» Upgrading the Consul Terraform Provider

This page includes details on our compatibility promise and guidelines to follow when upgrading between versions of the provider. Whenever possible, we recommend verifying upgrades in isolated test environments.

» Upgrading to 2.0.0

There were several major deprecation notices introduced in 2.0.0. This reviews the details of each and provides migration instructions to the appropriate resources.

» Deprecation of consul_agent_self

The consul_agent_self data source will be removed in the next major version of the provider. As a result, we recommend moving to the new consul_agent_config data source.

The consul_agent_config resource returns far less attributes, so as a result it may not provide all necessary functionality. Consul does still provide this data via API but promises no compatibility across versions, therefore it is being removed from this provider.

» Deprecation of consul_agent_service

The consul_agent_service resource will be removed in the next major version of the provider. As a result, we recommend moving to the consul_service resource.

This resource has been updated to use the correct catalog APIs in place of service registration APIs. The consul_agent_service resource previously also used the service registration API designed for registration against an agent running on a local node. Because Terraform is intended to be run externally to the cluster, and for other internal reasons, this API was the incorrect one to use.

View migration instructions here.

» Migrating to consul_service or consul_node resources

Migration to the consul_service resources are possible in two ways. Both require the configuration to be modified.

From consul_agent_service to consul_service:

  1. Rename consul_agent_service resources to consul_service in the Terraform configuration files.
  2. Add the node attribute where the service is currently registered, retrievable by querying the catalog or using the UI. This new attribute is required.
  3. For a small number of resources, the first class state rm and import commands can be used to first remove the old resource from the state, and then import it under the new resource name.
  4. For a large number of resources, edit the state file directly to rename every resource at the same time (replace all instances of consul_agent_service with consul_service). This requires understanding the consequences and guidelines for editing state files, so please read those.

After following these steps, terraform plan should show no changes.

From consul_catalog_entry to consul_service or consul_node:

  1. Copy the attributes from the service {} or node {} blocks into new consul_service or consul_node resources in the Terraform configuration files.
  2. For a small number of resources, the first class state rm and import commands can be used to first remove the old resource from the state, and then import it under the new resource name. The node attribute will need to be added to services.

» Modifications to consul_service

The consul_service resource has been modified to use catalog APIs in place of service registration APIs for creating services in the Consul catalog. This should be a functionally compatible change, and create or read services as prior. It now replaces consul_catalog_entry (the service {} block) and consul_agent_service. The node attribute is now required and the node must exist.

» Deprecation of consul_catalog_entry

The consul_catalog_entry resource will be removed in the next major version of the provider. As a result, we recommend moving to the consul_service or consul_node resources.

These resources have been updated (or created) to use the correct catalog APIs as with consul_catalog_entry, but provide a first-class resource name.

View migration instructions here.

» Renaming of Catalog Data Sources

consul_catalog_nodes, consul_catalog_services, and consul_catalog_service have been renamed to consul_nodes, consul_services, and consul_service respectively. The prior naming will continue to work, but in the long term it may be deprecated and removed. This is to present a more consistent and intuitive naming convention for the resources.