class documentationtwisted.mail.test.test_pop3
(View In Hierarchy)
Known subclasses: twisted.mail.test.test_pop3.IndexErrorCommandTests, twisted.mail.test.test_pop3.ValueErrorCommandTests
Tests for all the commands a POP3 server is allowed to receive.
Method | setUp | Make a POP3 server protocol instance hooked up to a simple mailbox and a transport that buffers output to a BytesIO. |
Method | tearDown | Disconnect the server protocol so it can clean up anything it might need to clean up. |
Method | test_LIST | Test the two forms of list: with a message index number, which should return a short-form response, and without a message index number, which should return a long-form response, one line per message. |
Method | test_LISTWithBadArgument | Test that non-integers and out-of-bound integers produce appropriate error responses. |
Method | test_UIDL | Test the two forms of the UIDL command. These are just like the two forms of the LIST command. |
Method | test_UIDLWithBadArgument | Test that UIDL with a non-integer or an out-of-bounds integer produces the appropriate error response. |
Method | test_STAT | Test the single form of the STAT command, which returns a short-form response of the number of messages in the mailbox and their total size. |
Method | test_RETR | Test downloading a message. |
Method | test_RETRWithBadArgument | Test that trying to download a message with a bad argument, either not an integer or an out-of-bounds integer, fails with the appropriate error response. |
Method | test_TOP | Test downloading the headers and part of the body of a message. |
Method | test_TOPWithBadArgument | No summary |
Method | test_LAST | Test the exceedingly pointless LAST command, which tells you the highest message index which you have already downloaded. |
Method | test_RetrieveUpdatesHighest | Test that issuing a RETR command updates the LAST response. |
Method | test_TopUpdatesHighest | Test that issuing a TOP command updates the LAST response. |
Method | test_HighestOnlyProgresses | Test that downloading a message with a smaller index than the current LAST response doesn't change the LAST response. |
Method | test_ResetClearsHighest | Test that issuing RSET changes the LAST response to 0. |
Method | _flush | Do some of the things that the reactor would take care of, if the reactor were actually running. |
Make a POP3 server protocol instance hooked up to a simple mailbox and a transport that buffers output to a BytesIO.
Disconnect the server protocol so it can clean up anything it might need to clean up.
Do some of the things that the reactor would take care of, if the reactor were actually running.
Test the two forms of list: with a message index number, which should return a short-form response, and without a message index number, which should return a long-form response, one line per message.
Test that non-integers and out-of-bound integers produce appropriate error responses.
Test the two forms of the UIDL command. These are just like the two forms of the LIST command.
Test that UIDL with a non-integer or an out-of-bounds integer produces the appropriate error response.
Test the single form of the STAT command, which returns a short-form response of the number of messages in the mailbox and their total size.
Test that trying to download a message with a bad argument, either not an integer or an out-of-bounds integer, fails with the appropriate error response.
Test that trying to download a message with a bad argument, either a message number which isn't an integer or is an out-of-bounds integer or a number of lines which isn't an integer or is a negative integer, fails with the appropriate error response.
Test the exceedingly pointless LAST command, which tells you the highest message index which you have already downloaded.