Known implementations: twisted.internet.kqreactor.KQueueReactor, twisted.test.test_twistd.FakeDaemonizingReactor

A reactor which provides hooks that need to be called before and after daemonization.


  • This interface SHOULD NOT be called by applications.
  • This interface should only be implemented by reactors as a workaround (in particular, it's implemented currently only by kqueue()). For details please see the comments on ticket #1918.
Method beforeDaemonize Hook to be called immediately before daemonization. No reactor methods may be called until afterDaemonize is called.
Method afterDaemonize Hook to be called immediately after daemonization. This may only be called after beforeDaemonize had been called previously.
def beforeDaemonize():

Hook to be called immediately before daemonization. No reactor methods may be called until afterDaemonize is called.

def afterDaemonize():

Hook to be called immediately after daemonization. This may only be called after beforeDaemonize had been called previously.

API Documentation for twisted, generated by pydoctor at 2020-03-25 17:34:30.