Tests for twisted.conch.endpoints.

Class AbortableFakeTransport A FakeTransport with added abortConnection support.
Class BrokenExecSession BrokenExecSession is a session on which exec requests always fail.
Class WorkingExecSession WorkingExecSession is a session on which exec requests always succeed.
Class UnsatisfiedExecSession UnsatisfiedExecSession is a session on which exec requests are always delayed indefinitely, never succeeding or failing.
Class TrivialRealm Undocumented
Class AddressSpyFactory Undocumented
Class FixedResponseUI Undocumented
Class FakeClockSSHUserAuthServer No class docstring; 2/2 methods documented
Class CommandFactory Undocumented
Class MemoryAddress Undocumented
Class SingleUseMemoryEndpoint SingleUseMemoryEndpoint is a client endpoint which allows one connection to be set up and then exposes an API for moving around bytes related to that connection.
Class SSHCommandClientEndpointTestsMixin Tests for SSHCommandClientEndpoint, an IStreamClientEndpoint implementations which connects a protocol with the stdin and stdout of a command running in an SSH session.
Class NewConnectionTests Tests for SSHCommandClientEndpoint when using the newConnection constructor.
Class ExistingConnectionTests Tests for SSHCommandClientEndpoint when using the existingConnection constructor.
Class ExistingConnectionHelperTests Tests for _ExistingConnectionHelper.
Class NewConnectionHelperTests Tests for _NewConnectionHelper.
Class _PTYPath A FilePath-like object which can be opened to create a _ReadFile with certain contents.
API Documentation for twisted, generated by pydoctor at 2020-03-25 17:34:30.