class documentationtwisted.conch.test.test_channel
(View In Hierarchy)
A mock for twisted.conch.ssh.connection.SSHConnection. Record the data that channels send, and when they try to close the connection.
Instance Variable | data | a dict
mapping channel id #s to lists of data sent by that channel. |
Instance Variable | extData | a dict
mapping channel id #s to lists of 2-tuples (extended data type, data) sent
by that channel. |
Instance Variable | closes | a dict
mapping channel id #s to True if that channel sent a close message. |
Method | __init__ | Undocumented |
Method | logPrefix | Return our logging prefix. |
Method | sendData | Record the sent data. |
Method | sendExtendedData | Record the sent extended data. |
Method | sendClose | Record that the channel sent a close message. |
Inherited from SSHService:
Method | serviceStarted | called when the service is active on the transport. |
Method | serviceStopped | called when the service is stopped, either by the connection ending or by another service being started |
Method | packetReceived | called when we receive a packet on the transport |
mapping channel id #s to lists of 2-tuples (extended data type, data) sent
by that channel.