Method __init__ Undocumented
Method serviceStarted called when the service is active on the transport.
Instance Variable _completed A Deferred which will be fired when the number of results collected reaches totalResults.

Inherited from SSHConnection:

Instance Variable localChannelID the next number to use as a local channel ID. (type: int)
Instance Variable channels a dict mapping a local channel ID to SSHChannel subclasses. (type: dict)
Instance Variable localToRemoteChannel a dict mapping a local channel ID to a remote channel ID. (type: dict)
Instance Variable channelsToRemoteChannel a dict mapping a SSHChannel subclass to remote channel ID. (type: dict)
Instance Variable deferreds a dict mapping a local channel ID to a list of Deferreds for outstanding channel requests. Also, the 'global' key stores the list of pending global request Deferreds.
Method serviceStopped Called when the connection is stopped.
Method ssh_GLOBAL_REQUEST No summary
Method ssh_REQUEST_SUCCESS Our global request succeeded. Get the appropriate Deferred and call it back with the packet we received.
Method ssh_REQUEST_FAILURE Our global request failed. Get the appropriate Deferred and errback it with the packet we received.
Method ssh_CHANNEL_OPEN No summary
Method ssh_CHANNEL_OPEN_FAILURE No summary
Method ssh_CHANNEL_WINDOW_ADJUST The other side is adding bytes to its window. Payload:: uint32 local channel number uint32 bytes to add
Method ssh_CHANNEL_DATA The other side is sending us data. Payload:: uint32 local channel number string data
Method ssh_CHANNEL_EXTENDED_DATA No summary
Method ssh_CHANNEL_EOF The other side is not sending any more data. Payload:: uint32 local channel number
Method ssh_CHANNEL_CLOSE The other side is closing its end; it does not want to receive any more data. Payload:: uint32 local channel number
Method ssh_CHANNEL_REQUEST No summary
Method ssh_CHANNEL_SUCCESS Our channel request to the other side succeeded. Payload:: uint32 local channel number
Method ssh_CHANNEL_FAILURE Our channel request to the other side failed. Payload:: uint32 local channel number
Method sendGlobalRequest Send a global request for this connection. Current this is only used for remote->local TCP forwarding.
Method openChannel Open a new channel on this connection.
Method sendRequest Send a request to a channel.
Method adjustWindow Tell the other side that we will receive more data. This should not normally need to be called as it is managed automatically.
Method sendData Send data to a channel. This should not normally be used: instead use channel.write(data) as it manages the window automatically.
Method sendExtendedData Send extended data to a channel. This should not normally be used: instead use channel.writeExtendedData(data, dataType) as it manages the window automatically.
Method sendEOF Send an EOF (End of File) for a channel.
Method sendClose Close a channel.
Method getChannel No summary
Method gotGlobalRequest No summary
Method channelClosed No summary
Method _cleanupGlobalDeferreds All pending requests that have returned a deferred must be errbacked when this service is stopped, otherwise they might be left uncalled and uncallable.
Method _cbChannelRequest Called back if the other side wanted a reply to a channel request. If the result is true, send a MSG_CHANNEL_SUCCESS. Otherwise, raise a error.ConchError
Method _ebChannelRequest Called if the other wisde wanted a reply to the channel requeset and the channel request failed.

Inherited from SSHService (via SSHConnection):

Method logPrefix Override this method to insert custom logging behavior. Its return value will be inserted in front of every line. It may be called more times than the number of output lines.
Method packetReceived called when we receive a packet on the transport
_completed =
A Deferred which will be fired when the number of results collected reaches totalResults.
def __init__(self, channelFactory):
def serviceStarted(self):

called when the service is active on the transport.

API Documentation for twisted, generated by pydoctor at 2020-03-25 17:34:30.