class documentationtwisted.mail.maildir
(View In Hierarchy)
Implements interfaces: twisted.cred.portal.IRealm
A maildir-backed domain where membership is checked with a DirDBM
The directory structure of a MaildirDirdbmDomain is:
/passwd <-- a DirDBM directory
/USER/{cur, new, del} <-- each user has these three directories
Instance Variable | postmaster | See __init__ . |
Instance Variable | dbm | The authentication database for the domain. (type: DirDBM ) |
Method | __init__ | |
Method | userDirectory | Return the path to a user's mail directory. |
Method | addUser | Add a user to this domain by adding an entry in the authentication database and initializing the user's mail directory. |
Method | getCredentialsCheckers | Return credentials checkers for this domain. |
Method | requestAvatar | Get the mailbox for an authenticated user. |
Inherited from AbstractMaildirDomain:
Instance Variable | alias | A mapping of username to alias. (type: None
or dict
mapping bytes
to AliasBase ) |
Instance Variable | root | See __init__ . |
Method | setAliasGroup | Set the group of defined aliases for this domain. |
Method | exists | Check whether a user exists in this domain or an alias of it. |
Method | startMessage | Create a maildir message for a user. |
Method | willRelay | Check whether this domain will relay. |
Parameters | service | An email service. (type: MailService ) |
root | The maildir root directory. (type: bytes ) | |
postmaster | A flag indicating whether non-existent addresses should be forwarded to the
postmaster (True ) or bounced (False ). (type: bool ) |
Return credentials checkers for this domain.
Returns | Credentials checkers for this domain. (type: list
of ICredentialsChecker
provider) |
Get the mailbox for an authenticated user.
The mailbox for the authenticated user will be returned only if the
given interfaces include IMailbox
Requests for anonymous access will be met with a mailbox containing a
message indicating that an internal error has occurred.
Parameters | avatarId | A string which identifies a user or an object which signals a request for
anonymous access. (type: bytes
or twisted.cred.checkers.ANONYMOUS ) |
mind | Unused. (type: None ) | |
interfaces | A group of interfaces, one of which the avatar must support. (type: n-tuple
of zope.interface.Interface ) | |
Returns | A tuple of the supported interface, a mailbox, and a logout function. (type: 3-tuple
of (0) IMailbox ,
(1) IMailbox
provider, (2) no-argument callable) | |
Raises | NotImplementedError | When the given interfaces do not include IMailbox . |