class documentationtwisted.internet.ssl
(View In Hierarchy)
Known subclasses: twisted.internet.ssl.PrivateCertificate
An x509 certificate.
Method | __repr__ | Undocumented |
Method | __eq__ | Undocumented |
Method | __ne__ | Undocumented |
Class Method | load | Load a certificate from an ASN.1- or PEM-format string. |
Method | dumpPEM | Dump this certificate to a PEM-format data string. |
Class Method | loadPEM | Load a certificate from a PEM-format data string. |
Class Method | peerFromTransport | Get the certificate for the remote end of the given transport. |
Class Method | hostFromTransport | Get the certificate for the local end of the given transport. |
Method | getPublicKey | Get the public key for this certificate. |
Method | dump | Undocumented |
Method | serialNumber | Retrieve the serial number of this certificate. |
Method | digest | Return a digest hash of this certificate using the specified hash algorithm. |
Method | inspect | Return a multi-line, human-readable representation of this Certificate, including information about the subject, issuer, and public key. |
Method | getIssuer | Retrieve the issuer of this certificate. |
Method | options | Undocumented |
Method | _inspect | Undocumented |
Inherited from CertBase:
Instance Variable | original | The underlying OpenSSL certificate object. (type: OpenSSL.crypto.X509 ) |
Method | __init__ | Undocumented |
Method | getSubject | Retrieve the subject of this certificate. |
Method | __conform__ | Convert this CertBase
into a provider of the given interface. |
Method | _copyName | Undocumented |
Load a certificate from an ASN.1- or PEM-format string.
Returns | (type: Class ) |
Dump this certificate to a PEM-format data string.
Returns | (type: str ) |
Load a certificate from a PEM-format data string.
Returns | (type: Class ) |
Get the certificate for the remote end of the given transport.
Parameters | transport | an ISystemHandle
provider |
Returns | (type: Class ) | |
Raises | CertificateError ,
if the given transport does not have a peer certificate. |
Get the certificate for the local end of the given transport.
Parameters | transport | an ISystemHandle
provider; the transport we will |
Returns | (type: Class ) | |
Raises | CertificateError ,
if the given transport does not have a host certificate. |
Return a digest hash of this certificate using the specified hash algorithm.
Parameters | method | One of 'md5' or 'sha' . |
Returns | The digest of the object, formatted as b":"-delimited hex pairs (type: bytes ) |
Return a multi-line, human-readable representation of this Certificate, including information about the subject, issuer, and public key.
Retrieve the issuer of this certificate.
Returns | A copy of the issuer of this certificate. (type: DistinguishedName ) |