First error to occur in a DeferredList if fireOnOneErrback is set.

Instance Variable subFailure The Failure that occurred. (type: Failure)
Instance Variable index The index of the Deferred in the DeferredList where it happened. (type: int)
Method __init__ Undocumented
Method __repr__ The repr of FirstError instances includes the repr of the wrapped failure's exception and the index of the FirstError.
Method __str__ The str of FirstError instances includes the str of the entire wrapped failure (including its traceback and exception) and the index of the FirstError.
Method __cmp__ No summary
subFailure =
The Failure that occurred. (type: Failure)
index =
The index of the Deferred in the DeferredList where it happened. (type: int)
def __init__(self, failure, index):
def __repr__(self):

The repr of FirstError instances includes the repr of the wrapped failure's exception and the index of the FirstError.

def __str__(self):

The str of FirstError instances includes the str of the entire wrapped failure (including its traceback and exception) and the index of the FirstError.

def __cmp__(self, other):

Comparison between FirstError and other FirstError instances is defined as the comparison of the index and sub-failure of each instance. FirstError instances don't compare equal to anything that isn't a FirstError instance.

Present Since8.2
API Documentation for twisted, generated by pydoctor at 2020-03-25 17:34:30.