Known subclasses: twisted.internet.test.test_unix.UNIXPortTestsBuilder

Mixin which uses IReactorTCP.listenUNIX to hand out listening UNIX ports.

Method getListeningPort Get a UNIX port from a reactor
Method connectToListener Connect to a listening UNIX socket.
def getListeningPort(self, reactor, factory):

Get a UNIX port from a reactor

def connectToListener(self, reactor, address, factory):

Connect to a listening UNIX socket.

ParametersreactorThe reactor under test. (type: IReactorUNIX)
addressThe listening's address. (type: UNIXAddress)
factoryThe client factory. (type: ClientFactory)
ReturnsThe connector
API Documentation for twisted, generated by pydoctor at 2020-03-25 17:34:30.