Tests for ssh/transport.py and the classes therein.

Class transport Undocumented
Class factory Undocumented
Class common Undocumented
Function skipWithoutX25519 Undocumented
Class MockTransportBase A base class for the client and server protocols. Stores the messages it receives instead of ignoring them.
Class MockCipher A mocked-up version of twisted.conch.ssh.transport.SSHCiphers.
Class MockCompression A mocked-up compression, based on the zlib interface. Instead of compressing, it reverses the data and adds a 0x66 byte to the end.
Class MockService A mocked-up service, based on twisted.conch.ssh.service.SSHService.
Class MockFactory A mocked-up factory based on twisted.conch.ssh.factory.SSHFactory.
Class MockOldFactoryPublicKeys The old SSHFactory returned mappings from key names to strings from getPublicKeys(). We return those here for testing.
Class MockOldFactoryPrivateKeys The old SSHFactory returned mappings from key names to cryptography key objects from getPrivateKeys(). We return those here for testing.
Function generatePredictableKey Undocumented
Class TransportTestCase Base class for transport test cases.
Class DHGroupExchangeSHA1Mixin Mixin for diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha1 tests.
Class DHGroupExchangeSHA256Mixin Mixin for diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha256 tests.
Class ECDHMixin Mixin for elliptic curve diffie-hellman tests.
Class Curve25519SHA256Mixin Mixin for curve25519-sha256 tests.
Class BaseSSHTransportBaseCase Base case for TransportBase tests.
Class BaseSSHTransportTests Test TransportBase. It implements the non-server/client specific parts of the SSH transport protocol.
Class BaseSSHTransportDHGroupExchangeBaseCase Diffie-Hellman group exchange tests for TransportBase.
Class BaseSSHTransportDHGroupExchangeSHA1Tests diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha1 tests for TransportBase.
Class BaseSSHTransportDHGroupExchangeSHA256Tests diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha256 tests for TransportBase.
Class BaseSSHTransportEllipticCurveTests ecdh-sha2-nistp256 tests for TransportBase
Class BaseSSHTransportCurve25519SHA256Tests curve25519-sha256 tests for TransportBase
Class ServerAndClientSSHTransportBaseCase Tests that need to be run on both the server and the client.
Class ServerSSHTransportBaseCase Base case for SSHServerTransport tests.
Class ServerSSHTransportTests Tests for SSHServerTransport.
Class ServerSSHTransportDHGroupExchangeBaseCase Diffie-Hellman group exchange tests for SSHServerTransport.
Class ServerSSHTransportDHGroupExchangeSHA1Tests diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha1 tests for SSHServerTransport.
Class ServerSSHTransportDHGroupExchangeSHA256Tests diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha256 tests for SSHServerTransport.
Class ServerSSHTransportECDHBaseCase Elliptic Curve Diffie-Hellman tests for SSHServerTransport.
Class ServerSSHTransportECDHTests ecdh-sha2-nistp256 tests for SSHServerTransport.
Class ServerSSHTransportCurve25519SHA256Tests curve25519-sha256 tests for SSHServerTransport.
Class ClientSSHTransportBaseCase Base case for SSHClientTransport tests.
Class ClientSSHTransportTests Tests for SSHClientTransport.
Class ClientSSHTransportDHGroupExchangeBaseCase Diffie-Hellman group exchange tests for SSHClientTransport.
Class ClientSSHTransportDHGroupExchangeSHA1Tests diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha1 tests for SSHClientTransport.
Class ClientSSHTransportDHGroupExchangeSHA256Tests diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha256 tests for SSHClientTransport.
Class ClientSSHTransportECDHBaseCase Elliptic Curve Diffie-Hellman tests for SSHClientTransport.
Class ClientSSHTransportECDHTests ecdh-sha2-nistp256 tests for SSHClientTransport.
Class ClientSSHTransportCurve25519SHA256Tests curve25519-sha256 tests for SSHClientTransport.
Class GetMACTests Tests for SSHCiphers._getMAC.
Class SSHCiphersTests Tests for the SSHCiphers helper class.
Class TransportLoopbackTests Test the server transport and client transport against each other,
Function _MPpow Return the MP version of (x ** y) % z.
def skipWithoutX25519(f):
def _MPpow(x, y, z):

Return the MP version of (x ** y) % z.

def generatePredictableKey(transport):
API Documentation for twisted, generated by pydoctor at 2020-03-25 17:34:30.