Implements interfaces: twisted.internet.tcp._IFileDescriptorReservation

_IFileDescriptorReservation implementation.

Instance Variable fileFactory A factory that will be called to reserve a file descriptor. (type: A callable that accepts no arguments and returns an object with a close method.)
Method available See _IFileDescriptorReservation.available.
Method reserve See _IFileDescriptorReservation.reserve.
Method __enter__ See _IFileDescriptorReservation.__enter__.
Method __exit__ See _IFileDescriptorReservation.__exit__.
fileFactory =
A factory that will be called to reserve a file descriptor. (type: A callable that accepts no arguments and returns an object with a close method.)
def available(self):

See _IFileDescriptorReservation.available.

ReturnsTrue if the reserved file descriptor is open and can thus be closed to allow a new file to be opened in its place; False if it is not open.
def __exit__(self, excValue, excType, traceback):
API Documentation for twisted, generated by pydoctor at 2020-03-25 17:34:30.