Test cases for Twisted.names' root resolver.

Function getOnePayload From the result of a Deferred returned by IResolver.lookupAddress, return the payload of the first record in the answer section.
Function getOneAddress From the result of a Deferred returned by IResolver.lookupAddress, return the first IPv4 address from the answer section.
Class RootResolverTests Tests for twisted.names.root.Resolver.
Class ResolverFactoryArguments Raised by raisingResolverFactory with the *args and **kwargs passed to that function.
Function raisingResolverFactory Raise a ResolverFactoryArguments exception containing the positional and keyword arguments passed to resolverFactory.
Class RootResolverResolverFactoryTests Tests for root.Resolver._resolverFactory.
Class StubResolver An IResolverSimple implementer which traces all getHostByName calls and their deferred results. The deferred results can be accessed and fired synchronously.
Class BootstrapTests Tests for root.bootstrap
Class StubDNSDatagramProtocol A do-nothing stand-in for DNSDatagramProtocol which can be used to avoid network traffic in tests where that kind of thing doesn't matter.
def getOnePayload(results):

From the result of a Deferred returned by IResolver.lookupAddress, return the payload of the first record in the answer section.

def getOneAddress(results):

From the result of a Deferred returned by IResolver.lookupAddress, return the first IPv4 address from the answer section.

def raisingResolverFactory(*args, **kwargs):

Raise a ResolverFactoryArguments exception containing the positional and keyword arguments passed to resolverFactory.

ParametersargsA list of all the positional arguments supplied by the caller.
kwargsA list of all the keyword arguments supplied by the caller.
API Documentation for twisted, generated by pydoctor at 2020-03-25 17:34:30.