Tests for twisted.application.runner._pidfile.

Function ifPlatformSupported Decorator for tests that are not expected to work on all platforms.
Class PIDFileTests Tests for PIDFile.
Class NonePIDFileTests Tests for NonePIDFile.
Class DummyFilePath In-memory IFilePath.
def ifPlatformSupported(f):

Decorator for tests that are not expected to work on all platforms.

Calling PIDFile.isRunning currently raises NotImplementedError on non-POSIX platforms.

On an unsupported platform, we expect to see any test that calls PIDFile.isRunning to raise either NotImplementedError, SkipTest, or self.failureException. (self.failureException may occur in a test that checks for a specific exception but it gets NotImplementedError instead.)

ParametersfThe test method to decorate. (type: method)
ReturnsThe wrapped callable.
API Documentation for twisted, generated by pydoctor at 2020-03-25 17:34:30.