twisted.internet.test.test_tls.AbortSSLConnectionTests(ReactorBuilder, AbortConnectionMixin, ContextGeneratingMixin)
class documentationtwisted.internet.test.test_tls
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tests using SSL.
Method | buildReactor | Create and return a reactor using self.reactorFactory . |
Method | setUp | Clear the SIGCHLD handler, if there is one, to ensure an environment
like the one which exists prior to a call to . |
Inherited from ReactorBuilder:
Class Variable | skippedReactors | A dict mapping FQPN strings of reactors for which the tests defined by this class will be skipped to strings giving the skip message. |
Class Variable | requiredInterfaces | A list of interfaces which the reactor must provide or these
tests will be skipped. The default, None ,
means that no interfaces are required. |
Instance Variable | reactorFactory | A no-argument callable which returns the reactor to use for testing. |
Instance Variable | originalHandler | The SIGCHLD handler which was installed when setUp ran and which will be re-installed when tearDown runs. |
Method | tearDown | Restore the original SIGCHLD handler and reap processes as long as there seem to be any remaining. |
Method | unbuildReactor | Clean up any resources which may have been allocated for the given reactor by its creation or by a test which used it. |
Method | getTimeout | Determine how long to run the test before considering it failed. |
Method | runReactor | Run the reactor for at most the given amount of time. |
Class Method | makeTestCaseClasses | Create a SynchronousTestCase
subclass which mixes in cls for each known reactor and return
a dict mapping their names to them. |
Instance Variable | _reactors | A list of FQPN strings giving the reactors for which SynchronousTestCase s
will be created. |
Inherited from AbortConnectionMixin:
Method | runAbortTest | A test runner utility function, which hooks up a matched pair of client and server protocols. |
Method | test_dataReceivedAbort | abortConnection() is called in dataReceived. The protocol should be disconnected, but connectionLost should not be called re-entrantly. |
Method | test_clientAbortsConnectionTwice | abortConnection() is called twice by client. |
Method | test_clientAbortsConnectionThenLosesConnection | Client calls abortConnection(), followed by loseConnection(). |
Method | test_serverAbortsConnectionTwice | abortConnection() is called twice by server. |
Method | test_serverAbortsConnectionThenLosesConnection | Server calls abortConnection(), followed by loseConnection(). |
Method | test_resumeProducingAbort | abortConnection() is called in resumeProducing, before any bytes have been exchanged. The protocol should be disconnected, but connectionLost should not be called re-entrantly. |
Method | test_resumeProducingAbortLater | abortConnection() is called in resumeProducing, after some bytes have been exchanged. The protocol should be disconnected. |
Method | test_fullWriteBuffer | abortConnection() triggered by the write buffer being full. |
Method | test_fullWriteBufferAfterByteExchange | abortConnection() is triggered by a write buffer being full. |
Method | test_dataReceivedThrows | dataReceived calls abortConnection(), and then raises an exception. |
Method | test_resumeProducingThrows | resumeProducing calls abortConnection(), and then raises an exception. |
Inherited from ContextGeneratingMixin:
Method | getServerContext | Return a new SSL context suitable for use in a test server. |
Method | getClientContext | Undocumented |