class documentationtwisted.cred.test.test_digestauth
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A Fake Digest Credential Factory that generates a predictable nonce and opaque
Method | __init__ | Undocumented |
Method | _generateNonce | Generate a static nonce |
Method | _getTime | Return a stable time |
Inherited from DigestCredentialFactory:
Class Variable | CHALLENGE_LIFETIME_SECS | The number of seconds for which an opaque should be valid. |
Instance Variable | privateKey | A random string used for generating the secure opaque. (type: bytes ) |
Method | getChallenge | Generate the challenge for use in the WWW-Authenticate header. |
Method | decode | Decode the given response and attempt to generate a DigestedCredentials
from it. |
Method | _generateOpaque | Generate an opaque to be returned to the client. This is a unique string that can be returned to us and verified. |
Method | _verifyOpaque | Given the opaque and nonce from the request, as well as the client IP that made the request, verify that the opaque was generated by us. And that it's not too old. |