Known subclasses: twisted.internet.test.test_core.ObjectModelIntegrationTests, twisted.internet.test.test_tcp.TCPFDPortTestsBuilder, twisted.internet.test.test_tcp.TCPPortTestsBuilder, twisted.internet.test.test_tls.TLSPortTestsBuilder, twisted.internet.test.test_unix.UNIXFDPortTestsBuilder, twisted.internet.test.test_unix.UNIXPortTestsBuilder

Helpers for tests about the object model of reactor-related objects.

Method assertFullyNewStyle Assert that the given object is an instance of a new-style class and that there are no classic classes in the inheritance hierarchy of that class.
def assertFullyNewStyle(self, instance):

Assert that the given object is an instance of a new-style class and that there are no classic classes in the inheritance hierarchy of that class.

This is a beneficial condition because PyPy is better able to optimize attribute lookup on such classes.

API Documentation for twisted, generated by pydoctor at 2020-03-25 17:34:30.