Method stringReceived Override this for notification when each complete string is received.

Inherited from TestMixin:

Method connectionMade Undocumented
Method connectionLost Undocumented

Inherited from NetstringReceiver:

Instance Variable MAX_LENGTH Defines the maximum length of netstrings that can be received. (type: int)
Instance Variable brokenPeer Indicates if the connection is still functional (type: int)
Method makeConnection Initializes the protocol.
Method sendString Sends a netstring.
Method dataReceived Receives some characters of a netstring.
Instance Variable _LENGTH A pattern describing all strings that contain a netstring length specification. Examples for length specifications are b'0:', b'12:', and b'179:'. b'007:' is not a valid length specification, since leading zeros are not allowed. (type: re.Match)
Instance Variable _LENGTH_PREFIX A pattern describing all strings that contain the first part of a netstring length specification (without the trailing comma). Examples are '0', '12', and '179'. '007' does not start a netstring length specification, since leading zeros are not allowed. (type: re.Match)
Instance Variable _PARSING_LENGTH Indicates that the NetstringReceiver is in the state of parsing the length portion of a netstring. (type: int)
Instance Variable _PARSING_PAYLOAD Indicates that the NetstringReceiver is in the state of parsing the payload portion (data and trailing comma) of a netstring. (type: int)
Instance Variable _state Indicates if the protocol is consuming the length portion (PARSING_LENGTH) or the payload (PARSING_PAYLOAD) of a netstring (type: int)
Instance Variable _remainingData Holds the chunk of data that has not yet been consumed (type: string)
Instance Variable _payload Holds the payload portion of a netstring including the trailing comma (type: BytesIO)
Instance Variable _expectedPayloadSize Holds the payload size plus one for the trailing comma. (type: int)
Method _maxLengthSize Calculate and return the string size of self.MAX_LENGTH.
Method _consumeData Consumes the content of self._remainingData.
Method _consumeLength Consumes the length portion of self._remainingData.
Method _checkPartialLengthSpecification Makes sure that the received data represents a valid number.
Method _processLength Processes the length definition of a netstring.
Method _extractLength Attempts to extract the length information of a netstring.
Method _checkStringSize Checks the sanity of lengthAsString.
Method _prepareForPayloadConsumption Sets up variables necessary for consuming the payload of a netstring.
Method _consumePayload Consumes the payload portion of self._remainingData.
Method _extractPayload Extracts payload information from self._remainingData.
Method _payloadComplete Checks if enough data have been received to complete the netstring.
Method _processPayload Processes the actual payload with stringReceived.
Method _checkForTrailingComma Checks if the netstring has a trailing comma at the expected position.
Method _handleParseError Terminates the connection and sets the flag self.brokenPeer.

Inherited from Protocol (via NetstringReceiver):

Method logPrefix Return a prefix matching the class name, to identify log messages related to this protocol instance.
Method connectionLost Called when the connection is shut down.

Inherited from BaseProtocol (via NetstringReceiver, Protocol):

Method connectionMade Called when a connection is made.
def stringReceived(self, s):

Override this for notification when each complete string is received.

ParametersstringThe complete string which was received with all framing (length prefix, etc) removed. (type: bytes)
RaisesNotImplementedErrorbecause the method has to be implemented by the child class.
API Documentation for twisted, generated by pydoctor at 2020-03-25 17:34:30.