Implements interfaces: twisted.mail.interfaces.IMessageSMTP

A message receiver which delivers a single message to multiple other message receivers.

Instance Variable objs See __init__.
Method __init__
Method lineReceived Pass a received line to the message receivers.
Method eomReceived Pass the end of message along to the message receivers.
Method connectionLost Inform the message receivers that the connection has been lost.
Method __str__ Build a string representation of this MultiWrapper instance.
objs =
See __init__.
def __init__(self, objs):
ParametersobjsMessage receivers to which the incoming message should be directed. (type: list of IMessage provider)
def lineReceived(self, line):

Pass a received line to the message receivers.

ParameterslineA line of the message. (type: bytes)
def eomReceived(self):

Pass the end of message along to the message receivers.

ReturnsA deferred list which triggers when all of the message receivers have finished handling their end of message. (type: DeferredList whose successful results are bytes or None)
def connectionLost(self):

Inform the message receivers that the connection has been lost.

def __str__(self):

Build a string representation of this MultiWrapper instance.

ReturnsA string containing a list of the message receivers. (type: bytes)
API Documentation for twisted, generated by pydoctor at 2020-03-25 17:34:30.