interface documentationtwisted.internet.interfaces
(View In Hierarchy)
Known implementations: twisted.application.test.test_internet.FakeServer, twisted.internet.endpoints._TCPServerEndpoint, twisted.internet.endpoints._WrapperServerEndpoint, twisted.internet.endpoints.AdoptedStreamServerEndpoint, twisted.internet.endpoints.SSL4ServerEndpoint, twisted.internet.endpoints.StandardIOEndpoint, twisted.internet.endpoints.UNIXServerEndpoint
A stream server endpoint is a place that a Factory
listen for incoming connections.
Present Since | 10.1 |
Method | listen | Listen with protocolFactory at the location specified by
this IStreamServerEndpoint
provider. |
Listen with protocolFactory
at the location specified by
this IStreamServerEndpoint
Parameters | protocolFactory | A provider of IProtocolFactory |
Returns | A Deferred
that results in an IListeningPort
or an CannotListenError |