CacheItemInterface with support for tags and metadata.
TagAwareCacheInterface::invalidateTags() — Method in class TagAwareCacheInterface
Invalidates cached items using tags.
__TwigTemplate_209568cee73489a07b58263796efc4cbb8527e4058c3b94f0468e7181d323e06::isTraitable() — Method in class __TwigTemplate_209568cee73489a07b58263796efc4cbb8527e4058c3b94f0468e7181d323e06
__TwigTemplate_379a33569599b7d16b02e1e22d6920aff20dcd0909ffd334db9fb0f6d88de572::isTraitable() — Method in class __TwigTemplate_379a33569599b7d16b02e1e22d6920aff20dcd0909ffd334db9fb0f6d88de572
__TwigTemplate_3a799ab867c09082c92ad841cfac9b8f59c5dca2d62d09aed83bc05f4fb59208::isTraitable() — Method in class __TwigTemplate_3a799ab867c09082c92ad841cfac9b8f59c5dca2d62d09aed83bc05f4fb59208
__TwigTemplate_3ddc07243c5931794b295117e0aa29aaf8684f8957f9573bb7afd48ba4ec557b::isTraitable() — Method in class __TwigTemplate_3ddc07243c5931794b295117e0aa29aaf8684f8957f9573bb7afd48ba4ec557b
__TwigTemplate_489a5c2f784bc7207c64643c1e974c24d5aa1f59c07840e9c9fdcc2ebe0f4049::isTraitable() — Method in class __TwigTemplate_489a5c2f784bc7207c64643c1e974c24d5aa1f59c07840e9c9fdcc2ebe0f4049
__TwigTemplate_68cc922e3fa367f608828e58f6d9019a7a95e4791fceaa3ef3f7d023159cc8c7::isTraitable() — Method in class __TwigTemplate_68cc922e3fa367f608828e58f6d9019a7a95e4791fceaa3ef3f7d023159cc8c7
__TwigTemplate_6fc71e2e61a29b206332c5b08c44ad934d04178761881af9825ff8ca1bf415e3::isTraitable() — Method in class __TwigTemplate_6fc71e2e61a29b206332c5b08c44ad934d04178761881af9825ff8ca1bf415e3
__TwigTemplate_7307fe7a0f2e1ce51763f8a04a93b3050883b94afacde688f56d7de3575da4d3::isTraitable() — Method in class __TwigTemplate_7307fe7a0f2e1ce51763f8a04a93b3050883b94afacde688f56d7de3575da4d3
__TwigTemplate_832f807c6f6861fcd9610dee42e09a3587f5863a2db0b52d40320f9af793f4f1::isTraitable() — Method in class __TwigTemplate_832f807c6f6861fcd9610dee42e09a3587f5863a2db0b52d40320f9af793f4f1
__TwigTemplate_844fb6cfdea49c0791980478cecd122e9d435447564866a71135cf8343b47bd6::isTraitable() — Method in class __TwigTemplate_844fb6cfdea49c0791980478cecd122e9d435447564866a71135cf8343b47bd6
__TwigTemplate_8b71541f8f54b85d54ecf5acff00241d7ee7b9d330cf5768fa3cb0e206fad558::isTraitable() — Method in class __TwigTemplate_8b71541f8f54b85d54ecf5acff00241d7ee7b9d330cf5768fa3cb0e206fad558
__TwigTemplate_9ac42ffac6cea8fb8ad13a537121af017dd22668dca27786d4890f2f683406e8::isTraitable() — Method in class __TwigTemplate_9ac42ffac6cea8fb8ad13a537121af017dd22668dca27786d4890f2f683406e8
__TwigTemplate_b21141e324c1c3d43e26bf06b01f74a3f7a0b0acc4a942ce8a93aadbf59caf94::isTraitable() — Method in class __TwigTemplate_b21141e324c1c3d43e26bf06b01f74a3f7a0b0acc4a942ce8a93aadbf59caf94
__TwigTemplate_fcf804abc836dd17f7beb221e7962013db7c83d0972becd9b26b85bbf1f1599d::isTraitable() — Method in class __TwigTemplate_fcf804abc836dd17f7beb221e7962013db7c83d0972becd9b26b85bbf1f1599d


JsonDescriptorClass in namespace Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Console\Descriptor
ControllerTrait::json() — Method in class ControllerTrait
Returns a JsonResponse that uses the serializer component if enabled, or json_encode.
JsonLoginFactoryClass in namespace Symfony\Bundle\SecurityBundle\DependencyInjection\Security\Factory
JsonLoginFactory creates services for JSON login authentication.
JsonLoginLdapFactoryClass in namespace Symfony\Bundle\SecurityBundle\DependencyInjection\Security\Factory
JsonLoginLdapFactory creates services for json login ldap authentication.
JsonManifestVersionStrategyClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Asset\VersionStrategy
Reads the versioned path of an asset from a JSON manifest file.
JsonDescriptorClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Console\Descriptor
JSON descriptor.
XPathExpr::join() — Method in class XPathExpr
Joins another XPathExpr with a combiner.
SilencedErrorContext::JsonSerialize() — Method in class SilencedErrorContext
JsonDescriptorClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Form\Console\Descriptor
JsonResponseClass in namespace Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation
Response represents an HTTP response in JSON format.
JsonBundleReaderClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Intl\Data\Bundle\Reader
Reads .json resource bundles.
JsonBundleWriterClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Intl\Data\Bundle\Writer
Writes .json resource bundles.
JsonDecodeClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Serializer\Encoder
Decodes JSON data.
JsonEncodeClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Serializer\Encoder
Encodes JSON data.
JsonEncoderClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Serializer\Encoder
Encodes JSON data.
JsonSerializableNormalizerClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Serializer\Normalizer
A normalizer that uses an objects own JsonSerializable implementation.
JsonFileDumperClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Translation\Dumper
JsonFileDumper generates an json formatted string representation of a message catalogue.
JsonFileLoaderClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Translation\Loader
JsonFileLoader loads translations from an json file.


$ControllerNameParser#kernelProperty in class ControllerNameParser
$HttpCache#kernelProperty in class HttpCache
$TemplateNameParser#kernelProperty in class TemplateNameParser
KernelTestCaseClass in namespace Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Test
KernelTestCase is the base class for tests needing a Kernel.
$KernelTestCase#kernelProperty in class KernelTestCase
$PreviewErrorController#kernelProperty in class PreviewErrorController
$CacheItem#keyProperty in class CacheItem
$ArrayNodeDefinition#keyProperty in class ArrayNodeDefinition
$PrototypedArrayNode#keyAttributeProperty in class PrototypedArrayNode
FormErrorIterator::key() — Method in class FormErrorIterator
Returns the current position of the iterator.
OrderedHashMapIterator::key() — Method in class OrderedHashMapIterator
HeaderBag::keys() — Method in class HeaderBag
Returns the parameter keys.
ParameterBag::keys() — Method in class ParameterBag
Returns the parameter keys.
AutoExpireFlashBag::keys() — Method in class AutoExpireFlashBag
Returns a list of all defined types.
FlashBag::keys() — Method in class FlashBag
Returns a list of all defined types.
FlashBagInterface::keys() — Method in class FlashBagInterface
Returns a list of all defined types.
$Client#kernelProperty in class Client
$TimeDataCollector#kernelProperty in class TimeDataCollector
KernelEventClass in namespace Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Event
Base class for events thrown in the HttpKernel component.
KernelClass in namespace Symfony\Component\HttpKernel
The Kernel is the heart of the Symfony system.
KernelEventsClass in namespace Symfony\Component\HttpKernel
Contains all events thrown in the HttpKernel component.
KernelInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\HttpKernel
The Kernel is the heart of the Symfony system.
KeyClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Lock
Key is a container for the state of the locks in stores.
$FrameStub#keepArgsProperty in class FrameStub
$TraceStub#keepArgsProperty in class TraceStub


AbstractDoctrineExtension::loadMappingInformation() — Method in class AbstractDoctrineExtension
AbstractDoctrineExtension::loadObjectManagerCacheDriver() — Method in class AbstractDoctrineExtension
Loads a configured object manager metadata, query or result cache driver.
AbstractDoctrineExtension::loadCacheDriver() — Method in class AbstractDoctrineExtension
Loads a cache driver.
DoctrineChoiceLoader::loadChoiceList() — Method in class DoctrineChoiceLoader
Loads a list of choices.
DoctrineChoiceLoader::loadValuesForChoices() — Method in class DoctrineChoiceLoader
Loads the values corresponding to the given choices.
DoctrineChoiceLoader::loadChoicesForValues() — Method in class DoctrineChoiceLoader
Loads the choices corresponding to the given values.
DoctrineOrmExtension::loadTypes() — Method in class DoctrineOrmExtension
Registers the types.
DoctrineOrmExtension::loadTypeGuesser() — Method in class DoctrineOrmExtension
Registers the type guesser.
$DbalLogger#loggerProperty in class DbalLogger
DbalLogger::log() — Method in class DbalLogger
Logs a message.
DoctrineTokenProvider::loadTokenBySeries() — Method in class DoctrineTokenProvider
Loads the active token for the given series.
EntityUserProvider::loadUserByUsername() — Method in class EntityUserProvider
Loads the user for the given username.
UserLoaderInterface::loadUserByUsername() — Method in class UserLoaderInterface
Loads the user for the given username.
LoggerClass in namespace Symfony\Bridge\Monolog
LazyLoadingValueHolderFactoryClass in namespace Symfony\Bridge\ProxyManager\LazyProxy\Instantiator
LazyLoadingValueHolderGeneratorClass in namespace Symfony\Bridge\ProxyManager\LazyProxy\PhpDumper
LintCommandClass in namespace Symfony\Bridge\Twig\Command
Command that will validate your template syntax and output encountered errors.
TwigDataCollector::lateCollect() — Method in class TwigDataCollector
Collects data as late as possible.
LogoutUrlExtensionClass in namespace Symfony\Bridge\Twig\Extension
LogoutUrlHelper provides generator functions for the logout URL to Twig.
ProfilerExtension::leave() — Method in class ProfilerExtension
WebLinkExtension::link() — Method in class WebLinkExtension
Adds a "Link" HTTP header.
TwigRendererEngine::loadResourceForBlockName() — Method in class TwigRendererEngine
Loads the cache with the resource for a given block name.
TwigRendererEngine::loadResourcesFromTheme() — Method in class TwigRendererEngine
Loads the resources for all blocks in a theme.
Scope::leave() — Method in class Scope
Closes current scope and returns parent one.
TwigEngine::load() — Method in class TwigEngine
Loads the given template.
DebugExtension::load() — Method in class DebugExtension
Loads a specific configuration.
$TemplatePathsCacheWarmer#locatorProperty in class TemplatePathsCacheWarmer
AbstractConfigCommand::listBundles() — Method in class AbstractConfigCommand
LoggingTranslatorPassClass in namespace Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\DependencyInjection\Compiler
FrameworkExtension::load() — Method in class FrameworkExtension
Responds to the app.config configuration parameter.
MicroKernelTrait::loadRoutes() — Method in class MicroKernelTrait
DelegatingLoader::load() — Method in class DelegatingLoader
Loads a resource.
FormHelper::label() — Method in class FormHelper
Renders the label of the given view.
$FilesystemLoader#locatorProperty in class FilesystemLoader
FilesystemLoader::load() — Method in class FilesystemLoader
Loads a template.
$TemplateLocator#locatorProperty in class TemplateLocator
TemplateLocator::locate() — Method in class TemplateLocator
Returns a full path for a given file.
$Translator#loaderIdsProperty in class Translator
SecurityDataCollector::lateCollect() — Method in class SecurityDataCollector
Collects data as late as possible.
SecurityExtension::load() — Method in class SecurityExtension
Loads a specific configuration.
LdapFactoryClass in namespace Symfony\Bundle\SecurityBundle\DependencyInjection\Security\UserProvider
LdapFactory creates services for Ldap user provider.
LogoutUrlHelperClass in namespace Symfony\Bundle\SecurityBundle\Templating\Helper
LogoutUrlHelper provides generator functions for the logout URL.
LintCommandClass in namespace Symfony\Bundle\TwigBundle\Command
Command that will validate your template syntax and output encountered errors.
TwigExtension::load() — Method in class TwigExtension
Loads a specific configuration.
$FilesystemLoader#locatorProperty in class FilesystemLoader
$TwigEngine#locatorProperty in class TwigEngine
WebProfilerExtension::load() — Method in class WebProfilerExtension
Loads the web profiler configuration.
WebProfilerExtension::leave() — Method in class WebProfilerExtension
WebServerExtension::load() — Method in class WebServerExtension
Loads a specific configuration.
LogicExceptionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Asset\Exception
Base LogicException for the Asset component.
CacheItem::log() — Method in class CacheItem
Internal logging helper.
CacheDataCollector::lateCollect() — Method in class CacheDataCollector
Collects data as late as possible.
LogicExceptionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Cache\Exception
LockRegistryClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Cache
LockRegistry is used internally by existing adapters to protect against cache stampede.
LoaderLoadExceptionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Config\Exception
Exception class for when a resource cannot be loaded or imported.
FileLocator::locate() — Method in class FileLocator
Returns a full path for a given file name.
FileLocatorInterface::locate() — Method in class FileLocatorInterface
Returns a full path for a given file name.
DelegatingLoader::load() — Method in class DelegatingLoader
Loads a resource.
$FileLoader#loadingProperty in class FileLoader
$FileLoader#locatorProperty in class FileLoader
GlobFileLoader::load() — Method in class GlobFileLoader
Loads a resource.
LoaderClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Config\Loader
Loader is the abstract class used by all built-in loaders.
LoaderInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Config\Loader
LoaderInterface is the interface implemented by all loader classes.
LoaderInterface::load() — Method in class LoaderInterface
Loads a resource.
LoaderResolverClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Config\Loader
LoaderResolver selects a loader for a given resource.
LoaderResolverInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Config\Loader
LoaderResolverInterface selects a loader for a given resource.
XmlUtils::loadFile() — Method in class XmlUtils
Loads an XML file.
ListCommandClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Console\Command
ListCommand displays the list of all available commands for the application.
LockableTraitClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Console\Command
Basic lock feature for commands.
LogicExceptionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Console\Exception
ConsoleLogger::log() — Method in class ConsoleLogger
StyleInterface::listing() — Method in class StyleInterface
Formats a list.
SymfonyStyle::listing() — Method in class SymfonyStyle
Formats a list.
BufferingLogger::log() — Method in class BufferingLogger
DebugClassLoader::loadClass() — Method in class DebugClassLoader
Loads the given class or interface.
Compiler::log() — Method in class Compiler
$Container#loadingProperty in class Container
Container::load() — Method in class Container
Creates a service by requiring its factory file.
ContainerBuilder::loadFromExtension() — Method in class ContainerBuilder
Loads the configuration for an extension.
ContainerBuilder::log() — Method in class ContainerBuilder
LogicExceptionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Exception
Base LogicException for Dependency Injection component.
ExtensionInterface::load() — Method in class ExtensionInterface
Loads a specific configuration.
ClosureLoader::load() — Method in class ClosureLoader
Loads a resource.
AbstractServiceConfigurator::load() — Method in class AbstractServiceConfigurator
Registers a PSR-4 namespace using a glob pattern.
ServicesConfigurator::load() — Method in class ServicesConfigurator
Registers a PSR-4 namespace using a glob pattern.
LazyTraitClass in namespace Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Loader\Configurator\Traits
LazyTrait::lazy() — Method in class LazyTrait
Sets the lazy flag of this service.
DirectoryLoader::load() — Method in class DirectoryLoader
Loads a resource.
GlobFileLoader::load() — Method in class GlobFileLoader
Loads a resource.
IniFileLoader::load() — Method in class IniFileLoader
Loads a resource.
PhpFileLoader::load() — Method in class PhpFileLoader
Loads a resource.
XmlFileLoader::load() — Method in class XmlFileLoader
Loads a resource.
YamlFileLoader::load() — Method in class YamlFileLoader
Loads a resource.
YamlFileLoader::loadFile() — Method in class YamlFileLoader
Loads a YAML file.
Crawler::last() — Method in class Crawler
Returns the last node of the current selection.
Crawler::link() — Method in class Crawler
Returns a Link object for the first node in the list.
Crawler::links() — Method in class Crawler
Returns an array of Link objects for the nodes in the list.
LinkClass in namespace Symfony\Component\DomCrawler
Link represents an HTML link (an HTML a, area or link tag).
Dotenv::load() — Method in class Dotenv
Loads one or several .env files.
Dotenv::loadEnv() — Method in class Dotenv
Loads a .env file and the corresponding .env.local, .env.$env and .env.$env.local files if they exist.
$TraceableEventDispatcher#loggerProperty in class TraceableEventDispatcher
$ExtractingEventDispatcher#listenersProperty in class ExtractingEventDispatcher
$RegisterListenersPass#listenerTagProperty in class RegisterListenersPass
LexerClass in namespace Symfony\Component\ExpressionLanguage
Lexes an expression.
AbstractExtension::loadTypes() — Method in class AbstractExtension
Registers the types.
AbstractExtension::loadTypeExtensions() — Method in class AbstractExtension
Registers the type extensions.
AbstractExtension::loadTypeGuesser() — Method in class AbstractExtension
Registers the type guesser.
AbstractRendererEngine::loadResourceForBlockName() — Method in class AbstractRendererEngine
Loads the cache with the resource for a given block name.
$ButtonBuilder#lockedProperty in class ButtonBuilder
LazyChoiceListClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList
A choice list that loads its choices lazily.
CallbackChoiceLoader::loadChoiceList() — Method in class CallbackChoiceLoader
Loads a list of choices.
CallbackChoiceLoader::loadChoicesForValues() — Method in class CallbackChoiceLoader
Loads the choices corresponding to the given values.
CallbackChoiceLoader::loadValuesForChoices() — Method in class CallbackChoiceLoader
Loads the values corresponding to the given choices.
ChoiceLoaderInterface::loadChoiceList() — Method in class ChoiceLoaderInterface
Loads a list of choices.
ChoiceLoaderInterface::loadChoicesForValues() — Method in class ChoiceLoaderInterface
Loads the choices corresponding to the given values.
ChoiceLoaderInterface::loadValuesForChoices() — Method in class ChoiceLoaderInterface
Loads the values corresponding to the given choices.
IntlCallbackChoiceLoader::loadChoicesForValues() — Method in class IntlCallbackChoiceLoader
Loads the choices corresponding to the given values.
IntlCallbackChoiceLoader::loadValuesForChoices() — Method in class IntlCallbackChoiceLoader
Loads the values corresponding to the given choices.
$ChoiceGroupView#labelProperty in class ChoiceGroupView
$ChoiceView#labelProperty in class ChoiceView
LogicExceptionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Form\Exception
Base LogicException for Form component.
CoreExtension::loadTypes() — Method in class CoreExtension
Registers the types.
CoreExtension::loadTypeExtensions() — Method in class CoreExtension
Registers the type extensions.
CountryType::loadChoiceList() — Method in class CountryType
Loads a list of choices.
CountryType::loadChoicesForValues() — Method in class CountryType
Loads the choices corresponding to the given values.
CountryType::loadValuesForChoices() — Method in class CountryType
Loads the values corresponding to the given choices.
CurrencyType::loadChoiceList() — Method in class CurrencyType
Loads a list of choices.
CurrencyType::loadChoicesForValues() — Method in class CurrencyType
Loads the choices corresponding to the given values.
CurrencyType::loadValuesForChoices() — Method in class CurrencyType
Loads the values corresponding to the given choices.
LanguageTypeClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type
LanguageType::loadChoiceList() — Method in class LanguageType
Loads a list of choices.
LanguageType::loadChoicesForValues() — Method in class LanguageType
Loads the choices corresponding to the given values.
LanguageType::loadValuesForChoices() — Method in class LanguageType
Loads the values corresponding to the given choices.
LocaleTypeClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type
LocaleType::loadChoiceList() — Method in class LocaleType
Loads a list of choices.
LocaleType::loadChoicesForValues() — Method in class LocaleType
Loads the choices corresponding to the given values.
LocaleType::loadValuesForChoices() — Method in class LocaleType
Loads the values corresponding to the given choices.
CsrfExtension::loadTypeExtensions() — Method in class CsrfExtension
Registers the type extensions.
DataCollectorExtension::loadTypeExtensions() — Method in class DataCollectorExtension
Registers the type extensions.
HttpFoundationExtension::loadTypeExtensions() — Method in class HttpFoundationExtension
Registers the type extensions.
TemplatingRendererEngine::loadResourceForBlockName() — Method in class TemplatingRendererEngine
Loads the cache with the resource for a given block name.
TemplatingRendererEngine::loadResourceFromTheme() — Method in class TemplatingRendererEngine
Tries to load the resource for a block from a theme.
ValidatorExtension::loadTypeGuesser() — Method in class ValidatorExtension
Registers the type guesser.
ValidatorExtension::loadTypeExtensions() — Method in class ValidatorExtension
Registers the type extensions.
$FormConfigBuilder#lockedProperty in class FormConfigBuilder
$Request#languagesProperty in class Request
$Request#localeProperty in class Request
MockArraySessionStorage::loadSession() — Method in class MockArraySessionStorage
NativeSessionStorage::loadSession() — Method in class NativeSessionStorage
Load the session with attributes.
FileLocator::locate() — Method in class FileLocator
Returns a full path for a given file name.
ConfigDataCollector::lateCollect() — Method in class ConfigDataCollector
Collects data as late as possible.
EventDataCollector::lateCollect() — Method in class EventDataCollector
Collects data as late as possible.
LateDataCollectorInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\DataCollector
LateDataCollectorInterface::lateCollect() — Method in class LateDataCollectorInterface
Collects data as late as possible.
LoggerDataCollectorClass in namespace Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\DataCollector
LoggerDataCollector::lateCollect() — Method in class LoggerDataCollector
Collects data as late as possible.
MemoryDataCollector::lateCollect() — Method in class MemoryDataCollector
Collects data as late as possible.
RequestDataCollector::lateCollect() — Method in class RequestDataCollector
Collects data as late as possible.
TimeDataCollector::lateCollect() — Method in class TimeDataCollector
Collects data as late as possible.
ConfigurableExtension::load() — Method in class ConfigurableExtension
Loads a specific configuration.
ConfigurableExtension::loadInternal() — Method in class ConfigurableExtension
Configures the passed container according to the merged configuration.
LazyLoadingFragmentHandlerClass in namespace Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\DependencyInjection
Lazily loads fragment renderers from the dependency injection container.
LoggerPassClass in namespace Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\DependencyInjection
Registers the default logger if necessary.
$ExceptionListener#loggerProperty in class ExceptionListener
ExceptionListener::logKernelException() — Method in class ExceptionListener
ExceptionListener::logException() — Method in class ExceptionListener
Logs an exception.
LocaleListenerClass in namespace Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\EventListener
Initializes the locale based on the current request.
LengthRequiredHttpExceptionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Exception
HttpCache::lookup() — Method in class HttpCache
Lookups a Response from the cache for the given Request.
HttpCache::lock() — Method in class HttpCache
Locks a Request during the call to the backend.
Store::lock() — Method in class Store
Tries to lock the cache for a given Request, without blocking.
Store::lookup() — Method in class Store
Locates a cached Response for the Request provided.
StoreInterface::lookup() — Method in class StoreInterface
Locates a cached Response for the Request provided.
StoreInterface::lock() — Method in class StoreInterface
Locks the cache for a given Request.
Kernel::locateResource() — Method in class Kernel
Returns the file path for a given bundle resource.
KernelInterface::locateResource() — Method in class KernelInterface
Returns the file path for a given bundle resource.
LoggerClass in namespace Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Log
Minimalist PSR-3 logger designed to write in stderr or any other stream.
Logger::log() — Method in class Logger
Profiler::loadProfileFromResponse() — Method in class Profiler
Loads the Profile for the given Response.
Profiler::loadProfile() — Method in class Profiler
Loads the Profile for the given token.
LanguageDataGeneratorClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Intl\Data\Generator
The rule for compiling the language bundle.
LocaleDataGeneratorClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Intl\Data\Generator
The rule for compiling the locale bundle.
LanguageDataProviderClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Intl\Data\Provider
Data provider for language-related ICU data.
LocaleDataProviderClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Intl\Data\Provider
Data provider for locale-related ICU data.
LocaleScannerClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Intl\Data\Util
Scans a directory with data files for locales.
IntlDateFormatter::localtime() — Method in class IntlDateFormatter
Not supported. Parse string to a field-based time value.
LocaleClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Intl
Provides access to locale-related data.
LocaleClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Intl\Locale
Replacement for PHP's native {@link \Locale} class.
Locale::lookup() — Method in class Locale
Not supported. Returns the closest language tag for the locale.
LanguageBundleClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Intl\ResourceBundle
Default implementation of {@link LanguageBundleInterface}.
LanguageBundleInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Intl\ResourceBundle
Gives access to language-related ICU data.
LocaleBundleClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Intl\ResourceBundle
Default implementation of {@link LocaleBundleInterface}.
LocaleBundleInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Intl\ResourceBundle
Gives access to locale-related ICU data.
LdapExceptionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Ldap\Exception
LdapException is throw if php ldap module is not loaded.
LdapClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Ldap
LdapInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Ldap
Ldap interface.
LockAcquiringExceptionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Lock\Exception
LockAcquiringException is thrown when an issue happens during the acquisition of a lock.
LockConflictedExceptionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Lock\Exception
LockConflictedException is thrown when a lock is acquired by someone else.
LockExpiredExceptionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Lock\Exception
LockExpiredException is thrown when a lock may conflict due to a TTL expiration.
LockReleasingExceptionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Lock\Exception
LockReleasingException is thrown when an issue happens during the release of a lock.
LockStorageExceptionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Lock\Exception
LockStorageException is thrown when an issue happens during the manipulation of a lock in a store.
LockClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Lock
Lock is the default implementation of the LockInterface.
LockInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Lock
LockInterface defines an interface to manipulate the status of a lock.
MessengerDataCollector::lateCollect() — Method in class MessengerDataCollector
Collects data as late as possible.
Envelope::last() — Method in class Envelope
LogicExceptionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Messenger\Exception
HandlersLocator::listTypes() — Method in class HandlersLocator
LoggingMiddlewareClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Messenger\Middleware
LogicExceptionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Process\Exception
LogicException for the Process Component.
$UrlGenerator#loggerProperty in class UrlGenerator
AnnotationClassLoader::load() — Method in class AnnotationClassLoader
Loads from annotations from a class.
AnnotationDirectoryLoader::load() — Method in class AnnotationDirectoryLoader
Loads from annotations from a directory.
$AnnotationFileLoader#loaderProperty in class AnnotationFileLoader
AnnotationFileLoader::load() — Method in class AnnotationFileLoader
Loads from annotations from a file.
ClosureLoader::load() — Method in class ClosureLoader
Loads a Closure.
DirectoryLoader::load() — Method in class DirectoryLoader
Loads a resource.
GlobFileLoader::load() — Method in class GlobFileLoader
Loads a resource.
ObjectRouteLoader::load() — Method in class ObjectRouteLoader
Calls the service that will load the routes.
PhpFileLoader::load() — Method in class PhpFileLoader
Loads a PHP file.
XmlFileLoader::load() — Method in class XmlFileLoader
Loads an XML file.
XmlFileLoader::loadFile() — Method in class XmlFileLoader
Loads an XML file.
YamlFileLoader::load() — Method in class YamlFileLoader
Loads a Yaml file.
$Router#loaderProperty in class Router
$Router#loggerProperty in class Router
LdapBindAuthenticationProviderClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Authentication\Provider
LdapBindAuthenticationProvider authenticates a user against an LDAP server.
InMemoryTokenProvider::loadTokenBySeries() — Method in class InMemoryTokenProvider
Loads the active token for the given series.
TokenProviderInterface::loadTokenBySeries() — Method in class TokenProviderInterface
Loads the active token for the given series.
LockedExceptionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Exception
LockedException is thrown if the user account is locked.
LogicExceptionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Exception
Base LogicException for the Security component.
LogoutExceptionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Exception
LogoutException is thrown when the account cannot be logged out.
ChainUserProvider::loadUserByUsername() — Method in class ChainUserProvider
Loads the user for the given username.
InMemoryUserProvider::loadUserByUsername() — Method in class InMemoryUserProvider
Loads the user for the given username.
LdapUserProviderClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Security\Core\User
LdapUserProvider is a simple user provider on top of ldap.
LdapUserProvider::loadUserByUsername() — Method in class LdapUserProvider
Loads the user for the given username.
LdapUserProvider::loadUser() — Method in class LdapUserProvider
Loads a user from an LDAP entry.
MissingUserProvider::loadUserByUsername() — Method in class MissingUserProvider
Loads the user for the given username.
UserProviderInterface::loadUserByUsername() — Method in class UserProviderInterface
Loads the user for the given username.
$DefaultAuthenticationFailureHandler#loggerProperty in class DefaultAuthenticationFailureHandler
$SimpleAuthenticationHandler#loggerProperty in class SimpleAuthenticationHandler
$AbstractAuthenticationListener#loggerProperty in class AbstractAuthenticationListener
$AbstractPreAuthenticatedListener#loggerProperty in class AbstractPreAuthenticatedListener
ListenerInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Security\Http\Firewall
Interface that must be implemented by firewall listeners.
LogoutListenerClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Security\Http\Firewall
LogoutListener logout users.
CookieClearingLogoutHandler::logout() — Method in class CookieClearingLogoutHandler
Implementation for the LogoutHandlerInterface. Deletes all requested cookies.
CsrfTokenClearingLogoutHandler::logout() — Method in class CsrfTokenClearingLogoutHandler
This method is called by the LogoutListener when a user has requested to be logged out. Usually, you would unset session variables, or remove cookies, etc.
LogoutHandlerInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Security\Http\Logout
Interface that needs to be implemented by LogoutHandlers.
LogoutHandlerInterface::logout() — Method in class LogoutHandlerInterface
This method is called by the LogoutListener when a user has requested to be logged out. Usually, you would unset session variables, or remove cookies, etc.
LogoutSuccessHandlerInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Security\Http\Logout
LogoutUrlGeneratorClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Security\Http\Logout
Provides generator functions for the logout URL.
SessionLogoutHandler::logout() — Method in class SessionLogoutHandler
Invalidate the current session.
$AbstractRememberMeServices#loggerProperty in class AbstractRememberMeServices
AbstractRememberMeServices::logout() — Method in class AbstractRememberMeServices
Implementation for LogoutHandlerInterface. Deletes the cookie.
AbstractRememberMeServices::loginFail() — Method in class AbstractRememberMeServices
Implementation for RememberMeServicesInterface. Deletes the cookie when an attempted authentication fails.
AbstractRememberMeServices::loginSuccess() — Method in class AbstractRememberMeServices
Implementation for RememberMeServicesInterface. This is called when an authentication is successful.
RememberMeServicesInterface::loginFail() — Method in class RememberMeServicesInterface
Called whenever an interactive authentication attempt was made, but the credentials supplied by the user were missing or otherwise invalid.
RememberMeServicesInterface::loginSuccess() — Method in class RememberMeServicesInterface
Called whenever an interactive authentication attempt is successful (e.g. a form login).
LogicExceptionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Serializer\Exception
AnnotationLoader::loadClassMetadata() — Method in class AnnotationLoader
LoaderChainClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Serializer\Mapping\Loader
Calls multiple {@link LoaderInterface} instances in a chain.
LoaderChain::loadClassMetadata() — Method in class LoaderChain
LoaderInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Serializer\Mapping\Loader
Loads {@link ClassMetadataInterface}.
LoaderInterface::loadClassMetadata() — Method in class LoaderInterface
XmlFileLoader::loadClassMetadata() — Method in class XmlFileLoader
YamlFileLoader::loadClassMetadata() — Method in class YamlFileLoader
Section::lap() — Method in class Section
Stops then restarts an event.
Stopwatch::lap() — Method in class Stopwatch
Stops then restarts an event.
StopwatchEvent::lap() — Method in class StopwatchEvent
Stops the current period and then starts a new one.
$CacheLoader#loaderProperty in class CacheLoader
CacheLoader::load() — Method in class CacheLoader
Loads a template.
$ChainLoader#loadersProperty in class ChainLoader
ChainLoader::load() — Method in class ChainLoader
Loads a template.
FilesystemLoader::load() — Method in class FilesystemLoader
Loads a template.
LoaderClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Templating\Loader
Loader is the base class for all template loader classes.
$Loader#loggerProperty in class Loader
LoaderInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Templating\Loader
LoaderInterface is the interface all loaders must implement.
LoaderInterface::load() — Method in class LoaderInterface
Loads a template.
$PhpEngine#loaderProperty in class PhpEngine
PhpEngine::load() — Method in class PhpEngine
Loads the given template.
TranslationDataCollector::lateCollect() — Method in class TranslationDataCollector
Collects data as late as possible.
LogicExceptionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Translation\Exception
Base LogicException for Translation component.
ArrayLoader::load() — Method in class ArrayLoader
Loads a locale.
CsvFileLoader::loadResource() — Method in class CsvFileLoader
FileLoader::load() — Method in class FileLoader
Loads a locale.
FileLoader::loadResource() — Method in class FileLoader
IcuDatFileLoader::load() — Method in class IcuDatFileLoader
Loads a locale.
IcuResFileLoader::load() — Method in class IcuResFileLoader
Loads a locale.
IniFileLoader::loadResource() — Method in class IniFileLoader
JsonFileLoader::loadResource() — Method in class JsonFileLoader
LoaderInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Translation\Loader
LoaderInterface is the interface implemented by all translation loaders.
LoaderInterface::load() — Method in class LoaderInterface
Loads a locale.
MoFileLoader::loadResource() — Method in class MoFileLoader
Parses machine object (MO) format, independent of the machine's endian it was created on. Both 32bit and 64bit systems are supported.
PhpFileLoader::loadResource() — Method in class PhpFileLoader
PoFileLoader::loadResource() — Method in class PoFileLoader
Parses portable object (PO) format.
QtFileLoader::load() — Method in class QtFileLoader
Loads a locale.
XliffFileLoader::load() — Method in class XliffFileLoader
Loads a locale.
YamlFileLoader::loadResource() — Method in class YamlFileLoader
LoggingTranslatorClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Translation
Translator::loadCatalogue() — Method in class Translator
LanguageClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints
LanguageValidatorClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints
Validates whether a value is a valid language code.
LengthClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints
LengthValidatorClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints
LessThanClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints
LessThanOrEqualClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints
LessThanOrEqualValidatorClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints
Validates values are less than or equal to the previous (<=).
LessThanValidatorClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints
Validates values are less than the previous (<).
LocaleClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints
LocaleValidatorClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints
Validates whether a value is a valid locale code.
LuhnClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints
Metadata for the LuhnValidator.
LuhnValidatorClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints
Validates a PAN using the LUHN Algorithm.
ValidatorDataCollector::lateCollect() — Method in class ValidatorDataCollector
Collects data as late as possible.
LogicExceptionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Validator\Exception
LazyLoadingMetadataFactoryClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Validator\Mapping\Factory
Creates new {@link ClassMetadataInterface} instances.
$LazyLoadingMetadataFactory#loaderProperty in class LazyLoadingMetadataFactory
$LazyLoadingMetadataFactory#loadedClassesProperty in class LazyLoadingMetadataFactory
The loaded metadata, indexed by class name.
AnnotationLoader::loadClassMetadata() — Method in class AnnotationLoader
Loads validation metadata into a {@link ClassMetadata} instance.
LoaderChainClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Validator\Mapping\Loader
Loads validation metadata from multiple {@link LoaderInterface} instances.
$LoaderChain#loadersProperty in class LoaderChain
LoaderChain::loadClassMetadata() — Method in class LoaderChain
Loads validation metadata into a {@link ClassMetadata} instance.
LoaderInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Validator\Mapping\Loader
Loads validation metadata into {@link ClassMetadata} instances.
LoaderInterface::loadClassMetadata() — Method in class LoaderInterface
Loads validation metadata into a {@link ClassMetadata} instance.
StaticMethodLoader::loadClassMetadata() — Method in class StaticMethodLoader
Loads validation metadata into a {@link ClassMetadata} instance.
XmlFileLoader::loadClassMetadata() — Method in class XmlFileLoader
Loads validation metadata into a {@link ClassMetadata} instance.
YamlFileLoader::loadClassMetadata() — Method in class YamlFileLoader
Loads validation metadata into a {@link ClassMetadata} instance.
LegacyTranslatorProxyClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Validator\Util
LinkStubClass in namespace Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Caster
Represents a file or a URL.
DumperInterface::leaveHash() — Method in class DumperInterface
Dumps while leaving an hash.
$AbstractDumper#lineProperty in class AbstractDumper
$AbstractDumper#lineDumperProperty in class AbstractDumper
CliDumper::leaveHash() — Method in class CliDumper
Dumps while leaving an hash.
$HtmlDumper#lastDepthProperty in class HtmlDumper
HtmlDumper::leaveHash() — Method in class HtmlDumper
Dumps while leaving an hash.
DumpServer::listen() — Method in class DumpServer
LogicExceptionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Workflow\Exception
LintCommandClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Yaml\Command
Validates YAML files syntax and outputs encountered errors.
LocaleAwareInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Contracts\Translation


$RegisterMappingsPass#managerParametersProperty in class RegisterMappingsPass
List of potential container parameters that hold the object manager name to register the mappings with the correct metadata driver, for example array('acme.manager', 'doctrine.default_entity_manager').
MergeDoctrineCollectionListenerClass in namespace Symfony\Bridge\Doctrine\Form\EventListener
Merge changes from the request to a Doctrine\Common\Collections\Collection instance.
ManagerRegistryClass in namespace Symfony\Bridge\Doctrine
References Doctrine connections and entity/document managers.
$UniqueEntity#messageProperty in class UniqueEntity
ClockMock::microtime() — Method in class ClockMock
MarkdownDescriptorClass in namespace Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Console\Descriptor
MicroKernelTraitClass in namespace Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Kernel
A Kernel that provides configuration hooks.
MainConfigurationClass in namespace Symfony\Bundle\SecurityBundle\DependencyInjection
SecurityExtension configuration structure.
$WebDebugToolbarListener#modeProperty in class WebDebugToolbarListener
$Request#methodProperty in class Request
MemcachedAdapterClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Cache\Adapter
$MemcachedAdapter#maxIdLengthProperty in class MemcachedAdapter
$PdoAdapter#maxIdLengthProperty in class PdoAdapter
$TraceableAdapterEvent#missesProperty in class TraceableAdapterEvent
$CacheItem#metadataProperty in class CacheItem
DefaultMarshaller::marshall() — Method in class DefaultMarshaller
Serializes a list of values.
MarshallerInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Cache\Marshaller
Serializes/unserializes PHP values.
MarshallerInterface::marshall() — Method in class MarshallerInterface
Serializes a list of values.
MemcachedCacheClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Cache\Simple
$MemcachedCache#maxIdLengthProperty in class MemcachedCache
$PdoCache#maxIdLengthProperty in class PdoCache
$TraceableCacheEvent#missesProperty in class TraceableCacheEvent
$AbstractTrait#maxIdLengthProperty in class AbstractTrait
MemcachedTraitClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Cache\Traits
ArrayNode::mergeValues() — Method in class ArrayNode
Merges values together.
BaseNode::merge() — Method in class BaseNode
Merges two values together.
BaseNode::mergeValues() — Method in class BaseNode
Merges two values together.
MergeBuilderClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Config\Definition\Builder
This class builds merge conditions.
$NodeDefinition#mergeProperty in class NodeDefinition
NodeDefinition::merge() — Method in class NodeDefinition
Gets the builder for merging rules.
$NumericNodeDefinition#minProperty in class NumericNodeDefinition
$NumericNodeDefinition#maxProperty in class NumericNodeDefinition
NumericNodeDefinition::max() — Method in class NumericNodeDefinition
Ensures that the value is smaller than the given reference.
NumericNodeDefinition::min() — Method in class NumericNodeDefinition
Ensures that the value is bigger than the given reference.
NodeInterface::merge() — Method in class NodeInterface
Merges two values together.
$NumericNode#minProperty in class NumericNode
$NumericNode#maxProperty in class NumericNode
$PrototypedArrayNode#minNumberOfElementsProperty in class PrototypedArrayNode
PrototypedArrayNode::mergeValues() — Method in class PrototypedArrayNode
Merges values together.
VariableNode::mergeValues() — Method in class VariableNode
Merges two values together.
Command::mergeApplicationDefinition() — Method in class Command
Merges the application definition with the command definition.
MarkdownDescriptorClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Console\Descriptor
Markdown descriptor.
ProcessHelper::mustRun() — Method in class ProcessHelper
Runs the process.
Reader::moveForward() — Method in class Reader
Reader::moveToEnd() — Method in class Reader
MergeExtensionConfigurationContainerBuilderClass in namespace Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Compiler
A container builder preventing using methods that wouldn't have any effect from extensions.
MergeExtensionConfigurationParameterBagClass in namespace Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Compiler
MergeExtensionConfigurationPassClass in namespace Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Compiler
Merges extension configs into the container builder.
$Container#methodMapProperty in class Container
ContainerBuilder::merge() — Method in class ContainerBuilder
Merges a ContainerBuilder with the current ContainerBuilder configuration.
EnvPlaceholderParameterBag::mergeEnvPlaceholders() — Method in class EnvPlaceholderParameterBag
Merges the env placeholders of another EnvPlaceholderParameterBag.
$AbstractUriElement#methodProperty in class AbstractUriElement
Filesystem::mkdir() — Method in class Filesystem
Creates a directory recursively.
Filesystem::makePathRelative() — Method in class Filesystem
Given an existing path, convert it to a path relative to a given starting path.
Filesystem::mirror() — Method in class Filesystem
Mirrors a directory to another.
MultiplePcreFilterIteratorClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Finder\Iterator
MultiplePcreFilterIterator filters files using patterns (regexps, globs or strings).
$MultiplePcreFilterIterator#matchRegexpsProperty in class MultiplePcreFilterIterator
DataMapperInterface::mapDataToForms() — Method in class DataMapperInterface
Maps properties of some data to a list of forms.
DataMapperInterface::mapFormsToData() — Method in class DataMapperInterface
Maps the data of a list of forms into the properties of some data.
CheckboxListMapper::mapDataToForms() — Method in class CheckboxListMapper
Maps properties of some data to a list of forms.
CheckboxListMapper::mapFormsToData() — Method in class CheckboxListMapper
Maps the data of a list of forms into the properties of some data.
PropertyPathMapper::mapDataToForms() — Method in class PropertyPathMapper
Maps properties of some data to a list of forms.
PropertyPathMapper::mapFormsToData() — Method in class PropertyPathMapper
Maps the data of a list of forms into the properties of some data.
RadioListMapper::mapDataToForms() — Method in class RadioListMapper
Maps properties of some data to a list of forms.
RadioListMapper::mapFormsToData() — Method in class RadioListMapper
Maps the data of a list of forms into the properties of some data.
MoneyToLocalizedStringTransformerClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\DataTransformer
Transforms between a normalized format and a localized money string.
MergeCollectionListenerClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\EventListener
MoneyTypeClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type
MappingRuleClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Validator\ViolationMapper
MappingRule::match() — Method in class MappingRule
Matches a property path against the rule path.
ViolationMapper::mapViolation() — Method in class ViolationMapper
Maps a constraint violation to a form in the form tree under the given form.
ViolationMapperInterface::mapViolation() — Method in class ViolationMapperInterface
Maps a constraint violation to a form in the form tree under the given form.
ViolationPath::mapsForm() — Method in class ViolationPath
Returns whether an element maps directly to a form.
ViolationPathIterator::mapsForm() — Method in class ViolationPathIterator
$FormError#messageTemplateProperty in class FormError
$FormError#messageParametersProperty in class FormError
$FormError#messagePluralizationProperty in class FormError
$FormPerformanceTestCase#maxRunningTimeProperty in class FormPerformanceTestCase
$BinaryFileResponse#maxlenProperty in class BinaryFileResponse
ExpressionRequestMatcher::matches() — Method in class ExpressionRequestMatcher
Decides whether the rule(s) implemented by the strategy matches the supplied request.
File::move() — Method in class File
Moves the file to a new location.
MimeTypeExtensionGuesserClass in namespace Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\File\MimeType
Provides a best-guess mapping of mime type to file extension.
MimeTypeGuesserClass in namespace Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\File\MimeType
A singleton mime type guesser.
MimeTypeGuesserInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\File\MimeType
Guesses the mime type of a file.
UploadedFile::move() — Method in class UploadedFile
Moves the file to a new location.
HeaderUtils::makeDisposition() — Method in class HeaderUtils
Generates a HTTP Content-Disposition field-value.
$Request#methodProperty in class Request
RequestMatcher::matchScheme() — Method in class RequestMatcher
Adds a check for the HTTP scheme.
RequestMatcher::matchHost() — Method in class RequestMatcher
Adds a check for the URL host name.
RequestMatcher::matchPort() — Method in class RequestMatcher
Adds a check for the the URL port.
RequestMatcher::matchPath() — Method in class RequestMatcher
Adds a check for the URL path info.
RequestMatcher::matchIp() — Method in class RequestMatcher
Adds a check for the client IP.
RequestMatcher::matchIps() — Method in class RequestMatcher
Adds a check for the client IP.
RequestMatcher::matchMethod() — Method in class RequestMatcher
Adds a check for the HTTP method.
RequestMatcher::matchAttribute() — Method in class RequestMatcher
Adds a check for request attribute.
RequestMatcher::matches() — Method in class RequestMatcher
Decides whether the rule(s) implemented by the strategy matches the supplied request.
RequestMatcherInterface::matches() — Method in class RequestMatcherInterface
Decides whether the rule(s) implemented by the strategy matches the supplied request.
Response::mustRevalidate() — Method in class Response
Returns true if the response must be revalidated by caches.
ResponseHeaderBag::makeDisposition() — Method in class ResponseHeaderBag
Session::migrate() — Method in class Session
Migrates the current session to a new session id while maintaining all session attributes.
SessionInterface::migrate() — Method in class SessionInterface
Migrates the current session to a new session id while maintaining all session attributes.
MemcachedSessionHandlerClass in namespace Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Session\Storage\Handler
Memcached based session storage handler based on the Memcached class provided by the PHP memcached extension.
MigratingSessionHandlerClass in namespace Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Session\Storage\Handler
Migrating session handler for migrating from one handler to another. It reads from the current handler and writes both the current and new ones.
MongoDbSessionHandlerClass in namespace Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Session\Storage\Handler
Session handler using the mongodb/mongodb package and MongoDB driver extension.
MetadataBagClass in namespace Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Session\Storage
Metadata container.
$MetadataBag#metaProperty in class MetadataBag
MockArraySessionStorageClass in namespace Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Session\Storage
MockArraySessionStorage mocks the session for unit tests.
$MockArraySessionStorage#metadataBagProperty in class MockArraySessionStorage
MockFileSessionStorageClass in namespace Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Session\Storage
MockFileSessionStorage is used to mock sessions for functional testing when done in a single PHP process.
$NativeSessionStorage#metadataBagProperty in class NativeSessionStorage
MemoryDataCollectorClass in namespace Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\DataCollector
MergeExtensionConfigurationPassClass in namespace Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\DependencyInjection
Ensures certain extensions are always loaded.
$ProfilerListener#matcherProperty in class ProfilerListener
MethodNotAllowedHttpExceptionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Exception
MinuteTransformerClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Intl\DateFormatter\DateFormat
Parser and formatter for minute format.
MonthTransformerClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Intl\DateFormatter\DateFormat
Parser and formatter for month format.
$MonthTransformer#monthsProperty in class MonthTransformer
MethodArgumentNotImplementedExceptionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Intl\Exception
MethodArgumentValueNotImplementedExceptionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Intl\Exception
MethodNotImplementedExceptionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Intl\Exception
MissingResourceExceptionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Intl\Exception
Thrown when an invalid entry of a resource bundle was requested.
MemcachedStoreClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Lock\Store
MemcachedStore is a StoreInterface implementation using Memcached as store engine.
MessengerDataCollectorClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Messenger\DataCollector
MessengerPassClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Messenger\DependencyInjection
MessageHandlerInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Messenger\Handler
Marker interface for message handlers.
MessageSubscriberInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Messenger\Handler
Handlers can implement this interface to handle multiple messages.
MessageBusClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Messenger
MessageBusInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Messenger
MiddlewareInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Messenger\Middleware
MiddlewareTestCaseClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Messenger\Test\Middleware
MissingOptionsExceptionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\OptionsResolver\Exception
Exception thrown when a required option is missing.
Process::mustRun() — Method in class Process
Runs the process.
MethodNotAllowedExceptionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Routing\Exception
The resource was found but the request method is not allowed.
MissingMandatoryParametersExceptionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Routing\Exception
Exception thrown when a route cannot be generated because of missing mandatory parameters.
RouteTrait::methods() — Method in class RouteTrait
Sets the HTTP methods (e.g. 'POST') this route is restricted to.
MatcherDumperClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Routing\Matcher\Dumper
MatcherDumper is the abstract class for all built-in matcher dumpers.
MatcherDumperInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Routing\Matcher\Dumper
MatcherDumperInterface is the interface that all matcher dumper classes must implement.
PhpMatcherTrait::match() — Method in class PhpMatcherTrait
RedirectableUrlMatcher::match() — Method in class RedirectableUrlMatcher
Tries to match a URL path with a set of routes.
RequestMatcherInterface::matchRequest() — Method in class RequestMatcherInterface
Tries to match a request with a set of routes.
TraceableUrlMatcher::matchCollection() — Method in class TraceableUrlMatcher
Tries to match a URL with a set of routes.
UrlMatcher::match() — Method in class UrlMatcher
Tries to match a URL path with a set of routes.
UrlMatcher::matchRequest() — Method in class UrlMatcher
Tries to match a request with a set of routes.
UrlMatcher::matchCollection() — Method in class UrlMatcher
Tries to match a URL with a set of routes.
UrlMatcher::mergeDefaults() — Method in class UrlMatcher
Get merged default parameters.
UrlMatcherInterface::match() — Method in class UrlMatcherInterface
Tries to match a URL path with a set of routes.
RouteCollectionBuilder::mount() — Method in class RouteCollectionBuilder
Add a RouteCollectionBuilder.
$Router#matcherProperty in class Router
Router::match() — Method in class Router
Tries to match a URL path with a set of routes.
Router::matchRequest() — Method in class Router
Tries to match a request with a set of routes.
BasePasswordEncoder::mergePasswordAndSalt() — Method in class BasePasswordEncoder
Merges a password and a salt.
MessageDigestPasswordEncoderClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Encoder
MessageDigestPasswordEncoder uses a message digest algorithm.
$RoleHierarchy#mapProperty in class RoleHierarchy
MissingUserProviderClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Security\Core\User
MissingUserProvider is a dummy user provider used to throw proper exception when a firewall requires a user provider but none was defined.
$UserPassword#messageProperty in class UserPassword
MaxDepthClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Serializer\Annotation
Annotation class for @MaxDepth().
MappingExceptionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Serializer\Exception
MissingConstructorArgumentsExceptionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Serializer\Exception
$AttributeMetadata#maxDepthProperty in class AttributeMetadata
AttributeMetadata::merge() — Method in class AttributeMetadata
Merges an {see AttributeMetadataInterface} with in the current one.
AttributeMetadataInterface::merge() — Method in class AttributeMetadataInterface
Merges an {see AttributeMetadataInterface} with in the current one.
ClassMetadata::merge() — Method in class ClassMetadata
Merges a {@link ClassMetadataInterface} in the current one.
ClassMetadataInterface::merge() — Method in class ClassMetadataInterface
Merges a {@link ClassMetadataInterface} in the current one.
MetadataAwareNameConverterClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Serializer\NameConverter
$AbstractOperation#messagesProperty in class AbstractOperation
This array stores 'all', 'new' and 'obsolete' messages for all valid domains.
MergeOperationClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Translation\Catalogue
Merge operation between two catalogues as follows: all = source ∪ target = {x: x ∈ source ∨ x ∈ target} new = all ∖ source = {x: x ∈ target ∧ x ∉ source} obsolete = source ∖ all = {x: x ∈ source ∧ x ∉ source ∧ x ∉ target} = ∅ Basically, the result contains messages from both catalogues.
MoFileDumperClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Translation\Dumper
MoFileDumper generates a gettext formatted string representation of a message catalogue.
MessageFormatterClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Translation\Formatter
MessageFormatterInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Translation\Formatter
MoFileLoaderClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Translation\Loader
MessageCatalogueClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Translation
MessageCatalogueInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Translation
MessageSelectorClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Translation
MetadataAwareInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Translation
$AbstractComparison#messageProperty in class AbstractComparison
$Bic#messageProperty in class Bic
$Blank#messageProperty in class Blank
$CardScheme#messageProperty in class CardScheme
$Choice#multipleProperty in class Choice
$Choice#minProperty in class Choice
$Choice#maxProperty in class Choice
$Choice#messageProperty in class Choice
$Choice#multipleMessageProperty in class Choice
$Choice#minMessageProperty in class Choice
$Choice#maxMessageProperty in class Choice
$Collection#missingFieldsMessageProperty in class Collection
$Count#minMessageProperty in class Count
$Count#maxMessageProperty in class Count
$Count#minProperty in class Count
$Count#maxProperty in class Count
$Country#messageProperty in class Country
$Currency#messageProperty in class Currency
$Date#messageProperty in class Date
$DateTime#messageProperty in class DateTime
$DivisibleBy#messageProperty in class DivisibleBy
$Email#messageProperty in class Email
$Email#modeProperty in class Email
$EqualTo#messageProperty in class EqualTo
$Expression#messageProperty in class Expression
$File#mimeTypesProperty in class File
$File#maxSizeMessageProperty in class File
$File#mimeTypesMessageProperty in class File
$File#maxSizeProperty in class File
$GreaterThan#messageProperty in class GreaterThan
$GreaterThanOrEqual#messageProperty in class GreaterThanOrEqual
$Iban#messageProperty in class Iban
$IdenticalTo#messageProperty in class IdenticalTo
$Image#mimeTypesProperty in class Image
$Image#minWidthProperty in class Image
$Image#maxWidthProperty in class Image
$Image#maxHeightProperty in class Image
$Image#minHeightProperty in class Image
$Image#maxRatioProperty in class Image
$Image#minRatioProperty in class Image
$Image#minPixelsProperty in class Image
$Image#maxPixelsProperty in class Image
$Image#mimeTypesMessageProperty in class Image
$Image#maxWidthMessageProperty in class Image
$Image#minWidthMessageProperty in class Image
$Image#maxHeightMessageProperty in class Image
$Image#minHeightMessageProperty in class Image
$Image#minPixelsMessageProperty in class Image
$Image#maxPixelsMessageProperty in class Image
$Image#maxRatioMessageProperty in class Image
$Image#minRatioMessageProperty in class Image
$Ip#messageProperty in class Ip
$IsFalse#messageProperty in class IsFalse
$IsNull#messageProperty in class IsNull
$IsTrue#messageProperty in class IsTrue
$Isbn#messageProperty in class Isbn
$Issn#messageProperty in class Issn
$Language#messageProperty in class Language
$Length#maxMessageProperty in class Length
$Length#minMessageProperty in class Length
$Length#maxProperty in class Length
$Length#minProperty in class Length
$LessThan#messageProperty in class LessThan
$LessThanOrEqual#messageProperty in class LessThanOrEqual
$Locale#messageProperty in class Locale
$Luhn#messageProperty in class Luhn
$NotBlank#messageProperty in class NotBlank
$NotEqualTo#messageProperty in class NotEqualTo
$NotIdenticalTo#messageProperty in class NotIdenticalTo
$NotNull#messageProperty in class NotNull
$Range#minMessageProperty in class Range
$Range#maxMessageProperty in class Range
$Range#minProperty in class Range
$Range#maxProperty in class Range
$Regex#messageProperty in class Regex
$Regex#matchProperty in class Regex
$Time#messageProperty in class Time
$Type#messageProperty in class Type
$Url#messageProperty in class Url
$Uuid#messageProperty in class Uuid
Message to display when validation fails.
ExecutionContext::markGroupAsValidated() — Method in class ExecutionContext
Marks an object as validated in a specific validation group.
ExecutionContext::markConstraintAsValidated() — Method in class ExecutionContext
Marks a constraint as validated for an object.
ExecutionContext::markObjectAsInitialized() — Method in class ExecutionContext
Marks that an object was initialized.
ExecutionContextInterface::markGroupAsValidated() — Method in class ExecutionContextInterface
Marks an object as validated in a specific validation group.
ExecutionContextInterface::markConstraintAsValidated() — Method in class ExecutionContextInterface
Marks a constraint as validated for an object.
ExecutionContextInterface::markObjectAsInitialized() — Method in class ExecutionContextInterface
Marks that an object was initialized.
MappingExceptionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Validator\Exception
MissingOptionsExceptionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Validator\Exception
$ClassMetadata#membersProperty in class ClassMetadata
ClassMetadata::mergeConstraints() — Method in class ClassMetadata
Merges the constraints of the given metadata into this object.
MetadataFactoryInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Validator\Mapping\Factory
Returns {@link \Symfony\Component\Validator\Mapping\MetadataInterface} instances for values.
$StaticMethodLoader#methodNameProperty in class StaticMethodLoader
MemberMetadataClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Validator\Mapping
Stores all metadata needed for validating a class property.
MetadataInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Validator\Mapping
A container for validation metadata.
$ConstraintValidatorTestCase#metadataProperty in class ConstraintValidatorTestCase
$RecursiveValidator#metadataFactoryProperty in class RecursiveValidator
MemcachedCasterClass in namespace Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Caster
$AbstractCloner#maxItemsProperty in class AbstractCloner
$AbstractCloner#maxStringProperty in class AbstractCloner
$AbstractCloner#minDepthProperty in class AbstractCloner
$CliDumper#maxStringWidthProperty in class CliDumper
MarkingClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Workflow
Marking contains the place of every tokens.
Marking::mark() — Method in class Marking
MarkingStoreInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Workflow\MarkingStore
MarkingStoreInterface is the interface between the Workflow Component and a plain old PHP object: the subject.
MultipleStateMarkingStoreClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Workflow\MarkingStore
MultipleStateMarkingStore stores the marking into a property of the subject.
MetadataStoreInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Workflow\Metadata
MetadataStoreInterface is able to fetch metadata for a specific workflow.
__TwigTemplate_68cc922e3fa367f608828e58f6d9019a7a95e4791fceaa3ef3f7d023159cc8c7::macro_namespace_link() — Method in class __TwigTemplate_68cc922e3fa367f608828e58f6d9019a7a95e4791fceaa3ef3f7d023159cc8c7
__TwigTemplate_68cc922e3fa367f608828e58f6d9019a7a95e4791fceaa3ef3f7d023159cc8c7::macro_class_link() — Method in class __TwigTemplate_68cc922e3fa367f608828e58f6d9019a7a95e4791fceaa3ef3f7d023159cc8c7
__TwigTemplate_68cc922e3fa367f608828e58f6d9019a7a95e4791fceaa3ef3f7d023159cc8c7::macro_method_link() — Method in class __TwigTemplate_68cc922e3fa367f608828e58f6d9019a7a95e4791fceaa3ef3f7d023159cc8c7
__TwigTemplate_68cc922e3fa367f608828e58f6d9019a7a95e4791fceaa3ef3f7d023159cc8c7::macro_property_link() — Method in class __TwigTemplate_68cc922e3fa367f608828e58f6d9019a7a95e4791fceaa3ef3f7d023159cc8c7
__TwigTemplate_68cc922e3fa367f608828e58f6d9019a7a95e4791fceaa3ef3f7d023159cc8c7::macro_hint_link() — Method in class __TwigTemplate_68cc922e3fa367f608828e58f6d9019a7a95e4791fceaa3ef3f7d023159cc8c7
__TwigTemplate_68cc922e3fa367f608828e58f6d9019a7a95e4791fceaa3ef3f7d023159cc8c7::macro_source_link() — Method in class __TwigTemplate_68cc922e3fa367f608828e58f6d9019a7a95e4791fceaa3ef3f7d023159cc8c7
__TwigTemplate_68cc922e3fa367f608828e58f6d9019a7a95e4791fceaa3ef3f7d023159cc8c7::macro_method_source_link() — Method in class __TwigTemplate_68cc922e3fa367f608828e58f6d9019a7a95e4791fceaa3ef3f7d023159cc8c7
__TwigTemplate_68cc922e3fa367f608828e58f6d9019a7a95e4791fceaa3ef3f7d023159cc8c7::macro_abbr_class() — Method in class __TwigTemplate_68cc922e3fa367f608828e58f6d9019a7a95e4791fceaa3ef3f7d023159cc8c7
__TwigTemplate_68cc922e3fa367f608828e58f6d9019a7a95e4791fceaa3ef3f7d023159cc8c7::macro_method_parameters_signature() — Method in class __TwigTemplate_68cc922e3fa367f608828e58f6d9019a7a95e4791fceaa3ef3f7d023159cc8c7
__TwigTemplate_68cc922e3fa367f608828e58f6d9019a7a95e4791fceaa3ef3f7d023159cc8c7::macro_render_classes() — Method in class __TwigTemplate_68cc922e3fa367f608828e58f6d9019a7a95e4791fceaa3ef3f7d023159cc8c7
__TwigTemplate_68cc922e3fa367f608828e58f6d9019a7a95e4791fceaa3ef3f7d023159cc8c7::macro_breadcrumbs() — Method in class __TwigTemplate_68cc922e3fa367f608828e58f6d9019a7a95e4791fceaa3ef3f7d023159cc8c7
__TwigTemplate_68cc922e3fa367f608828e58f6d9019a7a95e4791fceaa3ef3f7d023159cc8c7::macro_deprecated() — Method in class __TwigTemplate_68cc922e3fa367f608828e58f6d9019a7a95e4791fceaa3ef3f7d023159cc8c7
__TwigTemplate_68cc922e3fa367f608828e58f6d9019a7a95e4791fceaa3ef3f7d023159cc8c7::macro_deprecations() — Method in class __TwigTemplate_68cc922e3fa367f608828e58f6d9019a7a95e4791fceaa3ef3f7d023159cc8c7
__TwigTemplate_68cc922e3fa367f608828e58f6d9019a7a95e4791fceaa3ef3f7d023159cc8c7::macro_todo() — Method in class __TwigTemplate_68cc922e3fa367f608828e58f6d9019a7a95e4791fceaa3ef3f7d023159cc8c7
__TwigTemplate_68cc922e3fa367f608828e58f6d9019a7a95e4791fceaa3ef3f7d023159cc8c7::macro_todos() — Method in class __TwigTemplate_68cc922e3fa367f608828e58f6d9019a7a95e4791fceaa3ef3f7d023159cc8c7
__TwigTemplate_832f807c6f6861fcd9610dee42e09a3587f5863a2db0b52d40320f9af793f4f1::macro_add_class_methods_index() — Method in class __TwigTemplate_832f807c6f6861fcd9610dee42e09a3587f5863a2db0b52d40320f9af793f4f1
__TwigTemplate_832f807c6f6861fcd9610dee42e09a3587f5863a2db0b52d40320f9af793f4f1::macro_element() — Method in class __TwigTemplate_832f807c6f6861fcd9610dee42e09a3587f5863a2db0b52d40320f9af793f4f1


$RegisterMappingsPass#namespacesProperty in class RegisterMappingsPass
List of namespaces handled by the driver.
NotFoundActivationStrategyClass in namespace Symfony\Bridge\Monolog\Handler\FingersCrossed
Activation strategy that ignores 404s for certain URLs.
NativeFilesystemLoaderClass in namespace Symfony\Bundle\TwigBundle\Loader
NonceGeneratorClass in namespace Symfony\Bundle\WebProfilerBundle\Csp
Generates Content-Security-Policy nonce.
NullContextClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Asset\Context
A context that does nothing.
$Cookie#nameProperty in class Cookie
NullAdapterClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Cache\Adapter
$TraceableAdapterEvent#nameProperty in class TraceableAdapterEvent
$CacheItem#newMetadataProperty in class CacheItem
NullCacheClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Cache\Simple
$TraceableCacheEvent#nameProperty in class TraceableCacheEvent
$ArrayNode#normalizeKeysProperty in class ArrayNode
ArrayNode::normalizeValue() — Method in class ArrayNode
Normalizes the value.
$BaseNode#nameProperty in class BaseNode
$BaseNode#normalizationClosuresProperty in class BaseNode
BaseNode::normalize() — Method in class BaseNode
Normalizes a value.
BaseNode::normalizeValue() — Method in class BaseNode
Normalizes the value.
$ArrayNodeDefinition#nodeBuilderProperty in class ArrayNodeDefinition
$ArrayNodeDefinition#normalizeKeysProperty in class ArrayNodeDefinition
ArrayNodeDefinition::normalizeKeys() — Method in class ArrayNodeDefinition
Sets key normalization.
$ExprBuilder#nodeProperty in class ExprBuilder
$MergeBuilder#nodeProperty in class MergeBuilder
NodeBuilderClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Config\Definition\Builder
This class provides a fluent interface for building a node.
$NodeBuilder#nodeMappingProperty in class NodeBuilder
NodeBuilder::node() — Method in class NodeBuilder
Creates a child node.
NodeDefinitionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Config\Definition\Builder
This class provides a fluent interface for defining a node.
$NodeDefinition#nameProperty in class NodeDefinition
$NodeDefinition#normalizationProperty in class NodeDefinition
$NodeDefinition#nullEquivalentProperty in class NodeDefinition
NodeDefinition::normalization() — Method in class NodeDefinition
Gets the builder for normalization rules.
NodeParentInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Config\Definition\Builder
An interface that must be implemented by all node parents.
NormalizationBuilderClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Config\Definition\Builder
This class builds normalization conditions.
$NormalizationBuilder#nodeProperty in class NormalizationBuilder
NumericNodeDefinitionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Config\Definition\Builder
Abstract class that contains common code of integer and float node definitions.
$ValidationBuilder#nodeProperty in class ValidationBuilder
NodeInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Config\Definition
Common Interface among all nodes.
NodeInterface::normalize() — Method in class NodeInterface
Normalizes a value.
NumericNodeClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Config\Definition
This node represents a numeric value in the config tree.
Processor::normalizeConfig() — Method in class Processor
Normalizes a configuration entry.
PrototypedArrayNode::normalizeValue() — Method in class PrototypedArrayNode
Normalizes the value.
VariableNode::normalizeValue() — Method in class VariableNode
Normalizes the value.
NamespaceNotFoundExceptionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Console\Exception
Represents an incorrect namespace typed in the console.
NullOutputClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Console\Output
NullOutput suppresses all output.
OutputStyle::newLine() — Method in class OutputStyle
Add newline(s).
StyleInterface::note() — Method in class StyleInterface
Formats a note admonition.
StyleInterface::newLine() — Method in class StyleInterface
Add newline(s).
SymfonyStyle::note() — Method in class SymfonyStyle
Formats a note admonition.
SymfonyStyle::newLine() — Method in class SymfonyStyle
Add newline(s).
SyntaxErrorException::nestedNot() — Method in class SyntaxErrorException
NegationNodeClass in namespace Symfony\Component\CssSelector\Node
Represents a ":not()" node.
NodeInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\CssSelector\Node
Interface for nodes.
NumberHandlerClass in namespace Symfony\Component\CssSelector\Parser\Handler
CSS selector comment handler.
NodeExtensionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\CssSelector\XPath\Extension
XPath expression translator node extension.
Translator::nodeToXPath() — Method in class Translator
NullDumperClass in namespace Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\LazyProxy\PhpDumper
Null dumper, negates any proxy code generation for any given service definition.
ReferenceConfigurator::nullOnInvalid() — Method in class ReferenceConfigurator
$AbstractUriElement#nodeProperty in class AbstractUriElement
Crawler::nextAll() — Method in class Crawler
Returns the next siblings nodes of the current selection.
Crawler::nodeName() — Method in class Crawler
Returns the node name of the first node of the list.
$FormField#nodeProperty in class FormField
$FormField#nameProperty in class FormField
NameNodeClass in namespace Symfony\Component\ExpressionLanguage\Node
NodeClass in namespace Symfony\Component\ExpressionLanguage\Node
Represents a node in the AST.
$Node#nodesProperty in class Node
TokenStream::next() — Method in class TokenStream
Sets the pointer to the next token and returns the old one.
NumberComparatorClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Finder\Comparator
NumberComparator compiles a simple comparison to an anonymous subroutine, which you can call with a value to be tested again.
Finder::name() — Method in class Finder
Adds rules that files must match.
Finder::notName() — Method in class Finder
Adds rules that files must not match.
Finder::notContains() — Method in class Finder
Adds tests that file contents must not match.
Finder::notPath() — Method in class Finder
Adds rules that filenames must not match.
$MultiplePcreFilterIterator#noMatchRegexpsProperty in class MultiplePcreFilterIterator
NumberToLocalizedStringTransformerClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\DataTransformer
Transforms between a number type and a localized number with grouping (each thousand) and comma separators.
NumberTypeClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type
FormErrorIterator::next() — Method in class FormErrorIterator
Advances the iterator to the next position.
NativeRequestHandlerClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Form
A request handler using PHP super globals $_GET, $_POST and $_SERVER.
ResolvedFormType::newBuilder() — Method in class ResolvedFormType
Creates a new builder instance.
ResolvedFormType::newView() — Method in class ResolvedFormType
Creates a new view instance.
OrderedHashMapIterator::next() — Method in class OrderedHashMapIterator
$Cookie#nameProperty in class Cookie
NoFileExceptionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\File\Exception
Thrown when an UPLOAD_ERR_NO_FILE error occurred with UploadedFile.
NoTmpDirFileExceptionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\File\Exception
Thrown when an UPLOAD_ERR_NO_TMP_DIR error occurred with UploadedFile.
Request::normalizeQueryString() — Method in class Request
Normalizes a query string.
NamespacedAttributeBagClass in namespace Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Session\Attribute
This class provides structured storage of session attributes using a name spacing character in the key.
NativeFileSessionHandlerClass in namespace Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Session\Storage\Handler
Native session handler using PHP's built in file storage.
NullSessionHandlerClass in namespace Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Session\Storage\Handler
Can be used in unit testing or in a situations where persisted sessions are not desired.
$MockArraySessionStorage#nameProperty in class MockArraySessionStorage
NativeSessionStorageClass in namespace Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Session\Storage
This provides a base class for session attribute storage.
$Bundle#nameProperty in class Bundle
NotAcceptableHttpExceptionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Exception
NotFoundHttpExceptionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Exception
AbstractSurrogate::needsParsing() — Method in class AbstractSurrogate
Checks that the Response needs to be parsed for Surrogate tags.
SurrogateInterface::needsParsing() — Method in class SurrogateInterface
Checks that the Response needs to be parsed for Surrogate tags.
$Kernel#nameProperty in class Kernel
FullTransformer::normalizeArray() — Method in class FullTransformer
Normalize a preg_replace match array, removing the numeric keys and returning an associative array with the value and pattern values for the matched Transformer.
Hour1200Transformer::normalizeHour() — Method in class Hour1200Transformer
Returns a normalized hour value suitable for the hour transformer type.
Hour1201Transformer::normalizeHour() — Method in class Hour1201Transformer
Returns a normalized hour value suitable for the hour transformer type.
Hour2400Transformer::normalizeHour() — Method in class Hour2400Transformer
Returns a normalized hour value suitable for the hour transformer type.
Hour2401Transformer::normalizeHour() — Method in class Hour2401Transformer
Returns a normalized hour value suitable for the hour transformer type.
HourTransformer::normalizeHour() — Method in class HourTransformer
Returns a normalized hour value suitable for the hour transformer type.
NotImplementedExceptionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Intl\Exception
Base exception class for not implemented behaviors of the intl extension in the Locale component.
NumberFormatterClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Intl\NumberFormatter
Replacement for PHP's native {@link \NumberFormatter} class.
IcuVersion::normalize() — Method in class IcuVersion
Normalizes a version string to the number of components given in the parameter $precision.
Version::normalize() — Method in class Version
Normalizes a version string to the number of components given in the parameter $precision.
NotBoundExceptionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Ldap\Exception
NotBoundException is thrown if the connection with the LDAP server is not yet bound.
NotSupportedExceptionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Lock\Exception
NotSupportedException is thrown when an unsupported method is called.
NoHandlerForMessageExceptionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Messenger\Exception
StackInterface::next() — Method in class StackInterface
Returns the next middleware to process a message.
StackMiddleware::next() — Method in class StackMiddleware
Returns the next middleware to process a message.
TraceableStack::next() — Method in class TraceableStack
Returns the next middleware to process a message.
Connection::nack() — Method in class Connection
NoConfigurationExceptionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\OptionsResolver\Exception
Thrown when trying to introspect an option definition property for which no value was configured inside the OptionsResolver instance.
NoSuchOptionExceptionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\OptionsResolver\Exception
Thrown when trying to read an option that has no value set.
NoSuchIndexExceptionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\PropertyAccess\Exception
Thrown when an index cannot be found.
NoSuchPropertyExceptionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\PropertyAccess\Exception
Thrown when a property cannot be found.
NoConfigurationExceptionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Routing\Exception
Exception thrown when no routes are configured.
ImportConfigurator::namePrefix() — Method in class ImportConfigurator
Sets the prefix to add to the name of all child routes.
NativeSessionTokenStorageClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenStorage
Token storage that uses PHP's native session handling.
ChainEncoder::needsNormalization() — Method in class ChainEncoder
Checks whether the normalization is needed for the given format.
NormalizationAwareInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Serializer\Encoder
Defines the interface of encoders that will normalize data themselves.
NotEncodableValueExceptionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Serializer\Exception
NotNormalizableValueExceptionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Serializer\Exception
$AttributeMetadata#nameProperty in class AttributeMetadata
$ClassMetadata#nameProperty in class ClassMetadata
AdvancedNameConverterInterface::normalize() — Method in class AdvancedNameConverterInterface
Converts a property name to its normalized value.
CamelCaseToSnakeCaseNameConverter::normalize() — Method in class CamelCaseToSnakeCaseNameConverter
Converts a property name to its normalized value.
MetadataAwareNameConverter::normalize() — Method in class MetadataAwareNameConverter
Converts a property name to its normalized value.
NameConverterInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Serializer\NameConverter
Defines the interface for property name converters.
NameConverterInterface::normalize() — Method in class NameConverterInterface
Converts a property name to its normalized value.
$AbstractNormalizer#nameConverterProperty in class AbstractNormalizer
AbstractObjectNormalizer::normalize() — Method in class AbstractObjectNormalizer
Normalizes an object into a set of arrays/scalars.
ConstraintViolationListNormalizer::normalize() — Method in class ConstraintViolationListNormalizer
Normalizes an object into a set of arrays/scalars.
CustomNormalizer::normalize() — Method in class CustomNormalizer
Normalizes an object into a set of arrays/scalars.
DataUriNormalizer::normalize() — Method in class DataUriNormalizer
Normalizes an object into a set of arrays/scalars.
DateIntervalNormalizer::normalize() — Method in class DateIntervalNormalizer
Normalizes an object into a set of arrays/scalars.
DateTimeNormalizer::normalize() — Method in class DateTimeNormalizer
Normalizes an object into a set of arrays/scalars.
JsonSerializableNormalizer::normalize() — Method in class JsonSerializableNormalizer
Normalizes an object into a set of arrays/scalars.
NormalizableInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Serializer\Normalizer
Defines the most basic interface a class must implement to be normalizable.
NormalizableInterface::normalize() — Method in class NormalizableInterface
Normalizes the object into an array of scalars|arrays.
NormalizerAwareInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Serializer\Normalizer
Class accepting a normalizer.
NormalizerAwareTraitClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Serializer\Normalizer
NormalizerAware trait.
$NormalizerAwareTrait#normalizerProperty in class NormalizerAwareTrait
NormalizerInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Serializer\Normalizer
Defines the interface of normalizers.
NormalizerInterface::normalize() — Method in class NormalizerInterface
Normalizes an object into a set of arrays/scalars.
$Serializer#normalizersProperty in class Serializer
Serializer::normalize() — Method in class Serializer
Normalizes an object into a set of arrays/scalars.
NotFoundResourceExceptionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Translation\Exception
Thrown when a resource does not exist.
PhpExtractor::normalizeToken() — Method in class PhpExtractor
Normalizes a token.
$File#notFoundMessageProperty in class File
$File#notReadableMessageProperty in class File
NotBlankClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints
NotBlankValidatorClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints
NotEqualToClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints
NotEqualToValidatorClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints
Validates values are all unequal (!=).
NotIdenticalToClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints
NotIdenticalToValidatorClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints
Validates values aren't identical (!==).
NotNullClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints
NotNullValidatorClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints
NoSuchMetadataExceptionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Validator\Exception
$ClassMetadata#nameProperty in class ClassMetadata
GetterMetadata::newReflectionMember() — Method in class GetterMetadata
Creates a new reflection instance for accessing the member's value.
$AbstractLoader#namespacesProperty in class AbstractLoader
AbstractLoader::newConstraint() — Method in class AbstractLoader
Creates a new constraint instance for the given constraint name.
$MemberMetadata#nameProperty in class MemberMetadata
MemberMetadata::newReflectionMember() — Method in class MemberMetadata
Creates a new reflection instance for accessing the member's value.
PropertyMetadata::newReflectionMember() — Method in class PropertyMetadata
Creates a new reflection instance for accessing the member's value.
RecursiveContextualValidator::normalizeGroups() — Method in class RecursiveContextualValidator
Normalizes the given group or list of groups to an array.
$TraceStub#numberingOffsetProperty in class TraceStub
NotInstantiableTypeExceptionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\VarExporter\Exception
NotEnabledTransitionExceptionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Workflow\Exception
Thrown by Workflow when a not enabled transition is applied on a subject.


ORMQueryBuilderLoaderClass in namespace Symfony\Bridge\Doctrine\Form\ChoiceList
Loads entities using a {@link QueryBuilder} instance.
MergeDoctrineCollectionListener::onSubmit() — Method in class MergeDoctrineCollectionListener
ChromePhpHandler::onKernelResponse() — Method in class ChromePhpHandler
Adds the headers to the response once it's created.
ConsoleHandler::onCommand() — Method in class ConsoleHandler
Before a command is executed, the handler gets activated and the console output is set in order to know where to write the logs.
ConsoleHandler::onTerminate() — Method in class ConsoleHandler
After a command has been executed, it disables the output.
FirePHPHandler::onKernelResponse() — Method in class FirePHPHandler
Adds the headers to the response once it's created.
SwiftMailerHandler::onKernelTerminate() — Method in class SwiftMailerHandler
After the kernel has been terminated we will always flush messages.
SwiftMailerHandler::onCliTerminate() — Method in class SwiftMailerHandler
After the CLI application has been terminated we will always flush messages.
WebProcessor::onKernelRequest() — Method in class WebProcessor
UndefinedCallableHandler::onUndefinedFilter() — Method in class UndefinedCallableHandler
UndefinedCallableHandler::onUndefinedFunction() — Method in class UndefinedCallableHandler
$Descriptor#outputProperty in class Descriptor
ResolveControllerNameSubscriber::onKernelRequest() — Method in class ResolveControllerNameSubscriber
$Translator#optionsProperty in class Translator
$AbstractFactory#optionsProperty in class AbstractFactory
$RememberMeFactory#optionsProperty in class RememberMeFactory
FirewallListener::onKernelRequest() — Method in class FirewallListener
FirewallListener::onKernelFinishRequest() — Method in class FirewallListener
VoteListener::onVoterVote() — Method in class VoteListener
Event dispatched by a voter during access manager decision.
ProfilerController::openAction() — Method in class ProfilerController
Displays the source of a file.
WebDebugToolbarListener::onKernelResponse() — Method in class WebDebugToolbarListener
$Descriptor#outputProperty in class Descriptor
ErrorListener::onConsoleError() — Method in class ErrorListener
ErrorListener::onConsoleTerminate() — Method in class ErrorListener
OutputFormatterClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Console\Formatter
Formatter class for console output.
OutputFormatterInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Console\Formatter
Formatter interface for console output.
OutputFormatterStyleClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Console\Formatter
Formatter style class for defining styles.
OutputFormatterStyleInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Console\Formatter
Formatter style interface for defining styles.
OutputFormatterStyleStackClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Console\Formatter
$Input#optionsProperty in class Input
ConsoleSectionOutput::overwrite() — Method in class ConsoleSectionOutput
Overwrites the previous output with a new message.
OutputClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Console\Output
Base class for output classes.
OutputInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Console\Output
OutputInterface is the interface implemented by all Output classes.
OutputStyleClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Console\Style
Decorates output to add console style guide helpers.
OutOfMemoryExceptionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Debug\Exception
Out of memory exception.
OutOfBoundsExceptionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Exception
Base OutOfBoundsException for Dependency Injection component.
Form::offsetExists() — Method in class Form
Returns true if the named field exists.
Form::offsetGet() — Method in class Form
Gets the value of a field.
Form::offsetSet() — Method in class Form
Sets the value of a field.
Form::offsetUnset() — Method in class Form
Removes a field from the form.
Dotenv::overload() — Method in class Dotenv
Loads one or several .env files and enables override existing vars.
GenericEvent::offsetGet() — Method in class GenericEvent
ArrayAccess for argument getter.
GenericEvent::offsetSet() — Method in class GenericEvent
ArrayAccess for argument setter.
GenericEvent::offsetUnset() — Method in class GenericEvent
ArrayAccess for unset argument.
GenericEvent::offsetExists() — Method in class GenericEvent
ArrayAccess has argument.
Button::offsetExists() — Method in class Button
Unsupported method.
Button::offsetGet() — Method in class Button
Unsupported method.
Button::offsetSet() — Method in class Button
Unsupported method.
Button::offsetUnset() — Method in class Button
Unsupported method.
$ArrayChoiceList#originalKeysProperty in class ArrayChoiceList
The original keys of the choices array.
$Descriptor#outputProperty in class Descriptor
$Descriptor#ownOptionsProperty in class Descriptor
$Descriptor#overriddenOptionsProperty in class Descriptor
OutOfBoundsExceptionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Form\Exception
Base OutOfBoundsException for Form component.
$BaseDateTimeTransformer#outputTimezoneProperty in class BaseDateTimeTransformer
FixUrlProtocolListener::onSubmit() — Method in class FixUrlProtocolListener
MergeCollectionListener::onSubmit() — Method in class MergeCollectionListener
$ResizeFormListener#optionsProperty in class ResizeFormListener
ResizeFormListener::onSubmit() — Method in class ResizeFormListener
Form::offsetExists() — Method in class Form
Returns whether a child with the given name exists (implements the \ArrayAccess interface).
Form::offsetGet() — Method in class Form
Returns the child with the given name (implements the \ArrayAccess interface).
Form::offsetSet() — Method in class Form
Adds a child to the form (implements the \ArrayAccess interface).
Form::offsetUnset() — Method in class Form
Removes the child with the given name from the form (implements the \ArrayAccess interface).
FormErrorIterator::offsetExists() — Method in class FormErrorIterator
Returns whether a position exists in the iterator.
FormErrorIterator::offsetGet() — Method in class FormErrorIterator
Returns the element at a position in the iterator.
FormErrorIterator::offsetSet() — Method in class FormErrorIterator
Unsupported method.
FormErrorIterator::offsetUnset() — Method in class FormErrorIterator
Unsupported method.
FormView::offsetGet() — Method in class FormView
Returns a child by name (implements \ArrayAccess).
FormView::offsetExists() — Method in class FormView
Returns whether the given child exists (implements \ArrayAccess).
FormView::offsetSet() — Method in class FormView
Implements \ArrayAccess.
FormView::offsetUnset() — Method in class FormView
Removes a child (implements \ArrayAccess).
OptionsResolverWrapperClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Form\Util
OrderedHashMapClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Form\Util
A hash map which keeps track of deletions and additions.
OrderedHashMap::offsetExists() — Method in class OrderedHashMap
OrderedHashMap::offsetGet() — Method in class OrderedHashMap
OrderedHashMap::offsetSet() — Method in class OrderedHashMap
OrderedHashMap::offsetUnset() — Method in class OrderedHashMap
OrderedHashMapIteratorClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Form\Util
Iterator for {@link OrderedHashMap} objects.
$BinaryFileResponse#offsetProperty in class BinaryFileResponse
Request::overrideGlobals() — Method in class Request
Overrides the PHP global variables according to this request instance.
AbstractSessionHandler::open() — Method in class AbstractSessionHandler
MigratingSessionHandler::open() — Method in class MigratingSessionHandler
PdoSessionHandler::open() — Method in class PdoSessionHandler
StrictSessionHandler::open() — Method in class StrictSessionHandler
SessionHandlerProxy::open() — Method in class SessionHandlerProxy
RequestDataCollector::onKernelController() — Method in class RequestDataCollector
RequestDataCollector::onKernelResponse() — Method in class RequestDataCollector
RouterDataCollector::onKernelController() — Method in class RouterDataCollector
Remembers the controller associated to each request.
AbstractSessionListener::onKernelRequest() — Method in class AbstractSessionListener
AbstractSessionListener::onKernelResponse() — Method in class AbstractSessionListener
AbstractSessionListener::onFinishRequest() — Method in class AbstractSessionListener
AbstractTestSessionListener::onKernelRequest() — Method in class AbstractTestSessionListener
AbstractTestSessionListener::onKernelResponse() — Method in class AbstractTestSessionListener
Checks if session was initialized and saves if current request is master Runs on 'kernel.response' in test environment.
AddRequestFormatsListener::onKernelRequest() — Method in class AddRequestFormatsListener
Adds request formats.
ExceptionListener::onKernelException() — Method in class ExceptionListener
FragmentListener::onKernelRequest() — Method in class FragmentListener
Fixes request attributes when the path is '/_fragment'.
LocaleListener::onKernelRequest() — Method in class LocaleListener
LocaleListener::onKernelFinishRequest() — Method in class LocaleListener
$ProfilerListener#onlyExceptionProperty in class ProfilerListener
$ProfilerListener#onlyMasterRequestsProperty in class ProfilerListener
ProfilerListener::onKernelException() — Method in class ProfilerListener
Handles the onKernelException event.
ProfilerListener::onKernelResponse() — Method in class ProfilerListener
Handles the onKernelResponse event.
ProfilerListener::onKernelTerminate() — Method in class ProfilerListener
ResponseListener::onKernelResponse() — Method in class ResponseListener
Filters the Response.
RouterListener::onKernelFinishRequest() — Method in class RouterListener
After a sub-request is done, we need to reset the routing context to the parent request so that the URL generator operates on the correct context again.
RouterListener::onKernelRequest() — Method in class RouterListener
RouterListener::onKernelException() — Method in class RouterListener
SaveSessionListener::onKernelResponse() — Method in class SaveSessionListener
StreamedResponseListener::onKernelResponse() — Method in class StreamedResponseListener
Filters the Response.
SurrogateListener::onKernelResponse() — Method in class SurrogateListener
Filters the Response.
TranslatorListener::onKernelRequest() — Method in class TranslatorListener
TranslatorListener::onKernelFinishRequest() — Method in class TranslatorListener
ValidateRequestListener::onKernelRequest() — Method in class ValidateRequestListener
Performs the validation.
ArrayAccessibleResourceBundle::offsetExists() — Method in class ArrayAccessibleResourceBundle
ArrayAccessibleResourceBundle::offsetGet() — Method in class ArrayAccessibleResourceBundle
ArrayAccessibleResourceBundle::offsetSet() — Method in class ArrayAccessibleResourceBundle
ArrayAccessibleResourceBundle::offsetUnset() — Method in class ArrayAccessibleResourceBundle
RingBuffer::offsetExists() — Method in class RingBuffer
RingBuffer::offsetGet() — Method in class RingBuffer
RingBuffer::offsetSet() — Method in class RingBuffer
RingBuffer::offsetUnset() — Method in class RingBuffer
OutOfBoundsExceptionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Intl\Exception
Base OutOfBoundsException for the Intl component.
$AbstractQuery#optionsProperty in class AbstractQuery
Collection::offsetExists() — Method in class Collection
Collection::offsetGet() — Method in class Collection
Collection::offsetSet() — Method in class Collection
Collection::offsetUnset() — Method in class Collection
OptionsResolverIntrospectorClass in namespace Symfony\Component\OptionsResolver\Debug
OptionDefinitionExceptionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\OptionsResolver\Exception
Thrown when two lazy options have a cyclic dependency.
OptionsClass in namespace Symfony\Component\OptionsResolver
Contains resolved option values.
Options::offsetGet() — Method in class Options
OptionsResolverClass in namespace Symfony\Component\OptionsResolver
Validates options and merges them with default values.
OptionsResolver::offsetGet() — Method in class OptionsResolver
Returns the resolved value of an option.
OptionsResolver::offsetExists() — Method in class OptionsResolver
Returns whether a resolved option with the given name exists.
OptionsResolver::offsetSet() — Method in class OptionsResolver
Not supported.
OptionsResolver::offsetUnset() — Method in class OptionsResolver
Not supported.
InputStream::onEmpty() — Method in class InputStream
Sets a callback that is called when the write buffer becomes empty.
OutOfBoundsExceptionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\PropertyAccess\Exception
Base OutOfBoundsException for the PropertyAccess component.
RouteTrait::options() — Method in class RouteTrait
Adds options.
ObjectRouteLoaderClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Routing\Loader
A route loader that calls a method on an object to load the routes.
$Router#optionsProperty in class Router
AuthenticatorInterface::onAuthenticationFailure() — Method in class AuthenticatorInterface
Called when authentication executed, but failed (e.g. wrong username password).
AuthenticatorInterface::onAuthenticationSuccess() — Method in class AuthenticatorInterface
Called when authentication executed and was successful!
AbstractFormLoginAuthenticator::onAuthenticationFailure() — Method in class AbstractFormLoginAuthenticator
Override to change what happens after a bad username/password is submitted.
AuthenticationFailureHandlerInterface::onAuthenticationFailure() — Method in class AuthenticationFailureHandlerInterface
This is called when an interactive authentication attempt fails. This is called by authentication listeners inheriting from AbstractAuthenticationListener.
AuthenticationSuccessHandlerInterface::onAuthenticationSuccess() — Method in class AuthenticationSuccessHandlerInterface
This is called when an interactive authentication attempt succeeds. This is called by authentication listeners inheriting from AbstractAuthenticationListener.
CustomAuthenticationFailureHandler::onAuthenticationFailure() — Method in class CustomAuthenticationFailureHandler
This is called when an interactive authentication attempt fails. This is called by authentication listeners inheriting from AbstractAuthenticationListener.
CustomAuthenticationSuccessHandler::onAuthenticationSuccess() — Method in class CustomAuthenticationSuccessHandler
This is called when an interactive authentication attempt succeeds. This is called by authentication listeners inheriting from AbstractAuthenticationListener.
$DefaultAuthenticationFailureHandler#optionsProperty in class DefaultAuthenticationFailureHandler
DefaultAuthenticationFailureHandler::onAuthenticationFailure() — Method in class DefaultAuthenticationFailureHandler
This is called when an interactive authentication attempt fails. This is called by authentication listeners inheriting from AbstractAuthenticationListener.
$DefaultAuthenticationSuccessHandler#optionsProperty in class DefaultAuthenticationSuccessHandler
DefaultAuthenticationSuccessHandler::onAuthenticationSuccess() — Method in class DefaultAuthenticationSuccessHandler
This is called when an interactive authentication attempt succeeds. This is called by authentication listeners inheriting from AbstractAuthenticationListener.
SimpleAuthenticationHandler::onAuthenticationSuccess() — Method in class SimpleAuthenticationHandler
This is called when an interactive authentication attempt succeeds. This is called by authentication listeners inheriting from AbstractAuthenticationListener.
SimpleAuthenticationHandler::onAuthenticationFailure() — Method in class SimpleAuthenticationHandler
This is called when an interactive authentication attempt fails. This is called by authentication listeners inheriting from AbstractAuthenticationListener.
Firewall::onKernelRequest() — Method in class Firewall
Firewall::onKernelFinishRequest() — Method in class Firewall
$AbstractAuthenticationListener#optionsProperty in class AbstractAuthenticationListener
ContextListener::onKernelResponse() — Method in class ContextListener
Writes the security token into the session.
ExceptionListener::onKernelException() — Method in class ExceptionListener
Handles security related exceptions.
DefaultLogoutSuccessHandler::onLogoutSuccess() — Method in class DefaultLogoutSuccessHandler
Creates a Response object to send upon a successful logout.
LogoutSuccessHandlerInterface::onLogoutSuccess() — Method in class LogoutSuccessHandlerInterface
Creates a Response object to send upon a successful logout.
$AbstractRememberMeServices#optionsProperty in class AbstractRememberMeServices
AbstractRememberMeServices::onLoginFail() — Method in class AbstractRememberMeServices
AbstractRememberMeServices::onLoginSuccess() — Method in class AbstractRememberMeServices
This is called after a user has been logged in successfully, and has requested remember-me capabilities. The implementation usually sets a cookie and possibly stores a persistent record of it.
PersistentTokenBasedRememberMeServices::onLoginSuccess() — Method in class PersistentTokenBasedRememberMeServices
This is called after a user has been logged in successfully, and has requested remember-me capabilities. The implementation usually sets a cookie and possibly stores a persistent record of it.
ResponseListener::onKernelResponse() — Method in class ResponseListener
TokenBasedRememberMeServices::onLoginSuccess() — Method in class TokenBasedRememberMeServices
This is called after a user has been logged in successfully, and has requested remember-me capabilities. The implementation usually sets a cookie and possibly stores a persistent record of it.
SessionAuthenticationStrategy::onAuthentication() — Method in class SessionAuthenticationStrategy
This performs any necessary changes to the session.
SessionAuthenticationStrategyInterface::onAuthentication() — Method in class SessionAuthenticationStrategyInterface
This performs any necessary changes to the session.
ObjectNormalizerClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Serializer\Normalizer
Converts between objects and arrays using the PropertyAccess component.
ObjectToPopulateTraitClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Serializer\Normalizer
Section::open() — Method in class Section
Creates or re-opens a child section.
Stopwatch::openSection() — Method in class Stopwatch
Creates a new section or re-opens an existing section.
$SlotsHelper#openSlotsProperty in class SlotsHelper
SlotsHelper::output() — Method in class SlotsHelper
Outputs a slot.
PhpEngine::offsetGet() — Method in class PhpEngine
Gets a helper value.
PhpEngine::offsetExists() — Method in class PhpEngine
Returns true if the helper is defined.
PhpEngine::offsetSet() — Method in class PhpEngine
Sets a helper.
PhpEngine::offsetUnset() — Method in class PhpEngine
Removes a helper.
OperationInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Translation\Catalogue
Represents an operation on catalogue(s).
ConstraintViolationList::offsetExists() — Method in class ConstraintViolationList
ConstraintViolationList::offsetGet() — Method in class ConstraintViolationList
ConstraintViolationList::offsetSet() — Method in class ConstraintViolationList
ConstraintViolationList::offsetUnset() — Method in class ConstraintViolationList
OptionalClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints
OutOfBoundsExceptionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Validator\Exception
Base OutOfBoundsException for the Validator component.
ObjectInitializerInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Validator
Prepares an object for validation.
$ConstraintValidatorTestCase#objectProperty in class ConstraintValidatorTestCase
$RecursiveValidator#objectInitializersProperty in class RecursiveValidator
Data::offsetExists() — Method in class Data
Data::offsetGet() — Method in class Data
Data::offsetSet() — Method in class Data
Data::offsetUnset() — Method in class Data
$AbstractDumper#outputStreamProperty in class AbstractDumper
AddLinkHeaderListener::onKernelResponse() — Method in class AddLinkHeaderListener
AuditTrailListener::onLeave() — Method in class AuditTrailListener
AuditTrailListener::onTransition() — Method in class AuditTrailListener
AuditTrailListener::onEnter() — Method in class AuditTrailListener
GuardListener::onTransition() — Method in class GuardListener


ProxyCacheWarmerClass in namespace Symfony\Bridge\Doctrine\CacheWarmer
The proxy generator cache warmer generates all entity proxies.
DoctrineValidationPass::process() — Method in class DoctrineValidationPass
You can modify the container here before it is dumped to PHP code.
RegisterEventListenersAndSubscribersPass::process() — Method in class RegisterEventListenersAndSubscribersPass
You can modify the container here before it is dumped to PHP code.
RegisterMappingsPass::process() — Method in class RegisterMappingsPass
Register mappings and alias with the metadata drivers.
ProxyDumperClass in namespace Symfony\Bridge\ProxyManager\LazyProxy\PhpDumper
Generates dumped PHP code of proxies via reflection.
ProfilerExtensionClass in namespace Symfony\Bridge\Twig\Extension
WebLinkExtension::preload() — Method in class WebLinkExtension
Preloads a resource.
WebLinkExtension::preconnect() — Method in class WebLinkExtension
Initiates a early connection to a resource (DNS resolution, TCP handshake, TLS negotiation).
WebLinkExtension::prefetch() — Method in class WebLinkExtension
Indicates to the client that it should prefetch this resource.
WebLinkExtension::prerender() — Method in class WebLinkExtension
Indicates to the client that it should prerender this resource .
DumpTokenParser::parse() — Method in class DumpTokenParser
FormThemeTokenParser::parse() — Method in class FormThemeTokenParser
Parses a token and returns a node.
StopwatchTokenParser::parse() — Method in class StopwatchTokenParser
TransChoiceTokenParser::parse() — Method in class TransChoiceTokenParser
Parses a token and returns a node.
TransDefaultDomainTokenParser::parse() — Method in class TransDefaultDomainTokenParser
Parses a token and returns a node.
TransTokenParser::parse() — Method in class TransTokenParser
Parses a token and returns a node.
$TwigEngine#parserProperty in class TwigEngine
DumpDataCollectorPass::process() — Method in class DumpDataCollectorPass
You can modify the container here before it is dumped to PHP code.
ControllerNameParser::parse() — Method in class ControllerNameParser
Converts a short notation a:b:c to a class::method.
$ControllerResolver#parserProperty in class ControllerResolver
AddAnnotationsCachedReaderPass::process() — Method in class AddAnnotationsCachedReaderPass
You can modify the container here before it is dumped to PHP code.
AddDebugLogProcessorPass::process() — Method in class AddDebugLogProcessorPass
You can modify the container here before it is dumped to PHP code.
AddExpressionLanguageProvidersPass::process() — Method in class AddExpressionLanguageProvidersPass
You can modify the container here before it is dumped to PHP code.
ContainerBuilderDebugDumpPass::process() — Method in class ContainerBuilderDebugDumpPass
You can modify the container here before it is dumped to PHP code.
DataCollectorTranslatorPass::process() — Method in class DataCollectorTranslatorPass
You can modify the container here before it is dumped to PHP code.
LoggingTranslatorPass::process() — Method in class LoggingTranslatorPass
You can modify the container here before it is dumped to PHP code.
ProfilerPassClass in namespace Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\DependencyInjection\Compiler
Adds tagged data_collector services to profiler service.
ProfilerPass::process() — Method in class ProfilerPass
You can modify the container here before it is dumped to PHP code.
TemplatingPass::process() — Method in class TemplatingPass
You can modify the container here before it is dumped to PHP code.
TestServiceContainerRealRefPass::process() — Method in class TestServiceContainerRealRefPass
You can modify the container here before it is dumped to PHP code.
TestServiceContainerWeakRefPass::process() — Method in class TestServiceContainerWeakRefPass
You can modify the container here before it is dumped to PHP code.
UnusedTagsPass::process() — Method in class UnusedTagsPass
You can modify the container here before it is dumped to PHP code.
WorkflowGuardListenerPass::process() — Method in class WorkflowGuardListenerPass
You can modify the container here before it is dumped to PHP code.
$DelegatingLoader#parserProperty in class DelegatingLoader
RouterHelper::path() — Method in class RouterHelper
Generates a URL reference (as an absolute or relative path) to the route with the given parameters.
PhpEngineClass in namespace Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Templating
This engine knows how to render Symfony templates.
TemplateFilenameParser::parse() — Method in class TemplateFilenameParser
Convert a template name to a TemplateReferenceInterface instance.
TemplateNameParser::parse() — Method in class TemplateNameParser
Convert a template name to a TemplateReferenceInterface instance.
AddExpressionLanguageProvidersPass::process() — Method in class AddExpressionLanguageProvidersPass
You can modify the container here before it is dumped to PHP code.
AddSecurityVotersPass::process() — Method in class AddSecurityVotersPass
You can modify the container here before it is dumped to PHP code.
AddSessionDomainConstraintPass::process() — Method in class AddSessionDomainConstraintPass
You can modify the container here before it is dumped to PHP code.
RegisterCsrfTokenClearingLogoutHandlerPass::process() — Method in class RegisterCsrfTokenClearingLogoutHandlerPass
You can modify the container here before it is dumped to PHP code.
SecurityExtension::prepend() — Method in class SecurityExtension
Allow an extension to prepend the extension configurations.
PreviewErrorControllerClass in namespace Symfony\Bundle\TwigBundle\Controller
PreviewErrorController can be used to test error pages.
PreviewErrorController::previewErrorPageAction() — Method in class PreviewErrorController
ExceptionListenerPass::process() — Method in class ExceptionListenerPass
You can modify the container here before it is dumped to PHP code.
ExtensionPass::process() — Method in class ExtensionPass
You can modify the container here before it is dumped to PHP code.
RuntimeLoaderPass::process() — Method in class RuntimeLoaderPass
You can modify the container here before it is dumped to PHP code.
TwigEnvironmentPass::process() — Method in class TwigEnvironmentPass
You can modify the container here before it is dumped to PHP code.
TwigLoaderPass::process() — Method in class TwigLoaderPass
You can modify the container here before it is dumped to PHP code.
$FilesystemLoader#parserProperty in class FilesystemLoader
$ExceptionController#profilerProperty in class ExceptionController
ProfilerControllerClass in namespace Symfony\Bundle\WebProfilerBundle\Controller
ProfilerController::panelAction() — Method in class ProfilerController
Renders a profiler panel for the given token.
ProfilerController::phpinfoAction() — Method in class ProfilerController
Displays the PHP info.
RouterController::panelAction() — Method in class RouterController
Renders the profiler panel for the given token.
$TemplateManager#profilerProperty in class TemplateManager
PackageClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Asset
Basic package that adds a version to asset URLs.
PackageInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Asset
Asset package interface.
PackagesClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Asset
Helps manage asset URLs.
PathPackageClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Asset
Package that adds a base path to asset URLs in addition to a version.
$Cookie#pathProperty in class Cookie
$History#positionProperty in class History
$Request#parametersProperty in class Request
ChainAdapter::prune() — Method in class ChainAdapter
PdoAdapterClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Cache\Adapter
PhpArrayAdapterClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Cache\Adapter
Caches items at warm up time using a PHP array that is stored in shared memory by OPCache since PHP 7.0.
PhpFilesAdapterClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Cache\Adapter
ProxyAdapterClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Cache\Adapter
$TraceableAdapter#poolProperty in class TraceableAdapter
TraceableAdapter::prune() — Method in class TraceableAdapter
$CacheItem#poolHashProperty in class CacheItem
CacheCollectorPass::process() — Method in class CacheCollectorPass
You can modify the container here before it is dumped to PHP code.
CachePoolClearerPass::process() — Method in class CachePoolClearerPass
You can modify the container here before it is dumped to PHP code.
CachePoolPass::process() — Method in class CachePoolPass
You can modify the container here before it is dumped to PHP code.
CachePoolPrunerPass::process() — Method in class CachePoolPrunerPass
You can modify the container here before it is dumped to PHP code.
DoctrineProvider::prune() — Method in class DoctrineProvider
PruneableInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Cache
Interface extends psr-6 and psr-16 caches to allow for pruning (deletion) of all expired cache items.
PruneableInterface::prune() — Method in class PruneableInterface
ChainCache::prune() — Method in class ChainCache
PdoCacheClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Cache\Simple
PhpArrayCacheClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Cache\Simple
Caches items at warm up time using a PHP array that is stored in shared memory by OPCache since PHP 7.0.
PhpFilesCacheClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Cache\Simple
Psr6CacheClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Cache\Simple
TraceableCache::prune() — Method in class TraceableCache
FilesystemTrait::prune() — Method in class FilesystemTrait
PdoTraitClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Cache\Traits
PdoTrait::prune() — Method in class PdoTrait
PhpArrayTraitClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Cache\Traits
PhpFilesTraitClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Cache\Traits
PhpFilesTrait::prune() — Method in class PhpFilesTrait
ProxyTraitClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Cache\Traits
ProxyTrait::prune() — Method in class ProxyTrait
$ArrayNode#performDeepMergingProperty in class ArrayNode
ArrayNode::preNormalize() — Method in class ArrayNode
Normalizes keys between the different configuration formats.
$BaseNode#parentProperty in class BaseNode
$BaseNode#pathSeparatorProperty in class BaseNode
BaseNode::preNormalize() — Method in class BaseNode
Normalizes the value before any other normalization is applied.
$ArrayNodeDefinition#performDeepMergingProperty in class ArrayNodeDefinition
$ArrayNodeDefinition#prototypeProperty in class ArrayNodeDefinition
ArrayNodeDefinition::prototype() — Method in class ArrayNodeDefinition
Sets a prototype for child nodes.
ArrayNodeDefinition::performNoDeepMerging() — Method in class ArrayNodeDefinition
Disables the deep merging of the node.
$NodeBuilder#parentProperty in class NodeBuilder
$NodeDefinition#pathSeparatorProperty in class NodeDefinition
$NodeDefinition#parentProperty in class NodeDefinition
ParentNodeDefinitionInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Config\Definition\Builder
An interface that must be implemented by nodes which can have children.
ProcessorClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Config\Definition
This class is the entry point for config normalization/merging/finalization.
Processor::process() — Method in class Processor
Processes an array of configurations.
Processor::processConfiguration() — Method in class Processor
Processes an array of configurations.
PrototypeNodeInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Config\Definition
This interface must be implemented by nodes which can be used as prototypes.
PrototypedArrayNodeClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Config\Definition
Represents a prototyped Array node in the config tree.
$PrototypedArrayNode#prototypeProperty in class PrototypedArrayNode
$FileLocator#pathsProperty in class FileLocator
XmlUtils::parse() — Method in class XmlUtils
Parses an XML string.
XmlUtils::phpize() — Method in class XmlUtils
Converts an xml value to a PHP type.
AddConsoleCommandPass::process() — Method in class AddConsoleCommandPass
You can modify the container here before it is dumped to PHP code.
OutputFormatterStyleStack::push() — Method in class OutputFormatterStyleStack
Pushes a style in the stack.
OutputFormatterStyleStack::pop() — Method in class OutputFormatterStyleStack
Pops a style from the stack.
DebugFormatterHelper::progress() — Method in class DebugFormatterHelper
Adds progress to a formatting session.
ProcessHelperClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Console\Helper
The ProcessHelper class provides helpers to run external processes.
ProgressBarClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Console\Helper
The ProgressBar provides helpers to display progress output.
ProgressIndicatorClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Console\Helper
ArgvInput::parse() — Method in class ArgvInput
Processes command line arguments.
ArrayInput::parse() — Method in class ArrayInput
Processes command line arguments.
Input::parse() — Method in class Input
Processes command line arguments.
StyleInterface::progressStart() — Method in class StyleInterface
Starts the progress output.
StyleInterface::progressAdvance() — Method in class StyleInterface
Advances the progress output X steps.
StyleInterface::progressFinish() — Method in class StyleInterface
Finishes the progress output.
SymfonyStyle::progressStart() — Method in class SymfonyStyle
Starts the progress output.
SymfonyStyle::progressAdvance() — Method in class SymfonyStyle
Advances the progress output X steps.
SymfonyStyle::progressFinish() — Method in class SymfonyStyle
Finishes the progress output.
ParseExceptionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\CssSelector\Exception
ParseException is thrown when a CSS selector syntax is not valid.
SyntaxErrorException::pseudoElementFound() — Method in class SyntaxErrorException
PseudoNodeClass in namespace Symfony\Component\CssSelector\Node
Represents a ":" node.
Specificity::plus() — Method in class Specificity
ParserClass in namespace Symfony\Component\CssSelector\Parser
CSS selector parser.
Parser::parse() — Method in class Parser
Parses given selector source into an array of tokens.
Parser::parseSeries() — Method in class Parser
Parses the arguments for ":nth-child()" and friends.
ParserInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\CssSelector\Parser
CSS selector parser interface.
ParserInterface::parse() — Method in class ParserInterface
Parses given selector source into an array of tokens.
ClassParser::parse() — Method in class ClassParser
Parses given selector source into an array of tokens.
ElementParser::parse() — Method in class ElementParser
Parses given selector source into an array of tokens.
EmptyStringParser::parse() — Method in class EmptyStringParser
Parses given selector source into an array of tokens.
HashParser::parse() — Method in class HashParser
Parses given selector source into an array of tokens.
TokenStream::push() — Method in class TokenStream
Pushes a token.
PseudoClassExtensionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\CssSelector\XPath\Extension
XPath expression translator pseudo-class extension.
AbstractRecursivePass::process() — Method in class AbstractRecursivePass
You can modify the container here before it is dumped to PHP code.
AbstractRecursivePass::processValue() — Method in class AbstractRecursivePass
Processes a value found in a definition tree.
AnalyzeServiceReferencesPass::process() — Method in class AnalyzeServiceReferencesPass
Processes a ContainerBuilder object to populate the service reference graph.
AnalyzeServiceReferencesPass::processValue() — Method in class AnalyzeServiceReferencesPass
Processes a value found in a definition tree.
AutoAliasServicePass::process() — Method in class AutoAliasServicePass
You can modify the container here before it is dumped to PHP code.
AutowirePass::process() — Method in class AutowirePass
You can modify the container here before it is dumped to PHP code.
AutowirePass::processValue() — Method in class AutowirePass
Processes a value found in a definition tree.
AutowireRequiredMethodsPass::processValue() — Method in class AutowireRequiredMethodsPass
Processes a value found in a definition tree.
CheckArgumentsValidityPass::processValue() — Method in class CheckArgumentsValidityPass
Processes a value found in a definition tree.
CheckCircularReferencesPass::process() — Method in class CheckCircularReferencesPass
Checks the ContainerBuilder object for circular references.
CheckDefinitionValidityPass::process() — Method in class CheckDefinitionValidityPass
Processes the ContainerBuilder to validate the Definition.
CheckExceptionOnInvalidReferenceBehaviorPass::process() — Method in class CheckExceptionOnInvalidReferenceBehaviorPass
You can modify the container here before it is dumped to PHP code.
CheckExceptionOnInvalidReferenceBehaviorPass::processValue() — Method in class CheckExceptionOnInvalidReferenceBehaviorPass
Processes a value found in a definition tree.
CheckReferenceValidityPass::processValue() — Method in class CheckReferenceValidityPass
Processes a value found in a definition tree.
CompilerPassInterface::process() — Method in class CompilerPassInterface
You can modify the container here before it is dumped to PHP code.
DecoratorServicePass::process() — Method in class DecoratorServicePass
You can modify the container here before it is dumped to PHP code.
DefinitionErrorExceptionPass::processValue() — Method in class DefinitionErrorExceptionPass
Processes a value found in a definition tree.
ExtensionCompilerPass::process() — Method in class ExtensionCompilerPass
You can modify the container here before it is dumped to PHP code.
InlineServiceDefinitionsPass::process() — Method in class InlineServiceDefinitionsPass
You can modify the container here before it is dumped to PHP code.
InlineServiceDefinitionsPass::processValue() — Method in class InlineServiceDefinitionsPass
Processes a value found in a definition tree.
MergeExtensionConfigurationPass::process() — Method in class MergeExtensionConfigurationPass
You can modify the container here before it is dumped to PHP code.
PassConfigClass in namespace Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Compiler
Compiler Pass Configuration.
PriorityTaggedServiceTraitClass in namespace Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Compiler
Trait that allows a generic method to find and sort service by priority option in the tag.
RegisterEnvVarProcessorsPass::process() — Method in class RegisterEnvVarProcessorsPass
You can modify the container here before it is dumped to PHP code.
RegisterServiceSubscribersPass::processValue() — Method in class RegisterServiceSubscribersPass
Processes a value found in a definition tree.
RemoveAbstractDefinitionsPass::process() — Method in class RemoveAbstractDefinitionsPass
Removes abstract definitions from the ContainerBuilder.
RemovePrivateAliasesPass::process() — Method in class RemovePrivateAliasesPass
Removes private aliases from the ContainerBuilder.
RemoveUnusedDefinitionsPass::process() — Method in class RemoveUnusedDefinitionsPass
Processes the ContainerBuilder to remove unused definitions.
RemoveUnusedDefinitionsPass::processValue() — Method in class RemoveUnusedDefinitionsPass
Processes a value found in a definition tree.
RepeatedPass::process() — Method in class RepeatedPass
Process the repeatable passes that run more than once.
ReplaceAliasByActualDefinitionPass::process() — Method in class ReplaceAliasByActualDefinitionPass
Process the Container to replace aliases with service definitions.
ReplaceAliasByActualDefinitionPass::processValue() — Method in class ReplaceAliasByActualDefinitionPass
Processes a value found in a definition tree.
ResolveBindingsPass::process() — Method in class ResolveBindingsPass
You can modify the container here before it is dumped to PHP code.
ResolveBindingsPass::processValue() — Method in class ResolveBindingsPass
Processes a value found in a definition tree.
ResolveChildDefinitionsPass::processValue() — Method in class ResolveChildDefinitionsPass
Processes a value found in a definition tree.
ResolveClassPass::process() — Method in class ResolveClassPass
You can modify the container here before it is dumped to PHP code.
ResolveEnvPlaceholdersPass::processValue() — Method in class ResolveEnvPlaceholdersPass
Processes a value found in a definition tree.
ResolveFactoryClassPass::processValue() — Method in class ResolveFactoryClassPass
Processes a value found in a definition tree.
ResolveHotPathPass::process() — Method in class ResolveHotPathPass
You can modify the container here before it is dumped to PHP code.
ResolveHotPathPass::processValue() — Method in class ResolveHotPathPass
Processes a value found in a definition tree.
ResolveInstanceofConditionalsPass::process() — Method in class ResolveInstanceofConditionalsPass
You can modify the container here before it is dumped to PHP code.
ResolveInvalidReferencesPass::process() — Method in class ResolveInvalidReferencesPass
Process the ContainerBuilder to resolve invalid references.
ResolveNamedArgumentsPass::processValue() — Method in class ResolveNamedArgumentsPass
Processes a value found in a definition tree.
ResolveParameterPlaceHoldersPass::process() — Method in class ResolveParameterPlaceHoldersPass
You can modify the container here before it is dumped to PHP code.
ResolveParameterPlaceHoldersPass::processValue() — Method in class ResolveParameterPlaceHoldersPass
Processes a value found in a definition tree.
ResolvePrivatesPass::process() — Method in class ResolvePrivatesPass
You can modify the container here before it is dumped to PHP code.
ResolveReferencesToAliasesPass::process() — Method in class ResolveReferencesToAliasesPass
You can modify the container here before it is dumped to PHP code.
ResolveReferencesToAliasesPass::processValue() — Method in class ResolveReferencesToAliasesPass
Processes a value found in a definition tree.
ResolveServiceSubscribersPass::processValue() — Method in class ResolveServiceSubscribersPass
Processes a value found in a definition tree.
ResolveTaggedIteratorArgumentPass::processValue() — Method in class ResolveTaggedIteratorArgumentPass
Processes a value found in a definition tree.
ServiceLocatorTagPass::processValue() — Method in class ServiceLocatorTagPass
Processes a value found in a definition tree.
ValidateEnvPlaceholdersPass::process() — Method in class ValidateEnvPlaceholdersPass
You can modify the container here before it is dumped to PHP code.
$Container#parameterBagProperty in class Container
$Container#privatesProperty in class Container
ContainerBuilder::prependExtensionConfig() — Method in class ContainerBuilder
Prepends a config array to the configs of the given extension.
PhpDumperClass in namespace Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Dumper
PhpDumper dumps a service container as a PHP class.
XmlDumper::phpToXml() — Method in class XmlDumper
Converts php types to xml types.
ParameterCircularReferenceExceptionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Exception
This exception is thrown when a circular reference in a parameter is detected.
ParameterNotFoundExceptionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Exception
This exception is thrown when a non-existent parameter is used.
Extension::processConfiguration() — Method in class Extension
PrependExtensionInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Extension
PrependExtensionInterface::prepend() — Method in class PrependExtensionInterface
Allow an extension to prepend the extension configurations.
ProxyHelperClass in namespace Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\LazyProxy
AbstractConfigurator::processValue() — Method in class AbstractConfigurator
Checks that a value is valid, optionally replacing Definition and Reference configurators by their configure value.
$AbstractServiceConfigurator#parentProperty in class AbstractServiceConfigurator
ContainerConfigurator::parameters() — Method in class ContainerConfigurator
ParametersConfiguratorClass in namespace Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Loader\Configurator
PrototypeConfiguratorClass in namespace Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Loader\Configurator
ParentTraitClass in namespace Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Loader\Configurator\Traits
ParentTrait::parent() — Method in class ParentTrait
Sets the Definition to inherit from.
PropertyTraitClass in namespace Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Loader\Configurator\Traits
PropertyTrait::property() — Method in class PropertyTrait
Sets a specific property.
PublicTraitClass in namespace Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Loader\Configurator\Traits
PublicTrait::public() — Method in class PublicTrait
PublicTrait::private() — Method in class PublicTrait
PhpFileLoaderClass in namespace Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Loader
PhpFileLoader loads service definitions from a PHP file.
ProtectedPhpFileLoaderClass in namespace Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Loader
ParameterClass in namespace Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection
Parameter represents a parameter reference.
ParameterBagClass in namespace Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\ParameterBag
Holds parameters.
$ParameterBag#parametersProperty in class ParameterBag
ParameterBagInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\ParameterBag
ParameterBagInterface is the interface implemented by objects that manage service container parameters.
Crawler::previousAll() — Method in class Crawler
Returns the previous sibling nodes of the current selection.
Crawler::parents() — Method in class Crawler
Returns the parents nodes of the current selection.
Dotenv::populate() — Method in class Dotenv
Sets values as environment variables (via putenv, $_ENV, and $_SERVER).
Dotenv::parse() — Method in class Dotenv
Parses the contents of an .env file.
PathExceptionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Dotenv\Exception
Thrown when a file does not exist or is not readable.
TraceableEventDispatcher::preDispatch() — Method in class TraceableEventDispatcher
Called before dispatching the event.
TraceableEventDispatcher::postDispatch() — Method in class TraceableEventDispatcher
Called after dispatching the event.
RegisterListenersPass::process() — Method in class RegisterListenersPass
You can modify the container here before it is dumped to PHP code.
ExpressionLanguage::parse() — Method in class ExpressionLanguage
Parses an expression.
ParsedExpressionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\ExpressionLanguage
Represents an already parsed expression.
ParserClass in namespace Symfony\Component\ExpressionLanguage
Parsers a token stream.
Parser::parse() — Method in class Parser
Converts a token stream to a node tree.
Parser::parseExpression() — Method in class Parser
Parser::parseConditionalExpression() — Method in class Parser
Parser::parsePrimaryExpression() — Method in class Parser
Parser::parseArrayExpression() — Method in class Parser
Parser::parseHashExpression() — Method in class Parser
Parser::parsePostfixExpression() — Method in class Parser
Parser::parseArguments() — Method in class Parser
Parses arguments.
Finder::path() — Method in class Finder
Adds rules that filenames must match.
PathFilterIteratorClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Finder\Iterator
PathFilterIterator filters files by path patterns (e.g. some/special/dir).
PropertyAccessDecoratorClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\Factory
Adds property path support to a choice list factory.
$ChoiceListView#preferredChoicesProperty in class ChoiceListView
$Descriptor#parentOptionsProperty in class Descriptor
$Descriptor#parentsProperty in class Descriptor
FormPass::process() — Method in class FormPass
You can modify the container here before it is dumped to PHP code.
PropertyPathMapperClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\DataMapper
Maps arrays/objects to/from forms using property paths.
PercentToLocalizedStringTransformerClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\DataTransformer
Transforms between a normalized format (integer or float) and a percentage value.
ResizeFormListener::preSetData() — Method in class ResizeFormListener
ResizeFormListener::preSubmit() — Method in class ResizeFormListener
TrimListener::preSubmit() — Method in class TrimListener
$MoneyType#patternsProperty in class MoneyType
PasswordTypeClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type
PercentTypeClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type
CsrfValidationListener::preSubmit() — Method in class CsrfValidationListener
DataCollectorListener::postSetData() — Method in class DataCollectorListener
Listener for the {@link FormEvents::POST_SET_DATA} event.
DataCollectorListener::postSubmit() — Method in class DataCollectorListener
Listener for the {@link FormEvents::POST_SUBMIT} event.
$FormView#parentProperty in class FormView
The parent view.
PreloadedExtensionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Form
A form extension with preloaded types, type extensions and type guessers.
ApacheRequest::prepareRequestUri() — Method in class ApacheRequest
ApacheRequest::prepareBaseUrl() — Method in class ApacheRequest
Prepares the base URL.
BinaryFileResponse::prepare() — Method in class BinaryFileResponse
Prepares the Response before it is sent to the client.
$Cookie#pathProperty in class Cookie
PartialFileExceptionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\File\Exception
Thrown when an UPLOAD_ERR_PARTIAL error occurred with UploadedFile.
HeaderBag::parseCacheControl() — Method in class HeaderBag
Parses a Cache-Control HTTP header.
ParameterBagClass in namespace Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation
ParameterBag is a container for key/value pairs.
$ParameterBag#parametersProperty in class ParameterBag
Parameter storage.
$Request#pathInfoProperty in class Request
Request::prepareRequestUri() — Method in class Request
Request::prepareBaseUrl() — Method in class Request
Prepares the base URL.
Request::prepareBasePath() — Method in class Request
Prepares the base path.
Request::preparePathInfo() — Method in class Request
Prepares the path info.
RequestStack::push() — Method in class RequestStack
Pushes a Request on the stack.
RequestStack::pop() — Method in class RequestStack
Pops the current request from the stack.
Response::prepare() — Method in class Response
Prepares the Response before it is sent to the client.
AutoExpireFlashBag::peek() — Method in class AutoExpireFlashBag
Gets flash messages for a given type.
AutoExpireFlashBag::peekAll() — Method in class AutoExpireFlashBag
Gets all flash messages.
FlashBag::peek() — Method in class FlashBag
Gets flash messages for a given type.
FlashBag::peekAll() — Method in class FlashBag
Gets all flash messages.
FlashBagInterface::peek() — Method in class FlashBagInterface
Gets flash messages for a given type.
FlashBagInterface::peekAll() — Method in class FlashBagInterface
Gets all flash messages.
SessionUtils::popSessionCookie() — Method in class SessionUtils
Finds the session header amongst the headers that are to be sent, removes it, and returns it so the caller can process it further.
PdoSessionHandlerClass in namespace Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Session\Storage\Handler
Session handler using a PDO connection to read and write data.
PhpBridgeSessionStorageClass in namespace Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Session\Storage
Allows session to be started by PHP and managed by Symfony.
$Bundle#pathProperty in class Bundle
Psr6CacheClearerClass in namespace Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\CacheClearer
RequestDataCollector::parseController() — Method in class RequestDataCollector
Parse a controller.
TraceableEventDispatcher::preDispatch() — Method in class TraceableEventDispatcher
Called before dispatching the event.
TraceableEventDispatcher::postDispatch() — Method in class TraceableEventDispatcher
Called after dispatching the event.
AddAnnotatedClassesToCachePass::process() — Method in class AddAnnotatedClassesToCachePass
You can modify the container here before it is dumped to PHP code.
ControllerArgumentValueResolverPass::process() — Method in class ControllerArgumentValueResolverPass
You can modify the container here before it is dumped to PHP code.
FragmentRendererPass::process() — Method in class FragmentRendererPass
You can modify the container here before it is dumped to PHP code.
LoggerPass::process() — Method in class LoggerPass
You can modify the container here before it is dumped to PHP code.
MergeExtensionConfigurationPass::process() — Method in class MergeExtensionConfigurationPass
You can modify the container here before it is dumped to PHP code.
RegisterControllerArgumentLocatorsPass::process() — Method in class RegisterControllerArgumentLocatorsPass
You can modify the container here before it is dumped to PHP code.
RemoveEmptyControllerArgumentLocatorsPass::process() — Method in class RemoveEmptyControllerArgumentLocatorsPass
You can modify the container here before it is dumped to PHP code.
ResettableServicePass::process() — Method in class ResettableServicePass
You can modify the container here before it is dumped to PHP code.
ProfilerListenerClass in namespace Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\EventListener
ProfilerListener collects data for the current request by listening to the kernel events.
$ProfilerListener#profilerProperty in class ProfilerListener
$ProfilerListener#profilesProperty in class ProfilerListener
$ProfilerListener#parentsProperty in class ProfilerListener
PostResponseEventClass in namespace Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Event
Allows to execute logic after a response was sent.
PreconditionFailedHttpExceptionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Exception
PreconditionRequiredHttpExceptionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Exception
$AbstractSurrogate#phpEscapeMapProperty in class AbstractSurrogate
Esi::process() — Method in class Esi
Replaces a Response Surrogate tags with the included resource content.
HttpCache::pass() — Method in class HttpCache
Forwards the Request to the backend without storing the Response in the cache.
HttpCache::processResponseBody() — Method in class HttpCache
Ssi::process() — Method in class Ssi
Replaces a Response Surrogate tags with the included resource content.
Store::purge() — Method in class Store
Purges data for the given URL.
StoreInterface::purge() — Method in class StoreInterface
Purges data for the given URL.
SurrogateInterface::process() — Method in class SurrogateInterface
Replaces a Response Surrogate tags with the included resource content.
Kernel::prepareContainer() — Method in class Kernel
Prepares the ContainerBuilder before it is compiled.
FileProfilerStorage::purge() — Method in class FileProfilerStorage
Purges all data from the database.
ProfileClass in namespace Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Profiler
ProfilerClass in namespace Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Profiler
Profiler::purge() — Method in class Profiler
Purges all data from the storage.
ProfilerStorageInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Profiler
ProfilerStorageInterface::purge() — Method in class ProfilerStorageInterface
Purges all data from the database.
PhpBundleReaderClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Intl\Data\Bundle\Reader
Reads .php resource bundles.
PhpBundleWriterClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Intl\Data\Bundle\Writer
Writes .php resource bundles.
AbstractDataGenerator::preGenerate() — Method in class AbstractDataGenerator
CurrencyDataGenerator::preGenerate() — Method in class CurrencyDataGenerator
LanguageDataGenerator::preGenerate() — Method in class LanguageDataGenerator
RegionDataGenerator::preGenerate() — Method in class RegionDataGenerator
ScriptDataGenerator::preGenerate() — Method in class ScriptDataGenerator
FullTransformer::parse() — Method in class FullTransformer
Parse a pattern based string to a timestamp value.
Transformer::padLeft() — Method in class Transformer
Pad a string with zeros to the left.
IntlDateFormatter::parse() — Method in class IntlDateFormatter
Parse string to a timestamp value.
Locale::parseLocale() — Method in class Locale
Not supported. Returns an associative array of locale identifier subtags.
NumberFormatter::parseCurrency() — Method in class NumberFormatter
Not supported. Parse a currency number.
NumberFormatter::parse() — Method in class NumberFormatter
Parse a number.
StoreInterface::putOffExpiration() — Method in class StoreInterface
Extends the ttl of a resource.
CombinedStore::putOffExpiration() — Method in class CombinedStore
Extends the ttl of a resource.
FlockStore::putOffExpiration() — Method in class FlockStore
Extends the ttl of a resource.
MemcachedStore::putOffExpiration() — Method in class MemcachedStore
Extends the ttl of a resource.
PdoStoreClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Lock\Store
PdoStore is a StoreInterface implementation using a PDO connection.
PdoStore::putOffExpiration() — Method in class PdoStore
Extends the ttl of a resource.
RedisStore::putOffExpiration() — Method in class RedisStore
Extends the ttl of a resource.
RetryTillSaveStore::putOffExpiration() — Method in class RetryTillSaveStore
Extends the ttl of a resource.
SemaphoreStore::putOffExpiration() — Method in class SemaphoreStore
Extends the ttl of a resource.
ZookeeperStore::putOffExpiration() — Method in class ZookeeperStore
Extends the ttl of a resource.
MessengerPass::process() — Method in class MessengerPass
You can modify the container here before it is dumped to PHP code.
Connection::publish() — Method in class Connection
ProcessFailedExceptionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Process\Exception
Exception for failed processes.
ProcessSignaledExceptionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Process\Exception
Exception that is thrown when a process has been signaled.
ProcessTimedOutExceptionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Process\Exception
Exception that is thrown when a process times out.
PhpExecutableFinderClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Process
An executable finder specifically designed for the PHP executable.
PhpProcessClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Process
PhpProcess runs a PHP script in an independent process.
$AbstractPipes#pipesProperty in class AbstractPipes
PipesInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Process\Pipes
PipesInterface manages descriptors and pipes for the use of proc_open.
ProcessClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Process
Process is a thin wrapper around proc_* functions to easily start independent PHP processes.
ProcessUtilsClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Process
ProcessUtils is a bunch of utility methods.
PropertyAccessClass in namespace Symfony\Component\PropertyAccess
Entry point of the PropertyAccess component.
PropertyAccessorClass in namespace Symfony\Component\PropertyAccess
Default implementation of {@link PropertyAccessorInterface}.
PropertyAccessorBuilderClass in namespace Symfony\Component\PropertyAccess
A configurable builder to create a PropertyAccessor.
PropertyAccessorInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\PropertyAccess
Writes and reads values to/from an object/array graph.
PropertyPathClass in namespace Symfony\Component\PropertyAccess
Default implementation of {@link PropertyPathInterface}.
PropertyPathBuilderClass in namespace Symfony\Component\PropertyAccess
PropertyPathInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\PropertyAccess
A sequence of property names or array indices.
PropertyPathIteratorClass in namespace Symfony\Component\PropertyAccess
Traverses a property path and provides additional methods to find out information about the current element.
$PropertyPathIterator#pathProperty in class PropertyPathIterator
PropertyPathIteratorInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\PropertyAccess
PropertyInfoPassClass in namespace Symfony\Component\PropertyInfo\DependencyInjection
Adds extractors to the property_info service.
PropertyInfoPass::process() — Method in class PropertyInfoPass
You can modify the container here before it is dumped to PHP code.
PhpDocExtractorClass in namespace Symfony\Component\PropertyInfo\Extractor
Extracts data using a PHPDoc parser.
PropertyAccessExtractorInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\PropertyInfo
Guesses if the property can be accessed or mutated.
PropertyDescriptionExtractorInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\PropertyInfo
Guesses the property's human readable description.
PropertyInfoCacheExtractorClass in namespace Symfony\Component\PropertyInfo
Adds a PSR-6 cache layer on top of an extractor.
PropertyInfoExtractorClass in namespace Symfony\Component\PropertyInfo
Default {see PropertyInfoExtractorInterface} implementation.
PropertyInfoExtractorInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\PropertyInfo
Gets info about PHP class properties.
PropertyInitializableExtractorInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\PropertyInfo
Guesses if the property can be initialized through the constructor.
PropertyListExtractorInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\PropertyInfo
Extracts the list of properties available for the given class.
PropertyTypeExtractorInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\PropertyInfo
Type Extractor Interface.
PhpDocTypeHelperClass in namespace Symfony\Component\PropertyInfo\Util
Transforms a php doc type to a {@link Type} instance.
RoutingResolverPass::process() — Method in class RoutingResolverPass
You can modify the container here before it is dumped to PHP code.
PhpGeneratorDumperClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Routing\Generator\Dumper
PhpGeneratorDumper creates a PHP class able to generate URLs for a given set of routes.
CollectionConfigurator::prefix() — Method in class CollectionConfigurator
Sets the prefix to add to the path of all child routes.
ImportConfigurator::prefix() — Method in class ImportConfigurator
Sets the prefix to add to the path of all child routes.
PhpFileLoaderClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Routing\Loader
PhpFileLoader loads routes from a PHP file.
ProtectedPhpFileLoaderClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Routing\Loader
XmlFileLoader::parseNode() — Method in class XmlFileLoader
Parses a node from a loaded XML file.
XmlFileLoader::parseRoute() — Method in class XmlFileLoader
Parses a route and adds it to the RouteCollection.
XmlFileLoader::parseImport() — Method in class XmlFileLoader
Parses an import and adds the routes in the resource to the RouteCollection.
YamlFileLoader::parseRoute() — Method in class YamlFileLoader
Parses a route and adds it to the RouteCollection.
YamlFileLoader::parseImport() — Method in class YamlFileLoader
Parses an import and adds the routes in the resource to the RouteCollection.
PhpMatcherDumperClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Routing\Matcher\Dumper
PhpMatcherDumper creates a PHP class able to match URLs for a given set of routes.
PhpMatcherTraitClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Routing\Matcher\Dumper
StaticPrefixCollection::populateCollection() — Method in class StaticPrefixCollection
Linearizes back a set of nested routes into a collection.
PreAuthenticatedAuthenticationProviderClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Authentication\Provider
Processes a pre-authenticated authentication request.
PersistentTokenClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Authentication\RememberMe
PersistentTokenInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Authentication\RememberMe
Interface to be implemented by persistent token classes (such as Doctrine entities representing a remember-me token).
PreAuthenticatedTokenClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Authentication\Token
PreAuthenticatedToken implements a pre-authenticated token.
PasswordEncoderInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Encoder
PasswordEncoderInterface is the interface for all encoders.
Pbkdf2PasswordEncoderClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Encoder
Pbkdf2PasswordEncoder uses the PBKDF2 (Password-Based Key Derivation Function 2).
PlaintextPasswordEncoderClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Encoder
PlaintextPasswordEncoder does not do any encoding.
ProviderNotFoundExceptionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Exception
ProviderNotFoundException is thrown when no AuthenticationProviderInterface instance supports an authentication Token.
PostAuthenticationGuardTokenClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Security\Guard\Token
Used as an "authenticated" token, though it could be set to not-authenticated later.
PreAuthenticationGuardTokenClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Security\Guard\Token
The token used by the guard auth system before authentication.
$DefaultAuthenticationSuccessHandler#providerKeyProperty in class DefaultAuthenticationSuccessHandler
$AbstractAuthenticationListener#providerKeyProperty in class AbstractAuthenticationListener
ParameterBagUtilsClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Security\Http
AbstractRememberMeServices::processAutoLoginCookie() — Method in class AbstractRememberMeServices
Subclasses should validate the cookie and do any additional processing that is required. This is called from autoLogin().
PersistentTokenBasedRememberMeServicesClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Security\Http\RememberMe
Concrete implementation of the RememberMeServicesInterface which needs an implementation of TokenProviderInterface for providing remember-me capabilities.
PersistentTokenBasedRememberMeServices::processAutoLoginCookie() — Method in class PersistentTokenBasedRememberMeServices
Subclasses should validate the cookie and do any additional processing that is required. This is called from autoLogin().
TokenBasedRememberMeServices::processAutoLoginCookie() — Method in class TokenBasedRememberMeServices
Subclasses should validate the cookie and do any additional processing that is required. This is called from autoLogin().
SerializerPass::process() — Method in class SerializerPass
You can modify the container here before it is dumped to PHP code.
AbstractNormalizer::prepareForDenormalization() — Method in class AbstractNormalizer
Normalizes the given data to an array. It's particularly useful during the denormalization process.
$ObjectNormalizer#propertyAccessorProperty in class ObjectNormalizer
PropertyNormalizerClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Serializer\Normalizer
Converts between objects and arrays by mapping properties.
PhpEngineClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Templating
PhpEngine is an engine able to render PHP templates.
$PhpEngine#parentsProperty in class PhpEngine
$PhpEngine#parserProperty in class PhpEngine
TemplateNameParser::parse() — Method in class TemplateNameParser
Convert a template name to a TemplateReferenceInterface instance.
TemplateNameParserInterface::parse() — Method in class TemplateNameParserInterface
Convert a template name to a TemplateReferenceInterface instance.
$TemplateReference#parametersProperty in class TemplateReference
AbstractOperation::processDomain() — Method in class AbstractOperation
Performs operation on source and target catalogues for the given domain and stores the results.
MergeOperation::processDomain() — Method in class MergeOperation
Performs operation on source and target catalogues for the given domain and stores the results.
TargetOperation::processDomain() — Method in class TargetOperation
Performs operation on source and target catalogues for the given domain and stores the results.
TranslationDumperPass::process() — Method in class TranslationDumperPass
You can modify the container here before it is dumped to PHP code.
TranslationExtractorPass::process() — Method in class TranslationExtractorPass
You can modify the container here before it is dumped to PHP code.
TranslatorPass::process() — Method in class TranslatorPass
You can modify the container here before it is dumped to PHP code.
PhpFileDumperClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Translation\Dumper
PhpFileDumper generates PHP files from a message catalogue.
PoFileDumperClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Translation\Dumper
PoFileDumper generates a gettext formatted string representation of a message catalogue.
PhpExtractorClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Translation\Extractor
PhpExtractor extracts translation messages from a PHP template.
PhpExtractor::parseTokens() — Method in class PhpExtractor
Extracts trans message from PHP tokens.
PhpStringTokenParserClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Translation\Extractor
PhpStringTokenParser::parse() — Method in class PhpStringTokenParser
Parses a string token.
PhpStringTokenParser::parseEscapeSequences() — Method in class PhpStringTokenParser
Parses escape sequences in strings (all string types apart from single quoted).
PhpStringTokenParser::parseDocString() — Method in class PhpStringTokenParser
Parses a constant doc string.
PhpFileLoaderClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Translation\Loader
PhpFileLoader loads translations from PHP files returning an array of translations.
PoFileLoaderClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Translation\Loader
PluralizationRulesClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Translation
Returns the plural rules for a given locale.
$Constraint#payloadProperty in class Constraint
Domain-specific data attached to a constraint.
$AbstractComparison#propertyPathProperty in class AbstractComparison
$Regex#patternProperty in class Regex
$Url#protocolsProperty in class Url
AddConstraintValidatorsPass::process() — Method in class AddConstraintValidatorsPass
You can modify the container here before it is dumped to PHP code.
AddValidatorInitializersPass::process() — Method in class AddValidatorInitializersPass
You can modify the container here before it is dumped to PHP code.
Psr6CacheClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Validator\Mapping\Cache
PSR-6 adapter.
$ClassMetadata#propertiesProperty in class ClassMetadata
XmlFileLoader::parseConstraints() — Method in class XmlFileLoader
Parses a collection of "constraint" XML nodes.
XmlFileLoader::parseValues() — Method in class XmlFileLoader
Parses a collection of "value" XML nodes.
XmlFileLoader::parseOptions() — Method in class XmlFileLoader
Parses a collection of "option" XML nodes.
XmlFileLoader::parseFile() — Method in class XmlFileLoader
Loads the XML class descriptions from the given file.
YamlFileLoader::parseNodes() — Method in class YamlFileLoader
Parses a collection of YAML nodes.
$MemberMetadata#propertyProperty in class MemberMetadata
PropertyMetadataClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Validator\Mapping
Stores all metadata needed for validating a class property.
PropertyMetadataInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Validator\Mapping
Stores all metadata needed for validating the value of a class property.
$ConstraintValidatorTestCase#propertyPathProperty in class ConstraintValidatorTestCase
PropertyPathClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Validator\Util
Contains utility methods for dealing with property paths.
$CutArrayStub#preservedSubsetProperty in class CutArrayStub
PdoCasterClass in namespace Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Caster
Casts PDO related classes to array representation.
PgSqlCasterClass in namespace Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Caster
Casts pqsql resources to array representation.
ProxyManagerCasterClass in namespace Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Caster
$Stub#positionProperty in class Stub
Exporter::prepare() — Method in class Exporter
Prepares an array of values for VarExporter.
$Hydrator#propertiesProperty in class Hydrator
$Registry#prototypesProperty in class Registry
Registry::p() — Method in class Registry
ValidateWorkflowsPass::process() — Method in class ValidateWorkflowsPass
You can modify the container here before it is dumped to PHP code.
PlantUmlDumperClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Workflow\Dumper
PlantUmlDumper dumps a workflow as a PlantUML file.
ParseExceptionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Yaml\Exception
Exception class thrown when an error occurs during parsing.
$Inline#parsedLineNumberProperty in class Inline
$Inline#parsedFilenameProperty in class Inline
Inline::parse() — Method in class Inline
Converts a YAML string to a PHP value.
Inline::parseScalar() — Method in class Inline
Parses a YAML scalar.
ParserClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Yaml
Parser parses YAML strings to convert them to PHP arrays.
Parser::parseFile() — Method in class Parser
Parses a YAML file into a PHP value.
Parser::parse() — Method in class Parser
Parses a YAML string to a PHP value.
Parser::preg_match() — Method in class Parser
A local wrapper for "preg_match" which will throw a ParseException if there is an internal error in the PCRE engine.
Yaml::parseFile() — Method in class Yaml
Parses a YAML file into a PHP value.
Yaml::parse() — Method in class Yaml
Parses YAML into a PHP value.


QuestionHelperClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Console\Helper
The QuestionHelper class provides helpers to interact with the user.
QuestionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Console\Question
Represents a Question.
HeaderUtils::quote() — Method in class HeaderUtils
Encodes a string as a quoted string, if necessary.
$Request#queryProperty in class Request
Query string parameters ($_GET).
$ControllerReference#queryProperty in class ControllerReference
QuarterTransformerClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Intl\DateFormatter\DateFormat
Parser and formatter for quarter format.
$AbstractQuery#queryProperty in class AbstractQuery
QueryClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Ldap\Adapter\ExtLdap
QueryInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Ldap\Adapter
Ldap::query() — Method in class Ldap
Queries a ldap server for entries matching the given criteria.
LdapInterface::query() — Method in class LdapInterface
Queries a ldap server for entries matching the given criteria.
Connection::queue() — Method in class Connection
QtFileDumperClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Translation\Dumper
QtFileDumper generates ts files from a message catalogue.
QtFileLoaderClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Translation\Loader
QtFileLoader loads translations from QT Translations XML files.


ContainerAwareEventManager::removeEventListener() — Method in class ContainerAwareEventManager
Removes an event listener from the specified events.
DoctrineDataCollector::reset() — Method in class DoctrineDataCollector
AbstractDoctrineExtension::registerMappingDrivers() — Method in class AbstractDoctrineExtension
Register all the collected mapping information with the object manager by registering the appropriate mapping drivers.
RegisterEventListenersAndSubscribersPassClass in namespace Symfony\Bridge\Doctrine\DependencyInjection\CompilerPass
Registers event listeners and subscribers to the available doctrine connections.
RegisterMappingsPassClass in namespace Symfony\Bridge\Doctrine\DependencyInjection\CompilerPass
Base class for the doctrine bundles to provide a compiler pass class that helps to register doctrine mappings.
CollectionToArrayTransformer::reverseTransform() — Method in class CollectionToArrayTransformer
Transforms choice keys into entities.
$DoctrineOrmExtension#registryProperty in class DoctrineOrmExtension
$DoctrineOrmTypeGuesser#registryProperty in class DoctrineOrmTypeGuesser
$DoctrineType#registryProperty in class DoctrineType
DoctrineType::reset() — Method in class DoctrineType
ManagerRegistry::resetService() — Method in class ManagerRegistry
RegistryInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Bridge\Doctrine
References Doctrine connections and entity managers.
RegistryInterface::resetEntityManager() — Method in class RegistryInterface
Resets a named entity manager.
EntityUserProvider::refreshUser() — Method in class EntityUserProvider
Refreshes the user.
$UniqueEntity#repositoryMethodProperty in class UniqueEntity
$DoctrineInitializer#registryProperty in class DoctrineInitializer
Logger::reset() — Method in class Logger
DebugProcessor::reset() — Method in class DebugProcessor
ClockMock::register() — Method in class ClockMock
DeprecationErrorHandler::register() — Method in class DeprecationErrorHandler
Registers and configures the deprecation handler.
DnsMock::register() — Method in class DnsMock
RuntimeInstantiatorClass in namespace Symfony\Bridge\ProxyManager\LazyProxy\Instantiator
Runtime lazy loading proxy generator.
TwigDataCollector::reset() — Method in class TwigDataCollector
HttpKernelRuntime::renderFragment() — Method in class HttpKernelRuntime
Renders a fragment.
HttpKernelRuntime::renderFragmentStrategy() — Method in class HttpKernelRuntime
Renders a fragment.
RoutingExtensionClass in namespace Symfony\Bridge\Twig\Extension
Provides integration of the Routing component with Twig.
TwigRendererEngine::renderBlock() — Method in class TwigRendererEngine
Renders a block in the given renderer resource.
RenderBlockNodeClass in namespace Symfony\Bridge\Twig\Node
Compiles a call to {@link \Symfony\Component\Form\FormRendererInterface::renderBlock()}.
TwigEngine::render() — Method in class TwigEngine
Renders a template.
DebugBundle::registerCommands() — Method in class DebugBundle
RouterCacheWarmerClass in namespace Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\CacheWarmer
Generates the router matcher and generator classes.
RouterDebugCommandClass in namespace Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Command
A console command for retrieving information about routes.
RouterMatchCommandClass in namespace Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Command
A console command to test route matching.
Application::registerCommands() — Method in class Application
Descriptor::resolveServiceDefinition() — Method in class Descriptor
ControllerTrait::redirect() — Method in class ControllerTrait
Returns a RedirectResponse to the given URL.
ControllerTrait::redirectToRoute() — Method in class ControllerTrait
Returns a RedirectResponse to the given route with the given parameters.
ControllerTrait::renderView() — Method in class ControllerTrait
Returns a rendered view.
ControllerTrait::render() — Method in class ControllerTrait
Renders a view.
RedirectControllerClass in namespace Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller
Redirects a request to another URL.
RedirectController::redirectAction() — Method in class RedirectController
Redirects to another route with the given name.
RequestDataCollectorClass in namespace Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\DataCollector
RouterDataCollectorClass in namespace Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\DataCollector
ResolveControllerNameSubscriberClass in namespace Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\EventListener
Guarantees that the _controller key is parsed into its final format.
MicroKernelTrait::registerContainerConfiguration() — Method in class MicroKernelTrait
RedirectableUrlMatcherClass in namespace Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Routing
RedirectableUrlMatcher::redirect() — Method in class RedirectableUrlMatcher
Redirects the user to another URL.
RouterClass in namespace Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Routing
This Router creates the Loader only when the cache is empty.
DelegatingEngine::renderResponse() — Method in class DelegatingEngine
Renders a view and returns a Response.
EngineInterface::renderResponse() — Method in class EngineInterface
Renders a view and returns a Response.
ActionsHelper::render() — Method in class ActionsHelper
Returns the fragment content for a given URI.
$CodeHelper#rootDirProperty in class CodeHelper
FormHelper::row() — Method in class FormHelper
Renders the entire form field "row".
FormHelper::rest() — Method in class FormHelper
Renders views which have not already been rendered.
RequestHelperClass in namespace Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Templating\Helper
RequestHelper provides access to the current request parameters.
$RequestHelper#requestStackProperty in class RequestHelper
RouterHelperClass in namespace Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Templating\Helper
RouterHelper manages links between pages in a template context.
$SessionHelper#requestStackProperty in class SessionHelper
PhpEngine::renderResponse() — Method in class PhpEngine
Renders a view and returns a Response.
TimedPhpEngine::render() — Method in class TimedPhpEngine
Renders a template.
TestContainer::reset() — Method in class TestContainer
Resets shared services from the container.
SecurityDataCollector::reset() — Method in class SecurityDataCollector
RegisterCsrfTokenClearingLogoutHandlerPassClass in namespace Symfony\Bundle\SecurityBundle\DependencyInjection\Compiler
RememberMeFactoryClass in namespace Symfony\Bundle\SecurityBundle\DependencyInjection\Security\Factory
RemoteUserFactoryClass in namespace Symfony\Bundle\SecurityBundle\DependencyInjection\Security\Factory
RemoteUserFactory creates services for REMOTE_USER based authentication.
SecurityUserValueResolver::resolve() — Method in class SecurityUserValueResolver
Returns the possible value(s).
RuntimeLoaderPassClass in namespace Symfony\Bundle\TwigBundle\DependencyInjection\Compiler
Registers Twig runtime services.
TwigBundle::registerCommands() — Method in class TwigBundle
TwigEngine::render() — Method in class TwigEngine
Renders a template.
TwigEngine::renderResponse() — Method in class TwigEngine
Renders a view and returns a Response.
RouterControllerClass in namespace Symfony\Bundle\WebProfilerBundle\Controller
WebServer::run() — Method in class WebServer
RequestStackContextClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Asset\Context
Uses a RequestStack to populate the context.
$Client#requestProperty in class Client
$Client#responseProperty in class Client
$Client#redirectProperty in class Client
Client::request() — Method in class Client
Calls a URI.
Client::reload() — Method in class Client
Reloads the current browser.
Client::restart() — Method in class Client
Restarts the client.
Client::requestFromRequest() — Method in class Client
Makes a request from a Request object directly.
$Cookie#rawValueProperty in class Cookie
RequestClass in namespace Symfony\Component\BrowserKit
ResponseClass in namespace Symfony\Component\BrowserKit
ChainAdapter::reset() — Method in class ChainAdapter
RedisAdapterClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Cache\Adapter
TraceableAdapter::reset() — Method in class TraceableAdapter
$TraceableAdapterEvent#resultProperty in class TraceableAdapterEvent
CacheDataCollector::reset() — Method in class CacheDataCollector
DoctrineProvider::reset() — Method in class DoctrineProvider
ResettableInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Cache
Resets a pool's local state.
ChainCache::reset() — Method in class ChainCache
RedisCacheClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Cache\Simple
TraceableCache::reset() — Method in class TraceableCache
$TraceableCacheEvent#resultProperty in class TraceableCacheEvent
AbstractTrait::reset() — Method in class AbstractTrait
ArrayTrait::reset() — Method in class ArrayTrait
DoctrineTrait::reset() — Method in class DoctrineTrait
ProxyTrait::reset() — Method in class ProxyTrait
RedisClusterProxyClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Cache\Traits
RedisProxyClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Cache\Traits
RedisTraitClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Cache\Traits
$ArrayNode#removeExtraKeysProperty in class ArrayNode
ArrayNode::remapXml() — Method in class ArrayNode
Remaps multiple singular values to a single plural value.
$BaseNode#requiredProperty in class BaseNode
BaseNode::resetPlaceholders() — Method in class BaseNode
Resets all current placeholders available.
BaseNode::removeAttribute() — Method in class BaseNode
$ArrayNodeDefinition#removeExtraKeysProperty in class ArrayNodeDefinition
$ArrayNodeDefinition#removeKeyItemProperty in class ArrayNodeDefinition
ArrayNodeDefinition::requiresAtLeastOneElement() — Method in class ArrayNodeDefinition
Requires the node to have at least one element.
$NodeDefinition#requiredProperty in class NodeDefinition
$NormalizationBuilder#remappingsProperty in class NormalizationBuilder
NormalizationBuilder::remap() — Method in class NormalizationBuilder
Registers a key to remap to its plural form.
$TreeBuilder#rootProperty in class TreeBuilder
TreeBuilder::root() — Method in class TreeBuilder
Creates the root node.
$ValidationBuilder#rulesProperty in class ValidationBuilder
ValidationBuilder::rule() — Method in class ValidationBuilder
Registers a closure to run as normalization or an expression builder to build it if null is provided.
$PrototypedArrayNode#removeKeyAttributeProperty in class PrototypedArrayNode
$Loader#resolverProperty in class Loader
Loader::resolve() — Method in class Loader
Finds a loader able to load an imported resource.
LoaderResolver::resolve() — Method in class LoaderResolver
Returns a loader able to load the resource.
LoaderResolverInterface::resolve() — Method in class LoaderResolverInterface
Returns a loader able to load the resource.
ResourceCheckerConfigCacheClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Config
ResourceCheckerConfigCache uses instances of ResourceCheckerInterface to check whether cached data is still fresh.
ResourceCheckerConfigCacheFactoryClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Config
A ConfigCacheFactory implementation that validates the cache with an arbitrary set of ResourceCheckers.
ResourceCheckerInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Config
Interface for ResourceCheckers.
ReflectionClassResourceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Config\Resource
ResourceInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Config\Resource
ResourceInterface is the interface that must be implemented by all Resource classes.
Application::run() — Method in class Application
Runs the current application.
Application::register() — Method in class Application
Registers a new command.
Application::renderException() — Method in class Application
Renders a caught exception.
Command::run() — Method in class Command
Runs the command.
RuntimeExceptionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Console\Exception
OutputFormatterStyleStack::reset() — Method in class OutputFormatterStyleStack
Resets stack (ie. empty internal arrays).
DescriptorHelper::register() — Method in class DescriptorHelper
Registers a descriptor.
Helper::removeDecoration() — Method in class Helper
ProcessHelper::run() — Method in class ProcessHelper
Runs an external process.
Table::render() — Method in class Table
Renders table to output.
ApplicationTester::run() — Method in class ApplicationTester
Executes the application.
ReaderClass in namespace Symfony\Component\CssSelector\Parser
CSS selector reader.
Translator::registerExtension() — Method in class Translator
Translator::registerParserShortcut() — Method in class Translator
ErrorHandler::register() — Method in class ErrorHandler
Registers the error handler.
ExceptionHandler::register() — Method in class ExceptionHandler
Registers the exception handler.
ReferenceSetArgumentTraitClass in namespace Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Argument
RewindableGeneratorClass in namespace Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Argument
ChildDefinition::replaceArgument() — Method in class ChildDefinition
You should always use this method when overwriting existing arguments of the parent definition.
MergeExtensionConfigurationContainerBuilder::registerExtension() — Method in class MergeExtensionConfigurationContainerBuilder
MergeExtensionConfigurationContainerBuilder::resolveEnvPlaceholders() — Method in class MergeExtensionConfigurationContainerBuilder
Resolves env parameter placeholders in a string or an array.
RegisterEnvVarProcessorsPassClass in namespace Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Compiler
Creates the container.env_var_processors_locator service.
RegisterServiceSubscribersPassClass in namespace Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Compiler
Compiler pass to register tagged services that require a service locator.
RemoveAbstractDefinitionsPassClass in namespace Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Compiler
Removes abstract Definitions.
RemovePrivateAliasesPassClass in namespace Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Compiler
Remove private aliases from the container. They were only used to establish dependencies between services, and these dependencies have been resolved in one of the previous passes.
RemoveUnusedDefinitionsPassClass in namespace Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Compiler
Removes unused service definitions from the container.
RepeatablePassInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Compiler
Interface that must be implemented by passes that are run as part of an RepeatedPass.
RepeatedPassClass in namespace Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Compiler
A pass that might be run repeatedly.
ReplaceAliasByActualDefinitionPassClass in namespace Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Compiler
Replaces aliases with actual service definitions, effectively removing these aliases.
ResolveBindingsPassClass in namespace Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Compiler
ResolveChildDefinitionsPassClass in namespace Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Compiler
This replaces all ChildDefinition instances with their equivalent fully merged Definition instance.
ResolveClassPassClass in namespace Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Compiler
ResolveEnvPlaceholdersPassClass in namespace Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Compiler
Replaces env var placeholders by their current values.
ResolveFactoryClassPassClass in namespace Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Compiler
ResolveHotPathPassClass in namespace Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Compiler
Propagate "container.hot_path" tags to referenced services.
ResolveInstanceofConditionalsPassClass in namespace Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Compiler
Applies instanceof conditionals to definitions.
ResolveInvalidReferencesPassClass in namespace Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Compiler
Emulates the invalid behavior if the reference is not found within the container.
ResolveNamedArgumentsPassClass in namespace Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Compiler
Resolves named arguments to their corresponding numeric index.
ResolveParameterPlaceHoldersPassClass in namespace Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Compiler
Resolves all parameter placeholders "%somevalue%" to their real values.
ResolvePrivatesPassClass in namespace Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Compiler
ResolveReferencesToAliasesPassClass in namespace Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Compiler
Replaces all references to aliases with references to the actual service.
ResolveServiceSubscribersPassClass in namespace Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Compiler
Compiler pass to inject their service locator to service subscribers.
ResolveTaggedIteratorArgumentPassClass in namespace Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Compiler
Resolves all TaggedIteratorArgument arguments.
ServiceLocatorTagPass::register() — Method in class ServiceLocatorTagPass
$Container#resolvingProperty in class Container
Container::reset() — Method in class Container
Resets shared services from the container.
ContainerBuilder::registerExtension() — Method in class ContainerBuilder
ContainerBuilder::removeDefinition() — Method in class ContainerBuilder
Removes a service definition.
ContainerBuilder::removeAlias() — Method in class ContainerBuilder
Removes an alias.
ContainerBuilder::register() — Method in class ContainerBuilder
Registers a service definition.
ContainerBuilder::resolveServices() — Method in class ContainerBuilder
Replaces service references by the real service instance and evaluates expressions.
ContainerBuilder::registerForAutoconfiguration() — Method in class ContainerBuilder
Returns a ChildDefinition that will be used for autoconfiguring the interface/class.
ContainerBuilder::registerAliasForArgument() — Method in class ContainerBuilder
Registers an autowiring alias that only binds to a specific argument name.
ContainerBuilder::resolveEnvPlaceholders() — Method in class ContainerBuilder
Resolves env parameter placeholders in a string or an array.
Definition::replaceArgument() — Method in class Definition
Replaces a specific argument.
Definition::removeMethodCall() — Method in class Definition
Removes a method to call after service initialization.
RuntimeExceptionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Exception
Base RuntimeException for Dependency Injection component.
RealServiceInstantiatorClass in namespace Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\LazyProxy\Instantiator
ReferenceConfiguratorClass in namespace Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Loader\Configurator
FileLoader::registerClasses() — Method in class FileLoader
Registers a set of classes as services using PSR-4 for discovery.
ContainerBagInterface::resolveValue() — Method in class ContainerBagInterface
Replaces parameter placeholders (%name%) by their values.
EnvPlaceholderParameterBag::resolve() — Method in class EnvPlaceholderParameterBag
Replaces parameter placeholders (%name%) by their values for all parameters.
FrozenParameterBag::remove() — Method in class FrozenParameterBag
Removes a parameter.
$ParameterBag#resolvedProperty in class ParameterBag
ParameterBag::remove() — Method in class ParameterBag
Removes a parameter.
ParameterBag::resolve() — Method in class ParameterBag
Replaces parameter placeholders (%name%) by their values for all parameters.
ParameterBag::resolveValue() — Method in class ParameterBag
Replaces parameter placeholders (%name%) by their values.
ParameterBag::resolveString() — Method in class ParameterBag
Resolves parameters inside a string.
ParameterBagInterface::remove() — Method in class ParameterBagInterface
Removes a parameter.
ParameterBagInterface::resolve() — Method in class ParameterBagInterface
Replaces parameter placeholders (%name%) by their values for all parameters.
ParameterBagInterface::resolveValue() — Method in class ParameterBagInterface
Replaces parameter placeholders (%name%) by their values.
ReferenceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection
Reference represents a service reference.
ResettableContainerInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection
ResettableContainerInterface defines additional resetting functionality for containers, allowing to release shared services when the container is not needed anymore.
ResettableContainerInterface::reset() — Method in class ResettableContainerInterface
Resets shared services from the container.
Crawler::reduce() — Method in class Crawler
Reduces the list of nodes by calling an anonymous function.
Crawler::registerNamespace() — Method in class Crawler
Form::remove() — Method in class Form
Removes a field from the form.
FormFieldRegistry::remove() — Method in class FormFieldRegistry
Removes a field and its children from the registry.
TraceableEventDispatcher::removeListener() — Method in class TraceableEventDispatcher
Removes an event listener from the specified events.
TraceableEventDispatcher::removeSubscriber() — Method in class TraceableEventDispatcher
TraceableEventDispatcher::reset() — Method in class TraceableEventDispatcher
RegisterListenersPassClass in namespace Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\DependencyInjection
Compiler pass to register tagged services for an event dispatcher.
EventDispatcher::removeListener() — Method in class EventDispatcher
Removes an event listener from the specified events.
EventDispatcher::removeSubscriber() — Method in class EventDispatcher
EventDispatcherInterface::removeListener() — Method in class EventDispatcherInterface
Removes an event listener from the specified events.
EventDispatcherInterface::removeSubscriber() — Method in class EventDispatcherInterface
ImmutableEventDispatcher::removeListener() — Method in class ImmutableEventDispatcher
Removes an event listener from the specified events.
ImmutableEventDispatcher::removeSubscriber() — Method in class ImmutableEventDispatcher
Compiler::reset() — Method in class Compiler
Compiler::raw() — Method in class Compiler
Adds a raw string to the compiled code.
Compiler::repr() — Method in class Compiler
Returns a PHP representation of a given value.
ExpressionLanguage::register() — Method in class ExpressionLanguage
Registers a function.
ExpressionLanguage::registerProvider() — Method in class ExpressionLanguage
ExpressionLanguage::registerFunctions() — Method in class ExpressionLanguage
Filesystem::remove() — Method in class Filesystem
Removes files or directories.
Filesystem::rename() — Method in class Filesystem
Renames a file or a directory.
Filesystem::readlink() — Method in class Filesystem
Resolves links in paths.
Finder::reverseSorting() — Method in class Finder
Reverses the sorting.
RecursiveDirectoryIteratorClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Finder\Iterator
Extends the \RecursiveDirectoryIterator to support relative paths.
RecursiveDirectoryIterator::rewind() — Method in class RecursiveDirectoryIterator
Do nothing for non rewindable stream.
$AbstractRendererEngine#resourcesProperty in class AbstractRendererEngine
Button::remove() — Method in class Button
Removes a child from the form.
ButtonBuilder::remove() — Method in class ButtonBuilder
Removes the field with the given name.
ButtonBuilder::resetViewTransformers() — Method in class ButtonBuilder
Clears the view transformers.
ButtonBuilder::resetModelTransformers() — Method in class ButtonBuilder
Clears the normalization transformers.
CallbackTransformer::reverseTransform() — Method in class CallbackTransformer
Transforms a value from the transformed representation to its original representation.
$Descriptor#requiredOptionsProperty in class Descriptor
DataTransformerInterface::reverseTransform() — Method in class DataTransformerInterface
Transforms a value from the transformed representation to its original representation.
RuntimeExceptionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Form\Exception
Base RuntimeException for the Form component.
RadioListMapperClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\DataMapper
Maps choices to/from radio forms.
ArrayToPartsTransformer::reverseTransform() — Method in class ArrayToPartsTransformer
Transforms a value from the transformed representation to its original representation.
BooleanToStringTransformer::reverseTransform() — Method in class BooleanToStringTransformer
Transforms a string into a Boolean.
ChoiceToValueTransformer::reverseTransform() — Method in class ChoiceToValueTransformer
Transforms a value from the transformed representation to its original representation.
ChoicesToValuesTransformer::reverseTransform() — Method in class ChoicesToValuesTransformer
DataTransformerChain::reverseTransform() — Method in class DataTransformerChain
Passes the value through the reverseTransform() method of all nested transformers.
DateIntervalToArrayTransformer::reverseTransform() — Method in class DateIntervalToArrayTransformer
Transforms an interval array into a normalized date interval.
DateIntervalToStringTransformer::reverseTransform() — Method in class DateIntervalToStringTransformer
Transforms a date string in the configured format into a DateInterval object.
DateTimeImmutableToDateTimeTransformer::reverseTransform() — Method in class DateTimeImmutableToDateTimeTransformer
Transforms a DateTime object into a DateTimeImmutable object.
DateTimeToArrayTransformer::reverseTransform() — Method in class DateTimeToArrayTransformer
Transforms a localized date into a normalized date.
DateTimeToHtml5LocalDateTimeTransformer::reverseTransform() — Method in class DateTimeToHtml5LocalDateTimeTransformer
Transforms a local date and time string into a \DateTime.
DateTimeToLocalizedStringTransformer::reverseTransform() — Method in class DateTimeToLocalizedStringTransformer
Transforms a localized date string/array into a normalized date.
DateTimeToRfc3339Transformer::reverseTransform() — Method in class DateTimeToRfc3339Transformer
Transforms a formatted string following RFC 3339 into a normalized date.
DateTimeToStringTransformer::reverseTransform() — Method in class DateTimeToStringTransformer
Transforms a date string in the configured timezone into a DateTime object.
DateTimeToTimestampTransformer::reverseTransform() — Method in class DateTimeToTimestampTransformer
Transforms a timestamp in the configured timezone into a DateTime object.
DateTimeZoneToStringTransformer::reverseTransform() — Method in class DateTimeZoneToStringTransformer
Transforms a value from the transformed representation to its original representation.
IntegerToLocalizedStringTransformer::reverseTransform() — Method in class IntegerToLocalizedStringTransformer
Transforms a localized number into an integer or float.
MoneyToLocalizedStringTransformer::reverseTransform() — Method in class MoneyToLocalizedStringTransformer
Transforms a localized money string into a normalized format.
$NumberToLocalizedStringTransformer#roundingModeProperty in class NumberToLocalizedStringTransformer
NumberToLocalizedStringTransformer::reverseTransform() — Method in class NumberToLocalizedStringTransformer
Transforms a localized number into an integer or float.
PercentToLocalizedStringTransformer::reverseTransform() — Method in class PercentToLocalizedStringTransformer
Transforms between a percentage value into a normalized format (integer or float).
ValueToDuplicatesTransformer::reverseTransform() — Method in class ValueToDuplicatesTransformer
Extracts the duplicated value from an array.
ResizeFormListenerClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\EventListener
Resize a collection form element based on the data sent from the client.
RadioTypeClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type
RangeTypeClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type
RepeatedTypeClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type
ResetTypeClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type
A reset button.
TextType::reverseTransform() — Method in class TextType
Transforms a value from the transformed representation to its original representation.
FormDataCollector::reset() — Method in class FormDataCollector
ResolvedTypeDataCollectorProxyClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\DataCollector\Proxy
Proxy that invokes a data collector when creating a form and its view.
ResolvedTypeFactoryDataCollectorProxyClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\DataCollector\Proxy
Proxy that wraps resolved types into {@link ResolvedTypeDataCollectorProxy} instances.
TemplatingRendererEngine::renderBlock() — Method in class TemplatingRendererEngine
Renders a block in the given renderer resource.
RepeatedTypeValidatorExtensionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Validator\Type
RelativePathClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Validator\ViolationMapper
Form::remove() — Method in class Form
Removes a child from the form.
FormBuilder::remove() — Method in class FormBuilder
Removes the field with the given name.
FormBuilderInterface::remove() — Method in class FormBuilderInterface
Removes the field with the given name.
FormConfigBuilder::resetViewTransformers() — Method in class FormConfigBuilder
Clears the view transformers.
FormConfigBuilder::resetModelTransformers() — Method in class FormConfigBuilder
Clears the normalization transformers.
FormConfigBuilderInterface::resetViewTransformers() — Method in class FormConfigBuilderInterface
Clears the view transformers.
FormConfigBuilderInterface::resetModelTransformers() — Method in class FormConfigBuilderInterface
Clears the normalization transformers.
FormErrorIterator::rewind() — Method in class FormErrorIterator
Sets the iterator's position to the beginning.
FormInterface::remove() — Method in class FormInterface
Removes a child from the form.
FormRenderer::renderCsrfToken() — Method in class FormRenderer
Renders a CSRF token.
FormRenderer::renderBlock() — Method in class FormRenderer
Renders a named block of the form theme.
FormRendererEngineInterface::renderBlock() — Method in class FormRendererEngineInterface
Renders a block in the given renderer resource.
FormRendererInterface::renderBlock() — Method in class FormRendererInterface
Renders a named block of the form theme.
FormRendererInterface::renderCsrfToken() — Method in class FormRendererInterface
Renders a CSRF token.
RequestHandlerInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Form
Submits forms if they were submitted.
ResolvedFormTypeClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Form
A wrapper for a form type and its extensions.
ResolvedFormTypeFactoryClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Form
ResolvedFormTypeFactoryInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Form
Creates ResolvedFormTypeInterface instances.
ResolvedFormTypeInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Form
A wrapper for a form type and its extensions.
ReversedTransformerClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Form
Reverses a transformer.
$ReversedTransformer#reversedTransformerProperty in class ReversedTransformer
ReversedTransformer::reverseTransform() — Method in class ReversedTransformer
Transforms a value from the transformed representation to its original representation.
FormPerformanceTestCase::runTest() — Method in class FormPerformanceTestCase
OptionsResolverWrapper::resolve() — Method in class OptionsResolverWrapper
Merges options with the default values stored in the container and validates them.
OrderedHashMapIterator::rewind() — Method in class OrderedHashMapIterator
RequestExceptionInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Exception
Interface for Request exceptions.
FileBag::replace() — Method in class FileBag
Replaces the current parameters by a new set.
ExtensionGuesser::register() — Method in class ExtensionGuesser
Registers a new extension guesser.
MimeTypeGuesser::reset() — Method in class MimeTypeGuesser
Resets the singleton instance.
MimeTypeGuesser::register() — Method in class MimeTypeGuesser
Registers a new mime type guesser.
HeaderBag::replace() — Method in class HeaderBag
Replaces the current HTTP headers by a new set.
HeaderBag::remove() — Method in class HeaderBag
Removes a header.
HeaderBag::removeCacheControlDirective() — Method in class HeaderBag
Removes a Cache-Control directive.
ParameterBag::replace() — Method in class ParameterBag
Replaces the current parameters by a new set.
ParameterBag::remove() — Method in class ParameterBag
Removes a parameter.
RedirectResponseClass in namespace Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation
RedirectResponse represents an HTTP response doing a redirect.
RequestClass in namespace Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation
Request represents an HTTP request.
$Request#requestProperty in class Request
Request body parameters ($_POST).
$Request#requestUriProperty in class Request
$Request#requestFactoryProperty in class Request
RequestMatcherClass in namespace Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation
RequestMatcher compares a pre-defined set of checks against a Request instance.
RequestMatcherInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation
RequestMatcherInterface is an interface for strategies to match a Request.
RequestStackClass in namespace Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation
Request stack that controls the lifecycle of requests.
ResponseClass in namespace Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation
Response represents an HTTP response.
ResponseHeaderBagClass in namespace Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation
ResponseHeaderBag is a container for Response HTTP headers.
ResponseHeaderBag::replace() — Method in class ResponseHeaderBag
Replaces the current HTTP headers by a new set.
ResponseHeaderBag::remove() — Method in class ResponseHeaderBag
Removes a header.
ResponseHeaderBag::removeCookie() — Method in class ResponseHeaderBag
Removes a cookie from the array, but does not unset it in the browser.
AttributeBag::replace() — Method in class AttributeBag
Sets attributes.
AttributeBag::remove() — Method in class AttributeBag
Removes an attribute.
AttributeBagInterface::replace() — Method in class AttributeBagInterface
Sets attributes.
AttributeBagInterface::remove() — Method in class AttributeBagInterface
Removes an attribute.
NamespacedAttributeBag::remove() — Method in class NamespacedAttributeBag
Removes an attribute.
NamespacedAttributeBag::resolveAttributePath() — Method in class NamespacedAttributeBag
Resolves a path in attributes property and returns it as a reference.
NamespacedAttributeBag::resolveKey() — Method in class NamespacedAttributeBag
Resolves the key from the name.
Session::replace() — Method in class Session
Sets attributes.
Session::remove() — Method in class Session
Removes an attribute.
Session::registerBag() — Method in class Session
Registers a SessionBagInterface with the session.
SessionInterface::replace() — Method in class SessionInterface
Sets attributes.
SessionInterface::remove() — Method in class SessionInterface
Removes an attribute.
SessionInterface::registerBag() — Method in class SessionInterface
Registers a SessionBagInterface with the session.
AbstractSessionHandler::read() — Method in class AbstractSessionHandler
MigratingSessionHandler::read() — Method in class MigratingSessionHandler
PdoSessionHandler::read() — Method in class PdoSessionHandler
RedisSessionHandlerClass in namespace Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Session\Storage\Handler
Redis based session storage handler based on the Redis class provided by the PHP redis extension.
MockArraySessionStorage::regenerate() — Method in class MockArraySessionStorage
Regenerates id that represents this storage.
MockArraySessionStorage::registerBag() — Method in class MockArraySessionStorage
Registers a SessionBagInterface for use.
MockFileSessionStorage::regenerate() — Method in class MockFileSessionStorage
Regenerates id that represents this storage.
NativeSessionStorage::regenerate() — Method in class NativeSessionStorage
Regenerates id that represents this storage.
NativeSessionStorage::registerBag() — Method in class NativeSessionStorage
Registers a SessionBagInterface for use.
SessionHandlerProxy::read() — Method in class SessionHandlerProxy
SessionStorageInterface::regenerate() — Method in class SessionStorageInterface
Regenerates id that represents this storage.
SessionStorageInterface::registerBag() — Method in class SessionStorageInterface
Registers a SessionBagInterface for use.
Bundle::registerCommands() — Method in class Bundle
DefaultValueResolver::resolve() — Method in class DefaultValueResolver
Returns the possible value(s).
RequestAttributeValueResolverClass in namespace Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Controller\ArgumentResolver
Yields a non-variadic argument's value from the request attributes.
RequestAttributeValueResolver::resolve() — Method in class RequestAttributeValueResolver
Returns the possible value(s).
RequestValueResolverClass in namespace Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Controller\ArgumentResolver
Yields the same instance as the request object passed along.
RequestValueResolver::resolve() — Method in class RequestValueResolver
Returns the possible value(s).
ServiceValueResolver::resolve() — Method in class ServiceValueResolver
Returns the possible value(s).
SessionValueResolver::resolve() — Method in class SessionValueResolver
Returns the possible value(s).
TraceableValueResolver::resolve() — Method in class TraceableValueResolver
Returns the possible value(s).
VariadicValueResolver::resolve() — Method in class VariadicValueResolver
Returns the possible value(s).
ArgumentValueResolverInterface::resolve() — Method in class ArgumentValueResolverInterface
Returns the possible value(s).
AjaxDataCollector::reset() — Method in class AjaxDataCollector
ConfigDataCollector::reset() — Method in class ConfigDataCollector
DumpDataCollector::reset() — Method in class DumpDataCollector
EventDataCollector::reset() — Method in class EventDataCollector
ExceptionDataCollector::reset() — Method in class ExceptionDataCollector
LoggerDataCollector::reset() — Method in class LoggerDataCollector
MemoryDataCollector::reset() — Method in class MemoryDataCollector
RequestDataCollectorClass in namespace Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\DataCollector
RequestDataCollector::reset() — Method in class RequestDataCollector
RouterDataCollectorClass in namespace Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\DataCollector
RouterDataCollector::reset() — Method in class RouterDataCollector
TimeDataCollector::reset() — Method in class TimeDataCollector
LazyLoadingFragmentHandler::render() — Method in class LazyLoadingFragmentHandler
Renders a URI and returns the Response content.
RegisterControllerArgumentLocatorsPassClass in namespace Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\DependencyInjection
Creates the service-locators required by ServiceValueResolver.
RemoveEmptyControllerArgumentLocatorsPassClass in namespace Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\DependencyInjection
Removes empty service-locators registered for ServiceValueResolver.
ResettableServicePassClass in namespace Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\DependencyInjection
ServicesResetter::reset() — Method in class ServicesResetter
ExceptionListener::reset() — Method in class ExceptionListener
$ProfilerListener#requestStackProperty in class ProfilerListener
ResponseListenerClass in namespace Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\EventListener
ResponseListener fixes the Response headers based on the Request.
RouterListenerClass in namespace Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\EventListener
Initializes the context from the request and sets request attributes based on a matching route.
AbstractSurrogateFragmentRenderer::render() — Method in class AbstractSurrogateFragmentRenderer
Renders a URI and returns the Response content.
FragmentHandler::render() — Method in class FragmentHandler
Renders a URI and returns the Response content.
FragmentRendererInterface::render() — Method in class FragmentRendererInterface
Renders a URI and returns the Response content.
HIncludeFragmentRenderer::render() — Method in class HIncludeFragmentRenderer
Renders a URI and returns the Response content.
InlineFragmentRenderer::render() — Method in class InlineFragmentRenderer
Renders a URI and returns the Response content.
RoutableFragmentRendererClass in namespace Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Fragment
Adds the possibility to generate a fragment URI for a given Controller.
AbstractSurrogate::removeFromControl() — Method in class AbstractSurrogate
Remove the Surrogate from the Surrogate-Control header.
Esi::renderIncludeTag() — Method in class Esi
Renders a Surrogate tag.
ResponseCacheStrategyClass in namespace Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\HttpCache
ResponseCacheStrategy knows how to compute the Response cache HTTP header based on the different response cache headers.
ResponseCacheStrategyInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\HttpCache
ResponseCacheStrategyInterface implementations know how to compute the Response cache HTTP header based on the different response cache headers.
Ssi::renderIncludeTag() — Method in class Ssi
Renders a Surrogate tag.
$Store#rootProperty in class Store
SurrogateInterface::renderIncludeTag() — Method in class SurrogateInterface
Renders a Surrogate tag.
$HttpKernel#resolverProperty in class HttpKernel
$HttpKernel#requestStackProperty in class HttpKernel
$Kernel#rootDirProperty in class Kernel
Kernel::reboot() — Method in class Kernel
Reboots a kernel.
KernelInterface::registerBundles() — Method in class KernelInterface
Returns an array of bundles to register.
KernelInterface::registerContainerConfiguration() — Method in class KernelInterface
Loads the container configuration.
FileProfilerStorage::read() — Method in class FileProfilerStorage
Reads data associated with the given token.
FileProfilerStorage::readLineFromFile() — Method in class FileProfilerStorage
Reads a line in the file, backward.
Profiler::reset() — Method in class Profiler
ProfilerStorageInterface::read() — Method in class ProfilerStorageInterface
Reads data associated with the given token.
RebootableInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\HttpKernel
Allows the Kernel to be rebooted using a temporary cache directory.
RebootableInterface::reboot() — Method in class RebootableInterface
Reboots a kernel.
BufferedBundleReader::read() — Method in class BufferedBundleReader
Reads a resource bundle.
BundleEntryReader::read() — Method in class BundleEntryReader
Reads a resource bundle.
BundleEntryReader::readEntry() — Method in class BundleEntryReader
Reads an entry from a resource bundle.
BundleEntryReaderInterface::readEntry() — Method in class BundleEntryReaderInterface
Reads an entry from a resource bundle.
BundleReaderInterface::read() — Method in class BundleReaderInterface
Reads a resource bundle.
IntlBundleReader::read() — Method in class IntlBundleReader
Reads a resource bundle.
JsonBundleReader::read() — Method in class JsonBundleReader
Reads a resource bundle.
PhpBundleReader::read() — Method in class PhpBundleReader
Reads a resource bundle.
RegionDataGeneratorClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Intl\Data\Generator
The rule for compiling the region bundle.
RegionDataProviderClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Intl\Data\Provider
Data provider for region-related ICU data.
RecursiveArrayAccessClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Intl\Data\Util
RingBufferClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Intl\Data\Util
Implements a ring buffer.
FullTransformer::replaceQuoteMatch() — Method in class FullTransformer
Replaces single quotes at the start or end of a string with two single quotes.
ResourceBundleNotFoundExceptionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Intl\Exception
RuntimeExceptionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Intl\Exception
RuntimeException for the Intl component.
NumberFormatter::resetError() — Method in class NumberFormatter
Set the error to the default U_ZERO_ERROR.
RegionBundleClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Intl\ResourceBundle
Default implementation of {@link RegionBundleInterface}.
RegionBundleInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Intl\ResourceBundle
Gives access to region-related ICU data.
ResourceBundleInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Intl\ResourceBundle
Gives access to ICU data.
IntlTestHelper::requireIntl() — Method in class IntlTestHelper
Should be called before tests that work fine with the stub implementation.
IntlTestHelper::requireFullIntl() — Method in class IntlTestHelper
Should be called before tests that require a feature-complete intl implementation.
IntlTestHelper::require32Bit() — Method in class IntlTestHelper
Skips the test unless the current system has a 32bit architecture.
IntlTestHelper::require64Bit() — Method in class IntlTestHelper
Skips the test unless the current system has a 64bit architecture.
EntryManagerInterface::rename() — Method in class EntryManagerInterface
Renames an entry on the Ldap server.
EntryManagerInterface::remove() — Method in class EntryManagerInterface
Removes an entry from the Ldap server.
EntryManager::remove() — Method in class EntryManager
Removes an entry from the Ldap server.
EntryManager::removeAttributeValues() — Method in class EntryManager
Removes values from an entry's multi-valued attribute from the LDAP server.
EntryManager::rename() — Method in class EntryManager
Renames an entry on the Ldap server.
Entry::removeAttribute() — Method in class Entry
Removes a given attribute.
Key::removeState() — Method in class Key
Key::resetLifetime() — Method in class Key
Key::reduceLifetime() — Method in class Key
Lock::refresh() — Method in class Lock
Increase the duration of an acquired lock.
Lock::release() — Method in class Lock
Release the lock.
LockInterface::refresh() — Method in class LockInterface
Increase the duration of an acquired lock.
LockInterface::release() — Method in class LockInterface
Release the lock.
RedisStoreClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Lock\Store
RedisStore is a StoreInterface implementation using Redis as store engine.
RetryTillSaveStoreClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Lock\Store
RetryTillSaveStore is a StoreInterface implementation which decorate a non blocking StoreInterface to provide a blocking storage.
MessengerDataCollector::registerBus() — Method in class MessengerDataCollector
MessengerDataCollector::reset() — Method in class MessengerDataCollector
RuntimeExceptionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Messenger\Exception
ReceivedStampClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Messenger\Stamp
Marker stamp for a received message.
TraceableMessageBus::reset() — Method in class TraceableMessageBus
AmqpReceiver::receive() — Method in class AmqpReceiver
Receive some messages to the given handler.
AmqpTransport::receive() — Method in class AmqpTransport
Receive some messages to the given handler.
Connection::reject() — Method in class Connection
RejectMessageExceptionInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Messenger\Transport\AmqpExt\Exception
If something goes wrong while consuming and handling a message from the AMQP broker, there are two choices: rejecting or re-queuing the message.
ReceiverInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Messenger\Transport\Receiver
ReceiverInterface::receive() — Method in class ReceiverInterface
Receive some messages to the given handler.
StopWhenMemoryUsageIsExceededReceiver::receive() — Method in class StopWhenMemoryUsageIsExceededReceiver
Receive some messages to the given handler.
StopWhenMessageCountIsExceededReceiver::receive() — Method in class StopWhenMessageCountIsExceededReceiver
Receive some messages to the given handler.
StopWhenTimeLimitIsReachedReceiver::receive() — Method in class StopWhenTimeLimitIsReachedReceiver
Receive some messages to the given handler.
Worker::run() — Method in class Worker
Receive the messages and dispatch them to the bus.
OptionsResolver::remove() — Method in class OptionsResolver
Removes the option with the given name.
OptionsResolver::resolve() — Method in class OptionsResolver
Merges options with the default values stored in the container and validates them.
RuntimeExceptionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Process\Exception
RuntimeException for the Process Component.
PipesInterface::readAndWrite() — Method in class PipesInterface
Reads data in file handles and pipes.
UnixPipes::readAndWrite() — Method in class UnixPipes
Reads data in file handles and pipes.
WindowsPipes::readAndWrite() — Method in class WindowsPipes
Reads data in file handles and pipes.
Process::run() — Method in class Process
Runs the process.
Process::restart() — Method in class Process
Restarts the process.
RuntimeExceptionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\PropertyAccess\Exception
Base RuntimeException for the PropertyAccess component.
PropertyPathBuilder::remove() — Method in class PropertyPathBuilder
Removes elements from the current path.
PropertyPathBuilder::replace() — Method in class PropertyPathBuilder
Replaces a sub-path by a different (sub-) path.
PropertyPathBuilder::replaceByIndex() — Method in class PropertyPathBuilder
Replaces a property element by an index element.
PropertyPathBuilder::replaceByProperty() — Method in class PropertyPathBuilder
Replaces an index element by a property element.
ReflectionExtractorClass in namespace Symfony\Component\PropertyInfo\Extractor
Extracts data using the reflection API.
RouteClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Routing\Annotation
Annotation class for @Route().
RoutingResolverPassClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Routing\DependencyInjection
Adds tagged routing.loader services to routing.resolver service.
ResourceNotFoundExceptionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Routing\Exception
The resource was not found.
RouteNotFoundExceptionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Routing\Exception
Exception thrown when a route does not exist.
$UrlGenerator#routesProperty in class UrlGenerator
$AnnotationClassLoader#readerProperty in class AnnotationClassLoader
$AnnotationClassLoader#routeAnnotationClassProperty in class AnnotationClassLoader
RouteConfiguratorClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Routing\Loader\Configurator
RoutingConfiguratorClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Routing\Loader\Configurator
RouteTraitClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Routing\Loader\Configurator\Traits
RouteTrait::requirements() — Method in class RouteTrait
Adds requirements.
RedirectableUrlMatcherClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Routing\Matcher
RedirectableUrlMatcherInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Routing\Matcher
RedirectableUrlMatcherInterface knows how to redirect the user.
RedirectableUrlMatcherInterface::redirect() — Method in class RedirectableUrlMatcherInterface
Redirects the user to another URL.
RequestMatcherInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Routing\Matcher
RequestMatcherInterface is the interface that all request matcher classes must implement.
$UrlMatcher#routesProperty in class UrlMatcher
$UrlMatcher#requestProperty in class UrlMatcher
RequestContextClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Routing
Holds information about the current request.
RequestContextAwareInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Routing
RouteClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Routing
A Route describes a route and its parameters.
RouteCollectionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Routing
A RouteCollection represents a set of Route instances.
RouteCollection::remove() — Method in class RouteCollection
Removes a route or an array of routes by name from the collection.
RouteCollectionBuilderClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Routing
Helps add and import routes into a RouteCollection.
RouteCompilerClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Routing
RouteCompiler compiles Route instances to CompiledRoute instances.
RouteCompilerInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Routing
RouteCompilerInterface is the interface that all RouteCompiler classes must implement.
RouterClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Routing
The Router class is an example of the integration of all pieces of the routing system for easier use.
$Router#resourceProperty in class Router
RouterInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Routing
RouterInterface is the interface that all Router classes must implement.
DaoAuthenticationProvider::retrieveUser() — Method in class DaoAuthenticationProvider
Retrieves the user from an implementation-specific location.
LdapBindAuthenticationProvider::retrieveUser() — Method in class LdapBindAuthenticationProvider
Retrieves the user from an implementation-specific location.
RememberMeAuthenticationProviderClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Authentication\Provider
UserAuthenticationProvider::retrieveUser() — Method in class UserAuthenticationProvider
Retrieves the user from an implementation-specific location.
RememberMeTokenClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Authentication\Token
Authentication Token for "Remember-Me".
TokenStorage::reset() — Method in class TokenStorage
RoleHierarchyVoterClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Authorization\Voter
RoleHierarchyVoter uses a RoleHierarchy to determine the roles granted to the user before voting.
RoleVoterClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Authorization\Voter
RoleVoter votes if any attribute starts with a given prefix.
RuntimeExceptionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Exception
Base RuntimeException for the Security component.
RoleClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Role
Role is a simple implementation representing a role identified by a string.
RoleHierarchyClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Role
RoleHierarchy defines a role hierarchy.
RoleHierarchyInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Role
RoleHierarchyInterface is the interface for a role hierarchy.
ChainUserProvider::refreshUser() — Method in class ChainUserProvider
Refreshes the user.
InMemoryUserProvider::refreshUser() — Method in class InMemoryUserProvider
Refreshes the user.
LdapUserProvider::refreshUser() — Method in class LdapUserProvider
Refreshes the user.
MissingUserProvider::refreshUser() — Method in class MissingUserProvider
Refreshes the user.
UserProviderInterface::refreshUser() — Method in class UserProviderInterface
Refreshes the user.
CsrfTokenManager::refreshToken() — Method in class CsrfTokenManager
Generates a new token value for the given ID.
CsrfTokenManager::removeToken() — Method in class CsrfTokenManager
Invalidates the CSRF token with the given ID, if one exists.
CsrfTokenManagerInterface::refreshToken() — Method in class CsrfTokenManagerInterface
Generates a new token value for the given ID.
CsrfTokenManagerInterface::removeToken() — Method in class CsrfTokenManagerInterface
Invalidates the CSRF token with the given ID, if one exists.
NativeSessionTokenStorage::removeToken() — Method in class NativeSessionTokenStorage
Removes a CSRF token.
SessionTokenStorage::removeToken() — Method in class SessionTokenStorage
Removes a CSRF token.
TokenStorageInterface::removeToken() — Method in class TokenStorageInterface
Removes a CSRF token.
UserValueResolver::resolve() — Method in class UserValueResolver
Returns the possible value(s).
RetryAuthenticationEntryPointClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Security\Http\EntryPoint
RetryAuthenticationEntryPoint redirects URL based on the configured scheme.
AbstractAuthenticationListener::requiresAuthentication() — Method in class AbstractAuthenticationListener
Whether this request requires authentication.
ContextListener::refreshUser() — Method in class ContextListener
Refreshes the user by reloading it from the user provider.
ExceptionListener::register() — Method in class ExceptionListener
Registers a onKernelException listener to take care of security exceptions.
LogoutListener::requiresLogout() — Method in class LogoutListener
Whether this request is asking for logout.
RememberMeListenerClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Security\Http\Firewall
RememberMeListener implements authentication capabilities via a cookie.
RemoteUserAuthenticationListenerClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Security\Http\Firewall
REMOTE_USER authentication listener.
SimpleFormAuthenticationListener::requiresAuthentication() — Method in class SimpleFormAuthenticationListener
Whether this request requires authentication.
UsernamePasswordFormAuthenticationListener::requiresAuthentication() — Method in class UsernamePasswordFormAuthenticationListener
Whether this request requires authentication.
LogoutUrlGenerator::registerListener() — Method in class LogoutUrlGenerator
Registers a firewall's LogoutListener, allowing its URL to be generated.
RememberMeServicesInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Security\Http\RememberMe
Interface that needs to be implemented by classes which provide remember-me capabilities.
ResponseListenerClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Security\Http\RememberMe
Adds remember-me cookies to the Response.
RuntimeExceptionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Serializer\Exception
Stopwatch::reset() — Method in class Stopwatch
Resets the stopwatch to its original state.
DelegatingEngine::render() — Method in class DelegatingEngine
Renders a template.
EngineInterface::render() — Method in class EngineInterface
Renders a template.
PhpEngine::render() — Method in class PhpEngine
Renders a template.
$AbstractOperation#resultProperty in class AbstractOperation
TranslationDataCollector::reset() — Method in class TranslationDataCollector
$FileDumper#relativePathTemplateProperty in class FileDumper
A template for the relative paths to files.
$IcuResFileDumper#relativePathTemplateProperty in class IcuResFileDumper
RuntimeExceptionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Translation\Exception
Base RuntimeException for the Translation component.
$PhpStringTokenParser#replacementsProperty in class PhpStringTokenParser
MessageCatalogue::replace() — Method in class MessageCatalogue
Sets translations for a given domain.
MessageCatalogueInterface::replace() — Method in class MessageCatalogueInterface
Sets translations for a given domain.
TranslationReader::read() — Method in class TranslationReader
Reads translation messages from a directory to the catalogue.
TranslationReaderInterface::read() — Method in class TranslationReaderInterface
Reads translation messages from a directory to the catalogue.
ConstraintViolationList::remove() — Method in class ConstraintViolationList
Removes a violation at a given offset.
ConstraintViolationListInterface::remove() — Method in class ConstraintViolationListInterface
Removes a violation at a given offset.
$Issn#requireHyphenProperty in class Issn
RangeClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints
RangeValidatorClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints
RegexClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints
RegexValidatorClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints
Validates whether a value match or not given regexp pattern.
RequiredClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints
$Url#relativeProtocolProperty in class Url
ValidatorDataCollector::reset() — Method in class ValidatorDataCollector
RuntimeExceptionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Validator\Exception
Base RuntimeException for the Validator component.
CacheInterface::read() — Method in class CacheInterface
Returns the metadata for the given class from the cache.
DoctrineCache::read() — Method in class DoctrineCache
Returns the metadata for the given class from the cache.
Psr6Cache::read() — Method in class Psr6Cache
Returns the metadata for the given class from the cache.
$AnnotationLoader#readerProperty in class AnnotationLoader
$ConstraintValidatorTestCase#rootProperty in class ConstraintValidatorTestCase
ConstraintValidatorTestCase::restoreDefaultTimezone() — Method in class ConstraintValidatorTestCase
RecursiveContextualValidatorClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Validator\Validator
Recursive implementation of {@link ContextualValidatorInterface}.
RecursiveValidatorClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Validator\Validator
Recursive implementation of {@link ValidatorInterface}.
TraceableValidator::reset() — Method in class TraceableValidator
RedisCasterClass in namespace Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Caster
Casts Redis class from ext-redis to array representation.
ReflectionCasterClass in namespace Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Caster
Casts Reflector related classes to array representation.
ResourceCasterClass in namespace Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Caster
Casts common resource types to array representation.
$Cursor#refIndexProperty in class Cursor
$Stub#refCountProperty in class Stub
RequestContextProviderClass in namespace Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Dumper\ContextProvider
Tries to provide context from a request.
$Hydrator#registryProperty in class Hydrator
ReferenceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\VarExporter\Internal
RegistryClass in namespace Symfony\Component\VarExporter\Internal
$Registry#reflectorsProperty in class Registry
DefinitionBuilder::reset() — Method in class DefinitionBuilder
ExpressionLanguage::registerFunctions() — Method in class ExpressionLanguage
RuntimeExceptionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Workflow\Exception
Base RuntimeException for the Workflow component.
RegistryClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Workflow
Escaper::requiresDoubleQuoting() — Method in class Escaper
Determines if a PHP value would require double quoting in YAML.
Escaper::requiresSingleQuoting() — Method in class Escaper
Determines if a PHP value would require single quoting in YAML.
RuntimeExceptionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Yaml\Exception
Exception class thrown when an error occurs during parsing.
ResetInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Contracts\Service
Provides a way to reset an object to its initial state.
ResetInterface::reset() — Method in class ResetInterface


AbstractDoctrineExtension::setMappingDriverAlias() — Method in class AbstractDoctrineExtension
Register the alias for this mapping driver.
AbstractDoctrineExtension::setMappingDriverConfig() — Method in class AbstractDoctrineExtension
Register the mapping driver configuration for later use with the object managers metadata driver chain.
$DbalLogger#stopwatchProperty in class DbalLogger
DbalLogger::startQuery() — Method in class DbalLogger
DbalLogger::stopQuery() — Method in class DbalLogger
EntityUserProvider::supportsClass() — Method in class EntityUserProvider
Whether this provider supports the given user class.
TestRepositoryFactory::setRepository() — Method in class TestRepositoryFactory
$UniqueEntity#serviceProperty in class UniqueEntity
ChromePhpHandler::sendHeader() — Method in class ChromePhpHandler
ConsoleHandler::setOutput() — Method in class ConsoleHandler
Sets the console output to use for printing logs.
FirePHPHandler::sendHeader() — Method in class FirePHPHandler
ServerLogHandlerClass in namespace Symfony\Bridge\Monolog\Handler
SwiftMailerHandlerClass in namespace Symfony\Bridge\Monolog\Handler
Extended SwiftMailerHandler that flushes mail queue if necessary.
SwiftMailerHandler::setTransport() — Method in class SwiftMailerHandler
SwiftMailerHandler::send() — Method in class SwiftMailerHandler
ClockMock::sleep() — Method in class ClockMock
CoverageListenerForV5::startTest() — Method in class CoverageListenerForV5
CoverageListenerForV6::startTest() — Method in class CoverageListenerForV6
CoverageListenerForV7::startTest() — Method in class CoverageListenerForV7
CoverageListenerTrait::startTest() — Method in class CoverageListenerTrait
SymfonyTestsListenerForV5Class in namespace Symfony\Bridge\PhpUnit\Legacy
Collects and replays skipped tests.
SymfonyTestsListenerForV5::startTestSuite() — Method in class SymfonyTestsListenerForV5
SymfonyTestsListenerForV5::startTest() — Method in class SymfonyTestsListenerForV5
SymfonyTestsListenerForV6Class in namespace Symfony\Bridge\PhpUnit\Legacy
Collects and replays skipped tests.
SymfonyTestsListenerForV6::startTestSuite() — Method in class SymfonyTestsListenerForV6
SymfonyTestsListenerForV6::startTest() — Method in class SymfonyTestsListenerForV6
SymfonyTestsListenerForV7Class in namespace Symfony\Bridge\PhpUnit\Legacy
Collects and replays skipped tests.
SymfonyTestsListenerForV7::startTestSuite() — Method in class SymfonyTestsListenerForV7
SymfonyTestsListenerForV7::startTest() — Method in class SymfonyTestsListenerForV7
SymfonyTestsListenerTraitClass in namespace Symfony\Bridge\PhpUnit\Legacy
PHP 5.3 compatible trait-like shared implementation.
SymfonyTestsListenerTrait::startTestSuite() — Method in class SymfonyTestsListenerTrait
SymfonyTestsListenerTrait::startTest() — Method in class SymfonyTestsListenerTrait
SymfonyTestsListenerClass in namespace Symfony\Bridge\PhpUnit
LazyLoadingValueHolderGenerator::setFluentSafe() — Method in class LazyLoadingValueHolderGenerator
AppVariable::setTokenStorage() — Method in class AppVariable
AppVariable::setRequestStack() — Method in class AppVariable
AppVariable::setEnvironment() — Method in class AppVariable
AppVariable::setDebug() — Method in class AppVariable
SecurityExtensionClass in namespace Symfony\Bridge\Twig\Extension
SecurityExtension exposes security context features.
StopwatchExtensionClass in namespace Symfony\Bridge\Twig\Extension
Twig extension for the stopwatch helper.
ScopeClass in namespace Symfony\Bridge\Twig\NodeVisitor
Scope::set() — Method in class Scope
Stores data into current scope.
SearchAndRenderBlockNodeClass in namespace Symfony\Bridge\Twig\Node
StopwatchNodeClass in namespace Symfony\Bridge\Twig\Node
Represents a stopwatch node.
StopwatchTokenParserClass in namespace Symfony\Bridge\Twig\TokenParser
Token Parser for the stopwatch tag.
$StopwatchTokenParser#stopwatchIsAvailableProperty in class StopwatchTokenParser
TwigExtractor::setPrefix() — Method in class TwigExtractor
Sets the prefix that should be used for new found messages.
TwigEngine::stream() — Method in class TwigEngine
Streams a template.
TwigEngine::supports() — Method in class TwigEngine
Returns true if this class is able to render the given template.
ServerDumpPlaceholderCommandClass in namespace Symfony\Bundle\DebugBundle\Command
A placeholder command easing VarDumper server discovery.
SerializerCacheWarmerClass in namespace Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\CacheWarmer
Warms up XML and YAML serializer metadata.
ContainerAwareCommand::setContainer() — Method in class ContainerAwareCommand
Sets the container.
Descriptor::sortParameters() — Method in class Descriptor
Descriptor::sortServiceIds() — Method in class Descriptor
AbstractController::setContainer() — Method in class AbstractController
ControllerTrait::stream() — Method in class ControllerTrait
Streams a view.
FormHelper::setTheme() — Method in class FormHelper
Sets a theme for a given view.
FormHelper::start() — Method in class FormHelper
Renders the form start tag.
SessionHelperClass in namespace Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Templating\Helper
SessionHelper provides read-only access to the session attributes.
$SessionHelper#sessionProperty in class SessionHelper
StopwatchHelperClass in namespace Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Templating\Helper
StopwatchHelper provides methods time your PHP templates.
PhpEngine::setHelpers() — Method in class PhpEngine
Sets the helpers.
$TimedPhpEngine#stopwatchProperty in class TimedPhpEngine
TestContainer::setParameter() — Method in class TestContainer
Sets a parameter.
TestContainer::set() — Method in class TestContainer
Sets a service.
SecurityDataCollectorClass in namespace Symfony\Bundle\SecurityBundle\DataCollector
SecurityDataCollector::supportsRoleHierarchy() — Method in class SecurityDataCollector
Checks if the data contains information about inherited roles. Still the inherited roles can be an empty array.
SecurityExtensionClass in namespace Symfony\Bundle\SecurityBundle\DependencyInjection
SecurityFactoryInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Bundle\SecurityBundle\DependencyInjection\Security\Factory
SecurityFactoryInterface is the interface for all security authentication listener.
SimpleFormFactoryClass in namespace Symfony\Bundle\SecurityBundle\DependencyInjection\Security\Factory
SimplePreAuthenticationFactoryClass in namespace Symfony\Bundle\SecurityBundle\DependencyInjection\Security\Factory
SecurityBundleClass in namespace Symfony\Bundle\SecurityBundle
SecurityUserValueResolverClass in namespace Symfony\Bundle\SecurityBundle
Supports the argument type of {see UserInterface}.
SecurityUserValueResolver::supports() — Method in class SecurityUserValueResolver
Whether this resolver can resolve the value for the given ArgumentMetadata.
SecurityHelperClass in namespace Symfony\Bundle\SecurityBundle\Templating\Helper
SecurityHelper provides read-only access to the security checker.
ExceptionController::showAction() — Method in class ExceptionController
Converts an Exception to a Response.
ExceptionController::showAction() — Method in class ExceptionController
Renders the exception panel for the given token.
ProfilerController::searchBarAction() — Method in class ProfilerController
Renders the profiler search bar.
ProfilerController::searchResultsAction() — Method in class ProfilerController
Renders the search results.
ProfilerController::searchAction() — Method in class ProfilerController
Narrows the search bar.
ServerLogCommandClass in namespace Symfony\Bundle\WebServerBundle\Command
ServerRunCommandClass in namespace Symfony\Bundle\WebServerBundle\Command
Runs Symfony application using a local web server.
ServerStartCommandClass in namespace Symfony\Bundle\WebServerBundle\Command
Runs a local web server in a background process.
ServerStatusCommandClass in namespace Symfony\Bundle\WebServerBundle\Command
Shows the status of a process that is running PHP's built-in web server in the background.
ServerStopCommandClass in namespace Symfony\Bundle\WebServerBundle\Command
Stops a background process running a local web server.
WebServer::start() — Method in class WebServer
WebServer::stop() — Method in class WebServer
Packages::setDefaultPackage() — Method in class Packages
StaticVersionStrategyClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Asset\VersionStrategy
Returns the same version for all assets.
$Client#serverProperty in class Client
Client::setMaxRedirects() — Method in class Client
Sets the maximum number of redirects that crawler can follow.
Client::setServerParameters() — Method in class Client
Sets server parameters.
Client::setServerParameter() — Method in class Client
Sets single server parameter.
Client::submit() — Method in class Client
Submits a form.
Client::submitForm() — Method in class Client
Finds the first form that contains a button with the given content and uses it to submit the given form field values.
$Cookie#secureProperty in class Cookie
CookieJar::set() — Method in class CookieJar
$History#stackProperty in class History
$Request#serverProperty in class Request
$Response#statusProperty in class Response
AbstractAdapter::save() — Method in class AbstractAdapter
AbstractAdapter::saveDeferred() — Method in class AbstractAdapter
ArrayAdapter::save() — Method in class ArrayAdapter
ArrayAdapter::saveDeferred() — Method in class ArrayAdapter
ChainAdapter::save() — Method in class ChainAdapter
ChainAdapter::saveDeferred() — Method in class ChainAdapter
NullAdapter::save() — Method in class NullAdapter
NullAdapter::saveDeferred() — Method in class NullAdapter
PhpArrayAdapter::save() — Method in class PhpArrayAdapter
PhpArrayAdapter::saveDeferred() — Method in class PhpArrayAdapter
ProxyAdapter::save() — Method in class ProxyAdapter
ProxyAdapter::saveDeferred() — Method in class ProxyAdapter
SimpleCacheAdapterClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Cache\Adapter
TagAwareAdapter::save() — Method in class TagAwareAdapter
TagAwareAdapter::saveDeferred() — Method in class TagAwareAdapter
TraceableAdapter::save() — Method in class TraceableAdapter
TraceableAdapter::saveDeferred() — Method in class TraceableAdapter
TraceableAdapter::start() — Method in class TraceableAdapter
$TraceableAdapterEvent#startProperty in class TraceableAdapterEvent
CacheItem::set() — Method in class CacheItem
LockRegistry::setFiles() — Method in class LockRegistry
Defines a set of existing files that will be used as keys to acquire locks.
AbstractCache::set() — Method in class AbstractCache
AbstractCache::setMultiple() — Method in class AbstractCache
ArrayCache::set() — Method in class ArrayCache
ArrayCache::setMultiple() — Method in class ArrayCache
ChainCache::set() — Method in class ChainCache
ChainCache::setMultiple() — Method in class ChainCache
NullCache::set() — Method in class NullCache
NullCache::setMultiple() — Method in class NullCache
PhpArrayCache::set() — Method in class PhpArrayCache
PhpArrayCache::setMultiple() — Method in class PhpArrayCache
Psr6Cache::set() — Method in class Psr6Cache
Psr6Cache::setMultiple() — Method in class Psr6Cache
TraceableCache::set() — Method in class TraceableCache
TraceableCache::setMultiple() — Method in class TraceableCache
$TraceableCacheEvent#startProperty in class TraceableCacheEvent
ContractsTrait::setCallbackWrapper() — Method in class ContractsTrait
Wraps the callback passed to ->get() in a callable.
RedisClusterProxy::scan() — Method in class RedisClusterProxy
RedisClusterProxy::sscan() — Method in class RedisClusterProxy
RedisProxy::scan() — Method in class RedisProxy
RedisProxy::sscan() — Method in class RedisProxy
ArrayNode::setNormalizeKeys() — Method in class ArrayNode
ArrayNode::setXmlRemappings() — Method in class ArrayNode
Sets the xml remappings that should be performed.
ArrayNode::setAddIfNotSet() — Method in class ArrayNode
Sets whether to add default values for this array if it has not been defined in any of the configuration files.
ArrayNode::setAllowFalse() — Method in class ArrayNode
Sets whether false is allowed as value indicating that the array should be unset.
ArrayNode::setAllowNewKeys() — Method in class ArrayNode
Sets whether new keys can be defined in subsequent configurations.
ArrayNode::setPerformDeepMerging() — Method in class ArrayNode
Sets if deep merging should occur.
ArrayNode::setIgnoreExtraKeys() — Method in class ArrayNode
Whether extra keys should just be ignore without an exception.
ArrayNode::setName() — Method in class ArrayNode
Sets the name of the node.
BaseNode::setPlaceholder() — Method in class BaseNode
Register possible (dummy) values for a dynamic placeholder value.
BaseNode::setPlaceholderUniquePrefix() — Method in class BaseNode
Sets a common prefix for dynamic placeholder values.
BaseNode::setAttribute() — Method in class BaseNode
BaseNode::setAttributes() — Method in class BaseNode
BaseNode::setInfo() — Method in class BaseNode
Sets an info message.
BaseNode::setExample() — Method in class BaseNode
Sets the example configuration for this node.
BaseNode::setRequired() — Method in class BaseNode
Set this node as required.
BaseNode::setDeprecated() — Method in class BaseNode
Sets this node as deprecated.
BaseNode::setAllowOverwrite() — Method in class BaseNode
Sets if this node can be overridden.
BaseNode::setNormalizationClosures() — Method in class BaseNode
Sets the closures used for normalization.
BaseNode::setFinalValidationClosures() — Method in class BaseNode
Sets the closures used for final validation.
ArrayNodeDefinition::setBuilder() — Method in class ArrayNodeDefinition
Sets a custom children builder.
ArrayNodeDefinition::scalarPrototype() — Method in class ArrayNodeDefinition
BuilderAwareInterface::setBuilder() — Method in class BuilderAwareInterface
Sets a custom children builder.
NodeBuilder::setParent() — Method in class NodeBuilder
Set the parent node.
NodeBuilder::scalarNode() — Method in class NodeBuilder
Creates a child scalar node.
NodeBuilder::setNodeClass() — Method in class NodeBuilder
Adds or overrides a node Type.
NodeDefinition::setParent() — Method in class NodeDefinition
Sets the parent node.
NodeDefinition::setDeprecated() — Method in class NodeDefinition
Sets the node as deprecated.
NodeDefinition::setPathSeparator() — Method in class NodeDefinition
Set PathSeparator to use.
ScalarNodeDefinitionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Config\Definition\Builder
This class provides a fluent interface for defining a node.
TreeBuilder::setPathSeparator() — Method in class TreeBuilder
InvalidConfigurationException::setPath() — Method in class InvalidConfigurationException
PrototypeNodeInterface::setName() — Method in class PrototypeNodeInterface
Sets the name of the node.
PrototypedArrayNode::setMinNumberOfElements() — Method in class PrototypedArrayNode
Sets the minimum number of elements that a prototype based node must contain. By default this is zero, meaning no elements.
PrototypedArrayNode::setKeyAttribute() — Method in class PrototypedArrayNode
Sets the attribute which value is to be used as key.
PrototypedArrayNode::setDefaultValue() — Method in class PrototypedArrayNode
Sets the default value of this node.
PrototypedArrayNode::setAddChildrenIfNoneSet() — Method in class PrototypedArrayNode
Adds default children when none are set.
PrototypedArrayNode::setPrototype() — Method in class PrototypedArrayNode
Sets the node prototype.
ScalarNodeClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Config\Definition
This node represents a scalar value in the config tree.
VariableNode::setDefaultValue() — Method in class VariableNode
VariableNode::setAllowEmptyValue() — Method in class VariableNode
Sets if this node is allowed to have an empty value.
VariableNode::setName() — Method in class VariableNode
Sets the name of the node.
DelegatingLoader::supports() — Method in class DelegatingLoader
Returns whether this class supports the given resource.
FileLoader::setCurrentDir() — Method in class FileLoader
Sets the current directory.
GlobFileLoader::supports() — Method in class GlobFileLoader
Returns whether this class supports the given resource.
Loader::setResolver() — Method in class Loader
Sets the loader resolver.
LoaderInterface::supports() — Method in class LoaderInterface
Returns whether this class supports the given resource.
LoaderInterface::setResolver() — Method in class LoaderInterface
Sets the loader resolver.
ResourceCheckerInterface::supports() — Method in class ResourceCheckerInterface
Queries the ResourceChecker whether it can validate a given resource or not.
ClassExistenceResource::serialize() — Method in class ClassExistenceResource
ComposerResource::serialize() — Method in class ComposerResource
DirectoryResource::serialize() — Method in class DirectoryResource
FileExistenceResource::serialize() — Method in class FileExistenceResource
FileResource::serialize() — Method in class FileResource
GlobResource::serialize() — Method in class GlobResource
ReflectionClassResource::serialize() — Method in class ReflectionClassResource
SelfCheckingResourceCheckerClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Config\Resource
Resource checker for instances of SelfCheckingResourceInterface.
SelfCheckingResourceChecker::supports() — Method in class SelfCheckingResourceChecker
Queries the ResourceChecker whether it can validate a given resource or not.
SelfCheckingResourceInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Config\Resource
Interface for Resources that can check for freshness autonomously, without special support from external services.
Application::setDispatcher() — Method in class Application
Application::setCommandLoader() — Method in class Application
Application::setHelperSet() — Method in class Application
Application::setDefinition() — Method in class Application
Application::setCatchExceptions() — Method in class Application
Sets whether to catch exceptions or not during commands execution.
Application::setAutoExit() — Method in class Application
Sets whether to automatically exit after a command execution or not.
Application::setName() — Method in class Application
Sets the application name.
Application::setVersion() — Method in class Application
Sets the application version.
Application::setDefaultCommand() — Method in class Application
Sets the default Command name.
Command::setApplication() — Method in class Command
Command::setHelperSet() — Method in class Command
Command::setCode() — Method in class Command
Sets the code to execute when running this command.
Command::setDefinition() — Method in class Command
Sets an array of argument and option instances.
Command::setName() — Method in class Command
Sets the name of the command.
Command::setProcessTitle() — Method in class Command
Sets the process title of the command.
Command::setHidden() — Method in class Command
Command::setDescription() — Method in class Command
Sets the description for the command.
Command::setHelp() — Method in class Command
Sets the help for the command.
Command::setAliases() — Method in class Command
Sets the aliases for the command.
HelpCommand::setCommand() — Method in class HelpCommand
ConsoleErrorEvent::setError() — Method in class ConsoleErrorEvent
ConsoleErrorEvent::setExitCode() — Method in class ConsoleErrorEvent
ConsoleTerminateEvent::setExitCode() — Method in class ConsoleTerminateEvent
Sets the exit code.
OutputFormatter::setDecorated() — Method in class OutputFormatter
Sets the decorated flag.
OutputFormatter::setStyle() — Method in class OutputFormatter
Sets a new style.
OutputFormatterInterface::setDecorated() — Method in class OutputFormatterInterface
Sets the decorated flag.
OutputFormatterInterface::setStyle() — Method in class OutputFormatterInterface
Sets a new style.
OutputFormatterStyle::setForeground() — Method in class OutputFormatterStyle
Sets style foreground color.
OutputFormatterStyle::setBackground() — Method in class OutputFormatterStyle
Sets style background color.
OutputFormatterStyle::setOption() — Method in class OutputFormatterStyle
Sets some specific style option.
OutputFormatterStyle::setOptions() — Method in class OutputFormatterStyle
Sets multiple style options at once.
OutputFormatterStyleInterface::setForeground() — Method in class OutputFormatterStyleInterface
Sets style foreground color.
OutputFormatterStyleInterface::setBackground() — Method in class OutputFormatterStyleInterface
Sets style background color.
OutputFormatterStyleInterface::setOption() — Method in class OutputFormatterStyleInterface
Sets some specific style option.
OutputFormatterStyleInterface::setOptions() — Method in class OutputFormatterStyleInterface
Sets multiple style options at once.
OutputFormatterStyleStack::setEmptyStyle() — Method in class OutputFormatterStyleStack
DebugFormatterHelper::start() — Method in class DebugFormatterHelper
Starts a debug formatting session.
DebugFormatterHelper::stop() — Method in class DebugFormatterHelper
Stops a formatting session.
Helper::setHelperSet() — Method in class Helper
Sets the helper set associated with this helper.
Helper::strlen() — Method in class Helper
Returns the length of a string, using mb_strwidth if it is available.
Helper::substr() — Method in class Helper
Returns the subset of a string, using mb_substr if it is available.
Helper::strlenWithoutDecoration() — Method in class Helper
HelperInterface::setHelperSet() — Method in class HelperInterface
Sets the helper set associated with this helper.
HelperSet::set() — Method in class HelperSet
Sets a helper.
HelperSet::setCommand() — Method in class HelperSet
InputAwareHelper::setInput() — Method in class InputAwareHelper
Sets the Console Input.
ProgressBar::setPlaceholderFormatterDefinition() — Method in class ProgressBar
Sets a placeholder formatter for a given name.
ProgressBar::setFormatDefinition() — Method in class ProgressBar
Sets a format for a given name.
ProgressBar::setMessage() — Method in class ProgressBar
Associates a text with a named placeholder.
ProgressBar::setBarWidth() — Method in class ProgressBar
ProgressBar::setBarCharacter() — Method in class ProgressBar
ProgressBar::setEmptyBarCharacter() — Method in class ProgressBar
ProgressBar::setProgressCharacter() — Method in class ProgressBar
ProgressBar::setFormat() — Method in class ProgressBar
ProgressBar::setRedrawFrequency() — Method in class ProgressBar
Sets the redraw frequency.
ProgressBar::start() — Method in class ProgressBar
Starts the progress output.
ProgressBar::setOverwrite() — Method in class ProgressBar
Sets whether to overwrite the progressbar, false for new line.
ProgressBar::setProgress() — Method in class ProgressBar
ProgressBar::setMaxSteps() — Method in class ProgressBar
ProgressIndicator::setMessage() — Method in class ProgressIndicator
Sets the current indicator message.
ProgressIndicator::start() — Method in class ProgressIndicator
Starts the indicator output.
ProgressIndicator::setPlaceholderFormatterDefinition() — Method in class ProgressIndicator
Sets a placeholder formatter for a given name.
SymfonyQuestionHelperClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Console\Helper
Symfony Style Guide compliant question helper.
Table::setStyleDefinition() — Method in class Table
Sets a style definition.
Table::setStyle() — Method in class Table
Sets table style.
Table::setColumnStyle() — Method in class Table
Sets table column style.
Table::setColumnWidth() — Method in class Table
Sets the minimum width of a column.
Table::setColumnWidths() — Method in class Table
Sets the minimum width of all columns.
Table::setColumnMaxWidth() — Method in class Table
Sets the maximum width of a column.
Table::setHeaders() — Method in class Table
Table::setRows() — Method in class Table
Table::setRow() — Method in class Table
Table::setHeaderTitle() — Method in class Table
Table::setFooterTitle() — Method in class Table
TableStyle::setPaddingChar() — Method in class TableStyle
Sets padding character, used for cell padding.
TableStyle::setHorizontalBorderChars() — Method in class TableStyle
Sets horizontal border characters.
TableStyle::setHorizontalBorderChar() — Method in class TableStyle
Sets horizontal border character.
TableStyle::setVerticalBorderChars() — Method in class TableStyle
Sets vertical border characters.
TableStyle::setVerticalBorderChar() — Method in class TableStyle
Sets vertical border character.
TableStyle::setCrossingChars() — Method in class TableStyle
Sets crossing characters.
TableStyle::setDefaultCrossingChar() — Method in class TableStyle
Sets default crossing character used for each cross.
TableStyle::setCrossingChar() — Method in class TableStyle
Sets crossing character.
TableStyle::setCellHeaderFormat() — Method in class TableStyle
Sets header cell format.
TableStyle::setCellRowFormat() — Method in class TableStyle
Sets row cell format.
TableStyle::setCellRowContentFormat() — Method in class TableStyle
Sets row cell content format.
TableStyle::setBorderFormat() — Method in class TableStyle
Sets table border format.
TableStyle::setPadType() — Method in class TableStyle
Sets cell padding type.
TableStyle::setHeaderTitleFormat() — Method in class TableStyle
TableStyle::setFooterTitleFormat() — Method in class TableStyle
ArgvInput::setTokens() — Method in class ArgvInput
$Input#streamProperty in class Input
Input::setInteractive() — Method in class Input
Sets the input interactivity.
Input::setArgument() — Method in class Input
Sets an argument value by name.
Input::setOption() — Method in class Input
Sets an option value by name.
Input::setStream() — Method in class Input
Sets the input stream to read from when interacting with the user.
InputArgument::setDefault() — Method in class InputArgument
Sets the default value.
InputAwareInterface::setInput() — Method in class InputAwareInterface
Sets the Console Input.
InputDefinition::setDefinition() — Method in class InputDefinition
Sets the definition of the input.
InputDefinition::setArguments() — Method in class InputDefinition
Sets the InputArgument objects.
InputDefinition::setOptions() — Method in class InputDefinition
Sets the InputOption objects.
InputInterface::setArgument() — Method in class InputInterface
Sets an argument value by name.
InputInterface::setOption() — Method in class InputInterface
Sets an option value by name.
InputInterface::setInteractive() — Method in class InputInterface
Sets the input interactivity.
InputOption::setDefault() — Method in class InputOption
Sets the default value.
StreamableInputInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Console\Input
StreamableInputInterface is the interface implemented by all input classes that have an input stream.
StreamableInputInterface::setStream() — Method in class StreamableInputInterface
Sets the input stream to read from when interacting with the user.
StringInputClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Console\Input
StringInput represents an input provided as a string.
ConsoleOutput::section() — Method in class ConsoleOutput
Creates a new output section.
ConsoleOutput::setDecorated() — Method in class ConsoleOutput
Sets the decorated flag.
ConsoleOutput::setFormatter() — Method in class ConsoleOutput
ConsoleOutput::setVerbosity() — Method in class ConsoleOutput
Sets the verbosity of the output.
ConsoleOutput::setErrorOutput() — Method in class ConsoleOutput
ConsoleOutputInterface::setErrorOutput() — Method in class ConsoleOutputInterface
ConsoleOutputInterface::section() — Method in class ConsoleOutputInterface
Creates a new output section
NullOutput::setFormatter() — Method in class NullOutput
NullOutput::setDecorated() — Method in class NullOutput
Sets the decorated flag.
NullOutput::setVerbosity() — Method in class NullOutput
Sets the verbosity of the output.
Output::setFormatter() — Method in class Output
Output::setDecorated() — Method in class Output
Sets the decorated flag.
Output::setVerbosity() — Method in class Output
Sets the verbosity of the output.
OutputInterface::setVerbosity() — Method in class OutputInterface
Sets the verbosity of the output.
OutputInterface::setDecorated() — Method in class OutputInterface
Sets the decorated flag.
OutputInterface::setFormatter() — Method in class OutputInterface
StreamOutputClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Console\Output
StreamOutput writes the output to a given stream.
ChoiceQuestion::setMultiselect() — Method in class ChoiceQuestion
Sets multiselect option.
ChoiceQuestion::setPrompt() — Method in class ChoiceQuestion
Sets the prompt for choices.
ChoiceQuestion::setErrorMessage() — Method in class ChoiceQuestion
Sets the error message for invalid values.
Question::setHidden() — Method in class Question
Sets whether the user response must be hidden or not.
Question::setHiddenFallback() — Method in class Question
Sets whether to fallback on non-hidden question if the response can not be hidden.
Question::setAutocompleterValues() — Method in class Question
Sets values for the autocompleter.
Question::setValidator() — Method in class Question
Sets a validator for the question.
Question::setMaxAttempts() — Method in class Question
Sets the maximum number of attempts.
Question::setNormalizer() — Method in class Question
Sets a normalizer for the response.
OutputStyle::setVerbosity() — Method in class OutputStyle
Sets the verbosity of the output.
OutputStyle::setDecorated() — Method in class OutputStyle
Sets the decorated flag.
OutputStyle::setFormatter() — Method in class OutputStyle
StyleInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Console\Style
Output style helpers.
StyleInterface::section() — Method in class StyleInterface
Formats a section title.
StyleInterface::success() — Method in class StyleInterface
Formats a success result bar.
SymfonyStyleClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Console\Style
Output decorator helpers for the Symfony Style Guide.
SymfonyStyle::section() — Method in class SymfonyStyle
Formats a section title.
SymfonyStyle::success() — Method in class SymfonyStyle
Formats a success result bar.
TesterTrait::setInputs() — Method in class TesterTrait
Sets the user inputs.
SyntaxErrorExceptionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\CssSelector\Exception
ParseException is thrown when a CSS selector syntax is not valid.
SyntaxErrorException::stringAsFunctionArgument() — Method in class SyntaxErrorException
SelectorNodeClass in namespace Symfony\Component\CssSelector\Node
Represents a "(::|:)" node.
SpecificityClass in namespace Symfony\Component\CssSelector\Node
Represents a node specificity.
StringHandlerClass in namespace Symfony\Component\CssSelector\Parser\Handler
CSS selector comment handler.
TokenStream::skipWhitespace() — Method in class TokenStream
Skips next whitespace if any.
NodeExtension::setFlag() — Method in class NodeExtension
Translator::selectorToXPath() — Method in class Translator
Translates a parsed selector node to an XPath expression.
TranslatorInterface::selectorToXPath() — Method in class TranslatorInterface
Translates a parsed selector node to an XPath expression.
ErrorHandler::setDefaultLogger() — Method in class ErrorHandler
Sets a logger to non assigned errors levels.
ErrorHandler::setLoggers() — Method in class ErrorHandler
Sets a logger for each error level.
ErrorHandler::setExceptionHandler() — Method in class ErrorHandler
Sets a user exception handler.
ErrorHandler::scopeAt() — Method in class ErrorHandler
Sets the PHP error levels for which local variables are preserved.
ErrorHandler::screamAt() — Method in class ErrorHandler
Sets the error levels where the @-operator is ignored.
ExceptionHandler::setHandler() — Method in class ExceptionHandler
Sets a user exception handler.
ExceptionHandler::setFileLinkFormat() — Method in class ExceptionHandler
Sets the format for links to source files.
ExceptionHandler::sendPhpResponse() — Method in class ExceptionHandler
Sends the error associated with the given Exception as a plain PHP response.
FatalErrorException::setTrace() — Method in class FatalErrorException
FlattenException::setStatusCode() — Method in class FlattenException
FlattenException::setHeaders() — Method in class FlattenException
FlattenException::setClass() — Method in class FlattenException
FlattenException::setFile() — Method in class FlattenException
FlattenException::setLine() — Method in class FlattenException
FlattenException::setMessage() — Method in class FlattenException
FlattenException::setCode() — Method in class FlattenException
FlattenException::setPrevious() — Method in class FlattenException
FlattenException::setTraceFromException() — Method in class FlattenException
FlattenException::setTraceFromThrowable() — Method in class FlattenException
FlattenException::setTrace() — Method in class FlattenException
SilencedErrorContextClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Debug\Exception
Data Object that represents a Silenced Error.
Alias::setPublic() — Method in class Alias
Sets if this Alias is public.
Alias::setPrivate() — Method in class Alias
Sets if this Alias is private.
ArgumentInterface::setValues() — Method in class ArgumentInterface
BoundArgument::setValues() — Method in class BoundArgument
ReferenceSetArgumentTrait::setValues() — Method in class ReferenceSetArgumentTrait
ServiceClosureArgumentClass in namespace Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Argument
Represents a service wrapped in a memoizing closure.
ServiceClosureArgument::setValues() — Method in class ServiceClosureArgument
ServiceLocatorClass in namespace Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Argument
ServiceLocatorArgumentClass in namespace Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Argument
Represents a closure acting as a service locator.
ChildDefinition::setParent() — Method in class ChildDefinition
Sets the Definition to inherit from.
ChildDefinition::setAutoconfigured() — Method in class ChildDefinition
ChildDefinition::setInstanceofConditionals() — Method in class ChildDefinition
AnalyzeServiceReferencesPass::setRepeatedPass() — Method in class AnalyzeServiceReferencesPass
InlineServiceDefinitionsPass::setRepeatedPass() — Method in class InlineServiceDefinitionsPass
PassConfig::setMergePass() — Method in class PassConfig
PassConfig::setAfterRemovingPasses() — Method in class PassConfig
Sets the AfterRemoving passes.
PassConfig::setBeforeOptimizationPasses() — Method in class PassConfig
Sets the BeforeOptimization passes.
PassConfig::setBeforeRemovingPasses() — Method in class PassConfig
Sets the BeforeRemoving passes.
PassConfig::setOptimizationPasses() — Method in class PassConfig
Sets the Optimization passes.
PassConfig::setRemovingPasses() — Method in class PassConfig
Sets the Removing passes.
RemoveUnusedDefinitionsPass::setRepeatedPass() — Method in class RemoveUnusedDefinitionsPass
RepeatablePassInterface::setRepeatedPass() — Method in class RepeatablePassInterface
RepeatedPass::setRepeat() — Method in class RepeatedPass
Sets if the pass should repeat.
ServiceLocatorTagPassClass in namespace Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Compiler
Applies the "container.service_locator" tag by wrapping references into ServiceClosureArgument instances.
ServiceReferenceGraphClass in namespace Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Compiler
This is a directed graph of your services.
ServiceReferenceGraphEdgeClass in namespace Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Compiler
Represents an edge in your service graph.
ServiceReferenceGraphNodeClass in namespace Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Compiler
Represents a node in your service graph.
ContainerParametersResource::serialize() — Method in class ContainerParametersResource
ContainerParametersResourceChecker::supports() — Method in class ContainerParametersResourceChecker
Queries the ResourceChecker whether it can validate a given resource or not.
$Container#servicesProperty in class Container
$Container#syntheticIdsProperty in class Container
Container::setParameter() — Method in class Container
Sets a parameter.
Container::set() — Method in class Container
Sets a service.
ContainerAwareInterface::setContainer() — Method in class ContainerAwareInterface
Sets the container.
ContainerAwareTrait::setContainer() — Method in class ContainerAwareTrait
ContainerBuilder::setResourceTracking() — Method in class ContainerBuilder
Sets the track resources flag.
ContainerBuilder::setProxyInstantiator() — Method in class ContainerBuilder
Sets the instantiator to be used when fetching proxies.
ContainerBuilder::setResources() — Method in class ContainerBuilder
Sets the resources for this configuration.
ContainerBuilder::set() — Method in class ContainerBuilder
Sets a service.
ContainerBuilder::setAliases() — Method in class ContainerBuilder
Sets the service aliases.
ContainerBuilder::setAlias() — Method in class ContainerBuilder
Sets an alias for an existing service.
ContainerBuilder::setDefinitions() — Method in class ContainerBuilder
Sets the service definitions.
ContainerBuilder::setDefinition() — Method in class ContainerBuilder
Sets a service definition.
ContainerInterface::set() — Method in class ContainerInterface
Sets a service.
ContainerInterface::setParameter() — Method in class ContainerInterface
Sets a parameter.
Definition::setChanges() — Method in class Definition
Sets the tracked changes for the Definition object.
Definition::setFactory() — Method in class Definition
Sets a factory.
Definition::setDecoratedService() — Method in class Definition
Sets the service that this service is decorating.
Definition::setClass() — Method in class Definition
Sets the service class.
Definition::setArguments() — Method in class Definition
Sets the arguments to pass to the service constructor/factory method.
Definition::setProperties() — Method in class Definition
Sets the properties to define when creating the service.
Definition::setProperty() — Method in class Definition
Sets a specific property.
Definition::setArgument() — Method in class Definition
Sets a specific argument.
Definition::setMethodCalls() — Method in class Definition
Sets the methods to call after service initialization.
Definition::setInstanceofConditionals() — Method in class Definition
Sets the definition templates to conditionally apply on the current definition, keyed by parent interface/class.
Definition::setAutoconfigured() — Method in class Definition
Sets whether or not instanceof conditionals should be prepended with a global set.
Definition::setTags() — Method in class Definition
Sets tags for this definition.
Definition::setFile() — Method in class Definition
Sets a file to require before creating the service.
Definition::setShared() — Method in class Definition
Sets if the service must be shared or not.
Definition::setPublic() — Method in class Definition
Sets the visibility of this service.
Definition::setPrivate() — Method in class Definition
Sets if this service is private.
Definition::setLazy() — Method in class Definition
Sets the lazy flag of this service.
Definition::setSynthetic() — Method in class Definition
Sets whether this definition is synthetic, that is not constructed by the container, but dynamically injected.
Definition::setAbstract() — Method in class Definition
Whether this definition is abstract, that means it merely serves as a template for other definitions.
Definition::setDeprecated() — Method in class Definition
Whether this definition is deprecated, that means it should not be called anymore.
Definition::setConfigurator() — Method in class Definition
Sets a configurator to call after the service is fully initialized.
Definition::setAutowired() — Method in class Definition
Enables/disables autowiring.
Definition::setBindings() — Method in class Definition
Sets bindings.
PhpDumper::setProxyDumper() — Method in class PhpDumper
Sets the dumper to be used when dumping proxies in the generated container.
ParameterNotFoundException::setSourceId() — Method in class ParameterNotFoundException
ParameterNotFoundException::setSourceKey() — Method in class ParameterNotFoundException
ServiceCircularReferenceExceptionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Exception
This exception is thrown when a circular reference is detected.
ServiceNotFoundExceptionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Exception
This exception is thrown when a non-existent service is requested.
ClosureLoader::supports() — Method in class ClosureLoader
Returns whether this class supports the given resource.
AbstractServiceConfigurator::set() — Method in class AbstractServiceConfigurator
Registers a service.
ContainerConfigurator::services() — Method in class ContainerConfigurator
ParametersConfigurator::set() — Method in class ParametersConfigurator
Creates a parameter.
ServiceConfiguratorClass in namespace Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Loader\Configurator
ServicesConfiguratorClass in namespace Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Loader\Configurator
ServicesConfigurator::set() — Method in class ServicesConfigurator
Registers a service.
ShareTraitClass in namespace Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Loader\Configurator\Traits
ShareTrait::share() — Method in class ShareTrait
Sets if the service must be shared or not.
SyntheticTraitClass in namespace Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Loader\Configurator\Traits
SyntheticTrait::synthetic() — Method in class SyntheticTrait
Sets whether this definition is synthetic, that is not constructed by the container, but dynamically injected.
DirectoryLoader::supports() — Method in class DirectoryLoader
Returns whether this class supports the given resource.
FileLoader::setDefinition() — Method in class FileLoader
Registers a definition in the container with its instanceof-conditionals.
GlobFileLoader::supports() — Method in class GlobFileLoader
Returns whether this class supports the given resource.
IniFileLoader::supports() — Method in class IniFileLoader
Returns whether this class supports the given resource.
PhpFileLoader::supports() — Method in class PhpFileLoader
Returns whether this class supports the given resource.
XmlFileLoader::supports() — Method in class XmlFileLoader
Returns whether this class supports the given resource.
YamlFileLoader::supports() — Method in class YamlFileLoader
Returns whether this class supports the given resource.
EnvPlaceholderParameterBag::setProvidedTypes() — Method in class EnvPlaceholderParameterBag
Maps env prefixes to their corresponding PHP types.
FrozenParameterBag::set() — Method in class FrozenParameterBag
Sets a service container parameter.
ParameterBag::set() — Method in class ParameterBag
Sets a service container parameter.
ParameterBagInterface::set() — Method in class ParameterBagInterface
Sets a service container parameter.
ServiceLocatorClass in namespace Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection
ServiceSubscriberInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection
AbstractUriElement::setNode() — Method in class AbstractUriElement
Sets current \DOMElement instance.
Crawler::slice() — Method in class Crawler
Slices the list of nodes by $offset and $length.
Crawler::siblings() — Method in class Crawler
Returns the siblings nodes of the current selection.
Crawler::selectLink() — Method in class Crawler
Selects links by name or alt value for clickable images.
Crawler::selectImage() — Method in class Crawler
Selects images by alt value.
Crawler::selectButton() — Method in class Crawler
Selects a button by name or alt value for images.
Crawler::setDefaultNamespacePrefix() — Method in class Crawler
Overloads a default namespace prefix to be used with XPath and CSS expressions.
Crawler::sibling() — Method in class Crawler
ChoiceFormField::select() — Method in class ChoiceFormField
Sets the value of the field.
ChoiceFormField::setValue() — Method in class ChoiceFormField
Sets the value of the field.
FileFormField::setErrorCode() — Method in class FileFormField
Sets the PHP error code associated with the field.
FileFormField::setValue() — Method in class FileFormField
Sets the value of the field.
FileFormField::setFilePath() — Method in class FileFormField
Sets path to the file as string for simulating HTTP request.
FormField::setValue() — Method in class FormField
Sets the value of the field.
Form::setValues() — Method in class Form
Sets the value of the fields.
Form::set() — Method in class Form
Sets a named field.
Form::setNode() — Method in class Form
Sets current \DOMElement instance.
FormFieldRegistry::set() — Method in class FormFieldRegistry
Set the value of a field and its children.
Image::setNode() — Method in class Image
Sets current \DOMElement instance.
Link::setNode() — Method in class Link
Sets current \DOMElement instance.
$TraceableEventDispatcher#stopwatchProperty in class TraceableEventDispatcher
WrappedListener::stoppedPropagation() — Method in class WrappedListener
$ExtractingEventDispatcher#subscriberProperty in class ExtractingEventDispatcher
$RegisterListenersPass#subscriberTagProperty in class RegisterListenersPass
RegisterListenersPass::setHotPathEvents() — Method in class RegisterListenersPass
Event::stopPropagation() — Method in class Event
Stops the propagation of the event to further event listeners.
$GenericEvent#subjectProperty in class GenericEvent
GenericEvent::setArgument() — Method in class GenericEvent
Add argument to event.
GenericEvent::setArguments() — Method in class GenericEvent
Set args property.
Compiler::subcompile() — Method in class Compiler
Compiler::string() — Method in class Compiler
Adds a quoted string to the compiled code.
SerializedParsedExpressionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\ExpressionLanguage
Represents an already parsed expression.
SyntaxErrorClass in namespace Symfony\Component\ExpressionLanguage
Filesystem::symlink() — Method in class Filesystem
Creates a symbolic link or copy a directory.
Comparator::setTarget() — Method in class Comparator
Sets the target value.
Comparator::setOperator() — Method in class Comparator
Sets the comparison operator.
Finder::size() — Method in class Finder
Adds tests for file sizes.
Finder::sort() — Method in class Finder
Sorts files and directories by an anonymous function.
Finder::sortByName() — Method in class Finder
Sorts files and directories by name.
Finder::sortByType() — Method in class Finder
Sorts files and directories by type (directories before files), then by name.
Finder::sortByAccessedTime() — Method in class Finder
Sorts files and directories by the last accessed time.
Finder::sortByChangedTime() — Method in class Finder
Sorts files and directories by the last inode changed time.
Finder::sortByModifiedTime() — Method in class Finder
Sorts files and directories by the last modified time.
SizeRangeFilterIteratorClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Finder\Iterator
SizeRangeFilterIterator filters out files that are not in the given size range.
SortableIteratorClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Finder\Iterator
SortableIterator applies a sort on a given Iterator.
SplFileInfoClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Finder
Extends \SplFileInfo to support relative paths.
AbstractRendererEngine::setTheme() — Method in class AbstractRendererEngine
Sets the theme(s) to be used for rendering a view and its children.
Button::setParent() — Method in class Button
Sets the parent form.
Button::setData() — Method in class Button
Updates the form with default data.
Button::submit() — Method in class Button
Submits data to the form, transforms and validates it.
ButtonBuilder::setAttribute() — Method in class ButtonBuilder
Sets the value for an attribute.
ButtonBuilder::setAttributes() — Method in class ButtonBuilder
Sets the attributes.
ButtonBuilder::setDataMapper() — Method in class ButtonBuilder
Sets the data mapper used by the form.
ButtonBuilder::setDisabled() — Method in class ButtonBuilder
Set whether the form is disabled.
ButtonBuilder::setEmptyData() — Method in class ButtonBuilder
Sets the data used for the client data when no value is submitted.
ButtonBuilder::setErrorBubbling() — Method in class ButtonBuilder
Sets whether errors bubble up to the parent.
ButtonBuilder::setRequired() — Method in class ButtonBuilder
Sets whether this field is required to be filled out when submitted.
ButtonBuilder::setPropertyPath() — Method in class ButtonBuilder
Sets the property path that the form should be mapped to.
ButtonBuilder::setMapped() — Method in class ButtonBuilder
Sets whether the form should be mapped to an element of its parent's data.
ButtonBuilder::setByReference() — Method in class ButtonBuilder
Sets whether the form's data should be modified by reference.
ButtonBuilder::setCompound() — Method in class ButtonBuilder
Sets whether the form should be compound.
ButtonBuilder::setType() — Method in class ButtonBuilder
Set the types.
ButtonBuilder::setData() — Method in class ButtonBuilder
Sets the initial data of the form.
ButtonBuilder::setDataLocked() — Method in class ButtonBuilder
Locks the form's data to the data passed in the configuration.
ButtonBuilder::setFormFactory() — Method in class ButtonBuilder
Sets the form factory used for creating new forms.
ButtonBuilder::setAction() — Method in class ButtonBuilder
Sets the target URL of the form.
ButtonBuilder::setMethod() — Method in class ButtonBuilder
Sets the HTTP method used by the form.
ButtonBuilder::setRequestHandler() — Method in class ButtonBuilder
Sets the request handler used by the form.
ButtonBuilder::setAutoInitialize() — Method in class ButtonBuilder
Sets whether the form should be initialized automatically.
ButtonBuilder::setInheritData() — Method in class ButtonBuilder
Sets whether the form should read and write the data of its parent.
$ArrayChoiceList#structuredValuesProperty in class ArrayChoiceList
The values indexed by the original keys.
StringCastExceptionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Form\Exception
SearchTypeClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type
SubmitTypeClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type
A submit button.
FormDataCollector::serialize() — Method in class FormDataCollector
SubmitTypeValidatorExtensionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Validator\Type
ServerParamsClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Validator\Util
Form::setParent() — Method in class Form
Sets the parent form.
Form::setData() — Method in class Form
Updates the form with default data.
Form::submit() — Method in class Form
Submits data to the form, transforms and validates it.
FormConfigBuilder::setAttribute() — Method in class FormConfigBuilder
Sets the value for an attribute.
FormConfigBuilder::setAttributes() — Method in class FormConfigBuilder
Sets the attributes.
FormConfigBuilder::setDataMapper() — Method in class FormConfigBuilder
Sets the data mapper used by the form.
FormConfigBuilder::setDisabled() — Method in class FormConfigBuilder
Set whether the form is disabled.
FormConfigBuilder::setEmptyData() — Method in class FormConfigBuilder
Sets the data used for the client data when no value is submitted.
FormConfigBuilder::setErrorBubbling() — Method in class FormConfigBuilder
Sets whether errors bubble up to the parent.
FormConfigBuilder::setRequired() — Method in class FormConfigBuilder
Sets whether this field is required to be filled out when submitted.
FormConfigBuilder::setPropertyPath() — Method in class FormConfigBuilder
Sets the property path that the form should be mapped to.
FormConfigBuilder::setMapped() — Method in class FormConfigBuilder
Sets whether the form should be mapped to an element of its parent's data.
FormConfigBuilder::setByReference() — Method in class FormConfigBuilder
Sets whether the form's data should be modified by reference.
FormConfigBuilder::setInheritData() — Method in class FormConfigBuilder
Sets whether the form should read and write the data of its parent.
FormConfigBuilder::setCompound() — Method in class FormConfigBuilder
Sets whether the form should be compound.
FormConfigBuilder::setType() — Method in class FormConfigBuilder
Set the types.
FormConfigBuilder::setData() — Method in class FormConfigBuilder
Sets the initial data of the form.
FormConfigBuilder::setDataLocked() — Method in class FormConfigBuilder
Locks the form's data to the data passed in the configuration.
FormConfigBuilder::setFormFactory() — Method in class FormConfigBuilder
Sets the form factory used for creating new forms.
FormConfigBuilder::setAction() — Method in class FormConfigBuilder
Sets the target URL of the form.
FormConfigBuilder::setMethod() — Method in class FormConfigBuilder
Sets the HTTP method used by the form.
FormConfigBuilder::setRequestHandler() — Method in class FormConfigBuilder
Sets the request handler used by the form.
FormConfigBuilder::setAutoInitialize() — Method in class FormConfigBuilder
Sets whether the form should be initialized automatically.
FormConfigBuilderInterface::setAttribute() — Method in class FormConfigBuilderInterface
Sets the value for an attribute.
FormConfigBuilderInterface::setAttributes() — Method in class FormConfigBuilderInterface
Sets the attributes.
FormConfigBuilderInterface::setDataMapper() — Method in class FormConfigBuilderInterface
Sets the data mapper used by the form.
FormConfigBuilderInterface::setDisabled() — Method in class FormConfigBuilderInterface
Set whether the form is disabled.
FormConfigBuilderInterface::setEmptyData() — Method in class FormConfigBuilderInterface
Sets the data used for the client data when no value is submitted.
FormConfigBuilderInterface::setErrorBubbling() — Method in class FormConfigBuilderInterface
Sets whether errors bubble up to the parent.
FormConfigBuilderInterface::setRequired() — Method in class FormConfigBuilderInterface
Sets whether this field is required to be filled out when submitted.
FormConfigBuilderInterface::setPropertyPath() — Method in class FormConfigBuilderInterface
Sets the property path that the form should be mapped to.
FormConfigBuilderInterface::setMapped() — Method in class FormConfigBuilderInterface
Sets whether the form should be mapped to an element of its parent's data.
FormConfigBuilderInterface::setByReference() — Method in class FormConfigBuilderInterface
Sets whether the form's data should be modified by reference.
FormConfigBuilderInterface::setInheritData() — Method in class FormConfigBuilderInterface
Sets whether the form should read and write the data of its parent.
FormConfigBuilderInterface::setCompound() — Method in class FormConfigBuilderInterface
Sets whether the form should be compound.
FormConfigBuilderInterface::setType() — Method in class FormConfigBuilderInterface
Set the types.
FormConfigBuilderInterface::setData() — Method in class FormConfigBuilderInterface
Sets the initial data of the form.
FormConfigBuilderInterface::setDataLocked() — Method in class FormConfigBuilderInterface
Locks the form's data to the data passed in the configuration.
FormConfigBuilderInterface::setFormFactory() — Method in class FormConfigBuilderInterface
Sets the form factory used for creating new forms.
FormConfigBuilderInterface::setAction() — Method in class FormConfigBuilderInterface
Sets the target URL of the form.
FormConfigBuilderInterface::setMethod() — Method in class FormConfigBuilderInterface
Sets the HTTP method used by the form.
FormConfigBuilderInterface::setRequestHandler() — Method in class FormConfigBuilderInterface
Sets the request handler used by the form.
FormConfigBuilderInterface::setAutoInitialize() — Method in class FormConfigBuilderInterface
Sets whether the form should be initialized automatically.
FormError::setOrigin() — Method in class FormError
Sets the form that caused this error.
FormError::serialize() — Method in class FormError
Serializes this error.
FormErrorIterator::seek() — Method in class FormErrorIterator
Sets the position of the iterator.
FormEvent::setData() — Method in class FormEvent
Allows updating with some filtered data.
FormFactoryBuilder::setResolvedTypeFactory() — Method in class FormFactoryBuilder
Sets the factory for creating ResolvedFormTypeInterface instances.
FormFactoryBuilderInterface::setResolvedTypeFactory() — Method in class FormFactoryBuilderInterface
Sets the factory for creating ResolvedFormTypeInterface instances.
FormInterface::setParent() — Method in class FormInterface
Sets the parent form.
FormInterface::setData() — Method in class FormInterface
Updates the form with default data.
FormInterface::submit() — Method in class FormInterface
Submits data to the form, transforms and validates it.
FormRenderer::setTheme() — Method in class FormRenderer
Sets the theme(s) to be used for rendering a view and its children.
FormRenderer::searchAndRenderBlock() — Method in class FormRenderer
Searches and renders a block for a given name suffix.
FormRendererEngineInterface::setTheme() — Method in class FormRendererEngineInterface
Sets the theme(s) to be used for rendering a view and its children.
FormRendererInterface::setTheme() — Method in class FormRendererInterface
Sets the theme(s) to be used for rendering a view and its children.
FormRendererInterface::searchAndRenderBlock() — Method in class FormRendererInterface
Searches and renders a block for a given name suffix.
FormView::setRendered() — Method in class FormView
Marks the view as rendered.
FormView::setMethodRendered() — Method in class FormView
SubmitButtonClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Form
A button that submits the form.
SubmitButton::submit() — Method in class SubmitButton
Submits data to the button.
SubmitButtonBuilderClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Form
A builder for {@link SubmitButton} instances.
SubmitButtonTypeInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Form
A type that should be converted into a {@link SubmitButton} instance.
FormIntegrationTestCase::setUp() — Method in class FormIntegrationTestCase
FormPerformanceTestCase::setMaxRunningTime() — Method in class FormPerformanceTestCase
TypeTestCase::setUp() — Method in class TypeTestCase
OptionsResolverWrapper::setNormalizer() — Method in class OptionsResolverWrapper
Sets the normalizer for an option.
OptionsResolverWrapper::setAllowedValues() — Method in class OptionsResolverWrapper
Sets allowed values for an option.
OptionsResolverWrapper::setAllowedTypes() — Method in class OptionsResolverWrapper
Sets allowed types for an option.
ServerParamsClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Form\Util
StringUtilClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Form\Util
AcceptHeaderItem::setValue() — Method in class AcceptHeaderItem
Set the item value.
AcceptHeaderItem::setQuality() — Method in class AcceptHeaderItem
Set the item quality.
AcceptHeaderItem::setIndex() — Method in class AcceptHeaderItem
Set the item index.
AcceptHeaderItem::setAttribute() — Method in class AcceptHeaderItem
Set an attribute.
BinaryFileResponse::setFile() — Method in class BinaryFileResponse
Sets the file to stream.
BinaryFileResponse::setAutoLastModified() — Method in class BinaryFileResponse
Automatically sets the Last-Modified header according the file modification date.
BinaryFileResponse::setAutoEtag() — Method in class BinaryFileResponse
Automatically sets the ETag header according to the checksum of the file.
BinaryFileResponse::setContentDisposition() — Method in class BinaryFileResponse
Sets the Content-Disposition header with the given filename.
BinaryFileResponse::sendContent() — Method in class BinaryFileResponse
Sends the file.
BinaryFileResponse::setContent() — Method in class BinaryFileResponse
Sets the response content.
$Cookie#secureProperty in class Cookie
Cookie::setSecureDefault() — Method in class Cookie
SuspiciousOperationExceptionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Exception
Raised when a user has performed an operation that should be considered suspicious from a security perspective.
ExpressionRequestMatcher::setExpression() — Method in class ExpressionRequestMatcher
FileBag::set() — Method in class FileBag
Sets a parameter by name.
StreamClass in namespace Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\File
A PHP stream of unknown size.
HeaderBag::set() — Method in class HeaderBag
Sets a header by name.
HeaderUtils::split() — Method in class HeaderUtils
Splits an HTTP header by one or more separators.
JsonResponse::setCallback() — Method in class JsonResponse
Sets the JSONP callback.
JsonResponse::setJson() — Method in class JsonResponse
Sets a raw string containing a JSON document to be sent.
JsonResponse::setData() — Method in class JsonResponse
Sets the data to be sent as JSON.
JsonResponse::setEncodingOptions() — Method in class JsonResponse
Sets options used while encoding data to JSON.
ParameterBag::set() — Method in class ParameterBag
Sets a parameter by name.
RedirectResponse::setTargetUrl() — Method in class RedirectResponse
Sets the redirect target of this response.
$Request#serverProperty in class Request
Server and execution environment parameters ($_SERVER).
$Request#sessionProperty in class Request
Request::setFactory() — Method in class Request
Sets a callable able to create a Request instance.
Request::setTrustedProxies() — Method in class Request
Sets a list of trusted proxies.
Request::setTrustedHosts() — Method in class Request
Sets a list of trusted host patterns.
Request::setSession() — Method in class Request
Sets the Session.
Request::setSessionFactory() — Method in class Request
Request::setMethod() — Method in class Request
Sets the request method.
Request::setFormat() — Method in class Request
Associates a format with mime types.
Request::setRequestFormat() — Method in class Request
Sets the request format.
Request::setDefaultLocale() — Method in class Request
Sets the default locale.
Request::setLocale() — Method in class Request
Sets the locale.
$Response#statusCodeProperty in class Response
$Response#statusTextProperty in class Response
$Response#statusTextsProperty in class Response
Status codes translation table.
Response::sendHeaders() — Method in class Response
Sends HTTP headers.
Response::sendContent() — Method in class Response
Sends content for the current web response.
Response::send() — Method in class Response
Sends HTTP headers and content.
Response::setContent() — Method in class Response
Sets the response content.
Response::setProtocolVersion() — Method in class Response
Sets the HTTP protocol version (1.0 or 1.1).
Response::setStatusCode() — Method in class Response
Sets the response status code.
Response::setCharset() — Method in class Response
Sets the response charset.
Response::setPrivate() — Method in class Response
Marks the response as "private".
Response::setPublic() — Method in class Response
Marks the response as "public".
Response::setImmutable() — Method in class Response
Marks the response as "immutable".
Response::setDate() — Method in class Response
Sets the Date header.
Response::setExpires() — Method in class Response
Sets the Expires HTTP header with a DateTime instance.
Response::setMaxAge() — Method in class Response
Sets the number of seconds after which the response should no longer be considered fresh.
Response::setSharedMaxAge() — Method in class Response
Sets the number of seconds after which the response should no longer be considered fresh by shared caches.
Response::setTtl() — Method in class Response
Sets the response's time-to-live for shared caches in seconds.
Response::setClientTtl() — Method in class Response
Sets the response's time-to-live for private/client caches in seconds.
Response::setLastModified() — Method in class Response
Sets the Last-Modified HTTP header with a DateTime instance.
Response::setEtag() — Method in class Response
Sets the ETag value.
Response::setCache() — Method in class Response
Sets the response's cache headers (validation and/or expiration).
Response::setNotModified() — Method in class Response
Modifies the response so that it conforms to the rules defined for a 304 status code.
Response::setVary() — Method in class Response
Sets the Vary header.
ResponseHeaderBag::set() — Method in class ResponseHeaderBag
Sets a header by name.
ResponseHeaderBag::setCookie() — Method in class ResponseHeaderBag
ServerBagClass in namespace Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation
ServerBag is a container for HTTP headers from the $_SERVER variable.
AttributeBag::setName() — Method in class AttributeBag
AttributeBag::set() — Method in class AttributeBag
Sets an attribute.
AttributeBagInterface::set() — Method in class AttributeBagInterface
Sets an attribute.
NamespacedAttributeBag::set() — Method in class NamespacedAttributeBag
Sets an attribute.
AutoExpireFlashBag::setName() — Method in class AutoExpireFlashBag
AutoExpireFlashBag::setAll() — Method in class AutoExpireFlashBag
Sets all flash messages.
AutoExpireFlashBag::set() — Method in class AutoExpireFlashBag
Registers a message for a given type.
FlashBag::setName() — Method in class FlashBag
FlashBag::set() — Method in class FlashBag
Registers a message for a given type.
FlashBag::setAll() — Method in class FlashBag
Sets all flash messages.
FlashBagInterface::set() — Method in class FlashBagInterface
Registers a message for a given type.
FlashBagInterface::setAll() — Method in class FlashBagInterface
Sets all flash messages.
SessionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Session
$Session#storageProperty in class Session
Session::start() — Method in class Session
Starts the session storage.
Session::set() — Method in class Session
Sets an attribute.
Session::save() — Method in class Session
Force the session to be saved and closed.
Session::setId() — Method in class Session
Sets the session ID.
Session::setName() — Method in class Session
Sets the session name.
SessionBagInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Session
Session Bag store.
SessionBagProxyClass in namespace Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Session
SessionInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Session
Interface for the session.
SessionInterface::start() — Method in class SessionInterface
Starts the session storage.
SessionInterface::setId() — Method in class SessionInterface
Sets the session ID.
SessionInterface::setName() — Method in class SessionInterface
Sets the session name.
SessionInterface::save() — Method in class SessionInterface
Force the session to be saved and closed.
SessionInterface::set() — Method in class SessionInterface
Sets an attribute.
SessionUtilsClass in namespace Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Session
Session utility functions.
StrictSessionHandlerClass in namespace Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Session\Storage\Handler
Adds basic SessionUpdateTimestampHandlerInterface behaviors to another SessionHandlerInterface.
MetadataBag::stampNew() — Method in class MetadataBag
Stamps a new session's metadata.
MetadataBag::setName() — Method in class MetadataBag
Sets name.
$MockArraySessionStorage#startedProperty in class MockArraySessionStorage
MockArraySessionStorage::setSessionData() — Method in class MockArraySessionStorage
MockArraySessionStorage::start() — Method in class MockArraySessionStorage
Starts the session.
MockArraySessionStorage::setId() — Method in class MockArraySessionStorage
Sets the session ID.
MockArraySessionStorage::setName() — Method in class MockArraySessionStorage
Sets the session name.
MockArraySessionStorage::save() — Method in class MockArraySessionStorage
Force the session to be saved and closed.
MockArraySessionStorage::setMetadataBag() — Method in class MockArraySessionStorage
MockFileSessionStorage::start() — Method in class MockFileSessionStorage
Starts the session.
MockFileSessionStorage::save() — Method in class MockFileSessionStorage
Force the session to be saved and closed.
$NativeSessionStorage#startedProperty in class NativeSessionStorage
$NativeSessionStorage#saveHandlerProperty in class NativeSessionStorage
NativeSessionStorage::start() — Method in class NativeSessionStorage
Starts the session.
NativeSessionStorage::setId() — Method in class NativeSessionStorage
Sets the session ID.
NativeSessionStorage::setName() — Method in class NativeSessionStorage
Sets the session name.
NativeSessionStorage::save() — Method in class NativeSessionStorage
Force the session to be saved and closed.
NativeSessionStorage::setMetadataBag() — Method in class NativeSessionStorage
NativeSessionStorage::setOptions() — Method in class NativeSessionStorage
Sets session.* ini variables.
NativeSessionStorage::setSaveHandler() — Method in class NativeSessionStorage
Registers session save handler as a PHP session handler.
PhpBridgeSessionStorage::start() — Method in class PhpBridgeSessionStorage
Starts the session.
$AbstractProxy#saveHandlerNameProperty in class AbstractProxy
AbstractProxy::setId() — Method in class AbstractProxy
Sets the session ID.
AbstractProxy::setName() — Method in class AbstractProxy
Sets the session name.
SessionHandlerProxyClass in namespace Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Session\Storage\Proxy
SessionStorageInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Session\Storage
SessionStorageInterface::start() — Method in class SessionStorageInterface
Starts the session.
SessionStorageInterface::setId() — Method in class SessionStorageInterface
Sets the session ID.
SessionStorageInterface::setName() — Method in class SessionStorageInterface
Sets the session name.
SessionStorageInterface::save() — Method in class SessionStorageInterface
Force the session to be saved and closed.
StreamedResponseClass in namespace Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation
StreamedResponse represents a streamed HTTP response.
$StreamedResponse#streamedProperty in class StreamedResponse
StreamedResponse::setCallback() — Method in class StreamedResponse
Sets the PHP callback associated with this Response.
StreamedResponse::sendHeaders() — Method in class StreamedResponse
Sends HTTP headers.
StreamedResponse::sendContent() — Method in class StreamedResponse
Sends content for the current web response.
StreamedResponse::setContent() — Method in class StreamedResponse
Sets the response content.
Bundle::shutdown() — Method in class Bundle
Shutdowns the Bundle.
BundleInterface::shutdown() — Method in class BundleInterface
Shutdowns the Bundle.
DefaultValueResolver::supports() — Method in class DefaultValueResolver
Whether this resolver can resolve the value for the given ArgumentMetadata.
RequestAttributeValueResolver::supports() — Method in class RequestAttributeValueResolver
Whether this resolver can resolve the value for the given ArgumentMetadata.
RequestValueResolver::supports() — Method in class RequestValueResolver
Whether this resolver can resolve the value for the given ArgumentMetadata.
ServiceValueResolverClass in namespace Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Controller\ArgumentResolver
Yields a service keyed by _controller and argument name.
ServiceValueResolver::supports() — Method in class ServiceValueResolver
Whether this resolver can resolve the value for the given ArgumentMetadata.
SessionValueResolverClass in namespace Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Controller\ArgumentResolver
Yields the Session.
SessionValueResolver::supports() — Method in class SessionValueResolver
Whether this resolver can resolve the value for the given ArgumentMetadata.
TraceableValueResolver::supports() — Method in class TraceableValueResolver
Whether this resolver can resolve the value for the given ArgumentMetadata.
VariadicValueResolver::supports() — Method in class VariadicValueResolver
Whether this resolver can resolve the value for the given ArgumentMetadata.
ArgumentValueResolverInterface::supports() — Method in class ArgumentValueResolverInterface
Whether this resolver can resolve the value for the given ArgumentMetadata.
ConfigDataCollector::setKernel() — Method in class ConfigDataCollector
Sets the Kernel associated with this Request.
DataCollector::serialize() — Method in class DataCollector
DumpDataCollector::serialize() — Method in class DumpDataCollector
EventDataCollector::setCalledListeners() — Method in class EventDataCollector
Sets the called listeners.
EventDataCollector::setNotCalledListeners() — Method in class EventDataCollector
Sets the not called listeners.
EventDataCollector::setOrphanedEvents() — Method in class EventDataCollector
Sets the orphaned events.
$TimeDataCollector#stopwatchProperty in class TimeDataCollector
TimeDataCollector::setEvents() — Method in class TimeDataCollector
Sets the request events.
FileLinkFormatter::serialize() — Method in class FileLinkFormatter
ServicesResetterClass in namespace Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\DependencyInjection
Resets provided services.
SaveSessionListenerClass in namespace Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\EventListener
SessionListenerClass in namespace Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\EventListener
Sets the session in the request.
StreamedResponseListenerClass in namespace Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\EventListener
StreamedResponseListener is responsible for sending the Response to the client.
SurrogateListenerClass in namespace Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\EventListener
SurrogateListener adds a Surrogate-Control HTTP header when the Response needs to be parsed for Surrogates.
FilterControllerArgumentsEvent::setArguments() — Method in class FilterControllerArgumentsEvent
FilterControllerEvent::setController() — Method in class FilterControllerEvent
FilterResponseEvent::setResponse() — Method in class FilterResponseEvent
Sets a new response object.
GetResponseEvent::setResponse() — Method in class GetResponseEvent
Sets a response and stops event propagation.
GetResponseForControllerResultEvent::setControllerResult() — Method in class GetResponseForControllerResultEvent
Assigns the return value of the controller.
GetResponseForExceptionEvent::setException() — Method in class GetResponseForExceptionEvent
Replaces the thrown exception.
HttpException::setHeaders() — Method in class HttpException
Set response headers.
ServiceUnavailableHttpExceptionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Exception
HIncludeFragmentRenderer::setTemplating() — Method in class HIncludeFragmentRenderer
Sets the templating engine to use to render the default content.
RoutableFragmentRenderer::setFragmentPath() — Method in class RoutableFragmentRenderer
Sets the fragment path that triggers the fragment listener.
SsiFragmentRendererClass in namespace Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Fragment
Implements the SSI rendering strategy.
HttpCache::store() — Method in class HttpCache
Writes the Response to the cache.
SsiClass in namespace Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\HttpCache
Ssi implements the SSI capabilities to Request and Response instances.
StoreClass in namespace Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\HttpCache
Store implements all the logic for storing cache metadata (Request and Response headers).
StoreInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\HttpCache
Interface implemented by HTTP cache stores.
SubRequestHandlerClass in namespace Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\HttpCache
SurrogateInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\HttpCache
$Kernel#startTimeProperty in class Kernel
Kernel::shutdown() — Method in class Kernel
Shutdowns the kernel.
Kernel::setAnnotatedClassCache() — Method in class Kernel
Kernel::stripComments() — Method in class Kernel
Removes comments from a PHP source string.
Kernel::serialize() — Method in class Kernel
KernelInterface::shutdown() — Method in class KernelInterface
Shutdowns the kernel.
Profile::setToken() — Method in class Profile
Sets the token.
Profile::setParent() — Method in class Profile
Sets the parent token.
Profile::setIp() — Method in class Profile
Sets the IP.
Profile::setMethod() — Method in class Profile
Profile::setUrl() — Method in class Profile
Profile::setTime() — Method in class Profile
Profile::setStatusCode() — Method in class Profile
Profile::setChildren() — Method in class Profile
Sets children profiler.
Profile::setCollectors() — Method in class Profile
Sets the Collectors associated with this profile.
Profiler::saveProfile() — Method in class Profiler
Saves a Profile.
Profiler::set() — Method in class Profiler
Sets the Collectors associated with this profiler.
UriSigner::sign() — Method in class UriSigner
Signs a URI.
Inflector::singularize() — Method in class Inflector
Returns the singular form of a word.
Collator::setAttribute() — Method in class Collator
Not supported. Set a collator's attribute.
Collator::setStrength() — Method in class Collator
Not supported. Set the collator's strength.
Collator::sortWithSortKeys() — Method in class Collator
Not supported. Sort array using specified collator and sort keys.
Collator::sort() — Method in class Collator
Not supported. Sort array using specified collator.
BundleEntryReader::setLocaleAliases() — Method in class BundleEntryReader
Stores a mapping of locale aliases to locales.
AbstractDataGenerator::scanLocales() — Method in class AbstractDataGenerator
CurrencyDataGenerator::scanLocales() — Method in class CurrencyDataGenerator
LanguageDataGenerator::scanLocales() — Method in class LanguageDataGenerator
RegionDataGenerator::scanLocales() — Method in class RegionDataGenerator
ScriptDataGeneratorClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Intl\Data\Generator
The rule for compiling the script bundle.
ScriptDataGenerator::scanLocales() — Method in class ScriptDataGenerator
ScriptDataProviderClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Intl\Data\Provider
Data provider for script-related ICU data.
LocaleScanner::scanLocales() — Method in class LocaleScanner
Returns all locales found in the given directory.
LocaleScanner::scanAliases() — Method in class LocaleScanner
Returns all locale aliases found in the given directory.
LocaleScanner::scanParents() — Method in class LocaleScanner
Returns all locale parents found in the given directory.
$MonthTransformer#shortMonthsProperty in class MonthTransformer
Short months names (first 3 letters).
SecondTransformerClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Intl\DateFormatter\DateFormat
Parser and formatter for the second format.
IntlDateFormatter::setCalendar() — Method in class IntlDateFormatter
Not supported. Set the formatter's calendar.
IntlDateFormatter::setLenient() — Method in class IntlDateFormatter
Set the leniency of the parser.
IntlDateFormatter::setPattern() — Method in class IntlDateFormatter
Set the formatter's pattern.
IntlDateFormatter::setTimeZoneId() — Method in class IntlDateFormatter
Set the formatter's timezone identifier.
IntlDateFormatter::setTimeZone() — Method in class IntlDateFormatter
This method was added in PHP 5.5 as replacement for setTimeZoneId().
IntlGlobals::setError() — Method in class IntlGlobals
Sets the current error.
Locale::setDefaultFallback() — Method in class Locale
Sets the default fallback locale.
Locale::setDefault() — Method in class Locale
Not supported. Sets the default runtime locale.
NumberFormatter::setAttribute() — Method in class NumberFormatter
Set an attribute.
NumberFormatter::setPattern() — Method in class NumberFormatter
Not supported. Set the formatter's pattern.
NumberFormatter::setSymbol() — Method in class NumberFormatter
Not supported. Set the formatter's symbol.
NumberFormatter::setTextAttribute() — Method in class NumberFormatter
Not supported. Set a text attribute.
Connection::setOption() — Method in class Connection
Entry::setAttribute() — Method in class Entry
Sets a value for the given attribute.
Key::setState() — Method in class Key
StoreInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Lock
StoreInterface defines an interface to manipulate a lock store.
StoreInterface::save() — Method in class StoreInterface
Stores the resource if it's not locked by someone else.
CombinedStore::save() — Method in class CombinedStore
Stores the resource if it's not locked by someone else.
FlockStore::save() — Method in class FlockStore
Stores the resource if it's not locked by someone else.
MemcachedStore::save() — Method in class MemcachedStore
Stores the resource if it's not locked by someone else.
PdoStore::save() — Method in class PdoStore
Stores the resource if it's not locked by someone else.
RedisStore::save() — Method in class RedisStore
Stores the resource if it's not locked by someone else.
RetryTillSaveStore::save() — Method in class RetryTillSaveStore
Stores the resource if it's not locked by someone else.
SemaphoreStoreClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Lock\Store
SemaphoreStore is a StoreInterface implementation using Semaphore as store engine.
SemaphoreStore::save() — Method in class SemaphoreStore
Stores the resource if it's not locked by someone else.
StoreFactoryClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Lock\Store
StoreFactory create stores and connections.
ZookeeperStore::save() — Method in class ZookeeperStore
Stores the resource if it's not locked by someone else.
StrategyInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Lock\Strategy
StrategyInterface defines an interface to indicate when a quorum is met and can be met.
SendMessageMiddlewareClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Messenger\Middleware
StackInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Messenger\Middleware
StackMiddlewareClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Messenger\Middleware
TraceableStack::stop() — Method in class TraceableStack
SentStampClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Messenger\Stamp
Marker stamp identifying a message sent by the SendMessageMiddleware.
SerializerStampClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Messenger\Stamp
StampInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Messenger\Stamp
An envelope stamp related to a message.
AmqpReceiver::stop() — Method in class AmqpReceiver
Stop receiving some messages.
AmqpSender::send() — Method in class AmqpSender
Sends the given envelope.
AmqpTransport::stop() — Method in class AmqpTransport
Stop receiving some messages.
AmqpTransport::send() — Method in class AmqpTransport
Sends the given envelope.
AmqpTransportFactory::supports() — Method in class AmqpTransportFactory
Connection::setup() — Method in class Connection
ReceiverInterface::stop() — Method in class ReceiverInterface
Stop receiving some messages.
StopWhenMemoryUsageIsExceededReceiverClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Messenger\Transport\Receiver
StopWhenMemoryUsageIsExceededReceiver::stop() — Method in class StopWhenMemoryUsageIsExceededReceiver
Stop receiving some messages.
StopWhenMessageCountIsExceededReceiverClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Messenger\Transport\Receiver
StopWhenMessageCountIsExceededReceiver::stop() — Method in class StopWhenMessageCountIsExceededReceiver
Stop receiving some messages.
StopWhenTimeLimitIsReachedReceiverClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Messenger\Transport\Receiver
StopWhenTimeLimitIsReachedReceiver::stop() — Method in class StopWhenTimeLimitIsReachedReceiver
Stop receiving some messages.
SenderInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Messenger\Transport\Sender
SenderInterface::send() — Method in class SenderInterface
Sends the given envelope.
SendersLocatorClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Messenger\Transport\Sender
Maps a message to a list of senders.
SendersLocatorInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Messenger\Transport\Sender
Maps a message to a list of senders.
SerializerClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Messenger\Transport\Serialization
SerializerInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Messenger\Transport\Serialization
TransportFactory::supports() — Method in class TransportFactory
TransportFactoryInterface::supports() — Method in class TransportFactoryInterface
OptionsResolver::setDefault() — Method in class OptionsResolver
Sets the default value of a given option.
OptionsResolver::setDefaults() — Method in class OptionsResolver
Sets a list of default values.
OptionsResolver::setRequired() — Method in class OptionsResolver
Marks one or more options as required.
OptionsResolver::setDefined() — Method in class OptionsResolver
Defines a valid option name.
OptionsResolver::setDeprecated() — Method in class OptionsResolver
Deprecates an option, allowed types or values.
OptionsResolver::setNormalizer() — Method in class OptionsResolver
Sets the normalizer for an option.
OptionsResolver::setAllowedValues() — Method in class OptionsResolver
Sets allowed values for an option.
OptionsResolver::setAllowedTypes() — Method in class OptionsResolver
Sets allowed types for an option.
ExecutableFinder::setSuffixes() — Method in class ExecutableFinder
Replaces default suffixes of executable.
PhpProcess::setPhpBinary() — Method in class PhpProcess
Sets the path to the PHP binary to use.
PhpProcess::start() — Method in class PhpProcess
Starts the process and returns after writing the input to STDIN.
Process::start() — Method in class Process
Starts the process and returns after writing the input to STDIN.
Process::signal() — Method in class Process
Sends a POSIX signal to the process.
Process::stop() — Method in class Process
Stops the process.
Process::setCommandLine() — Method in class Process
Sets the command line to be executed.
Process::setTimeout() — Method in class Process
Sets the process timeout (max. runtime).
Process::setIdleTimeout() — Method in class Process
Sets the process idle timeout (max. time since last output).
Process::setTty() — Method in class Process
Enables or disables the TTY mode.
Process::setPty() — Method in class Process
Sets PTY mode.
Process::setWorkingDirectory() — Method in class Process
Sets the current working directory.
Process::setEnv() — Method in class Process
Sets the environment variables.
Process::setInput() — Method in class Process
Sets the input.
PropertyAccessor::setValue() — Method in class PropertyAccessor
Sets the value at the end of the property path of the object graph.
PropertyAccessorBuilder::setCacheItemPool() — Method in class PropertyAccessorBuilder
Sets a cache system.
PropertyAccessorInterface::setValue() — Method in class PropertyAccessorInterface
Sets the value at the end of the property path of the object graph.
SerializerExtractorClass in namespace Symfony\Component\PropertyInfo\Extractor
Lists available properties using Symfony Serializer Component metadata.
Route::setPath() — Method in class Route
Route::setLocalizedPaths() — Method in class Route
Route::setHost() — Method in class Route
Route::setName() — Method in class Route
Route::setRequirements() — Method in class Route
Route::setOptions() — Method in class Route
Route::setDefaults() — Method in class Route
Route::setSchemes() — Method in class Route
Route::setMethods() — Method in class Route
Route::setCondition() — Method in class Route
CompiledRoute::serialize() — Method in class CompiledRoute
ConfigurableRequirementsInterface::setStrictRequirements() — Method in class ConfigurableRequirementsInterface
Enables or disables the exception on incorrect parameters.
$UrlGenerator#strictRequirementsProperty in class UrlGenerator
UrlGenerator::setContext() — Method in class UrlGenerator
Sets the request context.
UrlGenerator::setStrictRequirements() — Method in class UrlGenerator
Enables or disables the exception on incorrect parameters.
AnnotationClassLoader::setRouteAnnotationClass() — Method in class AnnotationClassLoader
Sets the annotation class to read route properties from.
AnnotationClassLoader::supports() — Method in class AnnotationClassLoader
Returns whether this class supports the given resource.
AnnotationClassLoader::setResolver() — Method in class AnnotationClassLoader
Sets the loader resolver.
AnnotationDirectoryLoader::supports() — Method in class AnnotationDirectoryLoader
Returns whether this class supports the given resource.
AnnotationFileLoader::supports() — Method in class AnnotationFileLoader
Returns whether this class supports the given resource.
ClosureLoader::supports() — Method in class ClosureLoader
Returns whether this class supports the given resource.
RouteTrait::schemes() — Method in class RouteTrait
Sets the schemes (e.g. 'https') this route is restricted to.
ServiceRouterLoaderClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Routing\Loader\DependencyInjection
A route loader that executes a service to load the routes.
DirectoryLoader::supports() — Method in class DirectoryLoader
Returns whether this class supports the given resource.
GlobFileLoader::supports() — Method in class GlobFileLoader
Returns whether this class supports the given resource.
ObjectRouteLoader::supports() — Method in class ObjectRouteLoader
Returns whether this class supports the given resource.
PhpFileLoader::supports() — Method in class PhpFileLoader
Returns whether this class supports the given resource.
XmlFileLoader::supports() — Method in class XmlFileLoader
Returns whether this class supports the given resource.
YamlFileLoader::supports() — Method in class YamlFileLoader
Returns whether this class supports the given resource.
StaticPrefixCollectionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Routing\Matcher\Dumper
Prefix tree of routes preserving routes order.
UrlMatcher::setContext() — Method in class UrlMatcher
Sets the request context.
RequestContext::setBaseUrl() — Method in class RequestContext
Sets the base URL.
RequestContext::setPathInfo() — Method in class RequestContext
Sets the path info.
RequestContext::setMethod() — Method in class RequestContext
Sets the HTTP method.
RequestContext::setHost() — Method in class RequestContext
Sets the HTTP host.
RequestContext::setScheme() — Method in class RequestContext
Sets the HTTP scheme.
RequestContext::setHttpPort() — Method in class RequestContext
Sets the HTTP port.
RequestContext::setHttpsPort() — Method in class RequestContext
Sets the HTTPS port.
RequestContext::setQueryString() — Method in class RequestContext
Sets the query string.
RequestContext::setParameters() — Method in class RequestContext
Sets the parameters.
RequestContext::setParameter() — Method in class RequestContext
Sets a parameter value.
RequestContextAwareInterface::setContext() — Method in class RequestContextAwareInterface
Sets the request context.
Route::serialize() — Method in class Route
Route::setPath() — Method in class Route
Sets the pattern for the path.
Route::setHost() — Method in class Route
Sets the pattern for the host.
Route::setSchemes() — Method in class Route
Sets the schemes (e.g. 'https') this route is restricted to.
Route::setMethods() — Method in class Route
Sets the HTTP methods (e.g. 'POST') this route is restricted to.
Route::setOptions() — Method in class Route
Sets the options.
Route::setOption() — Method in class Route
Sets an option value.
Route::setDefaults() — Method in class Route
Sets the defaults.
Route::setDefault() — Method in class Route
Sets a default value.
Route::setRequirements() — Method in class Route
Sets the requirements.
Route::setRequirement() — Method in class Route
Sets a requirement for the given key.
Route::setCondition() — Method in class Route
Sets the condition.
RouteCollection::setHost() — Method in class RouteCollection
Sets the host pattern on all routes.
RouteCollection::setCondition() — Method in class RouteCollection
Sets a condition on all routes.
RouteCollection::setSchemes() — Method in class RouteCollection
Sets the schemes (e.g. 'https') all child routes are restricted to.
RouteCollection::setMethods() — Method in class RouteCollection
Sets the HTTP methods (e.g. 'POST') all child routes are restricted to.
RouteCollectionBuilder::setHost() — Method in class RouteCollectionBuilder
Sets the host on all embedded routes (unless already set).
RouteCollectionBuilder::setCondition() — Method in class RouteCollectionBuilder
Sets a condition on all embedded routes (unless already set).
RouteCollectionBuilder::setDefault() — Method in class RouteCollectionBuilder
Sets a default value that will be added to all embedded routes (unless that default value is already set).
RouteCollectionBuilder::setRequirement() — Method in class RouteCollectionBuilder
Sets a requirement that will be added to all embedded routes (unless that requirement is already set).
RouteCollectionBuilder::setOption() — Method in class RouteCollectionBuilder
Sets an option that will be added to all embedded routes (unless that option is already set).
RouteCollectionBuilder::setSchemes() — Method in class RouteCollectionBuilder
Sets the schemes on all embedded routes (unless already set).
RouteCollectionBuilder::setMethods() — Method in class RouteCollectionBuilder
Sets the methods on all embedded routes (unless already set).
Router::setOptions() — Method in class Router
Sets options.
Router::setOption() — Method in class Router
Sets an option.
Router::setContext() — Method in class Router
Sets the request context.
Router::setConfigCacheFactory() — Method in class Router
Sets the ConfigCache factory to use.
AuthenticationProviderManager::setEventDispatcher() — Method in class AuthenticationProviderManager
AnonymousAuthenticationProvider::supports() — Method in class AnonymousAuthenticationProvider
Checks whether this provider supports the given token.
AuthenticationProviderInterface::supports() — Method in class AuthenticationProviderInterface
Checks whether this provider supports the given token.
LdapBindAuthenticationProvider::setQueryString() — Method in class LdapBindAuthenticationProvider
Set a query string to use in order to find a DN for the username.
PreAuthenticatedAuthenticationProvider::supports() — Method in class PreAuthenticatedAuthenticationProvider
Checks whether this provider supports the given token.
RememberMeAuthenticationProvider::supports() — Method in class RememberMeAuthenticationProvider
Checks whether this provider supports the given token.
SimpleAuthenticationProviderClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Authentication\Provider
SimpleAuthenticationProvider::supports() — Method in class SimpleAuthenticationProvider
Checks whether this provider supports the given token.
UserAuthenticationProvider::supports() — Method in class UserAuthenticationProvider
Checks whether this provider supports the given token.
SimpleAuthenticatorInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Authentication
SimpleAuthenticatorInterface::supportsToken() — Method in class SimpleAuthenticatorInterface
AbstractToken::setUser() — Method in class AbstractToken
Sets the user in the token.
AbstractToken::setAuthenticated() — Method in class AbstractToken
Sets the authenticated flag.
AbstractToken::serialize() — Method in class AbstractToken
AbstractToken::setAttributes() — Method in class AbstractToken
Sets the token attributes.
AbstractToken::setAttribute() — Method in class AbstractToken
Sets an attribute.
AnonymousToken::serialize() — Method in class AnonymousToken
PreAuthenticatedToken::serialize() — Method in class PreAuthenticatedToken
RememberMeToken::setAuthenticated() — Method in class RememberMeToken
Sets the authenticated flag.
RememberMeToken::serialize() — Method in class RememberMeToken
TokenStorage::setToken() — Method in class TokenStorage
Sets the authentication token.
TokenStorageInterface::setToken() — Method in class TokenStorageInterface
Sets the authentication token.
TokenInterface::setUser() — Method in class TokenInterface
Sets the user in the token.
TokenInterface::setAuthenticated() — Method in class TokenInterface
Sets the authenticated flag.
TokenInterface::setAttributes() — Method in class TokenInterface
Sets the token attributes.
TokenInterface::setAttribute() — Method in class TokenInterface
Sets an attribute.
UsernamePasswordToken::setAuthenticated() — Method in class UsernamePasswordToken
Sets the authenticated flag.
UsernamePasswordToken::serialize() — Method in class UsernamePasswordToken
Voter::supports() — Method in class Voter
Determines if the attribute and subject are supported by this voter.
SelfSaltingEncoderInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Encoder
SelfSaltingEncoderInterface is a marker interface for encoders that do not require a user-generated salt.
AccessDeniedException::setAttributes() — Method in class AccessDeniedException
AccessDeniedException::setSubject() — Method in class AccessDeniedException
AccountStatusException::setUser() — Method in class AccountStatusException
AccountStatusException::serialize() — Method in class AccountStatusException
AuthenticationException::setToken() — Method in class AuthenticationException
AuthenticationException::serialize() — Method in class AuthenticationException
CustomUserMessageAuthenticationException::setSafeMessage() — Method in class CustomUserMessageAuthenticationException
Set a message that will be shown to the user.
CustomUserMessageAuthenticationException::serialize() — Method in class CustomUserMessageAuthenticationException
SessionUnavailableExceptionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Exception
This exception is thrown when no session is available.
UsernameNotFoundException::setUsername() — Method in class UsernameNotFoundException
Set the username.
UsernameNotFoundException::serialize() — Method in class UsernameNotFoundException
SwitchUserRoleClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Role
SwitchUserRole is used when the current user temporarily impersonates another one.
SecurityClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Security\Core
Helper class for commonly-needed security tasks.
ChainUserProvider::supportsClass() — Method in class ChainUserProvider
Whether this provider supports the given user class.
InMemoryUserProvider::supportsClass() — Method in class InMemoryUserProvider
Whether this provider supports the given user class.
LdapUserProvider::supportsClass() — Method in class LdapUserProvider
Whether this provider supports the given user class.
MissingUserProvider::supportsClass() — Method in class MissingUserProvider
Whether this provider supports the given user class.
UserProviderInterface::supportsClass() — Method in class UserProviderInterface
Whether this provider supports the given user class.
$UserPassword#serviceProperty in class UserPassword
NativeSessionTokenStorage::setToken() — Method in class NativeSessionTokenStorage
Stores a CSRF token.
SessionTokenStorageClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenStorage
Token storage that uses a Symfony Session object.
SessionTokenStorage::setToken() — Method in class SessionTokenStorage
Stores a CSRF token.
TokenStorageInterface::setToken() — Method in class TokenStorageInterface
Stores a CSRF token.
AuthenticatorInterface::supports() — Method in class AuthenticatorInterface
Does the authenticator support the given Request?
AuthenticatorInterface::supportsRememberMe() — Method in class AuthenticatorInterface
Does this method support remember me cookies?
AbstractFormLoginAuthenticator::supportsRememberMe() — Method in class AbstractFormLoginAuthenticator
Does this method support remember me cookies?
AbstractFormLoginAuthenticator::start() — Method in class AbstractFormLoginAuthenticator
Override to control what happens when the user hits a secure page but isn't logged in yet.
GuardAuthenticationListener::setRememberMeServices() — Method in class GuardAuthenticationListener
Should be called if this listener will support remember me.
GuardAuthenticatorHandler::setSessionAuthenticationStrategy() — Method in class GuardAuthenticatorHandler
Call this method if your authentication token is stored to a session.
GuardAuthenticationProvider::supports() — Method in class GuardAuthenticationProvider
Checks whether this provider supports the given token.
PostAuthenticationGuardToken::serialize() — Method in class PostAuthenticationGuardToken
PreAuthenticationGuardToken::setAuthenticated() — Method in class PreAuthenticationGuardToken
Sets the authenticated flag.
DefaultAuthenticationFailureHandler::setOptions() — Method in class DefaultAuthenticationFailureHandler
DefaultAuthenticationSuccessHandler::setOptions() — Method in class DefaultAuthenticationSuccessHandler
DefaultAuthenticationSuccessHandler::setProviderKey() — Method in class DefaultAuthenticationSuccessHandler
Set the provider key.
SimpleAuthenticationHandlerClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Security\Http\Authentication
Class to proxy authentication success/failure handlers.
$SimpleAuthenticationHandler#successHandlerProperty in class SimpleAuthenticationHandler
$SimpleAuthenticationHandler#simpleAuthenticatorProperty in class SimpleAuthenticationHandler
SimpleFormAuthenticatorInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Security\Http\Authentication
SimplePreAuthenticatorInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Security\Http\Authentication
UserValueResolver::supports() — Method in class UserValueResolver
Whether this resolver can resolve the value for the given ArgumentMetadata.
AuthenticationEntryPointInterface::start() — Method in class AuthenticationEntryPointInterface
Returns a response that directs the user to authenticate.
BasicAuthenticationEntryPoint::start() — Method in class BasicAuthenticationEntryPoint
Returns a response that directs the user to authenticate.
FormAuthenticationEntryPoint::start() — Method in class FormAuthenticationEntryPoint
Returns a response that directs the user to authenticate.
RetryAuthenticationEntryPoint::start() — Method in class RetryAuthenticationEntryPoint
Returns a response that directs the user to authenticate.
SwitchUserEventClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Security\Http\Event
SwitchUserEvent::setToken() — Method in class SwitchUserEvent
AbstractAuthenticationListener::setRememberMeServices() — Method in class AbstractAuthenticationListener
Sets the RememberMeServices implementation to use.
AbstractPreAuthenticatedListener::setSessionAuthenticationStrategy() — Method in class AbstractPreAuthenticatedListener
Call this method if your authentication token is stored to a session.
BasicAuthenticationListener::setSessionAuthenticationStrategy() — Method in class BasicAuthenticationListener
Call this method if your authentication token is stored to a session.
ContextListener::setLogoutOnUserChange() — Method in class ContextListener
Enables deauthentication during refreshUser when the user has changed.
ExceptionListener::setTargetPath() — Method in class ExceptionListener
SimpleFormAuthenticationListenerClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Security\Http\Firewall
SimplePreAuthenticationListenerClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Security\Http\Firewall
SimplePreAuthenticationListener implements simple proxying to an authenticator.
SimplePreAuthenticationListener::setSessionAuthenticationStrategy() — Method in class SimplePreAuthenticationListener
Call this method if your authentication token is stored to a session.
SwitchUserListenerClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Security\Http\Firewall
SwitchUserListener allows a user to impersonate another one temporarily (like the Unix su command).
UsernamePasswordJsonAuthenticationListener::setSessionAuthenticationStrategy() — Method in class UsernamePasswordJsonAuthenticationListener
Call this method if your authentication token is stored to a session.
LogoutUrlGenerator::setCurrentFirewall() — Method in class LogoutUrlGenerator
SessionLogoutHandlerClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Security\Http\Logout
Handler for clearing invalidating the current session.
PersistentTokenBasedRememberMeServices::setTokenProvider() — Method in class PersistentTokenBasedRememberMeServices
SecurityEventsClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Security\Http
SessionAuthenticationStrategyClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Security\Http\Session
The default session strategy implementation.
SessionAuthenticationStrategyInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Security\Http\Session
SerializedNameClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Serializer\Annotation
Annotation class for @SerializedName().
SerializerPassClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Serializer\DependencyInjection
Adds all services with the tags "serializer.encoder" and "serializer.normalizer" as encoders and normalizers to the "serializer" service.
ChainDecoder::supportsDecoding() — Method in class ChainDecoder
Checks whether the deserializer can decode from given format.
ChainEncoder::supportsEncoding() — Method in class ChainEncoder
Checks whether the serializer can encode to given format.
ContextAwareDecoderInterface::supportsDecoding() — Method in class ContextAwareDecoderInterface
Checks whether the deserializer can decode from given format.
ContextAwareEncoderInterface::supportsEncoding() — Method in class ContextAwareEncoderInterface
Checks whether the serializer can encode to given format.
CsvEncoder::supportsEncoding() — Method in class CsvEncoder
Checks whether the serializer can encode to given format.
CsvEncoder::supportsDecoding() — Method in class CsvEncoder
Checks whether the deserializer can decode from given format.
DecoderInterface::supportsDecoding() — Method in class DecoderInterface
Checks whether the deserializer can decode from given format.
EncoderInterface::supportsEncoding() — Method in class EncoderInterface
Checks whether the serializer can encode to given format.
$JsonDecode#serializerProperty in class JsonDecode
JsonDecode::supportsDecoding() — Method in class JsonDecode
Checks whether the deserializer can decode from given format.
JsonEncode::supportsEncoding() — Method in class JsonEncode
Checks whether the serializer can encode to given format.
JsonEncoder::supportsEncoding() — Method in class JsonEncoder
Checks whether the serializer can encode to given format.
JsonEncoder::supportsDecoding() — Method in class JsonEncoder
Checks whether the deserializer can decode from given format.
XmlEncoder::supportsEncoding() — Method in class XmlEncoder
Checks whether the serializer can encode to given format.
XmlEncoder::supportsDecoding() — Method in class XmlEncoder
Checks whether the deserializer can decode from given format.
XmlEncoder::setRootNodeName() — Method in class XmlEncoder
Sets the root node name.
YamlEncoder::supportsEncoding() — Method in class YamlEncoder
Checks whether the serializer can encode to given format.
YamlEncoder::supportsDecoding() — Method in class YamlEncoder
Checks whether the deserializer can decode from given format.
$AttributeMetadata#serializedNameProperty in class AttributeMetadata
AttributeMetadata::setMaxDepth() — Method in class AttributeMetadata
Sets the serialization max depth for this attribute.
AttributeMetadata::setSerializedName() — Method in class AttributeMetadata
Sets the serialization name for this attribute.
AttributeMetadataInterface::setMaxDepth() — Method in class AttributeMetadataInterface
Sets the serialization max depth for this attribute.
AttributeMetadataInterface::setSerializedName() — Method in class AttributeMetadataInterface
Sets the serialization name for this attribute.
ClassMetadata::setClassDiscriminatorMapping() — Method in class ClassMetadata
ClassMetadataInterface::setClassDiscriminatorMapping() — Method in class ClassMetadataInterface
AbstractNormalizer::setCircularReferenceLimit() — Method in class AbstractNormalizer
Sets circular reference limit.
AbstractNormalizer::setCircularReferenceHandler() — Method in class AbstractNormalizer
Sets circular reference handler.
AbstractNormalizer::setCallbacks() — Method in class AbstractNormalizer
Sets normalization callbacks.
AbstractNormalizer::setIgnoredAttributes() — Method in class AbstractNormalizer
Sets ignored attributes for normalization and denormalization.
AbstractObjectNormalizer::supportsNormalization() — Method in class AbstractObjectNormalizer
Checks whether the given class is supported for normalization by this normalizer.
AbstractObjectNormalizer::setMaxDepthHandler() — Method in class AbstractObjectNormalizer
Sets a handler function that will be called when the max depth is reached.
AbstractObjectNormalizer::supportsDenormalization() — Method in class AbstractObjectNormalizer
Checks whether the given class is supported for denormalization by this normalizer.
AbstractObjectNormalizer::setAttributeValue() — Method in class AbstractObjectNormalizer
Sets attribute value.
ArrayDenormalizer::supportsDenormalization() — Method in class ArrayDenormalizer
Checks whether the given class is supported for denormalization by this normalizer.
ArrayDenormalizer::setSerializer() — Method in class ArrayDenormalizer
Sets the owning Serializer object.
ConstraintViolationListNormalizer::supportsNormalization() — Method in class ConstraintViolationListNormalizer
Checks whether the given class is supported for normalization by this normalizer.
ContextAwareDenormalizerInterface::supportsDenormalization() — Method in class ContextAwareDenormalizerInterface
Checks whether the given class is supported for denormalization by this normalizer.
ContextAwareNormalizerInterface::supportsNormalization() — Method in class ContextAwareNormalizerInterface
Checks whether the given class is supported for normalization by this normalizer.
CustomNormalizer::supportsNormalization() — Method in class CustomNormalizer
Checks if the given class implements the NormalizableInterface.
CustomNormalizer::supportsDenormalization() — Method in class CustomNormalizer
Checks if the given class implements the DenormalizableInterface.
DataUriNormalizer::supportsNormalization() — Method in class DataUriNormalizer
Checks whether the given class is supported for normalization by this normalizer.
DataUriNormalizer::supportsDenormalization() — Method in class DataUriNormalizer
Checks whether the given class is supported for denormalization by this normalizer.
DateIntervalNormalizer::supportsNormalization() — Method in class DateIntervalNormalizer
Checks whether the given class is supported for normalization by this normalizer.
DateIntervalNormalizer::supportsDenormalization() — Method in class DateIntervalNormalizer
Checks whether the given class is supported for denormalization by this normalizer.
DateTimeNormalizer::supportsNormalization() — Method in class DateTimeNormalizer
Checks whether the given class is supported for normalization by this normalizer.
DateTimeNormalizer::supportsDenormalization() — Method in class DateTimeNormalizer
Checks whether the given class is supported for denormalization by this normalizer.
DenormalizerAwareInterface::setDenormalizer() — Method in class DenormalizerAwareInterface
Sets the owning Denormalizer object.
DenormalizerAwareTrait::setDenormalizer() — Method in class DenormalizerAwareTrait
Sets the Denormalizer.
DenormalizerInterface::supportsDenormalization() — Method in class DenormalizerInterface
Checks whether the given class is supported for denormalization by this normalizer.
GetSetMethodNormalizer::supportsNormalization() — Method in class GetSetMethodNormalizer
Checks whether the given class is supported for normalization by this normalizer.
GetSetMethodNormalizer::supportsDenormalization() — Method in class GetSetMethodNormalizer
Checks whether the given class is supported for denormalization by this normalizer.
GetSetMethodNormalizer::setAttributeValue() — Method in class GetSetMethodNormalizer
Sets attribute value.
JsonSerializableNormalizer::supportsNormalization() — Method in class JsonSerializableNormalizer
Checks whether the given class is supported for normalization by this normalizer.
JsonSerializableNormalizer::supportsDenormalization() — Method in class JsonSerializableNormalizer
Checks whether the given class is supported for denormalization by this normalizer.
NormalizerAwareInterface::setNormalizer() — Method in class NormalizerAwareInterface
Sets the owning Normalizer object.
NormalizerAwareTrait::setNormalizer() — Method in class NormalizerAwareTrait
Sets the normalizer.
NormalizerInterface::supportsNormalization() — Method in class NormalizerInterface
Checks whether the given class is supported for normalization by this normalizer.
ObjectNormalizer::setAttributeValue() — Method in class ObjectNormalizer
Sets attribute value.
PropertyNormalizer::supportsNormalization() — Method in class PropertyNormalizer
Checks whether the given class is supported for normalization by this normalizer.
PropertyNormalizer::supportsDenormalization() — Method in class PropertyNormalizer
Checks whether the given class is supported for denormalization by this normalizer.
PropertyNormalizer::setAttributeValue() — Method in class PropertyNormalizer
Sets attribute value.
SerializerClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Serializer
Serializer serializes and deserializes data.
Serializer::serialize() — Method in class Serializer
Serializes data in the appropriate format.
Serializer::supportsNormalization() — Method in class Serializer
Checks whether the given class is supported for normalization by this normalizer.
Serializer::supportsDenormalization() — Method in class Serializer
Checks whether the given class is supported for denormalization by this normalizer.
Serializer::supportsEncoding() — Method in class Serializer
Checks whether the serializer can encode to given format.
Serializer::supportsDecoding() — Method in class Serializer
Checks whether the deserializer can decode from given format.
SerializerAwareInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Serializer
Defines the interface of encoders.
SerializerAwareInterface::setSerializer() — Method in class SerializerAwareInterface
Sets the owning Serializer object.
SerializerAwareTraitClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Serializer
SerializerAware trait.
$SerializerAwareTrait#serializerProperty in class SerializerAwareTrait
SerializerAwareTrait::setSerializer() — Method in class SerializerAwareTrait
Sets the serializer.
SerializerInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Serializer
Defines the interface of the Serializer.
SerializerInterface::serialize() — Method in class SerializerInterface
Serializes data in the appropriate format.
SectionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Stopwatch
Stopwatch section.
Section::setId() — Method in class Section
Sets the session identifier.
Section::startEvent() — Method in class Section
Starts an event.
Section::stopEvent() — Method in class Section
Stops an event.
StopwatchClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Stopwatch
Stopwatch provides a way to profile code.
Stopwatch::stopSection() — Method in class Stopwatch
Stops the last started section.
Stopwatch::start() — Method in class Stopwatch
Starts an event.
Stopwatch::stop() — Method in class Stopwatch
Stops an event.
StopwatchEventClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Stopwatch
Represents an Event managed by Stopwatch.
StopwatchEvent::start() — Method in class StopwatchEvent
Starts a new event period.
StopwatchEvent::stop() — Method in class StopwatchEvent
Stops the last started event period.
StopwatchPeriodClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Stopwatch
Represents an Period for an Event.
DelegatingEngine::stream() — Method in class DelegatingEngine
Streams a template.
DelegatingEngine::supports() — Method in class DelegatingEngine
Returns true if this class is able to render the given template.
EngineInterface::supports() — Method in class EngineInterface
Returns true if this class is able to render the given template.
Helper::setCharset() — Method in class Helper
Sets the default charset.
HelperInterface::setCharset() — Method in class HelperInterface
Sets the default charset.
SlotsHelperClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Templating\Helper
SlotsHelper manages template slots.
$SlotsHelper#slotsProperty in class SlotsHelper
SlotsHelper::start() — Method in class SlotsHelper
Starts a new slot.
SlotsHelper::stop() — Method in class SlotsHelper
Stops a slot.
SlotsHelper::set() — Method in class SlotsHelper
Sets a slot value.
Loader::setLogger() — Method in class Loader
Sets the debug logger to use for this loader.
$PhpEngine#stackProperty in class PhpEngine
PhpEngine::supports() — Method in class PhpEngine
Returns true if this class is able to render the given template.
PhpEngine::setHelpers() — Method in class PhpEngine
Sets the helpers.
PhpEngine::set() — Method in class PhpEngine
Sets a helper.
PhpEngine::setCharset() — Method in class PhpEngine
Sets the charset to use.
PhpEngine::setEscaper() — Method in class PhpEngine
Adds an escaper for the given context.
StorageClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Templating\Storage
Storage is the base class for all storage classes.
StringStorageClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Templating\Storage
StringStorage represents a template stored in a string.
StreamingEngineInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Templating
StreamingEngineInterface provides a method that knows how to stream a template.
StreamingEngineInterface::stream() — Method in class StreamingEngineInterface
Streams a template.
TemplateReference::set() — Method in class TemplateReference
Sets a template parameter.
TemplateReferenceInterface::set() — Method in class TemplateReferenceInterface
Sets a template parameter.
$AbstractOperation#sourceProperty in class AbstractOperation
DataCollectorTranslator::setLocale() — Method in class DataCollectorTranslator
Sets the current locale.
CsvFileDumper::setCsvControl() — Method in class CsvFileDumper
Sets the delimiter and escape character for CSV.
FileDumper::setRelativePathTemplate() — Method in class FileDumper
Sets the template for the relative paths to files.
FileDumper::setBackup() — Method in class FileDumper
Sets backup flag.
ChainExtractor::setPrefix() — Method in class ChainExtractor
Sets the prefix that should be used for new found messages.
ExtractorInterface::setPrefix() — Method in class ExtractorInterface
Sets the prefix that should be used for new found messages.
$PhpExtractor#sequencesProperty in class PhpExtractor
The sequence that captures translation messages.
PhpExtractor::setPrefix() — Method in class PhpExtractor
Sets the prefix that should be used for new found messages.
CsvFileLoader::setCsvControl() — Method in class CsvFileLoader
Sets the delimiter, enclosure, and escape character for CSV.
LoggingTranslator::setLocale() — Method in class LoggingTranslator
Sets the current locale.
MessageCatalogue::set() — Method in class MessageCatalogue
Sets a message translation.
MessageCatalogue::setMetadata() — Method in class MessageCatalogue
Adds metadata to a message domain.
MessageCatalogueInterface::set() — Method in class MessageCatalogueInterface
Sets a message translation.
MetadataAwareInterface::setMetadata() — Method in class MetadataAwareInterface
Adds metadata to a message domain.
PluralizationRules::set() — Method in class PluralizationRules
Overrides the default plural rule for a given locale.
Translator::setConfigCacheFactory() — Method in class Translator
Translator::setLocale() — Method in class Translator
Sets the current locale.
Translator::setFallbackLocales() — Method in class Translator
Sets the fallback locales.
TranslatorInterface::setLocale() — Method in class TranslatorInterface
Sets the current locale.
ConstraintViolationList::set() — Method in class ConstraintViolationList
Sets a violation at a given offset.
ConstraintViolationListInterface::set() — Method in class ConstraintViolationListInterface
Sets a violation at a given offset.
$CardScheme#schemesProperty in class CardScheme
$CardSchemeValidator#schemesProperty in class CardSchemeValidator
$Choice#strictProperty in class Choice
$Email#strictProperty in class Email
$Image#sizeNotDetectedMessageProperty in class Image
$Uuid#strictProperty in class Uuid
Strict mode only allows UUIDs that meet the formal definition and formatting per RFC 4122.
ExecutionContext::setNode() — Method in class ExecutionContext
Sets the currently validated value.
ExecutionContext::setGroup() — Method in class ExecutionContext
Sets the currently validated group.
ExecutionContext::setConstraint() — Method in class ExecutionContext
Sets the currently validated constraint.
ExecutionContextInterface::setNode() — Method in class ExecutionContextInterface
Sets the currently validated value.
ExecutionContextInterface::setGroup() — Method in class ExecutionContextInterface
Sets the currently validated group.
ExecutionContextInterface::setConstraint() — Method in class ExecutionContextInterface
Sets the currently validated constraint.
DoctrineCache::setCache() — Method in class DoctrineCache
ClassMetadata::setGroupSequence() — Method in class ClassMetadata
Sets the default group sequence for this class.
ClassMetadata::setGroupSequenceProvider() — Method in class ClassMetadata
Sets whether a group sequence provider should be used.
StaticMethodLoaderClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Validator\Mapping\Loader
Loads validation metadata by calling a static method on the loaded class.
ConstraintValidatorTestCase::setUp() — Method in class ConstraintValidatorTestCase
ConstraintValidatorTestCase::setDefaultTimezone() — Method in class ConstraintValidatorTestCase
ConstraintValidatorTestCase::setGroup() — Method in class ConstraintValidatorTestCase
ConstraintValidatorTestCase::setObject() — Method in class ConstraintValidatorTestCase
ConstraintValidatorTestCase::setProperty() — Method in class ConstraintValidatorTestCase
ConstraintValidatorTestCase::setValue() — Method in class ConstraintValidatorTestCase
ConstraintValidatorTestCase::setRoot() — Method in class ConstraintValidatorTestCase
ConstraintValidatorTestCase::setPropertyPath() — Method in class ConstraintValidatorTestCase
ConstraintViolationAssertion::setParameter() — Method in class ConstraintViolationAssertion
ConstraintViolationAssertion::setParameters() — Method in class ConstraintViolationAssertion
ConstraintViolationAssertion::setTranslationDomain() — Method in class ConstraintViolationAssertion
ConstraintViolationAssertion::setInvalidValue() — Method in class ConstraintViolationAssertion
ConstraintViolationAssertion::setPlural() — Method in class ConstraintViolationAssertion
ConstraintViolationAssertion::setCode() — Method in class ConstraintViolationAssertion
ConstraintViolationAssertion::setCause() — Method in class ConstraintViolationAssertion
LegacyTranslatorProxy::setLocale() — Method in class LegacyTranslatorProxy
Sets the current locale.
ValidatorBuilder::setMetadataFactory() — Method in class ValidatorBuilder
Sets the class metadata factory used by the validator.
ValidatorBuilder::setMetadataCache() — Method in class ValidatorBuilder
Sets the cache for caching class metadata.
ValidatorBuilder::setConstraintValidatorFactory() — Method in class ValidatorBuilder
Sets the constraint validator factory used by the validator.
ValidatorBuilder::setTranslator() — Method in class ValidatorBuilder
Sets the translator used for translating violation messages.
ValidatorBuilder::setTranslationDomain() — Method in class ValidatorBuilder
Sets the default translation domain of violation messages.
ValidatorBuilderInterface::setMetadataFactory() — Method in class ValidatorBuilderInterface
Sets the class metadata factory used by the validator.
ValidatorBuilderInterface::setMetadataCache() — Method in class ValidatorBuilderInterface
Sets the cache for caching class metadata.
ValidatorBuilderInterface::setConstraintValidatorFactory() — Method in class ValidatorBuilderInterface
Sets the constraint validator factory used by the validator.
ValidatorBuilderInterface::setTranslator() — Method in class ValidatorBuilderInterface
Sets the translator used for translating violation messages.
ValidatorBuilderInterface::setTranslationDomain() — Method in class ValidatorBuilderInterface
Sets the default translation domain of violation messages.
RecursiveValidator::startContext() — Method in class RecursiveValidator
Starts a new validation context and returns a validator for that context.
TraceableValidator::startContext() — Method in class TraceableValidator
Starts a new validation context and returns a validator for that context.
ValidatorInterface::startContext() — Method in class ValidatorInterface
Starts a new validation context and returns a validator for that context.
ConstraintViolationBuilder::setParameter() — Method in class ConstraintViolationBuilder
Sets a parameter to be inserted into the violation message.
ConstraintViolationBuilder::setParameters() — Method in class ConstraintViolationBuilder
Sets all parameters to be inserted into the violation message.
ConstraintViolationBuilder::setTranslationDomain() — Method in class ConstraintViolationBuilder
Sets the translation domain which should be used for translating the violation message.
ConstraintViolationBuilder::setInvalidValue() — Method in class ConstraintViolationBuilder
Sets the invalid value that caused this violation.
ConstraintViolationBuilder::setPlural() — Method in class ConstraintViolationBuilder
Sets the number which determines how the plural form of the violation message is chosen when it is translated.
ConstraintViolationBuilder::setCode() — Method in class ConstraintViolationBuilder
Sets the violation code.
ConstraintViolationBuilder::setCause() — Method in class ConstraintViolationBuilder
Sets the cause of the violation.
ConstraintViolationBuilderInterface::setParameter() — Method in class ConstraintViolationBuilderInterface
Sets a parameter to be inserted into the violation message.
ConstraintViolationBuilderInterface::setParameters() — Method in class ConstraintViolationBuilderInterface
Sets all parameters to be inserted into the violation message.
ConstraintViolationBuilderInterface::setTranslationDomain() — Method in class ConstraintViolationBuilderInterface
Sets the translation domain which should be used for translating the violation message.
ConstraintViolationBuilderInterface::setInvalidValue() — Method in class ConstraintViolationBuilderInterface
Sets the invalid value that caused this violation.
ConstraintViolationBuilderInterface::setPlural() — Method in class ConstraintViolationBuilderInterface
Sets the number which determines how the plural form of the violation message is chosen when it is translated.
ConstraintViolationBuilderInterface::setCode() — Method in class ConstraintViolationBuilderInterface
Sets the violation code.
ConstraintViolationBuilderInterface::setCause() — Method in class ConstraintViolationBuilderInterface
Sets the cause of the violation.
$ExceptionCaster#srcContextProperty in class ExceptionCaster
SplCasterClass in namespace Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Caster
Casts SPL related classes to array representation.
StubCasterClass in namespace Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Caster
Casts a caster's Stub.
SymfonyCasterClass in namespace Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Caster
$TraceStub#sliceOffsetProperty in class TraceStub
$TraceStub#sliceLengthProperty in class TraceStub
AbstractCloner::setMaxItems() — Method in class AbstractCloner
Sets the maximum number of items to clone past the minimum depth in nested structures.
AbstractCloner::setMaxString() — Method in class AbstractCloner
Sets the maximum cloned length for strings.
AbstractCloner::setMinDepth() — Method in class AbstractCloner
Sets the minimum tree depth where we are guaranteed to clone all the items. After this depth is reached, only setMaxItems items will be cloned.
$Cursor#softRefToProperty in class Cursor
$Cursor#softRefCountProperty in class Cursor
$Cursor#softRefHandleProperty in class Cursor
$Cursor#stopProperty in class Cursor
$Cursor#skipChildrenProperty in class Cursor
Data::seek() — Method in class Data
Seeks to a specific key in nested data structures.
StubClass in namespace Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Cloner
Represents the main properties of a PHP variable.
Stub::serialize() — Method in class Stub
ServerDumpCommandClass in namespace Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Command
Starts a dump server to collect and output dumps on a single place with multiple formats support.
AbstractDumper::setOutput() — Method in class AbstractDumper
Sets the output destination of the dumps.
AbstractDumper::setCharset() — Method in class AbstractDumper
Sets the default character encoding to use for non-UTF8 strings.
AbstractDumper::setIndentPad() — Method in class AbstractDumper
Sets the indentation pad string.
$CliDumper#stylesProperty in class CliDumper
CliDumper::setColors() — Method in class CliDumper
Enables/disables colored output.
CliDumper::setMaxStringWidth() — Method in class CliDumper
Sets the maximum number of characters per line for dumped strings.
CliDumper::setStyles() — Method in class CliDumper
Configures styles.
CliDumper::style() — Method in class CliDumper
Decorates a value with some style.
CliDumper::supportsColors() — Method in class CliDumper
SourceContextProviderClass in namespace Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Dumper\ContextProvider
Tries to provide context from sources (class name, file, line, code excerpt, .
$HtmlDumper#stylesProperty in class HtmlDumper
HtmlDumper::setStyles() — Method in class HtmlDumper
Configures styles.
HtmlDumper::setTheme() — Method in class HtmlDumper
HtmlDumper::setDisplayOptions() — Method in class HtmlDumper
Configures display options.
HtmlDumper::setDumpHeader() — Method in class HtmlDumper
Sets an HTML header that will be dumped once in the output stream.
HtmlDumper::setDumpBoundaries() — Method in class HtmlDumper
Sets an HTML prefix and suffix that will encapse every single dump.
HtmlDumper::style() — Method in class HtmlDumper
Decorates a value with some style.
ServerDumperClass in namespace Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Dumper
ServerDumper forwards serialized Data clones to a server.
DumpServer::start() — Method in class DumpServer
VarDumper::setHandler() — Method in class VarDumper
HttpHeaderSerializer::serialize() — Method in class HttpHeaderSerializer
Builds the value of the "Link" HTTP header.
DefinitionBuilder::setInitialPlace() — Method in class DefinitionBuilder
DefinitionBuilder::setMetadataStore() — Method in class DefinitionBuilder
GraphvizDumper::startDot() — Method in class GraphvizDumper
StateMachineGraphvizDumperClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Workflow\Dumper
GuardEvent::setBlocked() — Method in class GuardEvent
MarkingStoreInterface::setMarking() — Method in class MarkingStoreInterface
Sets a Marking to a subject.
MultipleStateMarkingStore::setMarking() — Method in class MultipleStateMarkingStore
Sets a Marking to a subject.
SingleStateMarkingStoreClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Workflow\MarkingStore
SingleStateMarkingStore stores the marking into a property of the subject.
SingleStateMarkingStore::setMarking() — Method in class SingleStateMarkingStore
Sets a Marking to a subject.
StateMachineClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Workflow
ClassInstanceSupportStrategy::supports() — Method in class ClassInstanceSupportStrategy
InstanceOfSupportStrategy::supports() — Method in class InstanceOfSupportStrategy
SupportStrategyInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Workflow\SupportStrategy
SupportStrategyInterface::supports() — Method in class SupportStrategyInterface
WorkflowSupportStrategyInterface::supports() — Method in class WorkflowSupportStrategyInterface
StateMachineValidatorClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Workflow\Validator
ParseException::setSnippet() — Method in class ParseException
Sets the snippet of code near the error.
ParseException::setParsedFile() — Method in class ParseException
Sets the filename where the error occurred.
ParseException::setParsedLine() — Method in class ParseException
Sets the line where the error occurred.
ServiceLocatorTraitClass in namespace Symfony\Contracts\Service
A trait to help implement PSR-11 service locators.
ServiceSubscriberInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Contracts\Service
A ServiceSubscriber exposes its dependencies via the static {@link getSubscribedServices} method.
ServiceSubscriberTraitClass in namespace Symfony\Contracts\Service
Implementation of ServiceSubscriberInterface that determines subscribed services from private method return types. Service ids are available as "ClassName::methodName".
ServiceSubscriberTrait::setContainer() — Method in class ServiceSubscriberTrait
LocaleAwareInterface::setLocale() — Method in class LocaleAwareInterface
Sets the current locale.
TranslatorTrait::setLocale() — Method in class TranslatorTrait


CollectionToArrayTransformer::transform() — Method in class CollectionToArrayTransformer
Transforms a collection into an array.
TestRepositoryFactoryClass in namespace Symfony\Bridge\Doctrine\Test
$SwiftMailerHandler#transportProperty in class SwiftMailerHandler
TokenProcessorClass in namespace Symfony\Bridge\Monolog\Processor
Adds the current security token to the log entry.
ClockMock::time() — Method in class ClockMock
TestRunnerForV5Class in namespace Symfony\Bridge\PhpUnit\Legacy
TestRunnerForV6Class in namespace Symfony\Bridge\PhpUnit\Legacy
TestRunnerForV7Class in namespace Symfony\Bridge\PhpUnit\Legacy
TestRunnerClass in namespace Symfony\Bridge\PhpUnit\TextUI
TwigDataCollectorClass in namespace Symfony\Bridge\Twig\DataCollector
TranslationExtensionClass in namespace Symfony\Bridge\Twig\Extension
Provides integration of the Translation component with Twig.
TranslationExtension::trans() — Method in class TranslationExtension
TranslationExtension::transchoice() — Method in class TranslationExtension
TwigRendererEngineClass in namespace Symfony\Bridge\Twig\Form
TranslationDefaultDomainNodeVisitorClass in namespace Symfony\Bridge\Twig\NodeVisitor
TranslationNodeVisitorClass in namespace Symfony\Bridge\Twig\NodeVisitor
TranslationNodeVisitor extracts translation messages.
TransDefaultDomainNodeClass in namespace Symfony\Bridge\Twig\Node
TransNodeClass in namespace Symfony\Bridge\Twig\Node
TransChoiceTokenParserClass in namespace Symfony\Bridge\Twig\TokenParser
Token Parser for the 'transchoice' tag.
TransDefaultDomainTokenParserClass in namespace Symfony\Bridge\Twig\TokenParser
Token Parser for the 'trans_default_domain' tag.
TransTokenParserClass in namespace Symfony\Bridge\Twig\TokenParser
Token Parser for the 'trans' tag.
TwigExtractorClass in namespace Symfony\Bridge\Twig\Translation
TwigExtractor extracts translation messages from a twig template.
TwigEngineClass in namespace Symfony\Bridge\Twig
This engine knows how to render Twig templates.
TemplateFinderClass in namespace Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\CacheWarmer
Finds all the templates.
TemplateFinderInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\CacheWarmer
Interface for finding all the templates.
TemplatePathsCacheWarmerClass in namespace Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\CacheWarmer
Computes the association between template names and their paths on the disk.
TranslationsCacheWarmerClass in namespace Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\CacheWarmer
Generates the catalogues for translations.
TranslationDebugCommandClass in namespace Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Command
Helps finding unused or missing translation messages in a given locale and comparing them with the fallback ones.
TranslationUpdateCommandClass in namespace Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Command
A command that parses templates to extract translation messages and adds them into the translation files.
TextDescriptorClass in namespace Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Console\Descriptor
TemplateControllerClass in namespace Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller
TemplateController::templateAction() — Method in class TemplateController
Renders a template.
TemplatingPassClass in namespace Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\DependencyInjection\Compiler
TestServiceContainerRealRefPassClass in namespace Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\DependencyInjection\Compiler
TestServiceContainerWeakRefPassClass in namespace Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\DependencyInjection\Compiler
TranslatorHelperClass in namespace Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Templating\Helper
$TranslatorHelper#translatorProperty in class TranslatorHelper
TranslatorHelper::trans() — Method in class TranslatorHelper
TranslatorHelper::transChoice() — Method in class TranslatorHelper
TemplateLocatorClass in namespace Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Templating\Loader
TemplateLocator locates templates in bundles.
TemplateFilenameParserClass in namespace Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Templating
TemplateFilenameParser converts template filenames to TemplateReferenceInterface instances.
TemplateNameParserClass in namespace Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Templating
TemplateNameParser converts template names from the short notation "bundle:section:template.format.engine" to TemplateReferenceInterface instances.
TemplateReferenceClass in namespace Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Templating
Internal representation of a template.
TimedPhpEngineClass in namespace Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Templating
Times the time spent to render a template.
KernelTestCase::tearDown() — Method in class KernelTestCase
Clean up Kernel usage in this test.
TestContainerClass in namespace Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Test
TranslatorClass in namespace Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Translation
TraceableFirewallListenerClass in namespace Symfony\Bundle\SecurityBundle\Debug
Firewall collecting called listeners.
TemplateCacheCacheWarmerClass in namespace Symfony\Bundle\TwigBundle\CacheWarmer
Generates the Twig cache for all templates.
TemplateCacheWarmerClass in namespace Symfony\Bundle\TwigBundle\CacheWarmer
Generates the Twig cache for all templates.
$ExceptionController#twigProperty in class ExceptionController
ExceptionController::templateExists() — Method in class ExceptionController
TwigEnvironmentPassClass in namespace Symfony\Bundle\TwigBundle\DependencyInjection\Compiler
Adds tagged twig.extension services to twig service.
TwigLoaderPassClass in namespace Symfony\Bundle\TwigBundle\DependencyInjection\Compiler
Adds services tagged twig.loader as Twig loaders.
TwigExtensionClass in namespace Symfony\Bundle\TwigBundle\DependencyInjection
TemplateIteratorClass in namespace Symfony\Bundle\TwigBundle
Iterator for all templates in bundles and in the application Resources directory.
TwigBundleClass in namespace Symfony\Bundle\TwigBundle
TwigEngineClass in namespace Symfony\Bundle\TwigBundle
This engine renders Twig templates.
$ExceptionController#twigProperty in class ExceptionController
ExceptionController::templateExists() — Method in class ExceptionController
ProfilerController::toolbarAction() — Method in class ProfilerController
Renders the Web Debug Toolbar.
$WebDebugToolbarListener#twigProperty in class WebDebugToolbarListener
TemplateManagerClass in namespace Symfony\Bundle\WebProfilerBundle\Profiler
Profiler Templates Manager.
$TemplateManager#twigProperty in class TemplateManager
$TemplateManager#templatesProperty in class TemplateManager
TemplateManager::templateExists() — Method in class TemplateManager
PhpArrayAdapter::throwOnRequiredClass() — Method in class PhpArrayAdapter
TagAwareAdapterClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Cache\Adapter
TagAwareAdapterInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Cache\Adapter
Interface for invalidating cached items using tags.
TraceableAdapterClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Cache\Adapter
An adapter that collects data about all cache calls.
TraceableAdapterEventClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Cache\Adapter
TraceableTagAwareAdapterClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Cache\Adapter
CacheItem::tag() — Method in class CacheItem
Adds a tag to a cache item.
TraceableCacheClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Cache\Simple
An adapter that collects data about all cache calls.
TraceableCacheEventClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Cache\Simple
FilesystemCommonTrait::throwError() — Method in class FilesystemCommonTrait
$ExprBuilder#thenPartProperty in class ExprBuilder
ExprBuilder::then() — Method in class ExprBuilder
Sets the closure to run if the test pass.
ExprBuilder::thenEmptyArray() — Method in class ExprBuilder
Sets a closure returning an empty array.
ExprBuilder::thenInvalid() — Method in class ExprBuilder
Sets a closure marking the value as invalid at processing time.
ExprBuilder::thenUnset() — Method in class ExprBuilder
Sets a closure unsetting this key of the array at processing time.
$NodeDefinition#trueEquivalentProperty in class NodeDefinition
NodeDefinition::treatNullLike() — Method in class NodeDefinition
Sets the equivalent value used when the node contains null.
NodeDefinition::treatTrueLike() — Method in class NodeDefinition
Sets the equivalent value used when the node contains true.
NodeDefinition::treatFalseLike() — Method in class NodeDefinition
Sets the equivalent value used when the node contains false.
TreeBuilderClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Config\Definition\Builder
This is the entry class for building a config tree.
$TreeBuilder#treeProperty in class TreeBuilder
TreeWithoutRootNodeExceptionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Config\Definition\Exception
TextDescriptorClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Console\Descriptor
Text descriptor.
FormatterHelper::truncate() — Method in class FormatterHelper
Truncates a message to the given length.
TableClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Console\Helper
Provides helpers to display a table.
TableCellClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Console\Helper
TableRowsClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Console\Helper
TableSeparatorClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Console\Helper
Marks a row as being a separator.
TableStyleClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Console\Helper
Defines the styles for a Table.
StyleInterface::title() — Method in class StyleInterface
Formats a command title.
StyleInterface::text() — Method in class StyleInterface
Formats informational text.
StyleInterface::table() — Method in class StyleInterface
Formats a table.
SymfonyStyle::title() — Method in class SymfonyStyle
Formats a command title.
SymfonyStyle::text() — Method in class SymfonyStyle
Formats informational text.
SymfonyStyle::table() — Method in class SymfonyStyle
Formats a table.
TerminalClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Console
TesterTraitClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Console\Tester
CssSelectorConverter::toXPath() — Method in class CssSelectorConverter
Translates a CSS expression to its XPath equivalent.
TokenClass in namespace Symfony\Component\CssSelector\Parser
CSS selector token.
TokenStreamClass in namespace Symfony\Component\CssSelector\Parser
CSS selector token stream.
TokenizerClass in namespace Symfony\Component\CssSelector\Parser\Tokenizer
CSS selector tokenizer.
Tokenizer::tokenize() — Method in class Tokenizer
Tokenize selector source code.
TokenizerEscapingClass in namespace Symfony\Component\CssSelector\Parser\Tokenizer
CSS selector tokenizer escaping applier.
TokenizerPatternsClass in namespace Symfony\Component\CssSelector\Parser\Tokenizer
CSS selector tokenizer patterns builder.
AttributeMatchingExtension::translateExists() — Method in class AttributeMatchingExtension
AttributeMatchingExtension::translateEquals() — Method in class AttributeMatchingExtension
AttributeMatchingExtension::translateIncludes() — Method in class AttributeMatchingExtension
AttributeMatchingExtension::translateDashMatch() — Method in class AttributeMatchingExtension
AttributeMatchingExtension::translatePrefixMatch() — Method in class AttributeMatchingExtension
AttributeMatchingExtension::translateSuffixMatch() — Method in class AttributeMatchingExtension
AttributeMatchingExtension::translateSubstringMatch() — Method in class AttributeMatchingExtension
AttributeMatchingExtension::translateDifferent() — Method in class AttributeMatchingExtension
CombinationExtension::translateDescendant() — Method in class CombinationExtension
CombinationExtension::translateChild() — Method in class CombinationExtension
CombinationExtension::translateDirectAdjacent() — Method in class CombinationExtension
CombinationExtension::translateIndirectAdjacent() — Method in class CombinationExtension
FunctionExtension::translateNthChild() — Method in class FunctionExtension
FunctionExtension::translateNthLastChild() — Method in class FunctionExtension
FunctionExtension::translateNthOfType() — Method in class FunctionExtension
FunctionExtension::translateNthLastOfType() — Method in class FunctionExtension
FunctionExtension::translateContains() — Method in class FunctionExtension
FunctionExtension::translateLang() — Method in class FunctionExtension
HtmlExtension::translateChecked() — Method in class HtmlExtension
HtmlExtension::translateLink() — Method in class HtmlExtension
HtmlExtension::translateDisabled() — Method in class HtmlExtension
HtmlExtension::translateEnabled() — Method in class HtmlExtension
HtmlExtension::translateLang() — Method in class HtmlExtension
HtmlExtension::translateSelected() — Method in class HtmlExtension
HtmlExtension::translateInvalid() — Method in class HtmlExtension
HtmlExtension::translateHover() — Method in class HtmlExtension
HtmlExtension::translateVisited() — Method in class HtmlExtension
NodeExtension::translateSelector() — Method in class NodeExtension
NodeExtension::translateCombinedSelector() — Method in class NodeExtension
NodeExtension::translateNegation() — Method in class NodeExtension
NodeExtension::translateFunction() — Method in class NodeExtension
NodeExtension::translatePseudo() — Method in class NodeExtension
NodeExtension::translateAttribute() — Method in class NodeExtension
NodeExtension::translateClass() — Method in class NodeExtension
NodeExtension::translateHash() — Method in class NodeExtension
NodeExtension::translateElement() — Method in class NodeExtension
PseudoClassExtension::translateRoot() — Method in class PseudoClassExtension
PseudoClassExtension::translateFirstChild() — Method in class PseudoClassExtension
PseudoClassExtension::translateLastChild() — Method in class PseudoClassExtension
PseudoClassExtension::translateFirstOfType() — Method in class PseudoClassExtension
PseudoClassExtension::translateLastOfType() — Method in class PseudoClassExtension
PseudoClassExtension::translateOnlyChild() — Method in class PseudoClassExtension
PseudoClassExtension::translateOnlyOfType() — Method in class PseudoClassExtension
PseudoClassExtension::translateEmpty() — Method in class PseudoClassExtension
TranslatorClass in namespace Symfony\Component\CssSelector\XPath
XPath expression translator interface.
TranslatorInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\CssSelector\XPath
XPath expression translator interface.
ErrorHandler::throwAt() — Method in class ErrorHandler
Sets the PHP error levels that throw an exception when a PHP error occurs.
ErrorHandler::traceAt() — Method in class ErrorHandler
Sets the PHP error levels for which the stack trace is preserved.
FlattenException::toArray() — Method in class FlattenException
TaggedIteratorArgumentClass in namespace Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Argument
Represents a collection of services found by tag name to lazily iterate over.
DefaultsConfigurator::tag() — Method in class DefaultsConfigurator
Adds a tag for this definition.
TagTraitClass in namespace Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Loader\Configurator\Traits
TagTrait::tag() — Method in class TagTrait
Adds a tag for this definition.
TaggedContainerInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection
TaggedContainerInterface is the interface implemented when a container knows how to deals with tags.
TypedReferenceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection
Represents a PHP type-hinted service reference.
Crawler::text() — Method in class Crawler
Returns the node value of the first node of the list.
ChoiceFormField::tick() — Method in class ChoiceFormField
Ticks a checkbox.
TextareaFormFieldClass in namespace Symfony\Component\DomCrawler\Field
TextareaFormField represents a textarea form field (an HTML textarea tag).
TraceableEventDispatcherClass in namespace Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\Debug
Collects some data about event listeners.
TraceableEventDispatcherInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\Debug
Lexer::tokenize() — Method in class Lexer
Tokenizes an expression.
ArgumentsNode::toArray() — Method in class ArgumentsNode
ArrayNode::toArray() — Method in class ArrayNode
BinaryNode::toArray() — Method in class BinaryNode
ConditionalNode::toArray() — Method in class ConditionalNode
ConstantNode::toArray() — Method in class ConstantNode
FunctionNode::toArray() — Method in class FunctionNode
GetAttrNode::toArray() — Method in class GetAttrNode
NameNode::toArray() — Method in class NameNode
Node::toArray() — Method in class Node
UnaryNode::toArray() — Method in class UnaryNode
TokenClass in namespace Symfony\Component\ExpressionLanguage
Represents a Token.
$Token#typeProperty in class Token
Token::test() — Method in class Token
Tests the current token for a type and/or a value.
TokenStreamClass in namespace Symfony\Component\ExpressionLanguage
Represents a token stream.
Filesystem::touch() — Method in class Filesystem
Sets access and modification time of file.
Filesystem::tempnam() — Method in class Filesystem
Creates a temporary file with support for custom stream wrappers.
Comparator::test() — Method in class Comparator
Tests against the target.
Glob::toRegex() — Method in class Glob
Returns a regexp which is the equivalent of the glob pattern.
FilecontentFilterIterator::toRegex() — Method in class FilecontentFilterIterator
Converts string to regexp if necessary.
FilenameFilterIterator::toRegex() — Method in class FilenameFilterIterator
Converts glob to regexp.
MultiplePcreFilterIterator::toRegex() — Method in class MultiplePcreFilterIterator
Converts string into regexp.
PathFilterIterator::toRegex() — Method in class PathFilterIterator
Converts strings to regexp.
$AbstractRendererEngine#themesProperty in class AbstractRendererEngine
CallbackTransformer::transform() — Method in class CallbackTransformer
Transforms a value from the original representation to a transformed representation.
$Descriptor#typeProperty in class Descriptor
TextDescriptorClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Form\Console\Descriptor
DataTransformerInterface::transform() — Method in class DataTransformerInterface
Transforms a value from the original representation to a transformed representation.
TransformationFailedExceptionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Form\Exception
Indicates a value transformation error.
ArrayToPartsTransformer::transform() — Method in class ArrayToPartsTransformer
Transforms a value from the original representation to a transformed representation.
BooleanToStringTransformer::transform() — Method in class BooleanToStringTransformer
Transforms a Boolean into a string.
ChoiceToValueTransformer::transform() — Method in class ChoiceToValueTransformer
Transforms a value from the original representation to a transformed representation.
ChoicesToValuesTransformer::transform() — Method in class ChoicesToValuesTransformer
$DataTransformerChain#transformersProperty in class DataTransformerChain
DataTransformerChain::transform() — Method in class DataTransformerChain
Passes the value through the transform() method of all nested transformers.
DateIntervalToArrayTransformer::transform() — Method in class DateIntervalToArrayTransformer
Transforms a normalized date interval into an interval array.
DateIntervalToStringTransformer::transform() — Method in class DateIntervalToStringTransformer
Transforms a DateInterval object into a date string with the configured format.
DateTimeImmutableToDateTimeTransformer::transform() — Method in class DateTimeImmutableToDateTimeTransformer
Transforms a DateTimeImmutable into a DateTime object.
DateTimeToArrayTransformer::transform() — Method in class DateTimeToArrayTransformer
Transforms a normalized date into a localized date.
DateTimeToHtml5LocalDateTimeTransformer::transform() — Method in class DateTimeToHtml5LocalDateTimeTransformer
Transforms a \DateTime into a local date and time string.
DateTimeToLocalizedStringTransformer::transform() — Method in class DateTimeToLocalizedStringTransformer
Transforms a normalized date into a localized date string/array.
DateTimeToRfc3339Transformer::transform() — Method in class DateTimeToRfc3339Transformer
Transforms a normalized date into a localized date.
DateTimeToStringTransformer::transform() — Method in class DateTimeToStringTransformer
Transforms a DateTime object into a date string with the configured format and timezone.
DateTimeToTimestampTransformer::transform() — Method in class DateTimeToTimestampTransformer
Transforms a DateTime object into a timestamp in the configured timezone.
DateTimeZoneToStringTransformer::transform() — Method in class DateTimeZoneToStringTransformer
Transforms a value from the original representation to a transformed representation.
MoneyToLocalizedStringTransformer::transform() — Method in class MoneyToLocalizedStringTransformer
Transforms a normalized format into a localized money string.
NumberToLocalizedStringTransformer::transform() — Method in class NumberToLocalizedStringTransformer
Transforms a number type into localized number.
$PercentToLocalizedStringTransformer#typesProperty in class PercentToLocalizedStringTransformer
PercentToLocalizedStringTransformer::transform() — Method in class PercentToLocalizedStringTransformer
Transforms between a normalized format (integer or float) into a percentage value.
ValueToDuplicatesTransformer::transform() — Method in class ValueToDuplicatesTransformer
Duplicates the given value through the array.
$ResizeFormListener#typeProperty in class ResizeFormListener
TransformationFailureListenerClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\EventListener
TrimListenerClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\EventListener
Trims string data.
TelTypeClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type
TextTypeClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type
TextType::transform() — Method in class TextType
Transforms a value from the original representation to a transformed representation.
TextareaTypeClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type
TimeTypeClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type
TimezoneTypeClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type
TransformationFailureExtensionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type
TemplatingExtensionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Templating
Integrates the Templating component with the Form library.
TemplatingRendererEngineClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Templating
TypeGuessClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Form\Guess
Contains a guessed class name and a list of options for creating an instance of that class.
ReversedTransformer::transform() — Method in class ReversedTransformer
Transforms a value from the original representation to a transformed representation.
TypeTestCaseClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Form\Test
TypeTestCase::tearDown() — Method in class TypeTestCase
StringUtil::trim() — Method in class StringUtil
Returns the trimmed data.
$BinaryFileResponse#trustXSendfileTypeHeaderProperty in class BinaryFileResponse
BinaryFileResponse::trustXSendfileTypeHeader() — Method in class BinaryFileResponse
Trust X-Sendfile-Type header.
HeaderUtils::toString() — Method in class HeaderUtils
Joins an associative array into a string for use in an HTTP header.
$RedirectResponse#targetUrlProperty in class RedirectResponse
$Request#trustedProxiesProperty in class Request
$Request#trustedHostPatternsProperty in class Request
$Request#trustedHostsProperty in class Request
TraceableValueResolverClass in namespace Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Controller\ArgumentResolver
Provides timing information via the stopwatch.
TraceableArgumentResolverClass in namespace Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Controller
TraceableControllerResolverClass in namespace Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Controller
TimeDataCollectorClass in namespace Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\DataCollector
TraceableEventDispatcherClass in namespace Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Debug
Collects some data about event listeners.
TestSessionListenerClass in namespace Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\EventListener
Sets the session in the request.
TranslatorListenerClass in namespace Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\EventListener
Synchronizes the locale between the request and the translator.
TooManyRequestsHttpExceptionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Exception
HttpCache::terminate() — Method in class HttpCache
Terminates a request/response cycle.
HttpKernel::terminate() — Method in class HttpKernel
Terminates a request/response cycle.
HttpKernel::terminateWithException() — Method in class HttpKernel
Kernel::terminate() — Method in class Kernel
Terminates a request/response cycle.
TerminableInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\HttpKernel
Terminable extends the Kernel request/response cycle with dispatching a post response event after sending the response and before shutting down the kernel.
TerminableInterface::terminate() — Method in class TerminableInterface
Terminates a request/response cycle.
TextBundleWriterClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Intl\Data\Bundle\Writer
Writes .txt resource bundles.
TimezoneTransformerClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Intl\DateFormatter\DateFormat
Parser and formatter for time zone format.
TransformerClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Intl\DateFormatter\DateFormat
Parser and formatter for date formats.
CollectionInterface::toArray() — Method in class CollectionInterface
Collection::toArray() — Method in class Collection
UpdateOperation::toArray() — Method in class UpdateOperation
TraceableMiddlewareClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Messenger\Middleware
Collects some data about a middleware.
TraceableStackClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Messenger\Middleware
TraceableMessageBusClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Messenger
TransportFactoryClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Messenger\Transport
TransportFactoryInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Messenger\Transport
Creates a Messenger transport.
TransportInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Messenger\Transport
TypeClass in namespace Symfony\Component\PropertyInfo
Type value object (immutable).
TraceableUrlMatcherClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Routing\Matcher
TraceableUrlMatcher helps debug path info matching by tracing the match.
$TraceableUrlMatcher#tracesProperty in class TraceableUrlMatcher
TokenProviderInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Authentication\RememberMe
Interface for TokenProviders.
TokenStorageClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Authentication\Token\Storage
TokenStorage contains a TokenInterface.
TokenStorageInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Authentication\Token\Storage
The TokenStorageInterface.
TokenInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Authentication\Token
TokenInterface is the interface for the user authentication information.
TraceableAccessDecisionManagerClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Authorization
Decorates the original AccessDecisionManager class to log information about the security voters and the decisions made by them.
TraceableVoterClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Authorization\Voter
Decorates voter classes to send result events.
TokenNotFoundExceptionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Exception
TokenNotFoundException is thrown if a Token cannot be found.
TokenNotFoundExceptionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\Exception
TokenGeneratorInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenGenerator
Generates CSRF tokens.
TokenStorageInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenStorage
Stores CSRF tokens.
$DefaultLogoutSuccessHandler#targetUrlProperty in class DefaultLogoutSuccessHandler
TokenBasedRememberMeServicesClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Security\Http\RememberMe
Concrete implementation of the RememberMeServicesInterface providing remember-me capabilities without requiring a TokenProvider.
TargetPathTraitClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Security\Http\Util
Trait to get (and set) the URL the user last visited before being forced to authenticate.
$FilesystemLoader#templatePathPatternsProperty in class FilesystemLoader
$Storage#templateProperty in class Storage
TemplateNameParserClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Templating
TemplateNameParser is the default implementation of TemplateNameParserInterface.
TemplateNameParserInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Templating
TemplateNameParserInterface converts template names to TemplateReferenceInterface instances.
TemplateReferenceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Templating
Internal representation of a template.
TemplateReferenceInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Templating
Interface to be implemented by all templates.
$AbstractOperation#targetProperty in class AbstractOperation
TargetOperationClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Translation\Catalogue
Target operation between two catalogues: intersection = source ∩ target = {x: x ∈ source ∧ x ∈ target} all = intersection ∪ (target ∖ intersection) = target new = all ∖ source = {x: x ∈ target ∧ x ∉ source} obsolete = source ∖ all = source ∖ target = {x: x ∈ source ∧ x ∉ target} Basically, the result contains messages from the target catalogue.
DataCollectorTranslator::trans() — Method in class DataCollectorTranslator
Translates the given message.
DataCollectorTranslator::transChoice() — Method in class DataCollectorTranslator
Translates the given choice message by choosing a translation according to a number.
TranslationDataCollectorClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Translation\DataCollector
TranslationDumperPassClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Translation\DependencyInjection
Adds tagged translation.formatter services to translation writer.
TranslationExtractorPassClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Translation\DependencyInjection
Adds tagged translation.extractor services to translation extractor.
TranslatorPassClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Translation\DependencyInjection
IdentityTranslator::transChoice() — Method in class IdentityTranslator
Translates the given choice message by choosing a translation according to a number.
Interval::test() — Method in class Interval
Tests if the given number is in the math interval.
LoggingTranslator::trans() — Method in class LoggingTranslator
Translates the given message.
LoggingTranslator::transChoice() — Method in class LoggingTranslator
Translates the given choice message by choosing a translation according to a number.
TranslationReaderClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Translation\Reader
TranslationReader reads translation messages from translation files.
TranslationReaderInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Translation\Reader
TranslationReader reads translation messages from translation files.
TranslatorClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Translation
Translator::trans() — Method in class Translator
Translates the given message.
Translator::transChoice() — Method in class Translator
Translates the given choice message by choosing a translation according to a number.
TranslatorBagInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Translation
TranslatorInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Translation
TranslatorInterface::trans() — Method in class TranslatorInterface
Translates the given message.
TranslatorInterface::transChoice() — Method in class TranslatorInterface
Translates the given choice message by choosing a translation according to a number.
TranslationWriterClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Translation\Writer
TranslationWriter writes translation messages.
TranslationWriterInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Translation\Writer
TranslationWriter writes translation messages.
$Isbn#typeProperty in class Isbn
TimeClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints
TimeValidatorClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints
TraverseClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints
$Traverse#traverseProperty in class Traverse
TypeClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints
$Type#typeProperty in class Type
TypeValidatorClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints
$Valid#traverseProperty in class Valid
$ClassMetadata#traversalStrategyProperty in class ClassMetadata
The strategy for traversing traversable objects.
$GenericMetadata#traversalStrategyProperty in class GenericMetadata
The strategy for traversing traversable objects.
TraversalStrategyClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Validator\Mapping
Specifies whether and how a traversable object should be traversed.
ConstraintValidatorTestCase::tearDown() — Method in class ConstraintValidatorTestCase
LegacyTranslatorProxy::trans() — Method in class LegacyTranslatorProxy
Translates the given message.
LegacyTranslatorProxy::transChoice() — Method in class LegacyTranslatorProxy
Translates the given choice message by choosing a translation according to a number.
TraceableValidatorClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Validator\Validator
Collects some data about validator calls.
$ExceptionCaster#traceArgsProperty in class ExceptionCaster
TraceStubClass in namespace Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Caster
Represents a backtrace as returned by debug_backtrace() or Exception->getTrace().
$Stub#typeProperty in class Stub
$HtmlDumper#themesProperty in class HtmlDumper
ThrowingCasterExceptionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Exception
TransitionExceptionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Workflow\Exception
TransitionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Workflow
TransitionBlockerClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Workflow
A reason why a transition cannot be performed for a subject.
TransitionBlockerListClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Workflow
A list of transition blockers.
TaggedValueClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Yaml\Tag
ItemInterface::tag() — Method in class ItemInterface
Adds a tag to a cache item.
TagAwareCacheInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Contracts\Cache
Allows invalidating cached items using tags.
TranslatorInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Contracts\Translation
TranslatorInterface::trans() — Method in class TranslatorInterface
Translates the given message.
TranslatorTraitClass in namespace Symfony\Contracts\Translation
A trait to help implement TranslatorInterface and LocaleAwareInterface.
TranslatorTrait::trans() — Method in class TranslatorTrait


DoctrineTokenProvider::updateToken() — Method in class DoctrineTokenProvider
Updates the token according to this data.
UserLoaderInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Bridge\Doctrine\Security\User
Represents a class that loads UserInterface objects from Doctrine source for the authentication system.
UniqueEntityClass in namespace Symfony\Bridge\Doctrine\Validator\Constraints
Constraint for the Unique Entity validator.
UniqueEntityValidatorClass in namespace Symfony\Bridge\Doctrine\Validator\Constraints
Unique Entity Validator checks if one or a set of fields contain unique values.
ClockMock::usleep() — Method in class ClockMock
UndefinedCallableHandlerClass in namespace Symfony\Bridge\Twig
RedirectController::urlRedirectAction() — Method in class RedirectController
Redirects to a URL.
UnusedTagsPassClass in namespace Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\DependencyInjection\Compiler
Find all service tags which are defined, but not used and yield a warning log message.
RouterHelper::url() — Method in class RouterHelper
Generates a URL reference (as an absolute URL or network path) to the route with the given parameters.
UserPasswordEncoderCommandClass in namespace Symfony\Bundle\SecurityBundle\Command
Encode a user's password.
UserProviderFactoryInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Bundle\SecurityBundle\DependencyInjection\Security\UserProvider
UserProviderFactoryInterface is the interface for all user provider factories.
ContentSecurityPolicyHandler::updateResponseHeaders() — Method in class ContentSecurityPolicyHandler
Cleanup temporary headers and updates Content-Security-Policy headers.
$WebDebugToolbarListener#urlGeneratorProperty in class WebDebugToolbarListener
UrlPackageClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Asset
Package that adds a base URL to asset URLs in addition to a version.
CookieJar::updateFromSetCookie() — Method in class CookieJar
Updates the cookie jar from a response Set-Cookie headers.
CookieJar::updateFromResponse() — Method in class CookieJar
Updates the cookie jar from a Response object.
$Request#uriProperty in class Request
DefaultMarshaller::unmarshall() — Method in class DefaultMarshaller
Unserializes a single value and throws an exception if anything goes wrong.
MarshallerInterface::unmarshall() — Method in class MarshallerInterface
Unserializes a single value and throws an exception if anything goes wrong.
AbstractTrait::unserialize() — Method in class AbstractTrait
Like the native unserialize() function but throws an exception if anything goes wrong.
ArrayNodeDefinition::useAttributeAsKey() — Method in class ArrayNodeDefinition
Sets the attribute which value is to be used as key.
UnsetKeyExceptionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Config\Definition\Exception
This exception is usually not encountered by the end-user, but only used internally to signal the parent scope to unset a key.
ClassExistenceResource::unserialize() — Method in class ClassExistenceResource
ComposerResource::unserialize() — Method in class ComposerResource
DirectoryResource::unserialize() — Method in class DirectoryResource
FileExistenceResource::unserialize() — Method in class FileExistenceResource
FileResource::unserialize() — Method in class FileResource
GlobResource::unserialize() — Method in class GlobResource
ReflectionClassResource::unserialize() — Method in class ReflectionClassResource
OutputFormatterStyle::unsetOption() — Method in class OutputFormatterStyle
Unsets some specific style option.
OutputFormatterStyleInterface::unsetOption() — Method in class OutputFormatterStyleInterface
Unsets some specific style option.
SyntaxErrorException::unexpectedToken() — Method in class SyntaxErrorException
SyntaxErrorException::unclosedString() — Method in class SyntaxErrorException
UndefinedFunctionExceptionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Debug\Exception
Undefined Function Exception.
UndefinedMethodExceptionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Debug\Exception
Undefined Method Exception.
UndefinedFunctionFatalErrorHandlerClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Debug\FatalErrorHandler
ErrorHandler for undefined functions.
UndefinedMethodFatalErrorHandlerClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Debug\FatalErrorHandler
ErrorHandler for undefined methods.
ContainerParametersResource::unserialize() — Method in class ContainerParametersResource
Container::underscore() — Method in class Container
A string to underscore.
ParameterNotFoundException::updateRepr() — Method in class ParameterNotFoundException
ContainerBagInterface::unescapeValue() — Method in class ContainerBagInterface
Unescape parameter placeholders %.
ParameterBag::unescapeValue() — Method in class ParameterBag
Unescape parameter placeholders %.
ParameterBagInterface::unescapeValue() — Method in class ParameterBagInterface
Unescape parameter placeholders %.
$Crawler#uriProperty in class Crawler
ChoiceFormField::untick() — Method in class ChoiceFormField
Unticks a checkbox.
FileFormField::upload() — Method in class FileFormField
Sets the value of the field.
UnaryNodeClass in namespace Symfony\Component\ExpressionLanguage\Node
$AbstractRendererEngine#useDefaultThemesProperty in class AbstractRendererEngine
UnexpectedTypeExceptionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Form\Exception
UrlTypeClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type
UploadValidatorExtensionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Validator\Type
FormError::unserialize() — Method in class FormError
Unserializes a serialized error.
UnexpectedTypeExceptionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\File\Exception
UploadExceptionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\File\Exception
Thrown when an error occurred during file upload.
UploadedFileClass in namespace Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\File
A file uploaded through a form.
HeaderUtils::unquote() — Method in class HeaderUtils
Decodes a quoted string.
JsonResponse::update() — Method in class JsonResponse
Updates the content and headers according to the JSON data and callback.
MemcachedSessionHandler::updateTimestamp() — Method in class MemcachedSessionHandler
MigratingSessionHandler::updateTimestamp() — Method in class MigratingSessionHandler
MongoDbSessionHandler::updateTimestamp() — Method in class MongoDbSessionHandler
NullSessionHandler::updateTimestamp() — Method in class NullSessionHandler
PdoSessionHandler::updateTimestamp() — Method in class PdoSessionHandler
RedisSessionHandler::updateTimestamp() — Method in class RedisSessionHandler
StrictSessionHandler::updateTimestamp() — Method in class StrictSessionHandler
SessionHandlerProxy::updateTimestamp() — Method in class SessionHandlerProxy
DataCollector::unserialize() — Method in class DataCollector
DumpDataCollector::unserialize() — Method in class DumpDataCollector
MemoryDataCollector::updateMemoryUsage() — Method in class MemoryDataCollector
Updates the memory usage data.
FileLinkFormatter::unserialize() — Method in class FileLinkFormatter
UnauthorizedHttpExceptionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Exception
UnprocessableEntityHttpExceptionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Exception
UnsupportedMediaTypeHttpExceptionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Exception
ResponseCacheStrategy::update() — Method in class ResponseCacheStrategy
Updates the Response HTTP headers based on the embedded Responses.
ResponseCacheStrategyInterface::update() — Method in class ResponseCacheStrategyInterface
Updates the Response HTTP headers based on the embedded Responses.
Store::unlock() — Method in class Store
Releases the lock for the given Request.
StoreInterface::unlock() — Method in class StoreInterface
Releases the lock for the given Request.
Kernel::unserialize() — Method in class Kernel
UriSignerClass in namespace Symfony\Component\HttpKernel
Signs URIs.
UnexpectedTypeExceptionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Intl\Exception
Thrown when a method argument had an unexpected type.
EntryManagerInterface::update() — Method in class EntryManagerInterface
Updates an entry from the Ldap server.
EntryManager::update() — Method in class EntryManager
Updates an entry from the Ldap server.
UpdateOperationClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Ldap\Adapter\ExtLdap
UpdateOperationExceptionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Ldap\Exception
UnanimousStrategyClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Lock\Strategy
UnanimousStrategy is a StrategyInterface implementation where 100% of elements should be successful.
UndefinedOptionsExceptionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\OptionsResolver\Exception
Exception thrown when an undefined option is passed.
AbstractPipes::unblock() — Method in class AbstractPipes
Unblocks streams.
UnixPipesClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Process\Pipes
UnixPipes implementation uses unix pipes as handles.
Process::updateStatus() — Method in class Process
Updates the status of the process, reads pipes.
UnexpectedTypeExceptionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\PropertyAccess\Exception
Thrown when a value does not match an expected type.
CompiledRoute::unserialize() — Method in class CompiledRoute
UrlGeneratorClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Routing\Generator
UrlGenerator can generate a URL or a path for any route in the RouteCollection based on the passed parameters.
UrlGeneratorInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Routing\Generator
UrlGeneratorInterface is the interface that all URL generator classes must implement.
UrlMatcherClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Routing\Matcher
UrlMatcher matches URL based on a set of routes.
UrlMatcherInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Routing\Matcher
UrlMatcherInterface is the interface that all URL matcher classes must implement.
Route::unserialize() — Method in class Route
UserAuthenticationProviderClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Authentication\Provider
UserProviderInterface retrieves users for UsernamePasswordToken tokens.
InMemoryTokenProvider::updateToken() — Method in class InMemoryTokenProvider
Updates the token according to this data.
TokenProviderInterface::updateToken() — Method in class TokenProviderInterface
Updates the token according to this data.
AbstractToken::unserialize() — Method in class AbstractToken
AnonymousToken::unserialize() — Method in class AnonymousToken
PreAuthenticatedToken::unserialize() — Method in class PreAuthenticatedToken
RememberMeToken::unserialize() — Method in class RememberMeToken
UsernamePasswordTokenClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Authentication\Token
UsernamePasswordToken implements a username and password token.
UsernamePasswordToken::unserialize() — Method in class UsernamePasswordToken
UserPasswordEncoderClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Encoder
A generic password encoder.
UserPasswordEncoderInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Encoder
UserPasswordEncoderInterface is the interface for the password encoder service.
AccountStatusException::unserialize() — Method in class AccountStatusException
AuthenticationException::unserialize() — Method in class AuthenticationException
CustomUserMessageAuthenticationException::unserialize() — Method in class CustomUserMessageAuthenticationException
UnsupportedUserExceptionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Exception
This exception is thrown when an account is reloaded from a provider which doesn't support the passed implementation of UserInterface.
UsernameNotFoundExceptionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Exception
UsernameNotFoundException is thrown if a User cannot be found by its username.
UsernameNotFoundException::unserialize() — Method in class UsernameNotFoundException
UserClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Security\Core\User
User is the user implementation used by the in-memory user provider.
UserCheckerClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Security\Core\User
UserChecker checks the user account flags.
UserCheckerInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Security\Core\User
Implement to throw AccountStatusException during the authentication process.
UserInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Security\Core\User
Represents the interface that all user classes must implement.
UserProviderInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Security\Core\User
Represents a class that loads UserInterface objects from some source for the authentication system.
UserPasswordClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Validator\Constraints
UserPasswordValidatorClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Validator\Constraints
UriSafeTokenGeneratorClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenGenerator
Generates CSRF tokens.
PostAuthenticationGuardToken::unserialize() — Method in class PostAuthenticationGuardToken
UserValueResolverClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Security\Http\Controller
Supports the argument type of {see UserInterface}.
ExceptionListener::unregister() — Method in class ExceptionListener
Unregisters the dispatcher.
UsernamePasswordFormAuthenticationListenerClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Security\Http\Firewall
UsernamePasswordFormAuthenticationListener is the default implementation of an authentication via a simple form composed of a username and a password.
UsernamePasswordJsonAuthenticationListenerClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Security\Http\Firewall
UsernamePasswordJsonAuthenticationListener is a stateless implementation of an authentication via a JSON document composed of a username and a password.
UnexpectedValueExceptionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Serializer\Exception
UnsupportedExceptionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Serializer\Exception
$File#uploadIniSizeErrorMessageProperty in class File
$File#uploadFormSizeErrorMessageProperty in class File
$File#uploadPartialErrorMessageProperty in class File
$File#uploadNoFileErrorMessageProperty in class File
$File#uploadNoTmpDirErrorMessageProperty in class File
$File#uploadCantWriteErrorMessageProperty in class File
$File#uploadExtensionErrorMessageProperty in class File
$File#uploadErrorMessageProperty in class File
UrlClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints
UrlValidatorClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints
UuidClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints
UuidValidatorClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints
Validates whether the value is a valid UUID (also known as GUID).
UnexpectedTypeExceptionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Validator\Exception
UnexpectedValueExceptionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Validator\Exception
UnsupportedMetadataExceptionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Validator\Exception
Stub::unserialize() — Method in class Stub
AbstractDumper::utf8Encode() — Method in class AbstractDumper
Converts a non-UTF-8 string to UTF-8.
Registry::unserialize() — Method in class Registry
UndefinedTransitionExceptionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Workflow\Exception
Thrown by Workflow when an undefined transition is applied on a subject.
Marking::unmark() — Method in class Marking
UnescaperClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Yaml
Unescaper encapsulates unescaping rules for single and double-quoted YAML strings.
Unescaper::unescapeSingleQuotedString() — Method in class Unescaper
Unescapes a single quoted string.
Unescaper::unescapeDoubleQuotedString() — Method in class Unescaper
Unescapes a double quoted string.


UniqueEntity::validatedBy() — Method in class UniqueEntity
The validator must be defined as a service with this name.
UniqueEntityValidator::validate() — Method in class UniqueEntityValidator
VarDumperFormatterClass in namespace Symfony\Bridge\Monolog\Formatter
ValidatorCacheWarmerClass in namespace Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\CacheWarmer
Warms up XML and YAML validator metadata.
AbstractConfigCommand::validateConfiguration() — Method in class AbstractConfigCommand
ContainerDebugCommand::validateInput() — Method in class ContainerDebugCommand
Validates input arguments and options.
VoteListenerClass in namespace Symfony\Bundle\SecurityBundle\EventListener
Listen to vote events from traceable voters.
VersionStrategyInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Asset\VersionStrategy
Asset version strategy interface.
$Cookie#valueProperty in class Cookie
$CacheItem#valueProperty in class CacheItem
CacheItem::validateKey() — Method in class CacheItem
Validates a cache key according to PSR-6.
ArrayNode::validateType() — Method in class ArrayNode
Validates the type of the value.
BaseNode::validateType() — Method in class BaseNode
Validates the type of a Node.
BooleanNode::validateType() — Method in class BooleanNode
Validates the type of a Node.
ArrayNodeDefinition::variablePrototype() — Method in class ArrayNodeDefinition
ArrayNodeDefinition::validateConcreteNode() — Method in class ArrayNodeDefinition
Validate the configuration of a concrete node.
ArrayNodeDefinition::validatePrototypeNode() — Method in class ArrayNodeDefinition
Validate the configuration of a prototype node.
EnumNodeDefinition::values() — Method in class EnumNodeDefinition
NodeBuilder::variableNode() — Method in class NodeBuilder
Creates a child variable node.
$NodeDefinition#validationProperty in class NodeDefinition
NodeDefinition::validate() — Method in class NodeDefinition
Sets an expression to run for the validation.
NodeDefinition::validation() — Method in class NodeDefinition
Gets the builder for validation rules.
ValidationBuilderClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Config\Definition\Builder
This class builds validation conditions.
VariableNodeDefinitionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Config\Definition\Builder
This class provides a fluent interface for defining a node.
FloatNode::validateType() — Method in class FloatNode
Validates the type of a Node.
IntegerNode::validateType() — Method in class IntegerNode
Validates the type of a Node.
ScalarNode::validateType() — Method in class ScalarNode
Validates the type of a Node.
VariableNodeClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Config\Definition
This node represents a value of variable type in the config tree.
VariableNode::validateType() — Method in class VariableNode
Validates the type of a Node.
FileLoaderLoadException::varToString() — Method in class FileLoaderLoadException
Input::validate() — Method in class Input
Validates the input.
InputInterface::validate() — Method in class InputInterface
Validates the input.
ValidateEnvPlaceholdersPassClass in namespace Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Compiler
Validates environment variable placeholders used in extension configuration with dummy values.
XmlFileLoader::validateSchema() — Method in class XmlFileLoader
Validates a documents XML schema.
VariableClass in namespace Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection
Represents a variable.
$FormField#valueProperty in class FormField
$Token#valueProperty in class Token
$ArrayChoiceList#valueCallbackProperty in class ArrayChoiceList
The callback for creating the value for a choice.
$ChoiceView#valueProperty in class ChoiceView
ValueToDuplicatesTransformerClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\DataTransformer
FormValidator::validate() — Method in class FormValidator
Checks if the passed value is valid.
ValidationListenerClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Validator\EventListener
ValidationListener::validateForm() — Method in class ValidationListener
Validates the form and its domain object.
ValidatorExtensionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Validator
Extension supporting the Symfony Validator component in forms.
ValidatorTypeGuesserClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Validator
ViolationMapperClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Validator\ViolationMapper
ViolationMapperInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Validator\ViolationMapper
ViolationPathClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Validator\ViolationMapper
ViolationPathIteratorClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Validator\ViolationMapper
FormConfigBuilder::validateName() — Method in class FormConfigBuilder
Validates whether the given variable is a valid form name.
FormErrorIterator::valid() — Method in class FormErrorIterator
Returns whether the iterator's position is valid.
$FormView#varsProperty in class FormView
The variables assigned to this view.
ValueGuessClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Form\Guess
Contains a guessed value.
ValidatorExtensionTraitClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Form\Test\Traits
$ValidatorExtensionTrait#validatorProperty in class ValidatorExtensionTrait
OrderedHashMapIterator::valid() — Method in class OrderedHashMapIterator
$Cookie#valueProperty in class Cookie
$Response#versionProperty in class Response
AbstractSessionHandler::validateId() — Method in class AbstractSessionHandler
MigratingSessionHandler::validateId() — Method in class MigratingSessionHandler
NullSessionHandler::validateId() — Method in class NullSessionHandler
SessionHandlerProxy::validateId() — Method in class SessionHandlerProxy
VariadicValueResolverClass in namespace Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Controller\ArgumentResolver
Yields a variadic argument's values from the request attributes.
FragmentListener::validateRequest() — Method in class FragmentListener
ValidateRequestListenerClass in namespace Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\EventListener
Validates Requests.
HttpCache::validate() — Method in class HttpCache
Validates that a cache entry is fresh.
VersionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Intl\Util
Facilitates the comparison of version strings.
ValidationFailedExceptionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Messenger\Exception
ValidationMiddlewareClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Messenger\Middleware
ValidationStampClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Messenger\Stamp
ProcessUtils::validateInput() — Method in class ProcessUtils
Validates and normalizes a Process input.
YamlFileLoader::validate() — Method in class YamlFileLoader
Validates the route configuration.
AuthenticatedVoter::vote() — Method in class AuthenticatedVoter
Returns the vote for the given parameters.
ExpressionVoter::vote() — Method in class ExpressionVoter
Returns the vote for the given parameters.
RoleVoter::vote() — Method in class RoleVoter
Returns the vote for the given parameters.
TraceableVoter::vote() — Method in class TraceableVoter
Returns the vote for the given parameters.
VoterClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Authorization\Voter
Voter is an abstract default implementation of a voter.
Voter::vote() — Method in class Voter
Returns the vote for the given parameters.
Voter::voteOnAttribute() — Method in class Voter
Perform a single access check operation on a given attribute, subject and token.
VoterInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Authorization\Voter
VoterInterface is the interface implemented by all voters.
VoterInterface::vote() — Method in class VoterInterface
Returns the vote for the given parameters.
VoteEventClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Event
This event is dispatched on voter vote.
UserPassword::validatedBy() — Method in class UserPassword
Returns the name of the class that validates this constraint.
UserPasswordValidator::validate() — Method in class UserPasswordValidator
Checks if the passed value is valid.
XliffUtils::validateSchema() — Method in class XliffUtils
Validates and parses the given file into a DOMDocument.
Constraint::validatedBy() — Method in class Constraint
Returns the name of the class that validates this constraint.
$ConstraintValidatorFactory#validatorsProperty in class ConstraintValidatorFactory
ConstraintValidatorInterface::validate() — Method in class ConstraintValidatorInterface
Checks if the passed value is valid.
$AbstractComparison#valueProperty in class AbstractComparison
AbstractComparisonValidator::validate() — Method in class AbstractComparisonValidator
Checks if the passed value is valid.
AllValidator::validate() — Method in class AllValidator
Checks if the passed value is valid.
BicValidator::validate() — Method in class BicValidator
Checks if the passed value is valid.
BlankValidator::validate() — Method in class BlankValidator
Checks if the passed value is valid.
CallbackValidator::validate() — Method in class CallbackValidator
Checks if the passed value is valid.
CardSchemeValidator::validate() — Method in class CardSchemeValidator
Validates a creditcard belongs to a specified scheme.
ChoiceValidator::validate() — Method in class ChoiceValidator
Checks if the passed value is valid.
CollectionValidator::validate() — Method in class CollectionValidator
Checks if the passed value is valid.
CountValidator::validate() — Method in class CountValidator
Checks if the passed value is valid.
CountryValidator::validate() — Method in class CountryValidator
Checks if the passed value is valid.
CurrencyValidator::validate() — Method in class CurrencyValidator
Checks if the passed value is valid.
DateTimeValidator::validate() — Method in class DateTimeValidator
Checks if the passed value is valid.
DateValidator::validate() — Method in class DateValidator
Checks if the passed value is valid.
$Email#validationModesProperty in class Email
EmailValidator::validate() — Method in class EmailValidator
Checks if the passed value is valid.
$Expression#valuesProperty in class Expression
Expression::validatedBy() — Method in class Expression
Returns the name of the class that validates this constraint.
ExpressionValidator::validate() — Method in class ExpressionValidator
Checks if the passed value is valid.
FileValidator::validate() — Method in class FileValidator
Checks if the passed value is valid.
IbanValidator::validate() — Method in class IbanValidator
Checks if the passed value is valid.
ImageValidator::validate() — Method in class ImageValidator
Checks if the passed value is valid.
$Ip#versionsProperty in class Ip
$Ip#versionProperty in class Ip
IpValidator::validate() — Method in class IpValidator
Checks if the passed value is valid.
IsFalseValidator::validate() — Method in class IsFalseValidator
Checks if the passed value is valid.
IsNullValidator::validate() — Method in class IsNullValidator
Checks if the passed value is valid.
IsTrueValidator::validate() — Method in class IsTrueValidator
Checks if the passed value is valid.
IsbnValidator::validate() — Method in class IsbnValidator
Checks if the passed value is valid.
IsbnValidator::validateIsbn10() — Method in class IsbnValidator
IsbnValidator::validateIsbn13() — Method in class IsbnValidator
IssnValidator::validate() — Method in class IssnValidator
Checks if the passed value is valid.
LanguageValidator::validate() — Method in class LanguageValidator
Checks if the passed value is valid.
LengthValidator::validate() — Method in class LengthValidator
Checks if the passed value is valid.
LocaleValidator::validate() — Method in class LocaleValidator
Checks if the passed value is valid.
LuhnValidator::validate() — Method in class LuhnValidator
Validates a credit card number with the Luhn algorithm.
NotBlankValidator::validate() — Method in class NotBlankValidator
Checks if the passed value is valid.
NotNullValidator::validate() — Method in class NotNullValidator
Checks if the passed value is valid.
RangeValidator::validate() — Method in class RangeValidator
Checks if the passed value is valid.
RegexValidator::validate() — Method in class RegexValidator
Checks if the passed value is valid.
TimeValidator::validate() — Method in class TimeValidator
Checks if the passed value is valid.
TypeValidator::validate() — Method in class TypeValidator
Checks if the passed value is valid.
UrlValidator::validate() — Method in class UrlValidator
Checks if the passed value is valid.
$Uuid#versionsProperty in class Uuid
Array of allowed versions (see version constants above).
UuidValidator::validate() — Method in class UuidValidator
Checks if the passed value is valid.
ValidClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints
ValidValidatorClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints
ValidValidator::validate() — Method in class ValidValidator
Checks if the passed value is valid.
ValidatorDataCollectorClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Validator\DataCollector
ValidatorExceptionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Validator\Exception
$ConstraintValidatorTestCase#validatorProperty in class ConstraintValidatorTestCase
$ConstraintValidatorTestCase#valueProperty in class ConstraintValidatorTestCase
ValidationClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Validator
Entry point for the Validator component.
ValidatorBuilderClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Validator
The default implementation of {@link ValidatorBuilderInterface}.
ValidatorBuilderInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Validator
A configurable builder for ValidatorInterface objects.
ContextualValidatorInterface::validate() — Method in class ContextualValidatorInterface
Validates a value against a constraint or a list of constraints.
ContextualValidatorInterface::validateProperty() — Method in class ContextualValidatorInterface
Validates a property of an object against the constraints specified for this property.
ContextualValidatorInterface::validatePropertyValue() — Method in class ContextualValidatorInterface
Validates a value against the constraints specified for an object's property.
RecursiveContextualValidator::validate() — Method in class RecursiveContextualValidator
Validates a value against a constraint or a list of constraints.
RecursiveContextualValidator::validateProperty() — Method in class RecursiveContextualValidator
Validates a property of an object against the constraints specified for this property.
RecursiveContextualValidator::validatePropertyValue() — Method in class RecursiveContextualValidator
Validates a value against the constraints specified for an object's property.
$RecursiveValidator#validatorFactoryProperty in class RecursiveValidator
RecursiveValidator::validate() — Method in class RecursiveValidator
Validates a value against a constraint or a list of constraints.
RecursiveValidator::validateProperty() — Method in class RecursiveValidator
Validates a property of an object against the constraints specified for this property.
RecursiveValidator::validatePropertyValue() — Method in class RecursiveValidator
Validates a value against the constraints specified for an object's property.
TraceableValidator::validate() — Method in class TraceableValidator
Validates a value against a constraint or a list of constraints.
TraceableValidator::validateProperty() — Method in class TraceableValidator
Validates a property of an object against the constraints specified for this property.
TraceableValidator::validatePropertyValue() — Method in class TraceableValidator
Validates a value against the constraints specified for an object's property.
ValidatorInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Validator\Validator
Validates PHP values against constraints.
ValidatorInterface::validate() — Method in class ValidatorInterface
Validates a value against a constraint or a list of constraints.
ValidatorInterface::validateProperty() — Method in class ValidatorInterface
Validates a property of an object against the constraints specified for this property.
ValidatorInterface::validatePropertyValue() — Method in class ValidatorInterface
Validates a value against the constraints specified for an object's property.
$Stub#valueProperty in class Stub
VarClonerClass in namespace Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Cloner
VarDumperTestTraitClass in namespace Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Test
VarDumperClass in namespace Symfony\Component\VarDumper
$Hydrator#valuesProperty in class Hydrator
$Hydrator#valueProperty in class Hydrator
$Reference#valueProperty in class Reference
ValuesClass in namespace Symfony\Component\VarExporter\Internal
$Values#valuesProperty in class Values
VarExporterClass in namespace Symfony\Component\VarExporter
Exports serializable PHP values to PHP code.
ValidateWorkflowsPassClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Workflow\DependencyInjection
DefinitionValidatorInterface::validate() — Method in class DefinitionValidatorInterface
StateMachineValidator::validate() — Method in class StateMachineValidator
WorkflowValidator::validate() — Method in class WorkflowValidator


ProxyCacheWarmer::warmUp() — Method in class ProxyCacheWarmer
Warms up the cache.
ConsoleHandler::write() — Method in class ConsoleHandler
WebProcessorClass in namespace Symfony\Bridge\Monolog\Processor
WebProcessor override to read from the HttpFoundation's Request.
ClockMock::withClockMock() — Method in class ClockMock
DnsMock::withMockedHosts() — Method in class DnsMock
Configures the mock values for DNS queries.
WebLinkExtensionClass in namespace Symfony\Bridge\Twig\Extension
Twig extension for the Symfony WebLink component.
WorkflowExtensionClass in namespace Symfony\Bridge\Twig\Extension
AbstractPhpFileCacheWarmer::warmUp() — Method in class AbstractPhpFileCacheWarmer
Warms up the cache.
AbstractPhpFileCacheWarmer::warmUpPhpArrayAdapter() — Method in class AbstractPhpFileCacheWarmer
RouterCacheWarmer::warmUp() — Method in class RouterCacheWarmer
Warms up the cache.
TemplatePathsCacheWarmer::warmUp() — Method in class TemplatePathsCacheWarmer
Warms up the cache.
TranslationsCacheWarmer::warmUp() — Method in class TranslationsCacheWarmer
Warms up the cache.
ValidatorCacheWarmer::warmUpPhpArrayAdapter() — Method in class ValidatorCacheWarmer
WorkflowDumpCommandClass in namespace Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Command
Descriptor::write() — Method in class Descriptor
Writes content to output.
WorkflowGuardListenerPassClass in namespace Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\DependencyInjection\Compiler
Router::warmUp() — Method in class Router
Warms up the cache.
FormHelper::widget() — Method in class FormHelper
Renders the HTML for a given view.
WebTestCaseClass in namespace Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Test
WebTestCase is the base class for functional tests.
Translator::warmUp() — Method in class Translator
Warms up the cache.
ExpressionCacheWarmer::warmUp() — Method in class ExpressionCacheWarmer
Warms up the cache.
WrappedListenerClass in namespace Symfony\Bundle\SecurityBundle\Debug
Wraps a security listener for calls record.
TemplateCacheCacheWarmer::warmUp() — Method in class TemplateCacheCacheWarmer
Warms up the cache.
TemplateCacheWarmer::warmUp() — Method in class TemplateCacheWarmer
Warms up the cache.
WebProfilerExtensionClass in namespace Symfony\Bundle\WebProfilerBundle\DependencyInjection
WebDebugToolbarListenerClass in namespace Symfony\Bundle\WebProfilerBundle\EventListener
WebDebugToolbarListener injects the Web Debug Toolbar.
WebProfilerExtensionClass in namespace Symfony\Bundle\WebProfilerBundle\Twig
Twig extension for the profiler.
WebProfilerBundleClass in namespace Symfony\Bundle\WebProfilerBundle
WebServerExtensionClass in namespace Symfony\Bundle\WebServerBundle\DependencyInjection
WebServerClass in namespace Symfony\Bundle\WebServerBundle
Manages a local HTTP web server.
WebServerBundleClass in namespace Symfony\Bundle\WebServerBundle
WebServerConfigClass in namespace Symfony\Bundle\WebServerBundle
PhpArrayTrait::warmUp() — Method in class PhpArrayTrait
Store an array of cached values.
ConfigCacheInterface::write() — Method in class ConfigCacheInterface
Writes the given content into the cache file. Metadata will be stored independently and can be used to check cache freshness at a later time.
ResourceCheckerConfigCache::write() — Method in class ResourceCheckerConfigCache
Writes cache.
Descriptor::write() — Method in class Descriptor
Writes content to output.
MarkdownDescriptor::write() — Method in class MarkdownDescriptor
Writes content to output.
WrappableOutputFormatterInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Console\Formatter
Formatter interface for console output that supports word wrapping.
ProcessHelper::wrapCallback() — Method in class ProcessHelper
Wraps a Process callback to add debugging output.
QuestionHelper::writePrompt() — Method in class QuestionHelper
Outputs the question prompt.
QuestionHelper::writeError() — Method in class QuestionHelper
Outputs an error message.
SymfonyQuestionHelper::writePrompt() — Method in class SymfonyQuestionHelper
Outputs the question prompt.
SymfonyQuestionHelper::writeError() — Method in class SymfonyQuestionHelper
Outputs an error message.
NullOutput::writeln() — Method in class NullOutput
Writes a message to the output and adds a newline at the end.
NullOutput::write() — Method in class NullOutput
Writes a message to the output.
Output::writeln() — Method in class Output
Writes a message to the output and adds a newline at the end.
Output::write() — Method in class Output
Writes a message to the output.
OutputInterface::write() — Method in class OutputInterface
Writes a message to the output.
OutputInterface::writeln() — Method in class OutputInterface
Writes a message to the output and adds a newline at the end.
OutputStyle::write() — Method in class OutputStyle
Writes a message to the output.
OutputStyle::writeln() — Method in class OutputStyle
Writes a message to the output and adds a newline at the end.
StyleInterface::warning() — Method in class StyleInterface
Formats an warning result bar.
SymfonyStyle::warning() — Method in class SymfonyStyle
Formats an warning result bar.
SymfonyStyle::writeln() — Method in class SymfonyStyle
Writes a message to the output and adds a newline at the end.
SymfonyStyle::write() — Method in class SymfonyStyle
Writes a message to the output.
WhitespaceHandlerClass in namespace Symfony\Component\CssSelector\Parser\Handler
CSS selector whitespace handler.
ServiceLocator::withContext() — Method in class ServiceLocator
WrappedListenerClass in namespace Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\Debug
WrappedListener::wasCalled() — Method in class WrappedListener
AbstractSessionHandler::write() — Method in class AbstractSessionHandler
MigratingSessionHandler::write() — Method in class MigratingSessionHandler
$AbstractProxy#wrapperProperty in class AbstractProxy
Flag if handler wraps an internal PHP session handler (using \SessionHandler).
SessionHandlerProxy::write() — Method in class SessionHandlerProxy
CacheWarmer::writeCacheFile() — Method in class CacheWarmer
CacheWarmerAggregate::warmUp() — Method in class CacheWarmerAggregate
Warms up the cache.
WarmableInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\CacheWarmer
Interface for classes that support warming their cache.
WarmableInterface::warmUp() — Method in class WarmableInterface
Warms up the cache.
Store::write() — Method in class Store
Writes a cache entry to the store for the given Request and Response.
StoreInterface::write() — Method in class StoreInterface
Writes a cache entry to the store for the given Request and Response.
FileProfilerStorage::write() — Method in class FileProfilerStorage
Saves a Profile.
ProfilerStorageInterface::write() — Method in class ProfilerStorageInterface
Saves a Profile.
BundleWriterInterface::write() — Method in class BundleWriterInterface
Writes data to a resource bundle.
JsonBundleWriter::write() — Method in class JsonBundleWriter
Writes data to a resource bundle.
PhpBundleWriter::write() — Method in class PhpBundleWriter
Writes data to a resource bundle.
TextBundleWriter::write() — Method in class TextBundleWriter
Writes data to a resource bundle.
StoreInterface::waitAndSave() — Method in class StoreInterface
Waits until a key becomes free, then stores the resource.
CombinedStore::waitAndSave() — Method in class CombinedStore
Waits until a key becomes free, then stores the resource.
FlockStore::waitAndSave() — Method in class FlockStore
Waits until a key becomes free, then stores the resource.
MemcachedStore::waitAndSave() — Method in class MemcachedStore
Waits until a key becomes free, then stores the resource.
PdoStore::waitAndSave() — Method in class PdoStore
Waits until a key becomes free, then stores the resource.
RedisStore::waitAndSave() — Method in class RedisStore
Waits until a key becomes free, then stores the resource.
RetryTillSaveStore::waitAndSave() — Method in class RetryTillSaveStore
Waits until a key becomes free, then stores the resource.
SemaphoreStore::waitAndSave() — Method in class SemaphoreStore
Waits until a key becomes free, then stores the resource.
ZookeeperStore::waitAndSave() — Method in class ZookeeperStore
Waits until a key becomes free, then stores the resource.
Envelope::with() — Method in class Envelope
WorkerClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Messenger
InputStream::write() — Method in class InputStream
Appends an input to the write buffer.
AbstractPipes::write() — Method in class AbstractPipes
Writes input to stdin.
WindowsPipesClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Process\Pipes
WindowsPipes implementation uses temporary files as handles.
Process::wait() — Method in class Process
Waits for the process to terminate.
Process::waitUntil() — Method in class Process
Waits until the callback returns true.
TranslationWriter::write() — Method in class TranslationWriter
Writes translation from the catalogue according to the selected format.
TranslationWriterInterface::write() — Method in class TranslationWriterInterface
Writes translation from the catalogue according to the selected format.
CacheInterface::write() — Method in class CacheInterface
Stores a class metadata in the cache.
DoctrineCache::write() — Method in class DoctrineCache
Stores a class metadata in the cache.
Psr6Cache::write() — Method in class Psr6Cache
Stores a class metadata in the cache.
ClassStub::wrapCallable() — Method in class ClassStub
Data::withMaxDepth() — Method in class Data
Returns a depth limited clone of $this.
Data::withMaxItemsPerDepth() — Method in class Data
Limits the number of elements per depth level.
Data::withRefHandles() — Method in class Data
Enables/disables objects' identifiers tracking.
Connection::write() — Method in class Connection
$Hydrator#wakeupsProperty in class Hydrator
WorkflowSupportStrategyInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Workflow\SupportStrategy
WorkflowValidatorClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Workflow\Validator
WorkflowClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Workflow
WorkflowInterfaceClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Workflow


XliffLintCommandClass in namespace Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Command
Validates XLIFF files syntax and outputs encountered errors.
XmlDescriptorClass in namespace Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Console\Descriptor
X509FactoryClass in namespace Symfony\Bundle\SecurityBundle\DependencyInjection\Security\Factory
X509Factory creates services for X509 certificate authentication.
Client::xmlHttpRequest() — Method in class Client
$ArrayNode#xmlRemappingsProperty in class ArrayNode
XmlReferenceDumperClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Config\Definition\Dumper
Dumps a XML reference configuration for the given configuration/node instance.
XmlParsingExceptionClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Config\Util\Exception
Exception class for when XML cannot be parsed properly.
XmlUtilsClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Config\Util
XMLUtils is a bunch of utility methods to XML operations.
XmlDescriptorClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Console\Descriptor
XML descriptor.
XPathExprClass in namespace Symfony\Component\CssSelector\XPath
XPath expression translator interface.
XmlDumperClass in namespace Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Dumper
XmlDumper dumps a service container as an XML string.
XmlFileLoaderClass in namespace Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Loader
XmlFileLoader loads XML files service definitions.
Crawler::xpathLiteral() — Method in class Crawler
Converts string for XPath expressions.
$FormField#xpathProperty in class FormField
XmlFileLoaderClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Routing\Loader
XmlFileLoader loads XML routing files.
X509AuthenticationListenerClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Security\Http\Firewall
X509 authentication listener.
XmlEncoderClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Serializer\Encoder
Encodes XML data.
XmlFileLoaderClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Serializer\Mapping\Loader
Loads XML mapping files.
XliffLintCommandClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Translation\Command
Validates XLIFF files syntax and outputs encountered errors.
XliffFileDumperClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Translation\Dumper
XliffFileDumper generates xliff files from a message catalogue.
XliffFileLoaderClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Translation\Loader
XliffFileLoader loads translations from XLIFF files.
XliffUtilsClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Translation\Util
Provides some utility methods for XLIFF translation files, such as validating their contents according to the XSD schema.
XmlFileLoaderClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Validator\Mapping\Loader
Loads validation metadata from an XML file.
XmlFilesLoaderClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Validator\Mapping\Loader
Loads validation metadata from a list of XML files.
XmlReaderCasterClass in namespace Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Caster
Casts XmlReader class to array representation.
XmlResourceCasterClass in namespace Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Caster
Casts XML resources to array representation.


YamlExtensionClass in namespace Symfony\Bridge\Twig\Extension
Provides integration of the Yaml component with Twig.
YamlLintCommandClass in namespace Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Command
Validates YAML files syntax and outputs encountered errors.
YamlReferenceDumperClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Config\Definition\Dumper
Dumps a Yaml reference configuration for the given configuration/node instance.
YamlDumperClass in namespace Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Dumper
YamlDumper dumps a service container as a YAML string.
YamlFileLoaderClass in namespace Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Loader
YamlFileLoader loads YAML files service definitions.
YearTransformerClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Intl\DateFormatter\DateFormat
Parser and formatter for year format.
YamlFileLoaderClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Routing\Loader
YamlFileLoader loads Yaml routing files.
YamlEncoderClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Serializer\Encoder
Encodes YAML data.
YamlFileLoaderClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Serializer\Mapping\Loader
YAML File Loader.
YamlFileDumperClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Translation\Dumper
YamlFileDumper generates yaml files from a message catalogue.
YamlFileLoaderClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Translation\Loader
YamlFileLoader loads translations from Yaml files.
YamlFileLoaderClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Validator\Mapping\Loader
Loads validation metadata from a YAML file.
YamlFilesLoaderClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Validator\Mapping\Loader
Loads validation metadata from a list of YAML files.
YamlClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Yaml
Yaml offers convenience methods to load and dump YAML.


RedisClusterProxy::zscan() — Method in class RedisClusterProxy
RedisProxy::zscan() — Method in class RedisProxy
ZookeeperStoreClass in namespace Symfony\Component\Lock\Store
ZookeeperStore is a StoreInterface implementation using Zookeeper as store engine.


ProxyCacheWarmer::__construct() — Method in class ProxyCacheWarmer
ContainerAwareEventManager::__construct() — Method in class ContainerAwareEventManager
DoctrineDataCollector::__construct() — Method in class DoctrineDataCollector
ContainerAwareLoader::__construct() — Method in class ContainerAwareLoader
DoctrineValidationPass::__construct() — Method in class DoctrineValidationPass
RegisterEventListenersAndSubscribersPass::__construct() — Method in class RegisterEventListenersAndSubscribersPass
RegisterMappingsPass::__construct() — Method in class RegisterMappingsPass
The $managerParameters is an ordered list of container parameters that could provide the name of the manager to register these namespaces and alias on. The first non-empty name is used, the others skipped.
EntityFactory::__construct() — Method in class EntityFactory
DoctrineChoiceLoader::__construct() — Method in class DoctrineChoiceLoader
Creates a new choice loader.
IdReader::__construct() — Method in class IdReader
ORMQueryBuilderLoader::__construct() — Method in class ORMQueryBuilderLoader
Construct an ORM Query Builder Loader.
DoctrineOrmExtension::__construct() — Method in class DoctrineOrmExtension
DoctrineOrmTypeGuesser::__construct() — Method in class DoctrineOrmTypeGuesser
DoctrineType::__construct() — Method in class DoctrineType
DbalLogger::__construct() — Method in class DbalLogger
DoctrineTransactionMiddleware::__construct() — Method in class DoctrineTransactionMiddleware
DoctrineExtractor::__construct() — Method in class DoctrineExtractor
DoctrineTokenProvider::__construct() — Method in class DoctrineTokenProvider
EntityUserProvider::__construct() — Method in class EntityUserProvider
UniqueEntityValidator::__construct() — Method in class UniqueEntityValidator
DoctrineInitializer::__construct() — Method in class DoctrineInitializer
ConsoleFormatter::__construct() — Method in class ConsoleFormatter
Available options: * format: The format of the outputted log string. The following placeholders are supported: %datetime%, %start_tag%, %level_name%, %end_tag%, %channel%, %message%, %context%, %extra%; * date_format: The format of the outputted date string; * colors: If true, the log string contains ANSI code to add color; * multiline: If false, "context" and "extra" are dumped on one line.
VarDumperFormatter::__construct() — Method in class VarDumperFormatter
ConsoleHandler::__construct() — Method in class ConsoleHandler
HttpCodeActivationStrategy::__construct() — Method in class HttpCodeActivationStrategy
NotFoundActivationStrategy::__construct() — Method in class NotFoundActivationStrategy
ServerLogHandler::__construct() — Method in class ServerLogHandler
DebugProcessor::__construct() — Method in class DebugProcessor
DebugProcessor::__invoke() — Method in class DebugProcessor
TokenProcessor::__construct() — Method in class TokenProcessor
TokenProcessor::__invoke() — Method in class TokenProcessor
WebProcessor::__construct() — Method in class WebProcessor
CoverageListenerForV5::__construct() — Method in class CoverageListenerForV5
CoverageListenerForV6::__construct() — Method in class CoverageListenerForV6
CoverageListenerForV7::__construct() — Method in class CoverageListenerForV7
CoverageListenerTrait::__construct() — Method in class CoverageListenerTrait
CoverageListenerTrait::__destruct() — Method in class CoverageListenerTrait
SymfonyTestsListenerForV5::__construct() — Method in class SymfonyTestsListenerForV5
SymfonyTestsListenerForV6::__construct() — Method in class SymfonyTestsListenerForV6
SymfonyTestsListenerForV7::__construct() — Method in class SymfonyTestsListenerForV7
SymfonyTestsListenerTrait::__construct() — Method in class SymfonyTestsListenerTrait
SymfonyTestsListenerTrait::__destruct() — Method in class SymfonyTestsListenerTrait
RuntimeInstantiator::__construct() — Method in class RuntimeInstantiator
ProxyDumper::__construct() — Method in class ProxyDumper
DebugCommand::__construct() — Method in class DebugCommand
LintCommand::__construct() — Method in class LintCommand
TwigDataCollector::__construct() — Method in class TwigDataCollector
AssetExtension::__construct() — Method in class AssetExtension
CodeExtension::__construct() — Method in class CodeExtension
CsrfRuntime::__construct() — Method in class CsrfRuntime
DumpExtension::__construct() — Method in class DumpExtension
HttpFoundationExtension::__construct() — Method in class HttpFoundationExtension
HttpKernelRuntime::__construct() — Method in class HttpKernelRuntime
LogoutUrlExtension::__construct() — Method in class LogoutUrlExtension
ProfilerExtension::__construct() — Method in class ProfilerExtension
RoutingExtension::__construct() — Method in class RoutingExtension
SecurityExtension::__construct() — Method in class SecurityExtension
StopwatchExtension::__construct() — Method in class StopwatchExtension
TranslationExtension::__construct() — Method in class TranslationExtension
WebLinkExtension::__construct() — Method in class WebLinkExtension
WorkflowExtension::__construct() — Method in class WorkflowExtension
TwigRendererEngine::__construct() — Method in class TwigRendererEngine
Creates a new renderer engine.
Scope::__construct() — Method in class Scope
TranslationDefaultDomainNodeVisitor::__construct() — Method in class TranslationDefaultDomainNodeVisitor
DumpNode::__construct() — Method in class DumpNode
FormThemeNode::__construct() — Method in class FormThemeNode
StopwatchNode::__construct() — Method in class StopwatchNode
TransDefaultDomainNode::__construct() — Method in class TransDefaultDomainNode
TransNode::__construct() — Method in class TransNode
StopwatchTokenParser::__construct() — Method in class StopwatchTokenParser
TwigExtractor::__construct() — Method in class TwigExtractor
TwigEngine::__construct() — Method in class TwigEngine
ServerDumpPlaceholderCommand::__construct() — Method in class ServerDumpPlaceholderCommand
AbstractPhpFileCacheWarmer::__construct() — Method in class AbstractPhpFileCacheWarmer
AnnotationsCacheWarmer::__construct() — Method in class AnnotationsCacheWarmer
RouterCacheWarmer::__construct() — Method in class RouterCacheWarmer
SerializerCacheWarmer::__construct() — Method in class SerializerCacheWarmer
TemplateFinder::__construct() — Method in class TemplateFinder
TemplatePathsCacheWarmer::__construct() — Method in class TemplatePathsCacheWarmer
TranslationsCacheWarmer::__construct() — Method in class TranslationsCacheWarmer
ValidatorCacheWarmer::__construct() — Method in class ValidatorCacheWarmer
Client::__construct() — Method in class Client
AssetsInstallCommand::__construct() — Method in class AssetsInstallCommand
CacheClearCommand::__construct() — Method in class CacheClearCommand
CachePoolClearCommand::__construct() — Method in class CachePoolClearCommand
CachePoolDeleteCommand::__construct() — Method in class CachePoolDeleteCommand
CachePoolPruneCommand::__construct() — Method in class CachePoolPruneCommand
CacheWarmupCommand::__construct() — Method in class CacheWarmupCommand
EventDispatcherDebugCommand::__construct() — Method in class EventDispatcherDebugCommand
RouterDebugCommand::__construct() — Method in class RouterDebugCommand
RouterMatchCommand::__construct() — Method in class RouterMatchCommand
TranslationDebugCommand::__construct() — Method in class TranslationDebugCommand
TranslationUpdateCommand::__construct() — Method in class TranslationUpdateCommand
XliffLintCommand::__construct() — Method in class XliffLintCommand
YamlLintCommand::__construct() — Method in class YamlLintCommand
Application::__construct() — Method in class Application
DescriptorHelper::__construct() — Method in class DescriptorHelper
ControllerNameParser::__construct() — Method in class ControllerNameParser
ControllerResolver::__construct() — Method in class ControllerResolver
RedirectController::__construct() — Method in class RedirectController
TemplateController::__construct() — Method in class TemplateController
TemplateController::__invoke() — Method in class TemplateController
AddExpressionLanguageProvidersPass::__construct() — Method in class AddExpressionLanguageProvidersPass
Configuration::__construct() — Method in class Configuration
ResolveControllerNameSubscriber::__construct() — Method in class ResolveControllerNameSubscriber
HttpCache::__construct() — Method in class HttpCache
DelegatingLoader::__construct() — Method in class DelegatingLoader
Router::__construct() — Method in class Router
DelegatingEngine::__construct() — Method in class DelegatingEngine
GlobalVariables::__construct() — Method in class GlobalVariables
ActionsHelper::__construct() — Method in class ActionsHelper
AssetsHelper::__construct() — Method in class AssetsHelper
CodeHelper::__construct() — Method in class CodeHelper
FormHelper::__construct() — Method in class FormHelper
RequestHelper::__construct() — Method in class RequestHelper
RouterHelper::__construct() — Method in class RouterHelper
SessionHelper::__construct() — Method in class SessionHelper
StopwatchHelper::__construct() — Method in class StopwatchHelper
StopwatchHelper::__call() — Method in class StopwatchHelper
TranslatorHelper::__construct() — Method in class TranslatorHelper
FilesystemLoader::__construct() — Method in class FilesystemLoader
TemplateLocator::__construct() — Method in class TemplateLocator
PhpEngine::__construct() — Method in class PhpEngine
TemplateNameParser::__construct() — Method in class TemplateNameParser
TemplateReference::__construct() — Method in class TemplateReference
TimedPhpEngine::__construct() — Method in class TimedPhpEngine
TestContainer::__construct() — Method in class TestContainer
Translator::__construct() — Method in class Translator
ExpressionCacheWarmer::__construct() — Method in class ExpressionCacheWarmer
UserPasswordEncoderCommand::__construct() — Method in class UserPasswordEncoderCommand
SecurityDataCollector::__construct() — Method in class SecurityDataCollector
WrappedListener::__construct() — Method in class WrappedListener
WrappedListener::__call() — Method in class WrappedListener
Proxies all method calls to the original listener.
MainConfiguration::__construct() — Method in class MainConfiguration
SecurityExtension::__construct() — Method in class SecurityExtension
FormLoginFactory::__construct() — Method in class FormLoginFactory
JsonLoginFactory::__construct() — Method in class JsonLoginFactory
SimpleFormFactory::__construct() — Method in class SimpleFormFactory
SimplePreAuthenticationFactory::__construct() — Method in class SimplePreAuthenticationFactory
FirewallListener::__construct() — Method in class FirewallListener
VoteListener::__construct() — Method in class VoteListener
SecurityUserValueResolver::__construct() — Method in class SecurityUserValueResolver
FirewallConfig::__construct() — Method in class FirewallConfig
FirewallContext::__construct() — Method in class FirewallContext
FirewallMap::__construct() — Method in class FirewallMap
LogoutUrlHelper::__construct() — Method in class LogoutUrlHelper
SecurityHelper::__construct() — Method in class SecurityHelper
TemplateCacheCacheWarmer::__construct() — Method in class TemplateCacheCacheWarmer
TemplateCacheWarmer::__construct() — Method in class TemplateCacheWarmer
ExceptionController::__construct() — Method in class ExceptionController
PreviewErrorController::__construct() — Method in class PreviewErrorController
EnvironmentConfigurator::__construct() — Method in class EnvironmentConfigurator
FilesystemLoader::__construct() — Method in class FilesystemLoader
TemplateIterator::__construct() — Method in class TemplateIterator
TwigEngine::__construct() — Method in class TwigEngine
ExceptionController::__construct() — Method in class ExceptionController
ProfilerController::__construct() — Method in class ProfilerController
RouterController::__construct() — Method in class RouterController
ContentSecurityPolicyHandler::__construct() — Method in class ContentSecurityPolicyHandler
WebDebugToolbarListener::__construct() — Method in class WebDebugToolbarListener
TemplateManager::__construct() — Method in class TemplateManager
WebProfilerExtension::__construct() — Method in class WebProfilerExtension
ServerRunCommand::__construct() — Method in class ServerRunCommand
ServerStartCommand::__construct() — Method in class ServerStartCommand
WebServerConfig::__construct() — Method in class WebServerConfig
RequestStackContext::__construct() — Method in class RequestStackContext
Package::__construct() — Method in class Package
Packages::__construct() — Method in class Packages
PathPackage::__construct() — Method in class PathPackage
UrlPackage::__construct() — Method in class UrlPackage
JsonManifestVersionStrategy::__construct() — Method in class JsonManifestVersionStrategy
StaticVersionStrategy::__construct() — Method in class StaticVersionStrategy
Client::__construct() — Method in class Client
Cookie::__construct() — Method in class Cookie
Sets a cookie.
Cookie::__toString() — Method in class Cookie
Returns the HTTP representation of the Cookie.
Request::__construct() — Method in class Request
Response::__construct() — Method in class Response
The headers array is a set of key/value pairs. If a header is present multiple times then the value is an array of all the values.
Response::__toString() — Method in class Response
Converts the response object to string containing all headers and the response content.
AbstractAdapter::__construct() — Method in class AbstractAdapter
AbstractAdapter::__destruct() — Method in class AbstractAdapter
ApcuAdapter::__construct() — Method in class ApcuAdapter
ArrayAdapter::__construct() — Method in class ArrayAdapter
ChainAdapter::__construct() — Method in class ChainAdapter
DoctrineAdapter::__construct() — Method in class DoctrineAdapter
FilesystemAdapter::__construct() — Method in class FilesystemAdapter
MemcachedAdapter::__construct() — Method in class MemcachedAdapter
Using a MemcachedAdapter with a TagAwareAdapter for storing tags is discouraged.
NullAdapter::__construct() — Method in class NullAdapter
PdoAdapter::__construct() — Method in class PdoAdapter
You can either pass an existing database connection as PDO instance or a Doctrine DBAL Connection or a DSN string that will be used to lazy-connect to the database when the cache is actually used.
PhpArrayAdapter::__construct() — Method in class PhpArrayAdapter
PhpFilesAdapter::__construct() — Method in class PhpFilesAdapter
ProxyAdapter::__construct() — Method in class ProxyAdapter
RedisAdapter::__construct() — Method in class RedisAdapter
SimpleCacheAdapter::__construct() — Method in class SimpleCacheAdapter
TagAwareAdapter::__construct() — Method in class TagAwareAdapter
TagAwareAdapter::__destruct() — Method in class TagAwareAdapter
TraceableAdapter::__construct() — Method in class TraceableAdapter
TraceableTagAwareAdapter::__construct() — Method in class TraceableTagAwareAdapter
CacheCollectorPass::__construct() — Method in class CacheCollectorPass
CachePoolClearerPass::__construct() — Method in class CachePoolClearerPass
CachePoolPass::__construct() — Method in class CachePoolPass
CachePoolPrunerPass::__construct() — Method in class CachePoolPrunerPass
DoctrineProvider::__construct() — Method in class DoctrineProvider
DefaultMarshaller::__construct() — Method in class DefaultMarshaller
AbstractCache::__construct() — Method in class AbstractCache
ApcuCache::__construct() — Method in class ApcuCache
ArrayCache::__construct() — Method in class ArrayCache
ChainCache::__construct() — Method in class ChainCache
DoctrineCache::__construct() — Method in class DoctrineCache
FilesystemCache::__construct() — Method in class FilesystemCache
MemcachedCache::__construct() — Method in class MemcachedCache
PdoCache::__construct() — Method in class PdoCache
You can either pass an existing database connection as PDO instance or a Doctrine DBAL Connection or a DSN string that will be used to lazy-connect to the database when the cache is actually used.
PhpArrayCache::__construct() — Method in class PhpArrayCache
PhpFilesCache::__construct() — Method in class PhpFilesCache
Psr6Cache::__construct() — Method in class Psr6Cache
RedisCache::__construct() — Method in class RedisCache
TraceableCache::__construct() — Method in class TraceableCache
FilesystemCommonTrait::__destruct() — Method in class FilesystemCommonTrait
RedisClusterProxy::__construct() — Method in class RedisClusterProxy
RedisClusterProxy::__call() — Method in class RedisClusterProxy
RedisProxy::__construct() — Method in class RedisProxy
RedisProxy::__call() — Method in class RedisProxy
ConfigCache::__construct() — Method in class ConfigCache
ConfigCacheFactory::__construct() — Method in class ConfigCacheFactory
BaseNode::__construct() — Method in class BaseNode
ArrayNodeDefinition::__construct() — Method in class ArrayNodeDefinition
BooleanNodeDefinition::__construct() — Method in class BooleanNodeDefinition
ExprBuilder::__construct() — Method in class ExprBuilder
MergeBuilder::__construct() — Method in class MergeBuilder
NodeBuilder::__construct() — Method in class NodeBuilder
NodeDefinition::__construct() — Method in class NodeDefinition
NormalizationBuilder::__construct() — Method in class NormalizationBuilder
TreeBuilder::__construct() — Method in class TreeBuilder
ValidationBuilder::__construct() — Method in class ValidationBuilder
EnumNode::__construct() — Method in class EnumNode
NumericNode::__construct() — Method in class NumericNode
FileLoaderImportCircularReferenceException::__construct() — Method in class FileLoaderImportCircularReferenceException
FileLoaderLoadException::__construct() — Method in class FileLoaderLoadException
FileLocatorFileNotFoundException::__construct() — Method in class FileLocatorFileNotFoundException
FileLocator::__construct() — Method in class FileLocator
DelegatingLoader::__construct() — Method in class DelegatingLoader
FileLoader::__construct() — Method in class FileLoader
LoaderResolver::__construct() — Method in class LoaderResolver
ResourceCheckerConfigCache::__construct() — Method in class ResourceCheckerConfigCache
ResourceCheckerConfigCacheFactory::__construct() — Method in class ResourceCheckerConfigCacheFactory
ClassExistenceResource::__construct() — Method in class ClassExistenceResource
ClassExistenceResource::__toString() — Method in class ClassExistenceResource
Returns a string representation of the Resource.
ComposerResource::__construct() — Method in class ComposerResource
ComposerResource::__toString() — Method in class ComposerResource
Returns a string representation of the Resource.
DirectoryResource::__construct() — Method in class DirectoryResource
DirectoryResource::__toString() — Method in class DirectoryResource
Returns a string representation of the Resource.
FileExistenceResource::__construct() — Method in class FileExistenceResource
FileExistenceResource::__toString() — Method in class FileExistenceResource
Returns a string representation of the Resource.
FileResource::__construct() — Method in class FileResource
FileResource::__toString() — Method in class FileResource
Returns a string representation of the Resource.
GlobResource::__construct() — Method in class GlobResource
GlobResource::__toString() — Method in class GlobResource
Returns a string representation of the Resource.
ReflectionClassResource::__construct() — Method in class ReflectionClassResource
ReflectionClassResource::__toString() — Method in class ReflectionClassResource
Returns a string representation of the Resource.
ResourceInterface::__toString() — Method in class ResourceInterface
Returns a string representation of the Resource.
Application::__construct() — Method in class Application
ContainerCommandLoader::__construct() — Method in class ContainerCommandLoader
FactoryCommandLoader::__construct() — Method in class FactoryCommandLoader
Command::__construct() — Method in class Command
AddConsoleCommandPass::__construct() — Method in class AddConsoleCommandPass
ApplicationDescription::__construct() — Method in class ApplicationDescription
ErrorListener::__construct() — Method in class ErrorListener
ConsoleErrorEvent::__construct() — Method in class ConsoleErrorEvent
ConsoleEvent::__construct() — Method in class ConsoleEvent
ConsoleTerminateEvent::__construct() — Method in class ConsoleTerminateEvent
CommandNotFoundException::__construct() — Method in class CommandNotFoundException
OutputFormatter::__construct() — Method in class OutputFormatter
Initializes console output formatter.
OutputFormatterStyle::__construct() — Method in class OutputFormatterStyle
Initializes output formatter style.
OutputFormatterStyleStack::__construct() — Method in class OutputFormatterStyleStack
DescriptorHelper::__construct() — Method in class DescriptorHelper
HelperSet::__construct() — Method in class HelperSet
ProgressBar::__construct() — Method in class ProgressBar
ProgressIndicator::__construct() — Method in class ProgressIndicator
Table::__construct() — Method in class Table
TableCell::__construct() — Method in class TableCell
TableCell::__toString() — Method in class TableCell
Returns the cell value.
TableRows::__construct() — Method in class TableRows
TableSeparator::__construct() — Method in class TableSeparator
ArgvInput::__construct() — Method in class ArgvInput
ArgvInput::__toString() — Method in class ArgvInput
Returns a stringified representation of the args passed to the command.
ArrayInput::__construct() — Method in class ArrayInput
ArrayInput::__toString() — Method in class ArrayInput
Returns a stringified representation of the args passed to the command.
Input::__construct() — Method in class Input
InputArgument::__construct() — Method in class InputArgument
InputDefinition::__construct() — Method in class InputDefinition
InputOption::__construct() — Method in class InputOption
StringInput::__construct() — Method in class StringInput
ConsoleLogger::__construct() — Method in class ConsoleLogger
ConsoleOutput::__construct() — Method in class ConsoleOutput
ConsoleSectionOutput::__construct() — Method in class ConsoleSectionOutput
Output::__construct() — Method in class Output
StreamOutput::__construct() — Method in class StreamOutput
ChoiceQuestion::__construct() — Method in class ChoiceQuestion
ConfirmationQuestion::__construct() — Method in class ConfirmationQuestion
Question::__construct() — Method in class Question
OutputStyle::__construct() — Method in class OutputStyle
SymfonyStyle::__construct() — Method in class SymfonyStyle
ApplicationTester::__construct() — Method in class ApplicationTester
CommandTester::__construct() — Method in class CommandTester
CssSelectorConverter::__construct() — Method in class CssSelectorConverter
AttributeNode::__construct() — Method in class AttributeNode
AttributeNode::__toString() — Method in class AttributeNode
ClassNode::__construct() — Method in class ClassNode
ClassNode::__toString() — Method in class ClassNode
CombinedSelectorNode::__construct() — Method in class CombinedSelectorNode
CombinedSelectorNode::__toString() — Method in class CombinedSelectorNode
ElementNode::__construct() — Method in class ElementNode
ElementNode::__toString() — Method in class ElementNode
FunctionNode::__construct() — Method in class FunctionNode
FunctionNode::__toString() — Method in class FunctionNode
HashNode::__construct() — Method in class HashNode
HashNode::__toString() — Method in class HashNode
NegationNode::__construct() — Method in class NegationNode
NegationNode::__toString() — Method in class NegationNode
NodeInterface::__toString() — Method in class NodeInterface
PseudoNode::__construct() — Method in class PseudoNode
PseudoNode::__toString() — Method in class PseudoNode
SelectorNode::__construct() — Method in class SelectorNode
SelectorNode::__toString() — Method in class SelectorNode
Specificity::__construct() — Method in class Specificity
HashHandler::__construct() — Method in class HashHandler
IdentifierHandler::__construct() — Method in class IdentifierHandler
NumberHandler::__construct() — Method in class NumberHandler
StringHandler::__construct() — Method in class StringHandler
Parser::__construct() — Method in class Parser
Reader::__construct() — Method in class Reader
Token::__construct() — Method in class Token
Token::__toString() — Method in class Token
Tokenizer::__construct() — Method in class Tokenizer
TokenizerEscaping::__construct() — Method in class TokenizerEscaping
TokenizerPatterns::__construct() — Method in class TokenizerPatterns
HtmlExtension::__construct() — Method in class HtmlExtension
NodeExtension::__construct() — Method in class NodeExtension
Translator::__construct() — Method in class Translator
XPathExpr::__construct() — Method in class XPathExpr
XPathExpr::__toString() — Method in class XPathExpr
DebugClassLoader::__construct() — Method in class DebugClassLoader
ErrorHandler::__construct() — Method in class ErrorHandler
ExceptionHandler::__construct() — Method in class ExceptionHandler
ClassNotFoundException::__construct() — Method in class ClassNotFoundException
FatalErrorException::__construct() — Method in class FatalErrorException
FatalThrowableError::__construct() — Method in class FatalThrowableError
SilencedErrorContext::__construct() — Method in class SilencedErrorContext
UndefinedFunctionException::__construct() — Method in class UndefinedFunctionException
UndefinedMethodException::__construct() — Method in class UndefinedMethodException
Alias::__construct() — Method in class Alias
Alias::__toString() — Method in class Alias
Returns the Id of this alias.
BoundArgument::__construct() — Method in class BoundArgument
ReferenceSetArgumentTrait::__construct() — Method in class ReferenceSetArgumentTrait
RewindableGenerator::__construct() — Method in class RewindableGenerator
ServiceClosureArgument::__construct() — Method in class ServiceClosureArgument
ServiceLocator::__construct() — Method in class ServiceLocator
TaggedIteratorArgument::__construct() — Method in class TaggedIteratorArgument
ChildDefinition::__construct() — Method in class ChildDefinition
AnalyzeServiceReferencesPass::__construct() — Method in class AnalyzeServiceReferencesPass
AutowirePass::__construct() — Method in class AutowirePass
CheckArgumentsValidityPass::__construct() — Method in class CheckArgumentsValidityPass
Compiler::__construct() — Method in class Compiler
InlineServiceDefinitionsPass::__construct() — Method in class InlineServiceDefinitionsPass
MergeExtensionConfigurationContainerBuilder::__construct() — Method in class MergeExtensionConfigurationContainerBuilder
MergeExtensionConfigurationParameterBag::__construct() — Method in class MergeExtensionConfigurationParameterBag
PassConfig::__construct() — Method in class PassConfig
RepeatedPass::__construct() — Method in class RepeatedPass
ResolveHotPathPass::__construct() — Method in class ResolveHotPathPass
ResolveParameterPlaceHoldersPass::__construct() — Method in class ResolveParameterPlaceHoldersPass
ServiceReferenceGraphEdge::__construct() — Method in class ServiceReferenceGraphEdge
ServiceReferenceGraphNode::__construct() — Method in class ServiceReferenceGraphNode
ContainerParametersResource::__construct() — Method in class ContainerParametersResource
ContainerParametersResource::__toString() — Method in class ContainerParametersResource
Returns a string representation of the Resource.
ContainerParametersResourceChecker::__construct() — Method in class ContainerParametersResourceChecker
Container::__construct() — Method in class Container
ContainerBuilder::__construct() — Method in class ContainerBuilder
Definition::__construct() — Method in class Definition
Dumper::__construct() — Method in class Dumper
PhpDumper::__construct() — Method in class PhpDumper
EnvVarProcessor::__construct() — Method in class EnvVarProcessor
AutowiringFailedException::__construct() — Method in class AutowiringFailedException
EnvNotFoundException::__construct() — Method in class EnvNotFoundException
EnvParameterException::__construct() — Method in class EnvParameterException
ParameterCircularReferenceException::__construct() — Method in class ParameterCircularReferenceException
ParameterNotFoundException::__construct() — Method in class ParameterNotFoundException
ServiceCircularReferenceException::__construct() — Method in class ServiceCircularReferenceException
ServiceNotFoundException::__construct() — Method in class ServiceNotFoundException
ExpressionLanguage::__construct() — Method in class ExpressionLanguage
ExpressionLanguageProvider::__construct() — Method in class ExpressionLanguageProvider
ClosureLoader::__construct() — Method in class ClosureLoader
AbstractConfigurator::__call() — Method in class AbstractConfigurator
AbstractServiceConfigurator::__construct() — Method in class AbstractServiceConfigurator
AbstractServiceConfigurator::__destruct() — Method in class AbstractServiceConfigurator
AbstractServiceConfigurator::__invoke() — Method in class AbstractServiceConfigurator
Registers a service.
AliasConfigurator::__construct() — Method in class AliasConfigurator
ContainerConfigurator::__construct() — Method in class ContainerConfigurator
InlineServiceConfigurator::__construct() — Method in class InlineServiceConfigurator
ParametersConfigurator::__construct() — Method in class ParametersConfigurator
ParametersConfigurator::__invoke() — Method in class ParametersConfigurator
Creates a parameter.
PrototypeConfigurator::__construct() — Method in class PrototypeConfigurator
PrototypeConfigurator::__destruct() — Method in class PrototypeConfigurator
ReferenceConfigurator::__construct() — Method in class ReferenceConfigurator
ReferenceConfigurator::__toString() — Method in class ReferenceConfigurator
ServiceConfigurator::__construct() — Method in class ServiceConfigurator
ServiceConfigurator::__destruct() — Method in class ServiceConfigurator
ServicesConfigurator::__construct() — Method in class ServicesConfigurator
ServicesConfigurator::__invoke() — Method in class ServicesConfigurator
Registers a service.
FileLoader::__construct() — Method in class FileLoader
Parameter::__construct() — Method in class Parameter
Parameter::__toString() — Method in class Parameter
ContainerBag::__construct() — Method in class ContainerBag
For performance reasons, the constructor assumes that all keys are already lowercased.
FrozenParameterBag::__construct() — Method in class FrozenParameterBag
For performance reasons, the constructor assumes that all keys are already lowercased.
ParameterBag::__construct() — Method in class ParameterBag
Reference::__construct() — Method in class Reference
Reference::__toString() — Method in class Reference
ServiceLocator::__invoke() — Method in class ServiceLocator
TypedReference::__construct() — Method in class TypedReference
Variable::__construct() — Method in class Variable
Variable::__toString() — Method in class Variable
AbstractUriElement::__construct() — Method in class AbstractUriElement
Crawler::__construct() — Method in class Crawler
FormField::__construct() — Method in class FormField
Form::__construct() — Method in class Form
Image::__construct() — Method in class Image
FormatException::__construct() — Method in class FormatException
FormatExceptionContext::__construct() — Method in class FormatExceptionContext
PathException::__construct() — Method in class PathException
TraceableEventDispatcher::__construct() — Method in class TraceableEventDispatcher
TraceableEventDispatcher::__call() — Method in class TraceableEventDispatcher
Proxies all method calls to the original event dispatcher.
WrappedListener::__construct() — Method in class WrappedListener
WrappedListener::__invoke() — Method in class WrappedListener
RegisterListenersPass::__construct() — Method in class RegisterListenersPass
GenericEvent::__construct() — Method in class GenericEvent
Encapsulate an event with $subject and $args.
ImmutableEventDispatcher::__construct() — Method in class ImmutableEventDispatcher
Compiler::__construct() — Method in class Compiler
Expression::__construct() — Method in class Expression
Expression::__toString() — Method in class Expression
Gets the expression.
ExpressionFunction::__construct() — Method in class ExpressionFunction
ExpressionLanguage::__construct() — Method in class ExpressionLanguage
ArrayNode::__construct() — Method in class ArrayNode
BinaryNode::__construct() — Method in class BinaryNode
ConditionalNode::__construct() — Method in class ConditionalNode
ConstantNode::__construct() — Method in class ConstantNode
FunctionNode::__construct() — Method in class FunctionNode
GetAttrNode::__construct() — Method in class GetAttrNode
NameNode::__construct() — Method in class NameNode
Node::__construct() — Method in class Node
Node::__toString() — Method in class Node
UnaryNode::__construct() — Method in class UnaryNode
ParsedExpression::__construct() — Method in class ParsedExpression
Parser::__construct() — Method in class Parser
SerializedParsedExpression::__construct() — Method in class SerializedParsedExpression
SyntaxError::__construct() — Method in class SyntaxError
Token::__construct() — Method in class Token
Token::__toString() — Method in class Token
Returns a string representation of the token.
TokenStream::__construct() — Method in class TokenStream
TokenStream::__toString() — Method in class TokenStream
Returns a string representation of the token stream.
FileNotFoundException::__construct() — Method in class FileNotFoundException
IOException::__construct() — Method in class IOException
DateComparator::__construct() — Method in class DateComparator
NumberComparator::__construct() — Method in class NumberComparator
Finder::__construct() — Method in class Finder
CustomFilterIterator::__construct() — Method in class CustomFilterIterator
DateRangeFilterIterator::__construct() — Method in class DateRangeFilterIterator
DepthRangeFilterIterator::__construct() — Method in class DepthRangeFilterIterator
ExcludeDirectoryFilterIterator::__construct() — Method in class ExcludeDirectoryFilterIterator
FileTypeFilterIterator::__construct() — Method in class FileTypeFilterIterator
MultiplePcreFilterIterator::__construct() — Method in class MultiplePcreFilterIterator
RecursiveDirectoryIterator::__construct() — Method in class RecursiveDirectoryIterator
SizeRangeFilterIterator::__construct() — Method in class SizeRangeFilterIterator
SortableIterator::__construct() — Method in class SortableIterator
SplFileInfo::__construct() — Method in class SplFileInfo
AbstractRendererEngine::__construct() — Method in class AbstractRendererEngine
Creates a new renderer engine.
Button::__construct() — Method in class Button
Creates a new button from a form configuration.
ButtonBuilder::__construct() — Method in class ButtonBuilder
CallbackTransformer::__construct() — Method in class CallbackTransformer
ArrayChoiceList::__construct() — Method in class ArrayChoiceList
Creates a list with the given choices and values.
CachingFactoryDecorator::__construct() — Method in class CachingFactoryDecorator
PropertyAccessDecorator::__construct() — Method in class PropertyAccessDecorator
LazyChoiceList::__construct() — Method in class LazyChoiceList
Creates a lazily-loaded list using the given loader.
CallbackChoiceLoader::__construct() — Method in class CallbackChoiceLoader
ChoiceGroupView::__construct() — Method in class ChoiceGroupView
Creates a new choice group view.
ChoiceListView::__construct() — Method in class ChoiceListView
Creates a new choice list view.
ChoiceView::__construct() — Method in class ChoiceView
Creates a new choice view.
DebugCommand::__construct() — Method in class DebugCommand
DescriptorHelper::__construct() — Method in class DescriptorHelper
FormPass::__construct() — Method in class FormPass
UnexpectedTypeException::__construct() — Method in class UnexpectedTypeException
CoreExtension::__construct() — Method in class CoreExtension
PropertyPathMapper::__construct() — Method in class PropertyPathMapper
ArrayToPartsTransformer::__construct() — Method in class ArrayToPartsTransformer
BaseDateTimeTransformer::__construct() — Method in class BaseDateTimeTransformer
BooleanToStringTransformer::__construct() — Method in class BooleanToStringTransformer
ChoiceToValueTransformer::__construct() — Method in class ChoiceToValueTransformer
ChoicesToValuesTransformer::__construct() — Method in class ChoicesToValuesTransformer
DataTransformerChain::__construct() — Method in class DataTransformerChain
Uses the given value transformers to transform values.
DateIntervalToArrayTransformer::__construct() — Method in class DateIntervalToArrayTransformer
DateIntervalToStringTransformer::__construct() — Method in class DateIntervalToStringTransformer
Transforms a \DateInterval instance to a string.
DateTimeToArrayTransformer::__construct() — Method in class DateTimeToArrayTransformer
DateTimeToLocalizedStringTransformer::__construct() — Method in class DateTimeToLocalizedStringTransformer
DateTimeToStringTransformer::__construct() — Method in class DateTimeToStringTransformer
Transforms a \DateTime instance to a string.
DateTimeZoneToStringTransformer::__construct() — Method in class DateTimeZoneToStringTransformer
IntegerToLocalizedStringTransformer::__construct() — Method in class IntegerToLocalizedStringTransformer
Constructs a transformer.
MoneyToLocalizedStringTransformer::__construct() — Method in class MoneyToLocalizedStringTransformer
NumberToLocalizedStringTransformer::__construct() — Method in class NumberToLocalizedStringTransformer
PercentToLocalizedStringTransformer::__construct() — Method in class PercentToLocalizedStringTransformer
ValueToDuplicatesTransformer::__construct() — Method in class ValueToDuplicatesTransformer
FixUrlProtocolListener::__construct() — Method in class FixUrlProtocolListener
MergeCollectionListener::__construct() — Method in class MergeCollectionListener
ResizeFormListener::__construct() — Method in class ResizeFormListener
TransformationFailureListener::__construct() — Method in class TransformationFailureListener
ChoiceType::__construct() — Method in class ChoiceType
FormType::__construct() — Method in class FormType
TransformationFailureExtension::__construct() — Method in class TransformationFailureExtension
CsrfExtension::__construct() — Method in class CsrfExtension
CsrfValidationListener::__construct() — Method in class CsrfValidationListener
FormTypeCsrfExtension::__construct() — Method in class FormTypeCsrfExtension
DataCollectorExtension::__construct() — Method in class DataCollectorExtension
DataCollectorListener::__construct() — Method in class DataCollectorListener
FormDataCollector::__construct() — Method in class FormDataCollector
ResolvedTypeDataCollectorProxy::__construct() — Method in class ResolvedTypeDataCollectorProxy
ResolvedTypeFactoryDataCollectorProxy::__construct() — Method in class ResolvedTypeFactoryDataCollectorProxy
DataCollectorTypeExtension::__construct() — Method in class DataCollectorTypeExtension
DependencyInjectionExtension::__construct() — Method in class DependencyInjectionExtension
HttpFoundationRequestHandler::__construct() — Method in class HttpFoundationRequestHandler
FormTypeHttpFoundationExtension::__construct() — Method in class FormTypeHttpFoundationExtension
TemplatingExtension::__construct() — Method in class TemplatingExtension
TemplatingRendererEngine::__construct() — Method in class TemplatingRendererEngine
Creates a new renderer engine.
ValidationListener::__construct() — Method in class ValidationListener
FormTypeValidatorExtension::__construct() — Method in class FormTypeValidatorExtension
UploadValidatorExtension::__construct() — Method in class UploadValidatorExtension
ValidatorExtension::__construct() — Method in class ValidatorExtension
ValidatorTypeGuesser::__construct() — Method in class ValidatorTypeGuesser
MappingRule::__construct() — Method in class MappingRule
RelativePath::__construct() — Method in class RelativePath
Constructs a property path from a string.
ViolationPath::__construct() — Method in class ViolationPath
Creates a new violation path from a string.
ViolationPath::__toString() — Method in class ViolationPath
Returns the string representation of the property path.
ViolationPathIterator::__construct() — Method in class ViolationPathIterator
Form::__construct() — Method in class Form
Creates a new form based on the given configuration.
Form::__clone() — Method in class Form
FormBuilder::__construct() — Method in class FormBuilder
Creates an empty form configuration.
FormConfigBuilder::__construct() — Method in class FormConfigBuilder
Creates an empty form configuration.
FormError::__construct() — Method in class FormError
Any array key in $messageParameters will be used as a placeholder in $messageTemplate.
FormErrorIterator::__construct() — Method in class FormErrorIterator
Creates a new iterator.
FormErrorIterator::__toString() — Method in class FormErrorIterator
Returns all iterated error messages as string.
FormEvent::__construct() — Method in class FormEvent
FormFactory::__construct() — Method in class FormFactory
FormRegistry::__construct() — Method in class FormRegistry
FormRenderer::__construct() — Method in class FormRenderer
FormTypeGuesserChain::__construct() — Method in class FormTypeGuesserChain
FormView::__construct() — Method in class FormView
Guess::__construct() — Method in class Guess
TypeGuess::__construct() — Method in class TypeGuess
ValueGuess::__construct() — Method in class ValueGuess
NativeRequestHandler::__construct() — Method in class NativeRequestHandler
PreloadedExtension::__construct() — Method in class PreloadedExtension
Creates a new preloaded extension.
ResolvedFormType::__construct() — Method in class ResolvedFormType
ReversedTransformer::__construct() — Method in class ReversedTransformer
OrderedHashMap::__construct() — Method in class OrderedHashMap
Creates a new map.
OrderedHashMapIterator::__construct() — Method in class OrderedHashMapIterator
OrderedHashMapIterator::__destruct() — Method in class OrderedHashMapIterator
Removes the iterator's cursors from the managed cursors of the corresponding {@link OrderedHashMap} instance.
ServerParams::__construct() — Method in class ServerParams
AcceptHeader::__construct() — Method in class AcceptHeader
AcceptHeader::__toString() — Method in class AcceptHeader
Returns header value's string representation.
AcceptHeaderItem::__construct() — Method in class AcceptHeaderItem
AcceptHeaderItem::__toString() — Method in class AcceptHeaderItem
Returns header value's string representation.
BinaryFileResponse::__construct() — Method in class BinaryFileResponse
Cookie::__construct() — Method in class Cookie
Cookie::__toString() — Method in class Cookie
Returns the cookie as a string.
FileBag::__construct() — Method in class FileBag
AccessDeniedException::__construct() — Method in class AccessDeniedException
FileNotFoundException::__construct() — Method in class FileNotFoundException
UnexpectedTypeException::__construct() — Method in class UnexpectedTypeException
File::__construct() — Method in class File
Constructs a new file from the given path.
FileBinaryMimeTypeGuesser::__construct() — Method in class FileBinaryMimeTypeGuesser
The $cmd pattern must contain a "%s" string that will be replaced with the file name to guess.
FileinfoMimeTypeGuesser::__construct() — Method in class FileinfoMimeTypeGuesser
UploadedFile::__construct() — Method in class UploadedFile
Accepts the information of the uploaded file as provided by the PHP global $_FILES.
HeaderBag::__construct() — Method in class HeaderBag
HeaderBag::__toString() — Method in class HeaderBag
Returns the headers as a string.
JsonResponse::__construct() — Method in class JsonResponse
ParameterBag::__construct() — Method in class ParameterBag
RedirectResponse::__construct() — Method in class RedirectResponse
Creates a redirect response so that it conforms to the rules defined for a redirect status code.
Request::__construct() — Method in class Request
Request::__clone() — Method in class Request
Clones the current request.
Request::__toString() — Method in class Request
Returns the request as a string.
RequestMatcher::__construct() — Method in class RequestMatcher
Response::__construct() — Method in class Response
Response::__toString() — Method in class Response
Returns the Response as an HTTP string.
Response::__clone() — Method in class Response
Clones the current Response instance.
ResponseHeaderBag::__construct() — Method in class ResponseHeaderBag
AttributeBag::__construct() — Method in class AttributeBag
NamespacedAttributeBag::__construct() — Method in class NamespacedAttributeBag
AutoExpireFlashBag::__construct() — Method in class AutoExpireFlashBag
FlashBag::__construct() — Method in class FlashBag
Session::__construct() — Method in class Session
SessionBagProxy::__construct() — Method in class SessionBagProxy
MemcachedSessionHandler::__construct() — Method in class MemcachedSessionHandler
MigratingSessionHandler::__construct() — Method in class MigratingSessionHandler
MongoDbSessionHandler::__construct() — Method in class MongoDbSessionHandler
NativeFileSessionHandler::__construct() — Method in class NativeFileSessionHandler
PdoSessionHandler::__construct() — Method in class PdoSessionHandler
You can either pass an existing database connection as PDO instance or pass a DSN string that will be used to lazy-connect to the database when the session is actually used. Furthermore it's possible to pass null which will then use the session.save_path ini setting as PDO DSN parameter.
RedisSessionHandler::__construct() — Method in class RedisSessionHandler
List of available options: * prefix: The prefix to use for the keys in order to avoid collision on the Redis server.
StrictSessionHandler::__construct() — Method in class StrictSessionHandler
MetadataBag::__construct() — Method in class MetadataBag
MockArraySessionStorage::__construct() — Method in class MockArraySessionStorage
MockFileSessionStorage::__construct() — Method in class MockFileSessionStorage
NativeSessionStorage::__construct() — Method in class NativeSessionStorage
Depending on how you want the storage driver to behave you probably want to override this constructor entirely.
PhpBridgeSessionStorage::__construct() — Method in class PhpBridgeSessionStorage
SessionHandlerProxy::__construct() — Method in class SessionHandlerProxy
StreamedResponse::__construct() — Method in class StreamedResponse
ChainCacheClearer::__construct() — Method in class ChainCacheClearer
Psr6CacheClearer::__construct() — Method in class Psr6CacheClearer
CacheWarmerAggregate::__construct() — Method in class CacheWarmerAggregate
Client::__construct() — Method in class Client
FileLocator::__construct() — Method in class FileLocator
ArgumentMetadata::__construct() — Method in class ArgumentMetadata
ArgumentResolver::__construct() — Method in class ArgumentResolver
ServiceValueResolver::__construct() — Method in class ServiceValueResolver
TraceableValueResolver::__construct() — Method in class TraceableValueResolver
ContainerControllerResolver::__construct() — Method in class ContainerControllerResolver
ControllerReference::__construct() — Method in class ControllerReference
ControllerResolver::__construct() — Method in class ControllerResolver
TraceableArgumentResolver::__construct() — Method in class TraceableArgumentResolver
TraceableControllerResolver::__construct() — Method in class TraceableControllerResolver
ConfigDataCollector::__construct() — Method in class ConfigDataCollector
DumpDataCollector::__construct() — Method in class DumpDataCollector
DumpDataCollector::__clone() — Method in class DumpDataCollector
DumpDataCollector::__destruct() — Method in class DumpDataCollector
EventDataCollector::__construct() — Method in class EventDataCollector
LoggerDataCollector::__construct() — Method in class LoggerDataCollector
MemoryDataCollector::__construct() — Method in class MemoryDataCollector
RequestDataCollector::__construct() — Method in class RequestDataCollector
RouterDataCollector::__construct() — Method in class RouterDataCollector
TimeDataCollector::__construct() — Method in class TimeDataCollector
FileLinkFormatter::__construct() — Method in class FileLinkFormatter
AddAnnotatedClassesToCachePass::__construct() — Method in class AddAnnotatedClassesToCachePass
ControllerArgumentValueResolverPass::__construct() — Method in class ControllerArgumentValueResolverPass
FragmentRendererPass::__construct() — Method in class FragmentRendererPass
LazyLoadingFragmentHandler::__construct() — Method in class LazyLoadingFragmentHandler
MergeExtensionConfigurationPass::__construct() — Method in class MergeExtensionConfigurationPass
RegisterControllerArgumentLocatorsPass::__construct() — Method in class RegisterControllerArgumentLocatorsPass
RemoveEmptyControllerArgumentLocatorsPass::__construct() — Method in class RemoveEmptyControllerArgumentLocatorsPass
ResettableServicePass::__construct() — Method in class ResettableServicePass
ServicesResetter::__construct() — Method in class ServicesResetter
AbstractSessionListener::__construct() — Method in class AbstractSessionListener
AbstractTestSessionListener::__construct() — Method in class AbstractTestSessionListener
AddRequestFormatsListener::__construct() — Method in class AddRequestFormatsListener
DebugHandlersListener::__construct() — Method in class DebugHandlersListener
DumpListener::__construct() — Method in class DumpListener
ExceptionListener::__construct() — Method in class ExceptionListener
FragmentListener::__construct() — Method in class FragmentListener
LocaleListener::__construct() — Method in class LocaleListener
ProfilerListener::__construct() — Method in class ProfilerListener
ResponseListener::__construct() — Method in class ResponseListener
RouterListener::__construct() — Method in class RouterListener
SessionListener::__construct() — Method in class SessionListener
SurrogateListener::__construct() — Method in class SurrogateListener
TestSessionListener::__construct() — Method in class TestSessionListener
TranslatorListener::__construct() — Method in class TranslatorListener
FilterControllerArgumentsEvent::__construct() — Method in class FilterControllerArgumentsEvent
FilterControllerEvent::__construct() — Method in class FilterControllerEvent
FilterResponseEvent::__construct() — Method in class FilterResponseEvent
GetResponseForControllerResultEvent::__construct() — Method in class GetResponseForControllerResultEvent
GetResponseForExceptionEvent::__construct() — Method in class GetResponseForExceptionEvent
KernelEvent::__construct() — Method in class KernelEvent
PostResponseEvent::__construct() — Method in class PostResponseEvent
AccessDeniedHttpException::__construct() — Method in class AccessDeniedHttpException
BadRequestHttpException::__construct() — Method in class BadRequestHttpException
ConflictHttpException::__construct() — Method in class ConflictHttpException
ControllerDoesNotReturnResponseException::__construct() — Method in class ControllerDoesNotReturnResponseException
GoneHttpException::__construct() — Method in class GoneHttpException
HttpException::__construct() — Method in class HttpException
LengthRequiredHttpException::__construct() — Method in class LengthRequiredHttpException
MethodNotAllowedHttpException::__construct() — Method in class MethodNotAllowedHttpException
NotAcceptableHttpException::__construct() — Method in class NotAcceptableHttpException
NotFoundHttpException::__construct() — Method in class NotFoundHttpException
PreconditionFailedHttpException::__construct() — Method in class PreconditionFailedHttpException
PreconditionRequiredHttpException::__construct() — Method in class PreconditionRequiredHttpException
ServiceUnavailableHttpException::__construct() — Method in class ServiceUnavailableHttpException
TooManyRequestsHttpException::__construct() — Method in class TooManyRequestsHttpException
UnauthorizedHttpException::__construct() — Method in class UnauthorizedHttpException
UnprocessableEntityHttpException::__construct() — Method in class UnprocessableEntityHttpException
UnsupportedMediaTypeHttpException::__construct() — Method in class UnsupportedMediaTypeHttpException
AbstractSurrogateFragmentRenderer::__construct() — Method in class AbstractSurrogateFragmentRenderer
The "fallback" strategy when surrogate is not available should always be an instance of InlineFragmentRenderer.
FragmentHandler::__construct() — Method in class FragmentHandler
HIncludeFragmentRenderer::__construct() — Method in class HIncludeFragmentRenderer
InlineFragmentRenderer::__construct() — Method in class InlineFragmentRenderer
AbstractSurrogate::__construct() — Method in class AbstractSurrogate
HttpCache::__construct() — Method in class HttpCache
Store::__construct() — Method in class Store
HttpKernel::__construct() — Method in class HttpKernel
Kernel::__construct() — Method in class Kernel
Kernel::__clone() — Method in class Kernel
Logger::__construct() — Method in class Logger
FileProfilerStorage::__construct() — Method in class FileProfilerStorage
Constructs the file storage using a "dsn-like" path.
Profile::__construct() — Method in class Profile
Profile::__sleep() — Method in class Profile
Profiler::__construct() — Method in class Profiler
UriSigner::__construct() — Method in class UriSigner
Collator::__construct() — Method in class Collator
GenrbCompiler::__construct() — Method in class GenrbCompiler
Creates a new compiler based on the "genrb" executable.
BufferedBundleReader::__construct() — Method in class BufferedBundleReader
Buffers a given reader.
BundleEntryReader::__construct() — Method in class BundleEntryReader
Creates an entry reader based on the given resource bundle reader.
AbstractDataGenerator::__construct() — Method in class AbstractDataGenerator
GeneratorConfig::__construct() — Method in class GeneratorConfig
LocaleDataGenerator::__construct() — Method in class LocaleDataGenerator
CurrencyDataProvider::__construct() — Method in class CurrencyDataProvider
Creates a data provider that reads currency-related data from a resource bundle.
LanguageDataProvider::__construct() — Method in class LanguageDataProvider
Creates a data provider that reads locale-related data from .res files.
LocaleDataProvider::__construct() — Method in class LocaleDataProvider
Creates a data provider that reads locale-related data from .res files.
RegionDataProvider::__construct() — Method in class RegionDataProvider
Creates a data provider that reads locale-related data from .res files.
ScriptDataProvider::__construct() — Method in class ScriptDataProvider
Creates a data provider that reads locale-related data from .res files.
ArrayAccessibleResourceBundle::__construct() — Method in class ArrayAccessibleResourceBundle
RingBuffer::__construct() — Method in class RingBuffer
FullTransformer::__construct() — Method in class FullTransformer
MonthTransformer::__construct() — Method in class MonthTransformer
IntlDateFormatter::__construct() — Method in class IntlDateFormatter
MethodArgumentNotImplementedException::__construct() — Method in class MethodArgumentNotImplementedException
MethodArgumentValueNotImplementedException::__construct() — Method in class MethodArgumentValueNotImplementedException
MethodNotImplementedException::__construct() — Method in class MethodNotImplementedException
NotImplementedException::__construct() — Method in class NotImplementedException
UnexpectedTypeException::__construct() — Method in class UnexpectedTypeException
NumberFormatter::__construct() — Method in class NumberFormatter
CurrencyBundle::__construct() — Method in class CurrencyBundle
Creates a data provider that reads currency-related data from a resource bundle.
LanguageBundle::__construct() — Method in class LanguageBundle
Creates a data provider that reads locale-related data from .res files.
RegionBundle::__construct() — Method in class RegionBundle
Creates a data provider that reads locale-related data from .res files.
GitRepository::__construct() — Method in class GitRepository
AbstractConnection::__construct() — Method in class AbstractConnection
AbstractQuery::__construct() — Method in class AbstractQuery
Adapter::__construct() — Method in class Adapter
Collection::__construct() — Method in class Collection
Connection::__destruct() — Method in class Connection
EntryManager::__construct() — Method in class EntryManager
Query::__construct() — Method in class Query
Query::__destruct() — Method in class Query
UpdateOperation::__construct() — Method in class UpdateOperation
Entry::__construct() — Method in class Entry
Ldap::__construct() — Method in class Ldap
Factory::__construct() — Method in class Factory
Key::__construct() — Method in class Key
Key::__toString() — Method in class Key
Lock::__construct() — Method in class Lock
Lock::__destruct() — Method in class Lock
Automatically releases the underlying lock when the object is destructed.
CombinedStore::__construct() — Method in class CombinedStore
FlockStore::__construct() — Method in class FlockStore
MemcachedStore::__construct() — Method in class MemcachedStore
PdoStore::__construct() — Method in class PdoStore
You can either pass an existing database connection as PDO instance or a Doctrine DBAL Connection or a DSN string that will be used to lazy-connect to the database when the lock is actually used.
RedisStore::__construct() — Method in class RedisStore
RetryTillSaveStore::__construct() — Method in class RetryTillSaveStore
SemaphoreStore::__construct() — Method in class SemaphoreStore
ZookeeperStore::__construct() — Method in class ZookeeperStore
ConsumeMessagesCommand::__construct() — Method in class ConsumeMessagesCommand
DebugCommand::__construct() — Method in class DebugCommand
MessengerPass::__construct() — Method in class MessengerPass
Envelope::__construct() — Method in class Envelope
ValidationFailedException::__construct() — Method in class ValidationFailedException
HandlersLocator::__construct() — Method in class HandlersLocator
MessageBus::__construct() — Method in class MessageBus
ActivationMiddleware::__construct() — Method in class ActivationMiddleware
HandleMessageMiddleware::__construct() — Method in class HandleMessageMiddleware
LoggingMiddleware::__construct() — Method in class LoggingMiddleware
SendMessageMiddleware::__construct() — Method in class SendMessageMiddleware
StackMiddleware::__construct() — Method in class StackMiddleware
TraceableMiddleware::__construct() — Method in class TraceableMiddleware
TraceableStack::__construct() — Method in class TraceableStack
ValidationMiddleware::__construct() — Method in class ValidationMiddleware
HandledStamp::__construct() — Method in class HandledStamp
SentStamp::__construct() — Method in class SentStamp
SerializerStamp::__construct() — Method in class SerializerStamp
ValidationStamp::__construct() — Method in class ValidationStamp
TraceableMessageBus::__construct() — Method in class TraceableMessageBus
AmqpReceiver::__construct() — Method in class AmqpReceiver
AmqpSender::__construct() — Method in class AmqpSender
AmqpTransport::__construct() — Method in class AmqpTransport
AmqpTransportFactory::__construct() — Method in class AmqpTransportFactory
Connection::__construct() — Method in class Connection
StopWhenMemoryUsageIsExceededReceiver::__construct() — Method in class StopWhenMemoryUsageIsExceededReceiver
StopWhenMessageCountIsExceededReceiver::__construct() — Method in class StopWhenMessageCountIsExceededReceiver
StopWhenTimeLimitIsReachedReceiver::__construct() — Method in class StopWhenTimeLimitIsReachedReceiver
SendersLocator::__construct() — Method in class SendersLocator
Serializer::__construct() — Method in class Serializer
TransportFactory::__construct() — Method in class TransportFactory
Worker::__construct() — Method in class Worker
OptionsResolverIntrospector::__construct() — Method in class OptionsResolverIntrospector
ProcessFailedException::__construct() — Method in class ProcessFailedException
ProcessSignaledException::__construct() — Method in class ProcessSignaledException
ProcessTimedOutException::__construct() — Method in class ProcessTimedOutException
PhpExecutableFinder::__construct() — Method in class PhpExecutableFinder
PhpProcess::__construct() — Method in class PhpProcess
AbstractPipes::__construct() — Method in class AbstractPipes
UnixPipes::__construct() — Method in class UnixPipes
UnixPipes::__destruct() — Method in class UnixPipes
WindowsPipes::__construct() — Method in class WindowsPipes
WindowsPipes::__destruct() — Method in class WindowsPipes
Process::__construct() — Method in class Process
Process::__destruct() — Method in class Process
Process::__clone() — Method in class Process
UnexpectedTypeException::__construct() — Method in class UnexpectedTypeException
PropertyAccessor::__construct() — Method in class PropertyAccessor
Should not be used by application code. Use {@link PropertyAccess::createPropertyAccessor()} instead.
PropertyPath::__construct() — Method in class PropertyPath
Constructs a property path from a string.
PropertyPath::__toString() — Method in class PropertyPath
Returns the string representation of the property path.
PropertyPathBuilder::__construct() — Method in class PropertyPathBuilder
Creates a new property path builder.
PropertyPathBuilder::__toString() — Method in class PropertyPathBuilder
Returns the current property path as string.
PropertyPathInterface::__toString() — Method in class PropertyPathInterface
Returns the string representation of the property path.
PropertyPathIterator::__construct() — Method in class PropertyPathIterator
PropertyInfoPass::__construct() — Method in class PropertyInfoPass
PhpDocExtractor::__construct() — Method in class PhpDocExtractor
ReflectionExtractor::__construct() — Method in class ReflectionExtractor
SerializerExtractor::__construct() — Method in class SerializerExtractor
PropertyInfoCacheExtractor::__construct() — Method in class PropertyInfoCacheExtractor
PropertyInfoExtractor::__construct() — Method in class PropertyInfoExtractor
Type::__construct() — Method in class Type
Route::__construct() — Method in class Route
CompiledRoute::__construct() — Method in class CompiledRoute
RoutingResolverPass::__construct() — Method in class RoutingResolverPass
MethodNotAllowedException::__construct() — Method in class MethodNotAllowedException
GeneratorDumper::__construct() — Method in class GeneratorDumper
UrlGenerator::__construct() — Method in class UrlGenerator
AnnotationClassLoader::__construct() — Method in class AnnotationClassLoader
AnnotationFileLoader::__construct() — Method in class AnnotationFileLoader
CollectionConfigurator::__construct() — Method in class CollectionConfigurator
CollectionConfigurator::__destruct() — Method in class CollectionConfigurator
ImportConfigurator::__construct() — Method in class ImportConfigurator
ImportConfigurator::__destruct() — Method in class ImportConfigurator
RouteConfigurator::__construct() — Method in class RouteConfigurator
RoutingConfigurator::__construct() — Method in class RoutingConfigurator
AddTrait::__invoke() — Method in class AddTrait
Adds a route.
ServiceRouterLoader::__construct() — Method in class ServiceRouterLoader
MatcherDumper::__construct() — Method in class MatcherDumper
StaticPrefixCollection::__construct() — Method in class StaticPrefixCollection
UrlMatcher::__construct() — Method in class UrlMatcher
RequestContext::__construct() — Method in class RequestContext
Route::__construct() — Method in class Route
RouteCollection::__clone() — Method in class RouteCollection
RouteCollectionBuilder::__construct() — Method in class RouteCollectionBuilder
Router::__construct() — Method in class Router
AuthenticationProviderManager::__construct() — Method in class AuthenticationProviderManager
AuthenticationTrustResolver::__construct() — Method in class AuthenticationTrustResolver
AnonymousAuthenticationProvider::__construct() — Method in class AnonymousAuthenticationProvider
DaoAuthenticationProvider::__construct() — Method in class DaoAuthenticationProvider
LdapBindAuthenticationProvider::__construct() — Method in class LdapBindAuthenticationProvider
PreAuthenticatedAuthenticationProvider::__construct() — Method in class PreAuthenticatedAuthenticationProvider
RememberMeAuthenticationProvider::__construct() — Method in class RememberMeAuthenticationProvider
SimpleAuthenticationProvider::__construct() — Method in class SimpleAuthenticationProvider
UserAuthenticationProvider::__construct() — Method in class UserAuthenticationProvider
PersistentToken::__construct() — Method in class PersistentToken
AbstractToken::__construct() — Method in class AbstractToken
AbstractToken::__toString() — Method in class AbstractToken
Returns a string representation of the Token.
AnonymousToken::__construct() — Method in class AnonymousToken
PreAuthenticatedToken::__construct() — Method in class PreAuthenticatedToken
RememberMeToken::__construct() — Method in class RememberMeToken
TokenInterface::__toString() — Method in class TokenInterface
Returns a string representation of the Token.
UsernamePasswordToken::__construct() — Method in class UsernamePasswordToken
AccessDecisionManager::__construct() — Method in class AccessDecisionManager
AuthorizationChecker::__construct() — Method in class AuthorizationChecker
ExpressionLanguage::__construct() — Method in class ExpressionLanguage
TraceableAccessDecisionManager::__construct() — Method in class TraceableAccessDecisionManager
AuthenticatedVoter::__construct() — Method in class AuthenticatedVoter
ExpressionVoter::__construct() — Method in class ExpressionVoter
RoleHierarchyVoter::__construct() — Method in class RoleHierarchyVoter
RoleVoter::__construct() — Method in class RoleVoter
TraceableVoter::__construct() — Method in class TraceableVoter
Argon2iPasswordEncoder::__construct() — Method in class Argon2iPasswordEncoder
Argon2iPasswordEncoder constructor.
BCryptPasswordEncoder::__construct() — Method in class BCryptPasswordEncoder
EncoderFactory::__construct() — Method in class EncoderFactory
MessageDigestPasswordEncoder::__construct() — Method in class MessageDigestPasswordEncoder
Pbkdf2PasswordEncoder::__construct() — Method in class Pbkdf2PasswordEncoder
PlaintextPasswordEncoder::__construct() — Method in class PlaintextPasswordEncoder
UserPasswordEncoder::__construct() — Method in class UserPasswordEncoder
AuthenticationEvent::__construct() — Method in class AuthenticationEvent
AuthenticationFailureEvent::__construct() — Method in class AuthenticationFailureEvent
VoteEvent::__construct() — Method in class VoteEvent
AccessDeniedException::__construct() — Method in class AccessDeniedException
CustomUserMessageAuthenticationException::__construct() — Method in class CustomUserMessageAuthenticationException
LogoutException::__construct() — Method in class LogoutException
Role::__construct() — Method in class Role
RoleHierarchy::__construct() — Method in class RoleHierarchy
SwitchUserRole::__construct() — Method in class SwitchUserRole
Security::__construct() — Method in class Security
ChainUserProvider::__construct() — Method in class ChainUserProvider
InMemoryUserProvider::__construct() — Method in class InMemoryUserProvider
The user array is a hash where the keys are usernames and the values are an array of attributes: 'password', 'enabled', and 'roles'.
LdapUserProvider::__construct() — Method in class LdapUserProvider
MissingUserProvider::__construct() — Method in class MissingUserProvider
User::__construct() — Method in class User
User::__toString() — Method in class User
UserPasswordValidator::__construct() — Method in class UserPasswordValidator
CsrfToken::__construct() — Method in class CsrfToken
CsrfToken::__toString() — Method in class CsrfToken
Returns the value of the CSRF token.
CsrfTokenManager::__construct() — Method in class CsrfTokenManager
UriSafeTokenGenerator::__construct() — Method in class UriSafeTokenGenerator
Generates URI-safe CSRF tokens.
NativeSessionTokenStorage::__construct() — Method in class NativeSessionTokenStorage
Initializes the storage with a session namespace.
SessionTokenStorage::__construct() — Method in class SessionTokenStorage
Initializes the storage with a Session object and a session namespace.
GuardAuthenticationListener::__construct() — Method in class GuardAuthenticationListener
GuardAuthenticatorHandler::__construct() — Method in class GuardAuthenticatorHandler
GuardAuthenticationProvider::__construct() — Method in class GuardAuthenticationProvider
PostAuthenticationGuardToken::__construct() — Method in class PostAuthenticationGuardToken
PreAuthenticationGuardToken::__construct() — Method in class PreAuthenticationGuardToken
AuthenticationUtils::__construct() — Method in class AuthenticationUtils
CustomAuthenticationFailureHandler::__construct() — Method in class CustomAuthenticationFailureHandler
CustomAuthenticationSuccessHandler::__construct() — Method in class CustomAuthenticationSuccessHandler
DefaultAuthenticationFailureHandler::__construct() — Method in class DefaultAuthenticationFailureHandler
DefaultAuthenticationSuccessHandler::__construct() — Method in class DefaultAuthenticationSuccessHandler
SimpleAuthenticationHandler::__construct() — Method in class SimpleAuthenticationHandler
UserValueResolver::__construct() — Method in class UserValueResolver
BasicAuthenticationEntryPoint::__construct() — Method in class BasicAuthenticationEntryPoint
FormAuthenticationEntryPoint::__construct() — Method in class FormAuthenticationEntryPoint
RetryAuthenticationEntryPoint::__construct() — Method in class RetryAuthenticationEntryPoint
InteractiveLoginEvent::__construct() — Method in class InteractiveLoginEvent
SwitchUserEvent::__construct() — Method in class SwitchUserEvent
Firewall::__construct() — Method in class Firewall
AbstractAuthenticationListener::__construct() — Method in class AbstractAuthenticationListener
AbstractPreAuthenticatedListener::__construct() — Method in class AbstractPreAuthenticatedListener
AccessListener::__construct() — Method in class AccessListener
AnonymousAuthenticationListener::__construct() — Method in class AnonymousAuthenticationListener
BasicAuthenticationListener::__construct() — Method in class BasicAuthenticationListener
ChannelListener::__construct() — Method in class ChannelListener
ContextListener::__construct() — Method in class ContextListener
ExceptionListener::__construct() — Method in class ExceptionListener
LogoutListener::__construct() — Method in class LogoutListener
RememberMeListener::__construct() — Method in class RememberMeListener
RemoteUserAuthenticationListener::__construct() — Method in class RemoteUserAuthenticationListener
SimpleFormAuthenticationListener::__construct() — Method in class SimpleFormAuthenticationListener
SimplePreAuthenticationListener::__construct() — Method in class SimplePreAuthenticationListener
SwitchUserListener::__construct() — Method in class SwitchUserListener
UsernamePasswordFormAuthenticationListener::__construct() — Method in class UsernamePasswordFormAuthenticationListener
UsernamePasswordJsonAuthenticationListener::__construct() — Method in class UsernamePasswordJsonAuthenticationListener
X509AuthenticationListener::__construct() — Method in class X509AuthenticationListener
HttpUtils::__construct() — Method in class HttpUtils
CookieClearingLogoutHandler::__construct() — Method in class CookieClearingLogoutHandler
CsrfTokenClearingLogoutHandler::__construct() — Method in class CsrfTokenClearingLogoutHandler
DefaultLogoutSuccessHandler::__construct() — Method in class DefaultLogoutSuccessHandler
LogoutUrlGenerator::__construct() — Method in class LogoutUrlGenerator
AbstractRememberMeServices::__construct() — Method in class AbstractRememberMeServices
SessionAuthenticationStrategy::__construct() — Method in class SessionAuthenticationStrategy
DiscriminatorMap::__construct() — Method in class DiscriminatorMap
Groups::__construct() — Method in class Groups
MaxDepth::__construct() — Method in class MaxDepth
SerializedName::__construct() — Method in class SerializedName
SerializerPass::__construct() — Method in class SerializerPass
ChainDecoder::__construct() — Method in class ChainDecoder
ChainEncoder::__construct() — Method in class ChainEncoder
CsvEncoder::__construct() — Method in class CsvEncoder
JsonDecode::__construct() — Method in class JsonDecode
Constructs a new JsonDecode instance.
JsonEncode::__construct() — Method in class JsonEncode
JsonEncoder::__construct() — Method in class JsonEncoder
XmlEncoder::__construct() — Method in class XmlEncoder
YamlEncoder::__construct() — Method in class YamlEncoder
ExtraAttributesException::__construct() — Method in class ExtraAttributesException
AttributeMetadata::__construct() — Method in class AttributeMetadata
AttributeMetadata::__sleep() — Method in class AttributeMetadata
Returns the names of the properties that should be serialized.
ClassDiscriminatorFromClassMetadata::__construct() — Method in class ClassDiscriminatorFromClassMetadata
ClassDiscriminatorMapping::__construct() — Method in class ClassDiscriminatorMapping
ClassMetadata::__construct() — Method in class ClassMetadata
Constructs a metadata for the given class.
ClassMetadata::__sleep() — Method in class ClassMetadata
Returns the names of the properties that should be serialized.
CacheClassMetadataFactory::__construct() — Method in class CacheClassMetadataFactory
ClassMetadataFactory::__construct() — Method in class ClassMetadataFactory
AnnotationLoader::__construct() — Method in class AnnotationLoader
FileLoader::__construct() — Method in class FileLoader
LoaderChain::__construct() — Method in class LoaderChain
Accepts a list of LoaderInterface instances.
CamelCaseToSnakeCaseNameConverter::__construct() — Method in class CamelCaseToSnakeCaseNameConverter
MetadataAwareNameConverter::__construct() — Method in class MetadataAwareNameConverter
AbstractNormalizer::__construct() — Method in class AbstractNormalizer
Sets the {@link ClassMetadataFactoryInterface} to use.
AbstractObjectNormalizer::__construct() — Method in class AbstractObjectNormalizer
Sets the {@link ClassMetadataFactoryInterface} to use.
ConstraintViolationListNormalizer::__construct() — Method in class ConstraintViolationListNormalizer
DataUriNormalizer::__construct() — Method in class DataUriNormalizer
DateIntervalNormalizer::__construct() — Method in class DateIntervalNormalizer
DateTimeNormalizer::__construct() — Method in class DateTimeNormalizer
ObjectNormalizer::__construct() — Method in class ObjectNormalizer
Sets the {@link ClassMetadataFactoryInterface} to use.
Serializer::__construct() — Method in class Serializer
Section::__construct() — Method in class Section
Stopwatch::__construct() — Method in class Stopwatch
StopwatchEvent::__construct() — Method in class StopwatchEvent
StopwatchEvent::__toString() — Method in class StopwatchEvent
StopwatchPeriod::__construct() — Method in class StopwatchPeriod
DelegatingEngine::__construct() — Method in class DelegatingEngine
CacheLoader::__construct() — Method in class CacheLoader
ChainLoader::__construct() — Method in class ChainLoader
FilesystemLoader::__construct() — Method in class FilesystemLoader
PhpEngine::__construct() — Method in class PhpEngine
Storage::__construct() — Method in class Storage
Storage::__toString() — Method in class Storage
Returns the object string representation.
TemplateReference::__construct() — Method in class TemplateReference
TemplateReference::__toString() — Method in class TemplateReference
Returns the string representation as shortcut for getLogicalName().
TemplateReferenceInterface::__toString() — Method in class TemplateReferenceInterface
Returns the string representation as shortcut for getLogicalName().
AbstractOperation::__construct() — Method in class AbstractOperation
XliffLintCommand::__construct() — Method in class XliffLintCommand
DataCollectorTranslator::__construct() — Method in class DataCollectorTranslator
DataCollectorTranslator::__call() — Method in class DataCollectorTranslator
Passes through all unknown calls onto the translator object.
TranslationDataCollector::__construct() — Method in class TranslationDataCollector
TranslationDumperPass::__construct() — Method in class TranslationDumperPass
TranslationExtractorPass::__construct() — Method in class TranslationExtractorPass
TranslatorPass::__construct() — Method in class TranslatorPass
YamlFileDumper::__construct() — Method in class YamlFileDumper
MessageFormatter::__construct() — Method in class MessageFormatter
IdentityTranslator::__construct() — Method in class IdentityTranslator
LoggingTranslator::__construct() — Method in class LoggingTranslator
LoggingTranslator::__call() — Method in class LoggingTranslator
Passes through all unknown calls onto the translator object.
MessageCatalogue::__construct() — Method in class MessageCatalogue
Translator::__construct() — Method in class Translator
Constraint::__construct() — Method in class Constraint
Initializes the constraint with options.
Constraint::__set() — Method in class Constraint
Sets the value of a lazily initialized option.
Constraint::__get() — Method in class Constraint
Returns the value of a lazily initialized option.
Constraint::__isset() — Method in class Constraint
Constraint::__sleep() — Method in class Constraint
Optimizes the serialized value to minimize storage space.
ConstraintValidatorFactory::__construct() — Method in class ConstraintValidatorFactory
ConstraintViolation::__construct() — Method in class ConstraintViolation
Creates a new constraint violation.
ConstraintViolation::__toString() — Method in class ConstraintViolation
Converts the violation into a string for debugging purposes.
ConstraintViolationList::__construct() — Method in class ConstraintViolationList
Creates a new constraint violation list.
ConstraintViolationList::__toString() — Method in class ConstraintViolationList
Converts the violation into a string for debugging purposes.
AbstractComparison::__construct() — Method in class AbstractComparison
Initializes the constraint with options.
AbstractComparisonValidator::__construct() — Method in class AbstractComparisonValidator
Bic::__construct() — Method in class Bic
Initializes the constraint with options.
Callback::__construct() — Method in class Callback
Initializes the constraint with options.
Collection::__construct() — Method in class Collection
Initializes the constraint with options.
Composite::__construct() — Method in class Composite
Initializes the constraint with options.
Count::__construct() — Method in class Count
Initializes the constraint with options.
Country::__construct() — Method in class Country
Initializes the constraint with options.
Currency::__construct() — Method in class Currency
Initializes the constraint with options.
Email::__construct() — Method in class Email
Initializes the constraint with options.
EmailValidator::__construct() — Method in class EmailValidator
Expression::__construct() — Method in class Expression
Initializes the constraint with options.
ExpressionValidator::__construct() — Method in class ExpressionValidator
File::__construct() — Method in class File
Initializes the constraint with options.
File::__set() — Method in class File
Sets the value of a lazily initialized option.
File::__get() — Method in class File
Returns the value of a lazily initialized option.
File::__isset() — Method in class File
GroupSequence::__construct() — Method in class GroupSequence
Creates a new group sequence.
Ip::__construct() — Method in class Ip
Initializes the constraint with options.
Language::__construct() — Method in class Language
Initializes the constraint with options.
Length::__construct() — Method in class Length
Initializes the constraint with options.
Locale::__construct() — Method in class Locale
Initializes the constraint with options.
Range::__construct() — Method in class Range
Initializes the constraint with options.
Traverse::__construct() — Method in class Traverse
Initializes the constraint with options.
Url::__construct() — Method in class Url
Initializes the constraint with options.
Valid::__get() — Method in class Valid
Returns the value of a lazily initialized option.
ContainerConstraintValidatorFactory::__construct() — Method in class ContainerConstraintValidatorFactory
ExecutionContext::__construct() — Method in class ExecutionContext
Creates a new execution context.
ExecutionContextFactory::__construct() — Method in class ExecutionContextFactory
Creates a new context factory.
ValidatorDataCollector::__construct() — Method in class ValidatorDataCollector
AddConstraintValidatorsPass::__construct() — Method in class AddConstraintValidatorsPass
AddValidatorInitializersPass::__construct() — Method in class AddValidatorInitializersPass
InvalidOptionsException::__construct() — Method in class InvalidOptionsException
MissingOptionsException::__construct() — Method in class MissingOptionsException
UnexpectedTypeException::__construct() — Method in class UnexpectedTypeException
UnexpectedValueException::__construct() — Method in class UnexpectedValueException
DoctrineCache::__construct() — Method in class DoctrineCache
Psr6Cache::__construct() — Method in class Psr6Cache
ClassMetadata::__construct() — Method in class ClassMetadata
ClassMetadata::__sleep() — Method in class ClassMetadata
Returns the names of the properties that should be serialized.
LazyLoadingMetadataFactory::__construct() — Method in class LazyLoadingMetadataFactory
Creates a new metadata factory.
GenericMetadata::__sleep() — Method in class GenericMetadata
Returns the names of the properties that should be serialized.
GenericMetadata::__clone() — Method in class GenericMetadata
Clones this object.
GetterMetadata::__construct() — Method in class GetterMetadata
AnnotationLoader::__construct() — Method in class AnnotationLoader
FileLoader::__construct() — Method in class FileLoader
Creates a new loader.
FilesLoader::__construct() — Method in class FilesLoader
Creates a new loader.
LoaderChain::__construct() — Method in class LoaderChain
StaticMethodLoader::__construct() — Method in class StaticMethodLoader
Creates a new loader.
MemberMetadata::__construct() — Method in class MemberMetadata
MemberMetadata::__sleep() — Method in class MemberMetadata
Returns the names of the properties that should be serialized.
PropertyMetadata::__construct() — Method in class PropertyMetadata
ConstraintViolationAssertion::__construct() — Method in class ConstraintViolationAssertion
LegacyTranslatorProxy::__construct() — Method in class LegacyTranslatorProxy
RecursiveContextualValidator::__construct() — Method in class RecursiveContextualValidator
Creates a validator for the given context.
RecursiveValidator::__construct() — Method in class RecursiveValidator
Creates a new validator.
TraceableValidator::__construct() — Method in class TraceableValidator
ConstraintViolationBuilder::__construct() — Method in class ConstraintViolationBuilder
ArgsStub::__construct() — Method in class ArgsStub
ClassStub::__construct() — Method in class ClassStub
ConstStub::__construct() — Method in class ConstStub
ConstStub::__toString() — Method in class ConstStub
CutArrayStub::__construct() — Method in class CutArrayStub
CutStub::__construct() — Method in class CutStub
EnumStub::__construct() — Method in class EnumStub
FrameStub::__construct() — Method in class FrameStub
LinkStub::__construct() — Method in class LinkStub
TraceStub::__construct() — Method in class TraceStub
AbstractCloner::__construct() — Method in class AbstractCloner
Data::__construct() — Method in class Data
Data::__get() — Method in class Data
Data::__isset() — Method in class Data
Data::__toString() — Method in class Data
CliDescriptor::__construct() — Method in class CliDescriptor
HtmlDescriptor::__construct() — Method in class HtmlDescriptor
ServerDumpCommand::__construct() — Method in class ServerDumpCommand
AbstractDumper::__construct() — Method in class AbstractDumper
CliDumper::__construct() — Method in class CliDumper
RequestContextProvider::__construct() — Method in class RequestContextProvider
SourceContextProvider::__construct() — Method in class SourceContextProvider
HtmlDumper::__construct() — Method in class HtmlDumper
ServerDumper::__construct() — Method in class ServerDumper
ThrowingCasterException::__construct() — Method in class ThrowingCasterException
Connection::__construct() — Method in class Connection
DumpServer::__construct() — Method in class DumpServer
ClassNotFoundException::__construct() — Method in class ClassNotFoundException
NotInstantiableTypeException::__construct() — Method in class NotInstantiableTypeException
Hydrator::__construct() — Method in class Hydrator
Reference::__construct() — Method in class Reference
Registry::__construct() — Method in class Registry
Values::__construct() — Method in class Values
AddLinkHeaderListener::__construct() — Method in class AddLinkHeaderListener
Definition::__construct() — Method in class Definition
DefinitionBuilder::__construct() — Method in class DefinitionBuilder
ValidateWorkflowsPass::__construct() — Method in class ValidateWorkflowsPass
PlantUmlDumper::__construct() — Method in class PlantUmlDumper
AuditTrailListener::__construct() — Method in class AuditTrailListener
GuardExpression::__construct() — Method in class GuardExpression
GuardListener::__construct() — Method in class GuardListener
Event::__construct() — Method in class Event
GuardEvent::__construct() — Method in class GuardEvent
NotEnabledTransitionException::__construct() — Method in class NotEnabledTransitionException
TransitionException::__construct() — Method in class TransitionException
UndefinedTransitionException::__construct() — Method in class UndefinedTransitionException
Marking::__construct() — Method in class Marking
MultipleStateMarkingStore::__construct() — Method in class MultipleStateMarkingStore
SingleStateMarkingStore::__construct() — Method in class SingleStateMarkingStore
InMemoryMetadataStore::__construct() — Method in class InMemoryMetadataStore
StateMachine::__construct() — Method in class StateMachine
ClassInstanceSupportStrategy::__construct() — Method in class ClassInstanceSupportStrategy
InstanceOfSupportStrategy::__construct() — Method in class InstanceOfSupportStrategy
Transition::__construct() — Method in class Transition
TransitionBlocker::__construct() — Method in class TransitionBlocker
TransitionBlockerList::__construct() — Method in class TransitionBlockerList
WorkflowValidator::__construct() — Method in class WorkflowValidator
Workflow::__construct() — Method in class Workflow
LintCommand::__construct() — Method in class LintCommand
Dumper::__construct() — Method in class Dumper
ParseException::__construct() — Method in class ParseException
TaggedValue::__construct() — Method in class TaggedValue
CallbackInterface::__invoke() — Method in class CallbackInterface
ServiceLocatorTrait::__construct() — Method in class ServiceLocatorTrait
__TwigTemplate_209568cee73489a07b58263796efc4cbb8527e4058c3b94f0468e7181d323e06Class in namespace
__TwigTemplate_209568cee73489a07b58263796efc4cbb8527e4058c3b94f0468e7181d323e06::__construct() — Method in class __TwigTemplate_209568cee73489a07b58263796efc4cbb8527e4058c3b94f0468e7181d323e06
__TwigTemplate_379a33569599b7d16b02e1e22d6920aff20dcd0909ffd334db9fb0f6d88de572Class in namespace
__TwigTemplate_379a33569599b7d16b02e1e22d6920aff20dcd0909ffd334db9fb0f6d88de572::__construct() — Method in class __TwigTemplate_379a33569599b7d16b02e1e22d6920aff20dcd0909ffd334db9fb0f6d88de572
__TwigTemplate_3a799ab867c09082c92ad841cfac9b8f59c5dca2d62d09aed83bc05f4fb59208Class in namespace
__TwigTemplate_3a799ab867c09082c92ad841cfac9b8f59c5dca2d62d09aed83bc05f4fb59208::__construct() — Method in class __TwigTemplate_3a799ab867c09082c92ad841cfac9b8f59c5dca2d62d09aed83bc05f4fb59208
__TwigTemplate_3ddc07243c5931794b295117e0aa29aaf8684f8957f9573bb7afd48ba4ec557bClass in namespace
__TwigTemplate_3ddc07243c5931794b295117e0aa29aaf8684f8957f9573bb7afd48ba4ec557b::__construct() — Method in class __TwigTemplate_3ddc07243c5931794b295117e0aa29aaf8684f8957f9573bb7afd48ba4ec557b
__TwigTemplate_489a5c2f784bc7207c64643c1e974c24d5aa1f59c07840e9c9fdcc2ebe0f4049Class in namespace
__TwigTemplate_489a5c2f784bc7207c64643c1e974c24d5aa1f59c07840e9c9fdcc2ebe0f4049::__construct() — Method in class __TwigTemplate_489a5c2f784bc7207c64643c1e974c24d5aa1f59c07840e9c9fdcc2ebe0f4049
__TwigTemplate_68cc922e3fa367f608828e58f6d9019a7a95e4791fceaa3ef3f7d023159cc8c7Class in namespace
__TwigTemplate_68cc922e3fa367f608828e58f6d9019a7a95e4791fceaa3ef3f7d023159cc8c7::__construct() — Method in class __TwigTemplate_68cc922e3fa367f608828e58f6d9019a7a95e4791fceaa3ef3f7d023159cc8c7
__TwigTemplate_6fc71e2e61a29b206332c5b08c44ad934d04178761881af9825ff8ca1bf415e3Class in namespace
__TwigTemplate_6fc71e2e61a29b206332c5b08c44ad934d04178761881af9825ff8ca1bf415e3::__construct() — Method in class __TwigTemplate_6fc71e2e61a29b206332c5b08c44ad934d04178761881af9825ff8ca1bf415e3
__TwigTemplate_7307fe7a0f2e1ce51763f8a04a93b3050883b94afacde688f56d7de3575da4d3Class in namespace
__TwigTemplate_7307fe7a0f2e1ce51763f8a04a93b3050883b94afacde688f56d7de3575da4d3::__construct() — Method in class __TwigTemplate_7307fe7a0f2e1ce51763f8a04a93b3050883b94afacde688f56d7de3575da4d3
__TwigTemplate_832f807c6f6861fcd9610dee42e09a3587f5863a2db0b52d40320f9af793f4f1Class in namespace
__TwigTemplate_832f807c6f6861fcd9610dee42e09a3587f5863a2db0b52d40320f9af793f4f1::__construct() — Method in class __TwigTemplate_832f807c6f6861fcd9610dee42e09a3587f5863a2db0b52d40320f9af793f4f1
__TwigTemplate_844fb6cfdea49c0791980478cecd122e9d435447564866a71135cf8343b47bd6Class in namespace
__TwigTemplate_844fb6cfdea49c0791980478cecd122e9d435447564866a71135cf8343b47bd6::__construct() — Method in class __TwigTemplate_844fb6cfdea49c0791980478cecd122e9d435447564866a71135cf8343b47bd6
__TwigTemplate_8b71541f8f54b85d54ecf5acff00241d7ee7b9d330cf5768fa3cb0e206fad558Class in namespace
__TwigTemplate_8b71541f8f54b85d54ecf5acff00241d7ee7b9d330cf5768fa3cb0e206fad558::__construct() — Method in class __TwigTemplate_8b71541f8f54b85d54ecf5acff00241d7ee7b9d330cf5768fa3cb0e206fad558
__TwigTemplate_9ac42ffac6cea8fb8ad13a537121af017dd22668dca27786d4890f2f683406e8Class in namespace
__TwigTemplate_9ac42ffac6cea8fb8ad13a537121af017dd22668dca27786d4890f2f683406e8::__construct() — Method in class __TwigTemplate_9ac42ffac6cea8fb8ad13a537121af017dd22668dca27786d4890f2f683406e8
__TwigTemplate_b21141e324c1c3d43e26bf06b01f74a3f7a0b0acc4a942ce8a93aadbf59caf94Class in namespace
__TwigTemplate_b21141e324c1c3d43e26bf06b01f74a3f7a0b0acc4a942ce8a93aadbf59caf94::__construct() — Method in class __TwigTemplate_b21141e324c1c3d43e26bf06b01f74a3f7a0b0acc4a942ce8a93aadbf59caf94
__TwigTemplate_fcf804abc836dd17f7beb221e7962013db7c83d0972becd9b26b85bbf1f1599dClass in namespace
__TwigTemplate_fcf804abc836dd17f7beb221e7962013db7c83d0972becd9b26b85bbf1f1599d::__construct() — Method in class __TwigTemplate_fcf804abc836dd17f7beb221e7962013db7c83d0972becd9b26b85bbf1f1599d