Known subclasses: twisted.internet.test.test_endpoints.RaisingMemoryReactorWithClock

Implements interfaces: twisted.internet.interfaces.IReactorSocket, twisted.internet.interfaces.IReactorSSL, twisted.internet.interfaces.IReactorTCP, twisted.internet.interfaces.IReactorUNIX

A fake reactor to be used in tests. It accepts TCP connection setup attempts, but they will fail.

Method __init__
Method adoptStreamPort Fake IReactorSocket.adoptStreamPort, that raises _listenException.
Method listenTCP Fake IReactorTCP.listenTCP, that raises _listenException.
Method connectTCP Fake IReactorTCP.connectTCP, that raises _connectException.
Method listenSSL Fake IReactorSSL.listenSSL, that raises _listenException.
Method connectSSL Fake IReactorSSL.connectSSL, that raises _connectException.
Method listenUNIX Fake IReactorUNIX.listenUNIX, that raises _listenException.
Method connectUNIX Fake IReactorUNIX.connectUNIX, that raises _connectException.
Instance Variable _listenException An instance of an Exception
Instance Variable _connectException An instance of an Exception
_listenException =
An instance of an Exception
_connectException =
An instance of an Exception
def __init__(self, listenException=None, connectException=None):
ParameterslistenExceptionAn instance of an Exception to raise when any listen method is called.
connectExceptionAn instance of an Exception to raise when any connect method is called.
def adoptStreamPort(self, fileno, addressFamily, factory):
def listenTCP(self, port, factory, backlog=50, interface=''):
def connectTCP(self, host, port, factory, timeout=30, bindAddress=None):
def listenSSL(self, port, factory, contextFactory, backlog=50, interface=''):
def connectSSL(self, host, port, factory, contextFactory, timeout=30, bindAddress=None):
def listenUNIX(self, address, factory, backlog=50, mode=438, wantPID=0):
def connectUNIX(self, address, factory, timeout=30, checkPID=0):
API Documentation for twisted, generated by pydoctor at 2020-03-25 17:34:30.