Test cases for using NMEA sentences.

Class NMEATestReceiver An NMEA receiver for testing.
Class CallbackTests Tests if the NMEA protocol correctly calls its sentence callback.
Class BrokenSentenceCallbackTests Tests for broken NMEA sentence callbacks.
Class SplitTests Checks splitting of NMEA sentences.
Class ChecksumTests NMEA sentence checksum verification tests.
Class NMEAReceiverSetup A mixin for tests that need an NMEA receiver (and a protocol attached to it).
Class GSVSequenceTests Tests for the interpretation of GSV sequences.
Class BogusSentenceTests Tests for verifying predictable failure for bogus NMEA sentences.
Class NMEASentenceTests Tests for nmea.NMEASentence objects.
Class ParsingTests Tests if raw NMEA sentences get parsed correctly.
Class FixUnitsTests Tests for the generic unit fixing method, nmea.NMEAAdapter._fixUnits.
Class FixerTestMixin Mixin for tests for the fixers on nmea.NMEAAdapter that adapt from NMEA-specific notations to generic Python objects.
Class TimestampFixerTests Tests conversion from NMEA timestamps to datetime.time objects.
Class DatestampFixerTests No class docstring; 5/5 methods documented
Class CoordinateFixerTests Tests turning NMEA coordinate notations into something more pleasant.
Class AltitudeFixerTests Tests that NMEA representations of altitudes are correctly converted.
Class SpeedFixerTests Tests that NMEA representations of speeds are correctly converted.
Class VariationFixerTests Tests if the absolute values of magnetic variations on the heading and their sign get combined correctly, and if that value gets combined with a heading correctly.
Class PositionErrorFixerTests No summary
Class ValidFixTests Tests that data reported from a valid fix is used.
Class InvalidFixTests No summary
Class NMEAReceiverTests Tests for the NMEA receiver.
Function _nmeaFloat Builds an NMEA float representation for a given angle in degrees and decimal minutes.
Function _coordinateSign Return the sign of a coordinate.
Function _coordinateType Return the type of a coordinate.
def _nmeaFloat(degrees, minutes):

Builds an NMEA float representation for a given angle in degrees and decimal minutes.

ParametersdegreesThe integer degrees for this angle. (type: int)
minutesThe decimal minutes value for this angle. (type: float)
ReturnsThe NMEA float representation for this angle. (type: str)
def _coordinateSign(hemisphere):

Return the sign of a coordinate.

This is 1 if the coordinate is in the northern or eastern hemispheres, -1 otherwise.

ParametershemisphereNMEA shorthand for the hemisphere. One of "NESW". (type: str)
ReturnsThe sign of the coordinate value. (type: int)
def _coordinateType(hemisphere):

Return the type of a coordinate.

This is Angles.LATITUDE if the coordinate is in the northern or southern hemispheres, Angles.LONGITUDE otherwise.

ParametershemisphereNMEA shorthand for the hemisphere. One of "NESW". (type: str)
ReturnsThe type of the coordinate (Angles.LATITUDE or Angles.LONGITUDE)
API Documentation for twisted, generated by pydoctor at 2020-03-25 17:34:30.