Implements interfaces: twisted.internet.interfaces.IStreamClientEndpoint

SingleUseMemoryEndpoint is a client endpoint which allows one connection to be set up and then exposes an API for moving around bytes related to that connection.

Instance Variable pump None until a connection is attempted, then a IOPump instance associated with the protocol which is connected. (type: IOPump)
Method __init__
Method connect Connect the protocolFactory to the location specified by this IStreamClientEndpoint provider.
pump =
None until a connection is attempted, then a IOPump instance associated with the protocol which is connected. (type: IOPump)
def __init__(self, server):
ParametersserverAn IProtocol provider to which the client will be connected. (type: IProtocol provider)
def connect(self, factory):

Connect the protocolFactory to the location specified by this IStreamClientEndpoint provider.

ParametersprotocolFactoryA provider of IProtocolFactory
ReturnsA Deferred that results in an IProtocol upon successful connection otherwise a Failure wrapping ConnectError or NoProtocol.
API Documentation for twisted, generated by pydoctor at 2020-03-25 17:34:30.