class LogoutUrlGenerator

Provides generator functions for the logout URL.


__construct(RequestStack $requestStack = null, UrlGeneratorInterface $router = null, TokenStorageInterface $tokenStorage = null)

No description

registerListener(string $key, string $logoutPath, string $csrfTokenId, string $csrfParameter, CsrfTokenManagerInterface $csrfTokenManager = null, string $context = null)

Registers a firewall's LogoutListener, allowing its URL to be generated.

getLogoutPath(string|null $key = null)

Generates the absolute logout path for the firewall.

getLogoutUrl(string|null $key = null)

Generates the absolute logout URL for the firewall.

setCurrentFirewall(string|null $key, string|null $context = null)

No description


__construct(RequestStack $requestStack = null, UrlGeneratorInterface $router = null, TokenStorageInterface $tokenStorage = null)


RequestStack $requestStack
UrlGeneratorInterface $router
TokenStorageInterface $tokenStorage

registerListener(string $key, string $logoutPath, string $csrfTokenId, string $csrfParameter, CsrfTokenManagerInterface $csrfTokenManager = null, string $context = null)

Registers a firewall's LogoutListener, allowing its URL to be generated.


string $key The firewall key
string $logoutPath The path that starts the logout process
string $csrfTokenId The ID of the CSRF token
string $csrfParameter The CSRF token parameter name
CsrfTokenManagerInterface $csrfTokenManager A CsrfTokenManagerInterface instance
string $context The listener context

string getLogoutPath(string|null $key = null)

Generates the absolute logout path for the firewall.


string|null $key The firewall key or null to use the current firewall key

Return Value

string The logout path

string getLogoutUrl(string|null $key = null)

Generates the absolute logout URL for the firewall.


string|null $key The firewall key or null to use the current firewall key

Return Value

string The logout URL

setCurrentFirewall(string|null $key, string|null $context = null)


string|null $key The current firewall key
string|null $context The current firewall context