Cred plugin for UNIX user accounts.

Function verifyCryptedPassword Use crypt.crypt to Verify that an unencrypted password matches the encrypted password.
Class UNIXChecker A credentials checker for a UNIX server. This will check that an authenticating username/password is a valid user on the system.
Class UNIXCheckerFactory A factory for UNIXChecker.
def verifyCryptedPassword(crypted, pw):

Use crypt.crypt to Verify that an unencrypted password matches the encrypted password.

ParameterscryptedThe encrypted password, obtained from the Unix password database or Unix shadow password database.
pwThe unencrypted password.
ReturnsTrue if there is successful match, else False. (type: bool)
API Documentation for twisted, generated by pydoctor at 2020-03-25 17:34:30.