Loading and Saving

Python’s standard way of saving class instances and reloading them is the pickle mechanism. Many Theano objects can be serialized (and deserialized) by pickle, however, a limitation of pickle is that it does not save the code or data of a class along with the instance of the class being serialized. As a result, reloading objects created by a previous version of a class can be really problematic.

Thus, you will want to consider different mechanisms depending on the amount of time you anticipate between saving and reloading. For short-term (such as temp files and network transfers), pickling of the Theano objects or classes is possible. For longer-term (such as saving models from an experiment) you should not rely on pickled Theano objects; we recommend loading and saving the underlying shared objects as you would in the course of any other Python program.

The Basics of Pickling

The two modules pickle and cPickle have the same functionalities, but cPickle, coded in C, is much faster.

>>> import cPickle

You can serialize (or save, or pickle) objects to a file with cPickle.dump:

>>> f = file('obj.save', 'wb')
>>> cPickle.dump(my_obj, f, protocol=cPickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)
>>> f.close()


If you want your saved object to be stored efficiently, don’t forget to use cPickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL. The resulting file can be dozens of times smaller than with the default protocol.


Opening your file in binary mode ('b') is required for portability (especially between Unix and Windows).

To de-serialize (or load, or unpickle) a pickled file, use cPickle.load:

>>> f = file('obj.save', 'rb')
>>> loaded_obj = cPickle.load(f)
>>> f.close()

You can pickle several objects into the same file, and load them all (in the same order):

>>> f = file('objects.save', 'wb')
>>> for obj in [obj1, obj2, obj3]:
...     cPickle.dump(obj, f, protocol=cPickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)
>>> f.close()


>>> f = file('objects.save', 'rb')
>>> loaded_objects = []
>>> for i in range(3):
...     loaded_objects.append(cPickle.load(f))
>>> f.close()

For more details about pickle’s usage, see Python documentation.

Short-Term Serialization

If you are confident that the class instance you are serializing will be deserialized by a compatible version of the code, pickling the whole model is an adequate solution. It would be the case, for instance, if you are saving models and reloading them during the same execution of your program, or if the class you’re saving has been really stable for a while.

You can control what pickle will save from your object, by defining a __getstate__ method, and similarly __setstate__.

This will be especially useful if, for instance, your model class contains a link to the data set currently in use, that you probably don’t want to pickle along every instance of your model.

For instance, you can define functions along the lines of:

def __getstate__(self):
    state = dict(self.__dict__)
    del state['training_set']
    return state

def __setstate__(self, d):
    self.training_set = cPickle.load(file(self.training_set_file, 'rb'))

Robust Serialization

This type of serialization uses some helper functions particular to Theano. It serializes the object using Python’s pickling protocol, but any ndarray or CudaNdarray objects contained within the object are saved separately as NPY files. These NPY files and the Pickled file are all saved together in single ZIP-file.

The main advantage of this approach is that you don’t even need Theano installed in order to look at the values of shared variables that you pickled. You can just load the parameters manually with numpy.

import numpy

This approach could be beneficial if you are sharing your model with people who might not have Theano installed, who are using a different Python version, or if you are planning to save your model for a long time (in which case version mismatches might make it difficult to unpickle objects).

See theano.misc.pkl_utils.dump() and theano.misc.pkl_utils.load().

Long-Term Serialization

If the implementation of the class you want to save is quite unstable, for instance if functions are created or removed, class members are renamed, you should save and load only the immutable (and necessary) part of your class.

You can do that by defining __getstate__ and __setstate__ functions as above, maybe defining the attributes you want to save, rather than the ones you don’t.

For instance, if the only parameters you want to save are a weight matrix W and a bias b, you can define:

def __getstate__(self):
    return (self.W, self.b)

def __setstate__(self, state):
    W, b = state
    self.W = W
    self.b = b

If at some point in time W is renamed to weights and b to bias, the older pickled files will still be usable, if you update these functions to reflect the change in name:

def __getstate__(self):
    return (self.weights, self.bias)

def __setstate__(self, state):
    W, b = state
    self.weights = W
    self.bias = b

For more information on advanced use of pickle and its internals, see Python’s pickle documentation.