class documentationtwisted.protocols.amp
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This is for peers which don't want to use a local certificate. Used by AMP because AMP's internal language is all about certificates and this duck-types in the appropriate place; this API isn't really stable though, so it's not exposed anywhere public.
For clients, it will use ephemeral DH keys, or whatever the default is for certificate-less clients in OpenSSL. For servers, it will generate a temporary self-signed certificate with garbage values in the DN and use that.
Method | __init__ | Create a _NoCertificate which either is or isn't for the client side of the connection. |
Method | options | Behaves like twisted.internet.ssl.PrivateCertificate.options (). |
Create a _NoCertificate which either is or isn't for the client side of the connection.
Parameters | client | True if we are a client and should truly have no certificate and be anonymous, False if we are a server and actually have to generate a temporary certificate. (type: bool) |