
Used for the comparison of values.
Provides a base class for the validation of property comparisons.
Validator for Callback constraint.
Metadata for the CardSchemeValidator.
Validates that a card number belongs to a specified scheme.
ChoiceValidator validates that the value is one of the expected values.
A constraint that is composed of other constraints.
Validates whether a value is a valid country code.
Validates whether a value is a valid currency.
Validates that values are a multiple of the given number.
Validates values are equal (==).
Validates values are greater than or equal to the previous (>=).
Validates values are greater than the previous (>).
A sequence of validation groups.
Annotation to define a group sequence provider.
Validates values are identical (===).
Validates whether a value is a valid image file and is valid against minWidth, maxWidth, minHeight and maxHeight constraints.
Validates that a value is a valid IP address.
Validates whether a value is a valid IP address.
Validates whether the value is a valid ISBN-10 or ISBN-13.
Validates whether the value is a valid ISSN.
Validates whether a value is a valid language code.
Validates values are less than or equal to the previous (<=).
Validates values are less than the previous (<).
Validates whether a value is a valid locale code.
Metadata for the LuhnValidator.
Validates a PAN using the LUHN Algorithm.
Validates values are all unequal (!=).
Validates values aren't identical (!==).
Validates whether a value match or not given regexp pattern.
Validates whether the value is a valid UUID (also known as GUID).