Tests for implementations of IHostnameResolver and their interactions with reactor implementations.

Class DeterministicThreadPool Create a deterministic ThreadPool object.
Function deterministicPool Create a deterministic threadpool.
Function deterministicReactorThreads Create a deterministic IReactorThreads
Class FakeAddrInfoGetter Test object implementing getaddrinfo.
Class ResultHolder A resolution receiver which holds onto the results it received.
Class HelperTests Tests for error cases of helpers used in this module.
Class HostnameResolutionTests Tests for hostname resolution.
Class SillyResolverSimple Trivial implementation of IResolverSimple
Class LegacyCompatibilityTests Older applications may supply an object to the reactor via installResolver that only provides IResolverSimple. SimpleResolverComplexifier is a wrapper for an IResolverSimple.
Class JustEnoughReactor Just enough subclass implementation to be a valid ReactorBase subclass.
Class ReactorInstallationTests Tests for installing old and new resolvers onto a PluggableResolverMixin and ReactorBase (from which all of Twisted's reactor implementations derive).
def deterministicPool():

Create a deterministic threadpool.

Returns2-tuple of ThreadPool, 0-argument work callable; when work is called, do the work.
def deterministicReactorThreads():

Create a deterministic IReactorThreads

Returnsa 2-tuple consisting of an IReactorThreads-like object and a 0-argument callable that will perform one unit of work invoked via that object's callFromThread method.
API Documentation for twisted, generated by pydoctor at 2020-03-25 17:34:30.