interface documentationtwisted.positioning.ipositioning
(View In Hierarchy)
Known implementations: twisted.positioning.base.BasePositioningReceiver
An interface for positioning providers.
Method | positionReceived | Method called when a position is received. |
Method | positionErrorReceived | Method called when position error is received. |
Method | timeReceived | Method called when time and date information arrives. |
Method | headingReceived | Method called when a true heading is received. |
Method | altitudeReceived | Method called when an altitude is received. |
Method | speedReceived | Method called when the speed is received. |
Method | climbReceived | Method called when the climb is received. |
Method | beaconInformationReceived | Method called when positioning beacon information is received. |
Method called when a position is received.
Parameters | latitude | The latitude of the received position. (type: twisted.positioning.base.Coordinate ) |
longitude | The longitude of the received position. (type: twisted.positioning.base.Coordinate ) |
Method called when position error is received.
Parameters | positioningError | The position error. (type: twisted.positioning.base.PositionError ) |
Method called when time and date information arrives.
Parameters | time | The date and time (expressed in UTC unless otherwise specified). (type: datetime.datetime ) |
Method called when a true heading is received.
Parameters | heading | The heading. (type: twisted.positioning.base.Heading ) |
Method called when an altitude is received.
Parameters | altitude | The altitude. (type: twisted.positioning.base.Altitude ) |
Method called when the speed is received.
Parameters | speed | The speed of a mobile object. (type: twisted.positioning.base.Speed ) |
Method called when the climb is received.
Parameters | climb | The climb of the mobile object. (type: twisted.positioning.base.Climb ) |
Method called when positioning beacon information is received.
Parameters | beaconInformation | The beacon information. (type: twisted.positioning.base.BeaconInformation ) |