Known subclasses: twisted.internet.test.test_udp.UDPFDServerTestsBuilder, twisted.internet.test.test_udp.UDPServerTestsBuilder

Tests for IReactorUDP.listenUDP and IReactorSocket.adoptDatagramPort.

Method test_interface IReactorUDP.listenUDP returns an object providing IListeningPort.
Method test_getHost IListeningPort.getHost returns an IPv4Address giving a dotted-quad of the IPv4 address the port is listening on as well as the port number.
Method test_getHostIPv6 IListeningPort.getHost returns an IPv6Address when listening on an IPv6 interface.
Method test_invalidInterface An InvalidAddressError is raised when trying to listen on an address that isn't a valid IPv4 or IPv6 address.
Method test_logPrefix Datagram transports implement ILoggingContext.logPrefix to return a message reflecting the protocol they are running.
Method test_writeSequence Write a sequence of bytes to a DatagramProtocol.
Method test_str str() on the listening port object includes the port number.
Method test_repr repr() on the listening port object includes the port number.
Method test_writeToIPv6Interface Writing to an IPv6 UDP socket on the loopback interface succeeds.
Method test_connectedWriteToIPv6Interface An IPv6 address can be passed as the interface argument to listenUDP. The resulting Port accepts IPv6 datagrams.
Method test_writingToHostnameRaisesInvalidAddressError Writing to a hostname instead of an IP address will raise an InvalidAddressError.
Method test_writingToIPv6OnIPv4RaisesInvalidAddressError Writing to an IPv6 address on an IPv4 socket will raise an InvalidAddressError.
Method test_writingToIPv4OnIPv6RaisesInvalidAddressError Writing to an IPv6 address on an IPv4 socket will raise an InvalidAddressError.
Method test_connectingToHostnameRaisesInvalidAddressError Connecting to a hostname instead of an IP address will raise an InvalidAddressError.
Method test_allowBroadcast IListeningPort.setBroadcastAllowed sets broadcast to be allowed on the socket.
def test_interface(self):

IReactorUDP.listenUDP returns an object providing IListeningPort.

def test_getHost(self):

IListeningPort.getHost returns an IPv4Address giving a dotted-quad of the IPv4 address the port is listening on as well as the port number.

def test_getHostIPv6(self):

IListeningPort.getHost returns an IPv6Address when listening on an IPv6 interface.

def test_invalidInterface(self):

An InvalidAddressError is raised when trying to listen on an address that isn't a valid IPv4 or IPv6 address.

def test_logPrefix(self):

Datagram transports implement ILoggingContext.logPrefix to return a message reflecting the protocol they are running.

def test_writeSequence(self):

Write a sequence of bytes to a DatagramProtocol.

def test_str(self):

str() on the listening port object includes the port number.

def test_repr(self):

repr() on the listening port object includes the port number.

def test_writeToIPv6Interface(self):

Writing to an IPv6 UDP socket on the loopback interface succeeds.

def test_connectedWriteToIPv6Interface(self):

An IPv6 address can be passed as the interface argument to listenUDP. The resulting Port accepts IPv6 datagrams.

def test_writingToHostnameRaisesInvalidAddressError(self):

Writing to a hostname instead of an IP address will raise an InvalidAddressError.

def test_writingToIPv6OnIPv4RaisesInvalidAddressError(self):

Writing to an IPv6 address on an IPv4 socket will raise an InvalidAddressError.

def test_writingToIPv4OnIPv6RaisesInvalidAddressError(self):

Writing to an IPv6 address on an IPv4 socket will raise an InvalidAddressError.

def test_connectingToHostnameRaisesInvalidAddressError(self):

Connecting to a hostname instead of an IP address will raise an InvalidAddressError.

def test_allowBroadcast(self):

IListeningPort.setBroadcastAllowed sets broadcast to be allowed on the socket.

API Documentation for twisted, generated by pydoctor at 2020-03-25 17:34:30.