Known subclasses: twisted.conch.manhole_ssh.TerminalUser, twisted.conch.unix.UnixConchUser

Implements interfaces: twisted.conch.interfaces.IConchUser

Method __init__ Undocumented
Method lookupChannel The other side requested a channel of some sort.
Method lookupSubsystem The other side requested a subsystem.
Method gotGlobalRequest A global request was sent from the other side.
def __init__(self):
def lookupChannel(self, channelType, windowSize, maxPacket, data):

The other side requested a channel of some sort.

channelType is the type of channel being requested, as an ssh connection protocol channel type. data is any other packet data (often nothing).

We return a subclass of SSHChannel. If the channel type is unknown, we return None.

For other failures, we raise an exception. If a ConchError is raised, the .value will be the message, and the .data will be the error code.

ParameterschannelTypeThe requested channel type (type: bytes)
windowSizeThe initial size of the remote window (type: int)
maxPacketThe largest packet we should send (type: int)
dataAdditional request data (type: bytes)
Returns (type: a subclass of SSHChannel or None)
def lookupSubsystem(self, subsystem, data):

The other side requested a subsystem.

We return a Protocol implementing the requested subsystem. If the subsystem is not available, we return None.

ParameterssubsystemThe name of the subsystem being requested (type: bytes)
dataAdditional request data (often nothing) (type: bytes)
Returns (type: Protocol or None)
def gotGlobalRequest(self, requestType, data):

A global request was sent from the other side.

We return a true value on success or a false value on failure. If we indicate success by returning a tuple, its second item will be sent to the other side as additional response data.

ParametersrequestTypeThe type of the request (type: bytes)
dataAdditional request data (type: bytes)
Returns (type: boolean or tuple)
API Documentation for twisted, generated by pydoctor at 2020-03-25 17:34:30.