twisted.internet.posixbase.PosixReactorBase(_SignalReactorMixin, _DisconnectSelectableMixin, ReactorBase)
class documentationtwisted.internet.posixbase
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Known subclasses: twisted.internet._glibbase.GlibReactorBase, twisted.internet._threadedselect.ThreadedSelectReactor, twisted.internet.asyncioreactor.AsyncioSelectorReactor, twisted.internet.cfreactor.CFReactor, twisted.internet.epollreactor.EPollReactor, twisted.internet.kqreactor.KQueueReactor, twisted.internet.pollreactor.PollReactor, twisted.internet.selectreactor.SelectReactor, twisted.internet.test.test_posixbase.TimeoutReportReactor, twisted.internet.test.test_posixbase.TrivialReactor, twisted.internet.win32eventreactor.Win32Reactor
Implements interfaces: twisted.internet.interfaces.IReactorMulticast, twisted.internet.interfaces.IReactorProcess, twisted.internet.interfaces.IReactorSocket, twisted.internet.interfaces.IReactorSSL, twisted.internet.interfaces.IReactorTCP, twisted.internet.interfaces.IReactorUDP, twisted.internet.interfaces.IReactorUNIX, twisted.internet.interfaces.IReactorUNIXDatagram
A basis for reactors that use file descriptors.
Method | installWaker | Install a `waker' to allow threads and signals to wake up the IO thread. |
Method | spawnProcess | Spawn a process, with a process protocol. |
Method | listenUDP | Connects a given DatagramProtocol
to the given numeric UDP port. |
Method | listenMulticast | Connects a given DatagramProtocol to the given numeric UDP port. |
Method | connectUNIX | Connect a client protocol to a UNIX socket. |
Method | listenUNIX | Listen on a UNIX socket. |
Method | listenUNIXDatagram | Connects a given DatagramProtocol
to the given path. |
Method | connectUNIXDatagram | Connects a ConnectedDatagramProtocol
instance to a path. |
Method | adoptStreamPort | Create a new IListeningPort
from an already-initialized socket. |
Method | adoptStreamConnection | |
Method | adoptDatagramPort | Add an existing listening SOCK_DGRAM socket to the reactor to monitor for read and write readiness. |
Method | listenTCP | Connects a given protocol factory to the given numeric TCP/IP port. |
Method | connectTCP | Connect a TCP client. |
Method | connectSSL | Connect a client Protocol to a remote SSL socket. |
Method | listenSSL | Connects a given protocol factory to the given numeric TCP/IP port. The connection is a SSL one, using contexts created by the context factory. |
Instance Variable | _childWaker | None
or a reference to the _SIGCHLDWaker
which is used to properly notice child process termination. |
Method | _handleSignals | Extend the basic signal handling logic to also support handling SIGCHLD to know when to try to reap child processes. |
Method | _uninstallHandler | If a child waker was created and installed, uninstall it now. |
Method | _removeAll | Remove all readers and writers, and list of removed IReadDescriptor s
and IWriteDescriptor s. |
Inherited from _SignalReactorMixin:
Method | startRunning | Extend the base implementation in order to remember whether signal handlers should be installed later. |
Method | run | Undocumented |
Method | mainLoop | Undocumented |
Instance Variable | _installSignalHandlers | A flag which indicates whether any signal handlers will be installed during
startup. This includes handlers for SIGCHLD to monitor child processes,
and SIGINT, SIGTERM, and SIGBREAK to stop the reactor. (type: bool ) |
Method | _reallyStartRunning | Extend the base implementation by also installing signal handlers, if
self._installSignalHandlers is true. |
Inherited from _DisconnectSelectableMixin:
Method | _disconnectSelectable | Utility function for disconnecting a selectable. |
Inherited from ReactorBase:
Instance Variable | running | See IReactorCore.running |
Method | __init__ | Undocumented |
Method | wakeUp | Wake up the event loop. |
Method | doIteration | Do one iteration over the readers and writers which have been added. |
Method | addReader | Undocumented |
Method | addWriter | Undocumented |
Method | removeReader | Undocumented |
Method | removeWriter | Undocumented |
Method | removeAll | Undocumented |
Method | getReaders | Undocumented |
Method | getWriters | Undocumented |
Method | resolve | Return a Deferred that will resolve a hostname. |
Method | stop | See twisted.internet.interfaces.IReactorCore.stop. |
Method | crash | See twisted.internet.interfaces.IReactorCore.crash. |
Method | sigInt | Handle a SIGINT interrupt. |
Method | sigBreak | Handle a SIGBREAK interrupt. |
Method | sigTerm | Handle a SIGTERM interrupt. |
Method | disconnectAll | Disconnect every reader, and writer in the system. |
Method | iterate | See twisted.internet.interfaces.IReactorCore.iterate. |
Method | fireSystemEvent | See twisted.internet.interfaces.IReactorCore.fireSystemEvent. |
Method | addSystemEventTrigger | See twisted.internet.interfaces.IReactorCore.addSystemEventTrigger. |
Method | removeSystemEventTrigger | See twisted.internet.interfaces.IReactorCore.removeSystemEventTrigger. |
Method | callWhenRunning | See twisted.internet.interfaces.IReactorCore.callWhenRunning. |
Method | startRunning | Method called when reactor starts: do some initialization and fire startup events. |
Method | callLater | See twisted.internet.interfaces.IReactorTime.callLater. |
Method | getDelayedCalls | No summary |
Method | timeout | Determine the longest time the reactor may sleep (waiting on I/O notification, perhaps) before it must wake up to service a time-related event. |
Method | runUntilCurrent | Run all pending timed calls. |
Method | callFromThread 0 | See twisted.internet.interfaces.IReactorFromThreads.callFromThread . |
Method | getThreadPool | See twisted.internet.interfaces.IReactorThreads.getThreadPool . |
Method | callInThread | See twisted.internet.interfaces.IReactorInThreads.callInThread . |
Method | suggestThreadPoolSize | See twisted.internet.interfaces.IReactorThreads.suggestThreadPoolSize . |
Method | callFromThread | Cause a function to be executed by the reactor thread. |
Instance Variable | _stopped | A flag which is true between paired calls to and
reactor.stop . This should be replaced with an explicit state
machine. (type: bool ) |
Instance Variable | _justStopped | A flag which is true between the time reactor.stop is called
and the time the shutdown system event is fired. This is used to determine
whether that event should be fired after each iteration through the
mainloop. This should be replaced with an explicit state machine. (type: bool ) |
Instance Variable | _started | A flag which is true from the time is called until
the time returns. This is used to prevent calls
to on a running reactor. This should be replaced
with an explicit state machine. (type: bool ) |
Instance Variable | _registerAsIOThread | A flag controlling whether the reactor will register the thread it is
running in as the I/O thread when it starts. If True ,
registration will be done, otherwise it will not be. |
Instance Variable | _exitSignal | See _ISupportsExitSignalCapturing._exitSignal |
Method | _reallyStartRunning | Method called to transition to the running state. This should happen in the during startup event trigger phase. |
Method | _moveCallLaterSooner | Undocumented |
Method | _cancelCallLater | Undocumented |
Method | _insertNewDelayedCalls | Undocumented |
Method | _checkProcessArgs | Check for valid arguments and environment to spawnProcess. |
Method | _initThreads | Undocumented |
Method | _initThreadPool | Create the threadpool accessible with callFromThread. |
Method | _stopThreadPool | No summary |
Inherited from PluggableResolverMixin (via ReactorBase):
Instance Variable | resolver | The installed IResolverSimple . |
Method | installResolver | See IReactorPluggableResolver . |
Method | installNameResolver | See IReactorPluggableNameResolver . |
Method | nameResolver | Implementation of read-only IReactorPluggableNameResolver.nameResolver . |
Instance Variable | _nameResolver | The installed IHostnameResolver . |
or a reference to the _SIGCHLDWaker
which is used to properly notice child process termination.
Install a `waker' to allow threads and signals to wake up the IO thread.
We use the self-pipe trick ( to wake the reactor. On Windows we use a pair of sockets.
Extend the basic signal handling logic to also support handling SIGCHLD to know when to try to reap child processes.
If a child waker was created and installed, uninstall it now.
Since this disables reactor functionality and is only called when the reactor is stopping, it doesn't provide any directly useful functionality, but the cleanup of reactor-related process-global state that it does helps in unit tests involving multiple reactors and is generally just a nice thing.
Spawn a process, with a process protocol.
Arguments given to this function that are listed as bytes
or unicode
may be encoded or decoded depending on the platform and the argument type
given. On UNIX systems (Linux, FreeBSD, macOS) and Python 2 on Windows, unicode
arguments will be encoded down to bytes
using the encoding given by os.getfilesystemencoding
to be used with the "narrow" OS APIs. On Python 3 on Windows, bytes
arguments will be decoded up to unicode
using the encoding given by os.getfilesystemencoding
before Python 3.6, utf8
thereafter) and
given to Windows's native "wide" APIs.
Parameters | processProtocol | An object which will be notified of all events related to the created
process. (type: IProcessProtocol
provider) |
executable | the file name to spawn - the full path should be used. (type: bytes
or unicode ) | |
args | the command line arguments to pass to the process; a sequence of strings.
The first string should be the executable's name. (type: list
with bytes
or unicode
items.) | |
env | the environment variables to pass to the child process. The resulting
behavior varies between platforms. If:
mapping bytes /unicode
keys to bytes /unicode
items, or None .) | |
path | the path to run the subprocess in - defaults to the current directory. (type: bytes
or unicode
or None ) | |
uid | user ID to run the subprocess as. (Only available on POSIX systems.) | |
gid | group ID to run the subprocess as. (Only available on POSIX systems.) | |
usePTY | if true, run this process in a pseudo-terminal. optionally a tuple of
(masterfd, slavefd, ttyname) , in which case use those file
descriptors. (Not available on all systems.) | |
childFDs | A dictionary mapping file descriptors in the new child process to an
integer or to the string 'r' or 'w'.
If the value is an integer, it specifies a file descriptor in the parent process which will be mapped to a file descriptor (specified by the key) in the child process. This is useful for things like inetd and shell-like file redirection. If it is the string 'r', a pipe will be created and attached to the
child at that file descriptor: the child will be able to write to that file
descriptor and the parent will receive read notification via the If it is the string 'w', similar setup to the previous case will occur,
with the pipe being readable by the child instead of writeable. The parent
process can write to that file descriptor using If childFDs is not passed, the default behaviour is to use a mapping that opens the usual stdin/stdout/stderr pipes. (type:dict
of int
to int
or str ) | |
Returns | An object which provides IProcessTransport . | |
Raises | OSError | Raised with errno EAGAIN or ENOMEM if there are
insufficient system resources to create a new process. |
See Also | twisted.internet.protocol.ProcessProtocol |
Connects a given DatagramProtocol
to the given numeric UDP port.
Returns | object conforming to IListeningPort . |
Connects a given DatagramProtocol to the given numeric UDP port.
Returns | object conforming to IListeningPort. |
Connect a client protocol to a UNIX socket.
Parameters | address | a path to a unix socket on the filesystem. |
factory | a twisted.internet.protocol.ClientFactory
instance | |
timeout | number of seconds to wait before assuming the connection has failed. | |
checkPID | if True, check for a pid file to verify that a server is listening. If
address is a Linux abstract namespace path, this must be
False . | |
Returns | An object which provides IConnector . |
Listen on a UNIX socket.
Parameters | address | a path to a unix socket on the filesystem. |
factory | a twisted.internet.protocol.Factory
instance. | |
backlog | number of connections to allow in backlog. | |
mode | The mode (not umask) to set on the unix socket. See platform
specific documentation for information about how this might affect
connection attempts. (type: int ) | |
wantPID | if True, create a pidfile for the socket. If address is a
Linux abstract namespace path, this must be False . | |
Returns | An object which provides IListeningPort . |
Connects a given DatagramProtocol
to the given path.
Returns | object conforming to IListeningPort . |
Create a new IListeningPort
from an already-initialized socket.
This just dispatches to a suitable port implementation (eg from IReactorTCP
etc) based on the specified addressFamily
See Also | twisted.internet.interfaces.IReactorSocket.adoptStreamPort |
Add an existing listening SOCK_DGRAM socket to the reactor to monitor for read and write readiness.
Parameters | fileDescriptor | A file descriptor associated with a socket which is already bound to an
address and marked as listening. The socket must be set non-blocking. Any
additional flags (for example, close-on-exec) must also be set by
application code. Application code is responsible for closing the file
descriptor, which may be done as soon as adoptDatagramPort
returns. (type: int ) |
addressFamily | The address family or domain of the socket. For example, socket.AF_INET6 . (type: int ) | |
protocol | A DatagramProtocol
instance to connect to a UDP transport. (type: DatagramProtocol ) | |
maxPacketSize | The maximum packet size to accept. (type: int ) | |
Returns | An object providing IListeningPort . | |
Raises | UnsupportedAddressFamily | If the given address family is not supported by this reactor, or not supported with the given socket type. |
UnsupportedSocketType | If the given socket type is not supported by this reactor, or not supported with the given socket type. |
Connects a given protocol factory to the given numeric TCP/IP port.
Parameters | port | a port number on which to listen |
factory | a twisted.internet.protocol.ServerFactory
instance | |
backlog | size of the listen queue | |
interface | The local IPv4 or IPv6 address to which to bind; defaults to '', ie all IPv4 addresses. To bind to all IPv4 and IPv6 addresses, you must call this method twice. | |
Returns | an object that provides IListeningPort . | |
Raises | CannotListenError | as defined here twisted.internet.error.CannotListenError ,
if it cannot listen on this port (e.g., it cannot bind to the required port
number) |
Connect a TCP client.
Parameters | host | A hostname or an IPv4 or IPv6 address literal. (type: bytes ) |
port | a port number | |
factory | a twisted.internet.protocol.ClientFactory
instance | |
timeout | number of seconds to wait before assuming the connection has failed. | |
bindAddress | a (host, port) tuple of local address to bind to, or None. | |
Returns | An object which provides IConnector .
This connector will call various callbacks on the factory when a connection
is made, failed, or lost - see ClientFactory
docs for details. |
Connect a client Protocol to a remote SSL socket.
Parameters | host | a host name |
port | a port number | |
factory | a twisted.internet.protocol.ClientFactory
instance | |
contextFactory | a twisted.internet.ssl.ClientContextFactory
object. | |
timeout | number of seconds to wait before assuming the connection has failed. | |
bindAddress | a (host, port) tuple of local address to bind to, or None . | |
Returns | An object which provides IConnector . |
Connects a given protocol factory to the given numeric TCP/IP port. The connection is a SSL one, using contexts created by the context factory.
Parameters | port | a port number on which to listen |
factory | a twisted.internet.protocol.ServerFactory
instance | |
contextFactory | an implementor of IOpenSSLContextFactory | |
backlog | size of the listen queue | |
interface | the hostname to bind to, defaults to '' (all) |
Remove all readers and writers, and list of removed IReadDescriptor
and IWriteDescriptor
Meant for calling from subclasses, to implement removeAll, like:
def removeAll(self): return self._removeAll(self._reads, self._writes)
where self._reads
and self._writes