class documentationtwisted.protocols.amp
(View In Hierarchy)
Convert a list of dictionaries into a list of AMP boxes on the wire.
For example, if you want to pass:
[{'a': 7, 'b': u'hello'}, {'a': 9, 'b': u'goodbye'}]
You might use an AmpList like this in your arguments or response list:
AmpList([('a', Integer()), ('b', Unicode())])
Method | __init__ | Create an AmpList. |
Method | fromStringProto | Convert a string to a Python value. |
Method | toStringProto | Convert a Python object to a string. |
Inherited from Argument:
Method | retrieve | Retrieve the given key from the given dictionary, removing it if found. |
Method | fromBox | Populate an 'out' dictionary with mapping names to Python values decoded from an 'in' AmpBox mapping strings to string values. |
Method | toBox | Populate an 'out' AmpBox with strings encoded from an 'in' dictionary mapping names to Python values. |
Method | fromString | Convert a string to a Python object. Subclasses must implement this. |
Method | toString | Convert a Python object into a string for passing over the network. |
Create an AmpList.
Parameters | subargs | a list of 2-tuples of ('name', argument) describing the schema of the
dictionaries in the sequence of amp boxes. (type: A list of (bytes , Argument )
tuples.) |
optional | a boolean indicating whether this argument can be omitted in the protocol. |
Convert a string to a Python value.
Parameters | inString | the string to convert. (type: bytes ) |
proto | the protocol we are converting for. (type: AMP) | |
Returns | a Python object. |