Tests for implementations of IReactorProcess.

Variable properEnv A copy of os.environ which has bytes keys/values on POSIX platforms and native str keys/values on Windows.
Function onlyOnPOSIX Only run this test on POSIX platforms.
Class ProcessTestsBuilderBase Base class for IReactorProcess tests which defines some tests which can be applied to PTY or non-PTY uses of spawnProcess.
Class ProcessTestsBuilder Builder defining tests relating to IReactorProcess for child processes which do not have a PTY.
Class PTYProcessTestsBuilder Builder defining tests relating to IReactorProcess for child processes which have a PTY.
Class PotentialZombieWarningTests Tests for twisted.internet.error.PotentialZombieWarning.
Class ProcessIsUnimportableOnUnsupportedPlatormsTests Tests to ensure that twisted.internet.process is unimportable on platforms where it does not work (namely Windows).
Class _ShutdownCallbackProcessProtocol An IProcessProtocol which fires a Deferred when the process it is associated with ends.
properEnv =
A copy of os.environ which has bytes keys/values on POSIX platforms and native str keys/values on Windows.
def onlyOnPOSIX(testMethod):

Only run this test on POSIX platforms.

ParameterstestMethodA test function, being decorated.
Returnsthe testMethod argument.
API Documentation for twisted, generated by pydoctor at 2020-03-25 17:34:30.