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Known implementations:,,
An interface for storing and requesting news articles
Method | listRequest | Returns a deferred whose callback will be passed a list of 4-tuples containing (name, max index, min index, flags) for each news group |
Method | subscriptionRequest | Returns a deferred whose callback will be passed the list of recommended subscription groups for new server users |
Method | postRequest | Returns a deferred whose callback will be invoked if 'message' is successfully posted to one or more specified groups and whose errback will be invoked otherwise. |
Method | overviewRequest | Returns a deferred whose callback will be passed the a list of headers describing this server's overview format. |
Method | xoverRequest | No summary |
Method | xhdrRequest | No summary |
Method | listGroupRequest | Returns a deferred whose callback will be passed a two-tuple of (group name, [article indices]) |
Method | groupRequest | Returns a deferred whose callback will be passed a five-tuple of (group name, article count, highest index, lowest index, group flags) |
Method | articleExistsRequest | Returns a deferred whose callback will be passed with a true value if a message with the specified Message-ID exists in the database and with a false value otherwise. |
Method | articleRequest | No summary |
Method | headRequest | No summary |
Method | bodyRequest | No summary |
Returns a deferred whose callback will be passed a list of 4-tuples containing (name, max index, min index, flags) for each news group
Returns a deferred whose callback will be passed the list of recommended subscription groups for new server users
Returns a deferred whose callback will be invoked if 'message' is successfully posted to one or more specified groups and whose errback will be invoked otherwise.
Returns a deferred whose callback will be passed the a list of headers describing this server's overview format.
Returns a deferred whose callback will be passed a list of xover headers for the given group over the given range. If low is None, the range starts at the first article. If high is None, the range ends at the last article.
Returns a deferred whose callback will be passed a list of XHDR data for the given group over the given range. If low is None, the range starts at the first article. If high is None, the range ends at the last article.
Returns a deferred whose callback will be passed a two-tuple of (group name, [article indices])
Returns a deferred whose callback will be passed a five-tuple of (group name, article count, highest index, lowest index, group flags)
Returns a deferred whose callback will be passed with a true value if a message with the specified Message-ID exists in the database and with a false value otherwise.
Returns a deferred whose callback will be passed a file-like object containing the full article text (headers and body) for the article of the specified index in the specified group, and whose errback will be invoked if the article or group does not exist. If id is not None, index is ignored and the article with the given Message-ID will be returned instead, along with its index in the specified group.