twisted.names.dns._OPTVariableOption(tputil.FancyStrMixin, tputil.FancyEqMixin, object)
class documentationtwisted.names.dns
(View In Hierarchy)
Implements interfaces: twisted.names.dns.IEncodable
A class to represent OPT record variable options.
See Also | _OPTVariableOption.__init__
for documentation of public instance attributes. | | | ||
Present Since | 13.2 |
Method | __init__ | |
Method | encode | Encode this _OPTVariableOption
to bytes. |
Method | decode | Decode bytes into an _OPTVariableOption
instance. |
Inherited from FancyStrMixin:
Method | __str__ | Undocumented |
Inherited from FancyEqMixin:
Method | __eq__ | Undocumented |
Method | __ne__ | Undocumented |
Encode this _OPTVariableOption
to bytes.
Parameters | strio | the byte representation of this _OPTVariableOption
will be written to this file. (type: file ) |
compDict | A dictionary of backreference addresses that have already been written to
this stream and that may be used for DNS name compression. (type: dict
or None ) |
Decode bytes into an _OPTVariableOption
Parameters | strio | Bytes will be read from this file until the full _OPTVariableOption
is decoded. (type: file ) |
length | Not used. (type: int
or None ) |