Known subclasses: twisted.cred.test.test_cred.HashlessFilePasswordDBCheckerTests, twisted.cred.test.test_cred.LocallyHashedFilePasswordDBCheckerTests, twisted.cred.test.test_cred.NetworkHashedFilePasswordDBCheckerTests

L{unittest.TestCase} mixin for testing that some checkers accept
and deny specified credentials.

Subclasses must provide
- C{getCheckers} which returns a sequence of
- C{getGoodCredentials} which returns a list of 2-tuples of
  credential to check and avaterId to expect.
- C{getBadCredentials} which returns a list of credentials
  which are expected to be unauthorized.
Method test_positive The given credentials are accepted by all the checkers, and give the expected avatarIDs
Method test_negative The given credentials are rejected by all the checkers.
def test_positive(self):

The given credentials are accepted by all the checkers, and give the expected avatarIDs

def test_negative(self):

The given credentials are rejected by all the checkers.

API Documentation for twisted, generated by pydoctor at 2020-03-25 17:34:30.